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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of Columnar Reinforced Ground during Seismic Excitation

Kamalzare, Soheil 31 January 2017 (has links)
Deep soil mixing to construct stiff columns is one of the methods used today to improve performance of loose ground and remediate liquefaction problems. This research adopts a numerical approach to study seismic performance of soil-cement columnar reinforcements in loose sandy profiles. Different constitutive models were investigated in order to find a model that can properly predict soil behavior during seismic excitations. These models included NorSand, Dafalias-Manzari, Plasticity Model for Sands (PM4Sand) and Pressure-Dependent-Multi-Yield-02 (PDMY02) model. They were employed to predict behavior of soils with different relative densities and under different confining pressures during monotonic and cyclic loading. PDMY02 was identified as the most suitable model to represent soil seismic behavior for the system studied herein. The numerical aspects of the finite element approach were investigated to minimize the unintended numerical miscalculations. The focus was put on convergence tolerance, solver time-step, constraint definition, and, integration, material and Rayleigh damping. This resulted in forming a robust numerical configuration for 3-D nonlinear models that were later used for studying behavior of the reinforced grounds. Nonlinear finite element models were developed to capture the seismic response of columnar reinforced ground during dynamic centrifuge testing. The models were calibrated with results from tests with unreinforced profiles. Thereafter, they were implemented to predict the response of two reinforced profiles during seismic excitations with different intensities and liquefaction triggering. Model predictions were compared with recordings and the possible effects from the reinforcements were discussed. Finally, parametric studies were performed to further evaluate the efficiency of the reinforcements with different extension depths and area replacement ratios. The results collectively showed that the stiff elements, if constructed appropriately, can withstand seismic excitations with different intensities, and provide a firm base for overlying structures. However, the presence of the stiff elements within the loose ground resulted in stronger seismic intensities on the soil surface. The columns were not able to considerably reduce pore water pressure generation, nor prevent liquefaction triggering. The reinforced profiles, comparing to the free-field profiles, had larger settlements on the soil surface but smaller settlements on the columns. The results concluded that utilization of the columnar reinforcements requires great attention as these reinforcements may result in larger seismic intensities at the ground surface, while not considerably reducing the ground deformations. / Ph. D. / The mitigation of seismic damage potential of soft soil sites remains one of the leading challenges in geotechnical earthquake engineering. It is well-established that structures located on these sites generally experience more damage due to excessive ground deformation during earthquakes. Ground reinforcements are often required to improve these sites for support of overlying structures. A remediating approach is to construct stiff columns within these sites by mechanically mixing soil with cementitious materials. Cemented soil has higher strength, and thereby, undergoes less deformations. Moreover, stiff columns can provide resistance against movement of their surrounding soil providing a firm base for possible above foundations. The primary focus of this research is to evaluate the effect of stiff column reinforcements on seismic behavior of loose ground. For this purpose, a numerical model was developed for the reinforced ground, and it was validated with results from experiments. The model was then used to study the performance of the reinforced ground during earthquake excitations with different intensities. The observed behavior was discussed and compared with findings from previous studies in literature. Finally, the numerical model was employed to evaluate efficiency of the reinforcements with different extension depths and occupied area. The results collectively showed that stiff columns, if constructed appropriately, can withstand different shaking levels, and provide a firm support for overlying structures. However, they were not efficient in reducing deformation of the surrounding soils. The presence of the stiff elements within the loose ground resulted in stronger seismic intensities on the soil surface. The study concluded that utilization of stiff columns requires great attention and understanding of the reinforcing mechanism. These columns might increase seismic intensity below foundations, while not considerably reducing the ground deformations.

Dreidimensionale Orientierung anhand vereinfachter Repräsentationen von Routen und Räumen / Verhaltensversuche an der Wüstenameise Cataglyphis fortis

