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Gör det ni kan med det ni har! : Obalans mellan arméns målsättningar och resurser!?Hansson, Timmy, Kållberg, David January 2023 (has links)
Europa befinner sig sedan 24 februari 2022 i det känsligaste säkerhetspolitiska läget sedan andra världskriget. I Försvarsbeslutet från 2020 gav regeringen Försvarsmakten uppgiften att tillväxa för att möta den försämrade utvecklingen som pågått under drygt ett decennium. Tillväxten påverkas nu av besluten att skänka kvalificerad materiel till Ukraina och beslutet att ansöka om medlemskap i försvarsalliansen Nato. Syftet med denna studie är att, för oss som författare, skapa förståelse för på vilket sätt armén kan försörja nationell försvarsförmåga, integrering med Nato samt stödja Ukraina med materiel. Vår forskning genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuade personer med insikter och perspektiv från den strategiska-, militärstrategiska-, operativa- och taktiska nivån. Detta kompletterades med perspektiv från försvarsindustrin och från forskare vid Försvarshögskolan. Vi har i vår undersökning sökt förståelse för hur arméns resurser avseende personal, materiel och infrastruktur påverkas när den utsätts för hot och friktioner. Dessa resurser är vitala när armén växer i storlek och skapar militär krigföringsförmåga. Som referensram har vi använt det Resursbaserade synsättet (RBV), dynamiska förmågor och flexibilitetsperspektivet. Resultatet av vår forskning visar på att det pågår en kamp om resurser. Efterfrågan hos försvarsindustrin har ökat då många länder försöker att öka sin militära förmåga. Europa har gjort sig beroende av den amerikanska försvarsindustrin vilket nu gör det svårt att ersätta brister eller nyanskaffa materiel och ammunition. Försvarsmakten behöver genomföra ambitionssänkningar då det för närvarade är svårt att tillföra mer resurser. / Since February 24, 2022, Europe has been in its most volatile securitysituation since World War II. In the Government Bill from 2020, thegovernment gave the Armed Forces the task to increase in volume andcapability to meet the deteriorating development that has been ongoingfor just over a decade. Growth is now affected by the decisions to donatequalified equipment to Ukraine and the decision to apply for membershipin the NATO defence alliance.The purpose of this study is to create an understanding, for us as authors,of how the army can provide national defence capability, integration withNATO and military support to Ukraine.Our research was conducted as a qualitative study where we interviewedpeople with insights and perspectives from the strategic-, militarystrategic-, operational- and tactical levels. This was broadened withperspectives from the defense industry and from researchers at theSwedish Defence University.In our research, we sought an understanding of how the army’s resources(personnel, equipment, and infrastructure) are affected when it is exposedto frictions and threats. These resources are vital as the Army grows andcreates military capabilities. As a frame of reference, we have used theResource Based Approach (RBV), dynamic capabilities and the Flexibilityperspective.The results of our research show that there is an ongoing struggle forresources. Demand on the defense industry has increased as manycountries try to increase their military capabilities. Europe has becomedependent on the American defense industry, which now makes it difficultto replace deficiencies or acquire new equipment and ammunition.The Armed Forces need to change its objectives due to difficulties in addingmore resources
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La desigualdad digital en la implementación del programa “Aprendo en casa” en la institución educativa N° 7106 Villa Limatambo en el distrito de Villa María del TriunfoSuvizarreta Herrera, Elizabeth Mercedes, Quiroz Vásquez, Magnolia Emperatriz, Zambrano Burgos, Daniel Jesus 23 November 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general describir cómo la desigualdad digital afectó
la implementación del programa “Aprendo en casa” en la institución educativa 7106 Villa
Limatambo, en el distrito de Villa María Del Triunfo. Para lo cual se analizará opiniones de
familias, alumnos y docentes para proponer recomendaciones a su implementación. El tipo
de investigación fue cualitativa, por lo cual se entrevistó a los miembros de la comunidad
educativa, directivos, docentes, estudiantes, padres y madres familias. Para el recojo de
información se realizó la investigación documental, las entrevistas personales y los grupos
focales. El estudio concluyó que la desigualdad digital afectó negativamente la
implementación del programa “Aprendo en casa” en la institución educativa 7106 Villa
Limatambo, en el distrito de Villa María Del Triunfo desde la perspectiva de las familias, los
estudiantes y docentes. Uno de los hallazgos se obtuvo desde la perspectiva de los padres
y estudiantes; mientras que el segundo, desde la perspectiva de los docentes. Ambos
grupos coincidieron en que la desigualdad digital tuvo como principal factor la falta de
conectividad a internet, así como el uso de herramientas tecnológicas deficientes. También
coincidieron en que las acciones del Estado a través del programa “Aprendo en casa” fueron
insuficientes para cubrir las necesidades de todos los estudiantes que se encontraban
matriculados al momento en que se dio inicio al programa debido a la emergencia sanitaria
decretada por el gobierno. Otro de los factores que limitó el programa fue la calidad
deficiente de algunos recursos de la plataforma de Aprendo en Casa, la sobrecarga de
trabajo de los docentes, no lograr el desarrollo de las competencias de los estudiantes y el
descuido del aspecto emocional de los docentes y los estudiantes. Todo ello afectó de
manera negativa el desarrollo del programa. Cabe indicar, que muchos padres de familia
fueron afectados económicamente porque debieron realizar gastos extras, que no estaban
contemplados en su presupuesto, para poder adquirir equipos (smartphone, laptop y/o
