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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日産汽車之整頓與革新 / Nissan Motor Company’s Revitalization and Reformation

邱元亨 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的經營環境變遷下,傳統產業中體質健全但管理模式跟不上時代的老牌企業面臨經營危機時,該如何進行組織變革,挽救頹勢?本研究試圖從日産汽車的個案中探求這類型企業如何從經營危機中進行整頓,回復正常營運並發展出新的企業策略以在21世紀的經營環境中尋求突破。 本研究共探討日産的三個階段:(一)、公司創立至危機爆發,(二)、內部整頓,(三)、企業策略革新與跨國聯盟綜效發揮。在第一階段中,本文透過公司歷史上的策略變遷與組織發展歸納分析造成經營危機之原因。第二階段探討整頓團隊如何建構凝聚力與急迫性這兩個變革關鍵要素,利用跨功能團隊等各種管理模式突破現行困境,最終發表「日産復興計畫」做為整頓總體方針,在短時間內使公司轉虧為盈。第三階段首先探討公司總體策略「中期計畫」的變遷路徑,歸納分析日産從求取經營穩定到全球擴張階段。為協助公司達成經營目標,需要員工由下至上對總體策略的實質回饋,在此探討日産「V-up Program」如何將跨功能團隊的角色向下延伸到基層員工從企業內部自發尋求解決方案的管理模式。最後一階段,藉由不同情境,分析解釋雷諾日産聯盟的綜效發揮,探討雷諾日産聯盟如何在全球車市佈局朝向世界第一的車廠目標邁進。 本研究結論有三點。第一,體質健全的企業要完成組織變革扭轉經營,首先要認清企業本質與建構變革要素,變革要素關鍵在於凝聚力與急迫性。透過跨功能團隊可以系統性的認清企業本質,然而整頓團隊必需透過傾聽與建立共同語言並展現強烈使命感才能將全體員工帶領向變革的道路,企業本質與員工是公司的正能量,唯有匯集足夠正能量才能夠突破經營困境的負能量,使變革成功。第二,日産從整頓成功到走向朝世界第一大車廠目標邁進,很大程度是仰賴跨功能團隊的支持,但跨功能團隊並不是始終如一的形式存在於日産組織之中;而是隨著組織在各個策略目標下有不同的進化型式,其進化又可分為廣度與深度兩個象限,廣度是指其涉及範疇從最初為企業整頓而生到現今與其他結盟企業也能一併應用,深度是指從最初僅限於上層管理階級到現今基層員工也能夠運用此模式對企業策略做出回應。第三,雷諾日産獨特的非剛性聯盟,基於追求最大共同利益而存續;但當聯盟發展過了數年後卻產生綜效不明顯,策略不一致之疑慮,為了讓聯盟能夠繼續維持其彈性但不至於在發展上失焦,最終採用的共同領導人制度,很妥當的解決了這一問題,使雷諾日産聯盟能夠加速在21世紀全球車市的擴張策略。

新產品開發行銷與研發整合之個案研究 / Integration Marketing and Research & Devleopment Using New Product Development as Case Study

