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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Tjejer skriver mer känslor och sånt, killar gör inte det."

Brüggemann, Carina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen är att ur ett genusperspektiv beskriva, belysa, tolka och reflektera kring företeelserna: pojkars och flickors receptioner av en text, deras uppfattning om det egna skrivandet och om genus kopplat till skrivandet. Genom tidigare elevsamtal hade jag mött några pojkar som ansåg att det fanns skillnader mellan könen vad det gäller att skriva. Det jag visste sedan tidigare var att pojkar presterar sämre än flickor betygsmässigt i alla ämnen utom i idrott oavsett klasstillhörighet, etnicitet eller var de bor. Att <em>plugga</em> inte är förenat med att vara cool om man är pojke. Min utgångspunkt var att eleverna skriver lika, men att pojkarna inte visar detta öppet för att upprätthålla sin status. Det visade sig att alla elever utom en ansåg att flickor och pojkar skriver olika.</p><p> </p><p>I undersökningen fick eleverna först läst en text och därefter svarat på frågor. Frågorna berörde elevernas uppfattning om texten, perception, deras attityder till skrivandet och till genus och skrivandet. I analysen tittade jag bland annat på elevernas erfarenhet av literacy och jag jämförde antal ord och pronomen mellan flickor och pojkar. Texten eleverna läste var skriven i jagform, könsneutral, till sista ordet då det visade sig handla om homosexuellkärlek. Texten kan ha varit genusprovocerande får några elever, vilket då påverkat undersökningen. Reliabiliteten skulle öka om undersökningen fick samma resultat med en annan forskare vid en annan tidpunkt och med en annan typ av text.</p><p> </p><p>Vid en generalisering av resultaten tycker flickorna att: det är kul att skriva i skolan, det är lättast att skriva om känslor, de reflekterar över hur de skriver och de skriver längre texter. Pojkarna tycker: inte om att skriva i skolan, de skriver kortfattat, de skriver inte om känslor, de reflekterar inte över hur de skriver. Elevernas uppfattningar om kvinnligt och manligt skrivande är kopplat till traditionella könsmönster - flickor känner och pojkar är känslolösa.</p>

Ett dubbelt mottagande : Susanna Alakoskis Svinalängorna i pressen

Johansson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
<p>Finnish-born writer Susanna Alakoski’s novel Svinalängorna became a big success after being published in Sweden in April 2006. Though the novel has many themes in common with earlier literature written by and about Finnish immigrants in Sweden, little attention has been brought to this fact by reviewers and journalists. This essay examines connections between Alakoski’s novel and Finnish migrant literature in Sweden, mainly from the 1970s, and how these connections have been recognised by reviewers in Sweden and Finland. Based on the examination made here, Svinalängorna can be said to have several significant themes and features in common with other Finnish immigrant literature written in Sweden. However, in the examined material, none of the Swedish reviewers and only two of the Finnish reviewers referred to earlier literature written by and/or about Finns in Sweden. The main reference point for the Swedish reviewers was traditional Swedish working-class literature while the Finnish reviewers mainly referred to newer Finnish literature exploring similar themes: alcoholism, poverty and childhood. In general, the Finnish reviewers found the novel more familiar than the Swedish reviewers.</p>

Vad påverkar flyktingmottagandet? : en studie av Sveriges kommuner / What influences the reception of refugees? : A Study of the Swedish Municipalities

