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Measuring Phonological Short-term Memory, apart from Lexical KnowledgeKornacki, Tamara 29 November 2011 (has links)
The current research examined whether nonword repetition (NWR) tasks, designed to measure phonological short-term memory, are also influenced by familiarity with lexical representation of a given language. In Study 1, children with and without exposure to Hebrew were administered a NWR task based on the Hebrew language structure (HNWR). On the HNWR, participants with Hebrew exposure significantly outperformed participants who had no familiarity with any Semitic language. This indicates that long-term phonological and lexical knowledge can be used to aid NWR performance. Study 2 investigated whether a NWR task based on a foreign language could minimize the lexicality effect. English speaking undergraduate students rated the less familiar HNWR task to be lower in wordlikeness than English-like NWR tasks. These findings demonstrate that regardless of language background a NWR task based on an unfamiliar language structure is a more valid measure of the phonological processing skills required for vocabulary acquisition.
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The Effects of Cannabis on Cognitive Function in Patients with Multiple SclerosisHonarmand, Kimia 08 December 2011 (has links)
While neuropsychological deficits have been reported in healthy individuals who use cannabis, data in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are lacking. Given that MS is associated with cognitive deterioration, the aim of this study was to determine the cognitive effects of inhaled or ingested cannabis in this population. Fifty MS patients (25 cannabis users and 25 non-users) completed the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in MS battery of neuropsychological tests. Cannabis users had significantly poorer performance on measures of information processing speed, executive functions, and visuospatial perception, and were twice as likely to be classified as globally cognitively impaired. Similar results were found after controlling for potential confounding variables. This study provides evidence that prolonged cannabis use in MS patients is associated with poorer performance on cognitive domains commonly affected in this population. The therapeutic benefits patients may derive from using cannabis should be weighed against the associated cognitive side-effects.
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Initial Examination of the English-language Dimensional Personality Symptom Item PoolIvanova, Anna 12 February 2010 (has links)
Dimensional models of personality pathology present a promising approach to the assessment of maladaptive personality in adults and children (eg. De Clercq, De Fruyt, & Widiger, 2009). In addition, recent findings show that some childhood maladaptive traits can be predictive of adulthood personality disorders (eg. Mervielde, De Clercq, De Fruyt, & Van Leeuwen, 2005). The Dimensional Personality Symptom Item Pool (DIPSI) is a questionnaire designed to measure maladaptive lower and higher order traits in children and adolescents. This study aims to examine the DIPSI’s scales and to replicate several previous findings of maladaptive trait patterns in children. The results indicate that the DIPSI’s lower and higher order trait scales are high in reliability and show many of the trait relationships suggested by previous literature. A successful outcome of this study serves as the first step towards establishing the DIPSI as a valid and useful measure of personality pathology in children.
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Initial Examination of the English-language Dimensional Personality Symptom Item PoolIvanova, Anna 12 February 2010 (has links)
Dimensional models of personality pathology present a promising approach to the assessment of maladaptive personality in adults and children (eg. De Clercq, De Fruyt, & Widiger, 2009). In addition, recent findings show that some childhood maladaptive traits can be predictive of adulthood personality disorders (eg. Mervielde, De Clercq, De Fruyt, & Van Leeuwen, 2005). The Dimensional Personality Symptom Item Pool (DIPSI) is a questionnaire designed to measure maladaptive lower and higher order traits in children and adolescents. This study aims to examine the DIPSI’s scales and to replicate several previous findings of maladaptive trait patterns in children. The results indicate that the DIPSI’s lower and higher order trait scales are high in reliability and show many of the trait relationships suggested by previous literature. A successful outcome of this study serves as the first step towards establishing the DIPSI as a valid and useful measure of personality pathology in children.
