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A teoria fraseológico-musical de H.C. Koch (1749-1816) / The musical-phraseological theory of H.C. Koch (1749-1816)Barros, Cassiano de Almeida, 1978- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Jank / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T13:28:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este trabalho propõe a abordagem hermenêutica da teoria fraseológica de Heinrich Christoph Koch (1749-1816), considerada, desde o século XVIII, a mais clara e completa sistematização fraseológica de sua época. O objetivo é compreender historicamente como se manifesta a relação entre a gramática musical, a retórica e a estética nessa teoria, investigando as técnicas de invenção, concatenação e desenvolvimento do pensamento musical elaboradas para a persuasão, além da natureza das próprias unidades de pensamento musical, como a frase, o período, estrutura e forma. A fim de reconstituir o horizonte de sentido dessa teoria e compreender a relação entre suas partes constituintes, são examinados os tratados, ensaios e artigos de Koch e os estudos atuais relacionados. O estudo do pensamento musical setecentista e de seus mecanismos criativos conduz a uma compreensão particular do repertório neles fundamentado, na medida em que recupera parâmetros próprios dessa produção musical para os quais nossa percepção não é sensível. Isso se torna evidente na última parte do trabalho, na qual a teoria fraseológica de Koch é aplicada na análise do primeiro movimento do quarteto de cordas em sol maior, KV 387 de W. A. Mozart, obra recomendada por Koch como modelar de seu gênero / Abstract: This work proposes the hermeneutical approach of Heinrich Christoph Koch's (1749-1816) phraseological theory, considered the most clear and complete phraseological systematization of his time since eighteenth century. The objective consists in achieving a historical comprehension of how the relation among musical grammar, rhetoric and aesthetics manifests itself in this theory. It will be investigated the techniques of creation, concatenation and development of musical thought, the influence of persuasion in the application of these techniques and the nature of the units of musical thought, such as phrase, period, structure and form. In order to reconstruct the horizon of meaning of this theory and to comprehend the relation among its constituent parts, it will be examined Koch's treatises, essays and articles and the contemporary studies related to them. The study of the eighteenth century musical thought and its creative procedures conducts to a particular comprehension of the repertoire founded on them, in so far as this study recovers the own parameters of this musical production, to which our perception is not sensible. It becomes evident in the last part of this work, in which Koch's phraseological theory is applied in an analysis of the first movement of W. A. Mozart's string quartet in G major, KV 387, a piece that is recommended by Koch as being a model for its genre / Doutorado / Fundamentos Teoricos / Doutor em Música
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Os Rosarios dos Angolas : irmandades negras, experiencias escravas e identidades africanas na Bahia setecentistaReginaldo, Lucilene, 1967- 03 April 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Hunold Lara / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:49:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Reginaldo_Lucilene_D.pdf: 838778 bytes, checksum: ca15d7db3482168887dd51ba39dcc635 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: As irmandades do Rosário na Bahia, desde as primeiras fundações em meados do século XVII, até o final do século XIX, foram, em sua maioria absoluta, controladas por africanos angolas e seus parceiros crioulos. Este fenômeno indica uma valorização deste espaço por parte dos angolas, mais do que por qualquer outro grupo de africanos. A identificação com as confrarias católicas aponta para a importância do catolicismo na África Central e, ao mesmo tempo, ressalta este elemento como fundamental na constituição de uma identidade particular dentro da comunidade escrava e da sociedade baiana em geral. Esta tese também discute esta identificação na experiência dos escravos no Reino, sugerindo uma perspectiva de investigação da história da devoção ao Rosário, das confrarias negras e da identidade angola ao longo do século XVIII e circulando por três continentes / Abstract: The Rosary brotherhoods in Bahia, from the first foundations in the middle of the XVIIIth century to the end of the XIXth century, were mostly controlled by Africans from Angola and their Creole partners. That shows a valuation of this place by the Angolans more than any other African group. The identification with Catholic brotherhoods points to the importance of Catholicism in Central Africa and, at the same time, reveals this characteristic as a fundamental one in the constitution of a particular identity inside the slave community and Bahian society in general. This dissertation discusses, also, this identification in the slave experience in the Portuguese kingdom, and suggests a singular perspective for the historical investigation of the Rosary devotion, the black brotherhoods and the Angolan identity during the XVIIIth century, over three continents / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História
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L’impressionnisme et la peinture ancienne : Itinéraire d’une avant-garde face à la tradition / Impressionism and Ancient painting : Itinerary of an Avant-gardeAmeille, Brice 03 October 2015 (has links)
Encore souvent perçu comme une véritable révolution esthétique, l’impressionnisme fait depuis quelques années l’objet d’une importante recontextualisation visant à remettre en question cette vision. Sans dénier au mouvement ses apports novateurs, cette thèse étudie la relation de ses membres avec la tradition picturale. S’appuyant sur un important corpus de textes critiques, de revues spécialisées et de catalogues d’exposition de l’époque, ainsi que sur de très nombreuses comparaisons iconographiques étayées, elle dégage quatre grandes sources d’inspiration : le XVIe siècle vénitien, le XVIIe siècle espagnol, le XVIIe siècle néerlandais, et le XVIIIe siècle français. C’est à l’aune de ce rapport à la peinture ancienne, et par le biais d’une typologie des différents positionnements à son égard, que la « crise » connue par l’impressionnisme au début des années 1880 est réexaminée, et que, plus généralement, une nouvelle approche du mouvement est proposée. / Impressionism is often perceived as a genuine aesthetic revolution. However, over the course of past years, it has been reconsidered and this vision called into question. Without rejecting the groundbreaking characteristics of Impressionism, this thesis studies the relationship between the Impressionists and pictorial tradition. Referring to a large corpus of reviews, specialized articles, exhibition catalogs of the period, and supported by many iconographic analogies, it lists four major inspirations: the Venetian 16th century, the Spanish 17th century, the Dutch 17th century, and the French 18th century. In the light of this connection between Impressionism and Ancient painting, and with the help of a typology summing up the different positions regarding this connection, this thesis reexamines the crisis that Impressionism underwent during the early 1880’s and suggests a new approach to the movement.
