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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Management of a River Recreation Resource: Understanding the Inputs to Management of Outdoor Recreational Resources

Rae, Kimberley January 2007 (has links)
Research into the use of natural resources and protected areas for the pursuit of outdoor recreational opportunities has been examined by a number of researchers. One activity with growth in recent years is river recreation, the use of rivers for rafting, kayaking, canoeing and instructional purposes. These many uses involve different groups of individuals, creating management complexity. Understanding the various inputs is critical for effective management The Lower Kananaskis River, located in Kananaskis Country in Southwestern Alberta, was area chosen to develop an understanding the inputs necessary for effective management. Specifically, this study explored the recreational use of the river in an effort to create recommendations on how to more effectively manage use of the Lower Kananaskis River and associated day-use facilities in the future. Kananaskis Country is a 4,250 km2 multi-use recreation area located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the western border of Alberta. Since its designation, the purpose of the area, has been to protect the natural features of the area while providing quality facilities that would complement recreational opportunities available in the area. Over the years, the multi-use goal of the area has led to issues surrounding the management of the recreational opportunities available, including the multiple use of the Lower Kananaskis River. The Lower Kananaskis River is a section of the larger Kananaskis River, one of six rivers flowing through Kananaskis Country. The Kananaskis River flows for 84 km. northward in the Kananaskis Country from the Upper Kananaskis Lake through the development of the Lower Kananaskis Lake and Barrier Lake to the Bow River. This thesis was only concerned about a small section of this river, the lower portion. The Lower Kananaskis River is a 2 km stretch of the river located within Bow Valley Provincial Park, with an additional 4 km of river outside of the park that many users utilize. This river has become a widely used and well-known recreational paddling destination in Kananaskis Country and Bow Valley Provincial Park and with this has come concerns over its use and management. A mixed methods approach was implemented to examine current use levels Both surveys and participant observations were used to develop a better understanding of current use levels (i.e. time, type) and to gather information from users. At the same time, structured interviews were held with key policy leaders to further explore current management issues and concerns surrounding the Lower Kananaskis River. Analysis of the data collected from river users revealed that the area is widely used by both commercial and recreational users. These two groups of users have learned to adapt to one another’s activities. Both groups expressed high level of satisfaction, but continued growth in use will probably pose problems with user’s experience and satisfaction. In many cases, users also recognized the need for improvements to river infrastructure both on and off the river. Users indicated that changes were needed in the parking areas to accommodate all of the vehicles and users, work was needed at the put-ins and take-outs to accommodate the increases in users along with work on the river features and at the day use sites. Users also recognized that the area is becoming more widely used and feel that changes are needed in how the area is maintained and managed in order to deal with its continued growth. The interviews with policy leaders emphasized the well-known nature of the issues of the area and emphasized issues within the current management structure. Policy leaders were more critical of the current management structure of the river than the users. The critical comments from the policy leaders were expected, as they are more aware of the management issues than recreational users. The policy leaders made many insightful comments for change in the interviews and recognize that park management has shown low levels of understanding and responses to the expressed needs of the users, and recommendations of previous research. This research found several examples of management ineffectiveness. It was concluded that the low levels of response from management is due to the lack of management capability. With the continued growth of the area new management demands can be expected. This in tern will require improved management framework and guideline. With this, it was recommended that increased management capability is required. In order to assist in the development of this capability the research developed an adapted outdoor recreation management framework. Application of this framework would help to ensure that the area is managed more effectively in the future.

