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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Latitudinarian traditours' : Bishops Hoadly and Watson

Dearnley, John January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Construcción de la Memoria Histórica del Coronel Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes 1880 - 1908

Fuentes Torres, Emerson Martín January 2018 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / Busca explicar, a través de la aparición y evolución de las comunidades de culto, la creación y desarrollo de la memoria histórica del coronel Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes entre los años de 1880 y 1908. Este rango temporal inicia con su muerte en la batalla de Arica, en junio de 1880 y finaliza con la inauguración de la Cripta de los héroes, el 8 de setiembre de 1808, lugar donde finalmente descansarán los restos del héroe. Este lapso temporal o de mediana duración como lo propone Braudel, nos permitirá describir desde las primeras manifestaciones en favor de la memoria de Bolognesi, hasta la consolidación de las mismas en monumentos a la memoria de los soldados que cayeron en la guerra de 1879, como lo que se dispuso en la Cripta de los Héroes, inaugurado en setiembre de1908. Se explica los contextos históricos en los que vislumbró la configuración de la memoria del personaje en cuestión. Se analiza las manifestaciones de reconocimiento a Bolognesi, para identificar cuáles fueron los usos simbólicos que terminaron por dotarle de todos los elementos necesarios para convertirse no solo en héroe, sino en uno de los símbolos más importantes de la guerra con Chile. Se integran los diferentes enfoques expuestos sobre la configuración de la memoria de los héroes, con la intención de producir una explicación capaz de acercarse a la objetividad histórica necesaria para este aspecto, tan importante en la identidad peruana. La hipótesis plantea que ante los estragos de la guerra con Chile y la difícil situación política de los años de posguerra, la comunidad de culto fue determinante en la composición de la memoria histórica del coronel del ejército don Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes. En ese sentido la comunidad de culto se presenta como variable independiente, ya que gracias a sus esfuerzos, el héroe podrá ser conocido y a su vez, podrá mantener vigencia en la sociedad a través del tiempo. La memoria histórica de Bolognesi se ubica como la variable dependiente, ya que su creación dependerá de los impulsos que le dé la comunidad de culto, la cual alimenta y propone en el imaginario, el recuerdo de este personaje. / Tesis

'A bastard Gaelic man' : reconsidering the highland roots of Adam Ferguson

Testa, Denise A., University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, School of Humanities and Languages January 2007 (has links)
This thesis attacks the neglected and unresolved historiographical problem connecting Adam Ferguson’s work, in particular, his Essay on the History of Civil Society, to his early life experience. During the 1960s and 1970s, the issue of Ferguson’s Highland background first came to the fore. A knowledge of Gaelic marked Ferguson out from his colleagues, denoting his status as a Highlander. Michael Kugler’s 1994 study examined how Ferguson and his contemporaries constructed an idealised representation of Highland society. My investigation takes a novel approach by concentrating on matters relating to the concrete reality of the locale, language and vestigial shame-honour culture. These were imbibed by Ferguson during his childhood and early adult life. During these phases, Ferguson became conversant in the Gaelic language which acted as a conduit for the mores, history and legends of Highland communities. The elements of the shame-honour culture, the neural pathways generated by Gaelic, and Highland orality, all left their mark on him. Evidence of these component influences can be identified in his Essay, correspondence and other works. An analysis of Ferguson’s correspondence confirms his native-like control of the Gaelic sound system, indicating fluency from a young age. Ferguson experienced a traditional, communal way of life in transition. During his lifetime, there was an increasing drive to modernise the rural parts of Scotland. His insider-knowledge of two cultures, together with his familiarity of two naturally acquired grammatical systems, provided him with some unique intuitive perceptions. Ferguson’s works and his success as a university lecturer testify to his assimilation and integration into mainstream Scotto-British eighteenth-century intellectual culture. Nevertheless, his writing bears some hallmarks of alternating cultural loyalties and the occasional affirmation of his first culture. This thesis provides a new dimension to the understanding of Ferguson’s early enculturation, by inviting fresh explication of important passages of his writing. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Le premier manuel de physique publié au Québec : contexte et contenu des Notions élémentaires de physique de Joseph Cauchon

