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Poder, ruptura e lutas autônomas em Portugal /Capatto, Alexandre. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Tadeu Del Roio / Banca: Fátima Aparecida Cabral / Banca: Jão Alberto da Costa Pinto / Resumo: A mobilização coletiva dos trabalhadores tem despertado o questionamento da disciplina capitalista, revitalizando na prática a possibilidade de rompimento dos processos de exploração econômica. Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma leitura da capacidade política das lutas ativas e coletivas estabelecidas pelos trabalhadores frente aos processos de dominação capitalista. As lutas sociais em Portugal nos anos de 1974 a 1976 nos servem de referencial para esta avaliação. A partir do resgate de algumas experiências concretas deste período, pretendemos avaliar os agentes sociais envolvidos neste processo, destacando a relação entre os principais elementos de dominação e a capacidade de ruptura dos grupos autônomos mobilizados. Para as dicussões teóricas, estabelecemos um diálogo central com o pesquisador João Bernardo, que vem desenvolvendo os conceitos de Estado Amplo e classe dos gestores. A partir destes conceitos, pretendemos analisar as formas de exercício do poder pelos capitalistas na atualidade, discutindo a possibilidade e capacidade dos movimentos coletivos e ativos de romperem com a disciplina na empresa e estabelecer novas formas de relacionamento social antagônicos à dominação capitalista / Resúmen: La movilización colectiva de los trabajadores ha despertado el cuestionamiento de la disciplina capitalista, revitalizando en la práctica la posibilidad de un rompimiento de los procesos de exploración económica. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una lectura de la capacidad política de las luchas activas y colectivas establecidas por los trabajadores frente a los procesos de dominación capitalista. Las luchas sociales en Portugal de los años de 1974 a 1976 nos sirven de referencia para esta evaluación. A partir del rescate de algunas experiencias concretas de este período, pretendemos evaluar los agentes sociales envueltos en ese proceso, destacando la relación entre los principales elementos de dominación y la capacidad de ruptura de los grupos autónomos movilizados. Para las dicusiones teóricas, establecemos un diálogo central con el investigador João Bernardo, que viene desarrollando los conceptos de Estado Amplio y de la clase de los gestores. A partir de estos conceptos, pretendemos analizar las formas de ejercício de poder por los capitalistas en la actualidad, discutiendo la posibilidad y capacidad de los movimientos colectivos y activos de romper con la disciplina en la empresa y establecer nuevas formas de relacionamiento social antagónicos a la dominación capitalista / Mestre
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Entre prodígios, murmúrios e soldados: o romance de Lídia Jorge / Among prodigies, murmurs and soldiers: Lídia Jorge\'s novelMauro Dunder 29 October 2013 (has links)
A obra de Lídia Jorge, iniciada em 1980, com a publicação de O dia dos prodígios, constitui um dos mais significativos e relevantes conjuntos de escritos da literatura portuguesa contemporânea. Entre coletâneas de contos, peças de teatro, poemas e textos da literatura infantil, seus dez romances, publicados até 2011, versam sobre diversos aspectos da natureza humana e da vida portuguesa, especialmente no tocante aos fatos ocorridos após a Revolução dos Cravos (1974), compondo um dos mais importantes panoramas da evolução sociopolítica em Portugal desde então. O projeto de pesquisa que deu origem a esta tese buscou contemplar quais aspectos desse panorama aparecem com maior consistência ao longo de sua escrita romanesca e qual sua relação com os fatos Históricos