Spelling suggestions: "subject:". pavement"" "subject:". lavement""
521 |
Evaluating Vehicle Data Analytics for Assessing Road Infrastructure FunctionalityJustin Anthony Mahlberg (9746357) 15 December 2020 (has links)
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) manages and maintains over
3,000 miles of interstates across the state. Assessing lane marking quality is an
important part of agency asset tracking and typically occurs annually. The current
process requires agency staff to travel the road and collect representative
measurements. This is quite challenging for high volume multi-lane facilities.
Furthermore, it does not scale well to the additional 5,200 centerline miles of non-interstate routes. <div><br></div><div>Modern vehicles now have technology on them called “Lane Keep Assist” or LKA,
that monitor lane markings and notify the driver if they are deviating from the lane.
This thesis evaluates the feasibility of monitoring when the LKA systems can and
cannot detect lane markings as an alternative to traditional pavement marking asset
management techniques. This information could also provide guidance on what
corridors are prepared for level 3 autonomous vehicle travel and which locations need
additional attention. </div><div><br></div><div>In this study, a 2019 Subaru Legacy with LKA technology was utilized to detect
pavement markings in both directions along Interstates I-64, I-65, I-69, I-70, I-74, I90, I-94 and I-465 in Indiana during the summer of 2020. The data was collected in
the right most lane for all interstates except for work zones that required temporary
lane changes. The data was collected utilizing two go-pro cameras, one facing the
dashboard collecting LKA information and one facing the roadway collecting photos
of the user’s experience. Images were taken at 0.5 second frequency and were GPS
tagged. Data collection occurred on over 2,500 miles and approximately 280,000
images were analyzed. The data provided outputs of: No Data, Excluded, Both Lanes
Not Detected, Right Lane Not Detected, Left Lane Not Detected, and Both Lanes
Detected. </div><div><br></div><div>The data was processed and analyzed to create spatial plots signifying locations where
markings were detectable and locations where markings were undetected. Overall,
across 2,500 miles of travel (right lane only), 77.6% of the pavement markings were
classified as both detected. The study found</div><div><br></div><div>• 2.6% the lane miles were not detected on both the left and right side </div><div>• 5.2% the lane miles were not detected on the left side </div><div>• 2.0% the lane miles were not detected on the right side
8 </div><div><br></div><div>Lane changes, inclement weather, and congestion caused 12.5% of the right travel
lane miles to be excluded. The methodology utilized in this study provides an
opportunity to complement the current methods of evaluating pavement marking
quality by transportation agencies. </div><div><br></div><div>The thesis concludes by recommending large scale harvesting of LKA from a variety
of vendors so that complete lane coverage during all weather and light conditions can
be collected so agencies have an accurate assessment of how their pavement markings
perform with modern LKA technology. Not only will this assist in identifying areas
in need of pavement marking maintenance, but it will also provide a framework for
agencies and vehicle OEM’s to initiate dialog on best practices for marking lines and
exchanging information.</div>
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Deicer Usage on Concrete and Asphalt Pavements in UtahThomas, Chase David 01 December 2013 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to 1) compile winter maintenance data for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to directly compare concrete and asphalt pavements with regards to deicer usage and 2) determine if there is a statistical difference in deicer usage on concrete and asphalt pavements. To this end, three data sources were consulted for this research: Material Maintenance Quality Assurance (MMQA) database, UDOT road database, and Google Maps. The final compiled data set prepared for analysis in this research contained deicer quantities by deicer type, pavement surface areas by pavement material type, traffic, longitude, latitude, and elevation data. The deicer data evaluated in this analysis represented the total quantities of each deicer distributed during the 8-year period during which the MMQA database was used by UDOT.Several multiple linear regression analyses were performed to determine if concrete or asphalt pavements required different amounts of deicers, including salt, Redmond salt, brine, wetted salt, magnesium chloride, sand, pre-mix, and wetted pre-mix, during the winter seasons evaluated in this research. Because plow routes were not equal in total pavement area, a variable called “concrete proportion” was created. Similarly, traffic and deicer quantities were divided by total pavement area in lane miles to account for the variation in maintenance station sizes and to allow for direct comparison of the various maintenance stations. After the values of the independent variables were finalized, full and reduced models were created for the total amount of all deicers per lane mile and the amounts of each of the eight individual deicers per lane mile based on the statistical significance of the respective independent variables. A total of 18 regression models were completed for this research.From the results of the statistical analyses, concrete proportion was statistically significant in models for three of the dependent variables, including brine, wetted salt, and wetted pre-mix. However, neither the full nor the reduced regression model prepared for the sum of all deicers had concrete proportion as one of the significant variables. The absence of concrete proportion as an independent variable in these models shows that, on average, after correcting for differences in traffic volume and pavement area, deicer usage in Utah is not affected by pavement type. Therefore, except in areas where applications of brine, wetted salt, and wetted pre-mix are common, winter maintenance costs should not be a factor in the determination of pavement type.
