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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳祉芸, Wu, Chih-yun Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七O年代起,品牌個性成為研究的焦點,有越來越多學者探討此項議題;實務界更是廣泛地運用。 歷來研究中以品牌個性構面的建立為最具完整架構,學者多從消費者的角度出發;然而,文化差異對品牌個性有很大的影響,但過去相關研究卻不多,又廣告之中包含豐富的品牌個性及文化訊息,於此,本文參考過去學者提出的構面,利用廣告研究,進行品牌個性的跨文化比較。 本文首次由廣告呈現的角度出發,補過去研究之不足;而藉由廣告所傳遞的豐富訊息,可以尋找華人企業偏好的品牌個性,比較兩岸文化及品牌個性呈現的差異,探討產品類別對品牌個性的影響,並連結消費者自我概念與品牌個性之間的關係,由觀察的現象中深入分析策略意涵,可供實務界作參考。 研究設計方面,本文針對兩岸廣告,橫跨1996至2001共六年期間,以報紙為抽樣對象,台灣地區選擇中國時報,大陸地區選擇文匯報,共得864則廣告,利用內容分析法,粹取其中的品牌個性及文化概念,再進行統計分析,比較兩岸之間以及產品類別間的差異,結果發現如下: 1.兩岸品牌個性的呈現有差異,台灣偏重品牌的人性面,大陸則較重視產品的功能性。 2.品牌個性各構面間呈現比例亦有差異,出現頻率較高的構面,可能較容易為消費者所感知,或反映出消費者偏好。 3.品牌個性與文化之間具有相關性,其方向有正有負,正相關意味著該文化傾向愈高,應強調該個性構面的呈現,反之亦然,值得廠商參考,隨著不同地區的文化差異而調整其品牌個性的塑造。 4.不同產品廣告的品牌個性呈現則大異其趣,亦即產品類別對品牌個性有影響。大致而言,利益產品較重視「稱職」構面的展現,價值產品則著重人性面;廠商在塑造品牌個性時也應考慮攸關的產品特性。 5.品牌個性與自我概念的關係很密切,本文初探兩者相關性,發現確有關聯存在:「平和」、「純真」與「真實我」呈顯著正相關;「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」則與「理想我」呈顯著正相關,反映出兩個自我實為相對的概念;然其確切影響方向,甚至是其他變數的調節作用,則值得作進一步探討。 / Since the 1970s, “brand personality” has become a popular issue, which was discussed by many scholars and widely used in business practice. Most scholars studied this topic from the consumer’s point of view, and the framework of brand personality dimensions has been most completely worked out. However, culture differences had great influence on brand personality, but there were limited studies that focused on this issue. Since advertisements contained sufficient information of culture and brand personality, this study intended to make a cross-cultural comparison of brand personality by referring to the brand personality dimensions found by previous researchers and performing advertisement research. The purposes of this study are to compare the differences of brand personality between Taiwan and Mainland China, to investigate the influence of product category on brand personality, and to combine “self concept” with brand personality. Compiling the dimensions studied by previous scholars for coding indicators, this study uses content analysis to make this study. Not only does this study fulfill the scope of brand personality analysis, it also provides insights for building brand strategies and entering the market in China. The samples are newspaper advertisements from 1996 to 2001. China Times in Taiwan and Shang-Hai Wen-Hui Bao in Mainland China are chosen. There is a total of 864 advertisements. After statistics analysis, the results are listed as the following: 1.To the appearance of brand personality, ads in Taiwan show more humanity, while those in Mainland China emphasize on product functions. 2.There are different proportions between the representations of dimensions. Those dimensions with higher frequencies may be easily perceived by consumers or may more appealing to them. 3.Relationships exist between brand personality and culture. Positive relationship means certain dimension should be emphasized when the relative culture tendency is higher. 4.There exists a great difference in brand personality between product categories: the “utilitarian-expressive” products emphasize on “competence” dimension, while the “value-expressive” products show more humanity. 5.Brand personality is closely related with “self-concept”: “peacefulness” and “sincerity” are positively related to “actual self,” while the other three dimensions are positive related to “ideal self.” This study discusses this issue for the first time; however, further studies are needed to investigate the moderating effects.

