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Pozice penzijního připojištění v konceptu penzijní reformy / Pension income insurance position in the concept of pension reformKramperová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Pension income insurance is in the Czech market since 1994 and throughout its operation, the number of its clients increase. Its unique position is due to tax attractive and state contributions. Currently, on the market oprate 10 pension funds, which provides its clients with pension plans for 5 years and then can be saved as a single draw funds or annuity, according to the pension plan. The entire pension system is composed of two pillars PAYG and fading based , which are mutually complementary. Due to adverse demographic changes and financial sustainability of the system, it is necessary to reform the pension system. On the basis of economic expertise have been drawn up various options for changes in the voluntary pillar. Due to the necessary legislative changes, there was also a significant change in the pension income insurance scheme and its position was substantially changed. The voluntary nature of pension obligations have been replaced and now have the ability to save clients money into funds with different investment strategies. "Old" pension scheme will operate in parallelly with the new system, but access to it is no longer possible, it is possible that the pension insurance with state contribution in the longer term expires. The implementation of the government will decide next month.
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Zásada nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare / Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare principleČupková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare principle Abstract The thesis deals with the nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare principle, which represents one of the fundamental procedural rights in criminal proceedings. The European Court of Human Rights considers it an inseparable part of the right to a just trial. Especially considering the problems arising in connection to interpretation and application of he said principle, the thesis tries to _ the most problematic areas of the principle's application and the different opinions as to what it entails. The first chapter contains the history of the principle's application, both on the European continent in civil law and in common law in both the United Kingdom and the United States. The second chapter summarizes the evolution of rulings of the European Court for Human Rights. Attention is paid to the relation between the nemo tenetur principle and the right to a fair trial contained in the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and also to the relation o other right contained in the same treaty, especially focusing on freedom from torture in order to obtain an evidence of a criminal act. The third chapter summarizes the Czech legislation on the topic, both on Constitutional level - especially focusing on those articles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and...
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Der Regelungsbedarf des deutschen Gesetzgebers zur Anpassung des Aktienrechts an die SE-Verordnung im Hinblick auf den Vorstand / The Demand for Regulation for the German Legislator to Adjust the Stock Companies Law to the SE-Regulation Regarding the Board of ManagementPfeuffer, Thomas January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation behandelt den Regelungsbedarf des deutschen Gesetzgebers zur Anpassung des deutschen Aktienrechts im Hinblick auf den Vorstand vor dem Hintergrund der am 08. Oktober 2001 verabschiedeten und am 10. November desselben Jahres im Amtsblatt der EG veröffentlichten Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2157/2001 über das Statut der Europäischen Gesellschaft (SE). Die Arbeit betrachtet zunächst die genannte Verordnung im System des Europäischen sowie des deutschen Rechts und stellt anschließend die allgemeinen Grundlagen des Regelungsbedürfnisses des deutschen Gesetzgebers dar, so insbesondere Grundsätzliches zur Verweisungstechnik und zu den einzelnen Verweisungsarten. Nach Darlegung der Beschränkungen und der zu beachtenden Grundsätze im Rahmen der Anpassungen des nationalen Rechts werden die zu regelnden Bereiche und der konkrete Regelungsbedarf des deutschen Gesetzgebers in einem SE-Ausführungsgesetz dargestellt. Dabei werden sowohl das dualistische wie auch das im deutschen Aktienrecht bisher unbekannte monistische Verwaltungsmodell untersucht und verschiedene Änderungen und Ergänzungen des bestehenden deutschen Rechts erörtert. / The thesis looks at the demand for regulation for the German legislator to adjust the German stock companies law regarding the board of management to the EC-Regulation No. 2157/2001 on the Societas Europaea. The thesis first deals with the mentioned EC Regulation and, then, describes the basic demands for adjustment, fundamental techniques and ways of reference. After explaining the limits and principles which have to be considered adjusting German national law, the scope and demands for regulation in a German SE-Execution Act is described, in particular the so far in German stock companies law unknown monistic model of administration as well as other necessary alterations and additions to German law.
