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Vyrovnávání se s možnými následky spontánního potratu / Coping with impact of miscarriageMíková, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with possible ways of coping with the consequences of miscarriage. The theoretical part first defines the topic of pregnancy from a medical and psychological point of view. It also includes the definition of miscarriage types. Furthermore, an overview of the experience of the child's loss in the early stages of pregnancy is elaborated, impacts on the psyche of the woman and manifestations in her behavior are considered. The process of grieving by individual authors is considered in the context of the early loss of the child. The issue of termination of pregnancy is also seen from the perspective of trauma theory. Possible protective and risk factors accompanying the loss-making process are discussed. Last but not least, the following professional psychological, medical and lay care for a woman after the loss of a child is mentioned. The empirical part of the thesis deals with the affection of the whole phenomenon of child loss during the early stages of pregnancy. Emphasis is placed on the mapping of protective and risk factors with which women had their own experience. The empirical part is based mainly on interviews with women with experience of loss of a child and with professionals who work in this field. Data evaluation was based on grounded theory principles. Keywords:...
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Delay Difference Equations and Their Applications / Delay Difference Equations and Their ApplicationsJánský, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá vyšetřováním kvalitativních vlastností diferenčních rovnic se zpožděním, které vznikly diskretizací příslušných diferenciálních rovnic se zpožděním pomocí tzv. $\Theta$-metody. Cílem je analyzovat asymptotické vlastnosti numerického řešení těchto rovnic a formulovat jeho horní odhady. Studována je rovněž stabilita vybraných numerických diskretizací. Práce obsahuje také srovnání s dosud známými výsledky a několik příkladů ilustrujících hlavní dosažené výsledky.
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Exploring Success Factors in Certifying Green Buildings : Early Project Stages of Certified Swedish Construction Projects / Utforskning av framgångsfaktorer i certifieringen av gröna byggnaderDalén, Frida, Erickson, Michaela January 2023 (has links)
Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing every year, and in Sweden the construction industrystands for one fifth of the total emissions. One way for construction companies to push formore sustainable development is through voluntary sustainability certifications. As the numberof certified projects continues to rise, how to manage these projects during the early stagesbecomes an increasingly important question. Therefore, the purpose of this report has been toexplore and identify factors of success, connected to the management of certified constructionprojects during early project stages, in a relatively unexplored Swedish context. Data was collected through a literature review and seventeen semi-structured interviews withindustry professionals, and the following thematic analysis resulted in a refined list of factorsto consider during early project stages for successful certification. By applying critical successfactor (CSF) as theoretical framework, fifteen critical success factors were identified andcompared with those from previous research. Integrating the certification, planning for it duringearly stages, certification reconciliation meetings and a driven and competent specialist areexamples of identified CSFs from this list. Conclusions drawn in this report are that the Swedish context does not differ much fromprevious research, as most success factors had previously been identified by others.Furthermore, the results of this report indicate that the sustainability specialist, coordinator orconsultant is an increasingly important role for certified projects, and that they need trust,mandate and space to coordinate the work with the certification. Lastly, contributions havebeen made to the field of research on certified construction projects by providing a list ofsuccess factors with examples and data from Swedish industry professionals. This list canadditionally be considered by industry professionals when undertaking certified constructionprojects. Some issues concerning the application of CSF as framework have also beendiscussed in this report, which researchers in the field can consider for their future researchendeavors. / Utsläppen av växthusgaser ökar varje år och i Sverige står byggbranschen för en femtedel avde totala utsläppen. Ett sätt för byggföretag att driva på för en mer hållbar utveckling är genomfrivilliga