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Estudo da evolução microestrutural e das propriedades magnéticas do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201 laminado a frio / Study of the microstructural evolution and magnetic properties of a cold rolled AISI 201 austenitic stainless steelIsnaldi Rodrigues de Souza Filho 20 August 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, devido ao elevado preço do níquel, uma nova série de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos com um menor teor de níquel foi criada. A essa nova série foi dado o nome de série 200. Dentre os aços dessa classe, o AISI 201 tem sido utilizado em aplicações onde a elevada resistência à corrosão não é tão necessária. Neste trabalho de Mestrado investigou-se a formação e a reversão da martensita induzida por deformação em um aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201 laminado a frio em 20, 40 e 60% de redução em espessura. Das chapas laminadas foram retiradas amostras que foram recozidas em várias temperaturas (200-800oC) por 1 hora. Amostras do material laminado em 60% de redução em espessura também foram recozidas por várias temperaturas (200-800oC) e por vários tempos (5-180min). Com isso, avaliou-se a evolução microestrutural do material durante a laminação frio e durante o recozimento por meio de medidas de microdureza Vickers, microscopias óptica, eletrônica de varredura e eletrônica de transmissão, difração de elétrons retroespalhados, difração de raios X e medidas de magnetização. Além disso, foram realizados cálculos termodinâmicos para a previsão da formação de fases nesse material. Constatou-se que o material de partida não era completamente austenítico, possuindo uma pequena fração de ferrita ? residual em sua microestrutura. Com relação às medidas de magnetização, observou-se que a fração de fase ferromagnética (martensita) aumenta com o aumento da deformação, aumentando a magnetização de saturação (Ms) do material. Para pequenas deformações (20% de redução em espessura) houve a ocorrência de um pico no valor de campo coercivo do material (Hc). Com o aumento da deformação (40 e 60%) os valores de Hc diminuíram. Com relação à reversão da martensita induzida por deformação durante os recozimentos, observou-se que ela ocorre na faixa de temperatura de 500-700oC para o material laminado em 60% de redução em espessura. O comportamento do material nesse estudo corrobora o que tem sido reportado na literatura para os aços da série 300. Entretanto, pouco tem sido publicado com relação às propriedades magnéticas do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201, principalmente com relação ao campo coercivo. Neste trabalho também foram realizadas medidas de magnetização durante o recozimento das amostras (condição in situ). Os parâmetros obtidos desses experimentos in situ foram comparados com aqueles obtidos para as amostras recozidas isotermicamente. / In the last years, since nickel price increased, another series of austenitic stainless steel with less amount of nickel has emerged: the series 200. The AISI 201 stainless steel has been used where intermediated corrosion resistance is needed. In this work, the formation of strain-induced martensite and its reversion in an AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel were studied. The material was characterized in terms of microstructure and then cold rolled up to 20, 40 and 60% of thickness reduction. For all degree of reduction, samples were annealed at several temperatures (200-800oC) for 1 hour. Additional samples taken from the 60% cold-rolled material were also annealed at several temperatures (200-800oC) for several times (5-180minutes). The microstructural evolution during cold rolling and annealing was evaluated using microhardness Vikers testing, light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, X-Ray diffraction and magnetization measurements. Phase predictions were also performed using software Thermo-calc©. It was observed that the as-received material was not fully austenitic. It has a small fraction of ?-ferrite within its matrix. The amount of ferromagnetic phase (martensite) increases with increasing deformation. For small deformation (20%), there is a peak in the coercive field of the material (Hc). As deformation increases, Hc values decrease. It was also observed that the martensite reversion takes place at 500-700oC. The behavior of the material is in accordance with what has been reported in the literature for the 300 series. However, only few works have been reported concerning AISI 201 stainless steel and its magnetic properties. In this work, magnetic measurements were also carried out during annealing (in situ condition). The obtained parameters from the in situ magnetic measurements were compared to those ones obtained from the isothermally annealed samples.
