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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la cristallographie sur les premiers stades de l'oxydation des aciers austénitiques 316 L / Crystallographic effects on the early stages of 316L austenitic stainless steel oxidation

Soulas, Romain 26 October 2012 (has links)
Les conduites primaires des centrales nucléaires REP (304L et 316L) sont protégées contre la corrosion par une couche d'oxyde. Ces conduites, qui forment une barrière entre le milieu primaire et l'extérieur, subissent des phénomènes liés à la corrosion sous contrainte (assisté ou non par irradiation) pouvant entrainer des dommages. L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre les phénomènes régissant les stades initiaux de formation des couches d'oxydes sur ces alliages en tenant compte de l'orientation cristallographique des grains sous-jacents. En utilisant des techniques de caractérisation avancées comme GIXRD, spectroscopie Raman, XPS, MEB et MET (BF, HRTEM, Astar, EELS et HREELS), sur les toutes premières étapes de l'oxydation, une séquence d'oxydation a été proposée pour l'alliage 316L. / PWR primary pipes (304L & 316L) are protected against corrosion by an oxide layer. Pipes, which are forming a barrier between the PWR environment and outside, undergo stress corrosion cracking phenomena (assisted or not by irradiation) which can lead to damages. The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomena governing the first steps of the oxide layers formation on these alloys by taking acount the cristallographic orientation of the underlying grains. Using advanced caracterisations methods as GIXRD, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, SEM, TEM (BF, HRTEM, Astar, EELS and HREELS, on the very beginning of the oxidation, an oxidation process have been proposed for 316L alloy.

Solidification Defects In Light Alloy Castings And Solid Freeform Fabricated Stainless Steel Deposits

Lett, Ratessiea Lee 11 May 2013 (has links)
In the production of parts for direct industrial application and for developing research purposes, it is of utmost importance to understand the defects associated with the material system. In this work, the microstructural and mechanical properties of 316L Stainless Steel deposits and cast Aluminum A356 and Magnesium AZ91 alloys are investigated. The study first examines the design of efficient gating systems utilizing the Electromagnetic Pump Green Sand system to produce vertically cast A356 plates. A series of numerical simulations were developed for each of the four gating designs in order to compare modeling results with actual castings. The method of four-point bend (FPB) testing was used to obtain information about the effect of oxide entrainment on the mechanical properties of the parts, and from this data, a two-parameter Weibull statistical analysis was performed in order to quantify specimen failure rate for each of the configurations. Metallographic analysis was carried out using optical microscopy, and fractography using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In keeping with light alloys focus, the determination of superior casting processes for AZ91 alloys is also studied. Passenger car control arms were cast by Indirect Squeeze Cast, Low Pressure Permanent Mold, T-Mag, and Ablation processes. The microstructure, grain size, porosity distribution, and defect analyses were obtained with optical microscopy and the ImageAnalyzer program. The mechanical behavior was characterized from the FPB and tensile tests. The four casting processes were evaluated in terms of reliability again using a Weibull analysis of the ultimate bending strength determined from the FPB test samples. Metallographic analysis was performed on these samples, revealing noticeable microstructural differences between them, with some even showing possible evidence of oxide films. Lastly, the study of process parameters such as beam and laser current, translation speed, and wire feed and deposition rate associated with 316L stainless steel deposits produced by both Laser Engineered Net Shaping and Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication becomes the research objective. Tensile tests, optical microscopy, and SEM were used to determine mechanical properties, characterize solidification grain structure, porosity, secondary dendrite arm spacing, and possible modes of failure.