hållbarhetscertifieringar. I takt med att antalet certifierade projekt ökar, blir hur manhanterar dessa projekt under de tidiga stadierna en allt viktigare fråga. Syftet med denna uppsatshar därför varit att utforska och identifiera framgångsfaktorer kopplade till ledningen avcertifierade byggprojekt under tidiga projektskeden, i en relativt outforskad svensk kontext. Data insamlades med en litteraturstudie och sjutton semistrukturerade intervjuer med personerfrån byggindustrin, och den följande tematiska analysen resulterade i en lista över faktorer attbeakta under tidiga projektstadier för framgångsrik certifiering. Genom att använda criticalsuccess factor (CSF) som teoretiskt ramverk identifierades femton kritiska framgångsfaktorersom jämfördes med dem nämnda i tidigare forskning. Integrering av certifieringen, planeringför den i tidiga skeden, certifieringsavstämningsmöten och en driven, kompetent specialist ärexempel på identifierade kritiska framgångsfaktorer från denna lista. Slutsatser som dras i denna uppsats är att den svenska kontexten inte skiljer sig mycket fråntidigare forskning, då de flesta framgångsfaktorer redan identifierats av andra. Vidare indikerarresultaten i denna uppsats att hållbarhetsspecialisten, koordinatorn eller konsulten är en alltviktigare roll i certifierade projekt, och att de behöver förtroende, mandat och utrymme för attsamordna arbetet med certifieringen. Den här uppsatsen har bidragit till forskningsområdet omcertifierade byggprojekt genom att tillhandahålla en lista över framgångsfaktorer med exempeloch data från personer inom den svenska byggindustrin. Denna lista kan dessutom användasav personer inom branschen framöver, när de tar sig an certifierade byggprojekt. Vissa problemsom rör tillämpningen av CSF som ramverk har också diskuterats i denna uppsats, som forskareinom området kan överväga för sin framtida forskning.
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Daňové trestné činy / Tax crimesBeltran, Simona-Estrella January 2021 (has links)
Tax Crimes Abstract The diploma thesis deals with tax crimes. The aim is to create a systematic overview and evaluation of the current criminal law of tax crimes in the legal order of the Czech Republic. The initial chapter focuses on the general definition of terms, including developmental stages of tax crimes, which mentions the reintroduction of criminality in the preparation of tax evasion, charge and similar mandatory payments in the Criminal Code in specific cases. The next chapter is devoted to a historical evolution into the development of tax crime legislation. The third chapter analyzes the legislative framework of the criminal law regulation of tax crimes in the Czech legal system. As part of the analysis of the crime tax fraud is explained how carousel fraud abusing the tax system within the EU works, as it is one of the most exploited tax evasions in the field of value added tax. This chapter also pays attention to the principle of nemo tenetur ipsum accusare in connection with taxation of income that originated from criminal activities. The next chapter deals with the prevention of tax evasion, with an emphasis on reverse-charge, which is based on the principle that the obligation to declare value added tax is transferred from the provider to its recipient. I follow up with the criminal...
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EU-taxonomins påverkan på en byggentreprenör och en utvärdering av taxonomiuppfyllnad i 13 miljöcertifierade projekt / The impact of the EU taxonomy on a construction contractor and an evaluation of taxonomy alignment in 13 sustainability-certified projectsArnesson, Alice, Gustafsson, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
För att skapa bättre förutsättningar att nå Parisavtalet och EU:s mål om klimatneutralitet har Europeiska kommissionen antagit Taxonomiförordningen, som kan beskrivas som ett klassificeringssystem för miljömässigt hållbara investeringar. Eftersom bygg- och fastighetssektorn bidrar till en stor andel av de globala koldioxidutsläppen finns ett kapitel i Taxonomiförordningens delegerande akt Climate Delegated Act med tekniska granskningskriterier som riktar sig särskilt mot bygg- och fastighetsverksamheter. I den delegerande akten fastställs tekniska granskningskriterier för sex miljömål. Från och med räkenskapsår 2022 ska bolag som omfattas av förordningen redovisa hur stor andel av bolagets ekonomiska aktiviteter som linjerar med EU-taxonomin. Det fanns få tidigare studier om implementering av EU:s taxonomi i bygg- och fastighetssektorn, men dessa pekar på att det råder en stor osäkerhet kring hur taxonomin ska implementeras och hur kriterierna ska tolkas. Syftet med examensarbetet var att bidra till ökad kunskap om vad införandet av EU-taxonomin innebär och hur den kan komma att påverka en byggentreprenörs verksamhet i Sverige. Utmaningar för en byggentreprenör identifierades på två olika nivåer: projekt- och företagsnivå. Därtill undersöktes hur EU-taxonomin kan förändra en byggentreprenörens hållbarhetsarbete i nyproduktionsprojekt, som idag främst sker genom miljöcertifiering. