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Microwave spectrum of phosphine, arsine and stibineJanuary 1950 (has links)
C.C. Loomis, M.W.P. Strandberg. / "July 31, 1950." / Bibliography: p. 20. / U.S. Army Signal Corps Contract No. W36-039-sc-32037 Project No. 102B Dept. of the Army Project No. 3-99-10-022
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Human Factors Issues Of Glass Cockpit AutomationGunes, Cigdem 01 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
With the advances in technology, clutter of mechanical indicators in the aircraft cockpit is replaced with digital displays. This revolution does not make only visual changes, but also changes the use of the cockpit design. Cockpit automation has changed cockpit design philosophy with many promised benefits such as improvements in the precision, improved system safety, efficiency of operations, less workload etc. However, to achieve perfect design has not been fulfilled yet. Despite providing innovation and easiness, cockpit automation brings about some &ldquo / Human Factors&rdquo / problems because of lack of support of human-machine interaction and cooperation.
In this study, advantages and disadvantages of the cockpit automation will be discussed according to a survey that is conducted to pilots who fly with automated cockpits in Turkey about how automation affects them.
The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the modifications of current cockpit systems and development of new design philosophy for advanced flight decks by gathering data from pilots' / attitudes on cockpit automation philosophy.
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Determining User Requirements Of First-of-a-kind Interactive Systems: An Implementation Of Cognitive Analysis On Human Robot InteractionAcikgoz Kopanoglu, Teksin 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Although, user requirements are critical for the conformance of a system (or a product) design with the user, they may be appraised late in the development processes. Hence, resources and schedules may be planned with the limitations of system oriented requirements. Therefore, late discovered critical feedbacks from the users may not be reflected to the requirements or the design. The focus of this thesis is how to determine the user requirements of first-of-a-kind interactive systems, early in the development process. First-of-a-kind interactive systems differentiate from others for not having experienced users and subject matter experts. Cognitive analysis techniques are investigated with the aim to discover and integrate user requirements early in the development processes of first-of-a-kind systems. Hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis, one of the cognitive analysis techniques, is carried out for the determination of user requirements of a system in the Human Robot Interaction area. Therefore, while exemplifying the methodology, its competency and correspondence with the domain is observed.
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Beskrivningar av flickor som misstänks för misshandel : En studie av socialtjänstens yttrandenJaouadi, Leila January 2014 (has links)
När en ungdom mellan 15-17 år misstänks för ett brott ska åklagaren begära in ett yttrande från socialtjänsten enligt 11 § lagen (1964:167) med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare. Målet med att begära in ett yttrande är att ge rättsväsendet ett underlag som klarlägger den unges situation och ett eventuellt vårdbehov. Yttrandena utgör ett viktigt kunskapsunderlag och kan påverka hur både åklagaren och rätten uppfattar den unge. Tidigare forskning visar att socialtjänsten tenderar att kategorisera och bedöma klienter utifrån traditionella föreställningar om kön. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur socialtjänsten i sina yttranden beskriver flickor som misstänks för misshandel eftersom våld är starkt associerat med maskulinitet. Materialet har bearbetats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och har tolkats hermeneutiskt. Studiens vetenskapsteoretiska ansats är abduktiv vilket innebär att studien utgår från empiriska data men att teoretiska moment samtidigt har beaktats. Resultatet visar att socialtjänsten i flera avseenden beskriver och förklarar flickorna och deras beteenden utifrån föreställningen om normativ femininitet. I flera fall beskrivs flickornas aggressivitet som en bristande kontrollförmåga och det är vanligt förekommande med beskrivningar av utsatthet och psykisk ohälsa. Det framkommer även att när flickorna anpassar sig efter den normativa femininiteten beskrivs det som positivt medan avvikelser överlag beskrivs som problematiskt.
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Vibration Exposure Of Front Seat Car PassengersErol, Tugra 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Vibration in the vehicle environment has long been investigated considering the driver' / s exposure. However not only drivers but also the front seat car passengers are exposed to considerable amount of vibration. In order to investigate the phenomenon, this research consisted of three stages. In the first stage of the study, model analysis has been carried out. Based on the results it has been suggested that increased damping in the lumbar area in contact with the backrest can decrease the vibration transmission. The second stage comprised of the laboratory studies. Based on the results attained from the model, waist belts filled with different fluids having different coefficients of viscosity were prepared and tested. The inclination of the backrest angle was chosen as the second parameter. The cushions having ready-made gel mediums were seen to be effective in reducing low frequency vibrations where the angle of inclination affected the response of the cushions. In the third part of the thesis, field measurements were carried out in order to confirm the results attained in the laboratory. It was observed that the inclination of backrest angle played a major role in the exposure of the passenger in fore and aft direction. The cushions proved to be effective at certain frequencies in the field, differing due to the design and the medium.
