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"(In)capacitados para o trabalho? : trabalho, estranhamento e saúde do trabalhador no Brasil (2000-2010) /Vizzaccaro-Amaral, André Luís. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Giovanni Antonio Pinto Alves / Banca: Francisco Luiz Corsi / Banca: Edemir de Carvalho / Banca: Vera Lúcia Navarro / Banca: Renatab Paparelli / Resumo: Esta tese de doutoramento em ciências sociais, que permeia o eixo temático trabalho-saúde, considera uma nova categoria de trabalhadores que vem se constituindo na linha de contorno que separa os trabalhadores formalizados dos desempregados, sobretudo a partir da década de 2000, no Brasil. Formalizada e, portanto, com cobertura previdenciária, ao sofrer um acidente de trabalho ou adoecer por razões diversas, essa categoria de trabalhadores depara-se com o indeferimento ou com a cessação precoce de benefícios previdenciários aos quais tem direito, por determinações muitas vezes gerencialistas do órgão previdenciário, sem poder retornar à sua ocupação habitual em razão de uma "incapacidade laboral", temporária ou definitiva e parcial ou total, atestada por médicos assistencialistas ou por médicos do trabalho de seus empregadores. Impelida a um "vácuo institucional", e sem qualquer fonte de remuneração, resta a essa categoria de trabalhadores o processo judicial que, em alguns casos, restitui-lhe o direito tardiamente ou é considerado improcedente. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi o de compreender a constituição dessa nova categoria de trabalhadores e analisar possíveis impactos psicossociais que essa condição pode lhes trazer. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, referenciada no método dialético e no materialismo histórico, realizada com três trabalhadores que ingressaram com demandas jurídicas contra o órgão público previdenciário brasileiro pelos motivos aqui considerados. Foram utilizados procedimentos investigativos como a abordagem biográfica, a entrevista qualitativa semi-estruturada, uma anamnese socioeducativa, uma anamnese clínica e a análise documental de processos judiciais, por meio dos quais foram realizadas a coleta e pré-análise dos dados, adotando a confrontação cruzada entre os instrumentos e a análise de conteúdo... (Resume completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This doctorate thesis in Social Sciences, which has the work-health relation as its guiding theme, takes into account a new category of workers, which has been constituted at the boundary line that separates the formally-hired workers from the unemployed ones, especially since the 2000s on, in Brazil. This formally-hired category of workers has secured the right to Social Security. However, when they have a work-related accident or get sick for many different reasons, this category of workers faces the rejection or early termination of welfare benefits to which they are entitled, usually by a managerial determination of the Welfare Agency, although they are unable to return to the usual occupation due to a temporary or permanent and partial or total "work disability", attested by the Welfare Agency doctors or the company on-site doctors. Driven to an "institutional vacuum", and with no remuneration this category of workers seeks a prosecution as the only way to have their rights restored or, some times, rejected. This study aims to understand the establishment of this new category of workers and the possible psychosocial impact this condition can bring to them. This work is the result of a qualitative research referenced in the dialectical method and historical materialism, which held three workers who went to the lengths of legal proceedings against the Brazilian Public Welfare Agency for the reasons considered here. Investigative procedures have been used as a biographical approach, the qualitative semi-structured interview, a socio-educational anamnesis, a clinical anamnesis, and documentary analysis of litigation, through which the data were collected and pre-analized, adopting a cross-confrontation of the tools and content analysis to the general theoretical analysis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Financiamento da educação no Brasil (1990-2010) : impactos no padrão de gestão do ensino fundamental /Yanaguita, Adriana Inácio. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Lordes Marcelino Machado / Banca: Carlos da Fonseca Brandão / Banca: José Marcelino de Rezende Pinto / Banca: Rubens Barbosa de Camargo / Banca: Marisa Rossinholi / Resumo: Esta pesquisa, intitulada Financiamento da educação no Brasil (1990-2010): impactos no padrão de gestão do ensino fundamental, teve como objetivo investigar os impactos no padrão de gestão do ensino fundamental decorrentes das políticas de financiamento da educação, mediante pesquisa qualitativa, bibliográfica e documental, no período de 1990 a 2010. Para analisar esses impactos, iniciou-se a pesquisa com uma revisão da produção acadêmica sobre as políticas educacionais e de financiamento no Brasil na década de 1990, buscando compreender o contexto político-econômico latino-americano e brasileiro, no período enfocado, do