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna utfördes en litteraturstudie, en intervjustudie samt en projektutvärdering. Litteraturstudien resulterade i en introduktion till EU-taxonomin och dess uppbyggnad samt tolkningar, åsikter och kritik från tidigare forskning. Vidare genomfördes en genomlysning av hur BREEAM-SE v6.0 och Miljöbyggnad 4.0 implementerat EU-taxonomin. Utmaningar och påverkan på en byggentreprenörs hållbarhetsarbete undersöktes baserat på en projektutvärdering av 13 av NCC Building Swedens miljöcertifierade nybyggnadsprojekt samt en intervjustudie med två NCC-anställda med arbetsuppgifter som berör implementering av EU-taxonomin på företaget. Trots att EU-taxonomin syftar till att öka jämförbarheten mellan företags miljömässiga hållbarhetsarbete och klargöra definitionen av vad som kan anses miljömässigt hållbart visade resultaten att EU-taxonomins tekniska granskningskriterier i hög grad ger utrymme för tolkning vilket skapar utmaningar på både företags- och projektnivå. Utmaningarna rörde begreppsförvirring, omfattning samt av vem och i vilket skede ett kriterium bör hanteras för att linjera med EU-taxonomin. Resultaten indikerade också att en stor utmaning för byggentreprenören kommer att vara att hantera tekniska granskningskriterier som ligger utanför en byggentreprenörs rådighet. I ett nybyggnadsprojekt är flera aktörer delaktiga och byggentreprenören är ofta i beställarens händer vad gäller exempelvis val av produkter och utformning. Gällande vissa kriterier är byggentreprenören även i händerna på myndigheters arbete, främst det som sker i den kommunala planprocessen. Samverkan bedömdes därav vara en kritisk faktor för den byggentreprenör som avser att uppfylla EU-taxonomin i ett projekt. Aktörers beroende av varandra innebär svårigheter men kan reducera klimatpåverkan i det långa loppet. Samverkan inom byggentreprenörers är också viktigt då EU-taxonomin berör många avdelningar. Vidare indikerade studien att EU-taxonomin kommer att medföra en stor administrativ börda och att flera av EU-taxonomins kriterier är kostnadsdrivande. De tekniska granskningskriterier som, enligt examensarbetets resultat, kommer att vara mest utmanande för en byggentreprenör i nyproduktionsprojekt är de kriterier som berör klimatrisk- och sårbarhetsanalyser och implementering av anpassningslösningar; en byggnads flexibilitet, demonterbarhet, resurseffektivitet och anpassningsbarhet; samt kriteriet kopplat byggkomponenter- och material innehållande formaldehyd och cancerframkallande ämnen. Projektutvärderingen visade att de nybyggnadsprojekt som var miljöcertifierade med BREEAM-SE 2017 i högre grad linjerade med EU-taxonomin än projekt som miljöcertifierats enligt Miljöbyggnad 3. Det indikerar att personer och företag som tidigare arbetat med BREEAM-SE har bättre kunskapsmässiga förutsättningar att uppfylla EU-taxonomin än de som arbetat med Miljöbyggnad eller inte alls arbetat med miljöcertifiering. Studiens resultat pekar på två möjliga scenarier där EU-taxonomin antingen kommer att komplettera miljöcertifieringar som incitament till gröna fördelaktiga lån eller ersätta miljöcertifieringarna helt. I det senare fallet finns risk för ett mindre ambitiöst miljömässigt hållbarhetsarbete då både BREEAM-SE och Miljöbyggnad mäter miljöprestanda inom fler områden och ställer högre krav än EU-taxonomins tekniska granskningskriterier. Vidare har miljöcertifieringarna, till skillnad från EU-taxonomin, betygsnivåer som motiverar projektteamet att göra mer för ett högre betyg. Hur EU-taxonomin kommer att påverka en byggentreprenörs hållbarhetsarbete på projektnivå, som idag främst sker genom miljöcertifiering, beror på hur banker och investerare kommer att bedöma och värdesätta linjering, eller icke-linjering, med EU-taxonomin. / To accomplish the goals of The Paris Agreement and The European Green Deal, the European Commission launched The Taxonomy Regulation, which can briefly be described as a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities. Since the construction and real estate industry annually contributes to a large proportion of global carbon dioxide emissions, one chapter in The Taxonomy Regulation’s delegated act Climate Delegated Act was assigned to industry. The Climate Delegated Act provides so-called technical screening criteria for six environmental objectives. As of the fiscal year 2022, all companies affected by the directive on "non-financial sustainability reporting" must report the percentage of the company’s EU taxonomy-aligned financial activities. There was limited previous research regarding the EU taxonomy, but