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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart City Dresden: Strategie und Services für die Verbesserung der Teilhabe von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern

Breidung, Michael 04 September 2024 (has links)
Eingeladene Vorträge 2.1 / Jährlich veröffentlicht der Branchenverband BITKOM ein Ranking der „smartesten“ Städte Deutschlands. Im Jahr 2022 belegte die Landeshauptstadt Dresden Rang 3 nach Hamburg und München. Der Index ist recht komplex und umfasst nach eigenen Aussagen der BITKOM 11.000 Datenpunkte und 36 Indikatoren.

Inklusion durch Digitalisierung?

Langner, Anke 04 September 2024 (has links)
Eingeladene Vorträge 2.2 / Bildungsprozesse so das Ziel der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention sollen inklusionssensibel gestalten werden. Aber was bedeutet am Beispiel von Schule eine inklusive Bildung?

Lehren mit KI: Learning Analytics für mehr Studierendenorientierung in der Hochschullehre?

Hummel, Sandra, Egger, Rudolf, Donner, Mana-Teresa 04 September 2024 (has links)
A Digital Education: AI A.1:1 Learning Analytics in der Hochschullehre 2 Das Projekt ‚Learning Analytics – Studierende im Fokus‘ 3 Herausforderungen und Chancen der Integration von Learning Analytics in die Lehre 4 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Bereits seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre hält Digitalisierung Eingang in den Bereich der Hochschullehre, wobei Bildungstechnologien wie Artifcial Intelligence, Blended and Hybrid Course Models, Microcredentialing, Open Educational Resources, Quality Online Learning und Learning Analytics eine Vielzahl an Einsatz- und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten für innovative Lehr- und Lernszenarien bieten. Diese Möglichkeiten werden begleitet von Fragen im Hinblick auf die pädagogische und didaktische Verwendung digitaler Elemente in der Lehre.:1 Learning Analytics in der Hochschullehre 2 Das Projekt ‚Learning Analytics – Studierende im Fokus‘ 3 Herausforderungen und Chancen der Integration von Learning Analytics in die Lehre 4 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Conceptualizing the Value-in-Use for Conversational AI in Learning

Schlimbach, Ricarda, Glimmann, Valentin, Robra-Bissantz, Susanne 04 September 2024 (has links)
Digital Education: AI A.2:1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Results 3.1 ViU Dimensions from Literature 3.2 ViU Dimensions Applied to Conversational AI in Learning 3.3 Insights from Students on the ViU of Conversational AI 4 Discussion / In recent years, the landscape of knowledge and competence gain in educational institutions has undergone significant changes, driven by technological advancements, particularly in the feld of conversational AI. One noteworthy disruptor in this realm is ChatGPT, a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has garnered substantial attention, amassing more than 1 million users in just fve days. By January 2023, it had reached an impressive milestone of 100 million monthly users. OpenAI even projects its income to reach $200 million in 2023, with further growth anticipated to surpass $1 billion in 2024.:1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Results 3.1 ViU Dimensions from Literature 3.2 ViU Dimensions Applied to Conversational AI in Learning 3.3 Insights from Students on the ViU of Conversational AI 4 Discussion

Entwicklung eines KI-unterstützen Lernangebotes im Lernmanagementsystem ILIAS für die berufliche Weiterbildung

Roodsari, Sam Toorchi, Liebold, Mariane, Lorenz, Robert, Liu, Boxuan, Müller, Maria, Horeni, Sandra 04 September 2024 (has links)
Digital Education: AI A.3:1 Einleitung 2 Das Projekt ELe-com 3 Das Zusammenspiel von EMIL und LENA 4 KI-unterstützte Empfehlungssysteme im Projekt ELe-com 5 Ausblick / Im Zuge der anhaltenden Weiterentwicklung und Verbreitung von KI und New Data Analytics wächst auch deren Bedeutung für den Einsatz im Bildungsbereich. Sie versprechen vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten – gerade mit Blick auf Empfehlungssysteme, die zur Förderung und Verbesserung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen beitragen können, indem sie eine stärkere Berücksichtigung individueller Lernpräferenzen erlauben. Neben der Personalisierung von Lernangeboten, erfüllen sie auch die zunehmenden, lebensweltlich geprägten Erwartungen von Nutzer:innen, die jenseits des klassischen Lernens vom wachsenden Einfluss neuer Formen der Informationsverbreitung und Kommunikation im Alltag geprägt sind.:1 Einleitung 2 Das Projekt ELe-com 3 Das Zusammenspiel von EMIL und LENA 4 KI-unterstützte Empfehlungssysteme im Projekt ELe-com 5 Ausblick

Empowering Students with AI-based Chatbot Assistants: A New Era of Higher Education

Hummel, Sandra, Köhler, Thomas, Brouwer-Zupancic, Natasa, Egger, Rudolf, Rieger, Michael 04 September 2024 (has links)
Digital Education: AI A.4:1 Introduction 2 Developing a pedagogically meaningful AI-based learning assistant: Bridging the gap between technology and education 3 Outcomes and achievements of the VISION project 4 Outlook on the impact of AI-based learning assistants on Higher Education / The digital transformation has revolutionized higher education, ofering innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of students and teachers. Since the end of 2022, chatbots for learning, in particular ChatGPT, have been receiving signifcant attention and causing unrest. While didactics of virtual reality have been predicted conceptually since quite some time, this project-based contribution introduces the Erasmus+ supported VISION (Virtual Interface for Smart Interaction Online) measure, which is conducted by the University of Graz, the University of Amsterdam, TU Dresden, and Smart-Study from June 2020 to November 2023.:1 Introduction 2 Developing a pedagogically meaningful AI-based learning assistant: Bridging the gap between technology and education 3 Outcomes and achievements of the VISION project 4 Outlook on the impact of AI-based learning assistants on Higher Education

