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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lecture aporétique de La décision de Bertolt Brecht

Bayle, Marie-Noëlle 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre La Décision de Bertolt Brecht par le biais de la lecture littéraire, telle que présentée dans les écrits de Bertrand Gervais. L'aporie, avec ses deux composantes que sont la contradiction et la dialectique, est identifiée comme une figure de lecture nécessaire à cette approche. La démarche aporétique d'Aristote et la dialectométhodologie de Stéphane Lupasco forment deux modalités permettant l'analyse contextuelle et l'interprétation textuelle de La Décision. Cette unique pièce de la Grande pédagogie est analysée grâce à trois couples antithétiques, soit collectif/individu, accord/désaccord et communisme/non-communisme, ce dernier couple portant aussi sur une version antérieure de la pièce. Cette recherche démontre la place ambiguë de La Décision au sein de l'œuvre brechtienne. Par ailleurs, l'étude des rapports texte/paratexte met en évidence l'influence contraire des choix éditoriaux allemands et français sur la réception du texte. Enfin, le discours esthétique et politique à la base de La Décision est déconstruit par la figure de l'aporie. En conclusion, la lecture littéraire ouvre sur une appropriation nouvelle. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : La Décision, Bertolt Brecht, Lecture littéraire, Aporie, Dialectométhodologie, Stéphane Lupasco, Bertrand Gervais.

Running out of place : the language and architecture of Lewis Carroll

Dionne, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
This study examines the links between architecture and literature through the work of English author/mathematician/geometrician Lewis Carroll/Charles L. Dodgson. The premise is that throughout Carroll's work, questions concerning the position of the body in relation to its surroundings---the possibility for one to forge a sense of place---are recurrent. Carroll stages a series of bodily movements in space: changes in scale, transformations, alterations, translations from bottom to top, from left to right, from the inside to the outside, and so on. Reading the work, one is constantly reminded that one's perception of space, as well as one's understanding of where one stands, are phenomena that take place in language, through utterances, through words. Approaching Carroll's work with particular attention to the space of bodily movements and to plays on language, one can access a subterranean architectural discourse. This discourse is oblique, suggested rather than explicit, but nonetheless raises pertinent questions concerning the formation of architectural meaning: the relationship of sense to its limits---to nonsense---in architecture. / The following texts are studied: Carroll's two architectural pamphlets; the two Alice stories with their convoluted spaces; a long epic poem dealing with the space of discovery; a drama on geometry and a logical exposition on the paradoxes of movement. Throughout Carroll's multifaceted work, nonsense guides the construction of the texts. Working at the limits of language and literary genres, Carroll's parodies possess strong allegorical powers: sense travels obliquely and the work remains enigmatic. However, the reader somehow understands the work; the experience of the work produces a certain kind of knowledge. / In architecture, meaning is also tied to its outer limits---to the polysemy of nonsense. Through one's experience of space, a stable and orderly building becomes heterogeneous, loaded with qualities and symbols. A sense of place emerges and meaning momentarily appears along the sinuous paths that run between bodily movements, thoughts, dreams, desire and words.

Received truths : problems of the music-text relationship and Bertolt Brecht

Fowler, Kenneth Ray. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Public and private voices the typhoid fever experience at Camp Thomas, 1898 /

Pierce, Gerald J. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Georgia State University, 2007. / Title from file title page. Wendy H. Venet, committee chair; Stuart Galishoff, Charles G. Steffen, committee members. Electronic text (338 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed Feb. 4, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 308-338).

La mission Marchand 1895-1899

Michel, Marc. January 1972 (has links)
Thèse--Sorbonne. / Bibliography: p. [259]-270.