do país, em sua fase democrática. Aliada a isso, a escrita de Lídia Jorge apresenta, ao longo dos dez romances, uma reflexão sobre o próprio ato de escrever e sobre a relação entre a História e sua representação na ficção contemporânea portuguesa. Assim, sob a perspectiva da metaficção historiográfica, conforme a definem Hutcheon (1991) e White (1995), esta tese faz uma leitura dessas dez obras, buscando compreender o projeto estético-ideológico da autora, como ele se consubstancia e de que maneira se desdobra, desde O dia dos prodígios até A noite das mulheres cantoras (2011). Este trabalho propõe que os romances de Lídia Jorge constituam, até agora, três diferentes fases: o percurso inicial, formado pelos quatro primeiros romances O dia dos prodígios (1980), O cais das merendas (1982), Notícia da cidade silvestre (1984) e A costa dos murmúrios (1988); a segunda fase, de que fazem parte A última dona (1992), O jardim sem limites (1995) e O vale da paixão (1998); e a terceira fase, constituída pelos romances O vento assobiando nas gruas (2002), Combateremos a sombra (2007) e A noite das mulheres cantoras (2011). Serviu como espinha dorsal para a construção deste estudo a imagem do bordado como técnica para a construção de imagens, as quais, em conjunto e por si sós, constituem um painel representativo de um povo, de sua História e de sua relação com sua própria identidade. Em suma, este trabalho busca caracterizar quem é e como escreve um dos mais importantes nomes da literatura portuguesa contemporânea. / Lídia Jorges work, started in 1980 with the novel O dia dos prodígios, forms one of the most significant and relevant sets of literary pieces produced in the Portuguese contemporary literature. Among short stories, plays, poems, and books for children, her ten novels so far, published between 1980 and 2011, evolve around several aspects of human nature and of the Portuguese life, especially the ones occurred after the Carnation Revolution (1974) building one of the most important overviews of the Portuguese sociopolitical evolution since then. The research project which originated this dissertation aimed to comprehend which aspects of that overview show more consistently in her novelistic writing, as well as its relation with the historical events of the country, in its democratic period (after 1974). In addition, Lidia Jorges writing presents, throughout her so-far ten novels, a reflection upon the act of writing itself and its relation with History and how it is represented in Portuguese contemporary fiction. Therefore, under the perspective of historiographic metafiction, as defined by Hutcheon (1991) and White (1995), this dissertation provides an analysis of her so-far ten novels, aiming at understanding the writers aesthetic and ideological project, how it consubstantiates and how it develops, since O dia dos prodígios and A noite das mulheres cantoras (2011). This work proposes that Lidia Jorges novels be divided into three different moments: the initial phase, made up of her first novels O dia dos prodígios (1980), O cais das merendas (1982), Notícia da cidade Silvestre (1984), and A costa dos murmúrios (1988); the second moment, in which belong A última dona (1992), O jardim sem limites (1995), and O vale da paixão (1998); and the third moment, which includes O vento assobiando nas gruas (2002), Combateremos a sombra (2007), and A noite das mulheres cantoras (2011). As foundation for developing this study, it was used the image of the needlework as metaphor for building imagery which, as a set and each one by itself, constitute a representative panel of a people, their History, and their relation with their own identity. In short, this work aims to characterize who one of the most important of the Portuguese contemporary literature is and writes.
