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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Active Learning for One-class Classification

Barnabé-Lortie, Vincent January 2015 (has links)
Active learning is a common solution for reducing labeling costs and maximizing the impact of human labeling efforts in binary and multi-class classification settings. However, when we are faced with extreme levels of class imbalance, a situation in which it is not safe to assume that we have a representative sample of the minority class, it has been shown effective to replace the binary classifiers with a one-class classifiers. In such a setting, traditional active learning methods, and many previously proposed in the literature for one-class classifiers, prove to be inappropriate, as they rely on assumptions about the data that no longer stand. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to active learning designed for one-class classification. The proposed method does not rely on many of the inappropriate assumptions of its predecessors and leads to more robust classification performance. The gist of this method consists of labeling, in priority, the instances considered to fit the learned class the least by previous iterations of a one-class classification model. Throughout the thesis, we provide evidence for the merits of our method, then deepen our understanding of these merits by exploring the properties of the method that allow it to outperform the alternatives.

Podnikatelský záměr - založení reklamní agentury

Vyčichlová, Soňa January 2007 (has links)
Podnikatelský plán je vypracován pro nově vznikající reklamní agenturu, kterou se zakladatelé rozhodli založit jako sdružení fyzických osob bez právní subjektivity s výhledem na transformaci na společnost s ručením omezeným do 1-2 let. Agentura bude používat obchodní jméno GOOD ONE. Základní pilíře úspěchu spatřuje v lidském potenciálu všeobecně a ve zkušenostech zakladatelů získaných předchozím působením v reklamní oboru. Hlavní specializací agentury budou podlinkové aktivity, produkci a incentivní turistiku. Plánovaný obchodní plán a na něj navazující finanční výkazy prokazují reálnost tohoto podnikatelského záměru a dokládají kladný hospodářský výsledek.

Topologie de l’autisme / Topology of autism

Mouillac, Gilles 22 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse soutient que l’abord topologique lacanien permet de rendre compte de la structure chez les sujets autistes. La structure est topologique. L’effort auto-thérapeutique des sujets autistes relève d’une tentative de construction, de stabilisation, d’élaboration d’un espace subjectif ayant pour enjeu central la production d’un manque canalisateur de lajouissance.Les mathématiques et la logique - outils privilégiés par Jacques Lacan dans l’abord du réel propre à la psychanalyse - maintiennent une exigence de rationalité et de formalisation au coeur de cette discipline. La topologie (science des lieux) dans son usage analytique rend compte de la dimension spatiale de l’inconscient.Nous verrons que la construction du bord autistique s’y déploie comme réponse topologique du sujet - à l’effet traumatique de l’Un de jouissance sur le corps. L’autisme construit un espace visant l’extraction d’une trace nocive, celle d’une substance jouissante laissée par la matière même du signifiant. Au-delà d’une conception déficitaire, l’autisme peut alors s’entendre comme une réponse du sujet au traumatisme causé par la rencontre avec le langage.Si l’autisme a structure topologique, l’acte de l’analyste doit alors se centrer sur ses particularités topologiques pour que se produisent des effets sur le sujet. L’enjeu crucial est d’aider les autistes à trouver une position d’énonciation. Pour cela, une voie majeure est de border - en acte - l’espace qui enserre la place du dire. / This study supports the Lacanian topological approach as a way to show the structure of unconsciousness in autistic subjects. The autistic self-therapy effort is an attempt to build, to stabilize, and to develop a subjective space for the central challenge of a lack of channels to process the “jouissance”.Mathematics and logic, Jacques Lacan´s favourite tools in his study of the “Real” particular to psychoanalysis, maintains a requirement of rationality and formalisation in the heart of this discipline. The Topology (the science of places) in psychoanalysis attempts to account for the spatial dimension of unconscious.We will see that the construction of the autistic border is deployed as a topological response of the subject – a traumatic response of the One of jouissance on the body. Autistic built a space which aims to extract the harmful trace, one of a substance of the jouissance left by the substance of the signifier.Beyond this deficit, autism can be understood as a response of the subject to the trauma caused by an encounter with the language.If autism has a topological structure, the analytical act must focus on its topological features that will produce effects on the subject. The crucial challenge is to help autistics find a position of enunciation. For this, a major pathway is to mark out the space that surrounds the place of saying.

