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Frequencias e formas de fornecimento de ração para tilápia do Nilo criada em sistema raceway / Feed frequency and ratio for Nile tilapia in raceway systemSANTOS, Janaína Gomes Araújo 20 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-20 / The present research was carried out at Sector of Fish of the Goiás Federal
University, between December the 2006 and May the 2007, which lasted for
127 days. Nile tilapia juveniles (Oreochromis niloticus), Supreme strain, with
starter weight of 31.86 ± 1.75 g were randomly allotted in 32 tanks of 100 L of
capacity each one in raceway system. The full water exchange of the tanks
occurred in 30 min at the beginning. The fish were fed with extruded diet
containing 36% of CP in pellets of 2-4 mm in diameter. By the average weight of
100 g, the fish were fed with extruded diet with 32% of CP in pellets of 4-6 mm
in diameter until the end of the experiment. This assessment was performed to
evaluate feed frequencies (2, 3, 4 and 5 times/day) and ratio (ad libitum and
based on the percentage of the biomass weight - %PVBIO) on the productive
performance, chemical composition, biometric indices, carcass and fillet yield
and costs and profitability partial of Nile tilapia during the weight gain in the
raceway system. The experimental design was composed by a completely
randomized design in a factorial (4 x 2), with four repetitions, totalizing 32
experimental units. The performances body weight (BW), weight gain (WG),
final biomass (FB), feed intake (FI), index of food intake (IF), apparent feed
conversion ratio (AFCR), feed efficiency (FE), survival (S%), protein efficiency
ratio (PER), specific growth ratio (SGR) and uniformity of the lot (U%) -; fillet
weight (FW), carcass yield (CY), fillet yield(FY), biometric indices, and chemical
composition fillet (total dry matter (TDM), moisture (MO), crude protein (CP),
crude lipid (CL), ash) were the main evaluated parameters. The performance
data were submitted to the analysis of variance and Duncan tests (5%), and the
others to Tukey test (5%). Despite the quantity of food provided in the
treatments, the main variables of water quality remained within the limit
recommended for fish breeding. Better AFCR, FE and PER were reached for
fish fed three times a day and greater PVBIO% for those ones fed twice daily ad
libitum (P <0.05). The values of FBW, FL, FWG, FB, and FI were higher for fish
fed four times a day (P <0.05), with the AFCR and PER values similar to those
in fish fed three times a day. S%, SGR, CF and U% suffered no influence by the
feeding frequency (P> 0.05). Only in IF differences on how to supply the ration
(P <0.05) were observed. Fish fed four, five and three times a day had better
average of FY, differing from those fed twice a day (P<0.05). The feeding
frequency of less than five times had greater CY and VFI, but it did not differ
from the other regimens. Difference in form of supply was observed only for RF,
and the best average was reached in fish fed ad libitum. Regarding the
chemical composition fillet, no differences in ashes were observed (P>0.05).
The highest level of CL was found in three times of feeding frequency, which
was statistical relevant (P<0.05) in comparison to the others. Interaction was
observed for the variables TDM, MO and CP. The cost incidence (CI) was lower
in three times a day of feeding frequency with feed supply based on %BW. The
feeding frequency of 3 times per day ad libitum presented the best result
concerning performance, and suggested lower cost with labor for juveniles of
Nile tilapia cultivated in raceway tanks. / A pesquisa foi realizada no Setor de Piscicultura da Escola de Veterinária da
Universidade Federal de Goiás, no período de dezembro de 2006 a maio de
2007, com duração de 127 dias. Foram utilizados juvenis de tilápia do Nilo
(Oreochromis niloticus), linhagem Supreme, com peso médio inicial de 31,86 ±
1,75 g, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 32 caixas reguladas para 100 L
adaptadas ao sistema raceway. A troca total de água das caixas, no início,
ocorreu em 30min. Os peixes foram alimentados com ração extrusada
contendo 36% de PB e grânulos com 2 a 4 mm de diâmetro até o peso médio
aproximado de 100 g; em seguida, foram alimentados com ração extrusada
32% de PB com grânulos de 4 a 6 mm de diâmetro até o final do experimento.
