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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蕭幸金, XIAO, XING-JIN Unknown Date (has links)
研究資本市場價格變動的特性,一直是財務學者實証研究的一□。以經濟學中需求 與供給的觀點來說,價格與數量是一體兩面,兩者相互依存的,但國內的研究對於 量的探討卻非常缺乏,因此就形成本論文的重要研究動機。 本研究以市場個體結構(Market Microstructure) 的層面來探討股價變動與成交量 之間的關係,並依據 Clark、Harris、Copeland、Jennings,Starks和Fellingham (JSF) 、Epps及Kopoff等的理論模型,與其他實証文獻形成本研究假說。 本論文以民國77年81年,整體股票市場每日價量資料為研究樣本,共1427個觀察值 ,採用「變異數分析-無母數 Krush Wallis 檢定」、「迴歸分析-GLM模型」、「 Box-Jenkins AL MA 分析之轉換函數模式」來驗証,經分析後,達成下列結論: 1.台灣股票市場一週內各日的平均報酬相等,符合交易時的假設。 2.股價報酬率的絕對值與成交量(週轉率)呈正相關(不含77年2 月底狂飆期), 証實台灣股市符合混合分配假說 (Mixt of distributions Hypothesis,MDH), 且資訊傳遞的方式為連續到達模型 (Sequential Information Arrival Model, SIA)。 3.符合Epps模型,價量呈現不對稱的關係,即在股價上漲時其成交量大於股價下跌 的成交量,V□╱△P□>V﹣╱│△P﹣│。 4.股價變動與成交量關係不僅就全部樣本、多頭期或空頭期而言,均顯示價量間呈 正相關,且存在落後關係。 5.就全部研究期間與多頭期之樣本,研究顯示股票報酬率會引起成交量的變動。 6.就空頭期間之樣本,研究顯示股票報酬率與成交量間相互影響,互為回饋關係。

隔夜恐慌情緒對日內台指現貨波動度與成交量之間的影響探討 / The effect of overnight emotion on the intraday relationship between TAIEX volatility and trading volume

袁明道 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要針對隔夜情緒影響的不對稱性進行研究,本研究以今日開盤的波動率指數(VIX)與昨日收盤的VIX相減代表隔夜資訊,而波動率指數又稱為恐慌指數,就理論上而言,當市場出現恐慌時,波動率指數亦會上升,本文將以區分市場在恐慌普通與樂觀情緒下,波動度與成交量的關係是否有變化,其中成交量又細分為Total volume, Expected volume與Unexpected volume,此成交量分類的概念源自Illueca and Lafuente (2007),而波動度與交易量的關係則是參考Darrat et al.(2007)中VAR 的方法來探討。本文以台灣股價指數期貨與台灣股價指數作為研究標的。本文的實證結果顯示在不同的情況下,各種成交量與波動度的因果關係及影響方向均有變化,在隔夜有重要資訊發生時(恐慌或樂觀),開盤時的預期成交量與未預期成交量和波動度的因果關係會發生變化,若是普通情緒下,則各種成交量與波動度之間皆有雙向的因果關係,惟影響方向不同。開盤時段下,預期成交量除了在樂觀情緒下,會預期成交量使得波動度增加,恐慌與普通情緒下,預期成交量會使得波動度減少,類似提供流動性的角色,但極端情緒下,波動度卻無法對未預期成交量產生影響,代表在極端情緒下,波動度是由未預期成交量所導致,表示未預期成交量為波動的製造者,此與本研究推測未預期成交量帶有較大資訊含量相符。

過度反應或反應不足?台股之濾嘴法則實證研究 / Overreaction or Underreaction? : Empirical Study on the Application of Filter Rule to Taiwan Stock Market

嚴浩祖 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以濾嘴法則應用在台灣股票市場,試圖揭露報酬率與成交量之間的關係。雖然在短期內可藉由過度反應獲取報酬,然而,報酬率與成交量的關係仍舊模糊不清,本篇引用的文獻並不足以解釋此研究的結果。另外,我們發現在近十年中,因流動性進行的交易,而非因資訊進行的交易,主導了台灣股票市場。 / This thesis uses filter rule on Taiwan stock market to uncover the relationship between return and volume change. Although the profits for overreaction in a short time horizon exist, the pattern of the combination of return and volume change is unclear. No theory mentioned in the literature seems to be able to fully explain the results in this study. Yet, we find that the liquidity trading, rather than information trading, dominates Taiwan stock market in recent decade.


