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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李誠 Unknown Date (has links)
當企業經營邁向地區多元化的時候,駐外人員管理政策必須與企業的地區多元化策略相互配合。而除了事業策略與功能政策間的相互配合關係外,企業因地區多元化經驗所積累的經驗與資源,也會影響企業的駐外人員管理政策內容。因此,本研究嘗試透過深度訪談與次級資料的蒐集,針對下列三項問題進行研究: 1.瞭解企業處於不同地區多元化階段時,駐外人員管理重心的演進、及駐外人員 角色定位的變化。 2.瞭解駐外人員管理政策與地區多元化策略間的呼應與配合關係。 3.探討我國企業駐外人員管理政策的實質內容;包括招募與遴選、訓練、薪酬、績效評估、職涯規畫、回任等等。 並以組織規模、外銷值及佔總銷售額百分比、海外設點年數、海外分支機構數目、海外價值鏈的垂直整合程度、國際營運組織結構等變數,作為判別企業地區多元化階段的指標;而以司徒達賢所提出的策略六大構面:產品線廣度與特色、目標市場區隔方式與選擇、垂直整合程度之取決、相對規模與規模經濟、地理涵蓋範圍、競爭武器,作為描述企業地區多元化策略的方式。而駐外人員管理政策則描述招募與遴選、訓練、派任、薪酬、職涯規畫、回任等功能政策的內容。 研究發現則針對三大部份依序提出命題: 1.各地區多元化階段的駐外人員管理政策演進 2.地區多元化策略與駐外人員管理政策間關係 3.駐外管理各功能政策之命題 並針對本研究對理論與實務上的貢獻予以歸納,最後提出本研究可能的後續研究方向、以及研究過程當中的觀察所得,以供後續研究者作為參考。

我國駐外人員待遇制度合理性之研究 / Research on the reasonable compensation system for Taiwanese diplomats

駱美玲, Lo, Mei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的外交處境向來艱困,一方面在爾虞我詐的現實國際政治環境求生存原本不易,復以我國駐外人員相較於歐美等先進國家駐外人員而言,駐外工作更為艱辛。為能提供駐外人員相當的奧援與誘因,讓正在前線服務的駐外人員全心投入拓展我國際生存空間、維持國家利益的外交工作,亦為吸引優秀人才投入外交行列。惟有公平合理的待遇制度,不但可以吸引及留住人才,並且可以滿足工作者在生理、安全和社交上的需求,甚至提升自尊的感覺和自我實現的機會。 我國駐外人員的待遇除了無法適時隨國外政經條件而調整外,薪俸結構本身亦缺乏調整匯兌風險之設計,使得我國駐外人員待遇產生種種不合理現象,近年來由於駐地生活環境變遷及國際油價波動劇烈,造成通貨膨脹等因素,部分駐外館處所在之駐在國之經濟、社會、民生等發展現況或生活艱困程度均產生變化,為合理反映各駐地之實際生活現況,宜建立彈性調整機制,以檢視各駐地地域加給支給數額合理性之必要。 鑒於上述研究動機,本論文藉由文獻分析及德菲法為研究方法,經由專家一致性意見,探討「我國駐外人員待遇制度」之合理性,發現我國駐外人員待遇結構、待遇調整、地域加給標準及匯兌損失等方面的問題,並據以提出相關建議,期使我國駐外人員待遇制度更臻於合理。 / Taiwan's diplomatic situation always encounters with difficulties. For one thing, it is not easy to survive in the international political environment of reality. For another, our diplomats confront more frustration than their counterparts of the Western countries. We should provide more supports and incentives to propel the frontline diplomats to concentrate on the expansion of our international space and the protection of our national benefits, and additionally, to recruit more outstanding diplomatic potential elites. Justly and reasonable compensation system not only attracts and retains talents but fulfill the workers’ physical, security and social needs. The self-esteem can be promoted and the self-realization can be also achieved. The compensation system of our diplomats stationed abroad is not adjusted in accordance with overseas political and economic situations conditionally, and the compensation structure lacks in readjustment to the risk in currency exchange fluctuations, resulting in various unreasonable phenomena. In recent years the station environments have been changing and the oil price has been swaying, causing the inflation as well as the vicissitudes economically, socially, and in livelihood. Thus, we should build a flexible mechanism in inspection of compensations and bonuses to reasonably reflect real life conditions at stations. Based on the research motivations mentioned above, this paper investigates the reasonableness of our Compensation System of Diplomats Stationed Abroad by the literature review and the Delphi method with the experts’ unanimity. Besides, it also seeks to disclose the problems in the compensation structure, adjustment, bonuses and exchange losses, and to propose suggestions to improve the system.