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John Russell, the fourth Duke of Bedford, and politics, 1745-1751Philp, Karen January 1991 (has links)
This dissertation on the fourth duke of Bedford examines the political activities of a member of the House of Lords. It documents the activities of the members of the Pelham Administration, using Bedford's correspondence to provide an outline for the narrative. The aim is to provide a greater understanding of Bedford's political career, and also to illustrate the influence this individual had in determining ministerial policy. A discussion of Bedford's social connections leads into an overview of the events culminating in his inclusion in the Administration in 1745. Initially First Lord of the Admiralty, Bedford was promoted in 1748 to the office of Secretary of State for the Southern Department. In both offices, his concern was the promotion and protection of trade. He advocated the 'Country' Whig view that the protection of British merchants and their overseas markets by the navy was in the countryâs best interest. Bedford recognized the importance of securing and expanding American markets, and implemented measures, such as the proposed 'reduction' of Canada, to promote this aim. Bedford also lead the negotiations for the commercial treaty with Spain, signed at Madrid in 1750, that gave special trade status to Britain. Bedford sought to increase his political influence in various constituencies during the 1747 General Election. The local influence he wielded, however, did not enable him to carry through private turnpike legislation in Parliament. His legislation was defeated on 13 February 1750, at third reading, in an unusually high vote (154-208). Newcastle, whose relationship with Bedford had grown increasingly acrimonious, played a role in the defeat of this bill. The deterioration in this relationship contributed to Bedford's resignation from office on 14 June 1751.
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The wreck of the Dutch man o' war, Amsterdam, in December 1817 on the Eastern Cape coast of Southern Africa: an elucidation of the literary and material remains with an annotated translation of the Journal of Captain Hermanus Hofmeijer (1814-1818)Bennie, Jennifer Shirley January 1998 (has links)
This study endeavours to elucidate the journal of Captain Hermanus Hofmeijer of the Dutch man 0' war, Amsterdam, which has been transcribed from the original script, translated from Dutch into English and interpreted from a contemporary viewpoint. It offers an opportunity to evaluate a unique primary historical document which records an important historical event. An attempt has been made to contextualise the incident in the light of the early history of the Dutch people. The contribution of the Dutch East India Company (VaC) to the trade and commerce of the Netherlands during the 17th and 18th centuries has been assessed together with the shipbuilding techniques that served to make the Dutch a major seafaring nation. The significance of Texel and Nieuwediep has been examined and the sea route and navigational instruments placed in perspective. The voyage has been analysed in some detail. The background of Captain Hermanus Hofmeijer has proved especially interesting. Although he pursued his career with the Dutch Navy, he was born and spent his early years in Cape Town, South Africa. The time spent by the Amsterdam in Batavia, Samaraog and Sourabaya gives an insight into the Dutch possessions overseas. The return voyage, storms and ultimate grounding are of special interest as Hofmeijer records the journey and events on a daily basis. The impact and significance of 217 extra people in the Eastern Cape area did not go unnoticed, and although the event was not well documented, an attempt at some contextualisation has been made. Finally a short overview of maritime archaeology in South Africa and its significance as a relatively new discipline has been included. The study of the material remains of the wreck of the Amsterdam has resulted in a new understanding of wooden ships built in the early 19th century.
