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台灣特別股與普通股價差因素之個案研究楊珮珮, Yang, Pei-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 特別股發行之目的 9
第二節 特別股之事件研究 11
第三節 特別股的價格行為 13
第四節 二種相關證券收益率差異分析 15
第三章 公司介紹 17
第一節 國喬石油化學股份有限公司 17
第二節 華隆股份有限公司 26
第三節 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司 36
第四節 簡介台灣證券交易所上市之特別股 43
第四章 研究方法 47
第一節 研究範圍與資料來源 47
第二節 研究假說 48
第三節 變數的定義與分析 50
第四節 研究方法 54
第五章 實證結果分析 57
第一節 單因子迴歸模型檢定 57
第二節 多元迴歸模型檢定 64
第三節 特別股績效分析 68
第六章 結論與研究限制 71
表 目 錄
表1.1 三公司股價統計資料 4
表2.1 我國歷年企業發行特別股之目的與性質 11
表3.1 國喬石油化學公司上市前主要股東名單 19
表3.2 國喬石油化學公司上市時股權比例佔前十名之股東名稱 19
表3.3 國喬公司近年重大轉投資公司與其獲利狀況 23
表3.4 國喬公司財務分析 25
表3.5 民國58年至民國60年華隆公司生產狀況 26
表3.6 華隆公司主要業務內容與經營比重 30
表3.7 華隆公司轉投資事業概況 32
表3.8 中鋼歷年擴建表 36
表3.9 中鋼六次釋股彙總表 37
表3.10 中鋼公司主要產品及用途表 38
表3.11 中鋼擴建工程資金來源表 42
表3.12 中鋼公司財務結構 42
表3.13 上市公司增資發行特別股計畫一覽表 46
表5.1 單因子迴歸模型檢定結果 58
表5.2 國喬公司財務指標相關係數矩陣 65
表5.3 華隆公司財務指標相關係數矩陣 66
表5.4 中鋼公司財務指標相關係數矩陣 67
表5.5 多元迴歸模型變數 68
表5.6 多元迴歸模型檢定結果 69
表5.7 特別股與普通股之持有之績效表 68
圖 目 錄
圖1.1 國喬石油化學股份有限公司股價圖 5
圖1.2 華隆股份有限公司股價圖 5
圖1.3 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司股價圖 6
圖3.1 石化產業關連簡圖 21
附 錄
附錄一 特別股權利義務一覽表 I
附錄二 特別股發行程序 XIX
附錄三 台灣證券交易所股份有限公司有價證券上市審查準則歷史沿革摘錄 XX
附錄四 國喬石油化學股份有限公司大事紀要 XXIV
附錄五 華隆股份有限公司大事紀要 XXVIII
附錄六 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司大事紀要 XXXIII
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台灣新上市股票異常報酬之實証研究 / Economic determinants of underpricing: New evidence from Taiwan.呂勝光, Loo, Shan-Kwang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣新上市股票是否有超額報酬之存在,並進一步探討超額報酬與其影響因素之關係:是否因為內部人持股比例高低,公司最近三年平均每股盈餘,負債比例高低,承銷價格高低,公司總資產大小,公司最近三年淨利變化,上市之後一年之內是否辦理現金增資而有所差異。本研究主要探討新上市公司,其新上市短期與長期異常報酬的解釋因素。 / This sutdy mainly employs empirical methodology. The sample period convers from 1987 to 1995, including 195 samples. The unerpricing regress against EPS (earnings per share), average earning growth rate, debt/equity ratio, firm's size , changes in ownership structure, seasoned new issues within one year subsequent to the IPO (dummy variable), and lottery rate. The findings indicate that the underpricing significantly (95% significant level) correlates with EPS, firm's size, and lottery rate.