Couillard, Alain January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire analyse le contenu et le contexte de rédaction du premier manuel de physique bas-canadien: les Notions élémentaires de physique (1841) de Joseph Cauchon. Destiné aux écoles et au public en général, ce traité de 124 pages est inspiré de manuels français et du cours de science dispensé au Séminaire de Québec. Dans sa préface, Cauchon stipule qu'il souhaite diffuser des connaissances pratiques et utiles. En considérant son implication dans un projet d'institut savant, son intérêt pour les nouvelles scientifiques et les articles qu'il rédige lorsque les Notions sont mises en vente, il est possible de relier Cauchon au discours émergent sur la nécessité d'un enseignement pratique dans les écoles. Bien qu'il énonce clairement ses objectifs, les moyens qu'il met en place pour pénétrer le milieu scolaire le sont moins. Les Notions se destinent autant aux écoles élémentaires, aux institutions d'enseignement supérieur et au public en général. Bien que les connaissances y figurant soient actuelles, leur développement ne semble toutefois pas suffisant pour convenir aux collèges. Une étude des 775 pages de notes de cours rédigées par Jérôme Demers en 1833 à l'usage des élèves du Séminaire de Québec nous a démontré que les Notions sont nettement moins complètes. En rapport aux manuels français des collèges royaux et aux manuels américains des high schools, le même constat s'applique. Ces traités sont généralement plus élaborés et mieux adaptés à l'enseignement dans les écoles. Nous avons en outre réalisé que Cauchon accordait plus d'importance à la mécanique et aux connaissances appliquées en comparaison aux auteurs français. Il s'est également dégagé de notre étude comparative que les traités américains, plus succincts, semblent meilleurs sur le plan didactique. Dans l'ensemble, les Notions semblent s'être davantage illustrées de par leur valeur symbolique de premier manuel de physique rédigé par un Canadien français que par leur impact réel dans le système scolaire bas-canadien. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Enseignement, Science, Canada, Livre, 19e siècle.

The myth of Camila O'Gorman in the works of Juana Manuela Gorriti, María Luisa Bemberg, and Enrique Molina

Bueno, Fernanda Vitor 28 August 2008 (has links)
Camila O'Gorman, a transgressive aristocratic woman who proudly defied the values of Family, Church, and Society in nineteenth-century Argentina, was executed beside her lover, the priest Ladislau Gutiérrez. Since her execution by dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas, her life and death represent a myth of rebellion and repression in the Argentine imagination, inspiring many works of literature and film. This dissertation studies three major works inspired by her life: the short story "Camila O'Gorman" (1876) by Juana Manuela Gorriti, the film Camila (1984) by María Luisa Bemberg, and the novel Una sombra donde sueña Camila O'Gorman (1973) by Enrique Molina. It proposes that each author shaped the images of the female protagonist by imprinting on the character of Camila the authors' personal reaction to the political climate in which they lived. Roland Barthes's Mythologies marks the main theoretical frame and distinctive theories on nationalism, narrative, film and genre are also applied. Chapter One situates the political climate of Camila's contemporary life. It studies the mythologies created to support and undermine Rosas' power. Moreover, it gives an account of three women who actively participated in politics: Mariquita Sánchez, Encarnación Ezcurra, and Manuela de Rosas. Chapter Two studies Gorriti as a nation builder. Her story "Camila O'Gorman" reinforces the ideals of a liberal progressive nation. By portraying Camila as a negative symbol, Gorriti adheres to the conservative view on women. Chapter Three inserts the life and work of Bemberg into the development of politics in Argentina. The film Camila addresses the parallel violence of the military regime in the 1980's. The character of Camila is portrayed as a defiant daughter, complying with the feminist views of the eighties. Chapter Four addresses Molina's Surrealist ideals, which determined his poetic analysis of Argentine history, foreshadowing the Proceso dictatorship. In his novel, Camila is represented as a Surrealist muse, who seeks liberty, love and poetry. The historical analogies recovered by the authors lead one to conclude that mythologies of Camila O'Gorman reappear in Argentina in times of political change and debate the rank of women in society.

Monetary and banking theories of Jacksonian democracy

M. Grace Madeleine January 1943 (has links)
Issued also as author's Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1942. / "References" at end of each chapter. Bibliography: p. 165-181.