Grah, Gunnar 09 October 2007 (has links)
Wüstenameisen (Cataglyphis fortis) orientieren sich mittels Wegintegration sowie, in visuell abwechslungsreichem Gelände, anhand von Landmarken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden in Verhaltensexperimenten die Orientierungsmechanismen von C. fortis im Kontext dreidimensionaler Routen untersucht. 1. Wüstenameisen sind in der Lage, Steigungen und Gefälle eines dreidimensionalen Laufs mit den korrespondierenden Grunddistanzen in ihren Heimvektor zu integrieren. Hierdurch bleibt eine zweidimensionale Wegintegration selbst in hügeligem Gelände akkurat. 2. Entlang bekannter Routen werden Eigenschaften eines Aufstiegs wie Winkel und Länge gespeichert. Wenn Auf- und Abstiege nur auf dem Hinweg zu einer Futterquelle auftreten, werden sie trotzdem auch auf dem Rückweg akzeptiert. 3. Erfolgreiche Aufstiege führen zu einer neu erlernten, generellen Akzeptanz von Rampen, selbst wenn ihr Auftreten inkongruent mit dem aktuell erlernten Lauf ist. 4. Haben Wüstenameisen im Test die Wahl zwischen einem Auf- bzw. Abstieg und einem horizontalen Kanal, entscheiden sie sich häufiger für die Rampen und legen auf ihnen größere Distanzen zurück, wenn auch das vorherige Training geneigte Streckenabschnitte besaß. Dies gilt auch, wenn die Kombination eines Auf- und Abstiegs im Training einen horizontalen Vektor zur Folge hatte. Die Reihenfolge von Auf- und Abstiegen wird jedoch nicht gespeichert, ebenso wenig die Distanz einer Rampe von Nest und Futterstelle. 5. Erzwungene vertikale Ablenkungen im Lauf einer Ameise werden nicht kompensiert. Der Heimvektor besitzt demnach keine vertikale Komponente, sondern funktioniert auf Basis der Korrektur geneigter Wegstrecken zu ihren entsprechenden Grunddistanzen. Cataglyphis fortis verfügt demnach nicht über eine tatsächlich dreidimensionale Repräsentation ihrer Routen. Stattdessen ermöglicht ihr wahrscheinlich das Zusammenspiel einer Reihe einfacherer Navigationsmechanismen eine genaue Orientierung auch in hügeligem Terrain. / Desert ants (Cataglyphis fortis) orientate by means of path integration, and the use of landmarks, if available. In this thesis, behavioural experiments were conducted to elucidate C. fortis’ orientation mechanisms in the context of three-dimensional routes. 1 Along a three-dimensional route, desert ants are able to incorporate the ground distances of slopes into their home vector. Thus, two-dimensional path integration remains accurate also in hilly terrain. 2 Along familiar routes, ants store and recall a slope’s properties such as inclination and length. Even if ascents and descents only occur on the outbound trip, they are also accepted on the homebound run nevertheless. 3 Successful ascents result in a newly learnt, general acceptance of ramps, even if their occurrence is incongruent with a currently learnt route. 4 Given that desert ants can choose between a horizontal continuation of a channel and a ramp, they decide more often to walk on ramps if earlier training included sloped path segments, and continue to walk on them for greater distances. This is also the case if a combination of an ascent and descent results in a horizontal home vector during training. Neither their sequence nor the distance of a ramp from nest and feeder is stored and subsequently recalled. 5 Forced vertical detours in an ant’s run are not compensated for. The home vector consequently possesses no vertical component, and instead is functional due to the correction of sloped path segments to their respective ground distances. In summary, three-dimensional orientation in C. fortis is carried out by the combination of several mechanisms, namely (1) a global vector that corresponds to a plane projection of a route in the horizontal plane; (2) behavioural rules that are generally learnt; and (3) the storing and recollection of specific information along familiar routes.

Diseño y síntesis de una quimioteca de sistemas 5,6-dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidin-7(8H)-ona no sustituidos en C4 como inhibidores potenciales de tirosina quinasas