qual decorreram as reformas nas políticas educacionais brasileiras e, por conseguinte, nas políticas de financiamento, conduzidas pelas diretrizes do mercado. Ainda nessa revisão, discutiram-se as mudanças legais nas políticas de financiamento da educação básica que se configuraram como estratégia dos bancos multilaterais para que as mudanças mercadológicas, planejadas em suas agendas, viessem a se estabelecer nos países subdesenvolvidos. Posteriormente, na seção das análises sobre os impactos das políticas de financiamento da educação no padrão de gestão do ensino fundamental, os resultados apontaram que mais da metade do total das pesquisas abordaram sobre os impactos do FUNDEF. Assim, pode-se afirmar que esta política de financiamento da educação foi a de maior impacto sobre a gestão do ensino fundamental no período, sendo o impacto mais expressivo a municipalização, com redes de ensino fundamental geridas, em sua maioria, sem democracia e autonomia. A outra política de financiamento da educação, cujo impacto sobre a gestão do ensino fundamental merece destaque é o PDDE, o qual reforçou uma gestão pouco ou nada autônoma, centralizada e centralizadora... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research, entitled Financing Education in Brazil (1990-2010): impacts on the standard of management of elementary grade, has as goal to investigate the impacts on the standard of management of elementary as results from the policies of funding education through qualitative research, literature and documents, in the 1990 until 2010. To analyze these impacts, began the research with review of academic work about education policies and education funding in Brazil in the 1990s, seeking to understand the political and economic context of Latin American and Brazilian, in the specific years, which guided reforms on the Brazilian educational policies and, therefore, on policies of financing, conducted by market rules. Even in this review, were discussed legal changes about policies of funding for elementary school system, which shows the strategy of all-services banks to the market changes, planned in their agendas, come to be done in underdeveloped countries. Later, in the section of the analysis about the impacts on the standard of elementary school system policies arising from education funding, the results have showed that more than half of the total research mentioned about the impacts of FUNDEF. Thereby, we state that this policy of financing education was the greatest impact on the management of elementary school system in the period, where the most significant management was when was giving the control of schools to city public service, taking control of operation of elementary school, mostly, without democracy and no autonomy. The other policy of funding education, whose impact on the management of elementary school system deserves special attention is the PDDE, which reinforced the idea of centralized management, no autonomy, concentrated administration. We conclude that the impacts of FUNDEF and PDDE as well resulted in the predominance... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Os BRICS na perspectiva geopolítica : uma análise cientométrica de 2001 a 2010 /Prado, Marcos Aparecido Rodrigues do. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Ely Francina Tannuri de Oliveira / Banca: Maria Cláudia Cabrini Gracio / Banca: Adilson Luiz Pinto / Resumo: O mundo contemporâneo dispõe de uma construção geopolítica em que os países de economia emergente têm se destacado na conjunção do poder global. Nesta configuração, um grupo de países se organizou e tem fortalecido sua representação no cenário internacional. Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul são as nações que compartilham das expectativas de um poder global caracterizado pela multipolaridade. Os governos dos quatro primeiros países mencionados articularam a formalização de um bloco geopolítico com relevância estratégica para atuação frente ao cenário internacional. Assim, o bloco BRICS foi constituído como organismo político que visa promover ações consorciadas que abrangem o desenvolvimento econômico, social e estratégico. Em 2001, o acrônimo foi cunhado pelo economista inglês Jim O'Neill como resultado de um estudo que apontou os quatro países mais promissores entre as economias emergentes. Em 2006, deu-se início a um processo de integração política entre os quatro países. O sucesso das periódicas cúpulas governamentais que se seguiram ocasionou à formalização do bloco BRICs no ano de 2009. E, em 2010, ocorreu a iniciativa de expansão do grupo com a adesão da África do Sul como membro efetivo. Desde então, o bloco passou a ser denominado oficialmente como BRICS. É com interesse em tal construção geopolítica que este estudo se baseia na cientomentria para analisar os indicadores econômicos e sociais e suas correlações com os indicadores de produção científica. Desta forma, a pesquisa objetiva levantar e analisar os dados relativos às publicações científicas indexadas na base Scopus dos quatro países que integram o genuíno grupo BRICS, ou seja, Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China. Também, compõe o escopo do estudo a apresentação dos conceitos e aplicações dos indicadores, assim como a identificação das características relevantes do cenário geopolítico e do... / Abstract: The contemporary world has a geopolitical construction in which the emerging market countries have been highlighted in the conjunction of global power. In this configuration, a group of countries was organized and has strengthened its representation in the international scene. