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Kontrolle zielgerichteter visueller Suche im menschlichen GehirnDonner, Tobias Hinrich 10 October 2003 (has links)
Die Suche nach einem Zielobjekt in einer komplexen visuellen Szene ist ein alltäglicher Wahrnehmungsvorgang und ein etabliertes experimentelles Paradigma für die Untersuchung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit. Einem klassischen Modell zufolge ist der Suchprozeß seriell: Die Objekte werden nacheinander vom Aufmerksamkeitsfokus selektiert und so für die Identifikation bereitgestellt. Ein Alternativmodell postuliert einen parallelen Suchprozeß, bei dem alle Objekte in der Szene gleichzeitig vom Sehsystem verarbeitet werden. Beide Modelltypen sind gleich gut mit den Resultaten bisheriger Verhaltensexperimente kompatibel. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die neuronalen Grundlagen des Suchprozesses mit Hilfe der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) im menschlichen Gehirn untersucht. Es ist bekannt, dass das frontale Augenfeld (FEF) und drei Subregionen (AIPS, PIPS und IPTO) des posterioren parietalen Cortex (PPC) den im seriellen Suchmodell postulierten Teilprozeß der Verschiebung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus (ohne Augenbewegungen) kontrollieren. In Experiment 1 wurde geprüft, ob diese Regionen auch am Suchprozeß beteiligt sind. Dazu wurde das fMRT-Signal zwischen einer schwierigen Suche nach einer Verknüpfung zweier visueller Merkmale und einer einfachen Suche nach einem einzelnen Merkmal verglichen. Motorische Anforderungen und Reizmuster waren in beiden Bedingungen so ähnlich wie möglich und in Kontrollexperimenten wurde sichergestellt, dass Aktivierungsunterschiede zwischen beiden Bedingungen keine motorischen oder sensorischen Prozesse reflektieren, sondern spezifisch den Prozeß der Verknüpfungssuche. FEF, AIPS, PIPS und IPTO wurden differentiell aktiviert. In Experiment 2 wurde getestet, ob die Beteiligung dieser Areale an der visuellen Suche von der Notwendigkeit einer Merkmalsverknüpfung abhängt. Dazu wurde eine schwierige Merkmalssuche mit der einfachen Merkmalssuche verglichen und kontrolliert, dass auch dieser Vergleich sensorische und motorische Faktoren eliminierte. Differentielle Aktivierungen in diesem Experiment reflektierten nun nicht mehr den Merkmalsverknüpfungsprozeß, sondern allein die höhere Schwierigkeit der Suche. Auch hier fand sich eine differentielle Aktivierung des FEF, AIPS, PIPS und IPTO. Dabei unterschieden sich die Schwierigkeit auf der Verhaltensebene wie auch die differentielle Aktivierung von PIPS auf der neuronalen Ebene nicht zwischen Verknüpfungs- und schwieriger Merkmalssuche. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass das FEF und drei Subregionen des PPC an der schwierigen visuellen Suche beteiligt sind. Dies ist gut mit der Annahme eines seriellen und nur schwer mit der eines parallelen Suchprozesses vereinbar. Darüber hinaus suggerieren die Befunde, dass der Beitrag des PPC und FEF zur visuellen Suche nicht auf den Prozeß der Merkmalsverknüpfung beschränkt ist, sondern allgemeiner die Anforderung an den Suchprozeß reflektiert. / The search for a target object in a complex visual scene is an all-day process of visual perception and an established experimental paradigm for the study of selective attention. A classical model postulates a serial search process. That is, objects are selected sequentially by the focus of attention and are thereby routed to the identification stage. An alternative model postulates a parallel search process, in which all objects within the scene are processed simultaneously. Both models are equally consistent with the current behavioural data. In this thesis, the neural basis of the search process in the human brain was investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The frontal eye field (FEF) and three sub-regions (AIPS, PIPS und IPTO) of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are known to control the shifting of the focus of attention in space (without eye movements), which is postulated by the serial model to be an essential sub-process of visual search. Experiment 1 tested whether the same areas are also engaged in the search process. The fMRI signal was compared between a difficult search for a feature conjunction and an easy search for a single feature. Motor requirements and stimuli were as similar as possible across conditions and control experiments demonstrated that activation differences between conditions do not reflect sensory or motor factors, but rather the process of conjunction search. The FEF, AIPS, PIPS, and IPTO were differentially activated. Experiment 2 tested whether the involvement of these areas in visual search depends on the necessity for conjoining features. A difficult feature search was compared with the easy feature search. This comparison also eliminated sensory and motor factors according to control experiments. Differential activations in this experiment did not reflect the feature conjunction process, but only the higher search difficulty. Again, a differential activation of the FEF, AIPS, PIPS, and IPTO was found. The conjunction and the difficult feature search did not differ in their difficulty at the behavioral level as well as in PIPS activation strength at the neural level. The results show that the FEF and three PPC sub-regions contribute to difficult visual search. This is consistent with the assumption of a serial, but much less consistent with the assumption of a parallel, search process. Furthermore the results suggest that the contribution of the PPC and FEF to visual search is not restricted to the feature conjunction process, but more generally reflects the demands on the search process.
