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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ISHII, Yasushi, MISAWA, Toshihiro, LEE, Joan Dae, MAEDA, Hisatoshi, 石井, 靖, 三沢, 利博, 李, 鐘大, 前田, 尚利 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Place Of Neighborhood Administration In The Turkish Administrative System: The Case Of Ankara

Sevran, Secil 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The existing administrative and legal deficiencies on the neighborhood administration constitute an obstacle for these units to be more functional and effective. Since they are the most suitable administrative units which cover the terms of &ldquo / effective citizen participation&rdquo / , &ldquo / representativeness&rdquo / , &ldquo / community control&rdquo / etc, it is crucial to reorganize the neighborhood administration system and to redefine the purposes, functions and duties of these units within the perspective of historical or traditional features. The aim of the study is to emphasize the status of neighborhood administration in the Turkish Administrative System in terms of future possibilities and impasses. For this reason, a case study was conducted in Ankara within the boundaries of &Ccedil / ankaya district to enlighten the place of neighborhood administration system in the Turkish Administrative System. Questionnaires for the headmen and the residents were stated to find out the opinion, thoughts and proposals of both the headmen and citizens for reorganizing the neighborhood administration. According to the results of the study, headmen of the neighborhoods stated the importance of the neighborhood administration in the administration system and importance for the residents. On the other hand, the answers of the residents indicate that their knowledge on these administrative units is very limited. As a result, it may be concluded that reorganizing neighborhood system is essential because of this undefined or limited definitions and implementations of the neighborhood administration system in Turkey.

De legionum per alterum bellum Punicum historia quae investigari posse videantur

Schemann, Ludwig, January 1900 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss.--Bonn, 1875. / Vita. Filmed with: Walter, K. / Emendationum in Sophoclis fabulas specimen -- Wandinger, C. / Pomponiana Graecina : Tac. Ann. XIII. 32 -- Walther, G.H. / Observationum in C. Cornelii Taciti opera conscriptarum specimen alterum -- Warren, M. / On the enclitic ne in early Latin -- Wasmansdorff, E. / Luciani scripta ea, quae ad Menippum spectant, inter se comparantur et diiudicantur -- Zellmer, W. / De lege Plautia quae fuit de vi -- Zijnen, F.B.J.S. / Specimen historico-philosophum, quo Plutarchi de nonnullis Chrysippi placitis judicium examinatur -- Waldfogl, C. / Ueber den Platonischen Dialog der Sophist oder vom Sein -- Waller, W. / Excursus criticus in P. Papinii Statii Silvas -- Wallinder, J. / De statu plebejorum Romanorum ante primam in montem sacrum secessionem quaestiones -- Wallrafen, W. / Einrichtung und kommunale Entwicklung der rm̲ischen Provinz Lusitanien -- Walther, E. / De dativi instrumentalis usu Homerico -- Walther, F. / Studien zu Tacitus und Curtius -- Widmann, H. / De Gaio Vettio Aquilino Iuvenco carminis evangelici poeta et Vergilii imitatore -- Werner, J. / Quaestiones Babrianae -- Wernicke, J.C. / De Pausaniae Periegetae studiis Herodoteis -- Wessig, H. / De aetate et auctore Philopatridis dialogi -- Wetzell, C. / De usu verbi substantivi Tacitino -- Werder, C.F. / De Platonis Parmenide -- Stamer, A. / Engkuklios paideia in dem Urteil der griechischen Philosophenschulen -- Sexauer, H. / Sprachgebrauch des Romanschriftstellers Achilles Tatius -- Stamkart, J.A. / Specimen litterarium inaugurale exhibens commentarium in Plauti Mostellarium -- Seibel, M. / Klage um Hektor im letzten Buche der Ilias -- Siegismund, A.J. / Quaestionum de metathesi Graeca particula I -- Tanzmann, J.J. / De C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi vita ingenio moribus quaestio -- Teetz, F. / Beitrg̃e zur Rhythmopoiie des Sophokles ... -- Siemering, F.O. / Quaestionum Lucretianarum particula I et II -- Thedinga, F. / De Numenio philosopho Platonico -- Theissen, W. / De Sallustii, Livii, Taciti digressionibus -- Natorp, P. / Quos auctores in ultimis Belli Peloponnesiaci annis describendis secuti sint Diodorus Plutarchus Cornelius Iustinus -- Olsen, W. / Quaestionum Plautinarum de verbo substantivo specimen -- Partsch, J.F.M. / Darstellung Europa's in dem geographischen Werke des Agrippa. Includes bibliographical references.