Objetivou-se determinar o efeito das frequências (2, 3, 4 e 5 vezes/dia) e
formas de fornecimento da ração (à vontade e com base na porcentagem do
peso da biomassa) sobre o desempenho produtivo, a composição
bromatológica do filé, os índices biométricos, os rendimentos de carcaça e filé,
e custos e rentabilidade parciais da tilápia durante a fase de engorda no
sistema raceway, constituindo, assim, um delineamento inteiramente
casualizado em esquema fatorial (4 x 2), com quatro repetições, totalizando 32
unidades experimentais. Foram assim avaliados: desempenho produtivo - peso
(P), ganho de peso (GP), biomassa final (BF), consumo de ração (CR), índice
de consumo alimentar (IA), conversão alimentar aparente (CAA), taxa de
eficiência alimentar (TEA), taxa de eficiência protéica (TEP), taxa de
crescimento específico (TCE), sobrevivência (S%), uniformidade do lote (U%) -;
peso do filé (PF), rendimentos de carcaça (RC) e filé (RF), índice hepatosomático
(IHS), índice gordura víscero-somático (IGVS) e composição
bromatológica do filé (matéria seca total (MST), umidade (UM), proteína bruta
(PB), extrato etéreo (EE), cinzas). Os dados de desempenho produtivo foram
submetidos à análise de variância e teste Duncan (5%), e os demais ao teste
Tukey (5%). Apesar da quantidade de alimento fornecido por tratamento, as
principais variáveis de qualidade da água permaneceram dentro do limite
recomendável para os peixes. Os valores de P, GP, BF, e CR foram maiores
para os peixes arraçoados quatro, três e cinco vezes ao dia, respectivamente,
diferindo de duas vezes ao dia (P<0,05). Foi observada interação significativa
para IA, CAA, TEA e TEP. Observou-se melhor CAA, TEA e TEP para os
peixes arraçoados três vezes ao dia pela %PVBIO e duas vezes ao dia à
vontade (P<0,05). S%, TCE e U% não sofreram influência quanto à frequência
alimentar (P>0,05). Os peixes arraçoados três, quatro e cinco vezes ao dia
apresentaram melhor média de RF diferindo dos peixes arraçoados duas vezes
(P<0,05). A frequência de cinco vezes apresentou menor RC e maior IGVS,
porém não diferiu das demais. Foi observada diferença para forma de
fornecimento apenas para RF, sendo a melhor média para os peixes
arraçoados à vontade. Quanto à composição bromatológica, só não foram
observadas diferenças (P>0,05) para Cinzas. O maior teor de EE foi
encontrado na frequência de três vezes (P<0,05) diferindo das demais. Foi
observada interação (P<0,05) para as variáveis MST, UM e PB. Quanto à
avaliação econômica, a incidência de custo (IC) foi menor na frequência de três
vezes ao dia com fornecimento de ração baseado na %PVBIO. Recomenda-se
a frequência alimentar de 3 vezes/dia para juvenis de tilápia do Nilo até o abate por possibilitar menor gasto com mão de obra, melhores resultados para
desempenho, com fornecimento de ração à vontade, até atingirem a saciedade
aparente, quando cultivados em tanques raceways
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Desempenho zootécnico de duas linhagens de Tilápia-do-Nilo sob diferentes densidades de estocagem em raceway / Performance of two nile tilapia strains in different stocking densities in raceway systemOLIVEIRA, Raquel Priscila de Castro 30 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Raquel Priscila de Castro Oliveira.pdf: 2385507 bytes, checksum: 70f3aa3088e08bd364a210435717e331 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-04-30 / This study was developed in order to analyze productive performance, economic evaluation, bromotological composition of fish fillet, body components percentage and glucose level of two of Nile tilapia strains (chitralada and supreme) in three stocking densities (90, 120 and 150 fish/m3) in the raceway system. This work was carried out at the Fish Culture Sector from Universidade Federal de Goias. A total of 1,440 Nile tilapia fingerlings were produced in 24 polyethylene water tanks, adapted to raceway system. Each experimental unit had individual pipe for water supply and flow was regulated to allow total exchange every 30 minutes, regardless of stocking density. The animals were fed three times a day with commercial extruded ration, ad libitum, seven days a week. The design was completely randomized in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement and four replications. The results were submitted to variance analysis and, in cases of statistical variance, to the Tukey test (5%). After the all variables analysis, it was concluded that both strains presented positive characteristics for production in Goias State in raceway system. Supreme strain, in higher water density, is the one recommended by this study due to greater profitability, and to positive performance aspects. / Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho produtivo, a avaliação econômica, a