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Versões modernistas da democracia racial em movimento:- estudo sobre as tragetórias e as obras de Menotti Del Picchia e Cassiano Ricardo até 1945 / Two modernist versions of the Brazilian racial democracy : a study about Menotti Del Picchia´s and Cassiano Ricardo´s works and trajectories until 1945Maria José Campos 19 December 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a constituição de um discurso em torno do ideário da democracia racial brasileira no pensamento de dois autores modernistas: Menotti Del Picchia e Cassiano Ricardo. A constatação da presença de tal concepção no pensamento de autores cujas obras tiveram repercussões anteriores aos escritos de Gilberto Freyre permite aprofundar a discussão sobre o assim chamado \"mito da democracia racial\" no Brasil. Esta tese procura estudar esse ideário, evidenciando, a um só tempo, a sua difusão entre vários autores, a polissemia decorrente do uso plural da expressão democracia racial e a impossibilidade de atribuir sua origem a uma autoria específica. Por meio do cruzamento de várias formas de manifestação do pensamento dos dois autores modernistas - ou seja, da poesia e da literatura de ficção, das obras e dos discursos políticos e das artes figurativas - busca-se ampliar o estudo sobre o ideário da democracia racial no Brasil, descentrando o foco da análise da obra de Gilberto Freyre, autor mais comumente associado a essa noção de democracia racial. A investigação dos ensaios políticos em que Cassiano Ricardo e Menotti Del Picchia expressam as suas concepções sobre a formação racial brasileira visa interpretar não só o significado desse ideário na obra dos próprios autores como também o modo de inserção e de divulgação desse discurso no contexto do movimento modernista. Procura-se, assim, recuperar, até 1945, uma parcela da história da criação de uma linguagem política operante entre pensadores brasileiros. Mapeando um campo de discurso e estudando a ação e a transformação que vão se efetuando nesse conceito, busca-se associar o seu desenvolvimento às trajetórias sociobiográficas dos autores que o assumiram e divulgaram-no como uma particularidade da nacionalidade brasileira. / The present thesis analyzes the constitution of a discourse around the conception of the Brazilian racial democracy in the thought of two modernist authors: Menotti Del Picchia and Cassiano Ricardo. Such conception, found in the thought of authors whose works preceded Gilberto Freire´s studies, opened the way to a careful examination over the discussion about the so called \"myth of racial democracy\" in Brazil. This thesis embraces the study around this conception and, along with it, reveals its diffusion among several authors, the polysemy as a result of the plural use of the expression \"racial democracy\" and the impossibility to attribute its origin to any specific authorship. Through the intersection of the several ways the thoughts of these two authors became manifest - that is, by means of poetry, novels, works, political discourses and figurative arts - this thesis intends to question and enrich the study about the conception of racial democracy in Brazil. It does so by displacing the focus of the analysis on Gilberto Freire´s work, most currently author associated to the racial democracy theme. The study of the political essays in which Cassiano Ricardo e Menotti Del Picchia expressed their conceptions about the Brazilian racial constitution intends to interpret not only the meaning of this conception in the work of these two authors but also the ways the insertion and transmission of this discourse occurred within the context of modernist movement. The present thesis, thus, intends to recover part of the history concerning the creation of a current political discourse among brazilian intellectuals. Examining the components of the discourse and studying the action and transformation that have impact on the referred concept, this thesis relates the development of this concept to the sociobiographic trajectories of the authors who assumed and conveyed it as a peculiarity of Brazilian nationality.
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Les enjeux socio-politiques de l'intégration agricole du Portugal dans le système communautaireCovas, António January 1987 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Theoretical Differences in Kissinger and Schlesinger's Models of the International SystemSchroeder, Wayne Alan 22 November 1976 (has links)
This thesis is a study of national security decision making in the Ford Administration. The subject for study is the Kissinger- Schlesinger controversy in the Ford Administration. The thesis will attempt to prove that the differences that emerged over issues of national policy were due to deep theoretical disagreements as to the nature of the international system, the utility of power in the nuclear age and the means by which to preserve detente.
An examination of the substantive policy differences will be preceded by an examination of the conceptual disagreements between the Secretaries on topics that are fundamental to any study of international politics. Studies on decision making in intemational politics will be used to show that each man had a different perception of the role that the United States should have in the international system and the usefulness of America's strategic arsenal for the preservation of peace.
After having defined the theoretical differences between Kissinger and Schlesinger on issues in international politics, an analysis of the substantive policy disagreements between the two Secretaries will show that they can be directly related to each man's conception of the international system. Policy differences between the two will be shown to have evolved out of disagreements over policy goals, and not policy implementation.
Any study of individual decision making in defense and foreign affairs stresses the importance of individual policy makers and of issues. Foreign nations perceive changes in foreign and defense policy goals when new leadership emerges with which they are uncomfortable. It will be shown, through an analysis of the foreign reaction to the Kissinger-Schlesinger controversy, that foreign nations expressed concern for the outcome of this policy split. In particular, it will be shown that the matter was of great interest to the Soviet Union.