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Variorum vitae : Theseus and the arts of mythography in Medieval and early modern EuropeSmith-Laing, Tim January 2014 (has links)
This thesis offers an approach to the history of mythographical discourse through the figure of Theseus and his appearances in texts from England, Italy and France. Analysing a range of poetic, historical, and allegorical works that feature Theseus alongside their classical and contemporary intertexts, it is a study of the conceptions of Greco-Roman mythology prevalent in European literature from 1300-1600. Focusing on mythology’s pervasive presence as a background to medieval and early modern literary and intellectual culture, it draws attention to the fragmentary, fluid and polymorphous nature of mythology in relation to its use for different purposes in a wide range of texts. The first impact of this study is to draw attention to the distinction between mythology and mythography, as a means of focusing on the full range of interpretative processes associated with the ancient myths in their textual forms. Returning attention to the processes by which writers and readers came to know the Greco-Roman myths, it widens the commonly accepted critical definition of ‘mythography’ to include any writing of or on mythology, while restricting ‘mythology’ to its abstract sense, meaning a traditional collection of tales that exceeds any one text. This distinction allows the analyses of the study’s primary texts to display the full range of interpretative processes and possibilities involved in rewriting mythology, and to outline a spectrum of linked but distinctive mythographical genres that define those possibilities. Breaking down into two parts of three chapters each, the thesis examines Theseus’ appearances across these mythographical genres, first in the period from 1300 to the birth of print, and then from the birth of print up to 1600. Taking as its primary texts works by Giovanni Boccaccio, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Lydgate and William Shakespeare along with their classical intertexts, it situates each of them in regard to their multiple defining contexts. Paying close attention to the European traditions of commentary, translation and response to classical sources, it shows mythographical discourse as a vibrant aspect of medieval and early modern literary culture, equally embedded in classical traditions and contemporary traditions that transcended national and linguistic boundaries.
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French travellers to Scotland, 1780-1830 : an analysis of some travel journalsMcFarlane, Elizabeth Anne January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the value of travellers’ written records of their trips with specific reference to the journals of five French travellers who visited Scotland between 1780 and 1830. The thesis argues that they contain material which demonstrates the merit of journals as historical documents. The themes chosen for scrutiny, life in the rural areas, agriculture, industry, transport and towns, are examined and assessed across the journals and against the social, economic and literary scene in France and Scotland. Through the evidence presented in the journals, the thesis explores aspects of the tourist experience of the Enlightenment and post -Enlightenment periods. The viewpoint of knowledgeable French Anglophiles and their receptiveness to Scottish influences, grants a perspective of the position of France in the economic, social and power structure of Europe and the New World vis-à-vis Scotland. The thesis adopts a narrow, focussed analysis of the journals which is compared and contrasted to a broad brush approach adopted in other studies.