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Laurent Delvaux (Gand 1696-Nivelles 1778) et son importance dans l'évolution dans l'évolution de la sculpture des Pays-Bas méridionaux au XVIIIe siècleJacobs, Alain J.J. January 1995 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Le nombre dans l'oeuvre de Bach: mythes, hypothèses et réalitésCorten, Walter January 1990 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Polythématisme et structure formelle dans l'art de la fugueCharlier, Claude E.M. January 1990 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La pratique théâtrale dans l’Allemagne de la seconde moitié du dix-huitième siècle (1760 – 1805) / Theatre practice in Germany during the second half of the 18th century (1760 – 1805)Valipour, Valeska 24 January 2011 (has links)
L’Allemagne du dix-huitième siècle est composée de plus de 300 petits pays se différenciant en ce qui concerne la politique, la religion et la langue. S’y ajoutent des territoires qui ne sont pas allemands, mais sous influence de la culture germanophone.Cette étude analyse alors un territoire qui s’étend de l’Alsace jusqu’en Russie et des pays scandinaves jusqu’en Suisse. Embourbés dans des guerres territoriales, les souverains ne montrent que peu d’intérêt pour le théâtre, et si oui, uniquement pour l’opéra italien et le théâtre français. Au début du siècle, le théâtre professionnel allemand est surtout influencé par le théâtre anglais et un peu par la comédie italienne.Le statut social des acteurs est très mauvais. C’est surtout la bourgeoisie qui se méfie d’eux. A partir des années 1730, sous influence du théâtre français, le théâtre allemand s’émancipe. Dans la seconde moitié du siècle, il devient le moteur del’embourgeoisement de la société. Les actrices se sont beaucoup investies dans cette évolution, non malgré, mais en raison de leur statut social particulièrement mauvais. Longtemps, seules les gender studies se sont intéressées à cette période de l’histoire théâtrale. Une de leurs théories de base définit l’homme et la femme comme deux groupes sociologiques distincts. Cette théorie a été reprise, sans en questionner lavalidité pour l’histoire théâtrale. C’est le point de départ de cette étude, qui compare les vies de plus de 400 actrices et acteurs de l’époque. De nombreux aspects de la vie privée et professionnelle y sont abordés : famille, carrière, finances, situation juridiqueet fréquentations. Ce mémoire démontre que le milieu théâtral de l’époque peut effectivement être divisé en deux groupes : les comédiens ayant grandi au théâtre et ceux y étant arrivés plus tard. En effet, la distinction générale de l’homme et de la femme ne peut être appliquée au théâtre allemand qu’à partir de la fin du dix-huitième siècle. / In the 18th century, Germany was composed of more than 300 small states which differed politically, religiously and linguistically. In addition to these, there were non-German territories which were, however, greatly influenced by German culture. As a result, the notion of “Germany” included a territory from Alsace to Russia and from theScandinavian countries to Switzerland. Their rulers were generally preoccupied with battles over dominance. If they devoted any time to theatre it was most likely Italian opera or French theatre. In the beginning of the century, German professional theatre was mainly influenced by English theatre and Italian theatre. The social position of actors was very poor. The bourgeoisie looked on them with particular suspicion.Starting in the 1730s, under French theatre influence, the German theatre started becoming more independent. In the second half of the century, theatre was the driving force behind the embourgeoisement of society. Driven by the desire to improve their low social status, actresses played a leading role in this revolution. For a long time, only gender studies were interested in this part of theatre history. A prominent gender studies theory suggested that men and women were of two different sociological groups. This theory has been accepted without justifying its concurrence with theatre history. That’s the starting point of this work which compares the lives of more than 400 Germana ctresses and actors of the time. Many facets of private and professional life are analysed: family life, career opportunities, finances, legal status and social life. The dissertation shows that the theatrical milieu was already divided into two groups far into the second half of the century: actors who had grown up in theatre and those who came to it later. In fact, the categorical sociological distinction between men and women in German theatre is only justifiable beginning at the end of the 18th century.
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Work, identity and letterpress printers in Britain, 1750-1850Greenwood, Emma Louise January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between work and identity amongst letterpress printers in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Britain. It probes the sources of work-based identity and considers efforts to maintain, and even manipulate, a distinctive sense of trade belonging. The effect of work on other interrelated personal and social identities is also examined. In contrast to other histories of work, particularly class-based studies, all levels of the trade are scrutinized, from apprentices through journeymen to masters and proprietors. Differences in the experience of work between these varying members of the trade are analysed, together with their effect on working relationships. The first part of this thesis follows the hierarchy of the trade with chapters on apprentices, journeymen and masters. Apprentice printers endured increasingly exploitative conditions and came from more diverse social backgrounds than was commonly assumed. Journeymen took pride in the history of their trade, and had a strong tradition of fraternity, but their sense of identity was increasingly threatened by rising unemployment levels. Meanwhile, masters were less likely to have been brought up to the trade, and had few formal or informal trade associations. The second part of the thesis looks at how work-based identities intersected with familial, political, and socio-economic identities. Family relationships were crucial to the success of many printing businesses with intergenerational transfer being unusually prevalent compared with other trades. Political discussion played an important role in the formation of printers’ collective identity, particularly where campaigns for freedom of the press were concerned. Finally, social mobility became increasingly divergent among printers in the early industrial period. The changes highlighted in this thesis had a profound effect on working relationships. A new generation of master printers was distant from the physical process of work and at times dismissive of the culture and customs of the workplace. This led to tension and conflict with journeymen over issues such as apprentice numbers. But there were also many stabilizing influences, such as the strength of journeymen’s fraternity, or a shared belief in the history and social significance of the press. By uncovering these complexities, even within a single trade, this thesis argues that occupation is a poor basis on which to base socio-economic classifications. Furthermore, the specific characteristics of occupational communities were in themselves strong contributors to personal and social identity, influencing working relationships, as well as the way in which people interacted with wider society.
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