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are the countries that share the expectations of a global power characterized by multipolarity. The governments of the four first mentioned countries articulated the formalization of a geopolitical bloc with strategic relevance for action against the international scene. Thus, the BRICS bloc was formed as a political organization that seeks to promote consorted actions covering economic, social and strategic development. In 2001, the acronym was coined by the english economist Jim O'Neill English as a result of a study that showed the four most promising countries among emerging economies. In 2006 it was begun a process of political integration among the four countries. The success of periodic governmental summits that followed led to the formalization of the BRIC bloc in 2009. And in 2010, the group expanded with the accession of South Africa as a full member. Since then, the block became officially termed as BRICS. It is with interest in such a geopolitical construction that this study is based on scientometry to analyze the economic and social indicators and their correlations with indicators of scientific production. Thus, the research aims to survey and analyze the data on scientific publications indexed in Scopus basis of the four countries that make up the genuine BRICS group, Brazil, Russia, India and China. Also, the scope of the study comprises the presentation of the concepts and applications of indicators as well as the identification of relevant features of the geopolitical scenario and scientific context in which the BRICS are inserted. The method used was the comparative study between indicators raised... / Mestre
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A teoria marxista das crises cíclicas de superprodução : desenvolvimento e aplicação para o caso brasileiroAlmeida Júnior, Antonio Carneiro de January 2016 (has links)
Orientador : Armando João Dalla Costa / Coorientador : Nelson Rosas Ribeiro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Ecônomico. Defesa : 18/03/2016 / Inclui referências : f.215-219 / Resumo: O presente trabalho constitui um estudo teórico e empírico acerca das Crises Econômicas do Capitalismo. Com o intuito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Teoria Marxista das Crises Cíclicas de Superprodução, temos como objetivo realizar uma análise crítica da interpretação Mendonça-Ribeiro da referida teoria e aplicar o produto desta análise ao estudo do movimento cíclico da economia brasileira no período que vai de 1997 a 2010. O trabalho foi realizado através da leitura crítica de bibliografia selecionada e da coleta e tratamento de dados secundários. No que tange à parte teórica, acreditamos que fomos capazes de apresentar um instrumental de análise rigoroso do fenômeno estudado, o qual constitui uma versão modificada da interpretação acima referida. Quanto à parte empírica, atestamos primeiramente a aderência da teoria utilizada através da análise do componente cíclico do Produto Interno Bruto da economia brasileira, extraído com a utilização do filtro Baxter-King. Além disso, estudamos o movimento cíclico desta economia durante o período supracitado, chegando à seguinte periodização: 1997.T3-1999.T4: crise; 2000.T1-2002.T2: depressão; 2002.T3-2005.T4: animação média; 2006.T1-2008.T3: auge; 2008.T4: crise. Palavras-chave: Crise Econômica; Superprodução, Economia Brasileira, Teoria Marxista. / Abstract: This thesis is a theoretical and empirical study on the economic crises of capitalism. With the intention to contribute to the development of the Marxist Theory of Cyclical Crises of Overproduction, our aim is to conduct a critical analysis of the Mendonca-Ribeiro interpretation of the referred theory and apply the outcome of it to the study of the Brazilian economy cyclical movement in the period that goes from 1997 to 2010. Our aim was accomplished through a critical reading of selected bibliography and through collection and processing of secondary data. Regarding the theoretical work, we believe we were able to present a rigorous framework, which is a modified version of Mendonça-Ribeiro framework. Regarding the empirical work, firstly we attest theory validity through the analysis of the cyclical component of Brazilian economy's Gross Domestic Product, obtained by the use of the Baxter-King Filter. Furthermore, we analyzed the Brazilian economy cyclical movement during the period mentioned above and found the following periodization: 1997.T3-1999.T4: crisis; 2000.T1-2002.T2: trough; 2002.T3-2005.T4: expansion; 2006.T1-2008.T3: peak; 2008.T4: crisis. Keywords: Economic Crisis, Overproduction, Brazilian Economy, Marxist Theory.
