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Sentir, escrever e governar. A prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida, 2º Marquês do Lavradio (1768 - 1779) / To feel, write and rule: the epistolary practica and the correspondences from D. Luis de Almeida, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio (1768-1779)Conceição, Adriana Angelita da 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre a prática de escrita de cartas na época moderna, sobretudo no século XVIII, incluindo-se a carta como objeto de estudo, ao se considerar seu sentido, produção, marca de sociabilidade, aspecto materiais, espaço de trocas de sensibilidades e dispositivo da prática de governar. Para isso, analisamos alguns manuais modernos de escrita de carta e de secretário, especialmente, o de Francisco José Freire, O secretario portuguez (1745). Ao se estudar a prática epistolar, criou-se o conceito de sensação de fala e sensação de escuta, para pensar a carta enquanto portadora da voz do remetente, despertando no destinatário a audição, ativada pela conexão entre os sentidos questão que também considerou a circularidade da carta entre os espaços de sociabilidade e manifestação do sensível. Assim, depois de pensar a carta em categorias teóricas, estudamos a correspondência de D. Luís de Almeida, o 2º marquês do Lavradio. Cartas produzidas por este português no período no qual deixou Lisboa para servir ao rei como governador da Bahia e depois como vice-rei do Brasil, permanecendo na América de 1768 a 1779. As instituições que abrigam a correspondência que formou o principal corpus da tese são: em Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional, Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino e Academia de Ciência de Lisboa; no Brasil, Arquivo Nacional e Biblioteca Nacional. O corpus foi estudado pormenorizadamente reunindo informações quantitativas e qualitativas, considerando a materialidade da carta e sua trajetória de composição e preservação. Por fim, o terceiro momento do estudo analisou o conteúdo das cartas, para pensar o governo colonial regido através delas, refletindo sobre os diferentes papéis sociais ocupados por D. Luís de Almeida, a atuação do vice-rei e suas problemáticas de governo; e as estratégias utilizadas para impedir a má reputação social diante da perda do território. Contudo, esta tese une sentir, escrever e governar, para pensar a prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida / This thesis studies the practice of writing letters in modern times, mainly in the 18th century, including letters as object of study, considering its sense, production, mark of sociability, material aspects, space of sensibility trades and practice of governments device. Thereunto, we analyze some modern manuals of letters and secretary writing, specially Francisco José Freires, O secretario portuguez (1745). When studying the epistolary practice, the concept of the sensation of speech and the sensation of listening was created, to think letters as voice carrier of the sender, awaking in the addressee the audition, activated by the connection between the senses issue that also considered the circulation of letter between the spaces of sociability and manifestation of the sensible. So, after thinking letter in theoretical categories, we studied D. Luís de Almeidas correspondence, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio. Letters produced by this portuguese in the period in which he left Lisboa to serve the king as governor of Bahia and later as viceroy of Brazil, staying in America from 1768 until 1779. The institutions that house the correspondence that formed the main corpus of this thesis are: in Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Overseas Historical Archive) and Academia de Ciência de Lisboa (Science Academy of Lisbon); in Brazil, Arquivo Nacional (National Archive) and Biblioteca Nacional (National Library). The corpus was studied particularly gathering quantitative and qualitative information, considering the materiality of letter and its trajectory of composition and preservation. Finally, the third moment of the study examined the letters content, to think the colonial government ruled through them, reflecting about the different social roles occupied by D. Luís de Almeida, the performance of the viceroy and its governments problematics; and the strategies used to prevent the bad social reputation facing the loss of the territory. However, this thesis unites feeling, writing and government, to think the epistolary practice and the D. Luís de Almeidas letters.
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Os libertinos de Juliette e a libertina de Sade / The libertines of Juliette and the libertine of SadeCastro, Clara Carnicero de 06 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo dos protagonistas do romance Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) do Marquês de Sade. O objetivo do trabalho é evidenciar a progressão dos enunciados filosóficos dos personagens, dentro das cenas libidinosas nas quais são proferidos, relacionando as teorias e as práticas particulares de cada herói com os traços de seu caráter. Tal abordagem supõe a tese de que há uma interdependência entre os argumentos do libertino e sua construção dentro da narrativa ficcional. Cada devasso expõe um conjunto singular de ideias, determinado por suas características morais, físicas e por outros aspectos que constituem o gênero do romance filosófico. Logo, este estudo não propõe uma interpretação específica para o pensamento de Sade, mas salienta a oposição e a convergência de ideias em sua obra, acentua o debate entre os personagens, expõe, portanto, a diversidade dos discursos libertinos. / This research intends to analyze the protagonists from the novel Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) by the Marquis de Sade. Our goal is to evidence the development of the philosophical statements of the characters, within the libidinous scenes where they take place, relating the theory and practice of each hero with his/her personality. This approach assumes an interplay between the libertine\'s arguments and their construction in the fictional narrative. Each person presents a unique set of ideas, determined by his/her moral and physical traits, in addition to all the other aspects found in the philosophical novel gender. We, therefore, do not present a specific interpretation for the thinking of Sade, rather, we stress the opposition and convergence of ideas in his work, underlining the debate among the characters to point out the diversity of discourse amidst the libertines.
