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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biotransformation of trans-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropene, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene / Biotransformation von trans-1,1,1,3-Tetrafluorpropen, 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen und 1,2,3,3,3-Pentafluorpropen

Schuster, Paul Xaver January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
trans-1,1,1,3-Tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234ze) and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) are non-ozone-depleting fluorocarbon replacements with low global warming potentials and short atmospheric lifetimes. They are developed as foam blowing agent and refrigerant, respectively. Investigations on biotransformation in different test species and in vitro systems are required to assess possible health risks of human exposure and needed for commercial development. The biotransformation of HFO-1234ze and HFO-1234yf was therefore investigated after inhalation exposure. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to air containing 2 000; 10,000; or 50,000 ppm (n=5/concentration) HFO-1234ze or HFO-1234yf. Male B6C3F1 mice were only exposed to 50,000 ppm HFO-1234ze or HFO-1234yf. Due to lethality observed in a developmental study with rabbits after exposure to high concentrations of HFO-1234yf, the metabolic fate of the compound was tested by whole body inhalation exposure of female New Zealand White rabbits to air containing 2 000; 10,000; or 50,000 ppm (n=3/concentration) HFO-1234yf. All inhalation exposures were conducted for 6 h in a dynamic exposure chamber. After the end of the exposures, animals were individually housed in metabolic cages and urines were collected at 6 or 12 h intervals for 48 h (rats and mice) or 60 h (rabbits). For metabolite identification, urine samples were analyzed by 1H-coupled and 1H-decoupled 19F-NMR and by LC/MS-MS or GC/MS. Metabolites were identified by 19F-NMR chemical shifts, signal multiplicity, 1H-19F coupling constants and by comparison with synthetic reference compounds. Biotransformation of HFO-1234ze in rats exposed to 50,000 ppm yielded S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-trans-propenyl)mercaptolactic acid as the predominant metabolite which accounted for 66% of all integrated 19F-NMR signals in urines. No 19F-NMR signals were found in spectra of rat urine samples collected after inhalation exposure to 2 000 or 10,000 ppm HFO-1234ze likely due to insufficient sensitivity. S-(3,3,3-Trifluoro-trans-propenyl)-L-cysteine, N-acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-trans-propenyl)-L-cysteine, 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid and 3,3,3-trifluorolactic acid were also present as metabolites in urine samples of rats and mice at the 50,000 ppm level. A presumed amino acid conjugate of 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid was the major metabolite of HFO-1234ze in urine samples of mice exposed to 50,000 ppm and related to 18% of total integrated 19F-NMR signals. Quantitation of three metabolites in urines of rats and mice was performed, using LC/MS-MS or GC/MS. The quantified amounts of the metabolites excreted with urine in both mice and rats, suggest only a low extent (<<1% of dose received) of biotransformation of HFO-1234ze and 95% of all metabolites were excreted within 18 h after the end of the exposures (t1/2 approx. 6 h). Due to its low boiling point of &#8722;22 °C, most of the inhaled HFO-1234ze is expected to be readily exhaled. Moreover, steric and electronic factors may decrease the reactivity of the parent compound with soft nucleophiles such as glutathione. The obtained results suggest that HFO-1234ze is subjected to an addition-elimination reaction with glutathione and to a cytochrome P450-mediated epoxidation at low rates. The extent of a direct addition reaction of HFO-1234ze with glutathione is negligible, compared to that of the observed addition-elimination reaction. The results of in vivo testing of HFO-1234ze could not be supported by in vitro investigations, since HFO-1234ze was not metabolized in incubations with either liver microsomes or subcellular fractions from rat and human. Regarding the structures delineated in the biotransformation scheme of HFO-1234ze, 1,1,1,3-tetrafluoroepoxypropane and 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid are toxic intermediates which, however, are not supposed to display toxicity in the species after exposure to HFO-1234ze, due to the low extent of formation and an efficient detoxification of the epoxide by hydrolysis and glutathione conjugation. The findings of biotransformation of HFO-1234ze in rats and mice correlate with the absence of adverse effects in the toxicity testings and indicate their innocuousness to a human exposure. Biotransformation of HFO-1234yf yielded N-acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-2-hydroxypropanyl)-L-cysteine as predominat metabolite which accounted for approx. 