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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klasifikace vzorů pomocí fuzzy neuronových sítí / Fuzzy Neural Networks for Pattern Classification

Ollé, Tamás January 2012 (has links)
Práce popisuje základy principu funkčnosti neuronů a vytvoření umělých neuronových sítí. Je zde důkladně popsána struktura a funkce neuronů a ukázán nejpoužívanější algoritmus pro učení neuronů. Základy fuzzy logiky, včetně jejich výhod a nevýhod, jsou rovněž prezentovány. Detailněji je popsán algoritmus zpětného šíření chyb a adaptivní neuro-fuzzy inferenční systém. Tyto techniky poskytují efektivní způsoby učení neuronových sítí.

Neuro-fuzzy systémy / Neural-Fuzzy Systems

Dalecký, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with artificial neural networks theory. Subsequently, fuzzy sets are being described and fuzzy logic is explained. The hybrid neuro-fuzzy system stemming from ANFIS system is designed on the basis of artificial neural networks, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. The upper-mentioned systems' functionality has been demonstrated on an inverted pendulum controlling problem. The three controllers have been designed for the controlling needs - the first one is on the basis of artificial neural networks, the second is a fuzzy one, and the third is based on ANFIS system.  The thesis is aimed at comparing the described systems, which the controllers have been designed on the basis of, and evaluating the hybrid neuro-fuzzy system ANFIS contribution in comparison with particular theory solutions. Finally, some experiments with the systems are demonstrated and findings are assessed.

Training a Multilayer Perceptron to predict the final selling price of an apartment in co-operative housing society sold in Stockholm city with features stemming from open data / Träning av en “Multilayer Perceptron” att förutsäga försäljningspriset för en bostadsrättslägenhet till försäljning i Stockholm city med egenskaper från öppna datakällor

Tibell, Rasmus January 2014 (has links)
The need for a robust model for predicting the value of condominiums and houses are becoming more apparent as further evidence of systematic errors in existing models are presented. Traditional valuation methods fail to produce good predictions of condominium sales prices and systematic patterns in the errors linked to for example the repeat sales methodology and the hedonic pricing model have been pointed out by papers referenced in this thesis. This inability can lead to monetary problems for individuals and in worst-case economic crises for whole societies. In this master thesis paper we present how a predictive model constructed from a multilayer perceptron can predict the price of a condominium in the centre of Stockholm using objective data from sources publicly available. The value produced by the model is enriched with a predictive interval using the Inductive Conformal Prediction algorithm to give a clear view of the quality of the prediction. In addition, the Multilayer Perceptron is compared with the commonly used Support Vector Regression algorithm to underline the hallmark of neural networks handling of a broad spectrum of features. The features used to construct the Multilayer Perceptron model are gathered from multiple “Open Data” sources and includes data as: 5,990 apartment sales prices from 2011- 2013, interest rates for condominium loans from two major banks, national election results from 2010, geographic information and nineteen local features. Several well-known techniques of improving performance of Multilayer Perceptrons are applied and evaluated. A Genetic Algorithm is deployed to facilitate the process of determine appropriate parameters used by the backpropagation algorithm. Finally, we conclude that the model created as a Multilayer Perceptron using backpropagation can produce good predictions and outperforms the results from the Support Vector Regression models and the studies in the referenced papers. / Behovet av en robust modell för att förutsäga värdet på bostadsrättslägenheter och hus blir allt mer uppenbart alt eftersom ytterligare bevis på systematiska fel i befintliga modeller läggs fram. I artiklar refererade i denna avhandling påvisas systematiska fel i de estimat som görs av metoder som bygger på priser från repetitiv försäljning och hedoniska prismodeller. Detta tillkortakommandet kan leda till monetära problem för individer och i värsta fall ekonomisk kris för hela samhällen. I detta examensarbete påvisar vi att en prediktiv modell konstruerad utifrån en “Multilayer Perceptron” kan estimera priset på en bostadsrättslägenhet i centrala Stockholm baserad på allmänt tillgängligt data (“Öppen Data”). Modellens resultat har utökats med ett prediktivt intervall beräknat utifrån “Inductive Conformal Prediction”- algoritmen som ger en klar bild över estimatets tillförlitlighet. Utöver detta jämförs “Multilayer Perceptron”-algoritmen med en annan vanlig algoritm för maskinlärande, den så kallade “Support Vector Regression” för att påvisa neurala nätverks kvalité och förmåga att hantera dataset med många variabler. De variabler som används för att konstruera “Multilayer Perceptron”-modellen är sammanställda utifrån allmänt tillgängliga öppna datakällor och innehåller information så som: priser från 5990 sålda lägenheter under perioden 2011- 2013, ränteläget för bostadsrättslån från två av de stora bankerna, valresultat från riksdagsvalet 2010, geografisk information och nitton lokala särdrag. Ett flertal välkända förbättringar för “Multilayer Perceptron”-algoritmen har applicerats och evaluerats. En genetisk algoritm har använts för att stödja processen att hitta lämpliga parametrar till “Backpropagation”-algoritmen. I detta arbete drar vi slutsatsen att modellen kan producera goda förutsägelser med en modell konstruerad utifrån ett neuralt nätverk av typen “Multilayer Perceptron” beräknad med “backpropagation”, och därmed utklassar de resultat som levereras av Support Vector Regression modellen och de studier som refererats i denna avhandling