Andersson, Sanna, Vassberg, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
<p>I slutet av 1970-talet började allt fler flyktingar söka sig till Sverige och det kom att bli behov av ett system för att ta emot och integrera flyktingar som fått uppehållstillstånd. Efter år 1985 baseras svensk flyktingmottagning på överenskommelser och samarbete mellan Migrationsverket och enskilda kommuner. Staten har det övergripande ekonomiska ansvaret för flyktingmottagningen, och landets kommuner anordnar mottagandet och organiserar samhällsservice för flyktingarna. Enligt en lista från Migrationsverket är flyktingmottagandet i Sverige inte jämnt fördelat över landet -vissa kommuner tar till exempelvis inte emot några flyktingar överhuvudtaget.</p><p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar kommunernas flyktingmottagande. Den fråga som uppsatsen har för avsikt att besvara är:</p><p>• Hur påverkar variablerna medelinkomst, arbetslöshet, åldersfördelning, bostadsbrist, socialistiskt eller borgerligt styre, andelen Sverigedemokratiska mandat i kommunfullmäktige samt andelen tidigare utländska medborgare i kommunen, de olika kommunernas flyktingmottagande?</p><p>Med hjälp av statistisk sambandsanalys kommer vi fram till följande resultat:</p><p>• Andelen utländska medborgare som redan bor i kommunen har en stark positiv påverkan på andelen mottagna flyktingar. Det vill säga om andelen utländska medborgare i kommunen redan är stor så är också flyktingmottagandet stort.</p><p>• Medelinkomsten samverkar negativt med andelen flyktingar som tas emot i kommunen, vilket innebär att ju högre medelinkomst desto färre flyktingar tas emot.</p><p>• Borgerligt styre i en kommun har en negativ påverkan på flyktingmottagandet. Dock kan man inte säga att socialistiskt styrda kommuner eller andelen Sverigedemokratiska mandat i kommunfullmäktige skulle ha någon positiv påverkan på flyktingmottagande, det vill säga att det skulle leda till ett ökat flyktingmottagande.</p><p>• I takt med ökad arbetslöshet i kommunen minskar flyktingmottagandet</p><p>• Bostadsbristen har en svag negativ påverkan på mottagandet, kommunerna tar emot färre flyktingar vid ökad bostadsbrist.</p> / <p>In the late 1970: s more refugees began to apply for citizenship in Sweden and a demand for a new system to handle and integrate the refugees appeared. Since 1985 the Swedish refugee reception are based on agreements and cooperation between Migrationsverket and individual municipalities. The state has the overall economic responsibility for the refugee reception, while the municipalities organize the reception and public service for the refugees. However according to a list from Migrationsverket the refugee reception in Sweden is irregularly distributed over the country - some municipalities do not accept any refugees at all.</p><p>The aim of this essay is to examine which factors that influence the municipalities’ willingness to accept refugees. The question the essay intends to answer is:</p><p>• How does the variables average income, unemployment, age distribution, housing shortage, political majority, the number of seats the political party Sverigedemokraterna holds in the municipal council and the proportion of former foreign citizens, influences the different municipalities' willingness to accept refugees?</p><p>With help of statistic analysis following results emerged:</p><p>• The proportion of foreign citizens that already live in a municipality have a considerable impact on the proportion of received refugees. Videlicet if the proportion of former foreign citizens is large already, also the refugee reception is large.</p><p>• The average income interacts negatively with the proportion refugees that are accepted in a municipality.</p><p>• Non-Socialist majority in a municipality have a negative effect on the refugee reception. However, one can not say that a socialist majority or how many seats the political party Sverigedemokraterna holds in the municipal council have any impact on the refugee reception.</p><p>• Increased unemployment in a municipality decreases the refugee reception.</p><p>• A shortage of housing has a small negative impact on the reception.</p>

The design of delta-sigma modulators for multi-standard RF receivers

Liu, Mingliang 09 June 2003 (has links)
The transition from second-generation (2G) to third-generation (3G) wireless cellular and cordless telephone systems requires multi-standard adaptability in a single RF receiver equipment. An important answer to this request is the use of Delta-Sigma modulators for IF-to-baseband conversion, which will satisfy the dynamic range requirements for digital signal processing, and at the same time, add adaptability and programmability to the characteristics of a RF receiver. This thesis addresses the issues of designing a Delta-Sigma modulator for a multi-standard wireless receiver. A single-loop third-order modulator topology suitable for low power and high integration multi-standard receiver design is proposed. The trade-offs in the modulator design are also presented and explained. The modulator, which has been implemented as a part of a monolithic receiver chip, will be fabricated in a standard 0.35-��m CMOS process. The post-layout simulation results have verified the outcomes of system analysis. / Graduation date: 2004

A crystal limiter for use in an FM Receiver in the presence of impulse interference

January 1947 (has links)
T.P. Cheatham. / "April 24, 1947." / Includes bibliographical references. / Army Signal Corps Contract No. W-36-039 sc-32037

