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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výuka výchovy k občanství na českobudějovických základních školách

HŘÍDELOVÁ, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Teaching Civic Education at the Elementary Schools in České Budějovice focuses on the current state of civic education at elementary schools in České Budějovice. The theoretical part deals with the system of curricular documents, analysis of the Framework Educational Program for basic education and its subsequent comparison with individual school educational programs at selected elementary schools in České Budějovice. The practical part presents interviews with four teachers who teach the subject of civic education at selected elementary schools in České Budějovice. These are the following elementary schools: Kubatova Elementary School and Kindergarten, Elementary School Matice školské, Church Elementary School and Elementary School and kindergarten of J. Š. Baara.

Lietuvos ir ES ekonomikos strateginių nuostatų sąsajos su nacionalinėmis socialinėmis ekonomikos tendencijomis / The links between national social economic trends and strategic statements of Lithuanian and EU political documents

Jurgelevičius, Artūras 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos ir Europos Sąjungos ekonomikos strateginių nuostatų sąsajos su nacionalinėmis socialinėmis ekonomikos tendencijomis. Pirmajame baigiamojo darbo skyriuje nustatomi teoriniai valstybės dalyvavimo ekonomikoje pagrindai, vertinant Lietuvos pereinamosios ekonomikos ypatumus per šalies Nepriklausomybės laikotarpį. Antroje baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjama ekonomikos strateginio planavimo metodika, parenkamas scenarijaus metodas, sudaromos baigiamojo darbo tyrimo modelis. Trečioje empirinėje dalyje atliekama Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) raidos iki 2015 m. strategijos analitika, lyginamos 2002 m. formuotos strateginės nuostatos ir jų įgyvendinimas 2012 m. Taip pat analizuojami Strategijos Europa 2020 keliami tikslai, šių tikslų atitikimas Lietuvos socialinėms ekonominėms tendencijoms bei šių tikslų įgyvendinimo logiškumas ir realistiškumas. Ketvirtoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiamos išvados ir formuojami siūlymai toliau įgyvendinant strategines ekonomikos nuostatas. / The links between national social economics trends and strategic statements of EU and Lithuanian political documents are analyzed in the master thesis work. In the first part of the work, the basics of the role of the State in economics are analyzed considering Lithuania to be a transitional economics. In second part of the master thesis work, the methodic of strategic economic planning is analyzed, the model of the research is constructed and the scenarios method is selected to do empirical research in the third part. In the third part, the results of long term economic strategy till 2015 are investigated and the real socio economic situation is evaluated. The strategic goals of Europa 2020 strategy are identified and its fitness to national socio economic trends is characterized. The logics and realism of set goals are evaluated considering hypothetical picture of Lithuania in 2020. In the fourth part of the master thesis work, the conclusion is drawn and recommendations for forward economic policy are suggested.

O transporte público como agente do crescimento e da estruturação urbana: análise dos planos PITU 2020 e PITU 2025 / Public transportation as the agent of growth and urban structure: analisys of the PITU 2020 and PTTU 2025 plans

Juliana Regina Salles Pereira 04 April 2013 (has links)
A infraestrutura de transportes teve papel fundamental no crescimento urbano de São Paulo, determinando sua ocupação urbana e seus eixos de expansão. O presente trabalho parte de um embasamento histórico que aborda o início do desenvolvimento urbano de São Paulo, com a implantação de ferrovias e bondes em meados do século 19 e início do século 20, e a estruturação e intenso crescimento urbano da cidade com a ascensão do ônibus e do automóvel, principalmente a partir dos anos 1950 e 1960. Esta disputa entre modais é um dos fatores que colaborou para a atual crise de mobilidade na cidade, e é também tema recorrente nas iniciativas do planejamento urbano e de transportes realizadas a partir dos anos 2000, como os planos PITU 2020 e PITU 2025. A análise destes planos tem como objetivo resgatar a importância do sistema sobre trilhos para o desenvolvimento conjunto da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, e analisar a articulação entre as políticas públicas de uso e ocupação do solo e o planejamento de transporte. / Transport infrastructure played a key role in the urban growth of São Paulo, determining its urban occupation and its expansion axes. This work starts with a historical foundation that approaches the early history of urban development of São Paulo, with the introduction of railroads and trams in the mid-19th century and early 20th century, and the structuring and intense urban growth of the city with the rise of the automobile and bus transportation mainly from the 1950s and 1960s. This dispute between transportation modes is one of the factors that contributed to the current mobility crisis in the city, and is also a recurring theme in the initiatives of the urban and transportation planning performed from the years 2000 as in the PITU 2020 and PITU 2025 plans. The analysis of these plans aims to restore the importance of the rail system for the joint development of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, and analyze the relation between land use public policy and transport planning.

