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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台股期現貨價差交易策略之獲利分析 / Profitability Analysis of TAIEX Index and Futures Strategies

方薌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台股期貨與現貨價差策略進行獲利性分析,採用正價差及逆價差作為進場買賣台股期貨之指標,並在穩健度分析上將研究資料分成前後兩期以及牛市、熊市以及盤整三階段,以檢驗在不同時期之獲利特性呈現。 在價差部份,本文將八個策略分為正向策略及反向策略兩類,前者為根據市場上及實務界的說法進行交易,後者則將正向策略做一相反操作。透過獲利分析,可以發現正向策略並不能獲得正報酬,且超過50點的價差策略會使虧損擴大;而大多數的反向策略均能獲得顯著正報酬,且超過50點的價差策略更佳。 穩健性分析部份,樣本的前後兩段時間其報酬率均沒有顯著差異。然而於牛市、熊市和盤整期間之各種報酬率呈現明顯特性,亦即牛市和熊市時之正向策略傾向分別使用「追正價差」和「殺逆價差」獲得正報酬;反向策略則傾向在牛市時分別使用「追逆價差」和「殺正價差」獲得正報酬。 / The main purpose of this study is to examine the TAIEX futures and spot prices, using the spreads between TAIEX futures and spot prices as an indicator to trade TAIEX futures. The robustness check consists of data divided into different market conditions such as bull market and bear market. This study examines both “original” and “reversing” trading strategies. Original trading strategies are based on the theory provided by the market, and reversing ones are exactly the opposite approach. By examining the profitability, empirical studies show that original trading strategies cannot yield positive returns while reversing trading strategies can come to positive returns. As for robustness check, the results show there are no significant differences between the first half and the second half of the data. However, not only reversing trading strategies but also original trading strategies can yield positive returns when given certain market conditions.


馮憲航 Unknown Date (has links)
最近翻閱報章雜誌,常常發現某某公司對於利率交換的不熟悉造成操作失當賠了不少錢,更甚者,有的公司企業不知如何用利率交換規避利率變動的風險,造成公司業績表現出狀況,加上在2006年台灣跟全世界同步必須加入金融界所謂的巴塞爾II協定,此協定乃針對金融界的風險管理,包含信用、市場、資訊等方面,如果不及早了解風險管理的重要,將來金融界可能會出現難得一見的大洗牌,只有善於處理資產負債的公司才能存活甚至壯大。 利率交換屬於衍生性金融商品的一種,主要用途為管理公司內部有關利率的風險部位,故本研究在時下愈重視風險管理的因素之下,起而對影響利率交換價差的因子作推測,並加以驗證,從參考國內外文獻,並決定顯出5個能影響利率交換價差的解釋變數,其中基於全球金融服務自由化愈來愈開放的今天,選取的變數主要還是針對跨國性的影響,並另外擇出對台灣本地交換市場的幾項影響因子作實證,實證結果也確實如預測一樣,國際的因素會對本地市場造成影響,只不過在影響之餘也要考量其他因素及時間長短對結果之情況又有些許不同。但大部份的結果都如模型推估一樣,顯示出交換價差確實會受到文中提到變數之影響。 雖然已進入21世紀的時代,資訊及網路的發達造就了全世界的互通有無,但是就風險管理的前景而言,預測未來本來就不是一件很容易的工作,更何況是瞬息萬變的金融界,至少如何有效的推估利率變化已經是刻不容緩的地步,且確實已有多方早就在詳細的研究中,所以本研究希望透過對影響利率交換價差因子的找尋及實證,姑且不論是否完全符合市場之預期,但至少發現對交換價差而言,人們的預期心理確實在這議題上,已佔了不可忽視的地步,最後的部分給後續的研究者一些建議,或許並不一定完善,但希望能給後續對本議題有研究興趣者一些參考方向。


吳雨蓮 Unknown Date (has links)


林安樂 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在介紹國內未上市股票市場的概況並對其市場結構與市場效率性等議題作一探訂為了對市場實際交易情形作深入瞭解撰寫之初曾三次訪問盤商-仲介未上市股票的自營商。而在實證分析方面主要包括序列相關分析與股價報酬變異分析以此來刻畫未上市股票市場的特性並期能對市場效率性略作探討。由於未上市股票交投的活絡程度與上市上櫃題材的湧現有顯著的關係我們感興趣的是隨著上市上櫃的可能性增加或是上市上櫃日期的逼近市場的結構性特徵會不會也隨之政變 我們以幾個攸關上市上櫃的事件日期作為分界探討事件日前後的序列相關性與股價波動程度結果發現事件日前市場呈現顯著序列相關與高股價報酬變異上市上櫃之前與之後的比較分析亦呈現出序列相關程度與報酬變異在未上市市場均較公開市場要來得高;之後的價差分析我們以價格、價格差異、刊載個股行情的報紙家數作為價差的解釋變數得出價格、價格差異與價差成正向關係報紙家數與價差為反向關係的結論並發現價差與價格之比隨著上市上櫃日期的迫近會逐漸縮小以及高價位個股相對價差(relative spread)會較低價位個股要高的現象我們據此認為未上市股票市場價差的收取具有價格與數量的規模經濟。