Development of the linear friction welding process

Bhamji, Imran Mahmed January 2012 (has links)
The linear friction welding process is currently commercially used solely to produce titanium alloy aeroengine bladed disks (blisks). The process can, however, be potentially used to produce welds in non-aeroengine materials for non-aeroengine applications. The aim of this thesis was therefore to demonstrate the capabilities of the process to join materials not commonly used in the aeroengine industry and to develop understanding of the process. The focus of this thesis has been on the linear friction welding of 316L stainless steel and the linear friction welding of dissimilar materials: aluminium to copper, aluminium to magnesium and aluminium to steel. For all of these studies it was seen that weld line and near weld line microstructure could be altered by the use of different welding parameters. This property of linear friction welding was used to advantage to optimise microstructures in dissimilar welds. Intermetallic formation is usually a major challenge to the achievement of welds with good mechanical properties, and for work in this thesis welding parameters were optimised to allow welds with limited intermetallic formation. The welding of 316L and the dissimilar welding of aluminium to copper proved viable. For the welding of 316L and aluminium to copper, fracture during tensile testing occurred in the parent material (aluminium parent material for aluminium to copper). The welding of aluminium to magnesium and aluminium to steel showed promising results, with weld strength comparable to the aluminium parent material for aluminium to steel and comparable to the parent materials in O temper for aluminium to magnesium. However, repeatability of mechanical properties was poor for these dissimilar welds, which would be a significant barrier to commercial exploitation. Further work needs to be conducted to improve repeatability. Weld microstructures were characterised using optical and scanning electron microscopy as well as electron backscatter diffraction and X-ray diffraction techniques.

"Caracterização do comportamento frente à corrosão de um aço inoxidável austenítico para aplicações biomédicas com revestimentos PVD de TiN, TiCN e DLC" / CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF AN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS COATED WITH TiN, TiCN AND DLC PVD COATINGS

Antunes, Renato Altobelli 15 December 2006 (has links)
Biomateriais metálicos devem apresentar uma combinação de propriedades como resistência à corrosão, biocompatibilidade e resistência mecânica. Os aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, especialmente do tipo AISI 316L, aliam estas propriedades com a possibilidade de fabricação a um baixo custo. No entanto, são susceptíveis à corrosão nos fluidos fisiológicos e seus produtos de corrosão podem causar reações alérgicas ou infecciosas nos tecidos vizinhos ao implante. No presente trabalho, a aplicação de revestimentos obtidos por processos de deposição física de vapor (PVD) sobre um aço inoxidável austenítico do tipo AISI 316L foi realizada a fim de aumentar sua resistência à corrosão e biocompatibilidade. Os filmes depositados foram de nitreto de titânio (TiN), carbonitreto de titânio (TiCN) e de carbono tipo diamante (DLC). Estes materiais têm alta dureza e resistência ao desgaste, além de biocompatibilidade intrínseca, características altamente desejáveis para aplicações biomédicas. A caracterização do comportamento eletroquímico do aço com os três tipos de revestimentos mostrou que a presença de defeitos na superfície das camadas depositadas exerce uma influência negativa sobre a resistência à corrosão do substrato. A presença dos defeitos foi evidenciada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi proposto um mecanismo, com base nos dados obtidos por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para explicar a evolução do comportamento eletroquímico do aço com os diferentes revestimentos ao longo do tempo de imersão. Foram também empregados dois tratamentos de passivação