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Cultural Syndromes and the Appraisal of Common Cancer-related StressorsPayne, Ada 13 August 2014 (has links)
Cultural values provide a system for evaluating situations we encounter; yet, they have seldom been tested in psychosocial oncology. The present research addressed this gap by testing the hypothesis that cancer-related events are stressful because they threaten highly regarded cultural values. As part of a larger study, 417 Western-born Caucasians and 121 Asian-born Chinese immigrants with head and neck cancer (HNC) completed the Individualism-Collectivism Scale (ICS), which measures their endorsement of four cultural syndromes (i.e., vertical-individualism, horizontal-individualism, vertical-collectivism, and horizontal-collectivism). However, the ICS did not tap these constructs identically across these samples. Consequently, I extracted a new common 3-factor measurement model: (a) Camaraderie with Co-workers; (b) Commitment to Family; and (c) Competitiveness. I cross-validated the new model in the HNC samples from which it was derived and in three independent chronic-disease samples. In all cases, results indicated weak invariance. To test the hypothesis, respondents reported the causes of stress (i.e., stressor appraisals) for 24 common HNC-related events. Stressor appraisals reported by a subset of respondents (196 Western-born Caucasians and 44 Chinese immigrants) were categorized based on whether they reflected threats to the cultural values tapped by the new scales. Because only stressor appraisals reflecting threats to commitment to family were identified, I tested the
association between commitment to family and the numbers of stressor appraisals reflecting threats to that value. Hierarchical Poisson regression analysis indicated a significant Culture Group x Commitment to Family interaction effect (p = .045): the number of stressor appraisals reflecting threats to commitment to family increased with increasing sense of commitment to family in Chinese immigrants, but not in Western-born Caucasians. Hence, cultural values, in part, explain cross-cultural variation in the experience of cancer stresses. Attention to cultural values can facilitate culturally sensitive patient-centered care by identifying culturally specific causes of stress for targeted psychosocial interventions.
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Differences in Reading Strategies and Differential Item Functioning on PCAP 2007 Reading AssessmentScerbina, Tanya 29 November 2012 (has links)
Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) 2007 reading ability item data and contextual data on reading strategies were analyzed to investigate the relationship between self-reported reading strategies and item difficulty. Students who reported using higher- or lower-order strategies were identified through a factor analysis. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether students with the same underlying reading ability but who reported using different reading strategies found the items differentially difficult. Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses identified the items on which students who tended to use higher-order reading strategies excelled, which were selected response items, but students who preferred using lower-order strategies found these items more difficult. The opposite pattern was found for constructed response items. The results of the study suggest that DIF analyses can be used to investigate which reading strategies are related to item difficulty when controlling for students’ level of ability.
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Differences in Reading Strategies and Differential Item Functioning on PCAP 2007 Reading AssessmentScerbina, Tanya 29 November 2012 (has links)
Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) 2007 reading ability item data and contextual data on reading strategies were analyzed to investigate the relationship between self-reported reading strategies and item difficulty. Students who reported using higher- or lower-order strategies were identified through a factor analysis. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether students with the same underlying reading ability but who reported using different reading strategies found the items differentially difficult. Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses identified the items on which students who tended to use higher-order reading strategies excelled, which were selected response items, but students who preferred using lower-order strategies found these items more difficult. The opposite pattern was found for constructed response items. The results of the study suggest that DIF analyses can be used to investigate which reading strategies are related to item difficulty when controlling for students’ level of ability.
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Questionnaire d'attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants (QAPÉI) : structure factorielle et relations avec les traits de personnalitéPoitras, Mélanie 11 1900 (has links)
La psychoéducation de même que plusieurs approches théoriques en psychologie clinique suggèrent que l’intervenant constitue un élément actif fondamental des interventions auprès des individus en difficulté. Parmi l’ensemble des caractéristiques des intervenants qui sont utiles de considérer, les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants apparaissent importantes puisqu’elles peuvent être reliées à un bon appariement avec un milieu d’intervention donné, au sentiment d’efficacité professionnelle et, ultimement, à l’efficacité d’une intervention. Or, très peu d’instruments psychométriques d’évaluation validés existent pour évaluer ces construits importants. Cette étude visait principalement à effectuer un examen préliminaire des propriétés psychométriques de la version française du Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences des intervenants (QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). Le premier objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer si la structure théorique originale était reproductible empiriquement ou si une structure factorielle alternative était nécessaire. Le deuxième objectif était d’évaluer si les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants étaient reliées à leurs traits de personnalité. L’échantillon utilisé était composé d’intervenants faisant partie de Boscoville2000, un projet d’intervention cognitive-comportementale en milieu résidentiel pour les adolescents en difficulté. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires ont démontré que la structure théorique originale n’était pas reproduite empiriquement. Une structure alternative en cinq facteurs a été recouvrée. Cette structure alternative était plus cohérente sur le plan conceptuel et démontrait une bonne adéquation aux données. Les facteurs identifiés ont été nommés Distance affective, Évitement thérapeutique, Exaspération, Permissivité et Coercition. Des analyses corrélationnelles ont démontré que ces échelles d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives étaient reliées de façon conceptuellement cohérente aux traits de personnalité des intervenants, ce qui appuie la validité de critère de la nouvelle structure de l’instrument. / Psychoeducation and several clinical psychology theoretical approaches suggest that the interventionist constitute a fundamental active ingredient of psychosocial interventions for individuals with adjustment problems. Among the various characteristics of interventionists there are useful to consider, attitudes and preferences in interventions are important because they can be related to an adequate matching in a given intervention milieu, to professional self-efficacy and, ultimately, to the intervention efficacy. However, there are very empirically-validated psychometric instrument to asses these important constructs. The main aim of this study was to make a preliminary evaluation of the psychometric properties of the French-Canadian version of the Counselors’ AIttitudes and Preferences Questionnaire (“Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants”, QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). The first objective was to assess if the original theoretical structure could be reproduced empirically, or if an alternative factor structure was necessary. The second objective was to assess if interventionists’ attitudes and preferences were related to their personality traits. The sample that was used was composed of interventionists from Boscoville2000, a residential cognitive-behavioral intervention program for adolescents with serious adjustment problems. Exploratory factor analyses demonstrated that the original theoretical structure was not reproduced empirically. An alternative five-factor structure was recovered. This alternative structure was more conceptually coherent and provided a better fit to the data. The identified factors were labeled Affective distance, Therapeutic Avoidance, Exasperation, Permissiveness, and Coercion. Correlational analyses demonstrated that attitudes and preferences scales were related in a conceptually coherent way to interventionists’ personality traits, which supported the criterion-related validity of the instrument new structure.