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EnzymologyValiev, Abduvali 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, two symbiotic fungi of Southern Pine Beetle (SPB),
Entomocorticium peryii and Entomocorticium sp.A were evaluated in terms of
polyphenol oxidase (PPO) production. The effect of different inhibitors, inducers and
assay parameters such as temperature and pH on enzyme activity were investigated
and maximum PPO activity was observed at 30° / C, pH 8.0 and when tannic acid was
used as an inducer. Copper-chelator salicyl hydroxamic acid (SHAM) and pcoumaric
acid, both indicated as inhibitors of tyrosinase and catechol oxidase
significantly reduced the activity.
For biochemical characterization studies, the enzyme was concentrated by
ultrafiltration. To determine type of the enzyme, activity staining after Native-PAGE
was carried out. Type of polyphenol oxidase produced by E. peryii and E. sp.A was
determined as catechol oxidase by activity staining. However higher activity was
observed on hydroquinone (p-diphenol) rather than catechol (o-diphenol).
The enzyme obeys Michealis-Menten kinetics with Km and Vmaxvalues being 10.72 mM hydroquinone and 59.44 U/ml for E. peryii and 8.55 mM hydroquinone and 73.72 U/ml for E. sp.A respectively..
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Linguistic Rights Of The Turkish Minority In BulgariaHaksoz, Cengiz 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses linguistic policies in Bulgaria, during the Ottoman, monarchical, communist and post-communist periods and its effects on the Turkish minority in Bulgaria. The linguistic policies in Bulgaria did not follow consistent policies / on the contrary, it followed different policies in different periods. The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the Turkish minority experiences and perceives linguistic rights in the post-communist period, such as study of and in Turkish language, Turkish minority media, use of minority personal names, naming of topographical places and the status of Turkish language in official and administrative institutions.
For this purpose, in-depth interviews were carried out in ISiklar (Samuil) municipality in Bulgaria, where Turks constitute the absolute majority of the population. As a result of the analyses of the experiences of the Turkish minority, it was observed that (Turkish) linguistic rights and language were experienced by the Turkish minority in terms of ethnolinguistic identity. It is concluded that symbolic power and diglossia relationships between Turkish and Bulgarian languages affected the ways of perception of (Turkish) linguistic rights by the Turkish minority in Bulgaria.
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Gerdan, Omer Faruk 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Fresh produces, fruit juices and herbal teas used in our regular diet may have importance in the protective treatment of some infectious diseases. In this study, dietary produces were investigated for their antioxidant activities and antimicrobial activities against group A ß / -haemolytic streptoccoci. Streptococcus pyogenes, a member of the group A ß / -haemolytic streptococci, is a very dangerous pathogen, which may cause diseases such as tonsillopharyngitis, meningitis, rheumatic arthritis.
Fruits and vegetables / onion, radish, carrot, plum, fruit juices / orange, peach, pomegranate, grape and teas / sage, anise, rosehip, chamomile were chosen as samples of regular daily diets. Dry extracts were obtained either by lyophilizing or fractionating in ethyl acetate. Antioxidant activities of extracts were examined by total phenolic content determination, and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging (DPPH) methods. Antimicrobial activities of extracts were studied by disk diffusion test, minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration methods.
Sage, plum, onion and radish displayed high radical scavenging activity with EC50 values of 0.043, 0.049, 0.148 and 0.414 mg/mL, respectively. Plum, sage, onion and radish were found high in total phenolic contents with & / #956 / g gallic acid equivalent of 50.506, 48.299, 44.427 and 13.135 in mg extract, respectively. High antimicrobial activities were obtained by onion, radish, anise, carrot and peach extracts as tested by disk diffusion method with respective 20, 16, 16, 14 and 14 millimeters clear growth inhibition zones. Carrot, onion and radish extracts were found as effective bacteriostatic and bactericidal agents with minimum inhibitory and bactericidal respective concentrations of 0.008, 0.125, 0.250 mg/mL and 0.06, 0.5, 1 mg/mL.
