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澳門中學生物理學習動機與其知覺物理教師課堂行為之相關研究 / Study of the relationship between students' learning motivation to Physics and their perception of Physics teachers' classroom behaviors in secondary schools in Macau王愛真 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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對話教學在高一數學課堂教學中的運用 / Dialogic teaching in Grade 10 Mathematical classrooms肖芳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門與台北地區的高中男女學生運動參與行為研究 / Research on Macau and Taipei district high school male and female students' sport participation behavior李雲堅 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門中學美術欣賞課的教材與功能之探討 / Study on the function and curriculum of art appreciation in Macao's secondary school鄧驍 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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內地學生選擇高等院校影響因素之研究 / Study of factors on college choices of Mainland China students潘瀟瀟 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門高三學生選擇高等院校的考量因素之研究 / Study of factors on college choices of Macao Form Six students李天榮 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門中學生休閒活動參與之研究 / Study of Macao secondary school students' participation in leisure activities張芳興 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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透過分析PISA 2009調查數據探討澳門學生網頁檢索導航行為對數碼閱讀素養表現的影響 / Study of the effects of webpage navigation behaviours on Macao students’ digital reading literacy performance through analysing PISA2009 study data蔣偉昌 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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天文科普教學模式對於澳門高中學生學習動機及學習成就影響之研究 / Effects of astronomy science popularization teaching models on Macao senior secondary students' learning motivation and achievement林葆健 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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高中職社區化-適性學習社區劃分合理性之探討李聖鐸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,雲林縣整體就學機會率較他縣市低落,高中、職學校集中於特定鄉鎮,空間分布不甚平均,不利於學生就近就學,而產生部分學生向外縣市通學的情形。外縣市通學的人口中,以高職生為多,多往嘉義縣、市為就學地;顯示雲林縣境內就學機會的供給不敷需求,高職就學機會不均的現象比高中嚴重許多。而就雲林縣三個適性學習社區觀察,雲二區、雲三區內高中、職學生區內就讀的比例皆為六成以上,是為社區內就近就學的良好基礎;雲一區學生外流的情形嚴重,特別是高職學生,往嘉義縣、市通學的趨勢集中,顯示雲一區內就學機會供不應求的情形嚴重,值得注目。對教育當局的建議有二:(1)高中、職通學活動範圍不同,不宜以同一地理界線劃分;(2)雲一區學生向外通學現象嚴重,宜增設高中職校改善之。 / With the popularization of post-secondary education, the Ministry of Education adopts the plan of “Community Senior High School and Vocational School” to connect with the compulsory education. In this plan, Taiwan has been divided into 45 “Adaptive Learning Communities” and the purpose is to diminish the urban-rural difference and increase the opportunity of nearby school enrollment.
This study observes the geographical distribution of students in the three communities in Yunlin to examine the condition of nearby school enrollment. The conclusions are as follows: Senior high schools and vocational schools distributes disproportionately in Yunlin. In other words, almost all schools concentrate in the few towns. It is common for students to commute between residential and school districts, especially for the students enrolled in vocational school. Many non-resident students commute to Chiayi, and the flow of the commuter shows that the supply is unable to meet the demand of school enrollment totally in Yun-1st community. Besides, there are still many students enrolled in nearby schools in Yun-2nd Community and Yun-3rd Community.
Based on the results and discoveries of this study, the following suggestions are proposed: (1)The range of the community should be re-divided for senior high schools and vocational schools respectively. (2)It is necessary to establish more schools in Yun-1 community to increase the supply of the opportunity of the nearby school enrollment.
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