Is China’s one-child policy becoming redundant? / Stává se čínská politika jednoho dítěte zbytečnou?

Cestr, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Contemporary China is facing the threat of rapidly aging population. Increasing portion of the economically inactive part of the population is already putting a significant strain on the Chinese pension system. Health care and social security system are still underdeveloped and also unprepared for this trend. As an attempt to reduce this issue by revitalizing the low birth rate, Chinese one-child policy underwent a significant relaxation in 2007. The expected acceleration of the birth rate however did not occur. Using the panel data from 31 regions of China between the period 2001 and 2013, I have analyzed this issue. My thesis provides the evidence, that one-child policy is not the exclusive culprit behind the continued trend of below-replacement fertility levels. Socioeconomic environment in China underwent a rapid transformation during the past 37 years. One of the socioeconomic factors newly affecting the Chinese birth rate level is the wealth. This is manifested by the inverse relationship between the wealth and fertility and it is known as the demographic-economic paradox. This thesis proves the presence of this phenomenon across the regions of China. It also demonstrates that it could have at least partly counterweighted the effect, which one-child policy easing had on birth rate in 2007. Since the one-child policy has lost significant part of its normative power to other factors affecting the birth rate, I am arguing it is the sign, that one-child policy is slowly becoming redundant on its own.

Properties of an interacting one-dimensional fermion system

Friesen, Waldemar Isebrand January 1981 (has links)
For nearly a decade, quasi-one-dimensional conductors have been the subject of intensive study. Theoretically, much attention has been devoted to the development of one-dimensional Fermi gas models, some which may be solved exactly, and to the calculation of their response functions. After a review of this theory, a different approach is adopted in the investigation of two models. The dielectric response theory of the three-dimensional Coulomb gas has been applied to an anisotropic system in which the particles interact with an effective one-dimensional long-range potential. Within the framework of the approximation of Singwi, Tosi, Land, and Sjolander, the dielectric properties of the model are examined in order to determine the conditions under which it is unstable with respect to formation of a charge density wave state. It is found that the positive neutralizing background must be polarizable in order for such an instability to occur. The same approximation method, when applied to a one-dimensional fermion gas with a ʃ-function interaction may be compared with the exact solution of Yang. This solution, which exists in the form of coupled integral equations, has been calculated numerically, and, as predicted by the Lieb-Mattis theorem, the ground state is found to be non-magnetic. The approximation of Singwi et al. proves to give better correlation energies than other inexact methods, particularly at higher densities. / Science, Faculty of / Physics and Astronomy, Department of / Graduate

Kan vi prata om det här? : En studie om medarbetares upplevelse av energisamtal som en arbetsmiljöinsats / Can we talk about this? : A study on employees' experience of "energisamtal" as a work environment initiative

