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The influence of Montesquieu on BurkeCourtney, Cecil Patrick January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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Las láminas musicales del Códice Martínez Compañón, Trujillo del Perú, 1782-85: espacio de mediación entre las ideas ilustradas de un obispo y las teorías y prácticas musicales de los habitantes de su diócesisPalmiero, Tiziana January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos / El códice Trujillo del Perú, realizado por el obispo Martínez Compañón entre los
años 1782 y 1785, comprende una serie de, aproximadamente, 1400 acuarelas reunidas
en nueves tomos, que ilustran los diferentes aspectos de la naturaleza y la vida del
obispado de Trujillo. El tomo II es de especial interés, ya que muestra aspectos sociales
y culturales del obispado; éstos incluyen manifestaciones musicales y coreográficas
protagonizadas por los habitantes de la diócesis, bajo la forma de imágenes y partituras.
El principal objetivo de nuestra tesis es analizar las láminas del códice Martínez
Compañón considerando los tres soportes: dibujos, partituras y textos, con el propósito
de develar la relación entre los objetivos del obispo, la práctica de los dibujantes y las
teorías y prácticas culturales -sociales y musicales- de los sujetos representados.
Nuestra hipótesis consiste en considerar este documento como un objeto
polisígnico, portador de diversos discursos o narraciones: del obispo y de sus dibujantes
y transcriptores; y de los sujetos representados. En este sentido el documento analizado
se convierte en un texto de mediación entre la mirada del obispo, los modelos de
generación de textos de su cultura y la producción artístico-cultural de los sujetos
coloniales representados. De hecho, si bien el Trujillo del Perú se presenta como un
producto cuyos objetivos y fines principales responden a una descripción de la realidad
colonial desde el poder colonizador, sería posible encontrar en él indicios de las teorías
y prácticas musicales del colonizado.
Con este estudio se quiere demostrar que la práctica musical, al revés que la
imposición del idioma y la religión, habría dejado lugar, en un continuo proceso de
creación y resignificación de lo propio y lo ajeno, a una mayor expresión de lo diverso y
lo marginal convirtiéndose así en un espacio simbólico donde el colonizado podía narrar
su propia historia. / FONDECYT 1090110
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Sehnsucht and alienation in Schubert's Mignon settings / Acacia M. DoktorchikDoktorchik, Acacia M., University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Fine Arts January 2011 (has links)
Sehnsucht (longing) and alienation were two central themes of 19th century German Romanticism in literature, music and art. Franz Schubert was one of the great masters of the Romantic era to understand and express these intense emotions through his compositions. This paper discusses Sehnsucht and alienation in Schubert’s settings of the Mignon songs from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehjahre (Master William’s Apprenticeship). Mignon, a secondary character in this novel, is a prime example of one who experiences these emotions and whose principal medium of expressing herself is through her five songs. My thesis focuses on how Schubert portrays Mignon’s longing through use of dissonance, harmonic progressions, melodic contour and shifts in vocal register. / iv, 46 leaves ; 29 cm
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The pro-American movement in London, 1769-1782 : extra-parliamentary opposition to the government's American policySainsbury, John A. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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Venetian humanism in the Mediterranean world : writing empire from the marginsMaglaque, Erin January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation examines the cultural history of the Renaissance Venetian maritime empire. In this project I bring into conversation two historiographical subfields, the intellectual history of Venetian Renaissance humanism and the colonial history of the early modern Mediterranean, which have previously developed separately. In doing so, I examine the relationship between power and knowledge as it unfolded in the early modern Mediterranean. The ways in which Venetian Renaissance intellectual culture was shaped by its imperial engagements - and, conversely, how Venetian approaches to governance were inflected by humanist practices - are the central axes of my dissertation. In the first part of the dissertation, I examine the ways in which writing and textual collecting were used by elite Venetian readers to represent the geopolitical dimensions of their empire. I consider a group of manuscripts and printed books which contain technical, navigational, and cartographic writing and images about Venetian mercantile and imperial activity in the Mediterranean. In the second part, I undertake two case-studies of Venetian patrician governors who were trained in the humanist schools of Venice, before being posted to colonial offices in Dalmatia and the Aegean, respectively. I examine how their education in Venice as humanists influenced their experience and practice of governance in the stato da mar. Their personal texts offer an alternative intellectual history of empire, one which demonstrates the formation of political thought amongst the men actually practicing and experiencing imperial governance. Overall, I aim to build a picture of the ways in which literary culture, the physical world of the stato da mar, and political thought came to be entwined in the Venetian Renaissance; and then to describe how these dense relationships worked for the Venetian administrators who experienced them in the Mediterranean.