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Análisis de la optimización del suelo de la base con aditivo químico terrasil para el diseño de pavimentos industriales del almacén de concentrados mineros – Almacenes Logisminsa, Ventanilla – Callao / Analysis of the optimization of the base soil with terrasil chemical additive for the design of industrial flooring of the warehouse of mining concentrates - Almacenes Logisminsa, Ventanilla - CallaoGutiérrez Rosales, Jessica Milagros, Ceron Rivera, Eduardo Cesar 12 July 2020 (has links)
Durante la ejecución de proyectos, el ingeniero civil se encuentra con diversos suelos en distintas zonas de construcción con problemas particulares; tales como, la presencia de suelos expansivos, una mala distribución granulométrica, también se encuentra los suelos con baja capacidad de soporte reflejados en el valor de CBR, entre otros. Frente a estas problemáticas, se plantean diversas soluciones como la estabilización de suelos ya sea por medios físicos y químicos. El presente estudio se realizará en el almacén Logisminsa de concentrados mineros, actualmente en construcción, ubicada en el distrito de Ventanilla. Cabe mencionar que este estudio se ha realizado con material de cantera, el cual cumple con los estándares de calidad de agregados vigentes para una base, con la excepción del valor de soporte del terreno CBR, siendo esta inferior al parámetro establecido por el manual de carreteras: suelos, geología y pavimentos, esto al tratarse de vehículos industriales, y además de presentar altas cargas concentradas y distribuidas por los concentrados mineros puede ocasionar daños en la losa de concreto lo que implicará un adicional de costo en el mantenimiento, reparación, tiempo de trabajo y horas máquinas. Por ello, se plantea la incorporación del aditivo químico Terrasil en distintos porcentajes de aplicación en la base del pavimento industrial del almacén de concentrados mineros Logisminsa con el fin de evaluar la influencia del aditivo químico en el valor del CBR, además en el espesor de losa al diseñar el pavimento industrial con cada porcentaje de adicción. / During the execution of projects, the civil engineer encounters various types of soils with particular problems in different construction areas; such as the presence of expansive soils, a poor particle size distribution, there are also soils with low bearing capacity reflected in the CBR value, among others. Faced with these problems, various solutions are proposed, such as soil stabilization by physical and chemical means. The investigation will be carried out in the Logisminsa mine concentrates warehouse, currently under construction, located in Ventanilla district. It is worth mentioning that this study has been carried out with quarry material, which complies with the quality standards of aggregates in force for a base, with the exception of the capacity of soil support through the CBR, this being less than the parameter established by the road manual: soils, geology and pavements, this when dealing with industrial vehicles and in addition to presenting high concentrated loads distributed by the mining concentrates, can cause damage to the concrete slab, which will imply an additional cost in maintenance, repair, working time and machine hours. For this reason, the incorporation of the chemical additive Terrasil in different percentages of application in the base of the industrial pavement of the Logisminsa mining concentrates warehouse is proposed in order to evaluate the influence of the chemical additive on the CBR value, in addition to the slab thickness when designing the industrial pavement with each percentage of addiction. / Tesis
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Propuesta de concretos permeables para la captación de agua de lluvia en pavimentos de estacionamientos de hospitales en Arequipa / Proposal of permeable concrete to collect rainwater in pavements of hospital´s parking lots in ArequipaRavello Bolo, Mirella Rosa Linda, Baldeón Condori, Andrea Stefany 21 July 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis consiste en presentar una propuesta sostenible que ayude en el control y almacenamiento del agua de lluvia para evitar inundaciones y daños producidos en los estacionamientos de los hospitales en la ciudad de Arequipa.
