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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光政策效果之研究 / A study on the effect of opening up the Mainland China people to Taiwan for sightseeing

王玉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2008年7月18日正式全面開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光,來臺旅遊觀光人數逐年遞升,究竟政府開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光之政策效果如何?又大陸地區人民來臺觀光政策實施後為何負面問題不斷浮現?實值得加以探討,亦為本研究主要動機。 本研究採文獻分析及深度訪談分析法,經分析後發現,陸客來臺可以創造的商機高於其他國家旅客﹐因此開放是正確的方向﹐目前開放大陸地區人民來臺旅遊市場之獲益雖未如預期,但所帶來的商機對臺灣經濟仍具一定影響力,且原先疑慮的國家安全、社會治安及排擠效果等問題,尚屬管控得宜,未出現重大負面效應。但觀察過去八年,政府僅注重是否開放及來臺陸客人數多寡﹐而無整體之陸客策略及相關配套措施﹐致影響政策執行效果。未來政府如可協助業者循序漸次解決陸客旅遊市場相關問題﹐並以拓展自由行、優質團及深度旅遊來創造更多兩岸觀光旅遊產生的外部利益﹐增加我方業者之整體獲利,相信對臺灣的觀光旅遊產業仍具正向意義。因兩岸情勢轉變,目前陸客人數減少仍不脫政治因素干擾,但依本研究觀察,開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光,中國大陸組團社亦獲有不少利益﹐而臺灣對陸客而言,仍具一定吸引力,陸客來臺仍有一定的市場需求,未來尚有發展空間,我方業者應趁此機會調整體質,促使產業升級﹐藉陸客來臺觀光契機發展我方觀光產業﹐未來不但可以吸引陸客也可吸引國旅及外籍觀光客。

陸客來臺管理之研究-以自由行與健檢醫美為例 / The Study of Management for Mainland Tourists –Take an Individual Travel & Health and Medical Cosmetology as an Example

陳雅琪, Chen, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2010年隨著國際觀光旅遊與景氣復甦,全球國際觀光客成長率已由負轉正,並自2011年起觀光業已逐漸走出陰霾,尤其以亞洲地區恢復力道最為強勁,且兩岸間之旅遊亦然。日本長久以來為來臺旅客之主要來源國,但自2010年起,中國大陸旅客來臺人數首度超越日本旅客,成為來臺觀光最大客源。在逐步開放陸客自由行與健檢醫美的版圖後,不僅帶動了臺灣地區相關產業發展,更擴大了其他的周邊效益,成功的開啟來臺旅遊的新市場。然而,有鑑於兩岸間特殊之政治關係與歷史背景,在搭上這波陸客市場商機的順風車同時,仍須留意與掌控陸客來臺之動機與行蹤,對陸客來臺之管理做到密切監控,並多方督導各部會與情治單位之保防與情蒐工作,加強職業敏感度以慎防國安漏洞。 本文要探究我國在開放陸客來臺觀光自由行與健檢醫美上具有哪些政策,並從相關政策中探討哪些法規成為陸客自由行與健檢醫美之法規漏洞,以提出如何控管陸客來臺之相關作為;從對我國利害關係點出發,分析陸客來臺後對於我國之政治、經濟、社會以及對普羅大眾帶來之效益與影響,最後提出建議與結論。

從優選理論之觀點分析海陸客語中的變調、介音及音節連併 / An Optimality Theory Approach to Tone Sandhi, Pre-nuclear Gliding, and Syllable Contraction in Hai-lu Hakka

張彩芳, Chang, Tsai Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在從優選理論(Optimality Theory)的架構觀點分析海陸客語中 的三個音韻現象:變調(Tone Sandhi)、介音(Pre-nuclear Gliding)及音節連併(Syllable Contraction)。   在變調方面,由於海陸客語中上聲與陰入聲助數詞不因環境而變調,在利用之前文獻解釋時必須另外設定條件來說明海陸助數詞的特殊變調行為,本文建議利用優選論的制約來分析,本文所提出的一組制約,可以成功的解釋海陸客語中的上聲與陰入聲變調現象。   在介音方面,本文選擇以端木三所提出的音節結構為海陸客語音節結構,因為海陸客語中介音所呈現的行為較似起首子音的次發音特徵,因此本文亦提出了一組制約解釋海陸介音在音節中的歸屬。   在音節連併方面,本文檢驗了之前文獻所提出的方法,發現無法全面解釋海陸音節連併的現象,因此,提出一組關於音段與聲調的連併之制約將海陸音節連併現象以優選理論呈現。   本文是第一篇嘗試以優選理論解釋海陸客語音韻現象的研究,希望能從不同於之前文獻的角度討論海陸客語音韻的問題。之前理論運作的缺陷與不足,在本文的分析下,均可以成功的以優選理論之制約層級來說明。 / This thesis aims to explore three issues in Hai-lu Hakka Phonology in terms of Optimality Theory (OT). The three issues are tone sandhi, pre-nuclear gliding and syllable contraction.   Hai-lu Shang Toned and Yin-ru Toned numerals preserve their base tones in any case. Thus, previous studies would need to add an additional condition for the special tone sandhi behaviors of Hai-lu numerals. This thesis offers a set of OT constraints to explain tone sandhi in Hai-lu. The OT constraints can successfully operate Hai-lu tone sandhi without additional conditions.   Pre-nuclear glides in Hai-lu behave like the secondary articulations of the onsets. This thesis suggests Duanmu's (1990) syllable structure for Hai-lu syllables. A set of constraints are proposed to explain the pre-nuclear gliding in Hai-lu syllables.   The approaches previous studies suggest for syllable contraction are not across-the-board in Hai-lu. Thus, a set of segmental and tonal constraints are proposed to explain Hai-lu syllable contraction. The OT constraints operate syllable contraction in Hai-lu without difficulties.   This thesis is a pioneering study which aims to examine Hai-lu phonology in terms of OT. With OT constraint rankings, this thesis explains the remaining problems from previous studies successfully.

