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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

自然災害、遷移選擇與社會環境影響─以雲林縣古坑鄉為例 / Natural Disasters, Migration Decisions, and Social Environmental Impact:A Case Study In Gukeng, Yunlin

鍾宛君, Chung, Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以經歷過921大地震以及多次土石流災害的雲林縣古坑鄉為個案,透過參與觀察法、質性訪談以及文獻檔案分析的方式,以了解當那些受到環境劇變的人們在經歷自然災害後,如何在有選的情況下做出遷移與否的決策,而哪些社會因素會在決策過程中影響人們的決定及行動。 本研究的重要發現包括以下幾點:第一,在自然災害發生後,多數的居民會選擇留下,這是基於本身的災害識覺排除了立即性、短時間內的生命威脅。同時,大部分的居民也會因為在地性的資源(如社會關係、在地知識、與在地的不動產)較多,而傾向選擇留在原地。同時,有一些社經弱勢家庭會因為非在地性資源的缺乏,也使他們不得不做出留下來的選擇。從生命史的觀點,本研究發現這些遷移決策往往是鑲嵌在長期累積的地方經驗與生活脈絡中的。第二,家庭的遷移往往是家庭成員整體的決定,或考量家庭整體需要後做出的決定。不同的家庭可能採取不同的方式來完成他們在地重建或者是遷移的目標。第三,個人和家庭的慣習往往在選擇的傾向或行動的方式中成為核心。多數人希望能在自然災害發生後恢復既有的生活慣習,但慣習的維持不僅在於個人能力,也與他所在環境中是否有足夠的社會支持有關。當社區中的社會安全網可以提供足夠的支持時,個人與家庭的慣習則得以被維持,而社區社會安全網又和地方產業型態具有緊密關聯。以觀光為主要發展的草嶺村,和在921大地震後轉型為觀光農業的華山村就是兩個極佳的對比案例。研究資料也顯示當地居民改變社會環境的可能,證明了人不是單向地受到社會環境的影響,也可以反向影響社會環境。 / This study aims at understanding how people make migration decisions after drastic environmental changes brought by natural disasters and exploring the social factors influencing these decisions. Gukeng was chosen as a case for this study due to its encounters of the Chichi earthquake and several landslides. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data, mainly through participant observation, in-depth interviewing techniques and text analysis. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, most residents tend to stay after natural disasters, and such choice is based on their hazard perception that excludes immediate and short-term threats to their lives. The majority of residents prefer to stay due to more local resources(including social relationships, local knowledge, and ownership of real estate property). Those families in lower social-economic status also tend to stay for the lack of non-local resources. From the perspective of life history, these decisions are embedded in local contexts contructed and experiences accumulated throughout the years. Second, family’s migration decision is usually made by all family members or based on the needs of all members. Different families may use different ways to reach their goals of migration or rebuilding on the same ground. Third, the habitus of individuals and families often become the core element in the modes of choice and action. Most people want to be able to recover their habitus after the natural disasters. However, the maintenance of the habitus is based not only on personal capacity, but also on the social support drawn from the his environment. People can maintain their habitus when the local community safety net can provide enough support, and the local community safety net is highly related to the development of local industries. The comparative study of Caoling Villege and Huashan Villege provides an illustrative example, in which the former is based on tourism and the latter was transformed into eco-tourism and tourist agriculture after the Chichi earthquake. The findings also show the possibility of people changing the environment, proving the mutual influence between individuals and the environment.

家戶住宅調整決策與區位選擇之研究-兼論女性的影響力分析 / Households' Housing Adjustment Decisions and Location Choice in Taipei — A Discussion of Female Decision-making Power