computadora) hasta electrodomésticos, con la finalidad que sus hijos pudieran tener una
mejor comodidad y comunicación con los docentes. Inclusive, debido a estos gastos
económicos imprevistos, algunos padres tuvieron que buscar trabajos adicionales, ya que,
con el ingreso mensual no les alcanzaba para poder adquirir lo mencionado, Además, estas
familias, en muchos casos no gozan ni siquiera con una buena vivienda, servicios básicos,
en general, no cuentan con una buena calidad de vida. / This research aimed to describe in general how digital inequality affected the
implementation of the "Aprendo en casa" (Learn at Home) program at educational
institution 7106 Villa Limatambo in the district of Villa María Del Triunfo. To do this,
opinions of families, students and teachers will be analyzed to propose
recommendations for its implementation. The type of research was qualitative, so
members of the educational community, directors, teachers, students, parents and
families were interviewed. Documentary research, personal interviews and focus
groups were carried out to collect information. The study concluded that digital
inequality negatively affected the implementation of the "Aprendo en casa" program
at educational institution 7106 Villa Limatambo in the district of Villa María Del
Triunfo from the perspective of families, students and teachers. One of the findings
was obtained from the perspective of parents and students, while the second was
from the perspective of teachers. Both groups agreed that digital inequality was
mainly due to a lack of internet connectivity and the use of inadequate technological
tools. They also agreed that the actions of the State through the "Aprendo en casa"
program were insufficient to meet the needs of all the students who were enrolled at
the time the program started due to the health emergency declared by the
government. Another factor that limited the program was the poor quality of some
resources on the Aprendo en Casa platform, the overload of work for teachers, the
failure to develop the students' competencies and the neglect of the emotional
aspect of teachers and students. All of this negatively affected the development of
the program. It should be noted that many parents were financially affected because
they had to make extra expenses that were not contemplated in their budget in order
to buy equipment (smartphone, laptop and/or computer) or even appliances, in order
for their children to have better comfort and communication with teachers. In some
cases, due to these unexpected financial expenses, some parents had to look for
additional jobs, as their monthly income was not enough to buy the mentioned items.
In addition, these families, in many cases, do not even enjoy good housing, basic
services and, in general, do not have a good quality of life.
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Spoločenská zodpovednosť podnikov na vnútornom trhu EÚ / Corporate social responsibility within the internal market of the EUHlinická, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This masters's thesis deals with the characterisation of the concept of corporate social responsibility, aiming its attention on its limits and opportunities within the European Union. First part of the thesis focuses on the charactistics of the theoretical concepts and approaches to corporate responsibility, entrepreneurship and businesses, while second part adresses the possibilities of international and european support and control of business activities, especially of the european institutions and other initiatives within the european context
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All options are on the table: un análisis de la estrategia estadounidense durante la administración Trump en la crisis venezolana y su impacto en el desarrollo del Grupo de LimaRomero Miraval, Sergio Rodrigo 21 November 2024 (has links)
Desde la llegada de Donald Trump a la presidencia, la relación entre Estados Unidos
y América Latina, específicamente hacia gobierno como los de Nicaragua, Cuba y
Venezuela, viró a un comportamiento más confrontacional por parte de la
administración estadounidense. Particularmente, frente a la crisis venezolana, una
crisis multidimensional con impactos regional y alcance global, diferentes actores
internacionales han abordado la situación, siendo el Grupo de Lima uno de los
principales mecanismos multilaterales que se ocupó de dicho escenario de crisis. En
tal sentido, la presente investigación busca responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué
manera la estrategia estadounidense hacia Venezuela durante el periodo de la
administración Trump impactó en el desempeño y funcionamiento del Grupo de Lima
(2017-2019)? Postulamos que la estrategia de Estados Unidos si bien tuvo un impacto
inicial positivo fundamental para el posicionamiento del Grupo de Lima (2017-2018),
posteriormente tuvo un impacto negativo producto del cambio de la estrategia de
presión económica y política, lo que terminó por debilitar y dividir al Grupo de Lima
(2018-2019). Respecto al impacto inicial, encontramos que el Grupo de Lima y
Estados Unidos convergen en un grado de coordinación y apoyo importante que le
permite al Grupo de Lima posicionarse, temporalmente, como uno de los espacios
políticos más importantes en lo que respecta a la presión hacia el régimen de Nicolás
Maduro. Sin embargo, este impacto inicial cambia desde mediados del 2018,
momento en el que la administración estadounidense modifica su estrategia de
presión económica y política. De un lado, Estados Unidos debilita el desempeño del
Grupo de Lima, ya que la plataforma política y humanitaria de este queda en segundo
plano frente al tratamiento de las nuevas sanciones económicas por parte de la
administración Trump, medidas que se dan fuera del espacio del Grupo de Lima. De
otro lado, la estrategia de Estados Unidos impacta sustancialmente el funcionamiento
del Grupo de Lima al posicionar a nivel mediático y político el uso de la fuerza, lo que
profundiza las diferencias políticas entre los gobiernos de América Latina y termina
por dividir al Grupo de Lima.