開放陸客第一類來臺觀光迄今對治安之影響與對策 / Counter-measures to Impacts of the Open Policyto Mainland Tourists in the First Category

羅韋凱 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年7月政府開放第一類大陸人民來臺觀光, 復於2011年6月開放陸客來臺個人旅遊,霎時大陸旅客蜂湧來臺,然持續擴大開放政策之同時,陸客利用觀光來臺涉犯諸如竊盜、詐欺、賣淫等違法案件所在多有,不禁令人擔憂後遺症是否浮現? 本文研究目的,即在分析政府開放陸客第一類來臺觀光以來,對臺灣治安有哪些影響,並探討其因應對策。文中採用文獻分析法、深入訪談法及次級資料分析法等,並援引「非法移民」、「理性選擇」、「跨境犯罪」等理論,探究該政策實施迄今對我社會治安影響為何?及分析各治安機關執行陸客來臺觀光審核、管理與查緝之問題與瓶頸? 經研究發現,政府開放陸客第一類來臺觀光以來,衍生之治安現象如下:(1)先脫團、後犯案模式轉變;(2)審核不嚴方便『合法入境掩護非法活動』行為;(3)人蛇集團仲介色情賣淫及跨境重大竊盜案、詐騙犯罪問題;(4)違法模式隨政策持續改變。另執行安全管理問題如下:(1)法令受政策影響,有欠通盤考量;(2)陸客人流審核管理現隱憂;(3)安全與經濟、人權呈現拉扯;(4)法制不同影響打擊犯罪合作;(5)審核人力、專業性不足;(6)旅行社業務轉讓,危機意識欠缺;(7)電信犯罪偵查困境仍待突破。 經歸納後提出以下建議:(1)法律制定作長期性考量;(2)設置兩岸官方辦事處,強化源頭管理、促進打擊犯罪;(3)卡式入境許可證結合悠遊卡、電子錢包促銷觀光;(4)兩岸防治跨境犯罪相關規定法制化;(5)檢討移民署組織人力與需求;(6)加強查察旅行社違規接待或轉讓業務;(7)強化治安實務交流與訓練,建構兩岸犯罪資料庫。 / In July 2008, Taiwanese government passed a legislation allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel into Taiwan. In June 2011, Taiwanese government first allowed travelers from Mainland China on an individual basis and soon generated tremendous numbers of Chinese tourists in Taiwan. Nevertheless, when the opening policy for individual tourists from Mainland China increased substantially, illegal activities such as larceny, fraudulence, prostitution and so on emerged at the same time. It’s worrying that Chinese tourists may have had negative impacts on Taiwan. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impacts on the public security in Taiwan and countermeasures since legislation allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel to Taiwan. In this paper, research methods (such as literature review, in-depth interview and secondary data analysis) are applied to investigate the impacts of the opening policy for Chinese tourists on the public security in Taiwan. Theories about “illegal immigrants,” “rational choice theory,” “transnational crime,” and so on are cited. The research found that the following negative influences on public security brought by allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel into Taiwan: (1) tourists from Mainland China leaving the tour group first and using the different modus operandi to do illegal activities, (2) lenient examination on tourists from Mainland China leading to illegal activities covered by legal immigration, (3) criminal behaviors (e.g. trans-border larceny, prostitution, fraudulence, etc.) being conducted by people smuggling syndicates, (4) illegal activities appearing in different forms when the policy change happens. The following are problems of execution of safety control: (1) enactment of laws and orders being influenced by policies, not taking all things into consideration. (2) potential problems with the examination on tourists from Mainland China. (3) dilemma of choosing economy booting, safety control, or human right protection. (4) different legal systems influencing the cooperation of crime-fighting. (5) lack of manpower and insufficient professionalism. (6) travel agencies being lack of the awareness of crisis when transferring business. (7) the plight of the investigation on telephone fraud. Here are some suggestions inducted to solve the problems: (1) enacting the laws and orders with the long-run consideration. (2) establishing the official cross-strait office to enhance safety control and crime-fighting cooperation. (3) combining EasyCard and Visa Cash with entry permit to boost tourism. (4) enacting relating laws to prevent trans-border illegal activities. (5) reviewing the lack of manpower of National Immigration Agency. (6) enhancing the examination on travel agencies to check whether they accept tourists or convey business illegally or not. (7) intensifying the training courses of crime-fighting for police officers, sharing the practical experiences, and setting criminal databases.

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