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Les commissaires des classes de la marine en France (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles) / The commissaires des classes in the French Royal Navy, 17th-18th centuriesSublime, Jérôme 22 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail étudie une catégorie socio-professionnelle méconnue de l'époque moderne : les commissaires aux classes et ceux qui en faisaient fonction de 1668 à 1795. Il retrace l'évolution de cet office au cours de la période, en mettant au jour les modifications apportées par les différents secrétaires d'État : ceux-ci cherchent à mieux circonscrire les charges dévolues aux commissaires, s'appuyant sur les nombreux rapports, correspondances et mémoires rédigés dans les ports, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix. Mais au-delà de la fonction, souvent protéiforme (de la levée des classes aux inspections de bâtiments), il y a les hommes mêmes, des hommes de terrain, souvent commissaires de père en fils, qui tissent auprès des gens de mer de véritables réseaux (familiaux, professionnels) qui compensent leur image ambivalente. Critiqués, ils jouent pourtant dans les quartiers qu'ils ont en charge un rôle de modérateur social jusqu’ici largement ignoré. L'étude se propose de montrer comment au fil des ans ces hommes de plume se sont mués en agents d’administration. Elle met également en évidence la naissance de dynasties constituant et s’intégrant à des clientèles plus vastes, conscientes tout autant de leurs devoirs que de leurs prérogatives vis-à-vis de l'épée. Deux études de cas, l’une présentant l’émergence d’une de ces dynasties et l’autre analysant un procès en prévarication, illustrent les thèses avancées. Le volume II présente un dictionnaire biographique de 440 responsables des classes, permettant de mieux se représenter la réalité tant numérique que sociologique de ces cadres de l'administration maritime. / This study analyses a widely unknown 18th century socio-professional category: the commissaires des classes. The French government's system of naval conscription created by Colbert in 1668 divided the realm into several districts, each one directed by an officier des classes. Although they are a reliable source on the French seamen, no one ever wondered who they were, what their social background was and how they managed to fulfill the government's requests concerning naval conscription. The Secretaries of State for the Navy tried to turn them from simple clerks to officers of administration. Thus emerged many unofficial functions, such as: social appeasement, financial help for seamen and closer relations with the littoral authorities (municipalities, merchants, ship-owners) than ever suspected. Their image proved to be ambivalent: they were loathed because they embodied the Royal Law but also praised for their social work. Difficulties in wartime forced them to rise to the occasion. The study of their work through their letters and reports to the Ministry, their administrative production (registration rolls) and the up to now widely unused personal files kept in the National Archives also revealed that they built dynasties of administrators intimately linked with clientelist networks within the maritime districts and at the Court. Acting as a lobby group, these families were keen on keeping their privileges and on preserving their interests in spite of the numerous reforms held by the Ministers throughout the 18th century. A biographical dictionary of 440 officers of classes completes this study, revealing the sociological reality of this administrative key group.