Credit Spread Dynamics and Default Correlation

聶怡婷, Nieh, Camille Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主為信用價差之時間序列研究,及其和違約相關性之間之互動關係研究。發現信用價差之水準值及波動性,都具有兩個明顯不同的狀態期間,另發現信用價差和違約相關系數之間存在正向關係,且信用價差之高低波動狀態和景氣呈現反向變動。 / In this paper, I empirically investigate the dynamics of credit spread with regime switching analysis. The finding exhibits evidence of two distinctive volatility as well as mean regimes for credit spread changes. Moreover, I document (1) that the volatility of credit spread positively corresponds to default correlation and (2) that lower (higher) volatility regimes corresponds to boom (bust) state of economy.


吳佩玟, Wu,Pei-wen Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to compare the liquidity and the components of the bid-ask spread for thinly traded firms switching from a dealer market (Emerging Stock Market (ESM)) to an order driven market (Taiwan Stock Exchanges (TSE) or GreTai Securities Market (GTSM)). Firstly, we follow Christie and Huang’s (1994) method to measure the liquidity performance. Our finding shows that thinly traded firms could improve their liquidity by switching from a dealer market to an order driven market. Secondly, we apply Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model to estimate the bid-ask spread components. Our results show that the adverse selection cost is significantly smaller on ESM than TSE or GTSM using both Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model. The inventory holding cost is lower on ESM than TSE or GTSM estimated by Huang and Stoll’s (1997) model. However, the estimates of order processing cost and the probability of trade reversal do not produce consistent results by applying Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model.

台灣期貨市場買賣價差估計值與實際交易成本之研究 / Are spread estimators consistent with transaction cost of Taiwan Futures Exchange?

鄧君祈, Chun Chi,Teng Unknown Date (has links)
This paper focuses on if common effective spread estimators are appropriate for the proxy of Taiwan Futures Exchange. I use public available time and sales data, apply three methods, Roll’s (1984), Thompson and Waller’s (1988), and Smith and Whaley’s (1994) to assess effective spread, and then, compare them with the measured transaction costs proposed by Demsetz (1968). My results indicate that the latter two estimators not only are highly correlated with true transaction costs, but also provide good estimates, while Roll’s estimator appears to be inappropriate applied.


楊庭偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1994至2008年4月30日間之國內上市(櫃)公司為樣本,探討盈餘品質、公司治理、分券制度與公司債初級市場信用價差間之關聯性。 本文分別以Modified Jones Model及Dechow-Dichev Model來衡量盈餘品質,並引用林嘉生(1998)之研究結果,使用二階三個參數之多項式函數來推估公債殖利率曲線函數,對應公司債之Macaulay Duration來計算信用價差。 本研究實證結果顯示,盈餘品質、大股東持股比例、法人持股比例、董監事持股質押比例及分券發行與公司債信用價差間具有顯著關係。即盈餘品質愈好、大股東持股比例、法人持股比例愈高、董監事持股質押比例愈低及採分券發行者,公司債信用價差愈低;董監事持股比例、外國法人持股比例、控制股東股份盈餘偏離倍數及董事長是否兼任總經理則對信用價差無顯著影響;控制變數方面,信用評等、擔保發行及發行規模則皆達顯著水準,且符合本文預期。

影響建商房屋銷售訂價因素之研究 / The reserach of the pricing factor affecting construction firm to sell