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Poetic genre and economic thought in the long eighteenth century : three case studiesBucknell, Clare January 2014 (has links)
During the eighteenth century, the dominant rhetorical and explanatory power of civic humanism was gradually challenged by the rise of a new organising language in political economy. Political economic thought permitted radically different descriptions of what laudable private and public behaviour might be: it proposed that self-interest was often more beneficial to society at large than public-mindedness; that luxury had its uses and might not be a threat to liberty and political integrity; that landownership was no particular guarantee of virtue or disinterest; and that there was nothing inherently superior about frugality and self-sufficiency. These new ideas about civil society formed the intellectual basis of a large body of verse written during the long eighteenth century (at mid-century in particular), in which poets engaged enthusiastically with political economic arguments and defences of commercial activity, and celebrated the wealth and plenty of Britain as a modern trading nation. The work of my thesis is to examine a contradiction in the way in which these political economic ideas were handled. Forward-looking and confident poetry on public themes did not develop pioneering forms to suit the modernity of its outlook: instead, poets articulated such themes in verse by appropriating and reframing traditional genres, which in some cases involved engaging with inherited moral values and philosophical preferences entirely at odds with the intellectual material in hand. This inventive kind of generic revision is the central interest of the thesis. It aims to describe a number of problematic meeting points between new political economic thought and handed-down poetic formulae, and it will focus attention on some of the ways in which poets manipulated the forms and tropes they inherited in order to manage – and make the most of – the resulting contradictions.
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Petrarch in English : political, cultural and religious filters in the translation of the 'Rerum vulgarium fragmenta' and 'Triumphi' from Geoffrey Chaucer to J.M. SyngeHodder, Mike January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with one key aspect of the reception of the vernacular poetry of Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch), namely translations and imitations of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Rvf) and Triumphi in English. It aims to provide a more comprehensive survey of the vernacular Petrarch’s legacy to English literature than is currently available, with a particular focus on some hitherto critically neglected texts and authors. It also seeks to ascertain to what degree the socio-historical phenomena of religion, politics, and culture have influenced the translations and imitations in question. The approach has been both chronological and comparative. This strategy will demonstrate with greater clarity the monumental effect of the Elizabethan Reformation on the English reception of Petrarch. It proposes a solution to the problem of the long gap between Geoffrey Chaucer’s re-writing of Rvf 132 and the imitations of Wyatt and Surrey framed in the context of Chaucer’s sophisticated imitative strategy (Chapter I). A fresh reading of Sir Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella is offered which highlights the author’s misgivings about the dangers of textual misinterpretation, a concern he shared with Petrarch (Chapter II). The analysis of Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti and Epithalamion in the same chapter reveals a hitherto undetected Ovidian subtext to Petrarch’s Rvf 190. Chapter III deals with two English versions of the Triumphi: I propose a date for Lord Morley’s translation which suggests it may be the first post- Chaucerian English engagement with Petrarch; new evidence is brought to light which identifies the edition of Petrarch used by William Fowler as the source text for his Triumphs of Petrarcke. The fourth chapter constitutes the most extensive investigation to date of J. M. Synge’s engagement with the Rvf, and deals with the question of translation as subversion. On the theoretical front, it demonstrates how Synge’s use of “folk-speech” challenges Venuti’s binary foreignising/domesticating system of translation categorisation.
