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客服中心驅動企業需求鏈管理之價值研究 / Value activities for demand chain management黃明慧 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 透過客服中心的四種營運模式,企業具體蒐集顧客心聲,轉化為對顧客需求之了解,進而針對消費者需求提供適合的產品或服務。
二、 透過客服中心所收集顧客心聲(Voice of Customer),經過內部資訊傳遞,可驅動企業主要八大價值活動「品牌認同」、「產品研發」、「製程與品管」、「行銷活動」、「通路管理」、「服務流程」、「營業收入」、「顧客經驗」。
三、 本研究推論當企業可採取不同的客服中心營運模式以協助企業達到不同的策略目標。
一、 企業客服中心,可以收集重要顧客資訊,並透過跨部門之資訊交流與管理,轉化為重要策略之參考依據,影響企業需求鏈管理的八大價值活動。
二、 企業客服中心可以協助企業驅動需求鏈管理之「了解顧客需求」(Understand Demand)、「管理顧客需求」(Manage Demand)與「創造顧客需求」(Create Demand)。 / In the more and more eager competition business environment, enterprises’s competences are transformed from supply-chain management to demand chain management. Customer-oriented is an important policy and reference for enterprises to determine development strategy.
Customer contact center could collect most customer data and information which could facilitate company extract important customer insight and opinions from them. There are four operation models of customer service center, which includes”Customer service center”、”Customer care center ”、”Marketing response center”、”Telemarketing Center”. The objective of the research is want to find out how the customer insight collected from these four operation center interactive the eight major company value activities.
The research is analyzed and investigated through 3 real cases, and we have the research finding as following,
I. Through four models of customer contact center, enterprises could collect customer insight and transform them into the understanding of customer demand and modify the business strategy accordingly.
II. The voice of customer collected from customer contact center could facilitate the eight major company value activities.
III. The finding of the research inferred that the four models of customer contact center could help enterprises achieve different strategic objectives accordingly.
Key word:Call Center、Demand Chain Management、Customer Insight、Customer Service
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數位產品網路行銷之顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式 / The Measurement Model of Customer Information Satisfaction for Internet Marketing of Digital Products王怡舜, Yi-Shun Wang Unknown Date (has links)
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION….………………………………………….….…1
SATISFACTION ……………………………………………………………………..4
2.1 The Focus of This Study…………………………………………….…..…….4
2.2 The Impact of E-commerce on the Business Process of DPSPs….……….…..5
2.3 Instruments for Measuring User Information Satisfaction (UIS) and
End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)…….……………..……………….6
2.4 The Conceptual Definition of Web Customer Information Satisfaction ….…..9
2.5 The Theoretical Framework for Assessing WCIS……………………….…..12
2.6 Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction………………………….……14
3.1 Generation of Initial Item List……………………………………………...16
3.2 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………....17
FACTOR ANALYSIS…...…………………………………………………………..19
4.1 Sample and Procedure……………………………………………………….19
4.2 Item Analysis and Reliability Estimates……………………………………..20
4.3 Identifying the Factor Structure of the WCIS Construct…..…………………21
4.4 Reliability…………………………………………………………………….23
4.5 Content Validity………………………………………………………………25
4.6 Criterion-Related Validity……………………………………………………25
4.7 Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity by Type of Web Site……………..26
4.8 Discriminant and Convergent Validity……………………………………….27
4.9 Nomological Validity………………………………………………………...28
WCIS INSTRUMENT………………………………………………...……………30
5.1 Need for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………………….….30
5.2 Methods……………………………………………………………………....33
5.3 Data Collection for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………….41
5.4 Alternative Models…………………………………………………..……….43
5.5 Criteria for Comparing Model-Data Fit…..………………………………….46
5.6 Checks for Statistical Assumptions………………………………………….49
5.7 Estimation Method…………………………………………………………...50
5.8 Results………………………………………………………………………..50
5.9 Assessment of Reliability and Validity………………………………………55
5.10 The Measurement of Service Quality……………………………………….60
5.10.1 The Development of SERVQUAL and IS-adapted SERVQUAL………61
5.10.2 Refinement of an EC-adapted SERVQUAL…………………………...66
5.11 Research Findings for Confirmatory Analysis……………………………...72
5.11.1 Findings for Question One……………………………………………72
5.11.1 Findings for Question Two……………………………………………74
5.12 Comparison of Underlying Dimensions Between UIS, EUCS
and WCIS…………………………………………………………………..76
CHAPTER 6. IMPLICATIONS………….………………………………………..77
6.1 Implications for Practice……………………………………………….....….77
6.2 Implications for Research.……………………………………………………79
CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION……..………………………………………………81
APPENDIX A Measurement of Web Customer Information Satisfaction –
Forty-Three Items Used in the Pilot Study…………………………………………...97
APPENDIX B Observed Correlation Matrix of WCIS Instrument in
Confirmatory Analysis..……………………………………………………………....99
APPENDIX C Observed Correlation Matrix of Initial EC-SERVQUAL
APPENDIX D The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 1……..…………………...101
APPENDIX E The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 2.……….………………...102
APPENDIX F The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 3...………………………...104
APPENDIX G The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 4..………………………...105
APPENDIX H The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 1.…………….106
APPENDIX I The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 2.…………….107
APPENDIX J The LISREL Program for The Structural Model Between
WCIS and EC-SERVQUAL Measures………………………………..………………...108
ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………...110 / MIS literature has not addressed the measurement of web customer information satisfaction (WCIS) in electronic commerce. Current models for measuring user information satisfaction (UIS) and end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either conventional data processing or the end-user computing environment. This study develops a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring customer information satisfaction for web sites that market digital products and services. This paper first discusses the concepts and definitions of WCIS construct from the literature. The researcher summarizes his findings in a theoretical framework. Based on this framework, the researcher develops a measurement instrument to measure web customer information satisfaction. The procedures used in generating items, collecting data, and purifying a multiple-item scale are described. The researcher has carefully examined evidences of reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity by analyzing data from two quota samples. The potential applications for practitioners and researchers are then explored. Finally, the researcher concludes this study by discussing limitations and potential future research. The researcher hopes that the proposed WCIS instrument with good reliability and validity can be used by other researchers to develop and test Internet marketing and EC theories in the future.
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