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Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Employment of persons with disabilitiesJelínek, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this Master's Thesis is to present some legal aspects of employment of persons with disabilities. This thesis deals with the subject particularly with respect to national policy of employment and individual labour-law relations. The largest part of text is devoted to the efforts of the state to reach higher employment rate of persons with disabilities and to compensate their inherent handicaps. This thesis is divided into seven thematic parts. The introduction is followed by part that defines basic terms of employment of people with disabilities which are not legally defined. The issue concerns the terms which are regularly mistaken in common conversation such as disability and handicap. The third part contains an overview of the most important documents, of significant international organizations, which contain the definition of persons with disabilities. These most significant international organizations are the International Labour Organisation, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. The fourth part contains the definitions of person with disabilities according to five acts of Czech legislation. Every act uses different legal term for persons with disabilities and it defines them in different way. Some acts do not contain...
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Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Employment of persons with disabilitiesČerná, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
1 Employment of persons with disabilities Abstract This thesis deals with the employment of people with disabilities. People with disabilities belong to the society with specific needs. These needs have to be taken into account when these people are employed. This thesis focuses on taking into account the specific needs of this group of employees and discusses the possibilities of making them succesful on the labor market. The aim of this work is to evaluate the employment of people with disabilities both from the theoretical and practical point of view and to create an overview of how the employment of people with disabilities is taking place and what it means for their employers. For this reason, the thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is systematically divided into eight chapters. The first chapter deals with characteristics of basic concepts related to this topic. The second chapter deals with international and European legislation of the employment of people with disabilities. The third chapter provides information on Czech legislation, the constitutional basis of the rights of people with disability is defined here and the Anti-Discrimination Act, along with other regulations dealing with this issue. The fourth chapter deals with the regulation of...
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INTERAÇÕES DE TROCA PARA VIZINHOS DISTANTES POR DEGRAUS DE MAGNETIZAÇÃO NO Cd(1-x)Mn(x)SeMerino, Rafael Alejandro Cajacuri 06 March 2002 (has links)
Esta dissertação estuda as constantes de troca para vizinhos distantes no semicondutor magnético diluído Cd(1-x)Mn(x)Se, que tem a estrutura da wurtzita. O método dos degraus de magnetização foi empregado, a partir de medidas de magnetização a 20 mK e campos magnéticos de até 5 Tesla. Mediram-se pela primeira vez os valores de quatro constantes de troca antiferromagnéticas para vizinhos distantes (além das duas constantes conhecidas para primeiros vizinhos). Os valores obtidos são: J(3) /kB =-0.35 ± 0.01K, J(4) /kB =-0.20 ± 0.01K, J(5) /kB =-0.10 ± 0.01K e J(6) /kB = -0.08 ± 0.01K.. Para a identificação dos pares correspondentes às interações de troca medidas utilizou-se a estatística de clusters supondo uma distribuição aleatória dos íons de Mn. Simulações teóricas que consideram até clusters de tipo quarteto na estrutura hcp dos cátions foram implementadas. Uma identificação completa não foi possível por causa de coincidências entre populações de pares diferentes que ocorrem na estrutura deste material. Os resultados apresentam uma grande similaridade com os observados nos compostos cúbicos da mesma família
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Contrastes na cena artística paulistana: MAC USP e MAM SP nos anos 1970 / Contrasts in the São Paulo artistic scene: MAC USP and MAM SP on the 1970\'sLouzada, Heloisa Olivi 04 September 2013 (has links)
A arte brasileira durante a década de 1970 se destacou pelo alto grau de experimentalismo e de contestação aos cânones tanto artísticos como museológicos. As exposições anuais Panorama da Arte Atua Brasileira e Jovem Arte Contemporânea, organizadas respectivamente pelo Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo e pelo Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo, se dedicaram a expor e legitimar determinadas tendências da arte dita jovem e atual durante esse período. A análise comparativa proposta por essa pesquisa revela e discute os mecanismos de seleção, organização, premiação e apresentação de obras em ambas as exposições. O foco da pesquisa dá-se no ano de 1972, momento em que a edição da Jovem Arte Contemporânea apresenta grandes inovações, ano de intenso crescimento do mercado de artes paulistano, auge da repressão militar e em que o Panorama discute as categorias escultura e objeto. Buscou-se analisar as exposições dentro desse contexto maior, apontando como referências os encontros internacionais de diretores de museus e outras exposições paradigmáticas para o período realizadas na Europa e na América Latina. / Brazilian art from the 1970s is known for its high degree of experimentation and for challenging both artistic and museological canons. The annual exhibitions Panorama da Arte atual Brasileira and Jovem Arte Contemporânea, organized respectively by the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo, are dedicated to exposing and legitimizing certain art trends during this period. The comparative analysis proposed by this research reveals and discusses the mechanisms of selection, organization, and presentation works in both exhibitions. The focus of the research takes place in 1972, when the show Jovem Arte Contemporânea presents major innovations and the Panorama discusses sculpture and object categories, the year is also marked by intense growth of the a São Paulo art market, the increase of military repression. We sought to examine the exhibitions within this larger context, taking as references the discussions that occurred in the international encounters of museums directors, and also other paradigmatic exhibitions for the period held in Europe and Latin America.
