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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitteti (1765), pražská opera Domenica Fischiettiho / Nitteti (1765), Prague opera by Domenico Fischietti

Klingerová, Magda January 2020 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is the serious opera Nitteti, which was composed in 1765 by the Italian composer Domenico Fischietti at the end of his several-years-long residence in Prague. The thesis aims at introducing Fischietti's serious opera style, which has so far been neglected and mostly overshadowed by his comic operas. This work focuses on exploring and elaborating on the topic of Prague Italian opera of that era through the study of the opera Nitteti. At the same time, the opera Nitteti is compared with a later version of the same title composed for Naples by Fischietti in 1775. One of the foundations for examining the opera is the context of the theater production (especially performing singers) in both opera centers. The composer's treatment of the classical libretto by Pietro Metastasio in terms of music dramaturgy and the transformation of Fischietti's compositional style is also subject to comparison scrutiny in both versions. Keywords Domenico Fischietti, Nitteti, opera seria, Pietro Metastasio, 18th century, arias analysis

Hvad dunst ur din aska : Om 1700-talets lukter i Fredmans epistlar

Svenningsson, Susann January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how smells were perceived in 18th century Stockholm by analyzing odor references in the poetry collection Fredman’s Epistles (1790) (Sw. Fredmans epistlar) by Carl Michael Bellman (1740–1795). Using a specific form of contextualizing, the purpose of the study is to show how the meaning of smells in 18th century Stockholm appears when the smelling objects in the epistles are put in a relevant context. By extension, the investigation will show how the smell sensations in the epistles reveal attitudes towards life, death and certain social and cultural phenomena. I argue that the inhabitants of Stockholm in the 18th century, depending on their social and cultural belonging, shared many of the attitudes towards places, people and phenomena that are reproduced in the epistles. I also argue that 18th century Stockholm was not as dominated by foul smells as has been claimed by previous research. This study sheds new light on how different smells were perceived, described and understood in 18th century Stockholm.

Afrikabestände im Unitätsarchiv der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine: I. Schriftliches Material, Ethnographica, Bilder, Karten

Jones, Adam 08 July 2019 (has links)
This volume is a guide unpublished written material, ethnographic artefacts, pictures and maps in the archive of the Herrnhut (Moravian) Mission relating to Ghana (1737-68), South Africa (1737-44, 1792-c. 1960) and Tanzania (1891-c. 1970).

Music and the Arts in England, c. 1670–1750

Knoth, Ina 18 December 2020 (has links)
There were various discussions on, and re-evaluations of, the interrelations of the arts in Engand in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The origins of these disputes were multi-layered and deeply rooted in fundamental social change which led to new conditions for the creation and reception of art, permitting new configurations for the professionalization of artists and the legitimation of the arts. Music of all kinds and genres was present in many parts of everyday life and a frequent little, twin or big sister to all the arts in discussion as well as practice. Therefore, the arts were not only interrelated but depended on one another to a certain degree within a diverse ‘public’ sphere. This publication explores socio-cultural contexts and critical as well as artistic interrelations of the arts in England, c. 1670–1750. Music’s salient compatibility with different arts makes it an ideal linchpin for delving into the reciprocity of the arts. / Das Verhältnis der Künste zueinander wurde im England des 17. und 18. Jahrhundert vielfach diskutiert und in durchaus disparater Art und Weise immer wieder neu verhandelt. Gründe dafür liegen nicht zuletzt in einem grundlegenden sozialen Wandel, der zu veränderten Produktions- wie Rezeptionsbedingungen der Künste führte und in unterschiedlichen Prozessen der Professionalisierung und damit einhergehenden Legitimationsbestrebungen resultierte. Musik unterschiedlicher Genres und Darbietungsformen war dabei omnipräsent und konnte häufig als ‚kleine‘, ‚große‘ oder ‚Zwillingsschwester‘ anderer Künste in Erscheinung treten. Entsprechend waren die Künste nicht nur von Wechselwirkungen miteinander, sondern auch von gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten geprägt. Die vorliegende Publikation widmet sich soziokulturellen Kontexten sowie rezeptiven und produktiven Wechselwirkungen der Künste in England im Zeitraum von ca. 1670–1750. Durch die vielseitige Kompatibilität von Musik innerhalb multimedialer künstlerischer Darbietungsformen bietet sie sich dafür als hervorragender Dreh- und Angelpunkt an.