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結構型金融商品之評價與分析:連結一籃子商品之保本型票券 / Pricing the structured notes-capital protected note linked to a basket of commodities曾瓊葦 Unknown Date (has links)
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解約率因素下附保證給付投資型保險的風險價差 / Risk bearing spreads of GMMB with lapse rates dependent on economic factors潘冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因市場波動劇烈, 保險公司紛紛推出的「附保證投資型保單」, 給
予保戶在投資上的保證。然而, 附最低給付保證條件卻使得保險公司必須面
脫退率的變化不會是影響保單價值的主因。但在Mary hardy 所著的《Investment Guarantees》一書中page 96 特別提到脫退風險:
Withdrawals are more problematic. Withdrawals are, to some
extent, related to the investment experience, and the withdrawal risk is, therefore, not fully diversifiable.
因此, 本文希望透過建立受經濟因子影響的解約率模型,來得到附保證保險
本文考慮附保證滿期給付投資型商品(GMMB),並且使用 Heston (1993)
提出的財務市場模型以及參考Mercurio (1996,2001) 評價投資型保險之風
險承擔價差方法, 使用效用函數來描述保險契約雙方之風險趨避程度。同
時根據Kolkiewicz & Tan (2006) 假設受經濟因子的危險比率模型(hazard
rate model), 來反映出資產的平均波動程度會影響保戶的脫退率。最後以
價差。本研究推導之模型主要得出下列結果: (1) 保單期間愈長, 價差愈大。
(2) 價外賣權的價差高於價內。(3) 風險規避程度越高買賣價差越大。(4) 脫
退率受經濟影響愈深, 保單的買賣價差愈大。(5) 當保險公司所保證的價格
愈高時, 價差的影響愈大。 / With the fluctuation in the financial market in 2008, insurance company provided the consumers with equity-linked life insurances embedded guarantees. On the other hand, there are more risk in the financial literacy and underwriting performance of the insurance company. It is especially important to calculate the premium of the contract embedded investment guarantee properly .
Traditional method of pricing the contract embedded investment guarantee was assumed that lapse rate was known, because product providers believed lapse rate was not a major factor to price the contract. However,
Mary hardy’s ”Investment Guarantees” page 96 specifically mentions about the lapse rate risk:
Withdrawls are more problematic. Withdrawals are, to some
extent ,related to the investment experience, and the withdrawal risk is, therefore, not fully diversifiable.
So this article will found the model of lapse rate dependent on economic factors and further get the fair value of one kind of a contract embedded guarantee: GMMB.
We will build a financial model introduced by Heston (1993) and use the methodology provided by Mercurio (1996,2001) to price the risk bearing gap of a contract embedded guarantee with utility function to depict the risk averse level between investors . And we have lapse rates affected from
the fluctuation of the implying asset which is the hazard rate model used by Kolkiewicz & Tan (2006). Finally, we will simulate a set of scenarios to present the Risk bearing spreads of equity-linked life insurance embedded
guarantees whose term are 5、10 and 15 years. The following are the consequences I got: (1) The longer the duration, the larger the spread. (2) The spread out of money is larger than that in the money. (3) The higher the risk aversion, the larger the buy-ask spread. (4) The deeper the influence
of economy on the lapse rate, the larger the buy-ask spread. (5) The higher guarantee price insurer offer, the deeper the spread affect.