De tänker inte på att det är matte : Utomusmatematik i årskurs 1-3

Sivertsson, Malin, Svenson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om lärare i grundskolans tidigare år arbetar med utomhusmatematik som en undervisningsform i matematikundervisningen. Utomhusmatematik är ett begrepp som syftar på den matematikundervisning som bedrivs utanför skolans lokaler, där kroppen och föremålen i miljön blir läromedel. Undersökningen genomfördes på fyra skolor med hjälp av enkäter till 20 lärare i grundskolans tidigare år, årskurs 1-3, i Kalmar och Nybro i Sverige. Resultatet visar att flertalet [75 %] av de tillfrågade lärarna bedriver undervisning i utomhusmatematik och att de dessutom deltagit i någon form av utbildning i utomhusmatematik. De tillfrågade lärarna ser fler möjligheter än begränsningar med denna undervisningsform. Den största positiva faktorn som anges är att utomhusmatematiken bidrar till att eleverna får möjlighet att lära på många olika sätt, till exempel genom rörelse. Ytterligare möjligheter som konkretisering av matematik, praktisk användning för den teoretiska matematiken och tillgången till en stimulerande undervisningsmiljö med oändligt mycket material framkom i resultatet. De begränsningar som förs fram med denna undervisningsform är vädrets inverkan och elevernas svårighet att bibehålla koncentrationen utomhus. / The main purpose of this degree project has been to examine if compulsory schoolteachers work with outdoor mathematics as a form of teaching in mathematics education. Outdoor mathematics is a concept of mathematic education that is pursued outside the school, where the human body and the objects in the environment become teaching aids. The survey has been carried out by using questionnaires to 20 compulsory schoolteachers for forms 1-3 at four schools in Kalmar and Nybro, Sweden   The result of the study shows that a majority [75 %] of the participating schoolteachers work with outdoor mathematics and that they have participated in some kind of outdoor mathematics education. The participating schoolteachers see more possibilities than limitations with this form of teaching. The greatest factor is that outdoor mathematics contributes to the possibility for students to learn in many different ways for example through body movement. Additional possibilities, such as making mathematics more concrete, practical use for mathematical theory and accessibility to a stimulating teaching environment with endless material, are shown in the result. The result also shows limitations with this form of teaching, such as the influence of weather and the difficulty for pupils to maintain concentration outdoors.

Participation and expenditures for hunting, fishing and general rural outdoor recreation in Arizona in 1970

Depping, Carl Duane, 1949- January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Konkurrensmedel inom Outdoorbranschen : En studie i hur man kan förbättra samarbetet mellan leverantörer och återförsäljare inom den svenska Outdoorbranschen / Means for competitive advantage within the outdoor industry : A study of how to improve the relationship between supplier and retailer within the Swedish outdoor industry

Lans, Astrid, Sandberg, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Problem: Vilka samarbetsfaktorer är viktiga för små svenska Outdoorleverantörer för långsiktig överlevnad på en konkurrensutsatt marknad? Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera olika samarbetsfaktorer mellan leverantörer och återförsäljare inom den svenska Outdoorbranschen. Teori: Involveringsteori, Transaktionsmarknadsföring, Relationsmarknadsföring, Nätverksteori, Organisationsmodellen, Den värdeskapande processen och Totalkommunikation. Metod: Kvalitativ undersökning, deduktion, primärdata, intervjuer, semistrukturerad intervjuguide med kompletterande slutna frågor, strategiskt urval. Empiri: Haglöfs Scandinavia AB, Lundhags Skomakarna AB, Houdini Sportswear AB, Klättermusen AB, Playground Nordic AB, Addnature AB och Alewalds Sport AB. Resultat: Författarna upplever Ourdoorbranschen som en avslappnad och harmonisk bransch där social kompetens blir en viktig faktor för att skapa samarbeten över huvud taget. Leverantörer bör fokusera på leveranshantering, säljstöd och utbildning. Viktiga egenskaper hos leverantören för ett bra samarbete är ärlighet och öppenhet som bidrar till en bra kommunikation. Slutsats: Då vi lever i en föränderlig värld är den lojalitet som man bygger upp genom interaktion och samarbeten av stor betydelse för små Outdoorleverantörer på den svenska marknaden. Skall man som leverantör överleva långsiktigt måste man jobba mer kring förståelsen för att driva branschen in i en utvecklande fas och inte förlita sig helt på den tillväxt som branschen länge haft. Som liten leverantör blir det därför viktigt att jobba med några färre djupa relationer istället för många mer ytliga. För att som liten leverantör skapa sig förståelse och därmed kunna öka sin anpassning bör man genom värdestjärnans principer ta fram mervärden tillsammans med återförsäljaren som är svåra för andra leverantörer att kopiera.