the found literature indicated a vast uncertainty about how the taxonomy should be implemented and how the criteria should be interpreted. The purpose of this study, a Master’s Thesis paper, was to contribute to increased knowledge of establishing the EU taxonomy and how it will affect a Swedish construction company’s operations. Challenges a construction company may face because of the EU taxonomy were studied and identified at the project and organizational levels. This study also intended to investigate how the EU taxonomy relates to a construction company’s current work with environmental sustainability in new construction projects where sustainability assessment methods, such as BREEAM-SE or Miljöbyggnad, today play an essential role. The study is based on a literature study, an interview study and a project evaluation. A literature study, an interview study and a project evaluation were carried out to answer the research questions. The literature study resulted in an introduction to the EU taxonomy and its structure as well as presents interpretations, opinions and criticism from previous research. The literature study also investigated how BREEAM-SE v6.0 and Miljöbyggnad 4.0 have implemented the EU taxonomy. Challenges and the EU taxonomy’s impact on a construction company’s work with environmental sustainability were investigated based on a project evaluation of 13 NCC Sweden Building new construction projects which were certified with either BREEAM-SE 2017 or Miljöbyggnad 3. Lastly, two NCC employees were interviewed to add more knowledge about the organizational perspective of the EU taxonomy implementation. The EU taxonomy aims to clarify the definition of environmental sustainability and increase the ability to compare companies’ and countries’ work with sustainability, but this study concludes that construction companies who want to align with the EU taxonomy will face several challenges. Firstly, the EU taxonomy’s technical screening criteria include much room for interpretation, creating challenges at the project and organizational levels. There is confusion about the scope and regarding by whom and at what stage several of the criteria should be dealt with. A significant challenge for a construction company will be dealing with criteria that are considered beyond a construction company’s or the project team’s control. Several stakeholders are involved in a new construction project, and the construction company is often not a part of the early stages. Decisions affecting the construction company’s taxonomy alignment may be taken without their involvement. Therefore, cooperation and collaboration are critical factors for a construction company that intends to fulfill the EU taxonomy in a project. The dependence on each other implies a vast challenge, but at the same time, it will probably lead to broader and more open collaboration which will reduce the environmental impact in the long term. Collaboration will also be necessary within the construction company as the EU taxonomy affects several departments. Furthermore, the study indicated that the EU taxonomy will imply a large administrative burden and several criteria are costly. The most challenging technical screening criteria for a construction company in a new construction project in Sweden are the criteria that concern the climate risk and vulnerability assessment and implementation of adaption solutions; a building’s adaptation, flexibility, resource efficiency and dismantlability; as well as the criteria about building components and materials containing formaldehyde, carcinogenic volatile organic compounds and more. The project evaluation clearly showed that projects certified with BREEAM-SE aligned to a greater degree with the EU taxonomy. Therefore, employees and companies used to working with BREEAM will have prerequisites for taxonomy alignment compared to those used to working with Miljöbyggnad or no sustainability assessment method at all. Both BREEAM-SE and Miljöbyggnad evaluate a building’s environmental sustainability performance based on more aspects and have higher requirements than the EU taxonomy. It is still unclear whether the EU taxonomy will complement or replace the sustainability assessment methods as the incitement for green beneficial financing. If the EU taxonomy becomes the new and only incitement, there is most likely a risk of less ambitious work with environmental sustainability at the project level. Furthermore, BREEAM-SE and Miljöbyggnad have rating levels that motivate the project always to make an effort. The study showed that the EU taxonomy is not a successful tool yet, but there is a strong belief in its potential. The extent to which the EU taxonomy will affect a construction company’s work with sustainability depends on how banks and investors will value EU taxonomy alignment.