Vitalis en verteller: 'n ondersoek na aspekte van die romankuns van Gerard Walschap

Vaughan , F E M January 1981 (has links)
In 'n hoofstuk getiteld In het teken van het persoonlijkheidsideaal in sy werk De Vlaamse Letterkunde van 1780 tot Heden bespreek R F Lissens die wegeb van die "expressionistische getij met die dood van Van Ostaijen, en die onvermoë van die roman om - op enkele min of meer geslaagde voorbeelde na - die tendense van die ekspressionisme te vertolk: verdere pogings in dié rigting loop dan ook teen die einde van die twintigerjare dood. Ook B F van Vlierden beskou die ekspressionisme as 'n in die grond ongeskikte voedingsbron vir die romangenre, met die gevolg dat die roman in dié jare - d.w.s. na die mln of meer naturalisties-impressionistiese romantradisie verteenwoordig deur Buysse, Streuvels, Timmermans, Claes - "in zijn eigen ontwikkeling op een kritiek keerpunt staat, waarbij men vooralsnog aIleen het kritieke van de situatie ziet ... Het decennium na de oorlog is in feite weinig gunstig voor de roman ... Ook P van Ostaijen heeft gepoogd een 'grote roman' te schrijven, maar deze werd nooit voltooid ... In de marge van het humanitair expressionisme ontstaan weI een aantal prozawerken, maar precies in het licht van de humanitaire poëzie is het vooralsnog duidelijk, dat deze uit een geestelijke kweeste bestaan, en dus een schakeI zijn in de ontwikkeling die van de werkelijkheid wegvoert naar een inwendig leven, naar een geestelijke ontwikkeling." Terselfdertyd, egter, is Lissens en Van Vlierden dit met J Weisgerber eens dat "het Jaar 1927 kan worden beschouwd als het begin van een nieuw tijdperk" en dat die leemte wat na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog onstaan het, weldra gevul sal word met 'n groot aantal romanwerke van 'n besondere gehalte. Die kritiek sien hierdie keerpunt met verloop van tyd al hoe duideliker in, maar erken nietemin óók dat die invloed van die modernisme, en met name die ekspressionisme, ''heilzame gevolgen heeft voor de roman. Niet vergeefs heeft deze beweging de ethische noot aangeslagen, de verantwoordelijkheidszin weer gewekt en al haar aandacht op de mens geconcentreerd. De nieuwe roman, die kort voor 1930 opkomt, kan men bezwaarlijk expressionistisch noemen, maar de grondige omkeer waar hij van blijk geeft, gebeurt ontegensprekelijk onder de invloed van het door het expressionisme gewijzigde klimaat." Anders gestel: "zij (gaan) akkoord met de veroordeling van de impressionistische en naturalistische opvattingen, maar tussen het individualisme van de 'estheten' en de humanitaire kunst van Ruimte, tussen de wetenschappelijke objectiviteit en de lyrische subjectiviteit kiezen zij doorgaans een middenweg. De nieuwe roman - en dat is de reden waarom hij deze benaming verdient - zal aan de individualiteit minder reliëf verlenen dan aan de 'persoonlijkheid', hetgeen wil zeggen dat het individu, dat zich op zichzelf bezint, aldus beseft dat het in morele of juridische zin met een gemeenschap verbonden is. Hij zal de mens tegelijkertijd in zijn individualiteit en in de eigenschappen van zijn soort beschouwen, en hoewel hij het Ik zal peilen, zal hij ook het zoeklicht richten op het onmetelijke terrein van de gemeenschappelijke waarden...". Dit is dus op die groeiende belang van 'n "persoonlijkheidsideaal, een modern humanisme dat sociaal solidair blijft doch de raadselen van de mens en het leven wil peilen" dat die klem tussen die jare 1930 en 1940 val: op "de mens op het voorplan", dus, maar óók op dié mens in gemeenskapsverband.

Interdisciplinaridades: latinistas, helenistas e sociólogos em revista (França, 1898 - 1920) / Interdisciplinarity: latinists, hellenists and sociologists in magazines (France, 1898-1920)