composição bromatológica do filé, o percentual de componentes do corpo, e a glicemia de duas linhagens comerciais de tilápia-do-Nilo, a chitralada e a supreme submetidas a três densidades de estocagem 90, 120 e 150 peixes/m3 em sistema de alto fluxo de água. O estudo foi realizado no Setor de Piscicultura da Universidade Federal de Goiás. No total, 1440 alevinos de tilápia-do-Nilo foram estocados em 24 caixas d água de polietileno adaptadas ao sistema raceway. Cada unidade experimental era provida de tubulação individual para abastecimento e a vazão foi regulada para troca total a cada 30 minutos, independente da densidade de estocagem. Biometrias mensais foram realizadas e coletados dados para a avaliação. Os animais foram alimentados com ração comercial extrusada, até a saciedade momentânea, sete dias por semana. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2x3 e quatro repetições. As médias dos resultados encontrados foram submetidos a análise de variância e, em caso de diferença estatística, ao teste de comparação de médias Tukey (5%). Após a análise de todas as variáveis concluiu-se que ambas as linhagens apresentaram características favoráveis de produção no Estado de Goiás em sistema raceway. A linhagem supreme, na maior densidade de estocagem, foi a recomendada após esse estudo devido a maior rentabilidade e aspectos positivos no desempenho.
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Fenômeno de transição espacial do escoamento óleo pesado-água no padrão estratificado / Phenomenon of spatial transition in stratified heavy oil-water flow patternMarcelo Souza de Castro 27 June 2013 (has links)
O escoamento estratificado óleo-água é comum na indústria de petróleo, em particular em poços direcionais e oleodutos. Estudos recentes mostram que o fenômeno de transição de padrões de escoamento de fases separadas pode estar relacionado à estrutura ondulatória da interface do escoamento (problema de estabilidade hidrodinâmica). A transição do padrão estratificado ao padrão estratificado com mistura na interface foi estudada por diversos autores sendo que a física envolvida está clara, e o fenômeno ocorre pelo arrancamento de gotículas da crista da onda interfacial. Técnicas baseadas na análise temporal da estabilidade hidrodinâmica para a proposição de critérios de transição são comumente encontradas na literatura. Entretanto, para certas condições de escoamento, foi observado que o padrão de escoamento estratificado muda ao longo da tubulação. O escoamento adentra a tubulação como estratificado ondulado e alguns diâmetros após a entrada ocorre a transição para o padrão bolhas alongadas. Foi também observado que o ponto no espaço em que o fenômeno ocorre varia com a elevação ou decréscimo das velocidades superficiais das fases. Aparentemente, tal fenômeno ocorre devido a efeitos de tensão interfacial e ângulo de contato. O modelo de dois fluidos unidimensional, a teoria da estabilidade hidrodinâmica linear (análise espacial) e dados experimentais das propriedades da onda interfacial são utilizados para estudo do escoamento, levando a um novo critério de transição em função da velocidade da onda interfacial. O fenômeno de transição espacial do padrão estratificado ocorre fora da região delimitada como estável pela teoria linear; assim, efeitos não lineares são predominantes e uma teoria que leve em consideração tais efeitos se faz necessária. O método das características foi utilizado e buscou-se prever o ponto no espaço em que a transição ocorre. O estudo experimental foi realizado em montagem experimental do Laboratório de Engenharia Térmica e Fluidos; dados experimentais permitiram a obtenção de uma nova carta de fluxo óleo-água e propriedades da onda interfacial. As comparações entre dados e previsões dos modelos são encorajadoras. / The stratified oil-water flow pattern is of common occurrence in the petroleum industry, especially in offshore directional wells and pipelines. Previous studies have shown that the phenomenon of flow pattern transition in stratified flow can be related to the interfacial wave structure (problem of hydrodynamic instability). The transition from stratified flow to stratified with mixture at the interface has been studied by several authors and the physics behind the phenomenon has been already explained, basically by the tearing of droplets from the interfacial wave crest. Techniques based on a temporal analysis of the hydrodynamic stability for the proposition of transition criteria are often found in the literature. However, at certain inlet flow conditions, it was observed that the flow pattern changes along the test line. The flow enters the test line as wavy stratified flow and then, several diameters from the pipe inlet, the transition to elongated-bubbles flow occurs. It