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BRANDSKYDDAT TRÄ : Jämförelse mellan obehandlat, brandskyddsmålat och brandskyddsimpregnerat träNeumann, Dorothea January 2015 (has links)
Environmental issues and the housing shortage is an ongoing debate among politicians. Wood is a building material that Sweden has plenty of and it is a material that, according to research, does not contribute to as much carbon dioxide emissions during production, compared to other construction materials such as concrete and steel. Therefore the demand for timber, in both facade claddings and external wall constructions, is increasing. In light of this, the purpose with this degree project is to study different fire protection methods for wood and compare it to untreated wood. Collecting the facts and information for this degree project at Mälardalens University, is done through literature studies, surveys, and two experiments conducted on two selected fire retardants. The experiments were conducted to test untreated, fire protection impregnated and wood with fire proof paint. One of the experiments tested the load-carrying capacity of the beams after being charred with a gas burner. The other experiment investigated the surface layer and measured the fire spread rate and both experiments tested the fire resistance. The experiments that were conducted concluded that out of the three different methods for facades and beams, fire protection impregnation was the best choice in all five chosen categories: load-carrying capacity, fire resistance, surfaces, environmental impact and health safety for workers. / Miljöfrågan och bostadsbristen är två pågående debatter bland politikerna. Ett byggmaterial som både är miljövänligt och lätt att bygga med är trä. Det är ett byggmaterial som Sverige har gott om och enligt forskning bidrar det inte med lika mycket koldioxidutsläpp vid produktionen jämfört med andra konstruktionsmaterial som betong och stål. Enligt äldre bygglagstiftningar var det enbart tillåtet att bygga hus med två våningar i trä. Det var godkänt att bygga hus med tre våningar om den nedersta våningen bestod utav sten och de två översta i trä. Den nya bygglagstiftningen har inga begränsningar på att använda trä i ytterväggar, oberoende av byggnadsklass så länge de uppfyller funktionskraven. Byggsektorn har varit medveten om att de fick bygga flervåningshus i trä men inte hur det skulle utföras och samtidigt uppfylla bygglagstiftningens krav. Resultatet av ändringarna i bygglagstiftningen, Boverkets byggregler, ökade efterfrågan och utbudet på brandskyddsmedel till trä. De vanligaste produkterna som finns ute för konsumenten är brandskyddsfärg och brandskyddsimpregnering. Trä kan genom brandskyddsimpregnering eller brandskyddsfärg få en brandteknisk klass enligt det europeiska systemet, EN 13501-1, upp mot B-s1,d0 som är högre än för obehandlat trä, Ds1, d0. Tekniskt sett går det att bygga Br1-byggnader med obehandlat trä, dock så krävs det ett antal åtgärder för att uppfylla Boverkets byggreglers funktionskrav, till exempel att installera automatiska släcksystem eller enbart ha trä på en begränsad del av fasaden. Med brandskyddsbehandling går det idag endast att uppnå brandteknisk ytskiktsklass B-s1,d0, vilket inte är tillräckligt enligt Boverkets byggregler som kräver lägst obrännbara fasadbeklädnader i ytskiktsklass A2-s1,d0 för att uppfylla allmänna råden. Fasadbeklädnader av trä, oavsett brandteknisk klass, kan testas med provmetoden SP FIRE 105 och därmed uppfylla föreskriftens krav på ytterväggskonstruktioner med avseende på brandspridning längs fasadytan. Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra olika brandskyddsmetoder av trä och undersöka vilken eller vilka som är bäst lämpad att använda i flervåningshus ur bland annat miljö-, arbetsmiljö- och brandsynpunkt. Detta uppnås genom en litteraturstudie som fokuserar på ämnet brandskyddsmetoder av trä och genom två försök genomfördes för att testa obehandlat, brandskyddsimpregnerat och brandskyddsmålat trä. Ett försök testade bärförmågan efter brandpåverkan, andra undersökte ytskikt, och båda försöken testade brandmotstånd. Bärförmågan testades genom att brandpåverkade reglar blev utsatta för en central punktlast i en Instron- maskin. Ytskikten prövades genom ett enklare försök baserad på testmetoden SP FIRE 105 på tre fasader. En obehandlad, en brandskyddsimpregnerad och en brandskyddsmålad. Mätningar och dokumentation gjordes med bland annat mätinstrument som plattermoelement och filmkamera. Båda typerna av brandskyddsmetoder kräver en kemisk framställning som varken är bra för naturen eller människan. Produktionen är automatiserad och därmed inte någon risk för någon människa. Den färdiga produkten är varken skadlig för miljön, människor eller djur, sålänge inte produkterna förtärs i större omfattning. Resultatet från undersökningen av de tre olika fasaderna visade att det brandskyddsimpregnerade virket klarade sig bäst i alla fem kategorier: bärförmåga, brandmotstånd, ytskikt, miljöpåverkan och arbetsmiljö. Slutsatsen är av det två typer av brandsskyddsmedel för trä som testades, är brandskyddsimpregnering den mest lönsammaste alla fem kategorier. Produkten är lätthanterad, avger inga farliga gaser och är i snitt inte dyrare än det obehandlade materialet. Dock är det viktigt att tänka på brandskyddsarbete och inte släppa på säkerheten för att konstruktionen byggs med brandskyddsimpregnerat trä.