"So sind die Zeichen in der Welt" : Beobachtungen zur Rezeption von eher Wenigem Friedrich Hölderlins / "So sind die Zeichen in der Welt" : an inquiry into the Friedrich Hölderlin reception

Reininghaus, Karl January 2009 (has links)
Wenn in einem verbrannten Gebäude, in dem sich unliebsame Untermieter breit gemacht haben, diese damit beginnen, Stein für Stein das restliche Gemäuer abzutragen, um die verbliebenen Fenster zuzumauern, wird es Zeit, mit mehr oder weniger freundlichen Worten die Bewohner des Hauses zu verweisen, die nur verhindern, dass sich neue Besucher dem Gelände nähern. Dafür muss freilich alter und neuer Behang von den Wänden genommen werden; und eben durch die Verbannung all dessen, was nicht an diesen Ort gehört, kann ein freundliches Bild des Dichters Friedrich Hölderlin erhalten bleiben, der nicht nur poetisch, sondern auch zwischenmenschlich einigen bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten seiner Zeit im Wege stand, was ihm wohl in beiden Aspekten zum Verhängnis geworden ist, weil er sich weder verwandtschaftlich noch im Rahmen des poetischen Geschäfts gegen seine intrigante Umgebung zur Wehr zu setzen wusste. Der etwas länger geratene Aufsatz „So sind die Zeichen in der Welt“ soll weder ein neues Heiligenbild schaffen noch einen frisch aus der Tasche gezogenen Popstar zum Liebhaben, sondern will behutsam einige Fresken des Gedankengebäudes Hölderlin für diejenigen freilegen, deren Bild des Dichters noch nicht völlig von der Vorstellung des wahnsinnig gewordenen Dichters übertüncht worden ist. Obwohl sich die Arbeit damit ganz bewusst den Hölderlin - Studien von Pierre Bertaux anschließt, setzt sie sich auch mit dieser Wahrnehmungslinie kritisch auseinander, indem sie neben biographischen Anmerkungen auch stil- und ideologiekritische Methoden einsetzt, um die manchmal unübersichtliche Quellenlage ein wenig durchsichtiger zu machen, als dies bisher der Fall ist. Über eine solche, in Einzelheiten vielleicht unorthodox wirkende Darstellung hinaus will die Arbeit die Behandlungsmöglichkeit von Friedrich Hölderlin im Deutschunterricht des Gymnasiums nahe legen, weil selbst Jüngeres über ihn behandelt wird, das darauf hinweist, inwiefern die Marginalisierung dieses Poeten damit zu tun hat, dass er während eines langen Abschnitts der Literaturgeschichte auch dafür verantwortlich gemacht wurde, was er weder geschrieben hat noch meinte. Die Intention der Arbeit besteht insgesamt in der Vorstellung, das Gedankengut Hölderlins müsse aus dem breiten Strom einer konservativen Wahrnehmungstradition entfernt werden (zu der beispielsweise auch die dramatische Hölderlin - Bearbeitung E. Jelineks Wolken.Heim. gezählt werden kann, selbst wenn sie widerborstig gemeint sein sollte) und dieser Dichter sei als realistischer Denker zu restaurieren, der sich deshalb dem Literaturbetrieb seiner Zeit entgezogen hat, weil er, selbst der Lebensführung nach, sehr früh die Bewegungen gegen französische Aufklärung und Revolution begriffen hat – und von deren massiver Ablehnung Hölderlin bis heute getroffen wird. Da Friedrich Hölderlin aber nicht nur ideologischer Betrachtung, Kritik und Verfälschung ausgesetzt ist, sondern auch regelmäßig Gegenstand umfangreicher biographisch - psychologischer Spekulationen darstellt, wurde dieser Aspekt nicht nur bezogen auf die Rezeptionsgeschichte untersucht, sondern am Gegenstand selbst. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte nicht nur eine bislang vernachlässigte Beziehung Hölderlins zu Sophie Mereau rekonstruiert und der Verdacht zurückgewiesen werden, es habe zur selben Zeit eine homoerotische Beziehung zu Isaak Sinclair bestanden, vielmehr gelang auch der Nachweis, dass das Verhältnis des Dichters zu Susette Gontard weder singulär noch konkurrenzlos gewesen ist, weshalb sich eine eindeutige Zuordnung dieser Frau zur poetischen Figur der Diotima verbietet. Dazu wurde einerseits der Umstand entmythologisiert, nach dem die Liebe zur Frankfurter Zeit platonisch betrieben wurde, andererseits aber diese Affaire den Verhältnissen Hölderlins zu anderen Frauen zugeordnet, mit denen sich Frau Gontard – letztlich erfolglos – dadurch auseinander zu setzen versuchte, dass sie die Rolle Diotimas okkupierte. Dabei ließ sich schließlich der Verdacht erhärten, die stabilste Bindung des Dichters an eine Frau sei die zur eigenen Schwester Heinrike gewesen, mit der bis zum Bruch von Bordeaux aus zwar unregelmäßig, aber emotional immer wieder ausufernde Briefe getauscht wurden. Es ist nicht ohne Ironie, wenn ausgerechnet im vielleicht