Rafael Faraco Benthien 25 May 2011 (has links)
Durante as décadas de 1890 e 1910, a sociologia adquiriu direito de cidadania na universidade francesa, passando a compor, em uma posição institucionalmente frágil e marginal, o leque das disciplinas ofertadas nas Faculdades de Letras. A presente tese se propõe a investigar os diálogos que os portadores desse saber novo travaram então com helenistas e latinistas, os quais representavam, por seu turno, disciplinas tradicionais e ainda hegemônicas no sistema de ensino daquele país. Para tanto, são aqui privilegiados os circuitos de ideias e de pessoas entre cinco revistas especializadas de perfil universitário: o Année Sociologique, o Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, os Mélanges dArchéologie et dHistoire, a Revue des Études Grecques e a Revue des Études Anciennes. A partir do exame dos sentidos de tal fluxo, procurase esclarecer quais condições epistemológicas e sociais tornaram possível uma interdisciplinaridade historicamente dada, problematizando tanto seus limites práticos quanto seu peso na definição de cada um dos saberes nela implicados. / During the 1890s and 1910s, sociology acquired citizenship rights within the French University system, and became part of the spectrum of disciplines offered at the various faculties of Letters all over the country, even though it kept holding an institutionally weak position. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the dialogues during this early period between the holders of this new knowledge and Hellenistic and Latin scholars, who, in turn, represented traditional disciplines which still dominated the French educational system. To that end, we focus upon the circuits of ideas and people represented in five specialized academic journals, i.e: Année Sociologique, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Mélanges d\'Archéologie et d\'Histoire, Revue des Etudes Grecques, and Revue des Etudes Anciennes. By analyzing the meanings of such a flow, we attempt to elucidate the epistemological and social conditions that allowed a historically given interdisciplinarity, questioning both its practical limits and its influence on the definition of each knowledge area.

Untersuchungen zu Symbolik und Metaphorik im Erzahlerischen Werk C.F. Meyers

Oberprieler, Gudrun 17 February 2014 (has links)
D. Litt. et Phil. (German) / Conrad Ferdinand Meyer is, on the grounds of his stories, counted among the Realists in German literature, whilst many have also discovered symbolistic elements in his poetry. The questions upon which this thesis is based are, firstly, on how far the apparently merely realistic events and descriptions in Meyer's stories (most of which are based on historic facts) are of a metaphoric or symbolistic nature and, secondly, what can, as a result of this, be said about Meyer’s view of life and the human condition. In the Introduction certain aspects of the wide field of research on the concept of the ‘symbol’ , are raised, as well as the differences between 'metaphors' and ‘symbols’ pointed out. The larger part of this work is concerned with the detailed analysis of metaphors and symbols in three of Meyer's stories, "Das Amulett", "Der Heilige" and “Angela Borgia”. As the three stories comprise the whole of the poet’s creative life, possible variations and developments in his use of metaphors and symbols can be pointed out. By analysing them within the context of the individual story, the danger of destroying the unity of the work is avoided. The careful analysis of the stories showed that despite their richness and variety, there are certain spheres from which the poet time and again takes his metaphors. The most important of these are: nature, colours, art, mythology and Christian symbolism. Many of these metaphors are used mainly for the characterization of people, or to emphasize or relate certain events and situations, but the majority can be called symbols, as they show certain aspects of Meyer's view of life as a whole: the idea of the world as a stage, the conflict of reality and pretence, the basic ambiguity of all things, the close relation of life and death, the aspect of hunters and hunted and the depiction of the world mainly as an inner and outer hell in which paradise has but a very small room. The metaphoric richness in "Angela Borgia" compared to “Das Amulett” has increased largely, but nevertheless one cannot speak of a gradual increase throughout Meyer's creative life. In conclusion, certain aspects of Meyer's position within his own time have been outlined. In contrast to Romantic works in German literature one does not find unrealistic descriptions in Meyer's prose works - for this he can be called a 'Realist'. Yet the metaphoric and symbolic qualities of his work may be stronger than in that of the other Realists, although he has little in common with either the Naturalists or the Symbolists or the l'art pour l'art movement. 'Realistic' art is to Meyer the depiction of the ambiguity and suffering which characterize human life, but he still sees an ideal in humane behaviour and compassion which can bring about a certain redemption in a basically Christian sense.

Theodor Fontanes Darstellung der Berliner Gesellschaft in seinen Romanen Effi Briest und Irrungen Wirrungen

Nelson, Ronald Kent 01 January 1988 (has links)
This thesis examines Theodor Fontane's novels Effi Briest and Irrungen Wirrungen and shows how he used them to express his dissatisfaction with the Berlin society of his time.

Running out of place : the language and architecture of Lewis Carroll

Dionne, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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