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The development of the secretaryship to the government at the Cape of Good Hope under John Montagu, 1843-1852Breitenbach, J J January 1958 (has links)
The development of the Cape Colony during the 'forties and early 'fifties last century is, indeed, a fascinating study. And as one aspect of it, a critical study analysis of the public career of John Montagu, while he was Colonial Secretary at the Cape, is of particular interest. For, by tracing the influence of his office in relation to the changing political, social and economic structures of the colony, it is hoped some contribution will be made to the knowledge of the period. Thus, the present thesis is, in part, an examination of the duties and responsibilities of the Colonial Office; but more particularly, it is an examination of how Montagu, who virtually dominated the Cape scene for almost a decade interpreted these duties and responsibilities. By concentrating, then, on his role in the civil administration and political management of colonial affairs, other aspects are revealed. The authority of the Colonial Office, which had through the years become a sort of government 'archives', was developed to such an extent, that every memorandum issued by it seems to set the tone for government policy. More. The very fact that Montagu was, time and again, left in charge of civil affairs at the Cape, while it reveals the dominant native problem and the vital question of defence, accounts also for the patenalism in government. The most important primary sources for this study have been the British Parliamentary Papers on Cape Affairs, the Cape of Good Hope Blue Books, Government House Records and the relevant minutes of the Executive and Legislative Councils. The Annual Almanacs of the Cape proved to be invaluable; they contain a wealth of information on the institutions of government, central and local, as well as the most indispensable returns for all the many services at the Cape.
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"Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" : romantic imagery in Mary Shelley's FrankensteinDonada, Jaqueline Bohn January 2006 (has links)
A literatura romântica inglesa se constituiu basicamente de poesia, pois foi produzida em uma época em que ficção em prosa era vista como mero entretenimento. Alguns romancistas, excepcionalmente, são rotulados como “românticos”, mas Mary Shelley não aparece entre eles. Durante mais de um século, sua obra permaneceu restrita às sessões dos livros que tratam da exótica literatura gótica. A presente dissertação argumenta que a crítica literária não tem reconhecido a óbvia relação de Frankenstein com o romantismo inglês. Para evidenciar tal envolvimento, será apresentada uma análise do conjunto de imagens do romance que busque revelar os elementos românticos ali contidos. A análise se baseia, principalmente, nas idéias de Northrop Frye a respeito da natureza e função de imagens na literatura. O conceito de intertextualidade também será utilizado como ferramenta para a análise da inserção de imagens no romance e da inserção do romance no contexto do romantismo inglês. O trabalho é dividido em três partes. A primeira explora as relações de Frankenstein com a vida de Mary Shelley e com o romantismo inglês. A segunda expõe a base teórica em que esta dissertação se apóia. A última apresenta a minha leitura da teia de imagens do romance. Ao final, espero poder validar a tese proposta: que Frankenstein incorpora os valores estéticos e filosóficos do romantismo e merece, portanto, ser situado no seu devido lugar no cânone literário inglês como o representante legítimo do romantismo em prosa. / Romantic English literature – written at a time when prose fiction was predominantly a medium for sheer entertainment – is rooted in poetry. One or two novelists may exceptionally be granted the adjective “Romantic”, but Mary Shelley is not ranked among them. For centuries, her work has been restricted to that section in handbooks reserved for exotic Gothic literature. This thesis argues that literary criticism has failed to recognize Frankenstein’s obvious relation with the movement. The argument will be fostered by a brief look at such handbooks, and developed through the analysis of the imagery of the novel, so as to trace the Romantic elements there contained. The analysis relies mainly on the frame developed by Northrop Frye concerning the nature and function of imagery in literature. The concept of intertextuality will also be useful as a tool to account for the insertion of images in the novel, and for the novel’s insertion within the Romantic context. The work is divided into three parts. The first contextualizes the main issues set forth by Frankenstein, establishing connections with the life of the author and with the Romantic movement. The second exposes the theoretical basis on which the thesis is grounded. The last presents my reading of the novel’s web of images. In the end, I hope to validate the thesis proposed, that Frankenstein embodies the aesthetic and philosophical assessments of the English Romantic agenda, and therefore deserves to be situated in its due place in the English Literary canon as the legitimate representative of Romanticism in prose form.