台灣與法國消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and French consumers

柯佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
價值觀與生活型態是消費者從事各項消費行為的基礎,透過價值觀及生活型態可以解釋及預測消費者行為,因此對於研究消費者行為是相當重要的基礎主題之一。Rokeach (1973) 認為價值觀是一種持久的信念,這樣的信念使個人或社會對於某些特定的行為模式或是事情的結果產生偏好。Lazer (1963) 將生活型態定義為一種有特性的生活模式,代表某一個群體或社會有別於其他群體之特徵,這些特徵之差異來自於文化、價值觀及資源等綜合影響的結果。過去學者研究消費者的價值觀及生活型態時,多半以單一國家的消費者為主,雖然也有學者比較跨文化的消費者生活型態,但仍以美歐等地之研究居多。因此,本研究藉由交換至法國的機會,於當地進行消費者調查,取得第一手資料,以瞭解當地消費者生活型態及消費價值觀,並與台灣消費者進行跨文化比較。 本研究採滾雪球法抽樣,深度訪談十三位法國消費者及十九位台灣消費者。訪談內容為消費價值觀及生活型態等主題,包括工作與休閒生活、家庭及朋友關係、消費模式及金錢分配方式,並導出相關命題如:台灣人較法國人之價格敏感度高、台灣人較法國人具有品牌意識、台灣人在消費時較法國人具他人導向、台灣人較法國人具投資理財觀、台灣人較法國人重視工作所帶來的金錢滿足以及台灣人較法國人對婚姻關係有較高的期待等命題。 此外,本研究並探討消費價值觀如何具體影響消費者的生活型態及消費模式,透過本研究可發現:價格敏感度高的消費者,會隨著折扣或低價而調整其消費頻率;具他人導向的消費者會傾向購買外顯性的名牌產品,也較易受他人影響而產生衝動性消費行為。 藉由本研究可瞭解兩地消費價值觀及生活型態之差異,廠商進入兩地市場時,可參考本研究結果設計適合當地消費者之行銷策略,以期更貼近消費者需求。 / Values and lifestyles can be the foundation of most kinds of consumptions. Therefore, studying values and lifestyles is of importance for marketers to explain and predict consumers’behavior. According to Rokeach (1973), a value is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.”As for lifestyle, it is defined as“a distinctive or characteristic mode of living (Lazer, 1963). Past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused consumers in one country. Even though some studies dealed with cross-cultural comparison, they usually compared two or more markets in American and European. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the lifestyles and consumption values of consumers in Taiwan and France to do a cross-cultural comparison between Taiwanese and French consumers. Thirteen French consumers and nineteen Taiwanese consumers were interviewed during this study. The interview questions were regarding to lifestyles and consumption values, such as respondents' work and leisure life, relations with family and friends, consumption patterns and the way to allocate money. Some important propositions are derived based on content analysis: Taiwanese consumers have higher price sensitivity, more brand consciousness, higher other-oriented degree and more saving and investment concept than French consumers. Besides, Taiwanese people place more importance on the salary of work and have higher expectation about marriage than French consumers. Furthermore, this study also discusses how consumption values influence consumers' lifestyles and consumption patterns. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity will adjust their consumption patterns according to discount frequencies. Besides, people-oriented consumers tend to choose prestige brands and have more impulsive consumptions under the influence of friends. The findings of this reseach can provide suggestions to marketers in these two markets to develop marketing strategies corresponding with the values and lifestyles of local consumers.