Berzosa Rodríguez, Xavier 18 June 2010 (has links)
Les Tirosina Cinases (TKs) són un grup de Proteïna Cinases claus en la senyalització cel·lular. Aquestes Cinases estan implicades, entre d'altres, en processos de creixement tumoral, fet que fa que la recerca d'inhibidors de TKs sigui una àrea d'investigació molt important en química mèdica.En aquest context es desenvolupa el present treball en el qual es pretenen sintetitzar inhibidors potencials de Tirosina Cinases amb estructura 4-hidrogenpirido[2,3-d]pirimidínica. Molècules amb aquesta estructura han presentat elevada activitat com inhibidors de TKs pel que en primer lloc s'aborda la síntesis de la 6-(2,6-diclorofenil)-2-(4-(2-(dietilamino)etoxi)fenilamino)-8-metil-5,6-dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidin-7(8H)-ona. Aquest compost és anàleg a una de les estructures piridopirimidíniques que ha presentat millors resultats d'activitat inhibidora de TKs. D'altra banda, es desenvolupa un nou procediment per a l'obtenció de sistemes 5,6 dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidínics 4-hidrogen substituïts basat en una addició de Michael inusual. S'utilitza com metilè actiu el 3,3-dimetoxipropionitril, no utilitzat prèviament en addicions d'aquest tipus. L'esmenta't nitril, per addició sobre un acrilat de metil 2-aril substituït rendeix èsters 4-cianopentanoics o 4-cianopentenoics en funció de la temperatura de reacció. La posterior reacció d'aquests adductes de Michael amb guanidines desemboca en els sistemes 6 aril-5,6 dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidínics 4-hidrogen substituïts desitjats. Aprofitant l'experiència obtinguda amb el 3,3-dimetoxipropionitril es desenvolupa un procediment d'obtenció de pentanodioats substituïts per addició de Michael de 3,3 dimetoxipropionat de metil sobre èsters -insaturats. La posterior reacció d'aquests pentanodioats amb guanidina rendeix 3-(2-amino-1,6-dihidro-6-oxo-pirimidin-5-il)propanoats de metil que poden ser considerats com anàlegs de cadena oberta dels sistemes pirido[2,3-d]pirimídinics. / Las Tirosina Quinasas (TKs) son un grupo de Proteína Quinasas claves en la señalización celular. Dichas quinasas están implicadas, entre otros, en procesos de crecimiento tumoral, por lo que la búsqueda de inhibidores de TKs es un área de investigación muy importante en química médica.En este contexto se desarrolla el presente trabajo en el que se pretenden sintetizar inhibidores potenciales de Tirosina Quinasas con estructura 4-hidrógenopirido[2,3-d]pirimidínica. Moléculas con dicha estructura han presentado elevada actividad como inhibidores de TKs por lo que en primer lugar se aborda la síntesis de la 6-(2,6-diclorofenil)-2-(4-(2-(dietilamino)etoxi)fenilamino)-8-metil-5,6-dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidin-7(8H)-ona. Dicho compuesto es análogo a una de las estructuras piridopirimidínicas que ha presentado mejores resultados de actividad inhibidora de TKs.Por otro lado se desarrolla un nuevo procedimiento para la obtención de sistemas 5,6 dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidínicos 4-hidrógeno sustituidos basado en una adición de Michael inusual. Se utiliza como metileno activo el 3,3-dimetoxipropionitrilo, no usado previamente en adiciones de este tipo. Dicho nitrilo, por adición sobre un acrilato de metilo 2-aril sustituido rinde ésteres 4-cianopentanoicos o 4-cianopentenoicos en función de la temperatura de reacción. La posterior reacción de estos aductos de Michael con guanidinas desemboca en los sistemas 6 aril-5,6 dihidropirido[2,3-d]pirimidínicos 4-hidrógeno sustituidos deseados.Aprovechando la experiencia obtenida con el 3,3-dimetoxipropionitrilo se desarrolla un procedimiento de obtención de pentanodioatos sustituidos por adición de Michael de 3,3 dimetoxipropionato de metilo sobre ésteres -insaturados. La posterior reacción de dichos pentanodioatos con guanidina rinde 3-(2-amino-1,6-dihidro-6-oxo-pirimidin-5-il)propanoatos de metilo que pueden ser considerados como análogos de cadena abierta de los sistemas pirido[2,3-d]pirimidínicos. / Tyrosine Kinases (TKs) are a group of Protein Kinases key in cell signaling. These kinases are involved in tumor growth processes, so the search for TK inhibitors is a very important research area in medicinal chemistry. Present work is developed in this context, so the aim of the work is to synthesize potential inhibitors of TKs with a 4-unsubstituted pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidinic structure. Molecules with this structure have presented high activity as TKs inhibitors. Therefore the synthesis of 6-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-2-(4-(2-(diethylamino)ethoxy)phenylamino)-8-methyl-5,6-dihydropyrido[2,3-d] pyrimidin-7(8H)-one is addressed. This is an analogous compound to a one of the most active pyridopyrimidine systems described as TK inhibitors. On the other hand, a new procedure for obtaining 4-unsubstituted 5,6 dihydropyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidinic systems is described. Such process is based on an unusual addition in which 3,3 dimethoxypropanenitrile is used as an active methylene compound. This compound had not previously been used in this kind of additions. The reaction of this nitrile with methyl 2-arylacrylates yields 4-cyanopentanoic esters or 4-cyanopentenoic esters depending on the reaction temperature. The subsequent reaction of these Michael adducts with guanidines leads to desired 4-unsubstituted 6-aryl-5,6-dihydropyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine systems. Using the experience obtained with 3,3-dimethoxypropionitrile a procedure for obtaining new substituted alkyl pentanedioates by Michael addition of methyl 3,3 dimethoxypropionate on -unsaturated esters has been developed. The subsequent reaction with guanidine yields methyl 3-(2-amino-1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-pyrimidin-5-yl)propanoates that can be considered as open-chain analogues of pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines.