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台股期現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略獲利分析 / Profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread、volume and technical indicators in Taiwan莊文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台股期貨與現貨價差、成交量與技術指標融合之期貨交易策略進行獲利分析,以台股期貨與現貨的價差為主體,融合傳統技術指標和量價關係作為進場買賣台股期貨的訊號與指標,採用資料為2001年至2016年加權指數與台指期貨一分鐘資料,經過實證研究後發現,正價差放空與逆價差做多其績效表現優於正價差做多與逆價差放空,這與坊間的使用方法大為不同,另外經過實證結果,我們可以得知,若要以量價關係作為交易策略與指標,長期下來成交量增加做多與成交量減少放空績效較佳,若要以均線作為交易策略與指標,長期下來指數在均線之上做多與指數在均線之下放空績效較佳,也經由實證結果得知,價差策略可以藉由價差濾網與考量除權息因素進行調整,使價差策略績效表現更為突出,另一方面,也實證出價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,績效表現優於價差策略融合均線形成的策略,本研究最後將價差策略融合成交量形成的新策略,考慮了價差濾網與除權息因素進行改良,並且與大盤績效進行比較,實證結果得知價差策略融合成交量作為的交易策略,績效表現可以擊敗大盤,我們最後將資料區分為兩個時間區間,將價差策略融合成交量的策略進行穩健性檢定,發現在兩個不同時間區間下,策略的績效無明顯差異,因此我們可以說此策略長期下來具有穩定性,這有利於未來進行交易。 / This study focus on profit analysis of futures trading strategy with stock price spread, quantity and technical indicators in Taiwan. With the price spread between the stock index and the futures as main topic, we fusion traditional technical analysis indicators and the relationship of trading volume and price as our signal and indicator to setup a futures trading strategy.
Our research data use one-minute data frequency of Taiwan weighted stock index and Taiwan index futures from 2001 to 2016 as analysis period. The empirical result shows that to short sale if bull spread is occurred and to going long if bear spread shows up have better performance than its opposite activity, which is different from the method people use in general. This study also finds that if we attempt to utilize the relationship of trading volume and price as trading strategy and indicator, going long if trading volume increase and to short sale if trading volume decrease will work better in long run period. If we are going to use the moving average as trading strategy and indicators, that we go long for price above the moving average of the stock index and short sale for price below the moving average of the stock will more proper in long run period. Empirical results also demostrate that through spread filter and ex-dividend factor consideration spread strategy can be adjusted accordingly so that spread strategy performance can be more prominent. On the other hand, this study also proves that the performance of new strategy, formed through integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy, is better than the integration of spread strategy and moving average strategy.
Finally, this study integrates the spread strategy and trading volume strategy to formed new strategy, taking into account the improvement of the spread filter and the ex-dividend factor, then compares it with the market performance. The results show that the spread strategy integration with trading volume as a trading strategy and performance indicators can beat the market. We first divide the data into two cycles, then we perfom robustness test to the integration of spread strategy and trading volume strategy. We find out that under both cycles the strategy shows similar result. Thus, we can conclude that this strategy is stabile in long run and would be beneficial in future trading.
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歐洲已開發市場之信用違約交換與信用價差動態關係與變化影響因子 / Dynamic relation of credit default swap and bond credit spread on developed European sovereign bonds黃嘉東, Whang, Jia Tung Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現信用違約交換有較明顯之價格發現功能,且信用違約交換與債券信用價差間之基準差與信用風險呈現正向關係。而歐洲主權債券因其性質特殊,其使用德國政府公債作無風險利率反而較歐元交換利率為佳。此外我們發現利率變化與股市皆為影響歐洲主權信用價差之因子,而波動率之影響不明顯,原因也可能是歐洲主權債券過去低風險而成為資金避險標的之特殊性質。 / The thesis examines the dynamic relation between CDS and bond spread on developed European sovereign bonds. We also investigate which variables will affect the changes of CDS and bond spreads.
We found that price discovery occurs on CDS more often, and the basis between CDS and bond spread has a positive relationship with credit risk. Due to the special characteristic of developed European sovereign bonds, the German sovereign bond yield is a better benchmark for risk-free rate than the Euro swap rate. Also we found that the change of rates and the return on stock market affect the European sovereign credit spread, but the effect of volatility on credit spread is limited. The reason should be the low-risk nature of these bonds in the past, which made them “safe” products for capitals to park.