駐外人員工作與家庭關係之研究─以僑務委員會為例 / The research of overseas official’s work-family relationship-A case study of Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission R.O.C(Taiwan)

楊子瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
我國外交工作的目的在營造爭取一個有利我們國家人民生存發展的國際環境,內容包含了經貿、金融、教育、文化、科技、農業、醫療、衛生、軍事、環保、觀光、援外、司法互助、國際宣傳、領務、僑務及海外國人急難救助等諸多工作面向。其中僑務駐外人員係以服務海外的僑胞為主,手機要保持24小時的暢通,他們工作的時間相當的長,而且僑務駐外人員因為工作的環境是在外交部的駐外單位下,當外交部與僑務委員會的長官意見有出入時,他們要如何扮演好溝通橋樑的角色;再者,當他們派外在國外時,又是如何維繫家庭關係。研究者藉由本研究能以期瞭解駐外人員在各駐外館處面臨工作壓力時如何調適及家庭關係又是如何去維持,藉此瞭解駐外人員在異鄉堅持奮鬥下去的動力。 本研究所採用的是文獻回顧法及半結構式的訪談兩項研究方法。以僑務委員會曾駐外過人員為受訪對象,共訪談10位受訪者,透過深度訪談僑務駐外人員,彙整僑務駐外人員訪談內容,針對訪談內容加以分析討論,研究發現:(一)在工作領域方面:冷靜思考、果決的判斷力、負責任是影響駐外僑務人員主管領導的重要因素;僑務駐外人員同時接受外交部與僑務委員會的指示,當兩者政策不同時,會形成僑務駐外人員的工作壓力;僑務工作內容是僑務駐外人員工作壓力來源之一;工作夥伴關係良好,會提升僑務駐外人員的工作滿足感;缺少語言、溝通等專業能力亦為僑務駐外人員工作壓力來源之一。(二)家庭關係方面:配偶的支持與僑務工作人員工作家庭間的衝突有正相關性;對家庭採積極投入的態度,對於親子關係有正關聯性;協助配偶建立社交圈與僑務駐外人員工作家庭衝突有負相關性;海外物價高與僑務駐外人員家庭關係有相關性;親友間的互動與僑務駐外人員工作家庭衝突有負相關性。

駐外人員人力資源管理制度對海外適應與工作績效影響之研究-以政府機關為例 / A Research of Human Resource Management Systems of Expatriates on the Relationship between Overseas Adaptation and Work Performance-Government as an example

高景彬, Kao, Ching-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
在當前快速變遷與高度不確定性環境下,政府施政環境日益複雜,面對社會大眾多元化之強烈需求,如何提升政府機關工作績效,同時加強台灣國際競爭力,以滿足社會及民眾的需求,是當前政府的一項重大挑戰。有鑑於國際人力資源管理之研究眾多,但都未能探討國際人力資源管理的所有功能,且對各項功能間之關係亦未探討,同時缺乏有系統的研究,實證研究也不多見。我國中央政府機關依功能、任務不同,分別派有駐外人員,有關政府機關駐外人員人力資源管理制度之文獻及研究並不多。筆者工作上有機會接觸各駐外單位,因此將針對政府機關,探討甄選、教有訓練、激勵等決定因素,對駐外人員海外適應與工作績效之主要作用和交互作用影響,使理論及實務更完備,期利用政府機關人力資源管理制度,以提升駐外人員海外適應與工作績效。 本研究以問卷調查的方式進行,共發出問卷193份,回收175份問卷,回收率為90.67%。透過敘述性統計、因素分析、集群分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等數量方法,以實證資料來分析政府機關駐外人員的甄選、教育訓練與激勵差異性,探討其對駐外人員海外適應的影響,並進一步瞭解與工作績效的關係。本研究結果顯示如下: 一、「符合駐外任務所需工作能力的甄選」與「符合駐外任務所需基本條件的甄選」對「海外適應」並無顯著的正向影響。 二、「符合駐外任務所需工作能力的甄選」與「工作績效」有顯著正相關。 三、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的教育訓練」與「符合駐外任務所需語言面的教育訓練」對「海外適應」皆產生顯著的正向影響。 四、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的教育訓練」與「符合駐外任務所需語言面的教育訓練」對「工作績效」無顯著正相關。 五、「符合駐外任務所需財務性的激勵制度」與「符合駐外任務所需非財務性的激勵制度」對「海外適應」並無顯著正向影響。 六、「符合駐外任務所需財務性的激勵制度」對「工作績效」有顯著正向影響。 七、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的海外適應」對「工作績效」有顯著正向影響。 八、「高度整合駐外人員人力資源管理制度」對「海外適應」及「工作績效」均有顯著正向影響。 管理涵意則為政府機關駐外人員若要有高度工作績效,除了國際人力資源管理制度的考量之外,還需要其他構面如海外適應等加以配合,才能充分發揮實施效益。本研究的發現可提供政府機關在未來擬定駐外人員人力資源管理制度時之策略參考。 / In a fast-changing and highly uncertain environment, the government is facing pluralistic claims of the public. How to promote the work performance of government, enhance the international competitive edge of Taiwan, and cater to the demands of society and the populace are the important challenges for the current government. Although there is much research and literature on international human resource management (IHRM), none of it studies all functions oflHRM the relationships among functions in systematic or experimental research. For the time being, the government's ministries and associations dispatch expatriates respectively by the different functions and missions. But the literature and research do less to study international human resource management system(IHRMS) of the government's expatriates. I have the opportunity to work and contact the other ministries' and associations' expatriates; hence, I will focus on government organization and explore how the decisive factors which are selection, education and training and motivation, impinge on the major function and the interplay of overseas adaptation and work performance of expatriates. By means oflHRMS of the government, thesis will complete the theory and the practice as well as promote overseas adaptation and work performance. The research uses a questionnaire to survey. For the 175 received questionnaires of 193 issued, the received rate is 90.67%, To analyze the differences and explore the influences on overseas adaptation and work performance among selection, education and training and motivation of the government's expatriates, the research uses some quantitative measures such as descriptive statistics, factor, cluster, correlation and regression analyses. The major findings are: (l)Both "work-capability selection of the corresponding overseas mission" and "basic-conditions selection of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (2)"work-capability selection of the corresponding overseas mission" has a significant positive correlation "work performance." (3)"the job education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the language education and training ot ine corresponding overseas mission" have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (4)"Thejob education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the language education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive correlation on "work performance." (5)"The financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the non-financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (6)"The financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" has a significant positive influence on "work performance." (7)"0verseas work adaptation" has a significant positive influence on "work performance." (8)"Highly integrated IHRMS of expatriates" has a significant positive influence on both "overseas adaptation" and "work performance." The managerial meaning is that if the government would like to have high work performance of expatriates, it needs to consider not only IHRMS, but overseas adaptation, etc. The results of the research can provide the government the strategic reference of planning HRMS of expatriates in the future.