Analyse probabiliste des relations spatiales entre les gisements aurifères et les structures crustales : développement méthodologie et applications à L'YENISSEI RIDGE (RUSSIE)

Sterligov, Boris 15 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les progrès récents en sciences de la terre font de plus en plus de données multidisciplinaires disponibles pour l'exploration minière. Cela a permis le développement de méthodologies de calculer la prédictivité pour les zones aurifères basée sur des analyses statistiques des différents paramètres. L'utilisation de nouveaux logiciels développés, la distribution spatiale et la topologie des polygones (e.g. intrusions granitiques) et des polylignes (e.g. zones de cisaillement) sont contrôlées par les paramètres définis par les utilisateurs (par exemple, la densité, la longueur, la surface, etc.). La distance des gisement d'or par rapport à polygones ou polylignes est calculée en utilisant une fonction de probabilité distribution. Les analyses statistiques des résultats de la modélisation montrent que i) les valeurs de la moyenne à la surface relative des polygones, la moyenne de longueur relative de polylignes, le nombre d'objets et leur regroupement sont essentiels à des évaluations statistiques ; ii) tester la validité des différents méthodes d'inversion dépend de l'importance relative sur la corrélation entre les paramètres utilisés; et iii) la robustesse des points d'intérêt de distribution est de déduire des lois à l'égard de la qualité des données d'entrée. Cette approche a été appliquée aux données géologiques et géophysiques de l'Yenissei Ridge d'une surface totale de 75730 km2 pour cartographer la prédictivité de 29 nouvelles zones aurifères correspondant à une surface de 1811 km2. La méthode développée dans cette étude permet de réduire jusqu'à quatre fois de la superficie considérée comme des zones aurifères par des études précédentes. Pour la construction la plus précise des zones aurifères un modèle 3D de densité de l'Yenissei Ridge a été construit. Ce modèle est basé sur les données de surface, gravimetriques et aéromagnétiques (grilles numérique de 1x1km2), profils sismiques et magnétotelluriques de "Batholite" et "Shpate". Ce modèle 3D de densité montre que: a) l'Yenissei Ridge a une structure de couverture pliée, résultant d'un événement de la collision néoprotérozoïque ; b) γNPta granites Tatarsky-Ayhta et zones de cisaillement sont des seuls objets qui présente des relations spatiales avec la minéralisation aurifère.

Numérisation 3D de visages par une approche de super-résolution spatio-temporelle non-rigide

Ouji, Karima 28 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La mesure de la forme 3D du visage est une problématique qui attire de plus en plus de chercheurs et qui trouve son application dans des domaines divers tels que la biométrie, l'animation et la chirurgie faciale. Les solutions actuelles sont souvent basées sur des systèmes projecteur/caméra et utilisent de la lumière structurée pour compenser l'insuffisance de la texture faciale. L'information 3D est ensuite calculée en décodant la distorsion des patrons projetés sur le visage. Une des techniques les plus utilisées de la lumière structurée est la codification sinusoïdale par décalage de phase qui permet une numérisation 3D de résolution pixélique. Cette technique exige une étape de déroulement de phase, sensible à l'éclairage ambiant surtout quand le nombre de patrons projetés est limité. En plus, la projection de plusieurs patrons impacte le délai de numérisation et peut générer des artefacts surtout pour la capture d'un visage en mouvement. Une alternative aux approches projecteur-caméra consiste à estimer l'information 3D par appariement stéréo suivi par une triangulation optique. Cependant, le modèle calculé par cette technique est généralement non-dense et manque de précision. Des travaux récents proposent la super-résolution pour densifier et débruiter les images de profondeur. La super-résolution a été particulièrement proposée pour les caméras 3D TOF (Time-Of-Flight) qui fournissent des scans 3D très bruités. Ce travail de thèse propose une solution de numérisation 3D à faible coût avec un schéma de super-résolution spatio-temporelle. Elle utilise un système multi-caméra étalonné assisté par une source de projection non-étalonnée. Elle est particulièrement adaptée à la reconstruction 3D de visages, i.e. rapide et mobile. La solution proposée est une approche hybride qui associe la stéréovision et la codification sinusoïdale par décalage de phase, et qui non seulement profite de leurs avantages mais qui surmonte leurs faiblesses. Le schéma de la super-résolution proposé permet de corriger l'information 3D, de compléter la vue scannée du visage en traitant son aspect déformable.