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恐慌指標與股價指數關聯性之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Fear Indicators and Stock Indexes張耿榮, Jhang, Geng Rong Unknown Date (has links)
美國是全世界經濟的領頭羊,其經濟情勢與全球每一個國家的榮景息息相關,美國股價指數的表現亦是相當受到全球投資人所關注的。故本論文首先透過探討這四種恐慌指標對於S&P 500指數的影響,再利用S&P 500指數領先各國股價指數的特性進一步得出結論。實證結果發現,S&P 500指數對於其他三個股價指數確實具有短期同向的影響,長期而言亦具有穩定的線性關係。另外,金價油價比無論在短期及長期下皆無法有效代理市場的恐慌程度而影響S&P 500指數;CBOE偏態指數與瑞士信貸CSFB指數在長期下得以領先S&P 500指數的變化,當該二指數走高,代表 S&P 500指數在近期的波段高點可能即將來臨,亦即隱含該二指數對於S&P 500指數具有領先同向變化的現象;泰德價差為市場用以衡量信用風險的指標之一,當泰德價差擴大,隱含市場風險貼水增加,不利股市發展,其與S&P 500指數則具有長期穩定的負向關係。本論文最後也針對這四種恐慌指標的預測能力進行探討,發現瑞士信貸CSFB指數在預測S&P 500指數的能力上,相對其他三種恐慌指標優異。 / There were so many hearsays about the potential black swan events dominating the news in the second half of 2015. Headlines were about some fear indicators hit historic high but, in realistic, world stock market did not be significantly influenced under this panic atmosphere. Take MSCI World Index for instance, the index dropped only 6.49% in the second half of 2015, which was relatively unreasonable under this condition. In order to find out whether or not the fluctuations of these fear indicators can significantly affect stock indexes, VAR, VAEM and ARDL model to discuss the relationships between 4 fear indicators and 4 stock indexes─gold to oil ratio, CBOE Skew Index, Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Index, TED spread, S&P 500 Index, MSCI Europe Index, SSE A Share Index and Nikkei 225 Index are adopted in this study.
Global investors pay close attention to the performance of the U.S. Stock indexes as U.S. economy condition can affect the economies of the rest of the world. Consequently, we investigated the effects of 4 fear indicators to the S&P 500 Index then employed relationships between S&P 500 Index and other 3 stock indexes to do further discussion. The results show S&P 500 positively affects the performances of other 3 stock indexes in short term and has a steady relationship with each of them respectively in the long term. The changes of gold to oil ratio could not significantly influence the performance of S&P 500 Index no matter in the short term or the long term. CBOE Skew Index and CSFB Index have significant positive influences on S&P 500 and are leading indicators to S&P 500 Index. Lastly, TED spread has a steady negative relationship with S&P 500 in long term, and CSFB Index has the highest predictive power among the 4 fear indicators.
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台灣期貨市場之買賣價差因子分析 / Bid-Ask Spread Components in Taiwan Futures Exchange蘇筱芸, SU,HSIAO-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates the liquidity and the bid-ask spread components of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index futures contracts, Taiwan Stock Exchange Electronic Sector Index futures contracts, and Taiwan Stock Exchange Banking and Insurance Sector Index futures contracts traded on the Taiwan Futures Exchange, which switched from an electronic periodic call auction market to an electronic continuous auction market on July 29th 2002. It is a rare opportunity to deeply examine the liquidity and transaction cost components of financial derivatives under different trading mechanisms. Using intraday transaction data of transaction and quotes covering from March 2002 to May 2002 for the old trading mechanism and from October 2002 to December 2002 for the new trading mechanism, liquidity measures and bid-ask spread components are examined before and after the enforcement of the electronic continuous auction mechanism. First, for each type of futures contracts, liquidity measures including bid-ask spread, trading volume, trade number, trade size, volatility, and liquidity ratio are explored to show the multifacet of liquidity. Next, the model of Lin, Sanger, and Booth (1995) is used to decompose the spreads of each product in the two periods.