顏瑞瑩, Yen,Jui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的針對國內蔚為盛行的產業外移風潮,而大陸地區正在彼岸用無限的商機和減少勞動成本的誘因招手著,如何有效的創造最大的利潤和競爭力正是對大陸投資的臺商共同關切的問題,而企業最大的資產來自於優秀的人才,唯有適才適所才能創造雙贏,因此本研究希望藉由建構客觀的指標性工具--外派管理職能評鑑量表,用以輔助企業有效地找出適切的外派大陸地區之主管。 本研究先透過文獻回顧與整理、標竿主管深度訪談,建構初步的外派大陸地區管理職能量表146題。再透過內容效度、重要性分析後確認了103題當作正式實證測試的正式問卷。本研究共寄出427份問卷,回收有效問卷為221份,有效問卷回收率為51.8﹪。 問卷回收後,進行因素分析篩選出七個外派管理職能的衡量性構面共計有31題。七個構面的內部一致性α值介於0.74 ~ 0.82之間,具備高度的內部一致性。研究結果的七個構面分述於下: 一、處理跨文化事務問題的能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備預防問題發生的能力;具備迅速發現問題的能力;具備對事務、問題的理解、分析、解決的能力;具有面對危機處理,快、狠、準的應變力和行動力;具有替代方案的規劃準備;以及具備跨文化勞資、團隊爭議的謹慎談判和處理能力等等。 二、海外生活的適應性職能群組 主要職能包括具備對挫折的堅忍力;具備容忍不明確的能力特質;能夠自我情緒智商的控制、發展與管理;具備對文化韌性、跨文化的適應力(生活、環境、工作上的適應力);以及壓力管理、本身抗壓性良好等特質。 三、自我導向職能群組 主要職能包括具備謙虛,對自我要求持續地改善任何缺失之處,不斷地自我超越之特質;定期做喜愛的活動,幫助紓緩新的實體及文化環境所帶來壓力;在異國中能尋找可替代原有嗜好或活動;能夠有充份的自信心和自我的認同;有自我充實、成長與不斷學習新知,以求創新之特性等等。 四、面臨當地各方面環境之決策能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備獨立決策的能力;具備適時企劃、計劃能力;具備多面向和清晰的邏輯、系統化思考力;具備正確、迅速對事務的判斷力;以及具有對數字的敏銳度,以應變政治、經濟環境對市場影響等等。 五、跨文化團隊建立發展能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備跨文化團隊合作的能力;具有創造跨文化團隊的向心力、凝聚力、工作價值;以及具備促進跨文化工作團隊的順利建立、發展與運作的能力等等。 六、透視或體會社會結構同質性職能群組 主要職能包括具備在外派任務中能傳承公司文化和習性並且運用;具有在外派任務中能導入公司的價值觀之認知;具有本地、外地員工間的文化融合的人文特質;及具備尊重當地文化、不本位主義的態度。 七、跨國任務的執行力職能群組 主要職能包括對工作高度的責任感;面面俱到執行任務之實現能力;及具備執行工作的的熱誠、熱情、活力等等。 最後透過迴歸分析的檢驗,驗證出本評鑑量表對外派大陸地區主管人員的工作績效具有顯著性的影響,當中以自我導向職能群組、海外生活的適應性職能群組、透視或體會社會結構同質性職能群組、跨國任務的執行力職能群組的影響最顯著。 / The purpose of this study is to research on the current of Taiwan industry relocation, and the Mainland China is waving with the limitless business opportunity and inducement of the labor cost of the reduction on the other shore, how the effective creation largest profit and competitiveness are exactly common issues deeply concerned of Taiwan corporations of investing in the Mainland China, and enterprise's largest assets come from outstanding talented human resources. The win-win situation could only be created rightly by proper arrangement. Therefore, this research hopes by building and constructing the objective index tool –Expatriate managerial competencies assessment scale, is used to find out the appropriate executive who sends the continent area to oversea operation effectively in auxiliary enterprises. This research is reviewed and put in order through documents first, the model is in charge of depth interview, build and construct preliminary 146 questions of form of the China regional managerial competencies and have confirmed after and then analyzing through content validity . Among them, 103 questions are regarded as the formal questions by the level of importance that formats final questionnaire. Sending 427 questionnaires altogether in this research, there is 221 retrieved the effective questionnaire; the effective rate of recovery of questionnaire is 51.8. After the questionnaire is retrieved, I carry on the factor analysis that has 31 questions to construct the surface altogether to screen seven domains .While Cronbach α between 0.74 to 0.82 in internal consistency, a value of seven domains of managerial competencies, possess the internal consistency of the height. Seven domains of the result of study are divided and stated as follow: First, ability of dealing with the cross-cultural affairs competencies:Possess and preventing the ability that the question happens; Possess the