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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

槓桿型指數型基金追蹤誤差之研究 / An Investigation of Tracking Errors of Leverage ETFs

林琦惟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究分為兩個部分。第一部分以全球發行追蹤標的為各國加權指數之兩倍槓桿型ETF為研究樣本,探討各槓桿型ETF發行日起至2016年3月間ETF的追蹤誤差。再者,分析槓桿型ETF之個別績效,以槓桿型ETF報酬率與追蹤標的指數報酬率差異之絕對值作為追蹤誤差之衡量,各槓桿型ETF平均之追蹤誤差在0.01到2.96個基本點,在45檔槓桿型ETF中,有24檔槓桿型ETF在10%顯著水準下異於零。第二部分進一步分析在10%顯著水準下顯著異於0之槓桿型ETF,造成其追蹤誤差的原因, 研究結果顯示,總費用率、匯率變動率、資產規模變動率、成交量變動率、標的指數成分股數、追蹤標的之地區等原因皆與追蹤誤差皆顯著影響槓桿型ETF追蹤誤差的大小。

追蹤不同成長目標線投資組合的分析與比較 / Analysis and Comparison of Tracking Difference Growth Benchmark Portfolio

周靜慧 Unknown Date (has links)

槓桿型指數型基金之追蹤誤差 : 以標的指數所屬產業分析 / Tracking Error of Leveraged Exchange : Traded Funds -analysis of industries of underlying indexes

林恩加 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討槓桿型/反向型ETF之追蹤誤差是否會因為追縱標的屬於不同產業而有差異。為此先將46檔具有顯著追蹤誤差之槓桿型/反向型ETF樣本分為七類不同的產業,並設定產業作虛擬變數放入多元迴歸模型中,結果為當追蹤指數屬於建築業、零售業及服務業之槓桿型/反向型ETF傾向得到較大的追蹤誤差,而追蹤指數屬於礦產業、製造業、水電業及金融業者,其追蹤誤差較小。追蹤誤差大之產業,其指數波動度也較大,推測指數波動度可能是造成特定產業追蹤績效不佳的原因。另外在本研究中也發現,追蹤礦產業、建築業及製造業指數之槓桿型/反向型ETF,其槓桿型績效優於反向型績效;而追蹤水電業、零售業、金融業及服務業指數之槓桿型/反向型ETF則是反向型績效優於槓桿型績效。其原因推測與ETF存在年限、ETF發行公司和指數成分股個數有關。 / This paper discusses whether the tracking error of leveraged/inverse ETF varies by industry of underlying indexes. We take 46 leveraged/inverse ETFs with significant tracking error into the samples, divide them into 7 different industries and set those industries as dummy variables in multiple regression models. The outcome shows that the tracking error tends to be larger if the underlying index of leveraged/inverse ETF belongs to construction, retails or service industries; otherwise, the tracking error tends to be smaller if it tracks the index from mining, manufacturing, utility or finance industries. The larger tracking errors may result from more volatile indexes of those industries. Besides, we also find that leveraged ETFs outperform the inverse ones if the index belongs to mining, construction or manufacturing industry; on the other hand, inverse ETFs outperform leveraged ones when the index comes from utility, retails, finance or service industry. The possible reasons may be the different characteristics of ETFs, such as the length of ETF’s existence, ETF’s issuer and the number of constituents in underlying index.

增益型指數基金之建構 / Building the enhanced index fund

王世方 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臺灣摩根指數的成分股進行分析,研究樣本期間從2008年至2010年,合計三個年度,正好歷經景氣的一個多空循環週期。本研究利用技術指標作為判讀多空的工具,技術指標包含價與量的技術分析工具,價格的技術指標有趨勢指標MA、擺盪指標KD與MACD,量的技術指標則是OBV。並利用優化的方式挑選出合適的參數值。本研究的風險控管則是控管個股的偏離程度,當允許的偏離程度愈大,模型便愈能區別出強勢股與弱勢股,風險的衡量指標則是採用年化追蹤誤差值來衡量,本研究設定的限制條件為最大累積年化追蹤誤差值不得超越6%。 實證結果發現,當模組的模型年化追蹤誤差值設定愈大,個股的偏離程度就愈大,模組的報酬表現就愈佳,但同樣的風險也愈大,即年化追蹤誤差值愈大。當模型年化追蹤誤差值設定在24%,並搭配MA、MACD與OBV三個技術指標得到的績效最佳,同時亦能夠將風險控制在設定的6%水準之下。 / This study analyzed the component stocks in MSCI Taiwan Index. The analyzed data from 2008 to 2010 was exactly an economic cycle. The study was based on technical analysis, including price and volume to judge that the price was bullish or bearish. The price technical analysis included Moving Average (MA), Stochastic Line (KD) and Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD). The volume technical analysis was On Balance Volume (OBV). The study used the method of optimization to choose the best parameter of each technical analysis. The risk control was to limit the bias of each stock. When the bias of each stock was larger, the model could easily distinguish the stock was bullish or bearish. The risk indicator was annual tracking error limited to 6% in the study. The empirical results showed that the larger the model annual tracking error set, the large bias the stock show, and the outperformance of the return. But with the performance of the return larger, the risk of tracking error was also getting larger. When the model annual tracking error set to 24%, and utilized MA, MACD and OBV would get the best performance and the risk of annual tracking error was under 6%.