44, 90 and 32% (50,000 ppm) of total 19F-NMR signal intensities in urine samples from rabbits, rats and mice, respectively. S-(3,3,3-Trifluoro-2-hydroxypropanyl)mercaptolactic acid and the sulfoxides of mercapturic acid and mercaptolactic acid S-conjugate were identified as minor metabolites of HFO-1234yf in urine samples from rabbits, rats and mice, whereas trifluoroacetic acid, 3,3,3-trifluorolactic acid and 3,3,3-trifluoro-1-hydroxyacetone were present as minor metabolites only in urine samples from rats and mice. The absence of these metabolites in rabbit urine samples... / trans-1,1,1,3-Tetrafluorpropen (HFO-1234ze) und 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen (HFO-1234yf) sind FKW-Ersatzstoffe, die eine kurze atmosphärische Lebensdauer besitzen und weder die Ozonschicht beeinträchtigen noch wesentlich zur globalen Erwärmung beitragen. Sie werden derzeit als Treibmittel für Schäume beziehungsweise als Kühlmittel entwickelt. Untersuchungen der Biotransformation in verschiedenen Tierspezies und in in vitro Systemen tragen zur Risikobewertung einer Humanexposition bei und werden für die kommerzielle Entwicklung benötigt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Biotransformation von HFO-1234ze und HFO-1234yf nach inhalativer Exposition untersucht. Männliche Sprague-Dawley Ratten wurden Luftkonzentrationen von 2.000, 10.000 und 50.000 ppm (n=5/Konzentration) ausgesetzt. Männliche B6C3F1 Mäuse wurden dagegen nur einer Konzentration von 50.000 ppm ausgesetzt. Aufgrund von Todesfällen in einer Entwicklungstoxizitätsstudie mit Kaninchen wurde in dieser Arbeit auch die Biotransformation von HFO-1234yf in weiblichen Kaninchen mit Konzentrationen von 2.000, 10.000 und 50.000 ppm untersucht. Alle Inhalationen dauerten 6 Stunden und fanden in einem dynamisch durchströmten Expositionssystem statt. Nach Ende der Inhalationen wurden die Versuchstiere individuell in Stoffwechselkäfigen untergebracht und ihre Urine in 6 bzw. 12 h Intervallen gesammelt (insgesamt 48 h bei Ratten und Mäusen bzw. 60 h bei Kaninchen). Zur Identifizierung der Metabolite von HFO-1234ze und HFO-1234yf in den Urinen wurden 1H-ge- und entkoppelte 19F-NMR-Spektren aufgezeichnet und massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen mittels LC/MS-MS oder GC/MS durchgeführt. Die Metaboliten wurden anhand ihrer 19F-NMR-Charakteristika (Chemische Verschiebung, Signalmultiplizität und 1H-19F Kopplungskonstante) und durch Vergleich mit ihren synthetischen Referenzverbindungen identifiziert. In Ratten, die einer Konzentration von 50.000 ppm HFO-1234ze ausgesetzt worden waren, konnte S-(3,3,3-Trifluor-trans-propenyl)merkaptolaktat als Hauptmetabolit nachgewiesen werden. Er machte 66% aller integrierten 19F-NMR-Signale aus. In 19F-NMR-Spektren von Rattenurinen der 2.000 und 10.000 ppm Expositionen konnten dagegen keine Signale detektiert werden, wahrscheinlich wegen unzureichender Empfindlichkeit der 19F-NMR-Messungen. Als Nebenprodukte von HFO-1234ze in Ratten- und Mäuseurinen wurden S-(3,3,3-Trifluor-trans-propenyl)-L-cystein, N-Acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluor-trans-propenyl)-L-cystein, 3,3,3-Trifluorpropion-säure und 3,3,3-Trifluorlaktat nachgewiesen. In Mäuseurinen war der Hauptmetabolit von HFO-1234ze ein vermutetes Aminosäurekonjugat von 3,3,3-Trifluorpropion-säure, auf das 18% aller integrierten 19F-NMR Signalintensitäten entfielen. In den Urinen von Ratten und Mäusen wurden 3 Metabolite mittels LC/MS-MS oder GC/MS quantifiziert. Die ermittelten Mengen weisen auf eine sehr niedrige Biotransformationsrate von HFO-1234ze hin (<<1% der verabreichten Dosis). 95% aller Metabolite wurden innerhalb von 18 h nach Ende der Inhalationen ausgeschieden (t1/2 ca. 6 h). Aufgrund des niedrigen Siedepunkts von &#8722;22°C wird ein Großteil des aufgenommen Gases möglicherweise rasch wieder exhaliert, und sterische sowie elektronische Faktoren könnten die Reaktivität der Ausgangsverbindung mit schwachen Nukleophilen wie Glutathion senken. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass HFO-1234ze in geringem Ausmaß durch Additions-Eliminations Reaktion mit Glutathion und einer CYP450-vermittelten Epoxidierung biotransformiert wird. Das Ausmaß einer direkten Additions Reaktion von HFO-1234ze mit Glutathion ist verglichen mit der vorherrschenden Additions-Eliminations Reaktion vernachlässigbar. Da kein Umsatz von HFO-1234ze in Inkubationen mit Rettenlebermikrosomen oder subzellulären Fraktionen von Human- und Rattenleber stattfand, konnten die in vivo Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nicht mit in vitro Untersuchungen verglichen werden. Im Biotransformationsschema von HFO-1234ze sind 1,1,1,3-Tetrafluorepoxypropan und 3,3,3-Trifluorpropionsäure toxische Intermediate, die jedoch aufgrund der geringen gebildeten Mengen und einer effektiven Entgiftung des Epoxids durch Glutathionkonjugation keine toxischen Effekte in den verwendeten Tierspezies auslösten. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der Biotransformation von HFO-1234ze in Ratten und Mäusen korrelieren mit der Abwesenheit nachteiliger Effekte in den Toxizitätsstudien und lassen eine Humanexposition gegenüber HFO-1234ze als unbedenklich erscheinen. Bei der Biotransformation von HFO-1234yf entstand N-Acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluor-2-hydroxypropanyl)-L-cystein...