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Fitting Passenger Seats In Intercity Coaches To Turkish Population: An Ergonomic StudyGuner, Cenk 01 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The physical dimensions of a population change in the course of time. On the other hand, the physical dissimilarities among different population are much more significant and remarkable than time-dependent natural evolution process that affects all populations in the world.
In this study, passenger seats of intercity coaches that are important industrial products for Turkey in terms of usage frequency and their prevalence were investigated from an ergonomic viewpoint. To achieve this aim, eight seat parts and
their equivalent anthropometric variables were specified to gather their measures from four different intercity coaches: These coaches represent the normal and top segment in Turkish intercity coaches market in addition to being imported or not. After that, these seat measures are compared with two anthropometric studies in terms of the sufficient sample size to reflect the anthropometric data related to Turkish population and the inclusion of the specified variables that correspond to these parts. Finally, alternative dimensions were recommended for each seat part to be used in the design process of passenger seats.
In conclusion, it was found that dimensions of all seats demonstrated no significant differences among each other in terms of belonging to middle or luxury segment coaches. Only for seat pan widths, all seats had higher values than the hip breadths of both anthropometric studies. Conversely, for other seat parts, the dimensions of almost all seats had lower values. All backrest heights were the lowest among the other parts based on the studies of Hertzberg et al and KayiS. It was observed that although all seats showed approximate values with specified seat parts of the directive of European Commission- 2001/85/EC- generally, all seat brands except Grammer had a lower value than the seat pan width mentioned in this regulation. It was also found important differences between the outcomes of two Turkish studies
and the regulation of EC.
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Programmaticism in Carl Reinecke's Sonata, Opus 167, "Undine" a Lecture Recital, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works of A. Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, G.P. Telemann, K.D. von Dittersdorf, C. Nielsen, F. Martin, J. Rivier, S. Prokofieff, O. Messiaen, M. Castelnuovo- Tedesco, N. Castiglioni, and E. BozzaBrown, Myrna W. 12 1900 (has links)
The Lecture Recital was given on July 28, 1981. Its subject, Carl Reinecke's "Undine" Sonata, is a major work written for flute during the nineteenth century. Reinecke was highly respected as a conductor and pianist; his great love for the classical style tempered his Romanticism and conditioned his approach to both performance and composition. The subtitle of the sonata suggests a program based on Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué's short novel, Undine. Although few flutists are familiar enough with this tale to recognize its application to the sonata, an exploration of the program implied by the subtitle adds materially to an understanding and appreciation of the work; to a large extent, the content of each movement is conceived in terms of the program. Further examination of Reinecke's life and philosophy reveals that both the choice of this particular literary subject and the uniting of Romantic pictorialism with classical form were entirely characteristic of his writing. Since Reinecke specified no program other than the subtitle, any relating of the music to specific events in the story is necessarily a subjective postulation. The musical content of the work makes it fairly easy to establish a broad correspondence between the movements of the sonata and the progress of the story, however, leaving details to the individual imagination. Within the paper, the pictorial aspects of the music are explored in the belief that they can not only assist in an appreciation of the work, but also provide a guide to the performer for its interpretation.
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Eye Movements, Memory, and Thinking: Tracking Eye Movements to Reveal Memory Processes during Reasoningand Decision-MakingScholz, Agnes 11 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between eye movements, memory and thinking in five studies based on eye tracking experiments. The studies draw on the human ability to spatially index multimodal events as demonstrated by people’s gaze reverting back to emptied spatial locations when retrieving information that was associated with this location during a preceding encoding phase – the so called “looking-at-nothing” phenomenon. The first part of this thesis aimed at gaining a better understanding of the relationship between eye movements and memory in relation to verbal information. The second part of this thesis investigated what could be learned about the memory processes involved in reasoning and decision-making by studying eye movements to blank spaces.
The first study presented in this thesis clarified the role of eye movements for the retrieval of verbal information from memory. More precisely, it questioned if eye movements to nothing are functionally related to memory retrieval for verbal information, i.e. auditorily presented linguistic information. Eye movements were analyzed following correct and incorrect retrievals of previously presented auditory statements concerning artificial places that were probed during a subsequent retrieval phase. Additionally, eye movements were manipulated as the independent variable with the aid of a spatial cue that either guided the eyes towards or away from associated spatial locations. Using verbal materials elicited eye movements to associated but emptied spatial locations, thereby replicating previous findings on eye movements to nothing. This behaviour was more pronounced for correct in comparison to incorrect retrievals. Retrieval performance was higher when the eyes were guided towards in comparison to being guided away from associated spatial locations. In sum, eye movements play a functional role for the retrieval of verbal materials.