Vytvoření modulu pro dolování dat z databází / Creation of Unit for Datamining

Krásenský, David Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this work is to create data mining module for information system Belinda. Data from database of clients will be analyzed using SAS Enterprise Miner. Results acquired using several data mining methods will be compared. During the second phase selected data mining method will be implemented such as module of information system Belinda. The final part of this work is evaluation of acquired results and possibility of using this module.

運用於高頻交易策略規劃之分散式類神經網路框架 / Distributed Framework of Artificial Neural Network for Planning High-Frequency Trading Strategies

何善豪, Ho, Shan Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在這份研究中,我們提出一個類分散式神經網路框架,此框架為高頻交易系統研究下之子專案。在系統中,我們透過資料探勘程序發掘財務時間序列中的模式,其中所採用的資料探勘演算法之一即為類神經網路。我們實作一個在分散式平台上訓練類神經網路的框架。我們採用Apache Spark來建立底層的運算叢集,因為它提供高效能的記憶體內運算(in-memory computing)。我們分析一些分散式後向傳導演算法(特別是用來預測財務時間序列的),加以調整,並將其用於我們的框架。我們提供了許多細部的選項,讓使用者在進行類神經網路建模時有很高的彈性。 / In this research, we introduce a distributed framework of artificial neural network (ANN) as a subproject under the research of a high-frequency trading (HFT) system. In the system, ANNs are used in the data mining process for identifying patterns in financial time series. We implement a framework for training ANNs on a distributed computing platform. We adopt Apache Spark to build the base computing cluster because it is capable of high performance in-memory computing. We investigate a number of distributed backpropagation algorithms and techniques, especially ones for time series prediction, and incorporate them into our framework with some modifications. With various options for the details, we provide the user with flexibility in neural network modeling.

Apprentissage de circuits quantiques par descente de gradient classique

Lamarre, Aldo 07 1900 (has links)
Nous présentons un nouvel algorithme d’apprentissage de circuits quantiques basé sur la descente de gradient classique. Comme ce sujet unifie deux disciplines, nous expliquons les deux domaines aux gens de l’autre discipline. Conséquemment, nous débutons par une présentation du calcul quantique et des circuits quantiques pour les gens en apprentissage automatique suivi d’une présentation des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique pour les gens en informatique quantique. Puis, pour motiver et mettre en contexte nos résultats, nous passons à une légère revue de littérature en apprentissage automatique quantique. Ensuite, nous présentons notre modèle, son algorithme, ses variantes et quelques résultats empiriques. Finalement, nous critiquons notre implémentation en montrant des extensions et des nouvelles approches possibles. Les résultats principaux se situent dans ces deux dernières parties, qui sont respectivement les chapitres 4 et 5 de ce mémoire. Le code de l’algorithme et des expériences que nous avons créé pour ce mémoire se trouve sur notre github à l’adresse suivante : https://github.com/AldoLamarre/quantumcircuitlearning. / We present a new learning algorithm for quantum circuits based on gradient descent. Since this subject unifies two areas of research, we explain each field for people working in the other domain. Consequently, we begin by introducing quantum computing and quantum circuits to machine learning specialists, followed by an introduction of machine learning to quantum computing specialists. To give context and motivate our results we then give a light literature review on quantum machine learning. After this, we present our model, its algorithms and its variants, then discuss our currently achieved empirical results. Finally, we criticize our models by giving extensions and future work directions. These last two parts are our main results. They can be found in chapter 4 and 5 respectively. Our code which helped obtain these results can be found on github at this link : https://github.com/ AldoLamarre/quantumcircuitlearning.