Numérisation 3D de visages par une approche de super-résolution spatio-temporelle non-rigide

Ouji, Karima 28 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La mesure de la forme 3D du visage est une problématique qui attire de plus en plus de chercheurs et qui trouve son application dans des domaines divers tels que la biométrie, l'animation et la chirurgie faciale. Les solutions actuelles sont souvent basées sur des systèmes projecteur/caméra et utilisent de la lumière structurée pour compenser l'insuffisance de la texture faciale. L'information 3D est ensuite calculée en décodant la distorsion des patrons projetés sur le visage. Une des techniques les plus utilisées de la lumière structurée est la codification sinusoïdale par décalage de phase qui permet une numérisation 3D de résolution pixélique. Cette technique exige une étape de déroulement de phase, sensible à l'éclairage ambiant surtout quand le nombre de patrons projetés est limité. En plus, la projection de plusieurs patrons impacte le délai de numérisation et peut générer des artefacts surtout pour la capture d'un visage en mouvement. Une alternative aux approches projecteur-caméra consiste à estimer l'information 3D par appariement stéréo suivi par une triangulation optique. Cependant, le modèle calculé par cette technique est généralement non-dense et manque de précision. Des travaux récents proposent la super-résolution pour densifier et débruiter les images de profondeur. La super-résolution a été particulièrement proposée pour les caméras 3D TOF (Time-Of-Flight) qui fournissent des scans 3D très bruités. Ce travail de thèse propose une solution de numérisation 3D à faible coût avec un schéma de super-résolution spatio-temporelle. Elle utilise un système multi-caméra étalonné assisté par une source de projection non-étalonnée. Elle est particulièrement adaptée à la reconstruction 3D de visages, i.e. rapide et mobile. La solution proposée est une approche hybride qui associe la stéréovision et la codification sinusoïdale par décalage de phase, et qui non seulement profite de leurs avantages mais qui surmonte leurs faiblesses. Le schéma de la super-résolution proposé permet de corriger l'information 3D, de compléter la vue scannée du visage en traitant son aspect déformable.

Development of virtual reality tools for arthroscopic surgery training

Yaacoub, Fadi 12 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La chirurgie arthroscopique présente actuellement un essor très important pour le bénéfice du plus grand nombre des patients. Cependant, cette technique possède un certain nombre d'inconvénients et il est donc nécessaire pour le médecin de s'entrainer et répéter ses gestes afin de pouvoir exécuter ce type d'opération d'une façon efficace et certaine. En effet, les méthodes traditionnelles d'enseignement de la chirurgie sont basées sur l'autopsie des cadavres et l'entrainement sur des animaux. Avec l'évolution de notre société, ces deux pratiques deviennent de plus en plus critiquées et font l'objet de réglementations très restrictives. Afin d'atteindre un niveau plus élevé, de nouveaux moyens d'apprentissage sont nécessaires pour les chirurgiens. Récemment, la réalité virtuelle commence d'être de plus en plus utilisée dans la médecine et surtout la chirurgie. Les simulateurs chirurgicaux sont devenus une des matières les plus récentes dans la recherche de la réalité virtuelle. Ils sont également devenus une méthode de formation et un outil d'entrainement valable pour les chirurgiens aussi bien que les étudiants en médecine. Dans ce travail, un simulateur de réalité virtuelle pour l'enseignement de la chirurgie arthroscopique, surtout la chirurgie du poignet, a été préesenté. Deux questions principales sont abordées : la reconstruction et l'interaction 3-D. Une séquence d'images CT a été traitée afin de générer un modèle 3-D du poignet. Les deux principales composantes de l'interface du système sont illustrées : l'interaction 3-D pour guider les instruments chirurgicaux et l'interface de l'utilisateur pour le retour d'effort. Dans ce contexte, les algorithmes qui modélisent les objets en utilisant les approches de "Convex Hull" et qui simulent la détection de collision entre les objets virtuels en temps réel, sont présentés. En outre, un dispositif de retour d'effort est utilisé comme une interface haptique avec le système. Cela conduit au développement d'un système à faible coût, avec les mêmes avantages que les appareils professionnels. A cet égard, l'arthroscopie du poignet peut être simulée et les étudiants en médecine peuvent facilement utiliser le système et peuvent apprendre les compétences de base requises en sécurité, flexibilité et moindre coût