bekanntesten Gedicht Hölderlins, der „Hälfte des Lebens“, in dem regelmäßig ein bedeutender philosophischer Entwurf gesehen wird, Rudimente eines Textes enthalten sind, der – eindeutig erotisch konnotiert – an die eigene Schwester gerichtet ist. / Whenever uninvited guests occupying a house destroyed by fire start to dismantle its leftovers in order to brick the remaining windows, the time has come to expel them with more or less friendly words, since their sole purpose is to prevent new guests from approaching the premises. In order to do so, it is, of course, necessary to remove whatever hangings there might be left on the wall, both old and new, and by means of this very banishment of all which doesn’t inherently belong to the place, it is possible to retain a pleasant image of poet Friedrich Hölderlin – who may have gotten into the way for some of the more influential ones of his contemporaries not only poetically, but also in terms of interpersonal dynamics, both of which caused his eventual disaster. Neither in terms of family relationships, nor in the context of his poetic affairs was he capable of defend himself against the intrigues directed against him. „So sind die Zeichen in der Welt“ is a somewhat longer essay, which neither intends to put the poet on a pedestal, nor to create an adorable pop star. Its intention is to excavate some of the frescoes of the construct of ideas Hölderlin consists today, and to do so for those whose idea of the poet has not yet been buried entirely under the image of the poet gone insane. Although this study consciously chooses to pursuit an approach similar to the one of Pierre Bertaux, it also maintains a critical stance towards this line of interpretation by using not only biographic connotations, but also methods borrowed from the critique of ideology and style in order to make the sometimes confusing current state of source material somewhat more transparent as it has hitherto been the case. It also wants to transcend this approach, which can appear unorthodox in some respects, by suggesting ways of dealing with Friedrich Hölderlin in the curriculum of German secondary schools, which includes even newer material referring to the fact to which extent this poet’s marginalization is caused by his being held responsible for things he neither wrote nor meant during a long period of literary history. The overall intention of this study is the idea that Hölderlin’s body of thought has to be removed from the mainstream of conservative readings (including Elfriede Jelineks dramatic adaptation „Wolken. Heim.”, even if its intentions should be more recalcitrant) and that this poet has to be rehabilitated as a realist thinker who eschewed the literary “scene” of his time because he understood – and counteracted – quite early its rejection of the French Enlightenment and revolution – a rejection which has always been difficult for him to bear. Since Friedrich Hölderlin is, however, not only exposed to ideologically biased reflection, criticism and corruption, but also consists a subject of extensive biographic and psychologic speculation on a regular basis, this aspect has been researched not only with respect to the reception history of his works, but also inherently to the subject. In this context, it was not only possible to reconstruct the hitherto neglected relationship between Hölderlin and Sophie Mereau and to reject the suspicion of a simultaneous homoerotic relationship with Isaak Sinclair. It was also established that the poet’s affair with Susette Gontard was neither singular nor unrivaled, which rules out a doubtless correlation between this woman and the poetic figure of Diotima. In order to make this possible, it was necessary to both demythologize the idea of platonic love during the Frankfurt years, as well as to put this affair in context with Hölderlin’s romantic relationships with other women, which Gontard unsuccessfully tried to come to terms with by taking possession of the Diotima persona. Doing so substantiated the suspicion that the poet’s most stable bond with a woman was the one with his own sister Heinrike, with whom he had an emotionally overflowing, if unfrequent exchange of letters at least until the Bordeaux caesura. It is not without irony that “Hälfte des Lebens” of all poems – the one Hölderlin is maybe known best for and that is regularly considered a significant philosophic outline – contains fragments of a text that clearly features erotic connotations, the recipient of which is Hölderlin’s own sister.