Vizyon 2023: Technology Foresight For Turkey

Akkerman, Lutfiye Ziba 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis was to examine, describe and assess in detail the method, process, and outcome of the first national Turkish technology foresight study - Vizyon 2023 - and draw conclusions about its effect on the Turkish science, technology and innovation system. Technology foresight has gained widespread acceptance all over the world as a policy tool used in identifying future technologies, setting priorities, formulating science and technology policies and wiring up the national system of innovation. In this context, a review of the literature on technology foresight is undertaken and major concepts are established. The cases of the French and Hungarian technology foresights are examined in comparison to the Turkish technology foresight. Particular emphasis is given to describe the link to science and technology policy of the Vizyon 2023 technology foresight in order to assess its immediate and expected impacts. It is concluded that the Vizyon 2023 technology foresight was a carefully practiced study in line with current trends and knowledge, the linkage to policy was successful, but the result fell short in pointing to clear directions in terms of the implementation agenda. Furthermore, it is ascertained that the science and technology strategy formulated on the basis of the Vizyon 2023 Technology Foresight can only be successful, if implemented with the close coordination and collaboration of all actors of the national innovation system.

Schwarz Weiss: 18. Mai - 18. Juni 2023 : Dresdner Musikfestspiele

Filius-Jehne, Christiane, Künanz, Martin, Quandt, Ana Maria, Schulz, Sophia 26 January 2023 (has links)
Warum »SCHWARZWEISS« als Motto? Ein Hinweis auf die traditionelle Orchesterkleidung? Oder auf den diesjährigen Schwerpunkt Klavier? Oder doch ein bewusster Denkanstoß, dem Weltschmerz etwas entgegenzusetzen? Im Sinne von: Ich fühle mich eingeladen zum Widerspruch und zum Plädoyer für die Vielfarbigkeit? Ein Festival wie die Dresdner Musikfestspiele lebt von den Kontrasten und vom Miteinander. Musikerinnen, Musiker und das Publikum genießen die anregende Mischung – aus internationalen und einheimischen Orchestern, Solisten und Ensembles, aus Kompositionen und Ausdrucksformen, aus Altem, Neuem, Wiederentdecktem und Experimentellem und nicht zuletzt aus der Ausstrahlung der Aufführungsorte. Dieses Aufeinandertreffen macht den besonderen Reiz aus, den wir als so sehr bereichernd empfinden.

Från Kapitolium till din lokala gymnastiksal : En kvalitativ studie om stärkandet av legitimitet och valintegritet i Sverige och betydelsen av utbildning av röstmottagare i en föränderlig säkerhetskontext.

Sörem, Pontus, Carlsson, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how Sweden’s changing security situation in 2023 affects political elections by investigating the planning of two elections in two Swedish municipalities, Borås and Båstad. Through interviews with five officials within these municipalities, the study has examined potential differences between two EU elections. The study links the concepts of legitimacy and electoral integrity to the polling station where citizens encounter Sweden’s central electoral authority through poll workers who are tasked with guiding citizens through the voting process. The thesis mainly relates Sweden’s changed security situation to Mark. C Suchmans perspective of legitimacy and the importance of training poll workers in the creation of three pillars of legitimacy-pragmatic, normative and cognitive. The second research question the study investigated was whether there have been changes in the planning of training of poll workers between two elections due to the changed security situation in Sweden 2023. Previous research has shown an increased interest in electoral integrity in Sweden, especially due to global events that threaten the legitimacy of democracies. This thesis demonstrates changes in the planning of the training of poll workers due to the changed security situation in 2023.  Valmyndigheten, Sweden's central voting institution, has guided the municipalities through an operational security analysis, and the municipalities have also taken their own initiatives, such as systematizing security thinking throughout the education of poll workers. The thesis emphasizes the importance of training poll workers to create legitimacy based on Suchmans three pillars of legitimacy. Through training, poll workers learn democratic values and approaches that can be disarming in potentially threatening situations. The result of this study has confirmed that the two municipalities aim with educating poll workers is to create mostly pragmatic and normative legitimacy 2024. This study is of relevance because Sweden in 2023 has experienced a changed security situation, and global trends have discussed electoral integrity in democracies and in political elections.  Key words: Legitimacy, Electoral integrity, Political election, Poll workers, Security Sweden 2023.

What is the Problem Represented to be in Sweden’s Fight Against Youth Crime shown in SOU 2023:44? : A WPR Based Analysis on SOU 2023:44, a Review on the Regulation of Custodial Sentencing for Young People

Sandström, Karl January 2024 (has links)
In the late parts of the year 2023, the Swedish government through the Justice department released a document investigating the regulation on custodial measures for young people. This documents main suggestion is to enact specially regulated child prisons. In this thesis this investigation is analysed using Carol Bacchi’s WPR model which finds that the problem that is discovered surrounds the rise of grave criminal activity amongst young people, especially involved in criminal gangs. Since Sweden has the CRC incorporated in the law, the compatibility with the convention has also been studied. The investigation shows clear consideration regarding children’s rights priority. The topics the best interests of the child, gang criminality in Sweden and incarceration of children has been included as previous research in this thesis and contribute to the analysis. The findings show that whilst much acknowledgement is made towards children’s rights in the SOU investigation, key threads of children in gang criminality is not included.

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