was also observed that the location where the transition occurs also changes depending on the phases superficial velocities. It seems that this phenomenon occurs due to interfacial tension and contact angle effects. The one-dimensional two-fluid model, linear stability theory (spatial approach) and experimental data of the interfacial wave properties are used to study the flow and a new transition criterion based on the wave celerity is proposed. The stratified-flow spatial transition occurred outside the region delimitated as stable by the linear theory; so nonlinear effects are prominent. The method of characteristics was used as an attempt to predict the point in space at which the transition occurs. The experimental work was done at the experimental facility of the Thermal-fluids Engineering Laboratory; experimental data allowed a new oil-water flow map and interfacial wave properties were acquired. The agreement between data and prediction is encouraging.
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Estudo fenomenológico e numérico do escoamento estratificado óleo-água ondulado e com mistura na interface / Phenomenological and numerical study of wavy stratified oil-water pipe flow with interfacial mixingRicardo Pereira de Ávila 11 March 2016 (has links)
Escoamentos bifásicos estão presentes em diversos processos naturais e industriais, como na indústria de petróleo. Podem apresentar-se em diferentes configurações topológicas, ou, padrões de escoamento, entre eles o escoamento estratificado ondulado e o estratificado com mistura na interface. Os escoamentos bifásicos estratificados óleo-água têm sido utilizados como uma forma conveniente de evitar a formação de emulsões de água em óleo em oleodutos e possuem uma ocorrência comum em poços de petróleo direcionais. Quando a onda interfacial ultrapassa determinado limite geométrico e cinemático, surge o fenômeno do entranhamento de gotas, representado por misturas entre as fases junto à interface que promovem um aumento na queda de pressão. Modelos têm sido apresentados pela literatura na tentativa de descrever o fenômeno do entranhamento de gotas. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova proposta de modelagem matemática unidimensional para o entranhamento de gotas com o objetivo de melhorar a previsão dos parâmetros envolvidos, em especial, da fração volumétrica de óleo e da queda de pressão bifásica. Também foi utilizada simulação numérica computacional, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), com o uso de software comercial para obtenção dos valores dos parâmetros do escoamento estratificado ondulado óleo-água (fração volumétrica de óleo, queda de pressão, amplitude e comprimento da onda interfacial). Os resultados da modelagem fenomenológica para entranhamento e os de CFD foram comparados com bancos de dados experimentais. Os resultados em CFD mostram concordância com os resultados experimentais, tanto na análise qualitativa das propriedades geométricas das ondas interfaciais, quanto na comparação direta com os dados para fração volumétrica e queda de pressão. Os resultados numéricos da modelagem fenomenológica para fatores de entranhamento apresentam boa concordância com dados da literatura. / Two-phase flows are present in many natural and industrial processes, such as in the oil industry. They may be found arranged in several flow patterns, including the wavy stratified flow and the stratified with mixing at the interface. The stratified oil-water flow has been used as a convenient way to avoid the formation of emulsions of water in oil and have a common occurrence in directional oil wells. When the interfacial wave exceeds a certain geometric and kinematic limit the phenomenon of drop entrainment arises at the interface, causing an increase of pressure drop. Models have been presented in the literature in an attempt to describe the phenomenon of drop entrainment. In this work, we present a new method for the one-dimensional mathematical modeling of entrainment in order to improve the prediction of oil volume fraction and pressure drop. It was also used a commercial computational fluid dynamics tool (CFD) to obtain the values of flow parameters of wavy stratified oil-water flow, such as oil volume fraction, pressure drop, amplitude and length of the interfacial waves. The results of the phenomenological modeling for entrainment and CFD were compared with experimental databases. The CFD results are in agreement with the experimental results in both the qualitative analysis of the geometric properties of the interfacial waves and in direct comparison with oil-volumetric-fraction and pressure-drop data. The numerical results of the phenomenological model for entrainment factors are in agreement with data from the literature.