台灣與波蘭消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and polish consumers

陳咨良 Unknown Date (has links)
中、東歐十國加入歐盟後,發展引起世界關注,而擁有最多人口的波蘭更是備受矚目;近年來波蘭中產階級增加,消費力提高,令研究者興起瞭解波蘭消費者的念頭。消費者的價值觀與生活型態會影響消費行為,對研究消費者行為是十分重要的主題。然而過去與消費者價值觀與生活型態相關的研究大多以單一國家之消費者為主,跨文化比較以歐美研究為多,故研究者利用到波蘭交換的機會,進行消費者生活型態與消費價值觀之調查研究,以取得第一手資料,然後與台灣消費者作比較。 本研究以滾雪球法進行抽樣,深度訪談15位波蘭消費者與19位台灣消費者。訪談內容涵蓋生活型態與消費價值觀各面向,經過分析後發現兩地消費者於金錢配置、儲蓄理財觀、信用卡使用習慣、價格取向、他人導向、品牌觀、服飾消費模式、婚姻觀、家庭觀、工作觀、宗教觀、環保觀、助人觀等方面的差異,並推導出相關命題,如:台灣消費者的價格敏感度和他人導向程度較波蘭消費者高;台灣人和波蘭人相比,與原生家庭的關係較為密切、對婚姻關係也有較高的期待,並且更具環保概念等。 除此之外,本研究也探究消費價值觀、生活型態及消費行為間的關係。本研究發現價格敏感度高的消費者傾向選擇於較便宜的通路,以及在特價的時候購物,消費次數較一般人來得少,也少有衝動性消費與犒賞自己的行為產生,而且消費時不太在意品牌,通常是購買平價的品牌;然而注重價格之餘,這些消費者也會注意商品的質感,不希望別人發現該商品很廉價。另外,具環保觀念的人,傾向有需要才購物;在衣著方面,購買次數不多,且重視品質、材質與持久性,不願買路邊攤,但也不會買很貴品牌的服飾,也不會跟隨潮流;而這些具環保理念的人與其他人相比,較注重健康或養生。 本研究結果在學術上有助於拓展國內碩士論文的跨文化研究領域,以及建立跨文化消費價值觀與生活型態之訪談大綱;在實務方面,能夠提供欲進入兩地市場的廠商一些開發市場與行銷策略的建議。 / Central and Eastern European countries have attracted worldwide attention since 10 Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. Among these countries, Poland, the country with the largest population among these nations, gains the most attention. In recent years, the middle class in Poland has increased, and consumer purchasing power has enhanced. These have raised more and more researchers’ interests to investigate Poland consumer’s bevaviors. Values and lifestyles affect consumer behavior. Therefore, Values and lifestyles are important subjects in consumer behavior research. However, past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused on consumers in a single country. Furthermore, the literature about cross-cultural comparative analysis emphasizes on comparing more than two markets in American as well as those in Europe. Thus, this study aims to compare the lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and Polish consumers. This study uses snow ball method to find appropriate samples. 15 Polish respondents and 19 Taiwanese respondents were interviewed in this study. The interview covers various aspects with regards to lifestyles and consumption values. The results showed that there are differences between Polish and Taiwanese consumers in money arrangement, credit card usage, clothing consumption patterns, brand perception and so on. Besides, some propositions that are derived from content analysis include: Taiwanese consumers are more price sensitive and other-oriented, and have higher expectations about marriage, closer relationships with their family of origin, and are more conscious about environmental protection than Polish consumers. This study also discusses the relationship among consumption values, lifestyles and consumer behavior. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity prefer to make purchases in places that sell cheaper things, and in stores with discounts. They expend less frequently than most people, and seldom have impulsive consumption behaviors or reward themselves. They do not really care about brands and usually buy cheap brands. Furthermore, people who are environmentally friendly tend to go shopping only when they have actual needs. In clothing aspect, they do not buy frequently, and put emphasis on quality, material and persistence. They are not willing to buy clothes from street vendors, but they also do not buy from expensive brands. Moreover, they do not follow the trend. Compared with others, they pay more attention to keep their health well. This study helps to expand the domain of cross-cultural research and develops an interview outline for cross-cultural consumer values and lifestyles. More importantly, this study provides some suggestion to those who are willing to enter Taiwanese or Polish markets.

台灣、德國品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念之跨文化比較 / The Intercultural Comparison between Taiwan and Germany in Brand Personality, Advertising Appeals and Consumer Value-Beliefs