da superfície do aço em soluções de ácido sulfúrico e ácido nítrico, a fim de aumentar a resistência à corrosão do substrato. Os resultados indicaram que os tratamentos utilizados não foram eficientes para melhorar esta característica, mas podem ser modificados visando um desempenho superior. As propriedades eletrônicas dos filmes passivos formados, tanto sobre o aço sem tratamento de passivação como sobre o aço passivado, foram estudadas utilizando a abordagem de Mott-Schottky. Os filmes apresentaram um caráter duplex, mostrando comportamento de um semicondutor altamente dopado acima e abaixo do potencial de banda plana. A concentração de dopantes no filme passivo foi associada à resistência à corrosão do material. Os três revestimentos PVD investigados apresentaram comportamento não citotóxico. Considerando a diminuição do coeficiente de atrito do aço 316L, os revestimentos de TiCN e o DLC foram os mais eficientes. Estas características, aliadas ao fator custo, sugerem que a aplicação comercial destes materiais sobre implantes ortopédicos pode ser viável. No entanto, a resistência à corrosão, conforme a avaliação realizada no presente estudo, não foi adequada quando comparada ao desempenho do aço sem nenhum tipo de revestimento. Ao final do texto, são apresentadas algumas sugestões a fim de conseguir um desempenho superior para a capacidade protetora dos revestimentos PVD. / Metallic biomaterials must present a combination of properties such as corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical resistance. Austenitic stainless steels, especially AISI 316L combine these properties with the easy of fabrication at low cost. However, they are prone to corrosion in physiological solutions. Furthermore, their corrosion products may lead to infectious ou allergenic reactions in the tissues around the implant device. In the present work, coatings produced by physical vapour deposition (PVD) methods have been applied on the surface of a 316L stainless steel to increase its corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Three thin films were tested: titanium nitride (TiN), titanium carbonitride (TiCN) and diamond-like carbon (DLC). These materials present high hardness, wear resistance and intrinsic biocompatibility that are key features when considering biomedical applications. The characterization of the electrochemical behavior of the stainless steel coated with the three different films showed that the presence of surface defects are deleterious to the corrosion resistance of the substrate. These defects were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The evolution of the electrochemical behavior of the coated steel was explained through a mechanism based on the experimental results obtained using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Two different passivation treatments were carried out on the stainless steel surface, either in sulfuric or nitric acid solutions, to increase its corrosion resistance. The results suggested que these treatments were not efficient, but may be modified to improve its performance. The electronic properties of the passive films of the non-passivated and passivated stainless steel were studied using the Mott-Schottky approach. The films presented a duplex character. Below the flatband potential the behavior is typical of a highly doped type-p semiconductor. Above the flatband potential is typical of a highly doped type-n semiconductor. The doping concentration in the passive film was determined and associated with the corrosion resistance of the substrate. All PVD coatings investigated showed non-cytotoxic behavior. DLC and TiCN coatings decreased the friction coefficient of the stainless steel substrate. These properties allied with the stainless steel low cost recommend their commercial use for implants materials purposes. Nevertheless the corrosion resistance presented by the coated-steel was inferior to that of the bare steel and should be improved. At the end of the present text, some suggestions are proposed in order to improve the corrosion protection performance of the PVD coatings.