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El impacto del grado de medidas restrictivas frente al Covid 19 para explicar el crecimiento económico diferenciado de Perú, Chile y México durante el segundo trimestre del 2020: una aplicación al modelo Growth at RiskDe la Villa Rosas, Jonathan Mario 13 May 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar los determinantes del
crecimiento económico de Perú, Chile y México durante el periodo 2006-2020.
Esto con la finalidad de corroborar cuáles son los principales factores afines que
determinan el crecimiento en estas economías para poder deducir si estos
factores fueron los causantes de la considerable diferencia en términos de caída
del PBI durante el segundo trimestre del 2020. Para ello se utiliza la metodología
Growth at Risk propuesta por el FMI. De este trabajo se resalta el impacto de
factores externos como el crecimiento del PBI de China, el crecimiento del PBI
de Estados Unidos y el precio del cobre. Así como también se considera
relevante añadir al análisis variables que muestren cómo va la estabilidad
macroeconómica en estos países para lo cual se consideraron las siguientes
variables: que la inflación se encuentre en cierto rango, la dinámica de la deuda
y el rating crediticio. Se procede a hacer estimaciones y se sospecha que las
variables explicativas durante el periodo en análisis pueden ser insuficientes
para explicar el desempeño diferencial de estas economías. Por ello, se propone
como hipótesis del trabajo que dicha diferencia se debe al grado de medidas
restrictivas aplicadas para lidiar con la pandemia del COVID-19. En especial, si
estas medidas fueron generalizadas, focalizadas o laxas.
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Cultivações interculturais: um estudo sobre o Plano Nacional de Educação (2011-2020), seus campos de disputa e possibilidades curriculares / Intercultural cultivations: a study of the National Education Plan (2011-2020), its fields of race and curricular possibilitiesMartins Júnior, Edson 17 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This doctoral thesis entitled "Intercultural cultivations: a study of the National Education
Plan (2011-2020), its fields of race and curricular possibilities" discusses and analyzes the
challenges and opportunities that are set curriculum beginning of this century, marked by the
intensification processes of globalization and new faces of his relationship with the National States,
particularly on educational policies and, consequently, the national curricula.
When considering in particular the prospects for Nestor Canclini and Terry Eagleton, this
paper recognizes the cultural and contextuality of social processes, and therefore its manifestation
in education and curriculum, which implies the choice of play or destabilize hegemonic models
through actions of cultural hybridization and cultivation producing, via labor, material and immaterial
conditions of life in society.
As this scenario theoretical formulation of this work builds on the bill No. 8035/2010
proposing the PNE (National Education Plan) for the decade 2011-2020 and exposes the difficult
balance between the economic development along capitalist lines and social gains in the sense
emancipation in educational practices, particularly through the doings of the curriculum.
The work, at its end, the tendency of the PNE to expand the possibilities of deepening
capitalist logic in Brazilian society through public education, and presents flanks that represent
strategic opportunities to build an educational system that promotes social and cultural diversity and
intensification of cross-cultural creations through policies, practices and actions to destabilize the
hegemonic cultural order in this educational doings / Esta tese de doutorado intitulada Cultivações Interculturais: um estudo sobre o Plano
Nacional de Educação (2011-2020), seus campos de disputa e possibilidades curriculares discute
e analisa os desafios e oportunidades curriculares que estão postos neste início de século,
marcado pela intensificação dos processos de globalização e por novas faces de sua relação com
os Estados Nacionais, particularmente no tocante às políticas educacionais e, consequentemente,
aos currículos nacionais.