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A Performance Guide to Se Enkhbayar's Choral Tone Poem Önchin Botog (A Lonely Baby Camel) for SATB Soloists and SATB Chorus (with Divisions) A CappellaLin, Pei-Chi 05 1900 (has links)
Se Enkhbayar (b. 1956) is one of the most important contemporary Mongolian composers in China. His choral tone poem, Önchin Botog, integrates the traditional Mongolian musical elements Urtiin Duu (long song) and Khöömii (throat singing) with modern choral music and is one of the most representative works in the genre of modern Mongolian choral music. The purpose of this study is to provide a performance guidance for non-Mongolian musicians on Se Enkhbayar's work, Önchin Botog, by presenting his biographical and cultural backgrounds, discussing the use of traditional Mongolian singing styles, special rhythmic patterns (horse-step rhythm) and Chinese pentatonic scales. For conductors, this guide can shorten preparation time by providing musical analysis for artistic interpretation and practical points for sound effect creation. For solo singers, this guide will enable a Bel Canto singer to sing Urtiin Duu in Mongolian singing style. For Khöömii singers, this guide provides supplementary practical suggestions.
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Implementación de un controlador difuso de temperatura prototipo usando la inferencia difusa de Takagi SugenoHuamán Bustamante, Jesús Omar January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Monoamine oxidase inhibitory activities of heterocyclic chalcones / Corné MindersMinders, Corné January 2013 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disease after
Alzheimer’s disease. The characteristic pathological feature of Parkinson’s disease is the loss of
neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), which leads to a striatal dopamine
deficiency responsible for the major symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. These symptoms include
tremor at rest, postural instability, bradykinesia and in the later stages of Parkinson’s disease, even
Presently, there is still no cure for Parkinson’s disease and all treatments are only symptomatic.
Current research is therefore directed towards the prevention of further dopaminergic
neurodegeneration, while the ultimate aim is the reversal of neurodegeneration.
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes are responsible for the regulation and metabolism of
monoamine neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. There are two MAO isoforms, MAO-A and
MAO-B. Since MAO-B has greater activity in the basal ganglia, it is of particular importance in
movement disorders, which include Parkinson’s disease. The selective inhibition of MAO-B,
increases dopamine available for binding, and thus reduces Parkinson’s disease symptoms.
MAO inhibitors also have neuroprotective potential and thus may slow down, halt and even reverse
neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease. It is still unclear exactly how MAO inhibitors protect
neurons, but one theory suggests that MAO inhibition decreases oxidative stress by reducing the
formation of hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic by-product of MAO oxidation of monoamines.
Normally, hydrogen peroxide is inactivated by glutathione (GSH), however, in Parkinson’s disease,
GSH levels are low, resulting in the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, which then becomes
available for the Fenton reaction. In the Fenton reaction, Fe2+ reacts with hydrogen peroxide and
generates an active free radical, the hydroxyl radical. This radical depletes cellular anti-oxidants, damage lipids, proteins and DNA. MAO inhibitors reduce the formation of hydrogen peroxide thus
decreasing the formation of hydroxyl radicals and oxidative stress.
The MAO inhibitory potential of natural and synthetic chalcones have been illustrated. For
example, in 1987, Tanaka and co-workers determined that natural chalcones, such as
isoliquiritigenin, have MAO inhibitory activity in rat mitochondria. In 2009, Chimenti and co-workers
synthesized a series of 1,3-diphenyl-2-propen-1-ones which exhibited human MAO-B (hMAO-B)
selective inhibitory activity. On the other hand, Robinson and co-workers (2013), synthesized novel
furanochalcones which also had hMAO-B selective inhibitory activity. A reversible, competitive
mode of binding was demonstrated by these compounds. Since the effect of heterocyclic
substitution, other than furan on the MAO inhibitory properties of the chalcone scaffold remains
unexplored, the aim of this study was to synthesize and evaluate further heterocyclic chalcone
analogues as inhibitors of hMAO.
Design and synthesis: Heterocyclic chalcone analogues that incorporated pyrrole, 5-
methylthiophene, 5-chlorothiophene and 2-methoxypyridine substitution were synthesized using
the Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction. All compounds were characterized with 1H-NMR, 13CNMR,
IR, MS, and melting points were recorded. Purity was determined with HPLC analysis.