A novel low-temperature growth method of silicon structures and application in flash memory

Mih, Thomas Attia January 2011 (has links)
Flash memories are solid-state non-volatile memories. They play a vital role especially in information storage in a wide range of consumer electronic devices and applications including smart phones, digital cameras, laptop computers, and satellite navigators. The demand for high density flash has surged as a result of the proliferation of these consumer electronic portable gadgets and the more features they offer – wireless internet, touch screen, video capabilities. The increase in the density of flash memory devices over the years has come as a result of continuous memory cell-size reduction. This size scaling is however approaching a dead end and it is widely agreed that further reduction beyond the 20 nm technological node is going to be very difficult, as it would result to challenges such as cross-talk or cell-to-cell interference, a high statistical variation in the number of stored electrons in the floating gate and high leakage currents due to thinner tunnel oxides. Because of these challenges a wide range of solutions in form of materials and device architectures are being investigated. Among them is three-dimensional (3-D) flash, which is widely acclaimed as the ideal solution, as they promise the integration of long-time retention and ultra-high density cells without compromising device reliability. However, current high temperature (>600 °C) growth techniques of the Polycrystalline silicon floating gate material are incompatible with 3-D flash memory; with vertically stacked memory layers, which require process temperatures to be ≤ 400 °C. There already exist some low temperature techniques for producing polycrystalline silicon such as laser annealing, solid-phase crystallization of amorphous silicon and metal-induced crystallization. However, these have some short-comings which make them not suitable for use in 3-D flash memory, e.g. the high furnace annealing temperatures (700 °C) in solid-phase crystallization of amorphous silicon which could potentially damage underlying memory layers in 3-D flash, and the metal contaminants in metal-induced crystallization which is a potential source of high leakage currents. There is therefore a need for alternative low temperature techniques that would be most suitable for flash memory purposes. With reference to the above, the main objective of this research was to develop a novel low temperature method for growing silicon structures at ≤ 400 °C. This thesis thus describes the development of a low-temperature method for polycrystalline silicon growth and the application of the technique in a capacitor-like flash memory device. It has been demonstrated that silicon structures with polycrystalline silicon-like properties can be grown at ≤ 400 °C in a 13.56 MHz radio frequency (RF) plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) reactor with the aid of Nickel Formate Dihydrate (NFD). It is also shown that the NFD coated on the substrates, thermally decomposes in-situ during the deposition process forming Ni particles that act as nucleation and growth sites of polycrystalline silicon. Silicon films grown by this technique and without annealing, have exhibited optical band gaps of ~ 1.2 eV compared to 1.78 eV for films grown under identical conditions but without the substrate being coated. These values were determined from UV-Vis spectroscopy and Tauc plots. These optical band gaps correspond to polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon respectively, meaning that the films grown on NFD-coated substrates are polycrystalline silicon while those grown on uncoated substrates remain amorphous. Moreover, this novel technique has been used to fabricate a capacitor-like flash memory that has exhibited hysteresis width corresponding to charge storage density in the order of 1012 cm-2 with a retention time well above 20 days for a device with silicon films grown at 300 °C. Films grown on uncoated films have not exhibit any significant hysteresis, and thus no flash memory-like behaviour. Given that all process temperatures throughout the fabrication of the devices are less than 400 °C and that no annealing of any sort was done on the material and devices, this growth method is thermal budget efficient and meets the crucial process temperature requirements of 3-D flash memory. Furthermore, the technique is glass compatible, which could prove a major step towards the acquisition of flash memory-integrated systems on glass, as well as other applications requiring low temperature polycrystalline silicon.