Aplicação do conceito \"vazamento antes da falha\" (LEAK BEFORE BREAK) em tubulações de aço 316LN soldado com metal de adição 316L / Application of Leak Before Break concept in 316LN austenitic steel pipes welded using 316L

Gabriel Giannini de Cunto 07 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo prático da aplicação do conceito Leak Before Break (LBB), usualmente aplicado em usinas nucleares, em uma tubulação fabricada a partir de aço AISI 316LN soldada com a utilização de eletrodo revestido AISI 316L. O LBB é um critério fundamentado em análises de mecânica da fratura, que considera que um vazamento proveniente de uma trinca, presente em uma tubulação, possa ser detectado por sistemas de detecção de vazamento, antes que esta trinca alcance um tamanho crítico que implique na falha da tubulação. Na tubulação estudada, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de tração e análises de Ramberg-Osgood, bem como ensaios de tenacidade à fratura para a obtenção da curva de resistência J-R do material. Os ensaios foram realizados considerando o metal base, a solda e a zona termicamente afetada (ZTA), nas temperaturas de operação de uma planta nuclear. Para as propriedades mecânicas encontradas nos ensaios foram realizadas análises de carga limite para se determinar o tamanho da trinca que cause um vazamento detectável e, também, o seu tamanho crítico que cause a falha por colapso plástico. Para o tamanho crítico de trinca encontrado na solda, região que apresentou a menor tenacidade, foram realizadas análises de Integral J e de módulo de rasgamento T, considerando falha por rasgamento dúctil. Os resultados demonstram um comportamento bem definido entre o metal base, a ZTA e a solda, onde o metal base apresenta um comportamento altamente tenaz, a solda um comportamento pouco tenaz e a ZTA apresentou propriedades mecânicas intermediárias entre o metal base e a solda. Utilizando o software PICEP, foram determinadas as curvas de taxa de vazamento versus tamanho de trinca e também o tamanho crítico da trinca, considerando análise por carga limite. Observou-se que, após certo tamanho de trinca, a taxa de vazamento do metal base é muito maior do que para a ZTA e solda, para um mesmo comprimento de trinca. Isso ocorre porque é esperado que a trinca cresça de forma mais arredondada no metal base, devido à sua maior tenacidade. O menor tamanho crítico de trinca foi encontrado para o metal base para trincas circunferenciais. Para as análises de Integral J realizadas na solda, foi demonstrado que a falha por rasgamento dúctil não ocorrerá nas condições consideradas e essa hipótese foi sedimentada pela análise de mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica (MFEL) com o uso do diagrama J/T. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a tubulação estudada estaria apta a ser empregada em um circuito primário de um reator que utilizasse o critério de LBB, nas condições de carregamento e geometria consideradas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que nessas condições apenas o modo de falha por colapso plástico é esperado. / This work presents a study of application of the Leak Before Break (LBB) concept, usually applied in nuclear power plants, in a pipe made from steel AISI type 316LN welded a coated electrode AISI type 316L. LBB concept is a criterion based on fracture mechanics analysis to show that a crack leak, present in a pipe, can be detected by leak detection systems, before this crack reaches a critical size that results in pipe fail. In the studied pipe, tensile tests and Ramberg-Osgood analyses were performed, as well as fracture toughness tests for obtaining the material resistance curve J-R. The tests were performed considering the base metal, weld and heat affected zone (HAZ), at the same operating temperatures of a nuclear power plant. For the mechanical properties found in these tests, load limit analyses were performed in order to determine the size of a crack which could cause a detectable leakage and the critical crack size, considering failure by plastic collapse. For the critical crack size found in the weld, which is the region that presented the lowest toughness, Integral J and tearing modulus T analyses were performed, considering failure by tearing instability. Results show a well-defined behavior between the base metal, HAZ and weld zones, where the base metal has a high toughness behavior, the weld has a low toughness behavior and the HAZ showed intermediate mechanical properties between the base metal and the weld. Using the PICEP software, the leak rate curves versus crack size and also the critical crack size were determined by considering load limit analysis. It was observed that after a certain crack size, the leak rate in base metal is much higher than for the HAZ and the weld, considering the same crack length. This occurs because in the base metal crack, it is expected that the crack grows in a more rounded form due to its higher toughness. The lowest critical crack size was found for the base metal presenting circumferential cracks. For the Integral J analyses performed in the weld, it was demonstrated that the failure by tearing instability will not occur under the considered conditions and this hypothesis was confirmed by elastic-plastic fracture mechanic (EPFM) analysis using the J/T diagram. Thereby, it can be concluded that it would be possible to apply the investigated pipe in a primary circuit of a reactor that utilizes the criterion LBB under the considered geometry and load conditions. Additionally, it was found that under these conditions, only the failure mode by plastic collapse is expected.

Aplicação do conceito \"vazamento antes da falha\" (LEAK BEFORE BREAK) em tubulações de aço 316LN soldado com metal de adição 316L / Application of Leak Before Break concept in 316LN austenitic steel pipes welded using 316L