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Economia da natureza: a história natural, entre a teologia natural e a economia política (Portugal e Brasil, 1750-1822) / Economy of nature: natural history, between natural theology and political economy (Portugal and Brazil, 1750-1822)Ferreira, Breno Ferraz Leal 11 March 2016 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre as diferentes funções para as quais a História Natural foi mobilizada em Portugal e na América Portuguesa entre 1750 e 1822. Defende-se aqui que esse domínio do saber se constituiu entre dois paradigmas ilustrados: o da Teologia Natural e o da ideia de utilidade da natureza para uso humano, sendo este segundo paradigma predominante a partir novos Estatutos da Universidade de Coimbra (1772). Para tanto, analisamos discursos de homens de ciência que fizeram parte do quadro de sócios da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa (1779). Em um primeiro momento, a questão é debatida por meio da análise dos novos Estatutos. Examinamos as concepções de História Natural na Ilustração e a opção dos legisladores de enfatizar um ensino voltado para a utilidade. Em seguida, atentamos para a maneira como a História Natural foi mobilizada pelo padre oratoriano Teodoro de Almeida e pelos frades franciscanos José Mayne e Manuel do Cenáculo com o intuito oferecer uma resposta pública às ideias radicais da Ilustração. Além disso, discutimos a maneira como Cenáculo apresentou uma reflexão sobre os usos que os homens poderiam tirar da natureza. Na sequência, esmiuçamos a importância de Domingos Vandelli no panorama da História Natural da segunda metade do século XVIII. Destacamos especialmente a maneira como mobilizou a Academia das Ciências para o seu projeto de inventariação \"física\" e \"econômica\" da natureza de Portugal e suas colônias, incorporando princípios da economia política. Por fim, abordamos as concepções de História Natural e o papel atribuído à providência divina no funcionamento da natureza por parte de dois naturalistas luso-brasileiros com claros vínculos aos projetos políticos do Estado português de finais do século XVIII e início do XIX: Frei José Mariano da Conceição Veloso e José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva. / This dissertation discusses the different roles of the concept of Natural History in Portugal and Portuguese America among 1750 and 1822. We propose here that this field of knowledge has been built up from two enlightened paradigms: Natural Theology and the idea of nature usefulness for human apropriation. This second paradigm prevails as from the publication of the Statutes of the University of Coimbra (1772). Therefore, we analyze the texts of men of science who integrated the board of members of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (1779). In a first moment, this issue is debated through the analysis of the new Statutes. We examined the conceptions of Natural History in Enlightenment and the option to emphasize an education oriented by the idea of utility. Then, we attend to the manner how Oratorian priest Teodoro de Almeida and Franciscan friars José Mayne and Manuel do Cenáculo resorted to Natural History concepts, providing a public answer to the radical ideas of Enlightenment. Also, we discuss the way Cenáculo presented a reflection about the uses men could make from nature. After that, we debate the importance of Domingos Vandelli in the context of the Natural History studies in the second half of the XVIII century. We emphasize especially the way he mobilized The Royal Academy of Sciences around his project of creating an inventory of \"physics\" and \"economics\" of nature in Portugal and its colonies, incorporating principles of Political Economy. Lastly, we debated the conceptions of Natural History and the role attributed to divine providence in the working of nature by two Luso-Brazilian naturalists clearly identified to the Portuguese State\'s political projects of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries: Friar José Mariano da Conceição Veloso and José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva.
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Documentos setecentistas: edição semidiplomática e tratamento das sibilantes / Seventeenth century documents: semidiplomatic edition and sibilant treatmentMonte, Vanessa Martins do 23 November 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata da edição semidiplomática de documentos da segunda metade do século XVIII, conservados no Arquivo Histórico Nacional - Rio de Janeiro, à qual se segue um estudo lingüístico sobre o tratamento das sibilantes nesse corpus. O trabalho apresenta dois objetivos gerais: o primeiro, ligado ao objetivo da disciplina Filologia, é a publicação de uma edição fidedigna e confiável de nove documentos que podem constituir fontes tanto para o estudo da história do Brasil quanto para estudos de história da língua, já que a edição realizada preserva os traços lingüísticos dos documentos; o segundo objetivo é verificar o tratamento dado às sibilantes em documentos setecentistas. Na primeira parte do trabalho, apresenta-se o estudo filológico, que contempla a análise codicológica e a análise paleográfica dos manuscritos. A análise codicológica descreve para cada documento: o