The importance of identifying particular strengths : spatial ability in pupils who are at risk of not learning to read

Burgoyne, Christine Anne January 2010 (has links)
Recent studies have shown that there may be evidence that children with reading difficulties have particular compensatory spatial ability, although the exact spatial ability has not been identified. This study used qualitative and quantitative methods to examine closely two spatial abilities, spatial visualisation (mental rotation from memory) and visual realism (three-dimensional drawing and construction ability) in students with reading problems and students with no problems. The aim was also to explore the question of whether students with spatial ability and reading problems were encouraged to use these strengths either in or out of school and whether such abilities could be identified in the early years environment. Equally, the question of motivational failure related to possible unrecognised potential, particularly in the area of non-verbal/spatial ability was also examined. This study used longitudinal case studies with five children and their mothers over a period of ten years. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using a grounded theory approach. Researcher observations as the teacher of the five children in their primary years provided additional evidence of their reading and spatial abilities at an early age. In addition, the study uses a Further Education College survey that examines spatial ability and reading problems in 133 post-16 year olds that provides the quantitative element of the study providing evidence about students with spatial abilities and their career choices. The data analysis revealed that the five case studies had largely overcome their reading problems due to early intervention strategies for reading together with encouragement and support outside school for their spatial abilities. Additionally, they have pursued careers, which for the most part, uses their spatial skills. The data analysis of the College survey showed that the link between spatial ability and reading problems was less secure, although there were a number of students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) who had high spatial abilities and this proved to be important from the point of view of identifying strengths alongside weakness in literacy, particularly in the early years at school. Early identification and acknowledgement of spatial ability as a perceived strength and used to support learning, as opposed to identification of reading problems, a perceived deficit, proved to be a key finding of the research.

Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity fluids

Van Tonder, Petrus Jacobus Malan 07 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology) --Vaal University of Technology / Opening up local markets for worldwide competition has led to the fundamental change in the development of new products. In order for the manufacturers to stay globally competitive, they should be able to attain and sustain themselves as ‘World Class Manufacturers’. These ‘World Class Manufacturers’ should be able to:  Deliver products in fulfilling the total satisfaction of customers.  Provide high quality products.  Offer short delivery time.  Charge reasonable cost.  Comply with all environmental concern and safety requirements. When a design is created for a new product there is great uncertainty as to whether the new design will actually do what it is desired for. New designs often have unexpected problems, hence prototypes are part of the designing process. The prototype enables the engineers and designers to explore design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to standing production of new products. Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies enable the manufacturers to produce prototypes and products which meet the requirements mentioned above. However the disadvantage of AM technologies, is that the printing material which is required is limited to that of the supplier. When uncommon printing materials must be used to manufacture a prototype or product, the 3D printing process stood out above the rest owing to its printing method. However the printing heads used in current commercially available 3D printers are limited to specific fluid properties, which limits new and unique powder binder combinations. Owing to the problem mentioned, the need arose to develop a more ‘rugged’ printing head (RPH) which will be able to print with different fluid properties. The RPH could then be used to print using unique and new powderbinder combinations. The RPH was designed and constructed using the solenoid inkjet technology as reference. In order to determine the effect which the fluid properties have on the droplet formation, fourteen different glycerol-water test solutions were prepared. The fluid properties were different for each of the glycerol-water solutions. The fluid properties included the viscosity, density and surface tension of the solution. The control parameters of the RPH were theoretically calculated for each of the glycerol-water solutions and nozzle orifice diameter sizes. The control parameters of the RPH included the critical pressure and time. Using an experimental setup, droplets ejected from the RPH could be photographed in order to be analysed. It was determined that the theoretically calculated critical times could not be used in the RPH, as the pulse widths were much lower than the recommended minimum valve pulse width of the solenoid valve used. The control parameters were then determined practically for each of the different glycerol-water solutions as well as for each nozzle orifice diameter size. The practically determined control parameters were also compared to that of the theoretically determined parameters. A mathematical model was formulated for each of the practically determined critical pressure and time parameters. Non-glycerol-water solutions were also prepared in order to determine whether the control parameters could be calculated using the practically determined mathematical models. It was found that the practically determined mathematical models, used to calculate the control parameters, could not be used with non-glycerol-water solutions. Using the practically determined mathematical models, the drop formation process of the non-glycerol-water solutions was not optimized and satellite droplets occurred. Although the practically determined models did not work for non-glycerol-water solutions, the methods used to determine the control parameters for the glycerol-water solutions could still be used to determine the practical critical pressure and time for Newtonian solutions.

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