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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skillnaden i fyra personlighetsfaktorer mellan psykologistuderande, ordningsmakten och en kontrollgrupp

Pettersson, Tord January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ enkätstudie, bestående av 77 enkätsvar. Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka skillnader i fyra personlighetsfaktorer – emotionell stabilitet, dominans, vaksamhet och regelmedvetenhet – mellan representanter från ordningsmakt, psykologistuderande och en kontrollgrupp med slumpmässigt urval. Studien utgick ifrån tre hypoteser: 1. Representanterna från ordningsmakt är mer vaksamma, dominanta, emotionellt stabila och regelmedvetna än kontrollgruppen. 2. Psykologistuderade är mer emotionellt stabila och dominanta än kontrollgruppen. 3. Högre grad av vaksamhet och regelmedvetenhet förväntas hos ordningsmakt än psykologistuderande. Studiens resultat visade signifikanta skillnader mellan undersökningsgrupperna i emotionell stabilitet och vaksamhet. Antagandet om ordningsmaktens större vaksamhet bekräftades medan antaganden om gruppens emotionella stabilitet inte fick stöd, då ordningsmakten visade signifikant lägre värden än de andra undersökningsgrupperna. Inga mellangruppsskillnader i personlighetsfaktorerna regelmedvetenhet eller dominans kunde uppvisas.</p>

The use of personality profiles in personnel selection: an exploration of issues encountered in practical applications

Shelton, Matthew Larrence 15 November 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the issues that are typically encountered when using personality instruments for personnel selection. Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) was used in the study to predict job performance in a small team-based manufacturing organization. Issues including the utility of the 16PF in this setting, the bandwidth fidelity argument (to use narrow or broad traits), and whether job-specific versus company-wide profiles provide better prediction success were addressed. The usefulness of the organization's current selection process of using the 16PF to generate interview questions was also investigated. Results indicate that the 16PF can be a useful tool for personnel selection in this setting and that the 16PF was able to correctly classify if an applicant was going to be successful over 86% of the time. Evidence for using narrow factors instead of broad factors was also presented, and the benefits of using job specific profiles were discussed. The limitations of this study were addressed, which included conducting this type of research with relatively small sample sizes. Additionally, this study provides suggestions for additional research in the future.

Skillnaden i fyra personlighetsfaktorer mellan psykologistuderande, ordningsmakten och en kontrollgrupp

Pettersson, Tord January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ enkätstudie, bestående av 77 enkätsvar. Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka skillnader i fyra personlighetsfaktorer – emotionell stabilitet, dominans, vaksamhet och regelmedvetenhet – mellan representanter från ordningsmakt, psykologistuderande och en kontrollgrupp med slumpmässigt urval. Studien utgick ifrån tre hypoteser: 1. Representanterna från ordningsmakt är mer vaksamma, dominanta, emotionellt stabila och regelmedvetna än kontrollgruppen. 2. Psykologistuderade är mer emotionellt stabila och dominanta än kontrollgruppen. 3. Högre grad av vaksamhet och regelmedvetenhet förväntas hos ordningsmakt än psykologistuderande. Studiens resultat visade signifikanta skillnader mellan undersökningsgrupperna i emotionell stabilitet och vaksamhet. Antagandet om ordningsmaktens större vaksamhet bekräftades medan antaganden om gruppens emotionella stabilitet inte fick stöd, då ordningsmakten visade signifikant lägre värden än de andra undersökningsgrupperna. Inga mellangruppsskillnader i personlighetsfaktorerna regelmedvetenhet eller dominans kunde uppvisas.

Personlighetens betydelse för terapiinriktningsval och yrkesintressen hos psykologstudenter