Lidén, Terés, Nyberg, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Stress och annan psykosocial ohälsa är ett stort arbetsmiljöprobleam på många arbetsplatser idag. För att kunna upptäcka signaler på psykosocial ohälsa i ett tidigt skede införde Borås Energi och Miljö, under hösten 2019, något de kallar energisamtal som en arbetsmiljöinsats. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på om energisamtalen kan bidra till en bättre psykosocial arbetsmiljö eller ej. Därför genomfördes individuella intervjuer med nio medarbetare från tre avdelningar där energisamtal tillämpats på prov. Med utgångspunkt i våra frågeställningar och den samtalsmall som används vid energisamtalen, skapades en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som användes vid intervjuerna. De transkriberade intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ metod utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att energisamtalens möjlighet att påverka den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i själva verket hänger på den individuella relationen mellan chef och medarbetare. När det finns förtroende i relationen mellan chef och medarbetare är det större möjlighet att medarbetaren är ärlig med både mående och den aktuella arbetsbelastningen. Då stress är en vanlig effekt av en dålig psykosocial arbetsmiljö har vi tittat på forskning om stressdiskurs relaterat till arbetslivet för att förstå resultatet. Dessutom har teorier kring organisationskultur och maktanalys tagits till hjälp för att förstå hur chefens agerande påverkar medarbetarens psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Stödet från organisationen och särskilt det sociala stödet från chefen var en viktig del i medarbetarnas välmående. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att chefernas attityd och beteende har en stor betydelse för resultatet av energisamtalen. Genom att vara medveten om sin egen maktposition och genom att anpassa sitt förhållningssätt därefter, kan chefen skapa en öppnare kommunikation med sina medarbetare. Under förutsättning att kommunikationen mellan chef och medarbetare fungerar som tänkt och präglas av förtroende och öppenhet är energisamtal en bra metod för att fånga upp problem med medarbetarens psykosociala arbetsmiljö. / Stress and other unhealthy psychosocial work environments are a major problem in many workplaces today. In order to detect signals of an unhealthy work environment at an early stage, Borås Energi och Miljö introduced something they call energisamtal (energy Conversation), as a work environment initiative, in the fall of 2019. We conducted nine qualitative interviews from a phenomenological perspective, with employees who were included in three test groups for energisamtal. The purpose of the study was to find out whether energisamtal can contribute to a better psychosocial work environment or not. With our research questions in mind, together with the conversation template used in the energy interviews, we created a semi-structured interview guide for our interviews. The result shows that the ability of energisamtal to affect the psychosocial work environment depends on the individual relationship between manager and employees. When there is trust in the relationship between the manager and the employee, there is a greater chance that the employee is honest with both their feeling and the current workload. Since stress is a common effect of a poor psychosocial work environment, we have looked at research on stress discourse related to working life to understand the result. In addition, theories about organizational culture and power analysis have been used to understand how the manager's actions affect the employee's psychosocial work environment. The support from the organization and especially the social support from the manager was an important part of the well-being of the employees. The conclusion we have reached is that the managers have a major impact on the results of the energisamtal and by being aware of their own power position, and thus changing their approach, the manager can create a more open communication with their employees. Through good communication, energisamtal are a good arena for highlighting problems with the employee's psychosocial work environment.

Användningen av LCA-verktyget One Click LCA med hjälp av BIM för effektivare klimat- och livscykelanalyser / The use of the LCA-tool One Click LCA with the help of BIM for more efficient climate and life cycle assessments

Yazbek, Hossein, Zverotic, Elvin January 2021 (has links)
The construction and real estate sector contributed with about 18 tons of carbon dioxideequivalents which corresponds to almost 21 percent of Sweden’s total greenhouse gasemissions. Fact is that the construction and real estate sector contribute a significant part inthe climate impact.An approach to examine a building’s environmental impact is to implement Life CycleAssessment (LCA). By doing that a full picture of the climate impact during the building’slifetime can be seen. The results can be used to find out in what stage of the building processimprovements can be done to reduce the climate impact.The purpose of this study is to examine and understand how to execute Climate CycleAssessments and Life Cycle Assessments and how they can support the decisions forbuilding constructions with less climate impact. The aim is to examine digital conditions thatare required to be able to integrate the BIM-software Revit with One Click LCA. The study islimited to analyzing the frame and the foundation of a building. Only LCA-modules A1-3will be calculated because these modules are included in the mandatory climate declarationfrom year 2022. A1-3 includes raw material extraction, transport and manufacturing.The study is based on a qualitative method, where information is obtained from literaturestudies and semi-structured interviews to answer the questions of this study. The literaturestudy is done by using scientific articles, reports, and literature. Semi-structured interviewsare accomplished with relevant respondents. The software that is used to execute the analysisis One Click LCA, which is integrable with Revit due to an add-in in the program.The integration between BIM and LCA was tested by using One Click LCA:s add-in tool inRevit, a result was then available but a completion had to be done in One Click LCA:s webapplication to get a result that includes the carbon dioxide equivalents from the modulesA1-3. An update of One Click LCA:s add-in program should be developed to avoid extrawork and save more time. It is worth mentioning that the current add-in tool already haspossibilities to save money and time, it also increases the possibilities to reduce the climateimpact in an early stage.Keywords: Life cycle assessment, climate impact, BIM, Revit, One Click LCA

Development of Kinetic Parameters for the Leaching of Phlogopite and Characterisation of the Solid Residue