suporte material utilizado, com a informação da marca, linhas d\'água e filigranas; sua composição, com a quantidade e dimensões dos fólios, bem como a forma de estruturação dos cadernos; a organização da página, com as dimensões das manchas, número de linhas, forma de numeração e localização de reclames; a informação de data, lugar de origem, particularidades e conteúdo. A análise paleográfica estuda a variação grafemática encontrada nos documentos e define os critérios para o estabelecimento dos grafemas utilizados para representar as sibilantes. Ao final da primeira parte, apresenta-se a edição semidiplomática dos manuscritos, acompanhada do fac-símile. A segunda parte do trabalho apresenta a metodologia de levantamento das sibilantes no corpus; um estudo sobre a história dos fonemas sibilantes desde o início da língua portuguesa até o surgimento da primeira norma oficial, em 1911; a norma preconizada pelos ortógrafos de Setecentos; a discussão sobre a existência ou não de uma norma gráfica em Portugal no século XVIII e a análise dos dados encontrados no corpus. Verifica-se que os grafemas ç e z são preferidos pelos autores dos documentos para representar, respectivamente, a sibilante surda e a sibilante sonora. Tal dado parece se relacionar à redução do quadro de quatro sibilantes a apenas duas no português padrão, já que tais grafemas eram utilizados justamente para representar as consoantes sibilantes pré-dorsais, que permaneceram na língua padrão. Comprova-se que a dificuldade dos ortógrafos em elaborar norma para o uso de s e z está de acordo com a confusão entre esses grafemas observada nos manuscritos. Duas importantes conclusões referem-se à primeira parte do trabalho. A primeira é que não se pode elaborar uma edição fidedigna e confiável prescindindo de um estudo filológico, que contemple as análises codicológica e paleográfica. A segunda, ligada à paleografia, demonstra que a determinação de um grafema não depende somente da morfologia da letra, que, comparada a outras ocorrências dentro do mesmo punho, revelará a melhor leitura, mas depende também do estudo das ocorrências em contextos específicos de posicionamento silábico. / The present dissertation treats of the semidiplomatic edition of documents dated from the second half of the 18th century and conserved at the Arquivo Histórico Nacional - Rio de Janeiro and it proposes a study of the sibilant treatment in this corpus. The paper has two general objectives: the first, related to the purpose of Philology as a discipline, which is the publishing of a faithful and reliable edition of the set of nine documents that constitute a source for the study of Brazilian history as well as for the study of the history of the language, once the presented edition preservs the linguistic traces of the documents. The second objective is to study the treatment given to the sibilant in 18th century documents. In the first part, it is presented a philological study which comprehends a codicological and a paleographical analysis of the manuscripts. The codicological analysis describes for each set of documents: the employed support, with information about the brand, waterlines and filigrees; its composition with the quantity and dimensions of the folio, as well as its structure; the page organization, with the number of lines, ways of numbering and localization of the catchwords; date, place of origin, particularities and contents. The paleographical analysis refers to the study of the graphematic variation found in the documents and the criteria for the establishment of the graphema used to represent the sibilants. At the end of the first part, it is presented the semidiplomatic edition of the manuscripts, followed by the fac-simile. In the second part of this work it is presented the methodology for the sibilant surveying in the corpus, a study of the sibilant phonemes since the origin of the Portuguese Language until the first official norm which came out in 1911; the norm proclaimed by the orthographers of that century; the discussion about the existence of an official ortographical rule in Portugal in the 18th century and the corpus data analysis. It is noticed that the graphemes ç e z are preferred by the authors to represent, respectively the voiceless sibilant and the voiced sibilant. Such fact seems to be related to the reduction of the four sibilants into only two in the standard Portuguese, since such graphemes were used to represent the predorsals sibilant consonants, which remained in the standard language. It is proved that the difficulty of the orthographers elaborating a rule for the use of s and z is in accordance to the confusion between these graphemes observed in the manuscripts.Two important conclusions can be related to the first part of this dissertation. The first one is that it\'s not possible to elaborate a faithful and reliable edition leaving aside a philological study which fullfill both codicological and paleographical analyses. The second, related to the paleography, demonstrates that the determination of a grapheme doesn\'t depend only on the morphology of the letter, which compared to other occurrences inside the same handwriting, will reveal the best reading, but it also depends on the study of the occurrences in specific contexts of silabic position.