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Perspectiva histórica e tecnológica da calibração do túnel 2 do Sistema Cantareira de adução de água para a região metropolitana de São Paulo / Historical and technological perspective of the test for the calibration of tunnel 2 of the Cantareira water project for the metropolitan area of São PauloHemerson Donizete Pinheiro 22 March 2007 (has links)
Trabalhos de cunho historiográfco que visam resgatar a produção científica e tecnológica de um país tem auxiliado a compreender e a classificar seu nível de desenvolvimento frente a estas questões. Com este trabalho, espera-se dar início no Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento (SHS) da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, a um levantamento historiográfico da produção tecnológica e científica de seus pós-graduandos e professores. Para tanto, resgata-se um trabalho realizado entre o final da década de 1960 e início da década de 1970, pela Cátedra de Mecânica dos Fluidos (precursora do SHS), que teve como objetivo prever a vazão de água do túnel 2 do Sistema Cantareira de abastecimento de água para a região metropolitana de São Paulo. Nesta galeria foi realizado um ensaio original com circulação de ar, para o qual foram desenvolvidos métodos e técnicas a fim de verificar a vazão e auxiliar no seu dimensionamento, para garantir uma adução de 33 \'M POT.3\'/s. Mediante o levantamento, organização cronológica e análise dos documentos produzidos pelos autores do referido ensaio, resgatam-se as influências teóricas que nortearam as metodologias, as técnicas e tecnologias e analisam-se, de acordo com os registros documentais, a execução e resultados alcançados pelos ensaios. / Works that have as objective to review the scientific and technological production of a country have helped to understand and to measure its level of development regarding these questions. With this work, hopefully a historical survey of the technological and scientific production of its graduate students and teachers begins at the Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento (SHS) at the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. In this way, a work that was carried out between the end of the 1960\'s and beginning of the 1970\'s, by the chair of fluid mechanics (precursor of the SHS), which had as objective to foresee the water flow rate at tunnel 2 of the Cantareira water project for the metropolitan area of São Paulo. An original test using air circulation was carried out in the tunnel. Methods and techniques were developed in order to verify the flow rate and check its size, to guarantee 33 \'M POT.3\'/s of flow. The documents produced by the authors of the test were surveyed, organized chronologically and analyzed, seeking to infer the theoretical influences that had guided the methodologies, to describe the techniques and technologies and to analyze, in accordance with the document registers, the execution and results reached from the tests.
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Bio-colloidal transfer in saturated and unsaturated porous media : influence of the physical heterogeneity of the porous medium and cell properties on bacteria transport and deposition mechanisms / Transfert bio-colloïdal dans des milieux poreux saturés et non-saturés : influence de l’hétérogénéité physique du milieu et des propriétés de cellules sur les mécanismes de transport et de dépôt bactérienBai, Hongjuan 26 January 2017 (has links)
La compréhension du transport et du dépôt bio-colloïdal dans un milieu poreux présente un grand intérêt dans les applications environnementales, en particulier pour le contrôle de la bio-remédiation des sols et la protection des ressources en eau souterraine. Afin de mieux évaluer et prévenir les risques de contamination de la nappe phréatique et de proposer des solutions adéquates de remédiation, il est nécessaire d’avoir une bonne compréhension des mécanismes qui contrôlent le transport et le dépôt des bactéries dans les milieux poreux saturés et non saturés. L’objectif des ces travaux de thèse est d’étudier le rôle de l’hétérogénéité physique du milieu poreux (distribution granulométrique, porosité…) et de l’hydrodynamique du milieu sur les mécanismes de transport et de dépôt de particules bio-colloïdales, tout en prenant en compte l’impact des propriétés de cellules bactériennes sur ces mécanismes. Des expériences de traçage et d’injection de suspensions bactériennes ont été menées à l’échelle de colonnes de laboratoire dans trois milieux poreux avec une porosité et une distribution de taille de pore distincte. Afin de caractériser l’écoulement dans les milieux poreux, un soluté non-réactif a été utilisé comme traceur de l’eau. Trois souches bactériennes ont été utilisées pour préparer les suspensions