詹宜潔, Chain, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究主題是探討影響台灣投資人使用限價單投資策略的影響因素為何。與歷史文獻不同的是,本研究直接以限價單量的變化來作為應變數,且使用86年台灣證券交易所之市場微資料中之台灣積體電路之資料作為實證來源。 根據文獻間接指出,影響投資人之獲利狀況而可能導致其偏好使用限價單的影響因素有買賣價差之大小,成交量之多寡,投資人士是否具有資訊,與股價波動率大小等等。而根據本研究之實證顯示,限價單量之變化隨著委託時間而呈現遞減的現象,尤其在開盤前的三十分鐘之內達到最大。且本研究發現資料顯示一月份的限價單量相對較大,這可能是由於當年一月份之成交量相對較低的緣故。 至於影響投資人使用限價單之因素方面,實證顯示買賣價差,成交量之大小以及股價波動率與限價單的變化關係密切,且在本研究的模型中,對於限價單量之變化之解釋力高達60%。而在第二部分之實證中顯示,市場上幾乎有90%的限價單量來自散戶,但法人(不包含自營商)的下單行為中卻以限價單居多。不論是法人或散戶皆有出現限價單量隨委託時間而遞減的狀況,而一月份限價單量較多的現象再法人中卻不明顯。 最後,本研究之模型可解釋散戶限價單量變化之情形,但是對於法人之限價單量變化之解釋力卻非常低,這或許是由於法人受到法規的限制無法完全以獲利大小出發點來進行下單行為。

台灣股市的成交量預測_以主成分分析為例 / Forecasting the Trading Volume in Taiwan Stock Market by Principle Components

陳鈺淳, Chen, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討利用總體因子預測台灣股市的月成交量,並討論其預測準確度。總體因子主要利用主成分分析法從大量的總體資料中抽出,台灣股市月成交量資料主要來自TEJ資料庫,並將其分為九類:水泥窯業、食品業、塑膠化工業、紡織業、機電業、造紙業、營建業、金融業和加權指數。 結果發現三個月後的預測值比一個月後的預測值準確,而從RMSE跟MAE的結果,發現食品業、塑膠化工業、紡織業、機電業、造紙業預測的準確度較高。 / This paper discusses forecasting monthly turnover by static principle components method, and testing accuracy of forecasting. The monthly turnover is from Taiwan stock market as nine turnover classification, Cement & Kiln industry, Food industry, Plastic & Chemical industry, Textile industry, Mechanical & Electrical industry, Paper-making industry, Construction industry, Financial industry and Value-Weighted Index. The principle components extracted from large macroeconomic datasets have the explanatory power to monthly turnover. In addition, for basic forecasting, the accuracy of three-month prediction is better than one-month prediction in both subsamples. To test accuracy, RMSE (PC) and MAE (PC) are outperformed the same in Food industry, Textile& Fibers industry. However, MAE (PC) in Plastic & Chemical industry, RMSE (PC) in Mechanical & Electrical industry and Paper-making industry still show the good prediction as well.