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O espaço livre público e a visão cotidiana da paisagem: o caso do centro histórico de Laranjeiras-SE / The public open space and the landscape quotidian vision: the case of the historical centre of Laranjeiras-SELícia Cotrim Carneiro Leão 03 May 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do papel dos espaços livres públicos em Laranjeiras, cidade de interesse histórico no estado de Sergipe, com a finalidade de contribuir para a valorização da sua paisagem urbana. Entendendo que a identificação dos modos de ver um lugar pelas pessoas que nele habitam constitui tarefa primordial para a compreensão dos seus valores ambientais, parte-se da ideia de que, entre os passos importantes para direcionar ações que transformem um dado ambiente com base em valores da população local, estejam a identificação dos elementos e aspectos ambientais mais significativos considerados por quem vivencia o local, e o entendimento das formas de compreensão que expressem esses valores. Com o objetivo de entender e valorizar as relações entre os habitantes e a paisagem de Laranjeiras, buscou-se primeiramente conhecer sua história, desde a formação do núcleo colonial até a atualidade. Dirigiu-se em seguida o foco para os elementos da paisagem e para os espaços livres públicos que, segundo o olhar especializado do historiador e do paisagista, apresentam-se como os mais significativos. Em seguida, fez-se necessário cotejar este olhar mais especializado com os pontos de vista dos cidadãos comuns que vivenciam a cidade de Laranjeiras no seu cotidiano visando delimitar, por fim, um conjunto de elementos que justificam a atribuição de valor à paisagem da cidade e que conformam sua possível identidade paisagística. / This thesis deals with the role of public open spaces in Laranjeiras, city of historical interest, as an attempt to contribute to the revaluation process of its urban landscape. This research understands that the dweller\'s individual perception of its environment is very important to understanding of these environmental values. By identifying the elements and most significant environmental aspects from the view of who experience the place and the expression of its values, is one of the important steps to orientate actions in a given environment based in its local population values. Intending to understand and appreciate the relations between the Laranjeira\'s dwellers and its landscape, first of all, we\'ve search for its history, since the formation process of its colonial core until today. Then, the focus turns to the research of landscape elements and public open spaces - the most significant aspects according to the historian\'s and landscape architect\'s specialized point of view. Then, was reavealed the necessity of verifying this specialized look and the views of ordinary people who experience Laranjeiras quotidian, outlining, finally, a set of elements that justify the allocation of value to the landscape of the city and constitute its possible landscape identity.
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Ångest och stresskänslighetKarlsson, Jessica, Ståhl, Ulf January 2009 (has links)
I denna studie undersöktes om känsligheten för stress varierar mellan olika ångestsyndrom. Respondenterna utgjordes av 36 män och 47 kvinnor, samtliga medlemmar i Svenska ångestsyndromsällskapet, som fick besvara 15 bakgrundsfrågor samt PANAS, SE-formuläret och Locus of Control. Några skillnader i stresskänslighet kunde inte påvisas. Dock uppvisade kvinnor högre grad av extern Locus of Control än män, medan män hade fler sömnproblem än kvinnor. Bortfallet i undersökningen är betydande eftersom del av respondentgruppen föll bort. Vidare forskning behövs för att klargöra om skillnader i stresskänslighet finns och om ångestdrabbade är känsligare för stress än normalbefolkningen.
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Podpora exportu v ČR / Promotion of Export in the Czech RepublicRejmanová, Marie January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá problematikou podpory exportu v ČR se zaměřením na financování a pojišťování vývozu se státní podporou. První část charakterizuje současnou koncepci proexportní politiky ČR, kterou je Exportní strategie ČR na období 2006 - 2010. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na dvě proexportní instituce zajišťující financování a pojišťování vývozu se státní podporou. Jedná se o Českou exportní banku a Exportní a garanční pojišťovací společnost. Je zde rozebrána nabídka produktů a služeb těchto institucí a historie jejich vzniku. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje činnost EGAP a ČEB od roku 2000 do roku 2005.
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