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台灣期貨交易所商品投資組合保證金計算系統 / Goods investment combination margin computing system of邱義恆 Unknown Date (has links)
故本研究將依台灣期貨交易所現行的保證金制度,利用貪婪法(Greedy Method)設計出一套選擇權保證金策略選取法,並與台灣期貨交易所現行的選擇單制度及先權後期法、先期後法等選擇權保證金策略選取法進行衍生性金融商品保證金抵減率之比較。以找出能為交易人計算出有利之保證金計收方式。
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台灣期貨交易所收費合理性之探討林映辰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣期貨交易所主要收入來源為交易經手費及結算手續費,和先進國家相比,我國此兩項收費偏高,且隨著期貨市場交易量日增,期交所保留盈餘已超越股本,費用似有調降的空間。 期交所為一獨占組織,收費須受政府管制訂定,又其為公司制,定價須考量股東合理之報酬及保留可供未來擴充內部之資金,但亦肩負盡可能降低費率,以活絡市場,提升我國價格競爭力,與國際接軌等政策任務,具有公益及營利雙重性質。本文根據台灣期貨交易所1997年至2004年的損益表及1999年至2005年的成交量,利用高低點法分析期交所成本特性,再使用目標利潤訂價法及成本加成定價法試算交易經手費及結算手續費之建議費率,然後與現行費率比較,評估期交所收費是否合理。結果顯示實際收取的交易經手費是建議費率的2.35倍,結算手續費則是2.26倍,建議費率遠低於實際定價,故收費標準應有調降空間。
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台灣期貨市場之買賣價差因子分析 / Bid-Ask Spread Components in Taiwan Futures Exchange蘇筱芸, SU,HSIAO-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates the liquidity and the bid-ask spread components of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index futures contracts, Taiwan Stock Exchange Electronic Sector Index futures contracts, and Taiwan Stock Exchange Banking and Insurance Sector Index futures contracts traded on the Taiwan Futures Exchange, which switched from an electronic periodic call auction market to an electronic continuous auction market on July 29th 2002. It is a rare opportunity to deeply examine the liquidity and transaction cost components of financial derivatives under different trading mechanisms. Using intraday transaction data of transaction and quotes covering from March 2002 to May 2002 for the old trading mechanism and from October 2002 to December 2002 for the new trading mechanism, liquidity measures and bid-ask spread components are examined before and after the enforcement of the electronic continuous auction mechanism. First, for each type of futures contracts, liquidity measures including bid-ask spread, trading volume, trade number, trade size, volatility, and liquidity ratio are explored to show the multifacet of liquidity. Next, the model of Lin, Sanger, and Booth (1995) is used to decompose the spreads of each product in the two periods.
The empirical results show that quote spreads, effective spreads, percentage effective spreads, and dollar-weighted percentage effective spreads of the new system are all significantly lower than those measures in the old system for all of the three types of futures contracts. However, other liquidity measures do not show the same patterns. Overall, improvement of liquidity is found for futures contracts but not very consistent though. Multifacet of liquidity is showed by different measures, although two of these measures, including trade size and trade number, may not be suitable for this study. Moreover, the adverse selection is the most important component in the call auction market, which decreases in the continuous auction market. However, the change of other components, including order processing cost and order persistence, does not demonstrate the same pattern. The results indicate that the electronic continuous auction system protects uninformed traders from being hurt by informed traders. However, we also show that each type of futures contracts has its own specific component structure.
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