The second study tested if the looking-at-nothing behaviour can also diminish; for example, does its effect diminish if people gain enough practice in a retrieval task? The same paradigm was employed as in the first study. Participants listened to four different sentences. Each sentence was associated with one of four areas on the screen and was presented 12 times. After every presentation, participants heard a statement probing one sentence, while the computer screen remained blank. More fixations were found to be located in areas associated with the probed sentence than in other locations. Moreover, the more trials participants completed, the less frequently they exhibited the looking-at-nothing behaviour. Looking-at-nothing behaviour can in this way be seen to indeed diminish when knowledge becomes strongly represented in memory.
In the third and fourth study eye movements were utilized as a tool to investigate memory search during rule- versus similarity-based decision-making. In both studies participants first memorized multiple pieces of information relating to job candidates (exemplars). In subsequent test trials they judged the suitability of new candidates that varied in their similarity to the previously learned exemplars. Results showed that when using similarity, but not when using a rule, participants fixated longer on the previous location of exemplars that were similar to the new candidates than on the location of dissimilar exemplars. This suggests that people using similarity retrieve previously learned exemplars, whereas people using a rule do not.
Eye movements were used yet again as a tool in the fifth study. On this occasion, eye movements were investigated during memory-based diagnostic reasoning. The study tested the effects of symptom order and diversity with symptom sequences that supported two or three contending hypotheses, and which were ambiguous throughout the symptom sequence. Participants first learned information about causes and symptoms presented in spatial frames. Gaze allocation on emptied spatial frames during symptom processing and during the diagnostic response reflected the subjective status of hypotheses held in memory and the preferred interpretation of ambiguous symptoms. Gaze data showed how the diagnostic decision develops and revealed instances of hypothesis change and biases in symptom processing.
The results of this thesis demonstrate in very different scenarios the tight interplay between eye movements, memory and thinking. They show that eye movements are not automatically directed to spatial locations. Instead, they reflect the dynamic updating of internal, multimodal memory representations. Eye movements can be used as a direct behavioural correlate of memory processes involved in similarity- versus rule-based decision-making, and they reveal rich time-course information about the process of diagnostic reasoning. The results of this thesis are discussed in light of the current theoretical debates on cognitive processes that guide eye movements, memory and thinking. This thesis concludes by outlining a list of recommendations for using eye movements to investigate thinking processes, an outlook for future research and possible applications for the research findings. / Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Interaktion von Blickbewegungen, Gedächtnis- und Denkprozessen. In fünf experimentellen Untersuchungen, die auf der Messung von Blickbewegungen beruhen, wurde die menschliche Fähigkeit zum räumlichen Indizieren multimodaler Ereignisse untersucht. Diese Fähigkeit manifestiert sich u.a. im sogenannten „Looking-at-nothing“ Phänomen, das beschreibt, dass Menschen beim Abruf von Informationen aus dem Gedächtnis an Orte zurückblicken, die in einer vorhergehenden Enkodierphase mit den abzurufenden Informationen assoziiert wurden, selbst wenn diese räumlichen Positionen keinerlei erinnerungsrelevante Informationen mehr enthalten.
In der ersten Untersuchung wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob Blickbewegungen an geleerte räumliche Positionen den Abruf von Informationen aus dem Gedächtnis erleichtern. Während ein solches Verhalten für den Abruf zuvor visuell dargebotener Informationen bereits gezeigt werden konnte, ist die Befundlage für die Erinnerungsleistung bei auditiv dargebotenen, linguistischen Informationen unklar. Um diesen Zusammenhang zu untersuchen, wurde das Blickverhalten zunächst als Folge von richtigen und falschen Antworten untersucht. In einem weiteren Schritt wurde das Blickverhalten experimentell manipuliert. Dies geschah mit Hilfe eines räumlichen Hinweisreizes, der die Blicke entweder hin zu der Position leitete, die mit dem abzurufenden Stimulus assoziiert war, oder weg von dieser Position. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung konnten bisherige Befunde zum Looking-at-nothing Verhalten replizieren. Zudem zeigte sich, dass beim korrekten Abruf von Informationen aus dem Gedächtnis vermehrt Looking-at-nothing gezeigt wurde, während das bei fehlerhaften Abrufen nicht der Fall war. Die Blickmanipulation ergab, dass die Gedächtnisleistung besser war, wenn der Hinweisreiz den Blick hin zur assoziierten räumlichen Position leitete. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Erinnerungsleistung schlechter, wenn der Blick von der assoziierten räumlichen Position weggeleitet wurde. Blickbewegungen an geleerte räumliche Positionen scheinen demnach auch den Abruf verbaler Stimuli zu erleichtern.