楊皙州, Yang, Hsi Chou Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢下,產品的生命週期縮短、競爭也越來越激烈,各企業面對新產品的開發、新技術的發展及商業化速度的要求比以前更高。為了有效的開發新產品,為企業創造高額之利潤,強化企業競爭力,企業必須能夠在最短的時間內整合組織資源(例如行銷、研發與製造等核心能力),成為最有效率的公司。尤其,面對快速變化的動態環境之下,企業應以全球性的市場需求及標準,執行全球化的新產品開發流程與組織架構。   本研究從行銷與創新研發的整合,來探討新產品開發時有哪些成功關鍵因素,例如應該建立何種的流程與機制,可以快速有效的開發新產品,成功達到商品化的目的;行銷人員如何針對市場的需要,客戶的需求作市場調查,以確認、掌握機會;何種的組織創新平台,可以讓研發團隊能快速開發新產品,可以有效整合行銷與研發團隊,發揮組織之最大綜效。本研究主要在探討以下四項新產品開發時的重要問題,期望能提供給企業界一些具體之建議與做法。   1. 企業應採取何種新產品開發策略,才能快速有效的發展出新產品,並成功的商品化上市?   2. 如何建立卓越的新產品開發流程,迅速成功的開發新產品?   3. 新產品開發團隊中,行銷與研發團隊人員應如何有效整合?領導者如何發揮領導與溝通的角色?   4. 哪些績效評估之機制與參考指標,可促進新產品開發之績效?   本研究整理過去相關的新產品開發文獻與從四個個案之研究與分析中,可以從策略面、流程面、團隊領導溝通面與工具面,就新產品開發與行銷與研發之整合,發展出以下幾項之研究結論:   策略面:   1. 企業在規劃新產品開發策略時,應該採取新產品線與產品改良等同步進行的開發策略。   2. 為了加速新產品的開發,公司應同時採取內部自行研發與外部研發中心建立策略聯盟的合作方式。   流程面:   1. 明確的新產品開發流程,工作職掌分明,流程標準化,並以正式文件描述之,可以加速新產品開發的速度且成功地完成商品化與上市。   2. 完善的前置作業,作好初步市場調查與技術評估,可以提前完成新產品的定義,如此可以有助於新產品開發的成功。   3. 行銷人員提早介入、接觸市場,深入了解顧客之需求,將客戶的需求充分反映給專案小組,如此有助於新產品的開發成功。   4. 行銷人員與研發團隊應該更接近市場,以便能快速因應客戶的需求,迅速作回應,也可以提昇新產品開發的績效。   團隊領導溝通面:   1. 在高度不確定性、產品生命週期短的高科技產業裡,行銷與研發團隊的有效整合,對於新產品開發扮演重要的成功關鍵因素。   2. 跨功能團隊組織的建立及良好運作模式,可以快速因應市場與客戶需求,進而提高新產品與服務的品質。   3. 透過完善的溝通協調機制,可以有效解決團隊成員間的衝突。定期的會議,面對面會談,視訊會議,電話討論等都是很好的溝通機制。   4. 充份信任,授權的組織文化能夠讓新產品開發團隊成員發揮其最大潛能,也能提昇新產品開發績效。   5. 專案領導人的有效領導,激勵團隊成員充份發揮其潛能,產品成功率可以提昇。   6. 領導者彈性因應市場之需求,做好資源的有效分配與運用,並作好橫向溝通與協調,可以適時有效的發揮組織的功用,持續開發出新產品。   7. 領導者在團隊中,應該扮演教練的角色,也扮演守門員(Gate Keeper)之角色,協助團隊成員專注在重要的專案計劃,率先成功開發新產品。   8. 提供激發創意的環境與團隊氣氛,有助於新產品開發成功。   工具面:   1. 良好的績效評估制度與獎勵措施有助於行銷與研發的整合。   2. 明確而客觀的績效評估指標,例如,市場佔有率、產品獲利率、業績成長率,可以激勵團隊士氣,也有助於新產品開發成功。   3. 以網路系統、電子郵件作為知識分享、雙向溝通的工具。 / Under the trend of globalization, product’s life cycle turns shorter with severe level of competition. Thereby, the development in new product and technology as well as product commercialization are more important than ever for enterprises today. Only the ones with the capability to efficiently integrate resources in dynamic market are able to harvest remarkable profits and strengthen market competitiveness. Especially under the dynamic changing environments, enterprises should utilize the global market needs and standard as its foundation to execute new product developments and organization structure.   This thesis is to study the key success factors of new product development under the integration between marketing and research & development (R&D) teams. For example, what is the most effective process for new product development and commercialization? How to acquire business opportunity from accurate analysis of market demand? What kind of organizational platform enables R&D team to develop new product in timely manner? The thesis will focus on the following four questions of new product development, and is aimed to provide practical advices for enterprises in general.   1. What is the most effective strategy for new product development and commercialization?   2. How to establish distinct workstation for new product development?   3. How to effectively integrate marketing and R&D teams? What role should the leader play?   4. What kind of evaluation and reference enhance the performance of new product development?   With relevant documents and four case studies, the thesis concludes the research in four aspects, namely Strategy, Process, Leadership & Communication and Techniques.   Strategy Aspect:   1. New product development and reformation of existing product line should be undertaken simultaneously.   2. To expedite new product development, enterprise is recommended to form the strategic alliance between its own team and other R&D force externally.   Process Aspect:   1. Clear job description and standardized process accelerate new product development and leads to successful product launch and commercialization.   2. Impeccable marketing research and analysis allows enterprise to define new product’s market position at the initial stage.   3. Early study and approach of market demand and customer requirements enables the project team to penetrate the market precisely.   4. Both marketing and R&D teams should be familiar with market situation, providing timely services to meet customer’s needs.   Leadership & Communication Aspect:   1. Effective integration between marketing and R&D teams plays an important role for industries with dynamic environment, short product life cycle such as high-tech industry.   2. The development of cross functional teams and nice operation model at product development stage can proactively response to customer’s requirements and is able to improve the product and service quality   3. Periodical meetings and communication can effectively break conflicts among the teams.   4. Adequate trust and authorization allows team members to educe their potential for better performance.   5. Efficient leadership to inspire team members for the maximum potential and results is the key to the success of the new product development.   6. With good resource managements and horizontal communication & coordination, a flexible project leader could optimize its organizational function to continuously develop new products according to market demand.   7. A good leader acts as Coach as well as Gate Keeper to support team members to focus on the priority of new product development efficiently.   8. Providing innovative and harmonious working environments could expedite the success of the new product development.   Technique Aspect:   1. Fair performance appraisal and incentive policy enhance the integration of marketing and R&D teams.   2. The clear defined performance indicators such as market share, number of new projects, profit rate, sales growth rate are important to motivate the team members to dedicate on the project.   3. The web site, intranet, e- mail, e- learning are good tools for knowledge management and experience sharing that helps to a better communication and integration between marketing and R&D teams.

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