Capua im zweiten Punischen Krieg : Untersuchungen zur römischen Annalistik /

Ungern-Sternberg, Jürgen von, January 1975 (has links)
Inaug. _ Diss.: Philosophische Fakultät: Erlangen-Nürnberg: 1974. _ Index.

Macedonien und Rom während des Hannibalischen Krieges. Theil 1: Die beziehungen Phillips v. von Macedonien zu Rom 221-211 v. Chr. ...

Scott, Austin, January 1873 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss.--Leipzig. / Vita.

Estudo para a preparacao de Talio-201 pela irradiacao de mercurio com protons .Aplicacao da tecnica de cromatografia de extracao na separacao de talio do mercurio

FERNANDES, LIZETE 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:36:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 03870.pdf: 1902018 bytes, checksum: b71668a19608bf1dfac9fe0ccc14974b (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Estudo para a preparacao de Talio-201 pela irradiacao de mercurio com protons .Aplicacao da tecnica de cromatografia de extracao na separacao de talio do mercurio

FERNANDES, LIZETE 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:36:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 03870.pdf: 1902018 bytes, checksum: b71668a19608bf1dfac9fe0ccc14974b (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Appians Darstellung des 2. punischen Krieges in Spanien : Iberike c. 1-38,1-158a : Text und Kommentar /

Leidl, Christoph. January 1996 (has links)
Th. : Hist. : München : 1991. / Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität München. "Münchener Universitätsschriften. Philosophische Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften, Institut für Alte Geschichte"--Ser. t.p.

Lipemi-interferens vid mätning av Hb på Sysmex XN-10 och HemoCue Hb 201+ / Lipemic interferens on the measurement of Hb on Sysmex XN-10 and HemoCue Hb 201+