In der zweiten Untersuchung wurde erforscht, ob das Looking-at-nothing Verhalten nachlässt, wenn das experimentelle Material stark gelernt, d.h. stark im Gedächtnis repräsentiert ist. Dazu wurde das gleiche experimentelle Paradigma, wie in der ersten Untersuchung verwendet. Vier verschiedene Sätze wurden während der Enkodierphase mit vier verschiedenen räumlichen Positionen assoziiert. Nach jeder Präsentation aller vier Sätze, wurde einer der Sätze getestet. Diese Prozedur wiederholte sich in zwölf Durchgängen. In den ersten vier Durchgängen sahen die Versuchspersonen beim Abruf häufiger in das Feld, dass mit der getesteten Information assoziiert war, d.h. sie zeigten wie erwartet das Looking-at-nothing Verhalten. Je mehr Durchgänge die Versuchspersonen bearbeiteten, desto seltener blickten sie zu der assoziierten räumlichen Position. Demnach verschwindet das Looking-at-nothing Verhalten, wenn Informationen stark im Gedächtnis repräsentiert sind.
In der dritten und vierten Untersuchung wurden Blickbewegungen an geleerte räumliche Positionen als Methode verwendet um Denkprozesse zu untersuchen. In der dritten Untersuchung lernten Versuchsteilnehmer zunächst Informationen über fiktive Bewerber (Exemplare) für eine freie Position in einem Unternehmen. Jedes Exemplar wurde mit seinen Eigenschaften während der Lernphase mit einer distinkten räumlichen Position verknüpft. In einer nachfolgenden Entscheidungsphase beurteilten die Versuchsteilnehmer neue Bewerber. Diese neuen Bewerber variierten in ihrer Ähnlichkeit mit den zuvor gelernten Bewerbern. Versuchsteilnehmer die eine ähnlichkeitsbasierte Entscheidungsstrategie verwendeten, sahen an die geleerten räumlichen Positionen zurück, die in der Lernphase mit den Exemplaren verknüpft wurden. Wendeten sie jedoch eine abstrakte Regel an, um die neuen Bewerber zu beurteilten, so zeigten sie kein Looking-at-nothing Verhalten. Dieses Ergebnis lässt darauf schließen, dass eine ähnlichkeitsbasierte im Gegensatz zu einer regelbasierten Strategie den Abruf zuvor gelernter Exemplare bewirkt.
Auch in der fünften Untersuchung wurden Blickbewegungen als Methode eingesetzt, diesmal zur Untersuchung gedächtnisbasierter Schlussfolgerungsprozesse, wie sie beim Finden von Erklärungen für eine Anzahl gegebener Informationen auftreten. Manipuliert wurden die Reihenfolge der präsentierten Informationen und die Diversität der möglichen Erklärungen. Die getesteten Symptomsequenzen unterstützen stets mindestens zwei mögliche Erklärungen. Die Versuchsteilnehmer lernten in einer vorangestellten Lernphase die Symptome und ihre möglichen Erklärungen. Symptome und Erklärungen wurden mit räumlichen Positionen verknüpft. In einer anschließenden Diagnosephase wurden verschiedene Symptomsequenzen getestet. Das Blickverhalten während der Diagnosephase reflektierte die Interpretation der Symptome im Sinne der subjektiv wahrscheinlichsten Erklärung. Die Aufzeichnung und Analyse der Blickbewegungen erlaubte es die Entwicklung dieser Interpretation über die gesamte Sequenz hinweg zu beobachten und Hypothesenwechsel lokalisieren zu können.
Insgesamt stützen die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation die Annahme einer engen funktionalen Verbindung von Blickbewegungen, Gedächtnis- und Denkprozessen. Sie zeigen, dass Blickbewegungen nicht automatisch an alle assoziierten räumlichen Positionen gerichtet werden, sondern dass sie vielmehr den situations- und aufgabenabhängigen Abruf von Informationen aus dem Gedächtnis widerspiegeln. Blickbewegungen können als direktes Verhaltensmaß zur Messung von Gedächtnisprozessen beim ähnlichkeitsbasierten Entscheiden herangezogen werden und liefern wertvolle Prozessdaten über die Integration von Symptominformationen beim diagnostischen Schließen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation werden im Lichte der aktuellen theoretischen Diskussion über kognitive Prozesse beim Bewegen der Augen, beim Gedächtnisabruf und beim komplexen Denken betrachtet. Abschließend werden Empfehlungen für die Verwendung der Methode der Blickbewegungsmessung als Prozessmaß zur Untersuchung gedächtnisbasierter Denkprozesse gegeben, ein Überblick über zukünftige Forschungsmöglichkeiten präsentiert und Ideen für Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der präsentierten Befunde aufgezeigt.