成交量是否可以預測報酬負偏態?─以Horn and Stein模型對臺灣上市公司實證為例

謝文凱, Hsieh,Wen Kai Unknown Date (has links)
市場上通常存在著跌幅大過漲幅的現象,更強烈的說法是,市場會在一夕之間崩盤,但卻不會在一夕之間漲上天,這造成了報酬負偏態的現象,而Horn and Stein的理論模型認為市場存在著兩群堅持己見、對股價有不同看法的投資人,再加上這群投資人面對放空的限制,是造成報酬負偏態的主要因素,若投資人之間看法差異愈大,則負偏態現象愈明顯。Chen, Horn and Stein根據他們的理論模型,他們將成交量定義週轉率,提出利用股票的週轉率來預測負偏態的概念,而本研究利用他們所提出的實證模型,應用在台灣股市上,並與美國實證結果相對照,實證結果顯示: 1. 在台灣,6個月期間週轉率愈高於平均的個股或大盤,下6個月報酬負偏態的情況會愈顯著,但其影響力和美國實證結果相對照小很多。 2. 市值愈大的股票,其報酬正偏態的情況愈顯著,這與美國的實證結果是相反的。 3. 依隨機泡沫模型理論,過去報酬率愈大的資產,愈有可能產生報酬負偏態的情況,而台灣的實證顯示,過去的報酬率無法有效的預測報酬負偏態,但美國的實證結果是成功的 / In stock market history, the very large movement are always decrease rather than increase. In other words, stock market tends to melt down, not melt up. This kind of return asymmetry causes the negative skewness of the stock return (either market portfolio or single stock). There are mainly three schools to explain mechanism behind the negative skewness of the return. They are leverage effect, assymmetry volatility, and stochastic bubble model. Chen, Horn and Stein states that stocks come through high turnover will later on go through the negative skewness of return. We use the empirical model proposed by Horn and Stein to inpsect if turnover can predict negative skewness of return in Taiwan stock market. we have three conclusions: 1. Negative skewness is greater in stocks and market portfolio that have experienced an increase in turnover rate relative to trend over the prior six month. This effect is smaller than that in America. 2. Negative skewness is greater in stocks that are larger in terms of market capitalization. This empirical evidence is contrary to those in America. 3. In view of stochastic bubble model, stocks that have high positive returns in the past are more likely to experience greater negative skewness in return. Empirical evidence in Taiwan shows that stochastic bubble does not apply to Taiwan stocks market, that is, past return in stocks can not predict the negative skewness in return.

貨幣政策與不同類型投資人情緒對台股期貨報酬的影響 / The effect of monetary policy and different types of investors sentiment on TAIEX futures index returns

盧建勳, Lu, Chien Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究第一部份在探討實際、非預期與非預期的緊縮與寬鬆的貨幣政策對期貨報酬的影響,是否具有不對稱效果,而第二部分將進一步分析在不同類型投資人處於高情緒的情況下,貨幣政策對於報酬的影響。 研究發現,實際或非預期的貨幣政策對於期貨報酬影響性低,然而非預期寬鬆M2貨幣政策對於報酬有顯著正向影響;此外,當區分於不同景氣狀態時,在牛市中,實際與非預期的重貼現率對於報酬皆有顯著正向關聯,而非預期緊縮與寬鬆重貼現率則在熊市影響較顯著,具有不對稱效果。 此外,我們更進一步研究當各類型投資人在高情緒的情況下,貨幣政策對於報酬的影響。發現於實際、非預期與非預期的緊縮或寬鬆的貨幣政策中,幾乎在各類型投資人在高情緒的情況下,貨幣政策會顯著影響期貨報酬,且以隔夜拆款利率影響為最。區分景氣狀態後發現在實際、非預期與非預期的緊縮或寬鬆貨幣政策中,不同投資人處於高情緒時,在不同景氣狀態下貨幣政策對於報酬呈現顯著性。 / In this paper, we try to analyze the relationship between actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy and TAIEX futures index returns at first and attempt to know whether there are asymmetric reactions. Moreover, we make a further effort to examine the relationship between monetary policy decisions and the returns when different types of investors sentiments are high. The results show that the coefficients of actual or unexpected monetary policies aren’t statistically significant. However, the unexpected easy M2 monetary policy has significant and positive influence on the returns. Besides, when we divide the data into different regimes, we can discover the asymmetric reactions that actual and unexpected rediscount rate has significant and positive influence in bull market, and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy rediscount rate have more effective in bear market, which means that there are asymmetric reactions in different regimes. Moreover, we make further efforts to examine that whether there are different influences of the monetary policy decisions for each of the investors in high sentiment. We find that actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy decisions have large effect on the returns when investors sentiment are high, and the change of overnight rate has the most influence. Furthermore, when we divide the data into different regimes, we can examine that in actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy, the relationship between monetary policies and rate of return are significant when each of the investors in high sentiment in different regimes.

追蹤誤差、價格偏離度和成交量之研究-以寶滬深300(0061)、恆中國(0080)及恆香港(0081)為例 / The studies on tracking error, deviation and volume-W.I.S.E.PolarisCSI300 ETF, Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF and Hang Seng Index ETF

彭靖 Unknown Date (has links)

台股期現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略獲利分析 / Profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread、volume and technical indicators in Taiwan