Favel, Cheri M. January 2020 (has links)
The development of an appropriate solid-state kinetic model which represents the leaching process of phlogopite was investigated. Phlogopite samples were leached with nitric acid solutions of different concentrations, at different temperatures and for different reaction times. Leach liquors were analysed by ICP-OES for concentration, while the raw phlogopite and the acid-leached solid residues were analysed by XRF, XRD, ATR-FTIR, BET, TGA-DTG and SEM-EDS for characterisation to support the reaction rate model selection. It was found that the reaction was diffusion-controlled and the model which represents onedimensional diffusion through a flat plate (model D1) most accurately predicts the leaching behaviour. The observed activation energies and preexponential constants varied with initial acid concentration. The observed activation energies decreased from 98.8 – 88.9 kJ mol-1 as the initial acid concentration increased from 2 – 4 M, while the observed preexponential constants decreased from 3.30 x 10+12 – 2.30 x 10+11 min-1. Additional experiments were conducted at different temperatures, using different initial acid concentrations and over different reaction times to test the model. The experimental data points obtained (“testing data”) were in agreement with the predicted values. Analyses of the solid residues also revealed complementary results with respect to the leaching model selection. The raw phlogopite was found to be highly crystalline (XRD). Therefore, the absence of defects in the lattice means that the motion of H+ ions permeating into the lattice is restricted (Ropp, 2003; Schmalzried, 1995). This confirms that the leaching is internal diffusion-controlled since the mobility of constituents into the system is the controlling factor, and since the phlogopite particles are plate-like (SEM-EDS, BET) in shape, the use of the D1 model for one-dimensional diffusion through a flat plate is the recommended model to represent the leaching process. Furthermore, results obtained from the different analytical techniques were supportive of each other. It was also found that the amount of acid consumed is inequivalent to the amount theoretically required. Using the theoretically required acid concentration (2.45 M) results in incomplete conversion (< 80 % according to Kgokong (2017)). When initial acid concentrations between 2.4 – 2.6 M were used, only 88 – 91 % conversion was obtained after 6 hours of leaching at 65 °C, leaving behind excess H+ in solution. If fertiliser is the desired end product, it would be favourable to minimise the H+ concentration of the leach liquor. Therefore, the leaching process should be optimised so that the acidity of the leach liquor is minimised while obtaining complete leaching of all cations from the phlogopite particles into solution. Furthermore, since the SiO2 by-product is highly porous (surface area of 517 m2 g-1), its application in industrial adsorbents, catalysts, polymers, pigments, cement, etc. should be further explored. / Dissertation (MEng (Chemical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Chemical Engineering / MEng (Chemical Engineering) / Unrestricted

A thermo-hydraulic model that represents the current configuration of the SAFARI-1 secondary cooling system

Huisamen, Ewan January 2015 (has links)
This document focuses on the procedure and results of creating a thermohydraulic model of the secondary cooling system of the SAFARI-1 research reactor at the Pelindaba facility of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) to the west of Pretoria, South Africa. The secondary cooling system is an open recirculating cooling system that comprises an array of parallel-coupled heat exchangers between the primary systems and the main heat sink system, which consists of multiple counterflow-induced draught cooling towers. The original construction of the reactor was a turnkey installation, with no theoretical/technical support or verifiability. The design baseline is therefore not available and it is necessary to reverse-engineer a system that could be modelled and characterised. For the nuclear operator, it is essential to be able to make predictions and systematically implement modifications to improve system performance, such as to understand and modify the control system. Another objective is to identify the critical performance areas of the thermohydraulic system or to determine whether the cooling capacity of the secondary system meets the optimum original design characteristics. The approach was to perform a comprehensive one-dimensional modelling of all the available physical components, which was followed by using existing performance data to verify the accuracy and validity of the developed model. Where performance data is not available, separate analysis through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling is performed to generate the required inputs. The results yielded a model that is accurate within 10%. This is acceptable when compared to the variation within the supplied data, generated and assumed alternatives, and when considering the compounding effect of the large amount of interdependent components, each with their own characteristics and associated performance uncertainties. The model pointed to potential problems within the current system, which comprised either an obstruction in a certain component or faulty measuring equipment. Furthermore, it was found that the current spray nozzles in the cooling towers are underutilised. It should be possible to use the current cooling tower arrangement to support a similar second reactor, although slight modifications would be required to ensure that the current system is not operated beyond its current limits. The interdependent nature of two parallel systems and the variability of the conditions that currently exist would require a similar analysis as the current model to determine the viability of using the existing cooling towers for an additional reactor. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Hybrid Theranostic Platforms for Cancer Nanomedical Treatment