Evaluating the susceptibility to conflict of outdoor recreation activities : a case study of backcountry skiing, helicopter skiing, and snowmobiling in the Revelstoke region of British Columbia, Canada

Cooper, Laurie Anne 05 1900 (has links)
Powder snow is becoming an increasingly sought-after resource in the backcountiy areas of British Columbia. This thesis focuses on conflicts between backcountiy skiing, helicopter skiing, and snowmobiling in British Columbia, with particular emphasis on the social-psychological causes of the conflicts. The relative susceptibility to conflict of each activity is addressed through an examination of the literature on outdoor recreation conflict, and a series of statements are developed which are aimed at identifying the socialpsychological causes of conflict for each individual activity. The statements developed out of the literature are applied to a case study based on research done in the Revelstoke region of British Columbia. Surveys were distributed to backcountiy skiers, helicopter skiers and snowmobilers and, in this thesis, the survey data is presented and analysed with a view to developing an understanding of the differences between the demographic profiles and attitudes of participants in each of the three winter activities. In the case of backcountiy skiing, helicopter skiing, and snowmobiling, it is evident that there exists a sort of "hierarchy of conflict" with backcountiy skiing being much more susceptible to conflict than either of the other activities. This difference in susceptibility is explained through an examination of the qualities of each activity which make it more or less susceptible to conflict, and it is demonstrated that the susceptibility to conflict of outdoor recreation activities can be predicted through the examination of a set of particular characteristics inherent to each individual activity. Finally, the policy governing commercial recreation in British Columbia is examined in terms of its efficacy in identifying and preventing potential conflicts. Some suggestions are made for improving policy and policy development. The conflicts between backcountiy skiing, helicopter skiing, and snowmobiling can be seen as a microcosm of the kinds of conflicts which arise between competing users of any natural resource. Some of the findings of this thesis have very broad implications, including the demonstration of the following: the apparent dichotomy between environmental impact and economic interests; the globalisation of the economy; the importance of public participation in the development of policy; the inadequacy of zoning as a means of conflict prevention; the need for an evolution from a "frontier" mentality to future planning; the importance of responsibilities, as well as rights; the need for more tools for managing conflicts.

Utomhusmatematik : Hur ser forskningsfältet ut och vad säger forskningen? / Outdoor mathematics : How does the research field look like and what does the research say?

Nyxén, Tove January 2014 (has links)
Det här är en litteraturstudie som undersöker hur forskningsfältet kring utomhusmatematik ser ut, samt de olika resultat som forskningen kommit fram till. Genom systematiska sökningar har tretton artiklar i sin helhet valts ut för granskning, samt nio artiklar som ej finns tillgängliga i fulltext. Dessa inkluderades för att bidra till en mer komplett beskrivning av karaktären för hela det aktuella forskningsfältet. Resultatet visar framför allt att det finns relativt lite forskning inom området. Endast fem artiklar kunde bedömmas uppfylla kriterierna som vetenskapliga och därmed får dessa stå till grund för att visa vad forskningen för området säger. Dessa artiklar konkluderade att elever spontant upplever utomhusmatematik som roligt, att de lär sig lättare samt får en djupare förståelse för matematiken. En artikel kunde även påvisa att de elever som har utomhusmatematik lär sig mer, än de som endast har traditionell klassrumsundervisning. / The purpose of this literature study is to examine what the research field around outdoor mathematics looks like, as well as present the results, research findings and scientific conclusions. Through systematic searches thirteen articles have been found in their entirety selected for audit, as well as nine articles that are not available in full text - these were included in order to contribute to a more complete description of the nature of the entire current field of research. The results primarily show that relatively little research and scientific studies have been done in the area of outdoor mathematics. Only five articles could meet the criteria as scientific, and therefore these may be considered the basis of presenting what the research in this field says. The articles concluded that students own spontaneous reaction to outdoor math is that it is fun, that they learn the subject of math easier, and that they get a deeper understanding of mathematics as a whole. One article was also able to demonstrate that the students who are subjected to the learning method of outdoor mathematics, learned more than those who only have access to traditional classroom teaching.

Students caring for each other

Quay, John J. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The major focus of this study is on the outdoor education subject as a learning context in which caring and community are educational achievements. The review of the literature is necessarily selective as the scope of the research touches upon the discipline areas of community, caring, moral development and education, friendship, outdoor education, experimental education and camping. The research is based upon a two step process within which both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. The first step in the process utilises phenomenological methods. The second step in the process uses the survey method.

Motives for participation in college based outdoor adventure programs

Bentley, Andrew Garth. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Indiana University, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-60). Also available online (PDF file) by a subscription to the set or by purchasing the individual file.

Recreational use of Hong Kong country parks : an analysis of patterns and demand /

Wong, Fook-yee. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 323-347).

A model to estimate the economic effects of water-based recreation projects on local political subdivisions

Kalter, Robert John. January 1966 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1966. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

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