Das europäische Horizon 2020 Projekt Real-Time-Mining

Benndorf, Jörg 28 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Moderne Sensorik, Modellierungs- und Optimierungsmethoden im Rohstoffgewinnungsprozess liefern Daten in “Echtzeit” und bieten Entscheidungsassistenz in der Betriebssteuerung und Kurzfristplanung. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden sogenannte „Closed- Loop-Ansätze“ entwickelt, um diese Informationen in Kombination mit moderner Datenverarbeitungstechnologie für eine verbesserte Produktionssteuerung in der Rohstoffgewinnung nutzbar zu machen. Der Beitrag stellt ein Projekt vor, das sich genau dieser Entwicklung widmet, das im Europäischen Rahmenprogramm Horizon 2020 geförderte Projekt Real-Time Mining. Der Fokus des Projektes liegt auf der Gewinnung bergbaugeologisch komplexer Lagerstätten unter Anwendung hoch-selektiver Gewinnungsszenarien. Der Aufbau des Projektes, das Projektziel, die einzelnen Arbeitspakete und Schlüsseltechnologien werden kurz dargestellt. An zwei ausgewählten Beispielen wird auf zwei Hauptkomponenten von Real-Time Mining, die Aktualisierung der Lagerstättenmodelle unter Einbeziehung von Online-Sensorik und die Optimierung der Entscheidungsfindung im Produktionsprozess näher eingegangen.

Strategie Evropa 2020 v kontextu moderních teorií ekonomického růstu / Europe 2020 Strategy in the Context of Modern Growth Theories

Katocsová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with Europe 2020 strategy and its targets in the context of growth theories. The thesis aims at relating the measures suggested by the strategy to the implications of the growth theories. First, the targets are compared with the current situation in EU member states and problem areas of European competitiveness are identified. Growth models described in the first chapter yield some normative recommendations with respect to growth policies. Based on these conclusions, the thesis discusses the policies designed in the Europe 2020 strategy and their implications for economic growth in the EU.

Financování výzkumu a vývoje inovativních technologií v České republice / The Research and Development Financing of the Innovative Technology in Czech Republic

Dušková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the financing opportunities of a research and development support for small and medium enterprises in Czech Republic from the European Union resources. It mainly observes a managed change in the company and risks related to this change. The thesis is a supporting document for the decision making of the company in the financing of the innovative technologies from European budget and in the international project participation.

Lisabonská strategie a její realizace v České republice. / Lisabon Strategy and Its Implementation in Czech Republic

Vávrová, Berenika January 2011 (has links)
In 2000, the EU, under the influence of its current progress in the integration process, established a list of fairly ambitious goals in the economic, social and environmental issues, which it had wanted to achieve by 2010. The reform program has been named the Lisbon Strategy and has often been paraphrased as "catch up and overtake the U. S." Shortly after its launch, however, it began to be clear that such radical reform was not realistically possible, especially because of its complexity, a lack of willingness of Member States to implement these reforms and a poor set of implementation tools. The Lisbon Strategy has been followed by a new EU global reform document for 2020, Europe 2020, mainly due to the fact that the problems plaguing European countries remain the same and they haven't been adequately resolved by the Lisbon Strategy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the implementation of the Lisbon strategy in the Czech Republic, identify in which areas the CR has been successful, and in which it has lagged behind the performance of other EU members as well as where it could achieve a more significant progress. At the same time, the work examines the reasons why the Lisbon Strategy, though a very interesting concept of reform, has remained out of public interest, and its achievements haven't...