The Reputation of John Donne 1779-1873

Granqvist, Raoul January 1975 (has links)

Läsaren och Förintelsen : Gymnasieelevers reception av Imre Kertész Mannen utan öde

Schneider, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
The principal aim of this thesis is to investigate the reception of a text about the Holocaust by pupils of a class in upper secondary school. The text is Fatelessness by Imre Kertész, a text which can be seen as a complex account of the Holocaust. The study tries to shed light on the pupils’ reactions to the text and how the reading influenced their image of the Holocaust. The empirical material derives from a qualitative case study consisting of inquiries, interviews observations and written material from lessons, etc. The theoretical basis for the analysis is focusing on Kathleen McCormick’s concept of repertoires. Both texts and readers have repertoires which can match, mismatch or exist in tension with each other. The analysis focuses on parts of the pupils’ reception in form of the question of genre, style and language, the main character and the image of the Holocaust. The study shows that from an overall perspective the repertoires of the pupils and the text do not match. Instead they often exist in tension. The text has different signals about genre which can be interpreted in several ways. Fatelessness was a challenge for the pupils because of its language with long sentences, many descriptions and untranslated words, mainly German. The strongest reactions were to the main character Gyurka, whom the pupils at first interpreted as cold, naive and optimistic. For many of the pupils this image changed at the reading when they started to view his manners as a way to survive the concentration camps. Even though the text was challenging the images the pupils had about the Holocaust in many ways, their images did not change overall. Despite the fact that the pupils saw the reading of the book mainly as homework they were very engaged in lesson discussions. The study points to the importance of context and discussions about what the pupils bring with them when they encounter the repertoire of the literature of testimony, in this case Holocaust literature. It can be important for teachers to have an understanding of their pupils’ repertoires when they select what literature to read in class. The study also indicates that, as McCormick suggests, tension can be the most productive meeting of the repertoires.

Ett dubbelt mottagande : Susanna Alakoskis Svinalängorna i pressen

Johansson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
Finnish-born writer Susanna Alakoski’s novel Svinalängorna became a big success after being published in Sweden in April 2006. Though the novel has many themes in common with earlier literature written by and about Finnish immigrants in Sweden, little attention has been brought to this fact by reviewers and journalists. This essay examines connections between Alakoski’s novel and Finnish migrant literature in Sweden, mainly from the 1970s, and how these connections have been recognised by reviewers in Sweden and Finland. Based on the examination made here, Svinalängorna can be said to have several significant themes and features in common with other Finnish immigrant literature written in Sweden. However, in the examined material, none of the Swedish reviewers and only two of the Finnish reviewers referred to earlier literature written by and/or about Finns in Sweden. The main reference point for the Swedish reviewers was traditional Swedish working-class literature while the Finnish reviewers mainly referred to newer Finnish literature exploring similar themes: alcoholism, poverty and childhood. In general, the Finnish reviewers found the novel more familiar than the Swedish reviewers.

Parental mediation of digital gaming and internet use

Eklund, Lina, Helmersson Bergmark, Karin January 2013 (has links)
In this study the focus is set on parental rules for digital gaming and Internet use. First a review of the field is presented followed by analyses of adolescents’ media use and parental strategies for regulation. Data was derived from a Swedish survey of parents—Predominantly mothers—of adolescents aged 9-16 complemented with data from a separate survey of adolescents aged 9-16. Analyses are presented using gamma coefficients for bivariate correlations and linear regression models for multivariate analyses. We conclude that parents in this study are involved in their adolescents’ gaming and Internet by restricting access to these media. Boys and young adolescents are controlled more than girls and older adolescents. Mothers made use of restrictive mediation more than fathers. Parents harbour quite negative views on gaming which might interfere with a more active role of parents in mediating their children’s gaming

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