Damberg, Therese, Lindqvist, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Många undersökningar styrker att yrkesval och yrkesintresse är ett uttryck för personligheten samt att personer med en viss yrkestillhörighet har många personlighetsdrag gemensamt med denna grupp och att olika yrkesgrupper skiljer sig från varandra beträffande personlighetsdrag. Då psykologyrket blivit alltmer breddat och differentierat väcktes intresset att undersöka om det också inom gruppen psykologstudenter fanns skillnader i personlighetsdrag. Studien syftade till att med hjälp av personlighetstestet 16 PF (16 Personality Factor Questionnaire) undersöka och försöka kartlägga psykologstudenters personlighetsdrag på gruppnivå med avseende på olika faktorer såsom val av terapiinriktning (kognitiv beteendeterapi, KBT, kontra psykodynamisk terapi, PDT) samt yrkesintresse (organisatoriskt / konsultativt kontra psykiatriskt / kliniskt). Resultaten analyserades statistiskt med hjälp av variansanalys där variabeln kön konstanthölls (ANCOVA). Resultaten visade på signifikanta skillnader för sex av sexton personlighetsvariabler i terapiinriktningsgruppen (n = 52) samt för tre av sexton personlighetsvariabler i yrkesintressegruppen (n = 57). Utifrån bland annat Hollands resonemang om att individer söker sig till miljöer som är kongruenta med deras personlighetstyp så diskuterades resultaten i relation till de olika arbetssätt och metoder som kan knytas till respektive inriktning / grupp.</p>

Personlighetens betydelse för terapiinriktningsval och yrkesintressen hos psykologstudenter

Damberg, Therese, Lindqvist, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
Många undersökningar styrker att yrkesval och yrkesintresse är ett uttryck för personligheten samt att personer med en viss yrkestillhörighet har många personlighetsdrag gemensamt med denna grupp och att olika yrkesgrupper skiljer sig från varandra beträffande personlighetsdrag. Då psykologyrket blivit alltmer breddat och differentierat väcktes intresset att undersöka om det också inom gruppen psykologstudenter fanns skillnader i personlighetsdrag. Studien syftade till att med hjälp av personlighetstestet 16 PF (16 Personality Factor Questionnaire) undersöka och försöka kartlägga psykologstudenters personlighetsdrag på gruppnivå med avseende på olika faktorer såsom val av terapiinriktning (kognitiv beteendeterapi, KBT, kontra psykodynamisk terapi, PDT) samt yrkesintresse (organisatoriskt / konsultativt kontra psykiatriskt / kliniskt). Resultaten analyserades statistiskt med hjälp av variansanalys där variabeln kön konstanthölls (ANCOVA). Resultaten visade på signifikanta skillnader för sex av sexton personlighetsvariabler i terapiinriktningsgruppen (n = 52) samt för tre av sexton personlighetsvariabler i yrkesintressegruppen (n = 57). Utifrån bland annat Hollands resonemang om att individer söker sig till miljöer som är kongruenta med deras personlighetstyp så diskuterades resultaten i relation till de olika arbetssätt och metoder som kan knytas till respektive inriktning / grupp.

Facteurs de risque individuels de l'épuisement professionnel : validation du questionnaire style personnel au travail

Desjardins, Sabrina January 2014 (has links)
L’épuisement professionnel est un problème de santé psychologique qui constitue un phénomène grandissant dans la population générale. La prévention de ce trouble devrait constituer une priorité dans les organisations et pourrait être améliorée par une meilleure identification des facteurs de risque en jeu. Bien qu’il existe des facteurs de risque organisationnels et individuels de l’épuisement professionnel, seuls les premiers faisaient jusqu’ici l’objet d’un questionnaire validé servant à les mesurer. La présente étude a effectué la validation d’un questionnaire mesurant les facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel : le Style personnel au travail (SPT). La cohérence interne, la validité factorielle ainsi que la validité convergente ont été vérifiées. Ce dernier type de validité a été examiné en comparant le questionnaire SPT à une mesure de l’épuisement professionnel, le Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) ainsi qu’à une mesure des facteurs reliés à la personnalité normale, le Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). L’étude visait également à déterminer si le questionnaire SPT était complet, c’est-à-dire s’il semblait comprendre l’ensemble des principaux facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel. Un échantillon constitué de 230 travailleurs à temps complet issus de différentes organisations a répondu à trois questionnaires en format électronique : le SPT, le MBI-GS et le 16PF. Une analyse de fidélité par bissection, une analyse en composantes principales, des corrélations ainsi que des régressions multiples hiérarchiques ont été conduites afin d'atteindre les objectifs formulés. Les résultats appuient d’abord la bonne cohérence interne du questionnaire SPT et soutiennent la structure factorielle en six facteurs. Ils fournissent également plusieurs indices quant à la validité convergente du questionnaire en mettant en évidence plusieurs liens corrélationnels entre les facteurs du SPT et ceux du MBI-GS, d’une part, et du 16PF, d’autre part. Les résultats permettent finalement de considérer l’ajout potentiel d’un facteur de risque, issu du 16PF, au questionnaire SPT : la Stabilité émotionnelle. Les avantages et inconvénients d’un tel ajout sont discutés. La présente étude comporte certaines limites, concernant entre autres la taille et la composition de l’échantillon ainsi que la méthode utilisée. Néanmoins, les retombées de cette recherche sont importantes. En effet, l’étude fournit plusieurs indices quant à la validité du questionnaire SPT, qui permet désormais de mesurer les facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel conjointement avec l’AMT, un questionnaire validé mesurant les facteurs de risque organisationnels du trouble. Il est ainsi possible d’obtenir, en une seule passation, un portrait plus complet des principaux facteurs de risque reliés à l’épuisement professionnel. Ce portrait permettra également le développement d’outils de prévention efficaces et ciblés, dans le but de réduire l’incidence de ce trouble chez les travailleurs.