Julfakyan, Khachatur 10 1900 (has links)
Cancer is a leading case of mortality worldwide. Governments spent multibillion expenses on treatment and palliative care of diseased people. Despite these generous funding and intensive research with aim to find a cure or efficient treatment for cancer, until now there is a lack in selective cancer management strategies. Conventional treatment strategies for cancer, such as surgery, cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy don’t have selectivity toward cancer – the property of discrimination of healthy organs and tissues from the diseased site. Chemotherapy is very challenging as the difference between effective and lethal doses is very minuscule in most cases. Moreover, devastating side effects dramatically changes the quality of life for cancer patients. To address these issues two main strategies are intensively utilized in chemistry: (I) the design and synthesis of novel anticancer organic compounds with higher selectivity and low toxicity profiles and the second, design and preparation of biocompatible nanocarriers for imaging and anticancer compound selective delivery nanomedicine. The following dissertation combines the above two strategies as bellows: First project is related to the design and synthetic route development toward novel nature-inspired group of heterocyclic compounds – iso-Phidianidines. The second project focused on design, preparation and evaluation of hybrid theranostics (therapeutic and diagnostic in a single entity). Chapter 1 is a general background review of the major topics that will be discussed in this dissertation. The first efficient and high-yielding synthetic route toward iso-phidianidines, containing regioisomeric form of 1,2,4-oxadiazole linked to the indole via methylene bridge is reported in Chapter 2. In vitro test of the synthesized library of iso-phidianidines revealed micromolar range of cytotoxicity toward human cervical cancer cell line. Structure activity relationship revealed the importance of presence of monosubsituted amine in 3 position of oxadiazole to maintain activity. Moreover, gradual increase of activity was detected in increasing of the length of the diamine. Polyamine (spermidine) side chain demonstrated strongest anticancer activity, identified as lead compound and may be studied further as a good candidate for cervical cancer treatment. Finally, the remaining high activity of amino-terminated iso-phidianidines demonstrated that presence of guanidine group in termini is not necessary for high cytotoxicity. The second part of this dissertation (Chapter 3) discusses the rational design, wet protocol synthesis and complete characterization of the novel hybrid material – polydopamine coated iron-cobalt nanocubes (PDFCs). This material was loaded with anticancer model drug doxorubicin in one step procedure (PDFC-DOX) and the resulting drug-delivery vehicle was found to be successfully internalized by cervical cancer cells. The cytotoxicity test demonstrated inhibition of 50% of the cells at the concentration of 30μg/ml for PDFC-DOX. Moreover, the release was highly attenuated and pH-sensitive in acidic range. PDFC was also modified with fluorescein leading to green fluorescent nanoparticles PDFC-FITC, which demonstrated excellent intracellular molecular imaging property. PDFCs with one of the highest magnetic saturation among the materials used in biomedicine (226 emu/g based on core) showed the absence of any cytotoxicity in vitro and excellent MRI contrasting property (r2=186.44 mMs-1, higher than commercial contrast agents Ferridex® and Clio®), both in vitro and in vivo on mice. They were cleared out from the mice bodies in month without affecting their health. Due to the high density of core (8.3 g/cm3) they demonstrated ability to be contrast materials also for X-Ray CT diagnostic modality, increasing the tumor detection and visualization probability in combination with MRI. In addition to it’s diagnostic and drug-delivery modalities, PDFC was evaluated also for microwave-induced cytotoxicity as a novel concept in cancer treatment. As low as 10 μg/ml concentration of PDFCs in human cervical cancer cells caused extensive death above 73% upon exposure to 2,45 GHz of microwaves for one minute. Laser irradiation (808 nm, 15 minutes) of cancer cells with internalized PDFCs caused cell death above 60%. The specific absorption rate of PDFCs at 470 MHz frequency and 20 mT of the alternating magnetic field power was 180 W/g, which is nearly 100 W higher than for commercial nanoparticles (Ferridex®).

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