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Multi Resource Agent Bottleneck Generalized Assignment ProblemKarabulut, Ozlem 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we consider the Multi Resource Agent Bottleneck Generalized Assignment Problem. We aim to minimize the maximum load over all agents.
We study the Linear Programming (LP) relaxation of the problem. We use the optimal LP relaxation solutions in our Branch and Bound algorithm while defining lower and upper bounds and branching schemes. We find that our Branch and Bound algorithm returns optimal solutions to the problems with up to 60 jobs when the number of agents is 5, and up to 30 jobs when the number of agents is 10, in less than 20 minutes.
To find approximate solutions, we define a tabu search algorithm and an & / #945 / approximation algorithm. Our computational results have revealed that these procedures can find high quality solutions to large sized instances very quickly.
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La recherche pharmaceutique à l'épreuve des pratiques communicationnelles. L'invention d'un médicament issu des nanotechnologies / Pharmaceutical research and communicative practices. The invention of a nanotechnology drugSidi-Boumedine, Farid 16 September 2013 (has links)
Dans quelles conditions s’invente un médicament ? Mue par une démarche pluridisciplinaire, de l'anthropologie de la communication aux Science Studies, cette thèse étudie les stratégies et pratiques communicationnelles mobilisées par l’industrie pharmaceutique et les laboratoires de recherche publics lors de l’invention d’un médicament, dans la phase de recherche qui précède les études cliniques. Ce médicament est une nanoparticule, issue des nanotechnologies, destinée à des applications thérapeutiques (contre le cancer) et diagnostiques (imagerie médicale). Les écosystèmes des réseaux d’innovation sont décrits par une étude ethnographique minutieuse, avec la mise en perspective des interactions multiples qui s’y déroulent.La première partie analyse deux dimensions du contexte général : les discours liés à la recherche pharmaceutique et aux nanotechnologies. Le premier chapitre dissèque les mythes que diffuse l'industrie pharmaceutique à travers ses éléments communicationnels, dont l’origine est la reconfiguration des mécanismes d’innovation des grands groupes. Le second chapitre retrace de manière critique l'histoire des nanotechnologies, dégage les con-troverses à leurs propos et analyse les discours radiophoniques qui leurs sont consacrés. La seconde partie explore trois facettes du local : des chercheurs multi-disciplinaires (chimistes, physiciens, biologistes, médecins), engagés dans la recherche du médicament, travaillent dans des laboratoires publics et privés. Le premier chapitre présente leurs spécificités et observe comment leurs collaborations façonnent des réseaux amorphes. Le second chapitre met en exergue la place centrale de l’oralité, à partir de la synthèse des molécules (i.e. nanoparticules) par les chimistes-physiciens jusqu’à l'expérimentation animale par les médecins-biologistes. Le troisième chapitre analyse comment les chercheurs et leurs concurrents communiquent leurs résultats à travers différents canaux communicationnels (colloque, public de visiteurs, investisseurs et médias). / In which conditions is a drug invented? Driven by a multidisciplinary approach, from Anthropology of Communication to Science Studies, this thesis explores strategies and communication practices mobilized by the pharmaceutical industry and public research laboratories in the invention of a drug in research’s phase that precedes clinical studies. This drug is a nanoparticle based on nanotechnology, for therapeutic applications (against cancer) and diagnostic (medical imaging). Ecosystems of innovation networks are described by a careful ethnographic study with highlighting of multiple interactions that take place there.The first part analyzes two dimensions of global context: the discourse related to pharmaceutical research and nanotechnology. The first chapter dissects the myths that diffuse the pharmaceutical industry through its communicative elements whose origin is the reconfiguration of Big Pharma’s innovation mechanisms. The second chapter summarizes critically the history of nanotechnology, emerging controversies about their analyzes and their radio speeches are devoted.The second part explores three dimensions of local context: multi-disciplinary scientists (chemists, physi-cists, biologists, medical doctors), engaged in drug research, who work in public and private laboratories. The first chapter presents their characteristics and how their collaborations result in amorphous networks. The second chapter highlights the centrality of oral language, from the synthesis of molecules (ie nanoparticles) by chemists, physicists to animal testing by physicians biologists. The third chapter discusses how researchers and their competitors communicate their results through different communicative channels (conferences, public visitors, investors and media).
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