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The Dynamics Of Tore As The Ethos Of Tribe In KiziltepeGunes, Onder 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to find out the structure, logic and meaning patterns of the concept of tö / re as the ethos, that is all social practices, of the Kurdish tribal formation and which, up until now, has been studied in the framework of honour killings (namus cinayetleri) debates rather than a distinct issue in academia. By this way it is aimed to redefine the concept at theoretical and empirical levels. In this study, first of all, the concept of tribe is tackling and it is questioning that what tribe means today as a social and political structure / and searching for the essential tension between the state and tribe due to their perception of sovereignty. In addition to this, it is intended to introduce how tö / re operates in the resolution of everyday disputes of a tribe member. It is aimed to analyze how to articulate and/or dislocate of modern state law and tö / re which based on tribal resolution mechanisms over intra tribal and inter tribal disputes. For this purpose, I conducted a field research with the help of informal interview and participant observation techniques within Kurdish tribes in Mardin, Kiziltepe.
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Assessment Of Water Supply Impacts For A Mine Site In Western TurkeyAgartan, Elif 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A certain amount of water is required for a mine site located in Turgutlu in Western
Turkey to be used in mining processes. The purpose of this study is to assess the
impacts associated with meeting water supply requirements for the mine. Scope of
the study involves determination of the alternative water resources, the assessment of
impacts associated with each resource and the selection of the most feasible
alternative in the aspect of environmental and technical effects.
Three alternatives suggested to supply mine process water are surface water,
groundwater and reuse of waste water of Turgutlu town after treatment. A low flow
analysis of Gediz River was conducted for the evaluation of the surface water. For
the groundwater alternative, Turgutlu-Salihli aquifer model was established using
MODFLOW 2009.1 software and the impacts on groundwater resources were
evaluated. The evaluation of the last alternative, reuse of waste water of Turgutlu
after treatment, was based upon the amount of waste water generated and treatment
Results of the alternatives show that each alternative is applicable to supply the
required water to the mine site. However, the storage of the Gediz River water in a
small dam in wet seasons to be used later in dry seasons and the reuse of waste water
of Turgutlu after treatment are the alternatives with least impacts on existing water
users and related ecosystems.
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The Development Of Molecular Genetic Tools For Detection Of Salmonella PathogenGokduman, Kurtulus 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Although traditional microbiological methods are accepted standard for Salmonella detection, they are labor intensive and time consuming. Therefore, for food industry and public health, finding sensitive and rapid methods is required. As a rapid and reliable tool, Real-Time PCR is one of the most common methods in molecular detection and research area.
The aim of the current study is to develop rapid, sensitive and quantitative Salmonella detection method using Real-Time PCR technique based on inexpensive, easy to produce, convenient and standardized plasmid based positive control for the first time.
To achieve this, two plasmids were constructed as reference molecules by cloning two most commonly used Salmonella specific target regions &lsquo / invA and ttrRSBC&rsquo / into them. Standard curves were constructed for the plasmids and reproducibility, PCR efficiency, amplification efficiency values were calculated. To illustrate the applicability of the developed method, enriched (as used commonly for Salmonella detection with Real-Time PCR) 105 to 100 CFU/ml level (estimated by standard plate counts before enrichment) S. Typhimurium ATCC 14028 cultures were tried to detect and quantify, also compared with traditional culture method. In addition, detection limits of the developed technique were determined by serial dilution of DNA extracted from 105 CFU/ml level. The results revealed much faster detection ability of the developed plasmid based Salmonella detection method (in comparison to traditional culture method, ISO 6579:2004) allowing quantitative evaluation with perfect reproducibility, sensitivity (except for lower concentrations for invA target), detection limit, PCR efficiency, amplification efficiency for both invA and ttrRSBC targets.
The detection and quantification ability of the method developed by using S. Typhimurium ATCC 14028 cultures were tested also with 15 Salmonella species using milk as a representative food. The results also revealed much faster (in comparison to traditional culture method, ISO 6579:2004) quantitative detection ability of the developed method.
Thus, the developed method has great potential to be used in food industry for rapid and quantitative Salmonella detection.