bactériennes : une bactérie mobile (Escherichia coli), et deux non mobiles (Klebsiella sp. et R. rhodochrous). La caractérisation des propriétés cellulaires (telles que la taille et la forme des cellules, le potentiel zêta, la motilité et l'hydrophobicité) a été effectuée pour chaque souche. Des simulations numériques ont été réalisées en utilisant le code de calcul HYDRUS-1D afin de modéliser l’écoulement et d’estimer les paramètres de transport et de dépôt des bactéries. Ces derniers ont été explorés afin d'identifier le mode de transport bactérien et les mécanismes physico-chimiques ou physiques impliqués dans le dépôt des bactéries. Des expériences supplémentaires à l'échelle des pores ont été réalisées à l'aide de dispositifs microfluidiques conçus à cet effet. Un calcul théorique des différentes interactions entre les bactéries et le milieu poreux aux interfaces air/eau/solide a été effectué pour compléter les résultats expérimentaux ainsi que ceux issus de la modélisation numérique. Ainsi, les énergies d’interactions telles que les forces de van der Waals, électrostatiques de double couche, hydrophobes, stériques, capillaires et hydrodynamiques, impliquées dans le dépôt de bactéries ont été calculées pour décrire les interactions bactéries-interfaces afin d'identifier leur impact relatif sur le dépôt physico-chimique et physique des bactéries. Les résultats expérimentaux et la modélisation numérique ont mis en évidence un écoulement non uniforme, dépendant de la taille des grains ainsi que de la distribution de la taille des pores du milieu poreux. Pour un milieu poreux donné, l’écoulement devient plus dispersif quand la teneur en eau du milieu diminue. Ceci est dû à l’augmentation de la tortuosité du milieu, du fait de la présence de l’air dans les pores. Le transport des bactéries diffère de celui du traceur de l’eau. Le dépôt bactérien a été fortement influencé par la géométrie du réseau poral du milieu, les propriétés cellulaires et le degré de saturation en eau. Le piégeage physique et physico-chimique sont des mécanismes qui doivent être pris en compte pour bien décrire le dépôt bactérien, mais leur importance sur les mécanismes de dépôt est étroitement liée aux propriétés du milieu poreux et des cellules. Ces travaux mettent en évidence l’effet simultané des propriétés cellulaires, des propriétés physiques (granulométrie et distribution de taille de pores) et de l'hydrodynamique du milieu poreux sur les mécanismes de transport et de dépôt bactérien. Le calcul des différentes énergies d’interaction a permis d’identifier leur importance sur les mécanismes de dépôt bactérien. / The investigation of the transport and retention of bacteria in porous media has a great practical importance in environmental applications, such as protection of the surface and groundwater supplies from contamination, risk assessment from microorganisms in groundwater, and soil bioremediation. The aim of this study is to gain a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that control bacteria transport and deposition in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Laboratory tracer and bacteria transport experiments at Darcy scale were performed in three porous media with distinct pore size distribution in order to investigate and quantify water and bacteria transport process under steady state flow conditions. A conservative solute was used as water tracer to characterize water flow pathways through porous media. A gram negative, motile Escherichia coli, a gram negative, non-motile Klebsiella sp. and a gram positive, non-motile R. rhodochrous were selected for the transport experiments. Characterization of cell properties (such as cell size and shape, zeta potential, motility and hydrophobicity) was performed for each strain. Numerical simulations with HYDRUS-1D code were performed to characterize water flow and to estimate bacteria transport and deposition parameters. The later were explored to identify bacteria flow patterns and physicochemical or physical mechanisms involved in bacteria deposition. To provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved on bacteria transport and deposition, pore scale experiments were carried out by using microfluidic devices, designed for this purpose. The information obtained from laboratory experiments and numerical modeling was improved by theoretical calculation of different interactions between bacteria and porous media at air/water/solid interfaces. DLVO and non-DLVO interactions such as hydrophobic, steric, capillary and hydrodynamic forces involved in bacteria deposition were considered to describe bacteria-interface interactions in order to identify their relative impact on physicochemical and physical deposition of bacteria. Results obtained through both laboratory experiments and numerical