MAO inhibition studies: The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) values and selectivity index (SI) of
all compounds were determined using a fluorometric assay and kynuramine as substrate. Eight
out of the ten synthesized compounds exhibited IC50 values < 1 μM, and can thus be considered
as potent MAO-B inhibitors, while all compounds showed selectivity for the MAO-B isoform.
Compound 10i was the most potent MAO-B inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.067 μM and the highest
SI of 240.7. The most potent MAO-A inhibitor, compound 10f, had an IC50 value of 3.805 μM. Some
structure-activity relationships were derived, for example; it was concluded that heterocyclic
substitution with 5-methyl-thiophene ring resulted in optimal hMAO-B inhibition, while pyrrole
substitution was less favourable. Further investigation is however required as this is only a
preliminary study.
Reversibility studies: To determine the reversibility of binding, the recovery of enzymatic activity
after dilution of the enzyme inhibitor complexes were determined for selected compounds. Results
indicated that the most potent MAO-A inhibitor, the pyrrole derivative 10f, had a reversible mode
of binding to both the hMAO-B and hMAO-A isoforms, since the enzyme activities were completely
recovered by dilution of the inhibitor concentration. In contrast, enzyme activity was only partially
recovered after dilution of the most potent MAO-B inhibitor 10i, indicating that this methylthiophene
derivative possibly exhibited tight binding to the hMAO-B isoform, and the inhibition caused by this
compound was not readily reversed by dilution. In order to determine whether the tight binding as exhibited by compound 10i was due to the thiophene or phenyl moieties, reversibility of binding
was also determined for the pyrrole derivative 10e. The results showed that 10e had a reversible
mode of binding to the hMAO-B isoform, and enzyme activity was completely recovered by dilution
of the inhibitor. Based on these results, it was concluded that the tight binding as exhibited by
compound 10i was due to the presence of the thiophene moiety. To confirm that compound 10i
exhibited tight, and not irreversible binding, reversibility of binding was also determined by dialysis
of enzyme-inhibitor mixtures. For this purpose hMAO-B and 10i, at a concentration of 4 × IC50,
were preincubated for a period of 15 min and subsequently dialyzed for 24 h. The results of this
study showed that 10i had a reversible mode of binding for MAO-B, since enzyme activity was
recovered to a level of 83% after dialysis.
Mode of inhibition: To determine the mode of inhibition of compound 10f, Lineweaver-Burk plots
were constructed for the inhibition of hMAO-A and hMAO-B. The lines of the Lineweaver-Burk plots
intersected at a single point at the y-axis, indicating that 10f had a competitive mode of binding to
both hMAO-B and hMAO-A isoforms.
MTT viability assay: To determine the toxicity of the chalcones for cultured cells, selected
compounds were evaluated with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
(MTT) viability assay. The cytotoxicity of the test compounds were evaluated at concentrations of
1 and 10 μM, in HeLa cells. The results indicated that compound 10i was non-toxic at 1 and 10
μM, with 100% and 96% cell viability remaining after 24 h exposure of the compound to the cultured
cells. Compound 10f, however, exhibited significant toxicity at 10 μM, with only 5% viable cells
remaining. In contrast, compound 10e, with the same pyrrole moiety as 10f, was non-toxic at 1 μM
and 10 μM, with 99% and 98%, cell viability remaining. It was concluded that the pyrrole moiety of
10f was not responsible for its higher degree of cytotoxicity, which suggests that the CF3
substituent may play a role in the higher degree of cytotoxicity observed for 10f. Further
investigation is required to determine the mode of cytotoxicity, when cultured cells are exposed to
Docking Studies: To complete this study and rationalise the results of the MAO inhibition studies,
molecular modelling was carried out and all compounds were docked into the crystal structure of
hMAO-B, by using the CDOCKER module of Discovery Studio. Some insights were obtained
regarding the binding of compound 10i. This compound bound to MAO-B with the phenyl ring
facing the FAD cofactor. This orientation allowed for the formation of pi-pi interaction with Tyr 398
as well as a pi-sigma interaction between the thiophene ring and Ile 199 (which is part of the gating
switch of MAO-B). It is speculated that the tight binding component of hMAO-B inhibition by 10i
may, at least in part, be attributed to the interaction of this compound with the gating switch amino
acid, Ile 199. The docking results also showed that most compounds interacted with Tyr 326 or Tyr
398, while interactions with Cys 172, Gln 206, Ile 199 and Tyr 435 also occurred. In conclusion, novel heterocyclic chalcone analogues with promising MAO-B inhibitory activities
were successfully synthesized and evaluated. / MSc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Uitdagings wat vaders beleef in hulle verhouding met hul leergestremde kind / Natasha van DykVan Dyk, Natasha January 2014 (has links)
Doel: Die studie het gepoog om vaders se persepsie en ervaring van uitdagings
in hulle verhouding met hul leergestremde kind te verken en te beskryf.