Dysregulation and phenotypic modification of osteoarthritic osteoblast by Galectin-3 : Identification of cellular ligands / Modulation de la dérégulation phénotypique des ostéoblastes par la galectine-3 : identification des ligands cellulaires

Hu, Yong 29 September 2015 (has links)
La cellule principale de l’os sous-chondral est l’ostéoblaste qui joue un rôle central dans la production qualitative et quantitative de la matrice ostéoïde. Plusieurs études montrent que le collagène de type I et la phosphatase alcaline sont des marqueurs précoces de la différenciation des ostéoblastes tandis que l’ostéocalcine (OCN) et la minéralisation sont des marqueurs des stades tardifs de cette différenciation. L’os sous-chondral est le site actif de nombreux changements morphologiques qui peuvent être différents au cours de l’arthrose (OA) mais qui sont partie prenante du processus pathologique. Ces changements consistent en une formation de la matrice osseuse importante associée une inhibition de la minéralisation. Ces phénomènes peuvent être reliés aux changements phénotypiques des ostéoblastes. La galectine-3 (gal-3) est un facteur inflammatoire qui a été détecté dans le tissu synovial et dans le liquide synovial lors d’inflammation d’OA. Des études antérieures ont montré que la gal-3 participait à la destruction du cartilage et inhibait fortement la production d’OCN par les ostéoblastes OA. Ces faits ont permis de suggérer que la gal-3 pouvait participer soit à l’initiation soit à la progression de l’arthrose. Peu d’études ont globalement été réalisées sur le rôle de la galectine-3 dans l’arthrose et encore moins sur le rôle de gal-3 sur les altérations de l’os sous-chondral.Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse a consisté à caractériser les ostéoblastes arthrosiques, puis investigué la modulation du phénotype des ostéoblastes arthrosiques par gal-3 en et enfin identifier les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués. D’une part, nous avons identifié deux populations ostéoblastes OA grâce à l’expression d’OCN. Dans les conditions basales, ces deux populations expriment de façon différentielle le TGF-ß1, Wnt5b et DKK2, ce qui suggère une différenciation et un phénotype hétérogènes des ostéoblastes chez les patients OA. D’autre part, nous confirmons le rôle délétère de la gal-3 dans l’articulation lors d’inflammation puisqu’elle stimule la production de collagénase 1 impliquée dans la dégradation osseuse. De plus, elle accentue la perturbation phénotypique des ostéoblastes qui produisent plus de leptine lors d’épisodes hypoxiques. Bien que plusieurs ligands membranaires puissent médier les effets de gal-3, 4F2hc semble jouer un rôle récurrent / Osteoblasts are the main cells in subchondral bone (SCB), which are responsible for the bone matrix production. Their differentiation can be evaluated by type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase in the early stage and by osteocalcin (OCN) and mineralization in the late stage. Alterations of SCB are essential episodes of osteoarthritis (OA) and are represented by a significant bone formation accompanied with abnormal hypomineralization. These changes in SCB are related to phenotypic modifications of osteoblasts. Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is an inflammatory factor markedly detected in the synovial tissue and synovial fluid during OA inflammation. Previous studies have demonstrated that gal-3 was deleterious for cartilage and inhibited the production of OCN in OA osteoblasts. These findings suggest that gal-3 can participate in either the initiation or progression of osteoarthritis. So far, a few studies have been conducted to explore the role of Gal-3 in OA and particularly related to SCB. In this context, the thesis has consisted to characterize OA osteoblasts, to investigate the modulation of the OA osteoblast phenotype by gal-3 and finally to identify the involved cellular mechanisms. We have identified two populations of OA osteoblasts according to the OCN expression. Under basal conditions, these two populations express TGF-ß1, Wnt5b and DKK2 differentially, suggesting various differentiation and heterogeneous phenotype of osteoblasts in OA patients. Moreover, we confirmed the deleterious role of gal-3 in the joint during inflammation since it stimulates the production of collagenase 1 involved in bone degradation. In addition, it emphasizes the disruption of phenotypic osteoblasts by producing more leptin during hypoxic episodes. Although several membrane ligands can mediate the effects of gal-3, 4F2hc seems to play a prominent role