Hudba a osobnost / Music and personality

Zamastilová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this work is: (a) to present knowledge of the foreign researches on personality of musicians in the arranged form in Czech language, (b) to realize the research carried out in the past under different cultural conditions in modified form in our country, (c) mutually compare the result of this research and the foreign researches, (d) to summarize the conclusions and to establish questions for the further investigation. Artists and other creative individuals evince specific personality characteristics differentiating them from the other people. Among these individuals are also artists in the field of classical music. This work yields a basic information about the difference of the specific personality characteristics of musicians and people who are not involved in music. It sums up existing knowledge on this topic and it creates internally consistent profile of an artist in the field of classical music. In the quantitative research we aim to compare population of conservatory students (n = 57) with the control group - students of grammar school (n = 49). Data of their personality characteristics were obtained with help of Cattel's personality questionnaire 16 PF. Discriminant analysis pointed to differences in five primary factors and one secondary factor of 16 PF. Conservatory students...

Att bli eller inte bli utbränd : ett komplext fenomen bland vårdpersonal på samma arbetsplatser

Gustafsson, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
The thesis comprises four papers. The overall aim was to illuminate meanings of becoming and being burnt out respectively not becoming or being burnt out. The papers deal with two groups of healthcare personnel, one group on sick leave due to medically assessed burnout (n=20) and one group who showed no indications of burnout (n=20) from the same workplaces at psychiatric (n=7) and elderly (n=7) care units. A further aim was to describe personality traits and to elucidate perceptions of conscience (PCQ), stress of conscience (SCQ), moral sensitivity (MSQ-R), social support (SocIS) and resilience (RS) among the people in these two groups. Papers I and II are based on the text of narrative interviews interpreted using a phenomenological-hermeneutic method. Papers III and IV are based on data, pertaining to the same participants as in Papers I and II, derived from the following questionnaires; Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF) (III), ‘Perception of Conscience’ (PCQ), ‘Stress of Conscience’ (SCQ), ‘Moral Sensitivity Revised’ (MSQ-R), ‘Social Interactions Scale’ (SocIS) and ‘Resilience Scale’ (RS) (IV). Conventional statistical methods and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) were used to analyse the data (III, IV). In Paper I the aim was to illuminate meanings of becoming and being burnt out as narrated by healthcare personnel. The results show that meanings of becoming and being burnt out is to be torn between what one wants to manage and what one can actually manage. It is as if one’s ideals become more like demands for, regardless of the circumstances, one must be and show that one is capable and independent. It also means being dissatisfied with oneself for not living up to one’s own ideals as well as being disappointed in other people for not providing the confirmation one strives for. Feelings that one is a victim of circumstances emerge. Becoming and being burnt out leads to a futile struggle to live up to one’s ideals and when failing to unite one’s ideal picture with one’s reality one finally reaches an overwhelming feebleness. In Paper II the aim was to illuminate meanings of not becoming or being burnt out at workplaces where others developed burnout, as narrated by healthcare personnel. The results show that meanings of not becoming or being burnt out are to be rooted in an outlook on life which perceives its many-sidedness of prosperity, adversity, strength and weakness in oneself and others. An openness towards the circumstances of life emerges. Being able to judge the possibilities of influencing things, as well as being able to let go of injustice and look after oneself with a clear conscience are revealed as meanings of not becoming and being burnt out. In Paper III the aim was to describe personality traits among burnt out and non-burnt out healthcare personnel from the same workplaces. The results show, that the people in the burnt out group had lower scores regarding emotional stability and higher scores regarding anxiety than the people in the non-burnt out group but the results also showed a wide variation of personality traits within the groups. The most important indicators for belonging to the burnt out group were openness to changes and anxiety, and for belonging to the non-burnt out group, emotional stability, liveliness, privateness and tension. In Paper IV the aims were to elucidate perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience, moral sensitivity, social support and resilience among burnt out and non-burnt out healthcare personnel from the same workplaces. The results show that higher levels of stress of conscience and moral sensitivity, a perception of conscience as a burden, having to deaden one’s conscience in order to keep working in healthcare and perceiving a lack of support from those around them characterize the burnt out group. Those in the non-burnt out group are characterised by lower levels of stress of conscience, an out-look on life with a forbearing attitude, a perception of conscience as an asset, an ability to deal with one’s conscience in a constructive way and a perception of receiving support from those around them. The comprehensive understanding from the four papers (I-IV) is discussed in light of a theoretical framework derived from Emmy van Deurzens thoughts about the four life worlds: the natural world (the physical world), the public world (the social world), the private world (the psychological world) and the ideal world (the spiritual world). The result can be summarized in terms of the human condition in life and demonstrates the essential importance of reconciling the vita activa (the active life of labor, work and action), the vita contemplativa (thinking, willing and judging) and not least the vita regenerativa (rest and recovery) in order to avoid being burned out. / Samvetsstress i vården