Une société littorale en Cotentin au XVIIIe siècle : Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue et ses gens de mer / An 18th-century coastal society in Normandy : Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and its sea folk

Perrot, Annick 01 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se présente sous la forme d’une enquête menée dans une société littorale de Normandie, au XVIIIe siècle, afin d’appréhender les liens qui unissent les gens de mer aux autres habitants du rivage, mais aussi de déterminer ce qui peut les séparer, dans un monde a priori tourné vers la mer. L’étude a pour cadre la rade de la Hougue, sur la côte est du Cotentin, qui abrite la population de Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, objet de nos investigations.Un chapitre liminaire présente les conditions d’ouverture vers le large de ce bourg côtier sous la tutelle d’un maillage institutionnel prégnant, de la paroisse au quartier maritime. Puis, une première partie est consacrée à une étude de démographie historique, au moyen d’une analyse comparative entre le groupe socio-professionnel des gens de mer, qui représente plus de la moitié de la population, et les autres habitants. La reconstitution de plusieurs centaines de destinées a permis de dégager un comportement spécifique de la population maritime, quand il s’agit de convoler ou lorsqu’est venu le temps de rendre l’âme. Une deuxième partie est réservée à l’exploitation des ressources halieutiques et riveraines et à leur évolution, en analysant la façon dont les habitants tirent parti de cet espace convoité. En suivant le notaire lors des prisées, des indices du niveau et du mode de vie sont apparus après avoir ouvert les coffres et les armoires. Enfin, la dernière partie tend à souligner les particularités et les contraintes d’un environnement frontalier qui détermine la vie de tous les Saint-Vaastais, alors que les contours identitaires du groupe des gens de mer se dessinent au moyen de signifiants, dont le principal marqueur est constitué par un service obligatoire sur les vaisseaux de l’État royal, ce qui les différencie profondément du reste de la population. / This thesis is presented in the form of an investigation carried out in an 18th-century coastal society of Normandy, in order to apprehend the ties linking seafarers, people living by and of the sea, with the other inhabitants of the shore, as well as what may separate them, in a world that is, at first glance, turned towards the sea. The framework of the study is the natural harbour of La Hougue, on the east coast of the Cotentin, which shelters the population of Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, the object of our investigations.An introductory chapter presents the conditions of opening onto the high sea off this coastal settlement under the supervision of a vivid institutional meshing, from the parish to the maritime district. Next, a first part is devoted to an historical study of demography, by means of a comparative analysis between the socio-professional group of seafarers, those living by and owing their livelihood to the sea and representing more than half the population, and the other inhabitants. The reconstruction of several hundred destinies has allowed for bringing out the specific behaviour of the maritime population when it comes to marriage or death. A second part is reserved for the exploitation of riparian and halieutic resources and their evolution, analysing the way in which the inhabitants put this coveted area to good use. By following the notary doing estimates, clues to living standards and the way of life came to light after safes and armoires were opened. Finally, the last part tends to emphasise the particularities and constraints of a border environment that determines the life of all the residents of Saint-Vaast, whereas the identity outlines of the sea folk become apparent by means of signifiers, of which the principal marker consisted of mandatory service on the vessels of the royal State, which differentiated them profoundly from the rest of the population.

The Baroque Guitar : Late Spanish Style as Represented by Santiago de Murcia in the Salvidar Manuscript (1732), with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Bach, Rak, Brouwer, Hummel, Gnattali and Others

Yates, Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
xxii, 169 leaves : ill.