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Questionnaire d'attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants (QAPÉI) : structure factorielle et relations avec les traits de personnalitéPoitras, Mélanie 11 1900 (has links)
La psychoéducation de même que plusieurs approches théoriques en psychologie clinique suggèrent que l’intervenant constitue un élément actif fondamental des interventions auprès des individus en difficulté. Parmi l’ensemble des caractéristiques des intervenants qui sont utiles de considérer, les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants apparaissent importantes puisqu’elles peuvent être reliées à un bon appariement avec un milieu d’intervention donné, au sentiment d’efficacité professionnelle et, ultimement, à l’efficacité d’une intervention. Or, très peu d’instruments psychométriques d’évaluation validés existent pour évaluer ces construits importants. Cette étude visait principalement à effectuer un examen préliminaire des propriétés psychométriques de la version française du Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences des intervenants (QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). Le premier objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer si la structure théorique originale était reproductible empiriquement ou si une structure factorielle alternative était nécessaire. Le deuxième objectif était d’évaluer si les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants étaient reliées à leurs traits de personnalité. L’échantillon utilisé était composé d’intervenants faisant partie de Boscoville2000, un projet d’intervention cognitive-comportementale en milieu résidentiel pour les adolescents en difficulté. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires ont démontré que la structure théorique originale n’était pas reproduite empiriquement. Une structure alternative en cinq facteurs a été recouvrée. Cette structure alternative était plus cohérente sur le plan conceptuel et démontrait une bonne adéquation aux données. Les facteurs identifiés ont été nommés Distance affective, Évitement thérapeutique, Exaspération, Permissivité et Coercition. Des analyses corrélationnelles ont démontré que ces échelles d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives étaient reliées de façon conceptuellement cohérente aux traits de personnalité des intervenants, ce qui appuie la validité de critère de la nouvelle structure de l’instrument. / Psychoeducation and several clinical psychology theoretical approaches suggest that the interventionist constitute a fundamental active ingredient of psychosocial interventions for individuals with adjustment problems. Among the various characteristics of interventionists there are useful to consider, attitudes and preferences in interventions are important because they can be related to an adequate matching in a given intervention milieu, to professional self-efficacy and, ultimately, to the intervention efficacy. However, there are very empirically-validated psychometric instrument to asses these important constructs. The main aim of this study was to make a preliminary evaluation of the psychometric properties of the French-Canadian version of the Counselors’ AIttitudes and Preferences Questionnaire (“Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants”, QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). The first objective was to assess if the original theoretical structure could be reproduced empirically, or if an alternative factor structure was necessary. The second objective was to assess if interventionists’ attitudes and preferences were related to their personality traits. The sample that was used was composed of interventionists from Boscoville2000, a residential cognitive-behavioral intervention program for adolescents with serious adjustment problems. Exploratory factor analyses demonstrated that the original theoretical structure was not reproduced empirically. An alternative five-factor structure was recovered. This alternative structure was more conceptually coherent and provided a better fit to the data. The identified factors were labeled Affective distance, Therapeutic Avoidance, Exasperation, Permissiveness, and Coercion. Correlational analyses demonstrated that attitudes and preferences scales were related in a conceptually coherent way to interventionists’ personality traits, which supported the criterion-related validity of the instrument new structure.
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L'exactitude de la cotation au Rorschach - Système IntégréDoyon, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
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