The empirical results show that quote spreads, effective spreads, percentage effective spreads, and dollar-weighted percentage effective spreads of the new system are all significantly lower than those measures in the old system for all of the three types of futures contracts. However, other liquidity measures do not show the same patterns. Overall, improvement of liquidity is found for futures contracts but not very consistent though. Multifacet of liquidity is showed by different measures, although two of these measures, including trade size and trade number, may not be suitable for this study. Moreover, the adverse selection is the most important component in the call auction market, which decreases in the continuous auction market. However, the change of other components, including order processing cost and order persistence, does not demonstrate the same pattern. The results indicate that the electronic continuous auction system protects uninformed traders from being hurt by informed traders. However, we also show that each type of futures contracts has its own specific component structure.
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購屋方案選擇評估指標建立之研究 / The Study on Housing Choice Decision-Making Factors for Home-Buyer---An Empirical Analysis of Taipei-Taoyuan Areas黃國保 Unknown Date (has links)
在實證結果部分,不論從地區上的分類,或是從時間上的分類,經自我選擇偏誤問題校正後。其拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格折價百分率確有差異,折價差異大約在1.53% ~3.69%間。實證結果顯示,購屋時機的不同階段呈現價差差異性,在2005~2007年第一季期期間景氣狀況較佳時價差不明顯之外,由不同地區與第一階段購屋時機(2003~2004) 景氣狀況較差時結果都顯示拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格仍有17%~24%明顯的折價現象。然替選方案之購屋影響因素,除了價格因素之價差外,仍有可量化之住宅條件因素與可量化之購屋者條件因素顯示其重要性。
另外,在評估指標之影響因素細準則方面,從「價格」準則中其第三層細準則三個因素價差、交易費用、貸款中都為前三項之首選,可見得在購屋市場中建立「價格」資訊、秩序是很迫切的。在影響房屋住宅條件的因素中內環境、外環境為前三項之首選,而內環境為不論地區或各種購屋著都為重要考慮因素。「不動產從業人員」及「一般購屋者」的受訪者,除了價差為共同考量因素外,其差異性為前者亦考慮貸款,而後者加入交易費用之考量。以地區性來看只有桃園縣之不動產從業人員較重視環境,其他地區仍以價差為首選之考量因素。 / A residence is not just a house but also a place where people set up their homes. Purchasing a house is certainly a very important decision throughout everyone’s lifetime. However, the elements such as pricing, environment, traffic, quality, and transaction security that are closely in connection with such an important choice all take specialized knowledge as well as experiences. Besides, to appraise a residence also involves some personal view of values such as fate, beliefs, and fondness, which are rather difficult to be thought of as good or bad. Moreover, purchasing a house is something that isn’t going to happen frequently throughout one’s life, so there won’t be many chances to accumulate enough knowledge and experiences in this field. Not only is it difficult for common public to choose, among the supply of housing market, a residence that would completely meet their own demand but it is quite a challenge for a professional real estate agent to make a decision on how to purchasing a most suitable residence as the process is often so diversified and specialized. In this study, by means of reviewing related documents and analysis, three main subjects based on this critical and complicated issue of house purchasing have been explored, and the conclusions of the research are given as follows:
1. The price differences among quantifiable and determination factors of each house purchasing alternatives.
In practices, it is verified that whether it is classified based on regional divisions or based on timing of purchasing, differences do exist in housing price discount percentage between auctioning market and searching market after correcting the estimate bias of self-selection, and differences of price discount fall roughly between 1.53% and 3.69. It is also verified that, by observing various districts in the first house purchasing stage (2003~2004), a period falling in economical recession, price differences do vary with different purchasing timings in the stage. The price differences of the auctioning market relative to searching market appear significant price discount percentage ranging from 17% to 24%. The only exception to this case might be during each of the first seasons in the years from 2005 to 2007, a period of booming economy, in which price differences didn’t seem so significant. However, when it comes to decisive factors of alternative house purchasing choices, there are still some quantifiable elements of resident condition and quantifiable purchaser elements that can be evaluated in addition to price differences.