simulationsoutlined non-uniform flow pathways, which were dependent on both grain/pore size as well as pore size distribution of the porous media. For a given porous medium, water flow patterns became more non-uniform and dispersive with decreasing water saturation due to the presence of air phase, which lead to an increase of the tortuosity of the flow pathways under unsaturated conditions. Bacteria transport pathways were different from the tracer transport, due to size exclusion of bacteria from smaller pore spaces and bacteria motility. Bacteria deposition was greatly influenced by pore network geometry, cell properties and water saturation degree. Both physical straining and physicochemical attachment should be taken into account to well describe bacteria deposition, but their importance on bacteria deposition is closely linked to porous media and cell properties. The results obtained in this work highlighted the simultaneous role of cell properties, pore size distribution and hydrodynamics of the porous media on bacteria transport and deposition mechanisms. The calculation of DLVO and non-DLVO interactions showed that bacteria deposition in saturated and unsaturated porous media was influenced by both kinds of interactions.
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Návrh a posouzení suché nádrže a protipovodňové ochrany / Design of small reservoirs and flood protectionPikna, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the flood protection of the village Hrušky (Vyškov district). The hydraulic analysis of the water flow on the rivers Litava (river station km 19,460 - 20,928) and Rakovec (river station km 0,000 - 0,638) was done. The hydraulic analysis was performed on the Q5, Q20 and Q100 flows. For analysis was used a 2D numerical flow model in HEC-RAS 5.0.6. Based on results was designed a flood protection including a dry reservoir. The input data for the diploma thesis was the 2013 study „Litava II – přírodě blízká protipovodňová opatření a obnova přirozené hydromorfologie a retenční kapacity toku a nivy v úseku ř. km 16,0 (Újezd u Brna) až ř. km 24,0 (Slavkov u Brna)“. The diploma thesis was processed as a real project in the design office of Regioprojekt Brno, s.r.o.
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Hydraulická analýza toku Bečvy / Hydraulic analysis of the Bečva riverGřegoř, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a comparison between two river hydraulics modeling approaches, the first one being combined 1D and 2D modeling, and the second one being solely 2D modeling. Both models are located at Bečva river, between its 17,282 and 28,419 river kilometer. The outputs of the simulations are water flow velocity maps, water depth maps, maps that show differences between flood areas calculated in both models, tables comparing channel water surface elevations and schematic long sections. In conclusion of the thesis, the outputs of the simulations are compared.
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Návrh vakového jezu v Oslavanech / Design of Inflatable Weir in OslavanyKocman, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the current state of the river Oslava in Oslavany design and reconstruction of the existing fixed weir in the affected location. As a best alternative reconstruction of the existing fixed weir reconstruction was chosen the hard threshold floating weir inflatable weirs. The next part of the thesis describes the proposed solution, and the last part of the thesis deals with the assessment of the proposed solutions.
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Vývoj metody pro hodnocení retenčních vlastností vegetačních střech / The development of a method for evaluation of the green roofs' retention capacityHerůfek, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of methods for evaluating retention features of green roofs. For the purpose of this thesis, a rainfall simulator was designed and various types of precipitation were examined. The thesis is divided into two main parts: a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part, the importance of water retention on green roofs is discussed. In addition, a physical theory related to this topic is included and various rainfall simulators used for scientific experiments in the Czech Republic and abroad are described. The practical part deals with the measurement of droplet size and rainfall simulator design. In this part, the process of measuring the flow and the intensity of rainfall by using scales, flow meter and rain gauge is described. For this purpose, a datalogger was developed by the Faculty of Eletrical Engineering in Brno. Finally, the results are sumarized and recommendations on how to conduct the research in the future are provided.
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