Agtergrond: Leergestremdheid is ’n baie algemene probleem by kinders en is
bekend vir die negatiewe effek wat dit op die kind self en op die ouers van die
kinders uitoefen. Dit blyk dat ’n leergestremde kind addisionele spanning op die
ouers plaas. Hierdie studie fokus alleenlik op die vader van ’n leergestremde kind
omrede die meeste studies slegs op die moeder-kind-verhouding fokus,
aangesien die moeder as die primêre versorger van die kind beskou word. Die
navorsingsmetode wat vir hierdie studie gebruik is, was ’n kwalitatiewe
navorsingsontwerp. Die populasie het bestaan uit vaders met leergestremde
kinders in die ouderdomsgroep van 13 tot 18 jaar en wat as gevolg van intrinsieke
oorsake leergestremd is. Die data is aan die hand van semigestruktureerde
onderhoude met vyf vaders, asook met ’n groepsgesprek bekom. Die doel was
om die vaders se ervaring van hulle verhouding met hul leergestremde kind te
ondersoek, waarna tematiese analises gebruik is om data saam te stel. Die
elemente van kwalitatiewe verkennende en beskrywende teorie het as breër
raamwerk vir die studie gedien. Bevindings: Die vaders het hulle verhouding met
hul leergestremde kind as baie frustrerend beskryf en gesê dat hulle ook nie ’n
goeie verhouding met hul kind het nie. Gevoelens van teleurstelling het primêr
betrekking op die onvoldoende verwagtinge wat die vaders vir hulle kind koester.
Hulle gevoel dat hulle geen ondersteuning van die skole en van die breër
gemeenskap ontvang nie, het ook tot ’n negatiewe ervaring met die leergestremde
kind gelei. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Assessing the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse in the Vaal Triangle / Lelethu Conelia BunguBungu, Lelethu Conelia January 2014 (has links)
Many countries, including South Africa, are facing the reality of insufficient water supplies to meet their present and future water demands due to decreasing freshwater availability and increasing demand. Increased populations and climate changes further exacerbate the problem. South Africa is considered the thirtieth driest country in the world with limited supplies of water which are unevenly distributed. Thus there is a need for alternative water sources to augment the freshwater supply. Wastewater reuse has been identified worldwide as a viable option to augment water supplies. While technologies are available to ensure proper treatment of wastewater to even potable standards, many countries have experienced public resistance to wastewater reuse due to negative perceptions of consumers. For wastewater reuse initiatives to be successful public acceptance is imperative.
The aim of this study was to assess perceptions of consumers in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse. This is the first study conducted in the Vaal Triangle on wastewater reuse hence this information can be valuable in future when wastewater reuse projects are implemented
A questionnaire to measure perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse was developed based on previous studies and distributed to people residing in the Vaal Triangle area. A response rate of 74% (515 completed questionnaires) was obtained from 700 distributed questionnaires. The results showed that socio-demographic factors such as age, race, qualification and level of employment affect the perceptions of consumers on wastewater reuse. Additionally, knowledge of wastewater reuse and water scarcity had a positive effect on consumer‟s perceptions. Some of the major reasons why consumers are not receptive to wastewater reuse are health concerns, lack of trust in the implementing agencies, poor management of the plants and safety of chemicals used to treat the water. Lack of knowledge on wastewater reuse was raised as a major concern in the study. All these concerns need to be addressed to ensure success of wastewater reuse projects within the area. Limitations within the study were identified and recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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