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Migration patterns and survival of Busseola fusca larvae in maize plantings with different ratios of Bt and non-Bt seed / Jaco MaraisMarais, Jaco January 2014 (has links)
The high-dose/refuge strategy is used globally to manage insect resistance development in genetically modified crops with insecticidal properties (Bt crops). The “refuge in a bag” (RIB) strategy is also being considered for deployment against several pest species. Busseola fusca, the target pest of Bt maize in South Africa, evolved resistance to Cry1Ab proteins. The objective of this study was to determine whether migrating B. fusca larvae are effectively controlled using the RIB strategy. A field study with a single-gene event (Cry1Ab) and a “pyramid” event (Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2) was conducted in which the migration patterns of B. fusca larvae in plots with different seed mixture treatments were studied. The experiment consisted of five seed mixture ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% non-Bt seed and 100 % non-Bt seed as control). Natural infestation was augmented by artificial inoculation with neonate larvae into the central non-Bt maize plant of each plot. Rate of larval survival and migration, measured in terms of increase in number of plants per plot that exhibited borer damage was recorded at weekly intervals until flowering. A laboratory study was conducted to determine larval growth and survival when simulating migration between Bt and non-Bt maize plants. A feeding experiment in which larvae were reared on different types of maize (Bt and non-Bt) was conducted and larval survival and mass recorded after a 7-day feeding period. The incidence of damaged ears, stem damage and damaged internodes per stem were recorded and relationships between these variables determined by means of correlation analyses. A review was conducted in order to identify and discuss similarities and differences between the high-dose/refuge and seed mixture strategies. This was done to determine which strategy would be the most appropriate insect resistance management (IRM) strategy against B. fusca. The rate of survival and migration of B. fusca larvae was significantly higher in the plots with maize expressing Cry1Ab and control plots, than in plots with the pyramid Bt event. Older larvae exhibited improved growth and survival in the laboratory experiment when they were transferred from non-Bt to Bt plants. Positive correlations were found between early and late season damage, although some weaker than others. Plants of the “pyramid event” suffered less late-season damage than those of the single-gene event. Since the increase in number of damaged maize plants over time is associated with migration of older and larger larvae, the observed tendencies may indicate that the assumed high-dose does not kill larvae above a certain developmental stage. The high-dose refuge strategy seems to be the better option for delaying resistance development. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Pequena gramática poética de Marcial / Small poetic grammar of MarcialCairolli, Fábio Paifer 08 July 2009 (has links)
Partindo da premissa de que a forma mais produtiva de abordar a obra de determinado poeta é levantar os pontos-chave de sua poética, explicitados em suas próprias palavras, quer em prefácios, quer em poemas metalingüísticos (que podemos aqui chamar metapoemas), este trabalho se propõe a, a partir da vasta produção do poeta Marcos Valério Marcial (c.40 105 d.C.), selecionar, traduzir, anotar e comentar analiticamente o conjunto de metapoemas que explicitam o conceito de epigrama para Marcial que é o gênero que pratica no que tange à matéria (ou invenção), à elocução e à disposição. / Assuming the premise that the most efficient way of approaching the work of a certain poet is to determine the key points of his poetry, made explicit by his own words, either in prefaces or in metalinguistic poems (which we shall call \"metapoems\"), the objective of this study is, from the vast production of the poet Martial (c.40 - 105 AD), to select, translate, annotate and comment analytically the corpus of \"metapoems\" that explains Martials concept of epigram - the genre this poet practices - in terms of invention, style and disposition.