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An investigation of safety and security measures in Cape Town with respect to the 2010 Soccer World Cup tournamentMwanuhehere, Kambere January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / Over the years, the history of football has been characterised by several incidents of
violence and disasters. According to Helding et al. (2002:4) globally, since 1945,
approximately 1,000 people are believed to have lost their lives and about 3,400
people have been injured in nearly 30 serious soccer stadium accidents.
In 1989, English soccer witnessed a stampede that left around 96 people dead at
Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield during an FA cup semi-final match between
Liverpool and Nottingham. Similar incidents in Africa occurred in Ghana in May 2001
when 126 supporters died after a stampede at Accra stadium at the end of a local
league game. In South Africa, Ellis Park stadium witnessed a similar disaster on 11
April 2001, which left 43 people dead when soccer giants Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando
Pirates clashed in a premier league soccer game.
South Africa lost the bid to host the 2004 Olympic Games in Cape Town in favour of
Athens and the 2006 FIFA World Cup to Germany as a result of perceived high crime
rate. Whether perceived or real, issues of safety and security impact negatively on the
image of a host nation.
On the other hand, South Africa was selected to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup
competition, despite a continued prevalence of high crime rates across the country.
More effort from the Government is needed to guarantee adequate safety and security
at soccer stadiums, training venues, and other areas used for public gatherings.
Stakeholders that deal with safety and security, such as SAPS, Metro Police, Fire
Brigade, and emergency medical services, should be deployed in such a way that they
can respond quickly to emergency situations.
A literature review has shown a close relationship between crime and event tourism.
The crime mapping concept, which covers hot spot theory, routine activity, crime pattern
approach and rational choice theory, helps in the understanding that some areas may
be more affected by crime than others and that criminals' motivations can differ.
Some of the most recent mega large-scale events used in the literature review includes:
FIFA Soccer World Cup Competitions in Korea/Japan in 2002 and in Germany in 2006.
This has provided guidance for South African organisers in terms of dealing with
security issues. These examples have also provided a framework of reference on how
to garner support and collaboration of national and international security agencies,
which are relevant to the staging of the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa.
The foundation of this research considers the employees views concerning safety,
security and health in Cape Town. It is envisioned that these ideas can strengthen
future management decisions with regard to preparing safety, security and emergency
services for major events such as the 2010 Soccer World Cup. This should not only
involve taking note of security staff ideas, but also incorporating them into the grand
national safety and security strategy and ensuring the full implementation of the security
strategy at ground-level.
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Mainstreaming universal design in Cape Town: FIFA 2010 World Cup(tm)-related activities as catalysts for social changeM'rithaa, Mugendi Kanampiu January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DTech(Design)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / Universal Design (UD), as it is known in the USA and elsewhere, is an inclusive approach to designing for the broader population and is rapidly gaining popularity amongst design practitioners and planners globally. Similar non-exclusive approaches have evolved in diverse parts of the world to counter the systemic disablement and exclusion of vulnerable/special populations of users perpetuated by traditional approaches to design. The transdisciplinary field of UD is informed by concilience in accommodating a wide range of related fields, such as education, landscape architecture, architecture, town and regional planning, industrial/product/three-dimensional design, furniture design, interior design, communication/information/graphic design, interaction design, human-computer interaction (HCI)/usability studies, and ergonomics/human factors engineering. UD proposes a collaborative systems approach that benefits from the synergies of cross-functionalism by approaching the diverse challenges facing society through socially responsible design. In so doing, UD can potentially impact such diverse issues as health, transportation, inclusive education, sports and recreation, entertainment, social welfare, inclusive employment, transgenerational/lifespan housing, inclusive tourism, accessibility, safety, and ecological concerns on sustainability.