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A maravilhosa fábrica de virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822) / The wonderfull fabric of virtue: the decorum in religious architecture of Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822)Bastos, Rodrigo Almeida 05 March 2009 (has links)
A tese é destinada a demonstrar que o decoro foi um preceito fundamental para a fábrica da arquitetura religiosa em Vila Rica, atual cidade de Ouro Preto, entre 1711 e 1822. É resultado de uma pesquisa mais abrangente, dedicada a compreender a fábrica artística na capitania de Minas Gerais a partir das doutrinas e preceitos exatamente contemporâneos à sua construção. Em detrimento, portanto, de categorias anacrônicas pós-iluministas e românticas, como evolução, progresso, originalidade etc., pretende-se reconstituir a história desses conjuntos arquitetônicos ao mesmo tempo em que se procura investigar e reconstituir também historicamente os preceitos do seu presente, como o decoro, a decência, a comodidade, a perfeição, a maravilha, a elegância, a discrição, o engenho, a agudeza, a sutileza, o asseio, a formosura etc. O exame das obras, das fontes documentais primárias e também dos tratados artísticos e teológicos vigentes no período evidencia uma aplicação habitual e generalizada desses preceitos, que importa muito compreender historicamente. À luz do decoro, essa reconstituição tem se mostrado extremamente profícua. Concernente a um regime mimético que caracterizava não apenas as artes ainda hoje reconhecidas pelo termo, mas todo o aparato teatral das práticas de representação correspondentes à razão de estado católica e à sociedade de corte, o decoro ocupava um papel central naquele tempo; em especial na invenção, disposição e ornamentação da arquitetura religiosa, onde se investiam os maiores esforços e cabedais. Representação permanente das virtudes cristãs, personagens e eventos das Sagradas Escrituras e do dogma católico, a fábrica da arquitetura era destinada não apenas a encenar decorosamente as matérias da fé, como também a conduzir virtuosamente o fiel na sua própria edificação cristã rumo à salvação. Foram analisados os seguintes templos: a Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar e as Capelas das Ordens Terceiras de Nossa Senhora do Carmo e São Francisco de Assis. / This thesis aims to demonstrate that decorum was a fundamental precept to the religious architecture fabric in Vila Rica, a town currently named Ouro Preto. It is the result of broader research based on precepts which are contemporary with the architectural complex studied. Instead of using anachronic post-enlightenment or post-romantic categories, such as evolution, progress, originality etc., we intend to reconstruct the history of these architectural complexes and at the same time investigate and reconstruct historically precepts of the time, such as decorum, decency, perfection, wonder, elegance, discretion, skill, wit, ingeniousness, subtlety, beauty etc. The examination of the architectural works and primary sources, as well as artistic and theological treaties in force at the time have shown a frequent and widespread employment of these precepts, which must be understood historically. In the light of decorum, such reconstruction has proved to be extremely fruitful. Decorum concerns not only a rhetorical-mimetic regime which characterizes what is currently referred to as art, but also the entire theatrical apparatus of representation practices which correspond to court society and to the Catholic raison dÉtat. At that historical period it had a central role in the invention, disposition and ornamentation of religious architecture and the greatest efforts and fortunes, both private and official. The fabric of architecture, which consisted of permanent representation of Christian virtues, characters and events of the Holly Bible and Catholic dogma, was meant to decorously portray matters of faith, as well as to guide the believer virtuously in his own path of Christian edification towards salvation. The following churches were studied: Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar and Capelas das Ordens Terceiras do Monte do Carmo and São Francisco de Assis.
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Intertextual variations: a contrastive study of Ellis Cornelia Knight, Angela Carter, Marina Warner and Paula Rego.January 2002 (has links)
by Wong Man-ki. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-163). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 論文提要 --- p.iii / Acknowledgements --- p.v / "Introduction ""Intertextuality"": Definitions and Issues" --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter1 --- Intertextuality in the Eighteenth-Century Novels: Samuel Johnson's Rasselas and Ellis Cornelia Knight's Dinarbas --- p.34 / Chapter Chapter2 --- Postmodern Intertextuality (I): The Subversive Rewriting Project in Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber --- p.61 / Chapter Chapter3 --- Postmodern Intertextuality (II): Toward a Broader Scope ´ؤ Multiple Art Forms in Marina Warner's The Mermaids in the Basement and Paula Rego's Nursery Rhymes --- p.100 / Selected Bibliography --- p.157
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Le château de Choisy-le-Roi au XVIIIe siècle : architecture, vie sociale, administration / The castel of Choisy-le-Roi in the 18th century : architecture, sociability, administrationBornet, Anaïs 05 January 2019 (has links)