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Wordsworth and the French EnlightenmentRay, Mrinalkanti 19 April 2018 (has links)
Consacrée au rapport idéologique entre le romantisme anglais et les Lumières françaises (aboutissant à la Révolution de 1789), cette thèse entend combler une lacune critique sur des échanges intellectuels reconnus et méconnus. Parmi les auteurs anglais, ces liens entre les cultures lettrées anglaises et françaises se sont très clairement manifestés sous la plume de William Wordsworth (1770-1850), initié à la pensée des Lumières par le capitaine militaire français Michel Beaupuy (1755-1796). Notre recherche évalue la dette contractée par Wordsworth envers des auteurs majeurs des Lumières dans le traitement de quatre sujets clés : la démocratie, la sensibilité, la religion et le langage. Cette thèse vise également à mettre en évidence le développement original de ces thèmes dans les oeuvres poétiques de Wordsworth. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi d'articuler notre étude autour de comparaisons et d'analyses de textes. Le premier chapitre est consacré au Contrat social (1762) de Rousseau, le second à La Nouvelle Héloïse (1761) de Rousseau, le troisième à Zadig (1747) de Voltaire, et le dernier chapitre à VEssai sur l'origine des connaissances humaines (1746) de Condillac. Bien que les sujets et les oeuvres abordés soient apparemment disparates, l'ensemble est intimement lié à l'épanouissement de l'oeuvre poétique de Wordsworth : cette contribution effective sous-tend et justifie leur traitement dans une même étude. Sur le plan théorique, l'argumentaire de cette thèse se base sur la théorie poétique de Harold Bloom, telle qu'exposée dans The Anxiety of Influence (1973). Faisant appel à la notion freudienne du complexe d'OEdipe, fondée sur la rivalité palpable entre père et fils pour l'amour de la mère, Bloom constate qu'une rivalité semblable existe entre les poètes et leurs modèles d'inspiration poétiques. Cette opposition permet à terme de se distinguer comme poète ou, pour reprendre le terme de Bloom, comme poète « fort ». L'étude intertextuelle menée ici montrera comment Wordsworth s'établit comme « poète fort », via ses sources d'inspiration.
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Aufklärung in ZürichBürger, Thomas 14 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Thoreau : moralidade em primeira pessoaMedeiros, Eduardo Vicentini de January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese carrega o ônus de afirmar a relevância dos textos de Henry David Thoreau para a filosofia moral. Duas estratégias paralelas foram utilizadas para cumprir a tarefa. A primeira consiste na discussão pormenorizada de um conjunto de autores que apresentaram para Thoreau diferentes visões sobre a moralidade e o papel da filosofia na tecitura de uma vida digna de ser vivida: o Unitarismo de William Ellery Channing, as doutrinas do Scottish Common Sense de Dugald Stewart e Thomas Reid, o utilitarismo teológico de William Paley, o intuicionismo racional dos Platonistas de Cambridge (representados aqui por Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson e Ralph Waldo Emerson – dois dos principais nomes do Transcendentalismo da Nova Inglaterra e Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin e Thomas Carlyle – primeiros intérpretes do Idealismo Alemão para o mundo de língua inglesa. A segunda estratégia articula a reação de Thoreau a essas diferentes posições sobre a moralidade, mostrando como, a partir dessa reação, ele foi capaz de formular um exercício de pensamento moral, cristalizado, emblematicamente, na escritura de Walden. O conceito de “identidade ficcional” foi pensado para capturar as diferentes técnicas utilizadas nesse exercício. / The present thesis carries the burden of asserting the relevance of Henry David Thoreau´s texts for moral philosophy. Two parallel strategies have been used to complete the task. The first is a thorough discussion of a group of authors who presented to Thoreau different views on morality and the role of philosophy in the weaving of a life worthy of being lived: William Ellery Channing´s Unitarianism, the doctrines of the Scottish Common Sense - Dugald Stewart and Thomas Reid, William Paley´s theological utilitarianism, rational intuitionism of Cambridge Platonists (represented here by Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson and Ralph Waldo Emerson - two of the leading names of New England Transcendentalism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin and Thomas Carlyle - first interpreters of German Idealism to the English-speaking world. The second strategy articulates Thoreau´s reaction to these different positions on morality, showing how, from this reaction, he was able to formulate an exercise in moral thinking, crystallized, emblematically, in the writing of Walden. The concept of "fictional identity" was designed to capture different techniques used in this exercise.