Měšťanské domy Starého Města pražského ve světle vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru / Burgher houses in Prague's Old Town in the light of the inspection protocol of the Theresian Cadastre

Vobrátilková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Měšťanské domy Starého Města pražského ve světle vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru. Abstrakt Vývoj staroměstské domovní zástavby během barokní epochy bývá nejčastěji posuzován z uměleckohistorického hlediska. V této práci je na domy Starého Města pražského pohlíženo optikou berních pramenů hromadné povahy. Výchozí časový mezník představuje rok 1653, kdy se v pražských městech započalo se sestavováním prvního českého katastru - berní ruly. Komparací údajů berní ruly a vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru z let 1725-1726 jsem se pokusila odpovědět na otázku, jaké byly vývojové trendy v domovním majetku staroměstských měšťanů. Písemný výsledek vizitace tereziánského katastru představuje mimořádný pramen, který eviduje řadu podstatných údajů pro dějiny staroměstských domů. Srovnání s berní rulou je v tomto případě omezené výpovědní hodnotou staršího katastru, který nepřináší tolik podrobných informací jako vizitační protokol. Analýzu bylo možné provést jen v těch indikátorech, které se týkají počtu, skladby a daňového zatížení domů. Výrazné změny v počtu staroměstských domů sice berní prameny v letech 1653-1726 neprokazují, zaznamenávají ale odlišnou situaci v samotné skladbě domů. Za hlavní tendence, které se projevily ve vývoji domovní zástavby Starého Města pražského, lze označit zvýšení...

Nasologie: Versuch über eine Wissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 18 February 2015 (has links)
Was war die Nase im 18. Jahrhundert? Wie sah die 'Nasologie' des Zeitalters aus, die der Hannoveraner Arzt Johann Georg Zimmermann (1728-1795) als neue Wissenschaft konzipieren wollte?

Reception of Antiquity in18th century Opera : A Study of Divine Elements in the Story of Alcestis / Antiken och 1700-talsopera : En studie av gudomliga element i berättelsen om Alkestis

Swital, Filip January 2023 (has links)
The story of Alcestis is an interesting case of divine agency pervading the narrative and the characters in the play. It intimately concerns the mortal players, who, though largely powerless in the struggle, are central to the story. The play in the ancient times brought with it the associations and expectations of the society and it was written to interact with its audience. This remains true despite the temporal, cultural and religious boundaries that divide ancient Greece from 18th century Europe. Despite offering its own take on the drama, involving small but significant changes to the narrative, the operatic rendition, Alceste of both 1767 and 1778 show cases the resourceful and accurate interpretation of the different aspects surrounding Apollo, such as oracles, prophecy and indeed, his troubled history. The authors of 18th century Alceste pursued the wider world of classical myths to creatively, and independently from the play, enrich the altered narrative with immersive qualities. / Berättelsen om Alkestis är ett intressant fall av hur det gudomliga genomsyrade narrativet och karaktärerna i pjäsen speglar gudomligheten. Den behandlar nära de dödliga som trots sin maktlöshet är centrala för berättelsens handling. Pjäsens uppkomst i antiken förde med sig associationer och förväntningar från samhället och den skrevs med tanken att interagera med sin publik. Detta förblir sant trots de tidsmässiga, kulturella och religiösa gränserna som skiljer det antika Grekland från 1700-talets Europa. Trots att den erbjuder sin egen syn på dramat, med små men betydande förändringar i berättelsen, visar tolkningen av operan Alceste från både1767 och 1778 en fyndig och noggrann tolkning av de olika aspekterna kring Apollo, såsom orakel, spådom, samt hans oroliga bakgrund. Författarna av 1700-talets Alceste eftersträvade den vidare världen av klassiska myter för att kreativt och oberoende av pjäsen berika det förändrade narrativet med uppslukande kvaliteter.

Uncertain affections : representations of trust in the British sentimental novel of the eighteenth century

Bowen, Michael John. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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