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Pequena gramática poética de Marcial / Small poetic grammar of MarcialFábio Paifer Cairolli 08 July 2009 (has links)
Partindo da premissa de que a forma mais produtiva de abordar a obra de determinado poeta é levantar os pontos-chave de sua poética, explicitados em suas próprias palavras, quer em prefácios, quer em poemas metalingüísticos (que podemos aqui chamar metapoemas), este trabalho se propõe a, a partir da vasta produção do poeta Marcos Valério Marcial (c.40 105 d.C.), selecionar, traduzir, anotar e comentar analiticamente o conjunto de metapoemas que explicitam o conceito de epigrama para Marcial que é o gênero que pratica no que tange à matéria (ou invenção), à elocução e à disposição. / Assuming the premise that the most efficient way of approaching the work of a certain poet is to determine the key points of his poetry, made explicit by his own words, either in prefaces or in metalinguistic poems (which we shall call \"metapoems\"), the objective of this study is, from the vast production of the poet Martial (c.40 - 105 AD), to select, translate, annotate and comment analytically the corpus of \"metapoems\" that explains Martials concept of epigram - the genre this poet practices - in terms of invention, style and disposition.
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Contribution à la minéralogie et à géochimie des sédiments pélagiques profonds : comparaison des "blacks-shales" du crétacé dans l'atlantique central nord et des dépôts du malm et du crétacé en briançonnaisBrosse, Etienne 26 April 1982 (has links) (PDF)
Cette comparaison repose sur : - l'analyse minéralogique semi-quantitative, aux rayons X L'analyse des teneurs et de la nature du carbone organique fournit des indications convergentes. - l'analyse géochimique des éléments majeurs et de 12 éléments traces (Sr, Ba, V, Ni, Co, Cr, B', Zn, Ga, Cu, Pb, Sn). Les résultats obtenus grâce aux "black- shales" de l'Atlantique servent de référence à l'étude des dépôts pélagiques profonds des Alpes. En particulier,la connaissance des corrélations entre composition minéralogique et composition chimique autorise, dans le cas des sédiments métamorphisés où seule la seconde est connue, une estimation de la première. - l'analyse des isotopes stables du carbone et de l'oxygène sur les calcaires de trois séries alpines d'âge jurassique supérieur à crétacé supérieur, permet de porter un jugement sur l' évolution spatiale et temporelle de la salinité et/ou de la température des eaux, à la surface du bassin téthysien, et aussi sur le niveau de la productivité organique. Des indications sont ainsi données sur d'éventuels confinements, et sur l'importance des circulations océaniques. La géochimie des éléments majeurs et traces et la géochimie isotopique, apportent des preuves convergentes d'une différence de nature entre les Terres Noires oxfordiennes et les argilites de faciès comparable du Crétacé moyen, en domaine briançonnais et sur ses bordures.