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Thoreau : moralidade em primeira pessoaMedeiros, Eduardo Vicentini de January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese carrega o ônus de afirmar a relevância dos textos de Henry David Thoreau para a filosofia moral. Duas estratégias paralelas foram utilizadas para cumprir a tarefa. A primeira consiste na discussão pormenorizada de um conjunto de autores que apresentaram para Thoreau diferentes visões sobre a moralidade e o papel da filosofia na tecitura de uma vida digna de ser vivida: o Unitarismo de William Ellery Channing, as doutrinas do Scottish Common Sense de Dugald Stewart e Thomas Reid, o utilitarismo teológico de William Paley, o intuicionismo racional dos Platonistas de Cambridge (representados aqui por Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson e Ralph Waldo Emerson – dois dos principais nomes do Transcendentalismo da Nova Inglaterra e Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin e Thomas Carlyle – primeiros intérpretes do Idealismo Alemão para o mundo de língua inglesa. A segunda estratégia articula a reação de Thoreau a essas diferentes posições sobre a moralidade, mostrando como, a partir dessa reação, ele foi capaz de formular um exercício de pensamento moral, cristalizado, emblematicamente, na escritura de Walden. O conceito de “identidade ficcional” foi pensado para capturar as diferentes técnicas utilizadas nesse exercício. / The present thesis carries the burden of asserting the relevance of Henry David Thoreau´s texts for moral philosophy. Two parallel strategies have been used to complete the task. The first is a thorough discussion of a group of authors who presented to Thoreau different views on morality and the role of philosophy in the weaving of a life worthy of being lived: William Ellery Channing´s Unitarianism, the doctrines of the Scottish Common Sense - Dugald Stewart and Thomas Reid, William Paley´s theological utilitarianism, rational intuitionism of Cambridge Platonists (represented here by Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson and Ralph Waldo Emerson - two of the leading names of New England Transcendentalism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin and Thomas Carlyle - first interpreters of German Idealism to the English-speaking world. The second strategy articulates Thoreau´s reaction to these different positions on morality, showing how, from this reaction, he was able to formulate an exercise in moral thinking, crystallized, emblematically, in the writing of Walden. The concept of "fictional identity" was designed to capture different techniques used in this exercise.
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Thoreau : moralidade em primeira pessoaMedeiros, Eduardo Vicentini de January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese carrega o ônus de afirmar a relevância dos textos de Henry David Thoreau para a filosofia moral. Duas estratégias paralelas foram utilizadas para cumprir a tarefa. A primeira consiste na discussão pormenorizada de um conjunto de autores que apresentaram para Thoreau diferentes visões sobre a moralidade e o papel da filosofia na tecitura de uma vida digna de ser vivida: o Unitarismo de William Ellery Channing, as doutrinas do Scottish Common Sense de Dugald Stewart e Thomas Reid, o utilitarismo teológico de William Paley, o intuicionismo racional dos Platonistas de Cambridge (representados aqui por Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson e Ralph Waldo Emerson – dois dos principais nomes do Transcendentalismo da Nova Inglaterra e Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin e Thomas Carlyle – primeiros intérpretes do Idealismo Alemão para o mundo de língua inglesa. A segunda estratégia articula a reação de Thoreau a essas diferentes posições sobre a moralidade, mostrando como, a partir dessa reação, ele foi capaz de formular um exercício de pensamento moral, cristalizado, emblematicamente, na escritura de Walden. O conceito de “identidade ficcional” foi pensado para capturar as diferentes técnicas utilizadas nesse exercício. / The present thesis carries the burden of asserting the relevance of Henry David Thoreau´s texts for moral philosophy. Two parallel strategies have been used to complete the task. The first is a thorough discussion of a group of authors who presented to Thoreau different views on morality and the role of philosophy in the weaving of a life worthy of being lived: William Ellery Channing´s Unitarianism, the doctrines of the Scottish Common Sense - Dugald Stewart and Thomas Reid, William Paley´s theological utilitarianism, rational intuitionism of Cambridge Platonists (represented here by Ralph Cudworth), Orestes Brownson and Ralph Waldo Emerson - two of the leading names of New England Transcendentalism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Victor Cousin and Thomas Carlyle - first interpreters of German Idealism to the English-speaking world. The second strategy articulates Thoreau´s reaction to these different positions on morality, showing how, from this reaction, he was able to formulate an exercise in moral thinking, crystallized, emblematically, in the writing of Walden. The concept of "fictional identity" was designed to capture different techniques used in this exercise.
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