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O tramado, a pena e as tropas : família, política e negócios do casal Domingos José de Almeida e Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos (Rio Grande de São Pedro, século XIX)Menegat, Carla January 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisa a rede social do casal Domingos José de Almeida e Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos, acompanhando a formação da elite charqueadora da Vila de São Francisco de Paula - ou Pelotas, como passaria a se chamar desde 1832 - e, através da identificação de mecanismos das redes sociais perceber estratégias familiares, políticas e econômicas que permitiram sua reprodução social. Percorrendo diferentes espaços de atuação dos indivíduos, a análise se orientou pela percepção de que as relações sociais e sua posição dentro do contexto em que se constituem garantiram um espectro de opções apenas compreensíveis dentro deste conjunto, e intimamente relacionada com a mobilidade social dos sujeitos. Assim, categorias agregativas como Império e Província, política, família e negócios, ou local e central, passam a ser mensuradas pela capacidade de manejo que adquirem nas interações entre os espaços e entre os indivíduos, possibilitando que a participação em movimentos como a Revolução Farroupilha, ou sociedades comerciais sejam compreendidos como parte da diversificação de atuações sociais necessária na sociedade do Rio Grande de São Pedro do século XIX. / The present research analyzes the social network of the couple Domingos José de Almeida and Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos, following the formation of the elite of charque (dried salted meat) producers from the Village of São Francisco de Paula, renamed to Pelotas in 1832. It also identifies the social network mechanisms and, through that, observes the political, economical and family strategies that allowed their social reproduction. Covering different performance spaces of individuals, the analysis was guided by the concept that the social relationships and their position in the context where they are constituted guarantees an array of options that can be only understood inside this ensemble. This is intimately related to the social mobility of the subjects. Thus, aggregative categories such as Empire and Province, politics, family and business, or local and central, start being measured by their dealing capacity, acquired in the interactions between spaces and individuals. These factors allow that the participation on movements like the Farroupilha Revolution or commercial societies be understood as part of the diverse social performances necessary to the Nineteenth- Century society from Rio Grande de São Pedro.