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Rxte And Chandra Observations Of Galctic Microquasars Grs 1915+105 And Gro J1655-40Bulbul, Gul Esra 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, RXTE timing analysis of Galactic Microquasars GRO J1655-40 and
GRS 1915+105, the Chandra and RXTE joint spectral analysis of GRS 1915+105
are presented. We have investigated quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the
black hole binaries GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105 observed in 99 and 122
observations made by the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on board Rossi
X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in both low energy band (2-12 keV) and high
energy band (13-27 keV), respectively. Four different X-ray states are seen in the
combined characteristics of power spectra, light curves extracted by using All Sky
Monitor (ASM) and spectra during 1996 and 2005. Timing analysis of RXTE
observations of both of two black hole binaries GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105
displays twin high frequency quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) which are sometimes
simultaneous in high energy band. It is also shown that the time averaged
30 ksec Chandra grating spectrum analysis and RXTE spectrum analysis of recent
observation of GRS 1915+105 in the very high state are consistent with the
parameters which were mentioned before. We briefly discussed our results and
the models on black hole spin and mass.
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Recasting the eighteenth-century sonata-form narrative : compositional strategies in Robert Schumann's Opp. 105 and 121 violin sonatas / Recasting the eighteenth century sonata form narrativeFuchs Sampson, Sarah E. January 2010 (has links)
Although Robert Schumann’s late style has been the subject of several probing studies in
recent years, few scholars have concentrated their attention on the chamber works composed in
the autumn of 1851. Perhaps most intriguing are the opp. 105 and 121 violin sonatas, whose first
movements suggest a dialogue with the eighteenth-century sonata form by preserving many of the
same rhetorical and structural elements. Throughout both movements, however, Schumann uses
an intricate web of tonal ambiguities, metrical dissonances, and unusual key relationships to
recast the internal workings of these outwardly conventional sonata forms. As he uses these
techniques to undermine important structural moments of each movement, Schumann
significantly changes the overall plot of the eighteenth-century sonata form, while also
demonstrating his sensitivity to the dramatic possibilities of this historical form in the middle of the nineteenth century. By discussing Schumann’s dialogue with the eighteenth-century sonata form throughout the opp. 105 and 121 violin sonatas, this study attempts to situate these works within both their historical and contemporary musical contexts, and thus considers a previously unexplored avenue toward rehabilitating the reception of Schumann’s late chamber works. / School of Music
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Migration patterns and survival of Busseola fusca larvae in maize plantings with different ratios of Bt and non-Bt seed / Jaco MaraisMarais, Jaco January 2014 (has links)
The high-dose/refuge strategy is used globally to manage insect resistance development in genetically modified crops with insecticidal properties (Bt crops). The “refuge in a bag” (RIB) strategy is also being considered for deployment against several pest species. Busseola fusca, the target pest of Bt maize in South Africa, evolved resistance to Cry1Ab proteins. The objective of this study was to determine whether migrating B. fusca larvae are effectively controlled using the RIB strategy. A field study with a single-gene event (Cry1Ab) and a “pyramid” event (Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2) was conducted in which the migration patterns of B. fusca larvae in plots with different seed mixture treatments were studied. The experiment consisted of five seed mixture ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% non-Bt seed and 100 % non-Bt seed as control). Natural infestation was augmented by artificial inoculation with neonate larvae into the central non-Bt maize plant of each plot. Rate of larval survival and migration, measured in terms of increase in number of plants per plot that exhibited borer damage was recorded at weekly intervals until flowering. A laboratory study was conducted to determine larval growth and survival when simulating migration between Bt and non-Bt maize plants. A feeding experiment in which larvae were reared on different types of maize (Bt and non-Bt) was conducted and larval survival and mass recorded after a 7-day feeding period. The incidence of damaged ears, stem damage and damaged internodes per stem were recorded and relationships between these variables determined by means of correlation analyses. A review was conducted in order to identify and discuss similarities and differences between the high-dose/refuge and seed mixture strategies. This was done to determine which strategy would be the most appropriate insect resistance management (IRM) strategy against B. fusca. The rate of survival and migration of B. fusca larvae was significantly higher in the plots with maize expressing Cry1Ab and control plots, than in plots with the pyramid Bt event. Older larvae exhibited improved growth and survival in the laboratory experiment when they were transferred from non-Bt to Bt plants. Positive correlations were found between early and late season damage, although some weaker than others. Plants of the “pyramid event” suffered less late-season damage than those of the single-gene event. Since the increase in number of damaged maize plants over time is associated with migration of older and larger larvae, the observed tendencies may indicate that the assumed high-dose does not kill larvae above a certain developmental stage. The high-dose refuge strategy seems to be the better option for delaying resistance development. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Investigation Of 8-year-long Composition Record In The Eastern Mediterranean PrecipitationIsikdemir, Ozlem 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Measurement of chemical composition of precipitation is important both to understand acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and neutralization process in the atmosphere. Such data are scarce in the Mediterranean region. In this study, chemical composition of daily, wet-only, 387 number of rain water samples collected between 1991 and 1999 were investigated to determine levels, temporal variation and long-term trends in concentrations of major ions and trace elements between 1991 and 1999. Samples had already been collected and some of the analysis had been completed. The anions SO42-, NO3- and Cl- were analyzed by HPLC coupled with UV-VIS detector, NH4+ was analyzed by colorimetry and H+ ion was analyzed by pH meter. The major ions and trace metals were analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS). In this study complete data set were generated by analyzing samples that had not been previously analyzed for major ions and trace elements with Inductively Coupled Plasma with Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES).
Statistical tools were used to determine the distribution of the pollutants. The rain water data tends to be log-normally distributed since data show large variations due to meteorological conditions, physical and chemical transformations and air mass transport patterns. The median pH of the rain water was found to be 5.29, which indicates that the rain water is not strongly acidic. This case is not a result of lacking of acidic compounds but rather indicates extended neutralization process in rain water. Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere is under the influence of three general source types: (1) anthropogenic sources, which are located to the north and northwest of the basin brings low pH values to the region (SO42-, NO3- ions) / (2) a strong crustal source, which is dried and suspended local soil and air masses transported from North Africa transport which have high pH values (Ca2+, Al, Fe ions) and (3) a marine source, which is the Mediterranean Sea itself (Na+, Cl- ions). In the region, the main acid forming compounds are H2SO4 and HNO3 whereas / CaCO3 and NH3 are responsible for the neutralization process.
To describe the level of pollutant concentrations and the factors that affect their variations in rain water / ion compositions, neutralization of acidity, short and long-term variability of ions and elements, their time trend analysis and wet deposition fluxes were investigated briefly. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to determine components of ionic mass in the precipitation. In Antalya Station the rain water has five factors: free acidity factor, crustal factor, marine factor, NO3- factor and SO42- factor. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) and trajectory statistics were used to determine source regions generating these components. NO3- has potential source regions of Western Mediterranean countries and North Africa, whereas SO42- has additional southeasterly trajectory components of Israel and south east of Turkey.
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Evaluation of water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice at Bohemian-moravian highlandsHlaváčová, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides basic characteristics of short rotation coppice plantations, then the most significant short rotation coppice species cultivated in the Czech Republic are described. The detailed description of particular Populus L. clone J-105 grown at the plantation of the Test Station Domanínek Ltd. follows. Afterwards, key determinants of short rotation coppice yield are presented in the text. The last theoretical part of the thesis deals with water use efficiency (WUE) with emphasis on the method used at the experimental plantation in Domanínek. The methods of sap flow measurements and biomass determinations are described for this purpose. The main aim of the practical part of the thesis is to determine WUE of 16 measured trees where sap flow measuring systems were installed. These trees are divided into 3 cohorts according to diameters at breast height (DBH) at the beginning of the growing season 2013. The additional measurements were carried out: phenological imaging, soil moisture measurements, LAI measurements and sapwood area determination. The statistical analysis of WUE did not show any statistically significant differences between values of WUE for individual cohorts. Only in May, the statistically significant difference between cohort 1 (trees with the thickest stems) and cohort 3 (trees with the lowest values of DBH) appeared.
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