Se evaluaron dieciocho diseños de mezclas, nueve realizados con agregado grueso Huso 7 y los otros nueve con Huso 67. Para los diferentes diseños se cambió el porcentaje de agregado fino, la relación agua/cemento y la dosis de los aditivos. Por cada diseño de mezcla se elaboraron nueve probetas destinadas al ensayo de resistencia a la compresión, tres por cada edad, ensayadas a los 7, 14 y 28 días; se utilizaron 2 vigas de 6”x6”x20” para determinar el Módulo de Rotura y 2 probetas de 4”x8” para hallar la tasa de permeabilidad, para lo cual se necesitó realizar una réplica del permeabilímetro expuesto en el ACI 522. Los resultados de todos los ensayos serán presentados y comparados entre sí para determinar el grado de influencia de los mismos.
Además, también se realizará un análisis costo beneficio por metro cuadrado para determinar qué tanto varía el costo del concreto permeable en comparación con el concreto convencional. Finalmente, se realizará un análisis cuantitativo entre los dieciocho diseños de mezcla y el concreto convencional. Para así determinar cuál es la mezcla óptima que cumpla con los requisitos necesarios para ser implementado en los estacionamientos de los hospitales en Arequipa y pueda competir en el mercado con el concreto convencional. / The present thesis consists of presenting a sustainable proposal that helps in the control and storage of rainwater to avoid floods and damages produced in the parking lots of hospitals in the city of Arequipa.
Eighteen mix designs were evaluated, nine made with coarse aggregate Spindle 7 and the other nine with Spindle 67. For the different designs, the percentage of fine aggregate, the water / cement ratio and the dose of the additives were changed. For each mix design, nine specimens were prepared for the compression resistance test, three for each age, tested at 7, 14 and 28 days; 2 beams of 6 ”x6” x20 ”were used to determine the Modulus of Break and 2 specimens of 4” x8 ”to find the permeability rate, for which it was necessary to make a replica of the permeabilimeter exposed in the ACI 522. The results of all the tests will be presented and compared with each other to determine the degree of influence between them.
In addition, a cost benefit analysis per square meter will also be performed to determine how much the cost of pervious concrete varies compared to conventional concrete. Finally, a quantitative analysis will be performed between the eighteen mix designs and conventional concrete. In order to determine which is the optimal mix that meets the necessary requirements to be implemented in hospital´s parking lots in Arequipa and can compete in the market with conventional concrete. / Tesis
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La influencia del RAP en la resistencia estructural de un pavimento reciclado en frío para el proyecto de conservación vial de la carretera Binacional Mazocruz – Puente Internacional / The influence of RAP on the structural resistance of a cold recycled pavement for the road conservation Project of the Mazocruz Binational Road – International BridgeFlores Falcón, Carla Sofía, Saldaña Núñez, Antuanet Yahaira 21 July 2020 (has links)
El Proyecto de “Mejoramiento de la carretera Dv. Humajalso-Desaguadero y Tacna-Tarata-Capazo-Mazocruz por niveles de servicio” se encuentra en los departamentos de Tacna, Puno y Moquegua, Perú. Este proyecto es ejecutado por el Consorcio Vial Santa Rosa. La presente tesis, ubicado en el proyecto en mención, desarrolla el estudio de la influencia el RAP en el paquete de pavimento que será reciclado en frío, consistiendo en el pavimento reciclado; en este caso, al pavimento de asfalto existente más la base granular existente. Por lo que, se plantea el análisis escenarios desde base cero para tener una línea guía de referencia con espesores típicos de reciclados de 15 cm, 20 cm y 25 cm; en donde, se analiza la variación de la influencia del RAP con una proporción de cemento que se le agrega de 1% y 2% para estudiar el comportamiento con ayuda del CBR y del número estructural perteneciente a la fórmula de AASHTO. Se planteará el diseño del pavimento con cemento por medio de AASHTO. Por último, se verá en los resultados la influencia negativa que tiene el RAP en la resistencia estructural y la proporción aproximada de decremento de esta y las recomendaciones del caso. / The Project of “Mejoramiento de la carretera Dv. Humajalso-Desaguadero y Tacna-Tarata-Capazo-Mazocruz por niveles de servicio” is located in the departments of Tacna, Puno and Moquegua, Perú. This project is executed by Consorcio Vial Santa Rosa. This thesis, located in the project in question, develops the study of the influence of the RAP on the pavement package