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Frankenstein: uma releitura do mito de criaçãoAlegrette, Alessandro Yuri [UNESP] 02 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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alegrette_ay_me_arafcl.pdf: 573460 bytes, checksum: 4e564e7284dc1d936b52f3ee5ff8275f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A dissertação de mestrado, “Frankenstein: uma releitura do mito de criação”, tem como principal objetivo demonstrar como a escritora inglesa Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, por meio de seu romance Frankenstein, ou o moderno Prometeu (1818), conseguiu criar um novo mito, isto é, o mito de Frankenstein, contribuiu para a renovação do romance gótico e para a criação de uma nova modalidade literária - a ficção científica. No primeiro capítulo foi realizado um estudo sobre as origens, características e principais obras do romance gótico. No segundo capítulo é abordada a relação entre mito e literatura e são analisados quais mitos aparecem no enredo do romance de Mary Shelley, enfatizando-se a importância do relato mítico de Prometeu. No terceiro capítulo é estudada a construção do discurso narrativo mítico de Frankenstein e é demonstrada a intertextualidade dessa obra com outros textos, tais como poemas, romances e estudos filosóficos e científicos. No quarto e último capítulo é demonstrado a releitura do mito de criação feita por Mary Shelley, a conseqüente criação do mito de Frankenstein, e as diversas interpretações e releituras que o romance recebeu, terminando com Blade Runner (O caçador de andróides, 1982), filme do cineasta inglês Ridley Scott que, ao promover a atualização do mito de Frankenstein, deu uma contribuição significativa para sua permanência em nossa cultura / The main aim of this Master’s Thesis, “Frankenstein: a rewriting of the myth of creation, is demonstrate how the English writer Mary Shelley in her novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1818), created a new kind of myth, renewed the gothic novel and gave origin to a new literary genre - science fiction. The first chapter discusses – the origins, characteristics and main works of the Gothic literature. The second chapter explores the relationships between myth and literature, and analyses which myths are present in the plot of Mary Shelley’s novel, stressing the importance of the Promethean’s story. The third chapter is concerned with the construction of mythic narrative discourse and with the novel’s intertextuality with different kind texts, such as poems, another novels and philosophical and scientific studies. The fourth and last chapter concentrates on Mary Shelley’s rewriting of the myth of creation, on the different ways her novel was interpreted and read, and it finishes with study of the film by the English director Ridley Scott, Blade Runner (1982), that offered a major contribution to update and foster the permanence of the Frankenstein’s myth in our culture
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O tramado, a pena e as tropas : família, política e negócios do casal Domingos José de Almeida e Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos (Rio Grande de São Pedro, século XIX)Menegat, Carla January 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisa a rede social do casal Domingos José de Almeida e Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos, acompanhando a formação da elite charqueadora da Vila de São Francisco de Paula - ou Pelotas, como passaria a se chamar desde 1832 - e, através da identificação de mecanismos das redes sociais perceber estratégias familiares, políticas e econômicas que permitiram sua reprodução social. Percorrendo diferentes espaços de atuação dos indivíduos, a análise se orientou pela percepção de que as relações sociais e sua posição dentro do contexto em que se constituem garantiram um espectro de opções apenas compreensíveis dentro deste conjunto, e intimamente relacionada com a mobilidade social dos sujeitos. Assim, categorias agregativas como Império e Província, política, família e negócios, ou local e central, passam a ser mensuradas pela capacidade de manejo que adquirem nas interações entre os espaços e entre os indivíduos, possibilitando que a participação em movimentos como a Revolução Farroupilha, ou sociedades comerciais sejam compreendidos como parte da diversificação de atuações sociais necessária na sociedade do Rio Grande de São Pedro do século XIX. / The present research analyzes the social network of the couple Domingos José de Almeida and Bernardina Rodrigues Barcellos, following the formation of the elite of charque (dried salted meat) producers from the Village of São Francisco de Paula, renamed to Pelotas in 1832. It also identifies the social network mechanisms and, through that, observes the political, economical and family strategies that allowed their social reproduction. Covering different performance spaces of individuals, the analysis was guided by the concept that the social relationships and their position in the context where they are constituted guarantees an array of options that can be only understood inside this ensemble. This is intimately related to the social mobility of the subjects. Thus, aggregative categories such as Empire and Province, politics, family and business, or local and central, start being measured by their dealing capacity, acquired in the interactions between spaces and individuals. These factors allow that the participation on movements like the Farroupilha Revolution or commercial societies be understood as part of the diverse social performances necessary to the Nineteenth- Century society from Rio Grande de São Pedro.
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