鍾韶庭, Chung, Shao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,歐洲市場對於台灣經濟的重要性與日俱增,目前為台灣主要貿易國家 (地區) 中出口成長率最高的地區,而德國又為台灣在歐洲進出口貿易額中最高的國家,然而國內學術界對於德國乃至於歐洲地區的消費者研究卻屈指可數,大多著重於中國大陸、美國與日本的研究,造成此現象的原因除了是過去歐洲市場在台灣的經濟地位不比中、美、日之外,也與台灣留學國外少以歐洲為主有關,造成與消費者相關的初次級資料取得不易、研究成本過高等因素,但隨著國內研究生赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸增,將提供國內學術界與實務界暸解歐洲消費者的機會。 本研究首先從過去的跨文化研究中暸解台灣與德國在各文化構面上的差異,推論受到文化所影響的品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念,在台灣與德國消費者的認知中同樣會產生差異;此外,本研究也進一步探討品牌個性、廣告訴求、消費者價值信念與品牌偏好度的關係。本研究以問卷調查的方式蒐集台灣與德國消費者的第一手資料,並根據此初級資料進行分析比較,問卷內容包括品牌個性構面、品牌偏好度、廣告訴求、消費價值信念以及基本資料等五個部份,品牌則選定「Mercedes-Benz賓士汽車」與「Acer宏碁電腦」等兩個在台、德具有知名度的品牌。為了能夠順利進行調查,本研究分別以中文及德文版問卷在台灣與德國進行研究,採隨機發放的方式,總共蒐集了495份有效問卷,其中台灣問卷有247份,德國問卷有248份。 研究結果顯示,台灣與德國消費者對於同一個品牌的品牌個性、廣告訴求具有顯著差異,均對本國品牌較有正面的觀感,而台、德消費者價值信念也因為文化的不同而在「名牌情結」、「他人導向」、「情面影響」、「享樂主義」、「簡約習性」及「保障需求」上具有顯著差異。本研究的實證結果還發現,品牌個性會與消費者的品牌偏好度有關,而品牌偏好度受到廣告訴求與消費者價值信念的影響程度就相對較小。 廠商可依據本研究結果針對台灣消費者的「他人導向」、「簡約習性」、「保障需求」與「價格敏感」等信念,以及德國消費者的「享樂主義」、「價格敏感」與「簡約習性」等信念設計行銷活動,也可以藉由塑造品牌個性來增加消費者的品牌偏好度,對於學術而言,本研究不僅增加國內學術界對於歐洲市場的瞭解,更得到品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念皆能影響品牌偏好度的結果,其中品牌個性又能明顯影響品牌偏好度,本研究成果可供後續相關研究作為深入探討的基礎。 / Since the establishment of the EU, the importance of the European market to Taiwan has been steadily increasing. Among Taiwan’s major trading countries (areas), the European market has the highest export growth rate, with the highest volume of trade happening between Germany and Taiwan. Despite this fact, researches about German or European consumers are still rare in the domestic academia, where the focus is mostly on China, USA, and Japan. There are some reasons causing this. First, Europe’s economic status of was lower than the previously mentioned countries. Also, there were fewer scholars from Europe, which may lead to higher research costs and difficulty in collecting data among others. Nevertheless, with the increasing number of exchange students going to Europe, this would offer domestic academia and businesses an opportunity to better understand European consumers. This research starts with an examination of previous culture-related literatures to discover the differences in all cultural dimensions between Taiwan and Germany. From this, the research infers that there would also be differences in brand personality, advertising appeals, and consumer value-beliefs. Moreover, the research discussed the relationship between brand preferences and brand personality/advertising appeals/consumer value-beliefs. Two well-known brands were selected, Mercedes-Benz and Acer, and questionnaires for each brand were developed and distributed randomly in Taiwan and Germany. Four hundred ninety five valid questionnaires were collected, among which 247 were collected in Taiwan and 248 were in Germany. The results revealed that there were significant differences in one brand’s brand personality and advertising appeals. Furthermore, consumers had more positive attitudes toward their home country’s brand. The research also found that consumer value beliefs affected by the culture were different between Taiwan and Germany in “Brand Favor,” “Conformance Orientation,” “Face Influence,” “Hedonic,” “Frugality Intention,” and “Security Needs.” In addition, it was proved that brand personality was significantly related to consumers’ brand preferences. However, advertising appeals and consumer value-belief had relatively lower influence on the brand preferences. Businesses could utilize the results of this study to devise marketing initiatives depending on consumer value-beliefs, such as Taiwan’s “Conformity-orientation,” “Frugality intention,” “Security Needs,” and “Price Sensitivity” and Germany’s “Hedonic,” “Price Sensitivity,” and “Frugality Intention.” Moreover, businesses could also build favorable brand personality to influence brand preferences. As for the academia, this research not only broadens the understanding of the European market, it also finds the relationship influence between brand personality, advertising appeals, consumer value-beliefs, and brand preferences, especially that in which brand personality significantly influences brand preference, which could be the base of further investigation.

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