Andersson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Anemi kan uppstå till följd av förlust av erytrocyter eller försämrad produktion av nya erytrocyter. För att upptäcka och följa upp patienter med anemi är det viktigt att korrekt kunna mäta hemoglobinkoncentrationen (Hb) i blodet. En vanlig metod för att mäta Hb-koncentration är fotometri i kombination med en kemisk omvandling. Liksom alla mätningar med ljus är dessa känsliga för turbiditet i provet. Lipemi är en vanlig källa till turbiditet som kan uppstå till exempel som följd av en fettrik måltid, diabetes mellitus, lever- eller njursjukdomar, alkoholism och vissa läkemedel. Olika instrumenttillverkare har olika metoder för att motverka interferensen av lipemi. Sysmex hematologi-instrument XN-10 använder en fettlösande bärarvätska i sin fotometriska kanal (HGB) och HemoCue mäter vid en andra våglängd som ska kompensera för turbiditet. Sysmex XN-10 har också en optisk kanal (HGB-O) som är till för att räkna retikulocyter genom att mäta deras nukleinsyra- samt Hb-innehåll men ger då också ett beräknat värde på Hb-koncentrationen i hela provet. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra HGB och den HGB-O för bestämning av Hb-koncentrationen i helblod. Båda kanalerna jämfördes även med HemoCue Hb 201+ vid bestämning av Hbkoncentrationen i svårt lipemiska prover. Hb-mätning på plasma från motsvarande prover utfördes också för att undersöka om värdet motsvarade Hb-höjningen i de lipemiska proverna. Prover analyserade med både HGB och HGB-O på Sysmex XN-10 på klinisk kemi vid Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund under november månad 2018 (n = 392) jämfördes med hjälp av Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient. Lipemi simulerades med fettemulsionen Intralipid i totalt 32 prover. Färdiganalyserade patientprover från föregående dag delades i ett lipemiskt prov med Intralipidtillsats och ett nollprov med tillsats av NaCl-lösning i en motsvarande volym. Differenserna mellan de lipemiska- och nollprovernas Hb-värden testades för signifikans med icke-parametrisk Wilcoxons teckenrangtest. Kruskal-Wallis samt Dunns's tester användes för att visa på signifikanta skillnader mellan de tre metoderna. Signifikansnivån sattes vid p < 0,05. Resultaten visade god korrelation mellan HGB - och HGB-O Hb-värden med ett Spearman korrelationsvärde på 0,982.  Jämförelsen av metoderna vid lipemi visade signifikant skillnad mellan nollprov och lipemiskt prov för HGB- (p < 0,001) men inte HGB-O (p = 0,11) på XN-10. HemoCue Hb 201+ visade också signifikant skillnad (p < 0,001) vid lipemi men med lägre median-värde än HGB och mindre spridning än HGB-O. HGB-O:s median-värde tydde på minst lipemipåverkan men spridningen av differenserna var stor. Spridningen av HGB-O resultaten kan bero på hemolys då endast intracellulärt Hb mäts i denna kanal. Resultaten i denna studie tyder på att HemoCue-metoden är den mest pålitliga vid Hb-mätning av lipemiska prover och därmed det lämpligaste komplementet till HGBmetoden / Anemia can arise from either loss of erythrocytes or impaired production of new erythrocytes. In order to discover and evaluate the treatment of anemic patients, correct Hb measurements are important. A common method to measure Hb concentration is photometry in combination with chemical conversion of the Hb. Like all light-dependent methods this suffers from a vulnerability to turbidity that scatters light. Lipemia is a common cause of turbidity caused by e.g. recent intake of high fat foods, diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney disease, alcoholism and some drugs. Manufacturers of Hb analyzers use different methods to counter the influence of interference from lipemia on measurements. Sysmex XN-10 analyzers use a fat dissolving sheath fluid in its photometric channel (HGB) and HemoCue measures absorbance at a second wavelength to compensate for turbidity. Sysmex XN-10 also has an optic channel (HGB-O) for counting reticulocytes by measuring their nucleic acid and Hb content. At the same time this channel measures Hb equivalents of erythrocytes and gives a calculated value of Hb content in the entire sample. The aim of this study was to compare the photometric and the optical channels for measuring Hb concentration in whole blood. Both the Sysmex XN-10 channels were compared with HemoCue Hb 201+ when measuring Hb concentrations in lipemic samples. Plasma Hb concentration was determined for the corresponding samples in order to investigate correlation between elevation in Hb concentration with and without simulated lipemia and in the plasma after centrifugation. Samples analyzed at Skånes University Hospital in Lund during the month of November 2018 (n = 392) using both HGB and HGB-O on XN-10 were compared using Spearman's signed correlations coefficient. Lipemia was simulated by using the fat emulsion Intralipid in a total of 32 samples. Samples collected and analyzed on the previous day was used for the study. Each sample was split into one part with added Intralipid to form a lipemic sample and one part with NaCl-solution of the same volume as Intralipid in the lipemic sample. The differences between lipemic and non lipemic samples was tested for significance by the non-parametric Wilcoxons signed ranks test for each of the methods. Significance between the three methods was tested by using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests. Level of significance was set to p < 0.05. The results showed good correlation between earlier test run on both HGB and HGB-O with a Spearman correlation score of 0,982.  A significant difference was found between lipemic and non lipemic samples with the photometric method (p < 0,001) but not the optical method (p = 0,11) on XN10. HemoCue Hb 201+ also showed a significant difference (p < 0,001) between lipemic and non lipemic samples but a lower median than HGB and less deviation than HGB-O. The median of HGB-O indicated that it was influenced the least by lipemia of the three methods but had the greatest deviation of the differences. The greater deviation of HGB-O values may have been caused by hemolysis since the method measures intra cellular Hb. HemoCue shows according to this study the slightest deviation of the three methods and a less heightened median value compared to HGB which confirms the methods suitability as complement to HGB when dealing with lipemic samples.