Psychometric properties of a Venda version of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)

Mantsha, Tshifhiwa Rebecca 10 1900 (has links)
A Venda version of the South African Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire Fifth edition(16PF5) was develop using forward and back translation methods. This version was administered to a sample of 85 Venda speaking subjects. Subjects ranged in age from 18 to 30 years old. Item analysis was done and a qualitative analysis of the reasons why items were not successful was done for each scale. Reasons identified included translation errors, problems in understanding the vocabulary and idiomatic language used, the use of the negative form and possible differences in the manifestation of constructs. Given the large number of items to be excluded, only general trends were indicated as to avoid over interpretation. These trends need to be considered when changing or replacing items. The results of this study can be regarded as a first step in developing a Venda version of the 16PF5. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Die verband tussen persoonlikheid en toesighouersukses in die suiwelbedryf

Doman, Francois 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die primere doelstellings van die navorsing is om die verband tussen persoonlikheid en toesighouersukses te bepaal. Persoonlikheid is deur die 16-Persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys ( 16PF) en toesighouersukses deur 'n prestasiebeoordelingstelsel gemeet. 'n Literatuurstudie van persoonlikheidsteoriee en vorige navorsing is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen persoonlikheid en werksukses te verifieer en die navorsingsbehoefte aan te dui. Die steekproef is 74 toesighouers, hoofsaaklik blanke mans, by 'n fabriek van 'n suiwelvervaardigingsmaatskappy. Die verwantskap tussen die 16PF-resultate en toesighouersukses is statisties deur Pearson en Spearman se Produkmomentkorrelasiemetode, Standaard en Stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie en T-toetse vir onafhanklike groepe bepaal. Die resultate toon dat slegs faktore B, C, L, 0, Q4 en die tweedeordefaktor QII van die 16PF 'n beduidende verband met toesighouersukses het. Dit is bevind dat ouderdom, ondervinding en kwalifikasie nie die verwantskap tussen persoonlikheid en toesighouersukses be'invloed nie. Hoewel hierdie bevindinge nie veralgemeen kan word nie, moet persoonlikheid wel deeglik by die evaluering van personeel, byvoorbeeld in seleksie, oorweeg word. / The aim of the research is to establish the relationship between personality and supervisor success. Personality was measured with the 16-Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) and supervisor success through a performance measuring system. A literature study was done to verify the relationship between personality and work success. The sample consisted of 74 supervisors, mainly white males, working at a dairy factory. The relationship between the 16PF results and supervisor success has been statistically established through Pearson and Spearman's Product-moment correlation method, standard and stepwise multiple regression analysis and T-tests for independent groups. The results show that factors B, C, L, 0, Q4 and the second order factor QII of the 16PF has a meaningful relationship with supervisor success. It was found that age, qualifications and experience do not influence the relationship between personality and supervisor success. The findings cannot be generalized but personality can be taken into consideration when evaluating employees, for example in selection. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Bedryfsielkunde)

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