ability to pinpoint the problems rapidly; Possess the understanding, analysis, ability to solve to the affairs, problem; Deal with the crisis, fast, ruthless, accurate adaptability to changes and action strength; There is planning which substitutes the scheme that is prepared; And the prudent negotiation with cross-cultural labor and capital, group's dispute and so on. Second, adjustment of overseas life competencies:Possess the steadfast and persevering strength to the setback. Possess and tolerate the indeterminate ability and specialty. Can self- mood control, develop of IQ manage; Possess it to cultural-toughness, cross-cultural adjustment (life, environment, adaptive capacity at work); Specialties, such as and pressure management, resisting the pressing well by itself and so on. Third, self-oriented competencies:Possess modestly, to requiring oneself that improves the place of any disappearance continuously, specialty that is surmounting oneself constantly; Do the activity that likes regularly, help to release the pressure which cause by new entity and cultural environment; Ability to find the substitute to take place the original hobby or activity; There can be self-confidence of filling one and self- approval; Oneself substantiates, grows up and studies new knowledge, so that characteristic of innovation ,etc. constantly. Fourth, ability of decision making when facing local environments of various fields competencies:The ability with independent decision making; Possess the enterprise planning in real time, plan ability; Possess and face more with clear logic, systematic thinking; Possess the correct judgment ability to the affairs rapidly; And have it to acumen degree of the figure, the political, economic environment influences etc. the market in order to meet an emergency. Fifth, ability of the cross-cultural team builder and development cluster competencies:The ability with cross-cultural team unity; have centripetal force, cohesiveness, work values of creating the cross-cultural team; And possess and promote smooth setting-up, development and ability of operation which step the cross-cultural work team and so on. Sixth, the similarity of structure of societies competencies:Possess and can pass on company's culture and habits and acquired characteristics and use in sending the task to some other department; Have cognition that can be channeled into the values of the company in sending the task to some other department; Have humane specialty that culture among here, none-local staff merges; Respect local culture, attitude of selfish depart mentalism to possess. Seventh, execution of the transnational task competencies:The sense of duty to the working height; Realization ability to attend to each and every aspect of a matter and execute the task; and the cordiality, enthusiasm, vigor of the one that possess execution assignments and so on. Finally, through regression analysis, it proves that there is a great connection between the assessment scale and the performance mana- gement personnel who is sent to Mainland China. The competencies that with higher influences are self-directed competencies, adjustment of overseas life competencies, the similarity of structure of societies com- petencies, execution of the transnational task competencies.

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