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Gradient Characteristics Of The Unaccusative/unergative Distinction In Turkish: An Experimental InvestigationCengiz, Acarturk 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the gradient behaviour of monadic intransitive verb classes in Turkish, under an aspectual classification of the unaccusative/unergative verb types, namely The Split Intransitivity Hierarchy. This Hierarchy claims that intransitive verb types are subject to gradient acceptability in certain syntactic constructions. The methods used in judgment elicitation studies in psychophysics, such as the magnitude estimation technique have recently been adapted to be used in capturing gradient linguistic data. Also, the practical benefits of the Internet directed researchers to design and conduct web-based experiments for linguistic data elicitation. Research on Human Computer Interaction offers suggestions for the design of more usable user interfaces. Considering these developments, in this thesis, a web based experiment interface has been designed as an extension to the magnitude estimation technique to elicit acceptability judgments on two syntactic constructions, i.e. the -mIS participle (the unaccusative diagnostic) and impersonal passivization (the unergative diagnostic) for different verb types on the Split Intransitivity Hierarchy. The experiment was conducted on the Internet.
The results show that in the two diagnostics, the verb types receive categorical or indeterminate acceptability judgments, which allows us to specify the core or peripheral status of the verbs. Within the classes we have examined, change of state verbs constitute the core unaccusative verbs, and controlled (motional and non-motional) process verbs constitute the core unergative verbs. Stative verbs and uncontrolled process verbs are peripheral unaccusatives and unergatives, respectively. Change of location verbs (with an animate subject) are close to the unergative end.
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Bioflocculation Of Activated Sludge In Relation To Calcium Ion ConcentrationVatansever, Aysun 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Bioflocculation, which can be defined as aggregation of bacterial flocs, has important implications on the physical characteristics of sludge. It is especially critical to settling and dewatering systems which impacts the overall economy of the process greatly. One of the most common problems in activated sludge systems to negatively influence the settleability is sludge bulking which can be defined as non-settling situation of microbial mass.
The first objective of this research is to investigate the effect of calcium ion on sludge bulking in a phosphorus deficient medium and the second objective is to improve the settling, dewatering, and pumping of activated sludge by adjusting the calcium (Ca) ion concentration of the feed. For this purpose, 7 semi-continuous laboratory scale activated sludge reactors were operated with a mixed aerobic culture. The reactors had 8 days of sludge residence time and aerated with air pumps to provide a dissolved oxygen concentration of at least 3 mg/L. All the analyses were conducted after the reactors reached steady state condition.
In the first part of the research, the effect of strictly phosphorus-limited medium on bulking of activated sludge was studied at different calcium ion concentration. Three reactors were set up having 5, 10 and 20 meq/L calcium concentrations. From the results it was observed that, phosphorus deficiency caused viscous bulking independent from the calcium ion concentration. It was found out that bulking of activated sludges due to phosphorus deficiency could be cured by the addition of phosphorus. Furhermore, microorganisms starved for phosphorus, seemed to accumulate polyphosphate granules when they were exposed to a phosphorus source.
In the second part of the study, the effect of calcium ion on physical, chemical and surface chemical properties of activated sludge was investigated at 4 different concentrations (0.27, 5, 10 and 20 meq/L) under sufficient phosphorus concentration. Calcium addition resulted in significant changes in the quantity and quality of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Total EPS increased depending on the calcium concentration. Carbohydrate content of EPS dominated over the protein content for calcium concentration of 5 meq/L and above. The amount of calcium ions incorporated into the sludge floc matrix also increased with the dose of calcium added. Settleability and dewaterability of sludge improved significantly at 5 meq/L dose of calcium. However, settleability did not change any further with increasing calcium dose, whereas dewaterability increased for all increasing calcium concentrations. Sludge viscosity also decreased considerably at 5 meq/L concentration indicating better pumpability but it did not change further above 10 meq/L calcium addition.
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From republic to empire : Scipio Africanus in the Punica of Silius Italicus /Marks, Raymond. January 2005 (has links)
Univ., Diss. u.d.T.: Marks, Raymond: Scipio Africanus in the Punica of Silius Italicus--Teilw. zugl.: Providence, 1999.
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