Aujourd’hui disparu, le château de Choisy-le-Roi reste bien souvent dans les esprits un symbole des fantaisies coûteuses de Louis XV et de Mme de Pompadour, idée répandues par la littérature et les chroniques des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Choisy occupe cependant une place majeure dans l’histoire de l’architecture des programmes mis en place pour les besoins de la vie de cour de la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Proche de la forêt de Sénart, le château devient d’abord une résidence conviviale où se retrouve, après les parties de chasse, une « cour particulière », composée des familiers du roi et de la favorite. Louis XV convie par la suite à Choisy ses enfants, auxquels il consacre de courts séjours dans un cadre moins protocolaire. La suite nombreuse attachée à leur service transforme cet espace auparavant « privé », et le rend plus accessible aux courtisans. Cette augmentation de la fréquentation entraîne de nombreux travaux dirigés par l’architecte Ange-Jacques Gabriel. En conséquence de cette perte d’ « intimité », d’autres lieux particuliers sont alors aménagés ; ainsi, le Petit-Château, premier pavillon d’habitation de Louis XV, est construit. C’est là où prend place la table « volante ». À travers l’étude du domaine royal, on perçoit également le fonctionnement quotidien du château, où vivent de nombreux employés attachés à l’administration des Bâtiments du roi. Le travail sur le terrain est coordonné par un contrôleur des Bâtiments, dont les lettres échangées avec le Directeur de l’administration délivrent de précieuses informations sur la gestion et le personnel. Ainsi, le château de Choisy apparaît comme une pièce majeure pour la compréhension de la cour et de la sociabilité de Louis XV. / Today disappeared, the castel of Choisy-le-Roi remains as a symbol of the Louis XV and Mme de Pompadour’s expensive whims, idea spread by the 18th and 19th centuries literature. However, Choisy has an important part in the history of the programs architecture set up for the needs for the life of court of the second half of the 18th century. Close to the forest of Sénart, the castel becomes at first a friendly residence where finds itself, after the hunting trips, a " particular court ", made up of the king ’s close friends. Louis XV invites later to Choisy his children, to whom he dedicates short stays in a informal settings. The numerous entourage attached to their service transforms this space previously "private", and makes it more accessible to the courtiers. This increase of the company produces many construction works by the architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel. As a result of this loss of "intimacy", other intimate places are then fitted out; so, the Petit-Château, the first detached house of Louis XV, is built. It is where takes place the table « volante ». Through the study of the royal domain, we also notice the daily functioning of the castel, where live numerous employees attached to the administration des Bâtiments du roi. The field works is coordinated by a controller des Bâtiments, from whom letters exchanged with the Director of the administration give valued informations on management and staff. So, the castel of Choisy appears as a major part for the understanding of the court and the sociability of Louis XV.
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Charles Beard versus the Founding Fathers: Property Concepts in the Eighteenth CenturyBreaux, Rhonda J. (Rhonda Janise) 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with the role of property in the formation of the American Constitution and government. Charles Beard's views on property are compared with writings from the eighteenth century. Beard's writings on property and his critics are examined in the first two chapters. Then, the thesis's two historical contexts are evaluated. Concentrating on the Enclosure Acts, the fourth chapter looks at the importance of land to the former Englishmen. The eighteenth century view of property is the focus of the fifth section. The last chapter contrasts the two different views of property. Beard believed that the Constitution was a conservative document that protected the property of the few over the many. The Founding Fathers actually included liberal protections for property in the eighteenth century.
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Contra todos os inimigos - Luís Antonio Verney: historiografia e método crítico (1736-1750) / Against all the enemies - Luís António Verney: historiography and the critical method (1736-1750)Ferreira, Breno Ferraz Leal 24 August 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o pensamento de Luís António Verney (1713-Lisboa 1792- Roma) nos primeiros anos em que viveu na Itália (1736-1750). Em primeiro lugar, procura-se expor os diferentes sentidos conferidos pela historiografia à sua obra (em especial ao Verdadeiro método de estudar, de 1746), desde o século XVIII até o presente. Notadamente, discutem-se o papel atribuído às suas ideias nas discussões sobre a decadência de Portugal e como foram associadas ao Iluminismo católico e às reformas pombalinas, efetuadas no reinado de D. José I (1750-1777). Em um segundo momento, parte-se para a reconstrução do ambiente intelectual e político no qual Verney escreveu a obra mencionada. Nela, defendeu acentuadamente a conciliação entre Teologia e Filosofia moderna. Por fim, examina-se a sua concepção de História, particularmente sua proposta de utilização do método crítico como instrumento de defesa da religião católica. / This dissertation analyzes the thought of Luís António Verney (1713-Lisbon - 1792- Rome) during the first years of the time he lived in Italy (1736-1750). First, it presents the different meanings conferred by the historiography to his work (especially to Real way method of studying, from 1746), from the 18th century to the present. It gives special emphasis to the role attributed to his ideas in the discussions of Portugals decadence, and how they were associated with the Catholic Enlightenment and the Pombal reforms, made during the reign of Dom José I (1750-1777). Next, it reconstructs the intellectual and political environment in which Verney wrote the aforementioned work. In it, he strongly defended reconcilement between Theology and modern Philosophy. Finally, his conception of History is examined, particularly his proposal for using the critical method as an instrument of the Catholic religion.
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