2. The difference in making decision on house purchasing between real estate professionals and ordinary buyers.
In this theme, we utilize AHP to explore the interaction between real estate professionals who are closely related to this industry and ordinary buyers. From the regional point of view, the most significant variance appears in Taoyuan County and Taipei County where real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “resident conditions” as a most important factor while in Taipei City real estate professionals would view the price as the first priority.
3. Evaluation indicators and alternatives analysis of the factors which affect consumer in making decision on house purchasing.
Adopting AHP as an analytical method, we carried out questionnaire survey in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County as well as analyze their appraisal indicators. The findings are that, among five purchasing programs, namely newly completed houses, houses ordered before being built, houses auctioned by court, houses auctioned by banks, and houses auctioned by private financial sectors, the most likely case that consumers will choose is that of newly completed houses.
The four evaluation indicators that have affected consumers’ decision on buying a house are price, residential conditions, transaction system, and purchasers’ conditions. Among them, price and residential conditions are given more weight by consumers, but price alone possesses the highest weight to which both real estate professionals and ordinary buyers in Taipei City, ordinary buyers in Taipei County, and ordinary buyers in Taoyuan County all have given. Price is still the most influential factor when making a decision on house purchasing. However, is it realistic that price is so decisive as to reach to the extent like many people say “There is not any unmarketable house but an unacceptable level of price” ? The extremely aspect of this view needs be further considering deliberately.
As for the influential factors set up under the four evaluation indicators, here are the analyses: The three factors (price difference, transaction fee, and loan) of the first indicator named “housing price” are the first three valued factors either observed based on regional variance or based on purchasers. It can therefore be realized that how important and urgent it is to establish “price” information of the house purchasing market. In the second appraisal indicator named residential conditions, internal/external environment are the first three valued factors. However, internal environment seems to have more priority, and that is quite consistent with the traits of our fellow people, most of whom think only to care about themselves. Such phenomenon is quite common in many residential communities nowadays.
The real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “price difference” as a most important factor while the former added the factor of transaction fee, and the latter added up loan. From the difference areas point view, only Taoyuan County value “environment” more important than others. The rest of areas value “housing price” is the most important factor than others.
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投資型保險契約於不完全市場下定價之分析許玉蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:不完全市場、效用函數,買賣價差、最適避險策略 / Investment-linked life (LIL) insurance policies integrate the attributes from the mutual fund by introducing the investment options to the policyholders and life insurance through the benefit payments shielding the unexpected events of the insured. Since the execution of the implied options depends on the policyholder's health status. Actuarial equivalent principal and non-arbitrage pricing theory are used in evaluating the prices for LIL insurance policies. Brennan and Schwartz (1976) initially employ the option pricing theory in examining the pricing and hedging strategy for LIL insurance policies with minimum guarantees. Most published literatures are focusing on this issue adopting the B-S methodology. Since the values of the LIL policies cannot be replicated uniquely through the self-financing strategies due to underwriting risks of the insurance market. Insurance market does not satisfy the completeness assumptions,
Due to lack of a unique martingale measure under market incompleteness, the utility assumption of the policyholder is involved in the pricing issue. Insurance pricing must consider the risk attitude of the investors in the market. Hence the cost the LIL insurance policies are not necessarily equal to the fair market prices. The market value should fall within the range of the bid and ask prices. In this study, we follow the approach in Mercurio (1996) by adopting the quadratic utility function and compute the reasonable range of the prices based on maximizing the terminal health utility function. Binary tree method is used in modeling the asset dynamics. Then the numerical computations are performed using endowment LIL insurance policies with 5, 10 and 15 years of duration. Based on the results, we find that the risk attitude of the policyholder, the policy duration and minimum amounts of the guarantees significantly affect the bid-ask price spread of LIL insurance policies.
Keywords: market incompleteness; utility function; bid-ask spread; optimal hedging strategy.
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