陳淑美 Unknown Date (has links)
國內對於住宅需求的相關研究,多偏向住宅價格、合理房價與購買力、消費量等研究,但是對於消費者住宅選擇行為的研究則較少見。住宅需求的主體以個體的家戶為單位,家戶在所得的限制之下,追求效用的最大化,做出遷移決策、區位選擇、增建決策等。 觀察台灣的都市現象,台北市的房價所得比高達8倍以上,不但居全台灣之冠,更遠超過歐美國家的水準,國內高房價的壓力會影響家戶的遷移成本與區位選擇。另外,在台北市的住宅類型八成以上為公寓大廈,只能從陽台或屋頂平台小幅增建,增加的住宅面積有限,未申請建照的增建多屬不合法的違建行為,無法自由調整,因此家戶採取增建方式調整住宅需求的行為會受到限制。而國內住、商、工混雜,土地相容使用,就業區位可能與住宅區位相距不遠,因此通勤成本可能較低,這些與國外迥異的都市背景,使得本研究想解構在台灣家戶的住宅調整決策與區位選擇行為。 本研究將家戶的生命週期類型與住宅遷移、區位選擇、增建決策相連結,探討每個特殊的生命週期家戶,其住宅調整決策的差異,分析各生命週期家戶的區隔,其結果有助於了解住宅次市場區隔以及住宅下濾、換屋行為。進一步探討家戶的住宅區位選擇: 台北市女性就業,使家庭所得、通勤成本增加,其住宅區位選擇與通勤行為應與單薪家戶不同,並驗證是否受到房價與通勤成本的取捨、相關資源與夫妻決策權力、以及家庭責任義務的影響。最後,探討戶長及配偶對於區位選擇的影響,驗證戶長配偶模式是否比過去研究以戶長屬性代替家戶屬性的模式較佳,分析家戶屬性所引申的住宅需求如何影響家戶的住宅區位選擇,以及分析夫妻的資源與決策影響力的性別差異關係。女性身為戶長,其決策影響力的消長應與一般傳統家戶的成員不同,分析是否產生女性特殊的住宅區位需求,其結果可以作為住宅政策的參考。 本文回顧相關文獻,發現單從經濟學的模式不足以說明家戶的選擇行為,而社會學與性別方面的議題和假說也未深入探討家戶的住宅區位選擇,因此考量現實的背景,希望從實證主義,剖析不同生命週期家戶的住宅調整方式,以及從大幅改變住宅屬性的遷移方式中,進一步解構家戶的住宅區位選擇行為與通勤的決策,並討論家庭責任、性別差異等相關課題。實證資料係採1990年台閩地區戶口及住宅普查台北市的資料,探討家戶對於自有住宅的調整決策,將台北市各行政區中位置相鄰、性質相近者分為六區,作為住宅區位選擇的替選區位。本研究以效用理論為基礎,分析家戶的遷移決策、遷移選擇一個新的住宅區位、以及增建決策等,追求家戶住宅需求效用的最大化,以不連續選擇模型進行實證。 結果發現高所得家戶選擇遷移的機率較高,低所得、或小孩正在成長的家戶較傾向選擇增建,住宅區位選擇的結果,也可印證人口往新興發展的郊區移動,老舊的西區流動性較差,應用在都市發展的政策上,可以針對資源的流動與新興地區的住宅及公共設施建設、交通運輸建設等相關政策做出建議。 另外,藉由女性的決策權力與需求的結果,發現女性就業的特性與所得資源對於區位、通勤選擇的影響力較低,反而是照顧小孩的家庭責任是關鍵因素,女性同時在外工作與擔任母職的角色,非常需要工作地點與住宅區為方便的連結,工作與居住分離的都市形式或許不敷台灣社會的需要,方便的交通與大眾運輸工具、以及價格合理且鄰近社區的兒童扥育設施都是女性急需的公共服務。 同時考慮夫妻兩位家戶成員的戶長配偶模式比傳統的戶長模式較能解釋住宅區位選擇的決策,但是在1990年當時的已婚女性多是無酬的家屬工作者或未就業,因此較沒有顯著的經濟影響力,惟獨年輕、教育程度較高的女性展現較不同於傳統的決策行為,而且以女性為戶長的家戶的確有孑然不同的區位選擇影響力,與台北市全體家戶、以男性為戶長的家戶相比,女性的戶長影響力較大。 / This dissertation consisted of four relative essays. Due to lack of housing adjustment decisions and location choice issues in Taiwan’s housing research, this study focus on some specific background in Taipei City, and reference to the existing studies. The relative resources and couple’s decision-making power effect is an important discussion point to which I drew attention. Using the discrete choice model and the data from “1990 Census of Population and Housing in Taipei”, the empirical studies are tested. As we known, the housing price in Taipei is the highest in Taiwan, households choose moving decision would pay higher adjustment cost. The most popular housing types in Taipei are apartments, the addition behavior without government permission is normally illegal. But under the constraint of affordability, some families would choose home improvement instead of moving to satisfy their housing needs for saving adjusting cost. In the first paper, I examined different choices of moving decision, housing location choice, and addition decision, which every household made. Households in different life cycle stages, indicating different income level, number of members, marriage status or other specific characteristics, they how to adjust their housing demand and make their housing decisions. The results will provide housing market segmentation information and explain the housing filtering behaviors. This second paper explores the effects on housing location choice in single and double income households in Taipei, and examines the relative hypotheses, such as relative resources and couple’s decision-making power, and household responsibility constrains. Households’ residential location choice are subjected to income constrains, facing the trade-off between housing price and commuting cost. Husbands who are usually the financial resources of a family economy get more decision- making power than wives. However, it would not play more significant role on location and commuting choices for wife to taking care of children. The results would suggest the government to provide convenient public transportation mode and children care service. The last two papers examine the impact of aggregated needs of household members on the choice of housing location in Taipei. Especially the discussion of family decision- making issues was raised. The results indicate that the choice of housing location is significantly impacted by the age, family origin, past housing location, education and occupation status, and the location of workplaces of both spouses. We also find that this decision is more significantly influenced by the attributes of the male spouse□than the female. However, among the households with a female household head, the female spouse□characteristics are more likely to be significant. Our results also offer a snapshot of today□Taiwanese culture that is dramatically different from the commonly understood male-dominance in the Chinese tradition.

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