Cunto, Gabriel Giannini de 07 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo prático da aplicação do conceito Leak Before Break (LBB), usualmente aplicado em usinas nucleares, em uma tubulação fabricada a partir de aço AISI 316LN soldada com a utilização de eletrodo revestido AISI 316L. O LBB é um critério fundamentado em análises de mecânica da fratura, que considera que um vazamento proveniente de uma trinca, presente em uma tubulação, possa ser detectado por sistemas de detecção de vazamento, antes que esta trinca alcance um tamanho crítico que implique na falha da tubulação. Na tubulação estudada, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de tração e análises de Ramberg-Osgood, bem como ensaios de tenacidade à fratura para a obtenção da curva de resistência J-R do material. Os ensaios foram realizados considerando o metal base, a solda e a zona termicamente afetada (ZTA), nas temperaturas de operação de uma planta nuclear. Para as propriedades mecânicas encontradas nos ensaios foram realizadas análises de carga limite para se determinar o tamanho da trinca que cause um vazamento detectável e, também, o seu tamanho crítico que cause a falha por colapso plástico. Para o tamanho crítico de trinca encontrado na solda, região que apresentou a menor tenacidade, foram realizadas análises de Integral J e de módulo de rasgamento T, considerando falha por rasgamento dúctil. Os resultados demonstram um comportamento bem definido entre o metal base, a ZTA e a solda, onde o metal base apresenta um comportamento altamente tenaz, a solda um comportamento pouco tenaz e a ZTA apresentou propriedades mecânicas intermediárias entre o metal base e a solda. Utilizando o software PICEP, foram determinadas as curvas de taxa de vazamento versus tamanho de trinca e também o tamanho crítico da trinca, considerando análise por carga limite. Observou-se que, após certo tamanho de trinca, a taxa de vazamento do metal base é muito maior do que para a ZTA e solda, para um mesmo comprimento de trinca. Isso ocorre porque é esperado que a trinca cresça de forma mais arredondada no metal base, devido à sua maior tenacidade. O menor tamanho crítico de trinca foi encontrado para o metal base para trincas circunferenciais. Para as análises de Integral J realizadas na solda, foi demonstrado que a falha por rasgamento dúctil não ocorrerá nas condições consideradas e essa hipótese foi sedimentada pela análise de mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica (MFEL) com o uso do diagrama J/T. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a tubulação estudada estaria apta a ser empregada em um circuito primário de um reator que utilizasse o critério de LBB, nas condições de carregamento e geometria consideradas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que nessas condições apenas o modo de falha por colapso plástico é esperado. / This work presents a study of application of the Leak Before Break (LBB) concept, usually applied in nuclear power plants, in a pipe made from steel AISI type 316LN welded a coated electrode AISI type 316L. LBB concept is a criterion based on fracture mechanics analysis to show that a crack leak, present in a pipe, can be detected by leak detection systems, before this crack reaches a critical size that results in pipe fail. In the studied pipe, tensile tests and Ramberg-Osgood analyses were performed, as well as fracture toughness tests for obtaining the material resistance curve J-R. The tests were performed considering the base metal, weld and heat affected zone (HAZ), at the same operating temperatures of a nuclear power plant. For the mechanical properties found in these tests, load limit analyses were performed in order to determine the size of a crack which could cause a detectable leakage and the critical crack size, considering failure by plastic collapse. For the critical crack size found in the weld, which is the region that presented the lowest toughness, Integral J and tearing modulus T analyses were performed, considering failure by tearing instability. Results show a well-defined behavior between the base metal, HAZ and weld zones, where the base metal has a high toughness behavior, the weld has a low toughness behavior and the HAZ showed intermediate mechanical properties between the base metal and the weld. Using the PICEP software, the leak rate curves versus crack size and also the critical crack size were determined by considering load limit analysis. It was observed that after a certain crack size, the leak rate in base metal is much higher than for the HAZ and the weld, considering the same crack length. This occurs because in the base metal crack, it is expected that the crack grows in a more rounded form due to its higher toughness. The lowest critical crack size was found for the base metal presenting circumferential cracks. For the Integral J analyses performed in the weld, it was demonstrated that the failure by tearing instability will not occur under the considered conditions and this hypothesis was confirmed by elastic-plastic fracture mechanic (EPFM) analysis using the J/T diagram. Thereby, it can be concluded that it would be possible to apply the investigated pipe in a primary circuit of a reactor that utilizes the criterion LBB under the considered geometry and load conditions. Additionally, it was found that under these conditions, only the failure mode by plastic collapse is expected.

Dissimilar welding of ferritic stainless steel AISI 444 and AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel through the autogenous TIG process using pulsed current. / Soldagem dissimilar do aÃo inoxidÃvel ferrÃtico AISI 444 e do aÃo inoxidÃvel austenÃtico AISI 316L por meio do processo TIG autÃgeno utilizando corrente pulsada