追蹤誤差、價格偏離度和成交量之研究-以寶滬深300(0061)、恆中國(0080)及恆香港(0081)為例 / The studies on tracking error, deviation and volume-W.I.S.E.PolarisCSI300 ETF, Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF and Hang Seng Index ETF

彭靖 Unknown Date (has links)

衡量臺灣證券市場上槓桿及反向指數股票型基金之績效 / Evaluating the Performance of Leveraged and Inverse Exchange-Traded Funds in Taiwanese Stock Market

彭思涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以臺灣證交所上市的前九檔槓桿及反向指數股票型基金(LETFs)作為 樣本,根據 Charupat and Miu(2014)研究方法衡量其績效。傳統衡量指數股票 型基金(ETFs)績效的方式,為單純將基金淨值報酬對指數累積報酬做簡單迴 歸,若將此方法應用在衡量 LETFs 之績效上,由於許多影響基金淨值報酬的因素 沒被分離出來,常造成迴歸結果存在嚴重偏誤,或是難以解釋。本文是第一篇研 究國內 LETFs 績效的著作,透過在迴歸式中納入複利效果、融資效果,以更精確 的方式比較分析影響 LETFs 基金淨值報酬的因素,及各 LETFs 之管理績效。本 文實證結果除了證實融資效果確實存在,也證實大部分複利效果及融資效果的理 論性質,最重要的是,顯示出追蹤上証 180 指數的三檔 LETFs 在準確複製報酬槓 桿倍數上比較傑出,而追蹤台灣 50 指數的三檔 LETFs 在基金管理效率方面有比 較優秀的表現。 / Using Leveraged and Inverse Exchange-Traded Funds (LETF) listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange, this thesis evaluates the performance of these LETFs based on the methodology proposed by Charupat and Miu (2014). The traditional approach of performance evaluation of ETFs is to regress the fund’s net asset value (NAV) returns on the underlying index’s returns. However, such an approach fails to account for important factors, such as compounding and financing effects, that affect the NAV of the LETFs, and unavoidably leads to serious estimation biases. This is the first thesis which evaluates the performance of LETFs listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. By considering compounded effect and financing effect in the regression model, the proposed method is more precise and appropriate in disentangling factors that affect the performance of the LETFs. Our empirical evidence shows how compounding effect, financing costs, and management factors influence LETFs’ tracking errors. Most of all, the three LETFs tracking the SSE180 index have the best tracking ability of the underlying asset return, while the LETFs tracking the FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 index have the best management performance among all LETFs examined in this these.


王韻晴 Unknown Date (has links)
從投資組合理論與效率市場假說來看,影響投資績效之主要因素為資產配置而非選股或擇時能力,相關之實証亦發現主動式投資策略並無法獲得持續優於大盤的報酬,因此被動式投資策略將是一較佳的選擇。自先鋒集團在1976年率先推出指數基金之後,此類指數化投資商品即呈現指數化成長。而我國亦在2003年6月30日正式推出第一檔指數股票型基金「臺灣50指數股票型基金,簡稱TTT」。 本論文以投資人的角度來分析TTT之報酬率及成交量,從追蹤誤差及溢折價來觀察基金之報酬率,研究造成追蹤誤差之主要影響因子為何與實物創造或贖回機制是否能有效發揮功用,使TTT之市價可貼進基金淨值,以免如同封閉型基金大都折價交易,而影響投資人之獲利率。此外,更進一步比較TTT與其他指數化商品之差異性以供投資人選擇投資標的時參考。 本研究發現影響追蹤誤差之因素主要為指數成份股之增刪、公眾流通係數之調整與現金股利的發放。雖然在短期下上述因素會影響基金報酬,但長期而言基金報酬與指數相當,甚或更為略高,故在衡量長期績效時臺灣50指數可做為一良好的報酬指標。而從溢折價來分析時,由於市場交易機制,使得TTT自上市以來之流動性不足,市場效率性不高,溢折價幅度較大。此點與成交量之分析結果一致,研究發現TTT之成交量並未因出現套利機會而顯著增加,投資人買賣TTT主要在於避險或投機需求。 雖然現階段我國尚未出現指數基金,但若未來有出現類似之商品時,在目前我國停徵證券交易所得稅的環境下,投資金額的大小將非決定選擇指數基金或TTT之關鍵因素,投資期間與「質」的因素才是主要關鍵。當投資期間愈長,TTT之高交易成本的影響程度將降低,其可在盤中隨時買賣及低追蹤誤差等「質」方面的優勢將提高,TTT將相對較具吸引力。而臺灣50指數期貨由於交易成本及流動性風險較高,因而投資人較不偏好操作臺灣50指數期貨。

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