A (im)possibilidade de aplicação da justiça restaurativa aos crimes funcionais praticados por prefeitos

Almeida, Yago Daltro Ferraro 30 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-03T17:02:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Yago Daltro Ferraro Almeida.pdf: 1600445 bytes, checksum: 7f4de32e7a0806f3fd748d55674bb061 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-03T17:02:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Yago Daltro Ferraro Almeida.pdf: 1600445 bytes, checksum: 7f4de32e7a0806f3fd748d55674bb061 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T17:02:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Yago Daltro Ferraro Almeida.pdf: 1600445 bytes, checksum: 7f4de32e7a0806f3fd748d55674bb061 (MD5) / A presente dissertação busca analisar a possibilidade de aplicação das práticas restaurativas aos crimes transindividuais, em especial os crimes funcionais praticados por Prefeitos. Como cediço, a Justiça Restaurativa foi tradicionalmente desenvolvida para os crimes que derivam de ações humanas próximas e definidas e que atingem essencialmente uma vítima conhecida, concreta e individualizada, para os quais o sistema penal tradicional destina a tutela aos clássicos bens jurídicos. A mudança na conjuntura global, todavia, enseja novos desafios a serem enfrentados pela Justiça Restaurativa, notadamente em um contexto de surgimento de novos bens jurídicos, de cariz transindividual, e de eficientismo e pragmatismo na resolução dos conflitos penais oriundos do Direito Penal do Risco, pelo que de grande importância o estudo aqui proposto. Analisar-se-á, então, o novo papel assumido pela comunidade, que passa a figurar como interveniente direta no conflito e, consectariamente, como sujeito principal das práticas restaurativas, o que enseja o debate sobre quem dialogará com o ofensor (e a possibilidade, ou não, de representação), bem assim acerca da modalidade de prática restaurativa mais adequada à espécie. Por fim, o estudo será direcionado às especifidades dos crimes funcionais praticados por Prefeitos, analisando os aspectos dogmáticos, as dificuldades da proposta e os argumentos que pesam a favor da implementação das práticas restaurativas aos crimes objeto da pesquisa. A metodologia deste estudo terá um procedimento prioritariamente monográfico, de vertente jurídico-dogmática, e, no curso da investigação proposta, serão examinadas obras doutrinárias, nacionais e estrangeiras, concernentes à Criminologia, Direito Penal, Direito Processual Penal e Justiça Restaurativa, buscando, assim, um estudo que se pretende inserir na perspectiva interdisciplinar, com o tipo jurídico-propositivo de investigação. / This dissertation seeks to analyze the possibility of applying restorative practices to transindividual crimes, especially the functional crimes practiced by Mayors. As known, Restorative Justice was traditionally developed for crimes that derive from definite human actions and which reach essentially a known, concrete and individualized victim, for whom the traditional penal system assigns protection to the classic legal assets. The change in the global conjuncture, however, presents new challenges to be faced by Restorative Justice, especially in the context of the emergence of new juridical assets, of transindividual nature, and of efficiency and pragmatism in the resolution of the criminal conflicts arising from the Criminal Law of Risk, so the study proposed here is of great importance. Then, it will be analysed the new role assumed by the community, which figures like a direct actor in the conflict and, as a matter of fact, as the main subject of the restorative practices, which leads to the debate about who will dialogue with the offender (and the possibility, or not, of representation), as well as about the modality of restorative practice most appropriate to the species. Finally, the study will be directed to the specificities of the functional crimes practiced by Mayors, analyzing the dogmatic aspects, the difficulties of the proposal and the arguments that leads in favor of the implementation of the restorative practices to the crimes object of the research. The methodology of this study will be, primarily, juridical and dogmatic, and, in the course of the proposed investigation, it will be examined national and foreign doctrinal works concerning Criminology, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Restorative Justice, seeking a study that intends to be inserted in the interdisciplinary perspective, with the legal-propositional type of investigation.

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