莊文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台股期貨與現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略進行獲利分析,以台股期貨與現貨的價差為主體,融合傳統技術指標和量價關係作為進場買賣台股期貨的訊號與指標,採用資料為2001年至2016年加權指數與台指期貨一分鐘資料,經過實證研究後發現,正價差放空與逆價差做多其績效表現優於正價差做多與逆價差放空,這與坊間的使用方法大為不同,另外經過實證結果,我們可以得知,若要以量價關係作為交易策略與指標,長期下來成交量增加做多與成交量減少放空績效較佳,若要以均線作為交易策略與指標,長期下來指數在均線之上做多與指數在均線之下放空績效較佳,也經由實證結果得知,價差策略可以藉由價差濾網與考量除權息因素進行調整,使價差策略績效表現更為突出,另一方面,也實證出價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,績效表現優於價差策略融合均線形成的策略,本研究最後將價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,考慮了價差濾網與除權息因素進行改良,並且與大盤績效進行比較,實證結果得知價差策略融合成交量作為的交易策略,績效表現可以擊敗大盤,我們最後將資料區分為兩個時間區間,將價差策略融合成交量的策略進行穩健性檢定,發現在兩個不同時間區間下,策略的績效無明顯差異,因此我們可以說此策略長期下來具有穩定性,這有利於未來進行交易。 / This study focus on profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread, quantity and technical indicators in Taiwan. With the price spread between the stock index and the futures as main topic, we fusion traditional technical analysis indicators and the relationship of trading volume and price as our signal and indicator to setup a futures trading strategy. Our research data use one-minute data frequency of Taiwan weighted stock index and Taiwan index futures from 2001 to 2016 as analysis period. The empirical result shows that to short sale if bull spread is occurred and to going long if bear spread shows up have better performance than its opposite activity, which is different from the method people use in general. This study also finds that if we attempt to utilize the relationship of trading volume and price as trading strategy and indicator, going long if trading volume increase and to short sale if trading volume decrease will work better in long run period. If we are going to use the moving average as trading strategy and indicators, that we go long for price above the moving average of the stock index and short sale for price below the moving average of the stock will more proper in long run period. Empirical results also demostrate that through spread filter and ex-dividend factor consideration spread strategy can be adjusted accordingly so that spread strategy performance can be more prominent. On the other hand, this study also proves that the performance of new strategy, formed through integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy, is better than the integration of spread strategy and moving average strategy. Finally, this study integrates the spread strategy and trading volume strategy to formed new strategy, taking into account the improvement of the spread filter and the ex-dividend factor, then compares it with the market performance. The results show that the spread strategy integration with trading volume as a trading strategy and performance indicators can beat the market. We first divide the data into two cycles, then we perfom robustness test to the integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy. We find out that under both cycles the strategy shows similar result. Thus, we can conclude that this strategy is stabile in long run and would be beneficial in future trading.

台股報酬波動與訊息到達之關係研究 / Relationship between Return Volatility and Information Arrival in the Taiwan Stock Market

王英明, Wang,Ying Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 GJR-GARCH 為分析模型,針對所選八家台灣上市公司股價所計算之每日對數報酬率(daily log returns),對於各種不斷到達的新增訊息所引起的波動反應。所納入條件變異數方程式的訊息到達(解釋變數)分別為:(1)同日成交數量(2)成交量變動率(3)星期一與星期五之日曆效應(4)不同權值規模(size-based)投資組合間的波動外溢效果。研究結果發現(1)同日成交量對於台股權值較低的小公司,有能力捕捉其波動性,但是對於權值偏高的大公司,其解釋能力顯有不足(2)成交量變化普遍會導致公司報酬率的波動(3)臺灣股市波動性並不具有星期五效應,至於星期一效應也只出現在部分的小公司(4)不同規模的投資組合間雖然互有波動外溢現象,但其不對稱性非常明顯, 亦即訊息到達後,先造成大公司股價的波動,此波動再進而影響到小公司,引起小公司股價的波動。 / Applying the GJR-GARCH model to the daily returns of eight selected firms from Taiwan stock market, this paper examines response of variance volatility to various information arrivals which separately include (1) concurrent trading volume (2) change in trading volume (3) calendar effects, especially Modnay and Friday effects, and (4) asymmetric volatility spillover between two sized-based portfolios. The results find that concurrent trading volume as a proxy of information arrival dramatically reduces volatility persistence of the small firm's conditional variance, but has little influence on large firm's, and change in trading volume cause significant change in conditional variance. Although there is a conjecture that the volatility in stock markets may be higher on Monday and Friday, it can't be found in this study. The results also strongly support that the volatility spillover effect from larger to small portfolio is more significant than that from smaller to large portfolio.

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