Isabel Ferreira de Barros 24 January 2014 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / The use of stainless steels has intensified with the industrial demand growing, which extends its application for various sectors such as the oil and gas, desalination equipment in industry, sugar industry, among others. In that context, the use of ferritic stainless steels has grown in recent years on account of its excellent relationship between corrosion resistance and cost, and a great option in substitution of austenitic stainless steels. Intending to study the connection of dissimilar stainless steels by means of a welding process, this paper will lay the submit the ferritic stainless steel AISI 444 and AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel with TIG welding autogenous (without filler metal) with pulsed current. That union seeks to get a fused zone with better mechanical properties together with the correction of possible related to welding those steels problems, such as grain growth in ferritic steels, to which its refinement is possible through the use of pulsed current during the procedure. The choice of these two materials was based on the characteristics of each one separately for they possess closest properties, despite having different classifications, allowing the combined use of both, and thus ferritic act in order to partially replace the austenitic stainless steel in situations where the combination of high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength are not relevant. That action combined, and does not affect the characteristics of the set of negative way is to use lower cost benefit, because the presence of nickel austenitic stainless steels by more expensive finishes them. Thus, it is expected to provide, through this work, further deepening the respect of dissimilar welding between stainless steel AISI 444 ferritic and austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L, evaluating operational parameters such as the pulse of current and heat input on obtained microstructure and mechanical properties. / A utilizaÃÃo dos aÃos inoxidÃveis tem se intensificado juntamente com a crescente demanda industrial, em que sua aplicaÃÃo se estende pelos mais variados setores, como por exemplo, na indÃstria de petrÃleo e gÃs, em equipamentos de dessalinizaÃÃo, na indÃstria sucroalcooleira, entre outros. Neste contexto, o uso de aÃos inoxidÃveis ferrÃticos tem crescido nos Ãltimos anos devido a sua excelente relaÃÃo entre resistÃncia à corrosÃo e custo, sendo uma Ãtima opÃÃo em substituiÃÃo aos aÃos inoxidÃveis austenÃticos. Objetivando estudar a uniÃo de aÃos inoxidÃveis dissimilares por meio de um processo de soldagem, o presente trabalho submeterà o aÃo inoxidÃvel ferrÃtico AISI 444 e o aÃo inoxidÃvel austenÃtico AISI 316L à soldagem TIG autÃgeno (sem metal de adiÃÃo) com corrente pulsada. Essa uniÃo visa obter uma zona fundida com melhores propriedades mecÃnicas juntamente com a correÃÃo dos possÃveis problemas relacionado à soldagem desses aÃos, como por exemplo, o crescimento de grÃo nos aÃos inoxidÃveis ferrÃticos, em que seu refinamento se torna possÃvel atravÃs da utilizaÃÃo de corrente pulsada durante o procedimento. A escolha desses dois materiais baseou-se nas caracterÃsticas inerentes a cada um separadamente e tambÃm por possuÃrem propriedades muito prÃximas, apesar de possuÃrem classificaÃÃes diferentes, permitindo a utilizaÃÃo combinada de ambos e dessa forma o aÃo inoxidÃvel ferrÃtico atuarà de forma a substituir parcialmente o aÃo inoxidÃvel austenÃtico nas situaÃÃes em que a combinaÃÃo de elevada resistÃncia à corrosÃo e resistÃncia mecÃnica nÃo sÃo tÃo relevantes. Essa utilizaÃÃo combinada, alÃm de nÃo afetar as caracterÃsticas do conjunto de maneira negativa tem como benefÃcio reduzir custos, visto que a presenÃa de nÃquel nos aÃos inoxidÃveis austenÃticos acaba por encarecÃ-los. Dessa forma, espera-se fornecer atravÃs deste trabalho um maior aprofundamento a respeito da soldagem dissimilar entre o aÃo inoxidÃvel ferrÃtico AISI 444 e o aÃo inoxidÃvel austenÃtico AISI 316L, avaliando os parÃmetros operacionais, como a pulsaÃÃo da corrente e a energia de soldagem sobre a microestrutura obtida, bem como as propriedades mecÃnicas.