Analýza regionální politiky EU se zaměřením na dosažené výsledky / Analysis of regional policy of the EU with focus on achieved outcomes

Šimková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The European Union aims to reduce interregional disparities through its regional policy. This thesis deals with the effectiveness of EU regional policy and trends of regional disparities according to selected indicators. In the case study the impact of EU regional policy is observed in Ireland, the Czech republic and Bulgaria. Regional disparities are examined at NUTS 2 level. The Williamson curve is tested to explore the association between the level of economic development and level of disparities. In the comparative study the values of indicators are compared to the EU average. In the end, the thesis is focused on evaluation of EU regional policy efectiveness and seven recommendations are proposed to contribute to the improvement of EU regional policy so that goals of Europe 2020 Strategy are achieved.

The International Journal of Homiletics

Deeg, Alexander, Ringgaard Lorensen, Marlene 01 October 2020 (has links)
2020 – this year will surely be remembered as the year of the Covid19-pandemic. Writing these lines in August 2020, there are around 20 million people infected (numbers increasing continuously) – and the whole population of the world affected by the virus. 750.000 people died in the first months of the pandemic. And all over the world poverty increases, and the most vulnerable are most affected by the crisis. Are there any ‘answers’ sermons can give? Or is this a time for silently listening with the congregations to the word of God? What is the role of preaching in the pandemic – knowing that we will never simply return to the situation ‘before’ the pandemic, but that our way of living, and also our way of preaching and celebrating worship will change.

Bränder som bränder, eller? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna i Kalifornien 2020 samt bränderna i Amazonas 2020

Thomas, Amy, Wedin, Hektor January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna i Kalifornien 2020 samt bränderna i Amazonas 2020. Vi avser att undersöka vad det finns för skillnader och likheter i omfång och karaktär av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna samt på vilket sätt Dagens Nyheter framställer klimatförändringarna i rapporteringen om respektive brand. Studien avser även att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan förklara skillnadeni rapporteringen av bränderna samt förekomsten av klimatförändringarna. Utifrån Anabela Carvalho (2008) och Peter Berglez (2019) fastställda analysmodell har vi bedrivit en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys av 18 artiklar under perioderna för respektive brand. Studientar sin teoretiska ansats i tidigare diskursanalyser av klimatrapportering (Berglez & Lidskog2017), (Carvalho 2012) samt en diskursanalys av nyhetsrapportering vid kriser (Chouliaraki 2006). Utöver det utgår studien även från global journalistik, framing, gatekeeping och närhetsprincipen i form av geografisk samt kulturell närhet. Resultatet visar att klimatförändringarna nämns som grund till bränderna i Kalifornien, men sällan uttalat utan snarare mellan raderna. Sedermera nämns klimatförändringarna i rapporteringen om bränderna i Amazonas som att klimatförändringarna snarare blir påverkade av bränderna än som anledningen till att bränderna sker. Den främsta anledningen till bränderna pågår tycks bero på avverkning av skogen och i rapporteringen sätter Dagens Nyheter de brasilianska myndigheterna, och särskilt Jair Bolsonaro, som ansvarig till bränderna. Slutligen kunde vi även se att fler individer fick komma till tals i rapporteringen om bränderna i Kalifornien och att nyhetsrapporteringen föreföll sig under diskursen emergency news, en etablerad diskurs i Lilie Chouliarakis studie The spectatorship of suffering (2006) medan rapporteringen om vilka individer som påverkas av bränderna i Amazonas snarare landade under kategorin adventure news.

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