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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La conquesta de Catalunya: diari d’operacions de l’exèrcit del nord (desembre de 1938-febrer 1939)

López Rovira, Carles 14 October 2010 (has links)
Entre el mes de desembre de 1938 i el de febrer de 1939 es va desenvolupar la darrera gran batalla entre les forces lleials i les rebels, de la guerra civil espanyola. Al novembre de 1938 les tropes republicanes tornen a passar l’Ebre, a les posicions que ocupaven al mes de juliol, finalitzant la batalla iniciada per les forces del GERO, el Grup d’Exèrcits de la Regió Oriental. En aquests moments Catalunya és el més feble dels territoris de la República. Amb les seves unitats militars força gastades pels recents combats al Segre, al Noguera Pallaresa i a l’Ebre. I amb poques possibilitats de rebre reforç de la zona de Madrid o València: impossible per terra i molt difícil per via marítima. Un important objectiu, feble i aïllat de forces amigues. Al Cuartel General del Generalísimo hi ha el propòsit d’iniciar noves operacions en aquest escenari amb un plantejament estratègic organitzat en tres fases. Primer pretenen destruir la capacitat operativa de l’exèrcit enemic. Avançant amb rapidesa cap a l’est superant les dues línies fortificades, entre els Pirineus i la Mediterrània: la L-1 i L-2. Tot seguit caldrà tallar les comunicacions amb França, ocupant la franja territorial de la frontera des del Pallars fins l’Empordà. Barcelona restarà isolada. No podrà resistir massa temps el setge i s’haurà de rendir. El general Franco encomana aquesta missió a les unitats de maniobra de l’Exèrcit del Nord sota comandament del ministre i general Fidel Dávila. Una gran força armada, la més gran de tota la guerra reunida per avançar fins l’ocupació de tota Catalunya. Sis cossos d’exèrcit i més d’un miler de peces d’artilleria. Morters, antitancs, armes automàtiques, blindats... Gairebé tota l’aviació centrada en recolzar l’atac i l’armada amb la missió d’exercir el bloqueig marítim. L’objectiu més feble alhora que força important contra el més fort dels exèrcits. Ben armat i amb una bona proporció de forces de xoc entre les seves files i unitats de veterans que ja saben com fer la guerra. El discurs de la tesi es recolza en la documentació militar escrita per l’exèrcit atacant. Com van pensar, preparar i executar la maniobra. L’alt estat major central escollirà l’escenari de les operacions i prepararà la campanya. I encarregarà a l’Exèrcit del Nord la realització de la maniobra. Aquest organitzarà els seus sis cossos d’exèrcit per complir les ordres de l’alt comandament. Les unitats d’infanteria que els componen informaran de les notícies, dels fets de la jornada. Del que han fet per complir les ordres. Aquestes informacions fan el camí de tornada fins arribar al lloc de comandament central. Segons les novetats rebudes hi haurà noves instruccions, correccions, enhorabones o esbroncades depenent del l’èxit en la batalla. Podem recrear el dia a dia de la campanya militar al llarg de tot el front de guerra a Catalunya en forma de diari. Les notícies dels combats, els moviments de les tropes pel territori, les baixes, presoners i botí de guerra. / Between December 1938 and February 1939 was developed the last big battle between the loyal forces and revels in the framework of the Spanish civil war. In November 1938 the republican troops crossed Ebro River again, recovering to the same positions occupied in July, and ending the battle begun by ORAG’s forces, The Oriental Region’s Armies Group. At those moments Catalonia is the weakest territory under the control of the Republic. Catalonia military units are spoiled because of the recent battles in Segre, Noguera Pallaresa and Ebre areas, and they have few possibilities of receiving reinforcements from Madrid or Valencia areas: impossible by foot and with large difficulties by maritime lines. Spoiled and isolated from their friend forces, these military units were an important war objective. At the Generalísimo Headquarters, the intention is to initiate new operations in this area with a strategic approach, organized in three phases. First, they are going to try to destroy the operative capacity of the enemy. Moving their troops fast to the East and overcoming both strengthened lines between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean: L-1 and L-2. Afterwards, the communications with France must be cut, occupying the entire border from the Pallars to Empordà area. Due to these operations Barcelona will stay isolated, and won’t be able to resist the siege for a long time. Barcelona will have to come to terms (subdue, give up). General Franco entrusts this mission to North Army units under control of General-minister Fidel Dávila. Those units were the biggest forces assembled during the war, and its aim was to advance up to the total occupation of Catalonia. The force was composed by six army corps and more than one thousand of pieces of artillery. Mortars, antitank and automatic armament, armoured cars…, in addition the whole aviation was focussed in this assault and the navy centred on the maritime blockade. The weakest and most important objective versus the strongest army with many elite corps, volunteers and mercenaries, all of them well trained and experienced. The argument of the thesis is supported by military documentation written by the attacking army. Those documents allow us to know how they thought, prepared and executed the operation. The High Central Commandant will choose the operations scenery and will prepare the military campaign, entrusting it to the North’s Army. The North Army will organise its six army corps to fulfil the orders. Infantry units will inform about the news and daily events of the war. All this information will go back to the Central Commandant, which will take news decisions and orders depending of the evolution of the events. We are able to recreate daily events about Catalonia war phase in the shape of a diary. News of the battles, troop’s movements, soldiers fallen in combat, prisoners and the war earnings captured to the enemy.