Är teknikämnet efter över 20 år med egen kursplanpå väg att etablera sig i årskurs 1-3? : Åtta lärares beskrivning av sin planering och undervisning iteknik

Forssell, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Studien har haft som syfte att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 1-3 planerar och genomförundervisning i teknik. Frågeställningarna som tagits fram för att för att få svar på studiens syfteär: hur beskriver lärarna att de planerar för teknikämnet, allmänt och i relation till det centralainnehållet för årskurs 1-3?, hur beskriver lärarna att de undervisar relaterat till det centralainnehållet i teknik för årskurs 1-3? samt vilka undervisningsmetoder används, enligt lärarna?Dessa frågor har det sökts svar på genom kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta lärare i årskurs 1-3.I resultatet framkommer att teknik är ett ämne som inte fullt ut har fått fäste i årskurs 1-3, då detvisar sig att flera lärare i studien saknar förtrogenheten med ämnets kursplan och planering ochundervisning beskrivs till stor del bedrivas tillsammans med No-ämnena. Teknikämnet har haften egen kursplan i tjugo år. Trots detta saknas på många skolor lärare med utbildning i tekniksamt material. Det framgår dock också i resultatet att några av de intervjuade lärarna ärintresserade och väl insatt i ämnets kursplan, även material i form av Skellefte-tekniken och NTAanvänds av flertalet av lärarna i studien. Teknikämnet behöver stärkas ytterligare som eget ämneoch i högre utsträckning undervisas separat för att ge eleverna en god uppfattning av vad som är teknik

Rôle des Glycogène synthase kinases 3 (GSK3) dans la régulation de l’autophagie et du facteur de transcription EB (TFEB) dans les cellules pancréatiques tumorales humaines