黃景昇, Hunag, Jiing-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由於房地產產品具有顯著異質性的特質,在缺乏一致性的比較基準下,房地產產品代表的「價值」難以判定,因此「價格」的訂定亦難有絕對標準。而構成個案內各戶別間價格差異的原因,對購屋者而言是由於戶別間條件差異所代表的效用不同;而對業者而言,則更表現出其訂價策略的運用。本研究以垂直價差及水平價差代表訂價過程中的效用面影響因素,以策略價差代表策略面影響因素,由此三方面來討論個案訂價過程中各項影響因素,並得致下列結論: 垂直價差方面,在以四樓為基準樓層的條件下,各樓層之樓層別效用比多數均為正值,表示台北地區之樓層別效用比率一般仍以四樓最低。而以頂樓之效用比率最高,其效用比率水準大致為10%左右。至於一樓之樓層別效用比率,就本研究所採個案而言,甚且有低於四樓之效用比率者,顯示一樓之樓層別效用比率深受基地附近環境與建商整體訂價考量影響而呈現較大起伏的現象。另外,如就不同類型住宅產品而言,則以高價位、先建後售之產品類型的各樓層效用比率差異較小;而樓層效用比率差異較大者則為高樓層產品類型。 水平價差方面,叫水平視野之效用比率調整幅度而言,一般水準下優劣差距之調幅約為5%,如以不同類型產品相較,高價位產品相較於低價位產品會有較大調幅,其調幅分別約為6.4%以及0.3%。 就公設比而言,則呈現低價位產品較一般產品有更大調幅的結果,於本研究中,公設比每增加一百分比,其訂價分別下降0.9%與0.2%。 至於私密性與座向兩項變數對不同類型間價差訂定之影響狀況,則受限於個案數量而未有比較性的結果。而實際上此兩變數對於價差訂定之影響程度亦視視個案產品規劃方式而定若規劃形式較為單純而具一致性,則影響程度低;反之,則會有較大的影響。 就策略價差方面,本研窕透過實証結果,發現台北地區住宅市場中,高價位產品會以縮小條件優劣戶數間之價格差距為主要價差訂價方式,就本研究個案言,其幅度約為2.4%。低價位產品則以拉大條件優劣戶數間價格差距為主要價差訂價方式,其幅度約為8.5%。至於中價位產品則需考量市場狀況,若市場兢爭狀況不強,則可縮小價差,其幅度約為3.2%;反之,則以拉大價差作為主要訂價方式,其幅度約為8.4%。


鍾孟娟 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟環境的轉變以及法令對公司籌資管道逐漸鬆綁,使得公司有多種融資方式可以選擇,而特別股亦是公司的另一種選擇。本研究以民國74年至90年間在台灣證券交易所之特別股上市公司為樣本,藉由探討影響公司決定發行特別股之因素及影響普通股與特別股價差之因素,來觀察特別股融資方式適合於哪些公司,以及怎樣型態的特別股股價表現會較佳,實證結果可提供公司融資決策與投資人投資決策之參考。   研究結果顯示,在發行特別股的決定因素方面,公司的財務狀況、資本結構的確會影響公司是否發行特別股之決定。當公司財務狀況不佳時,為避免財務結構更形惡化,公司會傾向以特別股方式來籌資,且當公司債務比率已經高過產業平均債務水準時,公司較不會再以舉債的方式來籌資,以避免公司債務比率更高。至於租稅利益的考量上,卻無法獲得實證之支持。而於特別股與普通股的進一步分析中,實證結果顯示,當公司財務狀況不佳或是較具成長潛力的公司,越傾向發行特別股。   在影響普通股與特別股價差的因素方面,當特別股條款具有轉換權、無償配股權者,由於給予特別股股東額外權利,故該類特別股股價表現較佳。此外,當普通股的市場流動性與波動性相對較高時,該標的公司的特別股較不受投資大眾所關注,也因此使其股價表現較差。但在有同意權的特別股條款及普通股配股比率上,卻與本研究的預期相反,可能是因為同意權與特別股報酬率呈顯著正相關,故當特別股條款同意權愈低時,特別股報酬率也愈低,導致特別股股價表現較差。而當普通股配股率愈高時,可能由於特別股股價也隨著標的普通股股價而上漲,使得普通股配股率愈高,特別股股價反而愈高。 / With the change of economic environment and the loose regulation of law for financing ways, firms have many choices of financing, and preferred stock is an alternative. This study examines, during 1985-2001 for a sample of preferred stocks in Taiwan Stock Exchange, what firm is appropriate for issuing preferred stock and what type of preferred stock has higher value. By studying the factors that determine the issuance of preferred stock and that affect price spread between common stock and preferred stock, the empirical result could be used for decision-making of firms and investors.   In the factors of determining the issuance of preferred stock, we find that financial position and capital structure could indeed affect the firm's decision of whether to issue preferred stock or not. When firms are in weaker financial position, they are inclined to finance by issuing preferred stock to avoid worse financial structure. Besides, when firms that have debt ratio higher than the average levels of industry, they are not likely to finance by issuing additional debt to make the debt ratio even higher. On the other hand, empirical evidence does not support the tax benefit hypothesis. By the advanced analysis of preferred stock and common stock, the empirical result shows that firms with weaker financial position or with higher potential growth are more inclined to issue preferred stock.   As for the price spread between common stock and preferred stock, preferred stock with convertible right or stock dividend provisions, which give the preferred stockholders additional rights, tend to have higher stock price. In addition, when the market liquidity and the volatility of common stock returns are relatively higher, the preferred stock of the corresponding firms tends to have lower stock price. However, the coefficients of the variables about approval provision and dividend rate on common stock have signs contradictory to the prediction. The reasons may be that the approval provision (APR) and the return of preferred stock (RET_PS) are significantly positively correlated. Therefore, when APR is smaller, RET_PS is also lower, leading to worse preferred stock price. As for the stock dividend rate (ST_D), since the preferred stock price may have risen with the common stock price, higher ST_D may on the contrary leads to higher preferred stock price.

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