that will be cold recycled, consisting of the recycled pavement; in this case, to the existing asphalt pavement plus the existing granular base. Therefore, it is proposed to analyze scenarios from scratch to have a reference guideline with typical recycled thicknesses of 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm; where, the variation of the influence of the RAP is analyzed with a proportion of cement added of 1% and 2% to analyze the behavior with the help of the CBR and the structural number belonging to the AASHTO formula. The design of the pavement with cement through AASHTO will be considered. Finally, the negative influence of the RAP on the structural strength and the approximate proportion of its decrease will be seen in the results and the recommendations of the case. / Tesis
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<div>A transportation system plays a significant role in the economic development of a region by facilitating the movement of goods and services. No matter how well the infrastructure is designed or constructed, it is beneficial to know maintenance needs in the life cycle of the infrastructure so that the service life of the pavement is prolonged by minimizing its life-cycle cost requirements. The pavement life-cycle performance helps maintenance investment decision-makers to efficiently utilize the available infrastructure funds. This research focuses on developing</div><div>a framework for identifying a more effective and efficient way of decision making on the management and maintenance of infrastructure. The developed framework uses an agent-based modeling approach to capture the interaction that exists between different components of the transportation system and their characteristics such as traffic volume and pavement condition, user cost, agency cost, etc. The developed agent-based is useful to investigate the effects of time-varying vehicular density on pavement deterioration and the road users’ driving behavior. The developed framework was demonstrated as a two-lane highway as a case study. Using the developed agent-based simulation framework, it was possible to identify when the road</div><div>infrastructure maintenance should be done to increase the desired PCR value. Also, it was possible to show a decrease in PCR can affect the cost of road users. The framework can track the time to determine when maintenance should be done based on the PCR values that determine whether the</div><div>pavement is in good, moderate, or bad condition. Regardless of the degree of road users’ patience to stay in their travel lanes (patience), the vehicle distribution on the road is balanced in the long run because road users tend to change their travel lanes to minimize their overall travel times. When the patient level is low, road users tend to change lanes more, causing a high number of vehicles on the left lane as it is considered the lane changing lane in two-lane highways. It was also observed that as the patience of the road users increases, the number of vehicles that use the right lane is almost the same as the number of vehicles that use the left lane.</div>
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Recyklace asfaltových směsí se standardním množstvím R-materiálu / Recycling of asphalt mixtures with standard amount of RAPStaňková, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of an asphalt mixture for an abrasive layer with a standard R-material content (20 %) without the use of other softening additives, while the properties of the aged asphalt binder in the mixture were compensated by dosing "softer binder 70/100". Asphalt mixtures type ACO 11+ are designed to meet the requirements ČSN 73 6121: 2019. The aim of the work is to verify the expected properties of the asphalt mixture performed functional and empirical tests according to the standards for asphalt mixtures of the ČSN EN 12697 series.
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SIMPLE EVALUATION METHODS FOR ROAD PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRY / 発展途上国向け道路舗装の簡易な評価手法に関する研究Heng Salpisoth 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18249号 / 工博第3841号 / 新制||工||1589(附属図書館) / 31107 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 河野 広隆, 教授 宮川 豊章, 准教授 服部 篤史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Assessment of Tree Canopy Effects Overtop Low Volume RoadwaysHorn, Andrea L. 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Fatigue Failure Model for Local Roads in Ohio that Use Road User Maintenance Agreements Due to the Increase in Truck TrafficGopallawa, Praveen January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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