Marchand, Benoît January 2016 (has links)
Plusieurs études ont suggéré une implication des glycogène synthase kinases 3 (GSK3) dans la carcinogenèse, notamment du pancréas. Des études ont rapporté des résultats contradictoires quant à l’impact des GSK3 sur la survie cellulaire. Au niveau du pancréas, il a été observé que l’inhibition des GSK3 inhibe la croissance entre autres via la régulation de la voie JNK ou NFkB. Les inhibiteurs des GSK3 sont présentement à l’étude comme traitement de différentes pathologies, notamment pour le cancer pancréatique. Une meilleure compréhension des voies de signalisation régulées par les GSK3 sera donc nécessaire. Nous avons entrepris ces travaux afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de la survie des cellules pancréatiques tumorales par les GSK3. Nous avons démontré que l’inhibition des GSK3 induit l’apoptose et l’autophagie dans les cellules pancréatiques tumorales humaines. L’inhibition des GSK3 stimule l’autophagie autant dans les cellules pancréatiques tumorales que non tumorales, alors que l’apoptose est induite spécifiquement dans les cellules tumorales. Contrairement à l’apoptose, l’autophagie est induite indépendamment de la voie JNK-cJUN suite à l’inhibition des GSK3. Nos résultats démontrent que l’inhibition des GSK3 mène à l’inactivation de la voie mTORC1 qui pourrait contribuer à l’induction de l’autophagie. D’autre part, nos travaux ont démontré pour la première fois que les GSK3 régulent le facteur de transcription EB (TFEB) dans les cellules pancréatiques tumorales. En effet, l’inhibition des GSK3 entraîne la déphosphorylation de TFEB, notamment sur la Ser211, la dissociation des 14-3- 3 et sa translocation nucléaire. Nos résultats suggèrent que la régulation de TFEB par les GSK3 impliquerait des Ser/Thr phosphatases et pourrait être indépendante de l’activité mTORC1. L’inhibition de l’autophagie ou la déplétion de l’expression de TFEB sensibilise les cellules pancréatiques tumorales à l’apoptose induite suite à l’inhibition des GSK3 suggérant un rôle pro-survie de l’autophagie et de TFEB dans ces cellules. Enfin, l’inhibition des GSK3 semble mener à l’inhibition de la glycolyse qui contribuerait à l’induction de l’apoptose. En résumé, nos résultats démontrent que l’inhibition des GSK3 induit à la fois des signaux pro-apoptotiques et pro-survie suggérant que l’équilibre entre ces signaux dicterait l’impact des GSK3 sur la survie des cellules pancréatiques tumorales humaines.

Studium post translačních modifikací fosducinu / Study of the posttrans lation al modifications of phosducin

Šimůnek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to study the role of posttranslational modifications of phosducin and their role in the interaction with the 14-3-3 protein as well as the influence of the complex formation on these modifications. Phosducin is a 33kDa protein commonly present in photoreceptor cells of the retina as well as other tissues. Despite many experiments, its physiological functions are still elusive. It has been speculated that fosducin plays an important regulatory role in visual phototransduction pathway, regulation of blood pressure and expression of G-proteins. The phosducin function is regulated through binding to the 14-3-3 protein, a regulatory protein involved in many biochemical processes. Phosducins binding to 14-3-3 protein requires phosphorylation of two serine residues Ser-54 and Ser-73 within the N-terminal domain of phosducin. However, the role of the 14-3-3 protein binding in the regulation of phosducin function is still unclear. In this diploma thesis proteins 14-3-3ζ∆C and phosducin (mutation Q52K) were successfully expressed and purified. The effect of the complex formation on phosducin posttranslational modifications was investigated using limited proteolysis and dephosphorylation. These experiments revealed that the complex formation significantly slowed down both...

OpenFlow Switching Performance using Network Simulator - 3

Sriram Prashanth, Naguru January 2016 (has links)
Context. In the present network inventive world, there is a quick expansion of switches and protocols, which are used to cope up with the increase in customer requirement in the networking. With increasing demand for higher bandwidths and lower latency and to meet these requirements new network paths are introduced. To reduce network load in present switching network, development of new innovative switching is required. These required results can be achieved by Software Define Network or Traditional layer-3 technologies.Objectives. In this thesis, the end to end (e2e) transmission performance of OpenFlow and Layer-3 switches and their dynamic characteristics are investigated using network simulation.Methods. To replicate real life network topology and evaluate e2e transmission performance, a simulation based test-bed is implemented for both OpenFlow switch and layer-3 switch. The test beds are implemented using Network Simulator-3 (NS3). A two-tire network topology is designed with specified components for performance evaluation.Results. The performance metrics like throughput, average delay, simulation time and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) are measured, results are analyzed statistically and are compared. The behavior of network traffic in both the topologies are understood using NS-3 and explained further in the thesis.Conclusions. The analytical and statistical results from simulation show that OpenFlow switching performs relatively better than layer-3 switching.