In conclusion the thesis will reiterate the point that national security decision making in the Ford Administration was unab1e to reach a compromise on issues of policy because of funamental differences between the Secretaries of State and Defense on detente, the definition of the national security in the nuclear age and the negotiating strategy that America should follow with the Soviets on arms limitations. These differences on policy were made inevitable due to differing models that each Secretary had on the nature of the international system. The study of their individual perceptions will help to give one an understanding as to why the policy disagreements made compromise impossible.
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Groupthink Analysis of the Mayaguez IncidentTellefsen, Lloyd D. 01 January 1985 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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An analysis of supply and demand conditions in the animal-breeding industry in GreecePapaioannou, Michael C. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Celebrating the April Revolution in the Portuguese Parliament : discursive habits, constructing the past and rhetorical manipulationda Silva Marinho, Cristina M. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the political language and the ideological construction of the national past at the annual commemoration of the April 25 Revolution in the Portuguese parliament. The language of politics during these State commemorations is complex. The speakers of the ceremony are not expected to engage in the everyday politics but to celebrate and remember together the overthrow of the previous regime that occurred on April 25 1974. Nonetheless, behind apparent acts of unity and communion there is political controversy about the nature of the event and its celebration. Mostly this controversy cannot be expressed openly. In order to register the ideological and controversial aspects of these commemorations, the thesis looks at both the overt and the hidden language of the commemorative speeches from left and right political parties. Specifically, the official parliamentary transcripts of the commemorative speeches from left and right political party are analysed at different levels using different methodologies: broad quantitative content analyses of large numbers of speeches and fine critical discursive analysis of specific parts of particular speeches. A broad quantitative content analysis of wole speeches reveals the patterns of themes and terms mentioned in the speakers accounts of the past. By looking at the presence and absence of explicit themes and terms, the analysis suggests that accounts of the past in the parliamentary commemoration of the April Revolution differ along political and ideological lines. This is also apparent in the customary ways of greeting the audience right at the start of the speeches. This analysis combines a quantitative content analysis of the formal greetings over time with an analysis of the rhetorical meanings of particular terms. The analysis of greetings also shows the sexism of the customary and also the development of ritual forms. In order to examine the complexity of this sort of speech, it is necessary to move to in-depth qualitative analysis of parts of specific speeches. The analysis of the beginnings of two speeches given at the 2004 commemoration, namely, from the speaker of the far-right Democratic and Social Centre/Popular Party (CDS-PP) and from the far-left Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), shows that both speakers presented controversial versions of the past but did not do so in direct ways. The speaker from the CDS-PP uses a number of rhetorical devices including omissions and distortion in order to conceal his meanings, while appearing to celebrate a Revolution to which his party was ambivalent. On the other hand, the speaker from the PCP also uses manipulative devices but he does not do so in order to hide the ideology of his message but to make it clearer. The thesis argues for the importance of analysing hidden ideological messages as well as for distinguishing between a speaker manipulating the presentation of their ideology and a speaker manipulating the evidence in order to present their ideology clearer.
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No description available.
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La crisis del imaginario sobre la ciudad y la construcción del sujeto crítico en Lima la horrible de Sebastián Salazar BondyCalle Berrocal, Karen Johana January 2016 (has links)
Establece la relevancia de la operación de desmontaje de la ciudad que se realiza en Lima la horrible desde el marco del género ensayístico, en contraposición con algunas lecturas que son fundamentalmente temáticas y que omiten los componentes estructurales de la obra, o en las que predomina una mirada que cierra el marco de referencia en el autor y el contexto, sin tomar en cuenta antes el plano intertextual para conectar el ensayo del autor con otros textos del mismo. Por ello, enmarca la obra en sus coordenadas histórico - sociales y culturales pertinentes, y realiza un análisis discursivo de cada uno de los capítulos que interesan para fines de esta tesis. / Tesis
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