Využití umělé inteligence k monitorování stavu obráběcího stroje / Using artificial intelligence to monitor the state of the machine

Kubisz, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis focus on creation of neural network’s internal structure with goal of creation Artificial Neural Network capable of machine state monitoring and predicting its remaining usefull life. Main goal is creation of algorithm’s and library for design and learning of Artificial Neural Network, and deeper understanding of the problematics in the process, then by utilising existing libraries. Selected method was forward-propagation network with multi-layered perceptron architecture, and backpropagation learning. Achieved results was, that the network was able to determine parts state from vibration measurement and on its basis predict remaining usefull life.

Koevoluce kartézských genetických algoritmů a neuronových sítí / Coevolution of Cartesian Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks

Kolář, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to verify synergy of genetic programming and neural networks. Solution is provided by set of experiments with implemented library built upon benchmark tasks. I've done experiments with directly and also indirectly encoded neural netwrok. I focused on finding robust solutions and the best calculation of configurations, overfitting detection and advanced stimulations of solution with fitness function. Generally better solutions were found using lower values of parameters n_c and n_r. These solutions tended less to be overfitted. I was able to evolve neurocontroller eliminating oscilations in pole balancing problem. In cancer detection problem, precision of provided solution was over 98%, which overcame compared techniques. I succeeded also in designing of maze model, where agent was able to perform multistep tasks.

Automatická detekce ischemie v EKG / Automatic detection of ischemia in ECG

Noremberczyk, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses the utilization of the artificial neural networks (ANN) for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) in frequency area. The first part of this thesis is orientated towards the theoretical knowledge. Describes the issue of ECG pathological changes. ECQ are converted to frequency area. Described statistical methods and methods for automatic detection of CAD and MI. Explained the issue of the perceptron and ANN. The second deals with use of Neural Network Toolbox MATLAB®. This part focuses on counting and finding suitable parameters and making connection of band. At the end of the thesis UNS is used to detect ischemic parameters and the results are discussed. Average values for the best settings are 100% accuracy.

Neurala nätverk försjälvkörande fordon : Utforskande av olika tillvägagångssätt / Neural Networks for Autonomous Vehicles : An Exploration of Different Approaches

Hellner, Simon, Syvertsson, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Artificiella neurala nätverk (ANN) har ett brett tillämpningsområde och blir allt relevantare på flera håll, inte minst för självkörande fordon. För att träna nätverken användsmeta-algoritmer. Nätverken kan styra fordonen med hjälp av olika typer av indata. I detta projekt har vi undersökt två meta-algoritmer: genetisk algoritm (GA) och gradient descent tillsammans med bakåtpropagering (GD & BP). Vi har även undersökt två typer av indata: avståndssensorer och linjedetektering. Vi redogör för teorin bakom de metoder vi har försökt implementera. Vi lyckades inte använda GD & BP för att träna nätverk att köra fordon, men vi redogör för hur vi försökte. I resultatdelen redovisar vi hur det med GA gick att träna ANN som använder avståndssensorer och linjedetektering som indata. Sammanfattningsvis lyckades vi implementera självkörande fordon med två olika typer av indata. / Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have a broad area of application and are growing increasingly relevant, not least in the field of autonomous vehicles. Meta algorithms are used to train networks, which can control a vehicle using several kinds of input data. In this project we have looked at two meta algorithms: genetic algorithm (GA), and gradient descent with backpropagation (GD & BP). We have looked at two types of input to the ANN: distance sensors and line detection. We explain the theory behind the methods we have tried to implement. We did not succeed in using GD & BP to train ANNs to control vehicles, but we describe our attemps. We did however succeeded in using GA to train ANNs using a combination of distance sensors and line detection as input. In summary we managed to train ANNs to control vehicles using two methods of input, and we encountered interesting problems along the way.

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