"Caracterização do comportamento frente à corrosão de um aço inoxidável austenítico para aplicações biomédicas com revestimentos PVD de TiN, TiCN e DLC" / CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF AN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS COATED WITH TiN, TiCN AND DLC PVD COATINGS

Renato Altobelli Antunes 15 December 2006 (has links)
Biomateriais metálicos devem apresentar uma combinação de propriedades como resistência à corrosão, biocompatibilidade e resistência mecânica. Os aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, especialmente do tipo AISI 316L, aliam estas propriedades com a possibilidade de fabricação a um baixo custo. No entanto, são susceptíveis à corrosão nos fluidos fisiológicos e seus produtos de corrosão podem causar reações alérgicas ou infecciosas nos tecidos vizinhos ao implante. No presente trabalho, a aplicação de revestimentos obtidos por processos de deposição física de vapor (PVD) sobre um aço inoxidável austenítico do tipo AISI 316L foi realizada a fim de aumentar sua resistência à corrosão e biocompatibilidade. Os filmes depositados foram de nitreto de titânio (TiN), carbonitreto de titânio (TiCN) e de carbono tipo diamante (DLC). Estes materiais têm alta dureza e resistência ao desgaste, além de biocompatibilidade intrínseca, características altamente desejáveis para aplicações biomédicas. A caracterização do comportamento eletroquímico do aço com os três tipos de revestimentos mostrou que a presença de defeitos na superfície das camadas depositadas exerce uma influência negativa sobre a resistência à corrosão do substrato. A presença dos defeitos foi evidenciada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi proposto um mecanismo, com base nos dados obtidos por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para explicar a evolução do comportamento eletroquímico do aço com os diferentes revestimentos ao longo do tempo de imersão. Foram também empregados dois tratamentos de passivação da superfície do aço em soluções de ácido sulfúrico e ácido nítrico, a fim de aumentar a resistência à corrosão do substrato. Os resultados indicaram que os tratamentos utilizados não foram eficientes para melhorar esta característica, mas podem ser modificados visando um desempenho superior. As propriedades eletrônicas dos filmes passivos formados, tanto sobre o aço sem tratamento de passivação como sobre o aço passivado, foram estudadas utilizando a abordagem de Mott-Schottky. Os filmes apresentaram um caráter duplex, mostrando comportamento de um semicondutor altamente dopado acima e abaixo do potencial de banda plana. A concentração de dopantes no filme passivo foi associada à resistência à corrosão do material. Os três revestimentos PVD investigados apresentaram comportamento não citotóxico. Considerando a diminuição do coeficiente de atrito do aço 316L, os revestimentos de TiCN e o DLC foram os mais eficientes. Estas características, aliadas ao fator custo, sugerem que a aplicação comercial destes materiais sobre implantes ortopédicos pode ser viável. No entanto, a resistência à corrosão, conforme a avaliação realizada no presente estudo, não foi adequada quando comparada ao desempenho do aço sem nenhum tipo de revestimento. Ao final do texto, são apresentadas algumas sugestões a fim de conseguir um desempenho superior para a capacidade protetora dos revestimentos PVD. / Metallic biomaterials must present a combination of properties such as corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical resistance. Austenitic stainless steels, especially AISI 316L combine these properties with the easy of fabrication at low cost. However, they are prone to corrosion in physiological solutions. Furthermore, their corrosion products may lead to infectious ou allergenic reactions in the tissues around the implant device. In the present work, coatings produced by physical vapour deposition (PVD) methods have been applied on the surface of a 316L stainless steel to increase its corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Three thin films were tested: titanium nitride (TiN), titanium carbonitride (TiCN) and diamond-like carbon (DLC). These materials present high hardness, wear resistance and intrinsic biocompatibility that are key features when considering biomedical applications. The characterization of the electrochemical behavior of the stainless steel coated with the three different films showed that the presence of surface defects are deleterious to the corrosion resistance of the substrate. These defects were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The evolution of the electrochemical behavior of the coated steel was explained through a mechanism based on the experimental results obtained using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Two different passivation treatments were carried out on the stainless steel surface, either in sulfuric or nitric acid solutions, to increase its corrosion resistance. The results suggested que these treatments were not efficient, but may be modified to improve its performance. The electronic properties of the passive films of the non-passivated and passivated stainless steel were studied using the Mott-Schottky approach. The films presented a duplex character. Below the flatband potential the behavior is typical of a highly doped type-p semiconductor. Above the flatband potential is typical of a highly doped type-n semiconductor. The doping concentration in the passive film was determined and associated with the corrosion resistance of the substrate. All PVD coatings investigated showed non-cytotoxic behavior. DLC and TiCN coatings decreased the friction coefficient of the stainless steel substrate. These properties allied with the stainless steel low cost recommend their commercial use for implants materials purposes. Nevertheless the corrosion resistance presented by the coated-steel was inferior to that of the bare steel and should be improved. At the end of the present text, some suggestions are proposed in order to improve the corrosion protection performance of the PVD coatings.