"Do vlasti z vlasti emigrují a zpátky zase ..." Migrace z okupovaného pohraničí ve druhé republice / "The homeland of the country emigrate and back again..." The migration from the occupied borderland in the time of Second Republic

Benda, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Jan Benda "The homeland of the country emigrate and back again…" The Migration from the occupied borderland in the time of Second Republic (1938-1939) Supervisor:PhDr. Jan Gebhart, CSc. DSc. Abstract The thesis deals with raw yet comprehensively, covering theme: migration from the border area of Czechoslovakia, which was ceded to Germany as a result of the decision in Munich and to Poland on the basis of Polish ultimatum. Introductory chapters are trying to find answers to questions concerning the origins and the beginning of the refugee problem, which could be sought in the growth of antisemitism in the spring of 1938. In the autumm, after a coup attempt Henlein's people left border in addition to the German anti-fascists, Jews and Czechs. Already during the phased resigning border migration flows greatly abounded, which were both due to the increase in negative behavior and conduct the "Henlein's" people (some of members of Henlein's Party-SdP) against German anti-fascists, Jews and Czechs, as well as specific measures Nazi regime restricting the living conditions of the population of the occupied territories. Many of these people were victims of violence and sometimes expulsion. The structure of the migrant population includes all employee categories, ie only poses a "withdrawal" of state employees to...

Spojené státy americké a Mnichovská dohoda / The Munich Agreement and United States of America

Lukeš, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
In my diploma thesis, I provide an analysis of the Munich Agreement and the Czechoslovak crisis from the perspective of the United States of America. My aim is to create comprehensive picture of bilateral relations between Czechoslovakia and the United States before and after the signing of the Munich Agreement. Thesis focuses on the diplomatic and economic relations between Czechoslovakia and United States in the period 1936 -- 1938/1939. The introductory part of the thesis is devoted to the phenomenon of isolationism and its influence in shaping the U.S. foreign policy. The main point of the analysis is the attitude of the American public to the Czechoslovak crisis and the Munich Agreement itself. The main hypothesis consists in the assertion that the United States played a major role in the Czechoslovak crisis that preceeded the signing of the Munich Agreement. I am seeking answers to these questions: How did the American public perceived the Czechoslovak crisis? What was the reaction of the U.S. government to the Czechoslovak crisis and the subsequent the Munich Agreement? How did president F. D. Roosevelt perceived the Czechoslovak crisis? In order to find answers to my questions I am using the issued and unissued sources, specialized literature and especially the contemporary press. The thesis has proved that the United States took part in the events that preceded the signing of the Munich Agreement.

Česko-slovenská zahraniční politika v období druhé republiky (případová studie k problematice vztahu velkého a malého státu)

Podgorný, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o zahraniční politice pomnichovské republiky. Pomocí teorií mezinárodních vztahů vysvětluje předválečný vztah Československa k velmocem. Dále se zabývá slovenskými autonomistickými snahami, které následně Hitler využil ke konečnému rozbití Česko-Slovenska. Rozebírán je i základní problém vnější politiky, a to garance a zabezpečení hranic pomnichovské republiky. Závěrem práce detailně analyzuje Tisovu a pozdější Háchovu návštěvu v Berlíně a důsledky vyhlášení Protektorátu pro zahraniční politiku.

Auftakt zur Ostexpansion: Die Dresdner Bank und die Umgestaltung des Bankwesens im Sudetenland 1938/39

Wixforth, Harald 22 December 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung S. 8: „Der Verlauf und die Zuspitzung der „Sudetenkrise“ wurde auch von der deutschen Wirtschaft aufmerksam verfolgt, auch von den in Berlin ansässigen Großbanken...” S. 9: „Im Zentrum der folgenden Untersuchung stehen vor allem die deutschen Banken, die maßgeblich an der „Neuordnung“ beteiligt waren: Die Dresdner Bank, die Deutsche Bank und die Allgemeine Deutsche Creditanstalt in Leipzig (Adca)... ”

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