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The impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup soccer tournament on African immigrants in the Western CapeUwimpuhwe, Denys January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (Mtech( Tourism and hospitality management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010 / This thesis exams the extent to which the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup will impact
on African immigrants in the Western Cape. The study aims to investigate their
awareness, expectations, perceptions, and how they would like to be involved in this
major event. Between 1 November and 30 November, about a year and a half before
the 2010 World Cup starts, 200 immigrants from the African continent who live in the
Republic of South Africa completed the survey instrument.
The study was conducted in two residential areas, two Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) and the Cape Town city centre. A quantitative design using a
questionnaire survey was utilised to establish the opinions of the participants.
Data analysed by means of descriptive statistics was used to obtain the frequencies,
expressed as percentages. The results of this study reveal that African immigrants in
the Western Cape are aware of the 2010 World Cup and the different opportunities of
hosting it on the African continent. African immigrants have positive perceptions and
expectations towards this event. They expect to gain some benefits and are ready to
be involved in this major event. This research also proposes a framework that offers
simple ideas and suggestions to allow the Local Organising Committee (LOC) to
select a suitable level on which to involve African Immigrants of the Western Cape in
the 2010 World Cup, as well as the ‘tools and techniques’ to help the LOC to plan,
implement and evaluate the right community involvement process.
This study could assist in planning and deciding suitable strategies for the Western
Cape Province and the 2010 World Cup Local Organising Committee for community
involvement in this event. It could assist also in making the 2010 World Cup an
African event, by giving it a true African flavour and focus.
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Cameroonian fans' perceptions of the 2010 Fifa World Cup : a case study of Buea and LimbeMaloney, Tichaawa Tembi January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Tourism and Hospitality Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / Football is considered one of the most important sports in several of the 53 countries in Africa, with the largest viewership and participation.
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A Trindade Profana de Saramago : ironia e paródia em O Evangelho Segundo Jesus CristoSouza, Jorge Avelino de January 2009 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, 2009. / Submitted by Allan Wanick Motta (allan_wanick@hotmail.com) on 2010-06-04T18:53:00Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a apresentação dos personagens Diabo, Deus e Jesus, que denominamos Trindade Profana, em O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo, do escritor português José Saramago. O ponto de vista adotado é o político, considerando os aspectos paródicos e irônicos da obra. Para melhor visualização deste objetivo, consideramos alguns elementos das pesquisas históricas a respeito de Jesus, da religião judaico-cristã e dos Evangelhos canônicos, antes de adentrar na análise do romance propriamente dita. Assim, procuramos demonstrar como o autor humaniza, por meio da política, sua tríade profana. ________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMÈ / L’objectif de cette dissertation est d’analyser La présentation des personnages de la Trinité Profane (Du Diable, de Dieu et de Jesus) dans “O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo” de l’écrivain portugais José Saramago. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi le point de vue politique qui considère les aspects parodiques et ironiques de l’oeuvre. Pour mieux visualiser cette objectif, nous nous sommes concentrés sur des éléments de recherche historique du personnage de Jésus, de la religion judeo-chrétienne et des évangiles canoniques, afin de pouvoir entrer dans l’analyse du roman proprement dit. Nous avons ainsi cherché à démontrer comment l’auteur humanise sa trinité profane par le biai de la politique.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Discurso de inauguración del año académico 2010 (16 de marzo de 2010)Rubio Correa, Marcial 10 April 2018 (has links)
Discurso de inauguración del año lectivo 2010, en el que se expone la misión y visión de la PUCP para el señalado año lectivo.Además destaca el conflicto externo PUCP como una posible amenaza para la estructura democrática interna de la universidad, mencionando que ellos se procesan judicialmente, y el rectorado trabaja permanentemente para garantizar la autonomía y la comunidad PUCP debe tener la seguridad de que sus autoridades luchan por la institución para defenderla hacerla crecer.
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