Shear spinning of nickelbased super alloys and stainless steel

Hiuhu, John January 2015 (has links)
Shear spinning of Haynes 282, Alloy 718, Alloy 600 and AISI 316L was done using several tool feeds and mandrel clearances. Multi passing of the materials was limited due to strain hardening and circumferential cracking except for AISI 316L. The effect of the tool feed and the mandrel clearance on the successful forming of the materials was established. The successfully spun samples were solution heat treated at varying temperatures and holding times to establish a range of grain sizes and hardness levels. An aging heat treatment process was performed for Haynes 282 and Alloy 718 to achieve precipitation strengthening. The micro hardness measurements were conducted for the materials prior to spinning and after spinning. The same was also done after the various heat treatment processes. Grain size mapping was conducted by the use of lineal intercept methods. Comparison of the results in terms of grain sizes and hardness values was done. The temperature ranges suitable for full recrystallization of the materials after the shear spinning were identified and the effect of the holding times on the grain growth established. Comparison with unspun samples showed that the heat treatment times required to achieve comparative hardness and grain sizes were distinctively different.

Détermination d’un critère de fissuration à chaud par liquation en fonction de la teneur en bore et de sa localisation pour l’acier inoxydable austénitique 316L. / Determination of a liquation hot cracking criterion as a function of boron content and its location for 316L austenitic stainless steel

Tran Van, Giai 14 December 2018 (has links)
La fissuration à chaud par liquation peut se produire dans la zone affectée thermiquement lors du soudage. Deux facteurs influent ce phénomène : les contraintes thermiques dues au gradient de température et la perte potentielle de ductilité due à la présence d'un film liquide aux joints de grains en fonction de leur composition chimique. Des essais de ductilité à chaud (Gleeble) ont été utilisés pour étudier l'effet combiné de la teneur en bore et du temps de maintien sur la chute de la ductilité dans la plage de température de liquation pour l’acier inoxydable austénitique de type 316L. Il est démontré que les teneurs en bore élevées et les temps de maintien courts favorisent la perte de ductilité dans cette plage de température. En complément la spectrométrie de masse à ionisation secondaire a été utilisée pour tenter de corréler les variations de ductilité à la distribution du bore aux joints de grains. D'autres essais de fissuration à chaud en soudage (Varestraint, PVR) ont été effectués pour confirmer l'influence de la teneur en bore sur la sensibilité à la fissuration de l’acier 316L. Les résultats indiquent que des fissures apparaissent sur toutes les éprouvettes et que le chargement mécanique externe minimal pour créer les fissures de liquation diminue avec la teneur en bore. Plus la teneur en bore est élevée, plus le matériau est donc sensible à la fissuration à chaud par liquation. Un critère de fissuration à chaud par liquation a été déterminé en se basant sur les résultats des essais de ductilité à chaud et la simulation des essais de soudage. / Liquation cracking may occur in the heat-affected zone during welding. Two factors influence this phenomenon: the tensile stresses generated during welding and the potential loss of ductility due to the presence of a liquid film at grain boundaries depending on their chemical composition. Gleeble hot ductility tests have been used to study the combined effect of boron content and holding time on ductility drop in the liquation temperature range of a 316L type austenitic stainless steel. It is shown that high boron contents and short holding times promote the loss of ductility in this temperature range. Secondary ion mass spectrometry has been used inattempt to correlate mechanical results to boron distribution either at grain boundaries or in the bulk. Other hot cracking tests (Varestraint, PVR) have been performed to confirm the influence of boron content on hot cracking sensitivity of AISI 316L stainless steels during welding. Results indicate that cracks appear on all specimens and that the minimum external mechanical loading for liquation cracking decreases with boron content. The higher the boron content is, the more the specimen exhibits tendency to hot cracking. A liquation hot cracking criterion has been determined, based on the results of the hot ductility tests and the simulation of welding tests.

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