Lo velado de las veladas literarias de Juana Manuela Gorriti : la construcción del sujeto femenino en el siglo XIX

Wurst Giusti, Vera Lucía 24 June 2015 (has links)

Da tragédia à espopéia : agenciamento das memórias em Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen (1838-1858)

Tavares, Thiago Alves Nunes Rodrigues January 2011 (has links)
Nous visons à travers ce travail de recherche, le développement des réflexions sur l'utilisation du siècle, la production historique XIXe siècle, la construction de la nation brésilienne, qui étaient fondées poderações pour votre développement, recherche Instituto Histórico e Geographico Brazileiro, Histoire Geral do Brasil Francisco Adolfo Varnhagen de, dans sa première édition (1854 et 1857), et de la correspondance de l'auteur de ce oeuvre. L'étude de ces éléments a souligné le caractère indissociable de la formation de la pensée oitocentis champ historiographique au Brésil, le projet de construction de la nation, et les exigences d'espace autour de laquelle est négocié la plus grande oeuvre de Varnhagen. En ce sens, afin de comprendre l'état atteint par le travail varnhagenia, que ce soit à huit cents, ou les considérations faites par le travail des commentateurs tels, que ce soit dans le dix-neuvième, vingtième et vingt et unième, nous avons fixé une lecture de l'oeuvre culturaliste sur la sensibilité asymétriques, les que nous pourrions partir de l'étude de la formation de Varnhagen et les structures narratives de son oeuvre. / Temos por objetivo ao longo deste trabalho de pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de reflexões em torno do uso da produção historiográfica oitocentista, na construção da nação brasileira, poderações que tiveram por base para o seu desenvolvimento, a Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro, a História Geral do Brazil de Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, em sua primeira edição (1854 e 1857), e a correspondência do autor da referida obra. O estudo de tais elementos apontou para a indissociabilidade do pensar a formação do campo historiográfico no Brasil oitocentos, ao projeto de construção nacional; espaço e demandas em torno da qual é agenciada a obra maior de Varnhagen. Neste sentido, a fim de compreender o status alcançado pela obra varnhagenia, seja no oitocentos, ou as considerações feitas pelos comentadores de tal obra, seja nos séculos XIX, XX e XXI, enveredamos por uma leitura culturalista da obra, enviesada nas sensibilidades, o que nos foi possível a partir do estudo da formação de Varnhagen e das estruturas narrativas de sua obra.

The adminstrative and social reforms of Russia's military, 1861-1874: Dmitrii Miliutin against the ensconced power elite

Anderson, Scott Patrick, 1956- 09 1900 (has links)
x, 90 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / As a key figure in Imperial Russia's Great Reforms from 1861 to 1874, Count Dmitrii Alekseevich Miliutin has received a good deal of attention by historians and scholars; however, his recently published memoirs have yet to be used extensively as the foundation for any study. Having them readily at one's fingertips would be a boon by itself, but to examine them using a different methodology could potentially provide a totally unique perspective. The methodology in question was based on the assumption that war influenced societies and society affected how war was conducted. By reexamining Imperial Russia's military administrative and social reforms with the newly published memoirs and afore-mentioned methodology, Miliutin's logic in formulating the reforms became apparent, as did his intended results, which included a challenge to the privileged status of Russia's ensconced power elites. / Committee in Charge: Dr. Alan Kimball, Chair; Dr. Julie Hessler; Dr. Alex Dracobly

1816: "The Mighty Operations of Nature": An Environmental History of the Year Without a Summer

Munger, Michael, Munger, Michael January 2012 (has links)
The catastrophic eruption of the Indonesian volcano Mt. Tambora in April 1815, which ejected a cloud of sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere, plunged the world into a rapid temporary climate change event. A series of bizarre weather anomalies, including snowstorms in June and repeated heavy frosts throughout the rest of the summer, earned 1816 the moniker "the Year Without a Summer." This paper examines the various ways in which Americans reacted to the climate change--seeking causation explanations through science and superstition, political and religious responses, and the efforts to appreciate what the events meant in terms of the world's changing climate. Through these various reactions, a picture emerges of Americans' incomplete understanding of science and nature, as well as an uneasy reckoning with the impossibility of fully explaining their environment and the potential dangers it presented to them.

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