Ao considerar, especialmente, as perspectivas de Nestor Canclini e Terry Eagleton, este
trabalho reconhece a dimensão cultural e contextualidade dos processos sociais, e,
consequentemente, sua manifestação na educação e no currículo, o que implica na opção por
reproduzir ou desestabilizar os modelos hegemônicos por meio de ações de hibridização e
cultivação cultural que produzem, via trabalho, as condições materiais e imateriais da vida em
Como cenário desta formulação teórica este trabalho toma como base o projeto de lei nº
8035/2010 que propõe o PNE (Plano Nacional de Educação) para o decênio 2011-2020 e expõe a
difícil conciliação entre desenvolvimento econômico nos moldes capitalistas e ganhos sociais no
sentido da emancipação nas práticas educacionais, particularmente por meio dos fazeres
O trabalho, em seu final, apresenta a tendência do PNE em ampliar as possibilidades de
aprofundamento da lógica capitalista na sociedade brasileira por meio da educação pública, assim
como apresenta flancos que representam possibilidades estratégicas para a construção de um
sistema educacional que promova a diversidade sociocultural e a intensificação de criações
interculturais por meio de políticas, ações e práticas de desestabilização da ordem cultural
hegemônica presente nos fazeres educacionais
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Školní stravování žáků 2. stupně základní školy - Plzeňský kraj / Boarding of second grade elementary schools in Pilsen regionMašková, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with eating habits of pupils of the 2nd grade of elementary school located in the Pilsen region. The results of the research are evaluated in terms of healthy diet of pupils. The eating habits of children in the school environment are strongly influenced by several determinantsthat are discussed in the work. The aim of the thesis was to map the eating habits of children at the second grade of elementary school and to suggest possibilities that the school could use to support healthy school meals for its pupils and thus to influence the healthy lifestyle. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the state's attitude to the protection and promotion of health and disease prevention through the basic document Národní strategie ochrany a podpory zdraví a prevenci nemocí Zdraví 2020. Emphasis is placed on the state's attitude to healthy school meals through laws, decrees, standards and elaborated the national strategy. The vision and strategic objectives of the above pass into the school environment through the support of programs and projects and through the education of pupils to health and healthy eating. In the practical part of the thesis, the questionnaire survey investigates school meals for pupils of the second grade of elementary school. If we want to improve the...
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Freestyle BMX a letní olympijské hry / Freestyle BMX and olympic gamesČermák, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Tittle: Freestyle BMX and Summer Olympic Games Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is the analysis process of Freestyle BMX acceptance to the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics with evalution. In addition, this thesis defines the historical movement of the Freestyle BMX candacy and evaluate the conditions (criteria) setted by the International Olympic Committee for the adoption of new sports into the Olympic Games program. Methods: This thesis is a theoretical work that has a descriptive and analytical character so the main method is an analysis and study of documents, literature and web sources. The information was analyzed and comprehensively processed. Results: Results indicate that Freestyle BMX didn't satisfy all the criteria for acceptance of a new sport into the Olympic Games program. Freestyle BMX should not be accepted according to the criteria set into the Olympic Games program. Freestyle BMX was accepted on the basis of other facts according to this information. Probably this has been achieved on the basis of an evaluation of the popularity sport. Keywords: Sport, Cyclist, Cyclist discipline, Freestyle BMX, Olympics, Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020
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International cooperation in the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020 in the BeneluxOoms, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Research consisting of two parts. The first part concerned the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020 and its relation with the economic oriented Agenda 2020 and Cohesion Policy. The second part concerned a more specific part of the implementation process, namely in structures of international cooperation in the Benelux. Using the theory of Europeanization (downloading, uploading, circular and horizontal) an analysis provided insights in the way the Netherlands and Flanders use the TA2020 and previous documents, as well as the VLANED group (a cooperation network of spatial planners from Flanders and the Netherlands) is using the TA2020 in their meetings.
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Koordinace hospodářských politik EU se zaměřením na země Visegrádské skupiny / Coordination of Economic Policies of EU Focusing on The Visegrad Group CountriesDvořák, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the process of coordination of economic policies of the European Union on the example of the Visegrad countries. The introductory chapter describes the development of the economic policy coordination, discusses the key legal documents that most affected the process of coordination, and assesses the importance of the coordination for the European integration . The second chapter focuses on the latest changes in the legislation relating to the coordination of economic policies. The last chapter describes the influence of the most essential tools for coordinating the countries of the Visegrad Group. Assesses the extent differences involvement Slovakia coordination process, as the only state that groups that have adopted the euro . Assesses the impact of the crisis on developing coordination and lightly touching the issue of the future adoption of the euro in the countries of the Visegrad Group, which still use the national currency.
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