Asymmetric Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Via 3,3'-Reductive Elimination of Allyl Palladium Complexes

Brozek, Laura January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: James P. Morken / This dissertation describes the development of two enantioselective methods of carbon-carbon bond formation. Chapter one discusses the development of an enantioselective Pd(0)-catalyzed conjugate addition of allylboronic acid pinacol ester to &alpha;,&beta;-unsaturated methylidene ketones. Utilizing the same rationale for regio- and enantiocontrol as in the related enantioselective conjugate allylation of arylidene ketones, this method addresses the gap in technology by expanding the scope of the reaction to include alkyl-substituted enones. Chapter two examines the coupling of allyl electrophiles and allyl metal reagents. With computational insight into the reaction mechanism, a catalyst system was designed to control regioselectivity and enantioselectivity. Isotope labeling studies were carried out to probe the mechanism of the transformation. The reaction also proves to be diastereoselective when a substituted allyl boron reagent is employed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Chemistry.

Studium interakce forkhead transkripčního faktoru FOXO4 s DNA a s proteinem 14-3-3 / Study of interactions of forkhead transcription factor FOXO4 with DNA and the 14-3-3 protein

Vácha, Petr January 2015 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE THE FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry The summary of the doctoral thesis Study of interactions of forkhead transcription factor FOXO4 with DNA and the 14-3-3 protein RNDr. Petr Vácha Scientific supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. Prague 2015 Abstract This doctoral thesis deals with the interaction of human forkhead transcription factor FOXO4 with DNA and regulating 14-3-3 protein respectively. The main aim of this work was detailed characterization of interaction between DNA binding domain of protein FOXO4 with two canonical DNA sequences and further clarifying the role of the 14-3-3 protein in the regulation of activity of protein FOXO4. FOXO transcription factors are potent activators of the transcription of genes, which affect a variety of cellular processes. FOXO4 protein belongs to the family of forkhead transcription factor, which is a group of several tens of proteins, whose common feature is a highly conserved DNA- binding domain. Summary of the DNA binding specificity of these proteins, namely what precisely determines the small differences in the binding properties of individual forkhead proteins, despite the large amount of available structural data remains still unclear. Therefore, detailed characterization of...

Mechanismus regulace funkce fosducinu / The mechanism of the regulation of phosducin function

Kacířová, Miroslava January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on 30 kDa protein phosducin (Pdc) and on the regulation of its function through the interaction with 28 kDa adaptor protein 14-3-3. These two proteins participate in G-protein signal transduction pathways, especially in the process of light signal transduction. It is assumed that Pdc binds to the Gtβγ complex of G-protein called transducin and through this interaction it inhibits the reassociation of Gtβγ with Gtα thus reducing the visual signal transfer. This process is thought to participate in a long- term light adaptation. The regulation of Pdc function is further regulated by its phosphorylation and subsequent binding to the 14-3-3 protein. It has been speculated that the 14-3-3 binding plays a key role in the inhibition of the interaction between phosphorylated Pdc (Pdc-PP) and Gtβγ. The formation of the 14-3-3/Pdc-PP complex leads to the reassociation of Gtβγ with Gtα and consequently to the amplification of visual signal transfer. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which the 14-3-3 protein binding inhibits the interaction between Pdc and Gtβγ remains elusive. The main aims of this dissertation were: (i) to investigate the structure of Pdc in its apo-state (in the absence of the binding partner) and in the complex with 14-3-3, and (ii) to suggest the mechanism of the...

Úloha protein-proteinových interakcí v regulaci signálních proteinů a enzymů / Role of protein-protein interactions in regulation of signalling proteins and enzymes

Košek, Dalibor January 2015 (has links)
EN Protein-protein interactions have an exceptional position among other mechanisms in the regulation of signal transduction. Their systematic investigation is very important and logical step in the process of understanding to the transduction and its mechanisms at a molecular level. During my Ph.D. I was particularly interested in three important processes. ASK1 kinase is well-known initiator of the apoptosis. Under physiological conditions it is maintained in an inactive state by its two interaction partners the 14-3-3 protein and TRX1. These two proteins dissociate in the presence of reactive oxygen species by unclear mechanism and the kinase is therefore activated. The next process is an interaction between the 14-3-3 protein and phosducin and investigation of their role in the G protein signalling especially important in the biochemistry of vision. The third process is an activation of protein Nth1 through the interaction with Bmh1, yeast analog of the 14-3-3 protein, and calcium cations. I employed various biophysical method, particularly analytical ultracentrifugation, in order to explain molecular mechanisms of described processes. These techniques were used to solve the low-resolution structures of complexes TRX1 and the 14-3-3 protein with corresponding binding domains of ASK1. These...

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