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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La incidencia del derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva en el ámbito de los intereses de mora procesal

Carcelller Valls, Montserrat 14 December 2015 (has links)
El precepto regulador de los intereses de mora procesal se introdujo en 1980, en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil de 1881, para dar respuesta a una realidad muy nociva para el acreedor y en un contexto normativo y jurisprudencial insuficiente para asegurar la indemnidad y reintegración del derecho de crédito. Posteriormente, el precepto se insertó, con escasa variación, en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil 1/2000, y apenas se ha modificado en las posteriores leyes de reforma procesal, pese a que la realidad socio-económica actual es distinta de la que se daba a finales del siglo anterior y el precepto sigue sin resolver muchas de las cuestiones que plantea su aplicación práctica. El presente estudio tiene por objeto, de una parte, ahondar en el fundamento de la mora procesal y abordarlo desde una perspectiva más actual. De otra, y desde los postulados que derivan de ese nuevo paradigma, examinar su régimen jurídico, tratando de hallar respuesta a la problemática que plantea su aplicación. La investigación se estructura en cinco capítulos, a la luz de los principios y garantías constitucionales derivados del derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva. Desde esta perspectiva, tras examinar la función y naturaleza de la mora procesal, se aborda la polémica suscitada sobre el cauce para cuantificar los intereses procesales, que se resuelve al amparo del nuevo concepto de liquidez fijado en la LEC, del que deriva la distinción entre los intereses procesales vencidos, al tiempo de la demanda ejecutiva, y los que se devengan durante la ejecución. El modo de proceder es distinto en cada uno de estos supuestos y se analiza a tenor de la Ley procesal y de la práctica judicial, al tiempo que se formula una propuesta de lo que, según la autora, debería contener una regulación sobre esta materia. Una investigación que, por otra parte, trata de ofrecer mecanismos para enervar la mora procesal durante la sustanciación de los recursos, en aras a garantizar el derecho a recurrir, y analiza las repercusiones que, sobre la obligación de pagar intereses procesales, derivan de la dilatada extensión del procedimiento. Asimismo, se analizan las posibilidades que ofrecen los intereses bancarios de la Cuenta de Depósitos y Consignaciones Judiciales. El recorrido seguido en este estudio conduce a la constatación del carácter disfuncional del incremento en dos puntos del tipo ordinario de mora procesal. Este recargo sancionador hallaba su fundamento en un momento contextual determinado, pero, a día de hoy, ya no sirve para cumplir con la finalidad para la que fue diseñado. Es por ello que se formula una propuesta encaminada a la construcción de un marco teórico en el que no sea forzosa la aplicación ex lege del porcentaje punitivo del tipo de mora procesal. El escaso desarrollo normativo y doctrinal de la materia explica la oportunidad de esta investigación pero también su repercusión práctica, en cuanto afecta directamente a la economía de los particulares y, a la postre, a la economía en general. / The regulatory legal norm of procedural default interests was introduced in 1980 in the Civil Procedure Act 1881, in response to a very harmful plight for the creditor and in an inadequate regulatory and jurisprudential context to ensure the indemnity and the right of credit reintegration. Later, the legal norm was inserted with little variation in the Civil Procedure Act 1/2000, and has remained largely unchanged in subsequent procedural reform laws, although the current socio-economic reality is different from what it was at the end of the last century and the legal norm remains incapable to resolve many of the issues that its practical application brings forward. The present study aims, first of all, to delve into the basis of the procedural default and to address it from a current perspective. On the other hand, and from the principles derived from this new paradigm, its legal status is examined, trying to find answers to the problems posed by its implementation. This research is divided into five chapters, in the light of constitutional principles and the guarantees arising from the right to an effective judicial protection. From that perspective, and having examined the role and nature of procedural default, the controversy aroused about how to quantify procedural interests is addressed, which is solved under the new liquidity concept set in the LEC, which resulted in the distinction between the generated procedural interests, while the executive motion is presented, and those accrued during the implementation process. The way to proceed is different for each one of these assumptions and it is analyzed on the basis of the procedural law and the judicial practice, while a proposal is made, which, according to the author, should be contained in a regulation on this matter. An investigation that, moreover, seeks to provide procedural mechanisms to set aside the procedural default during the prosecution of recourses in order to guarantee the right to appeal, and analyzes the impact on the obligation to pay procedural interest that derive from the adjourned extent of the procedure. In this line, the possibilities offered by banking interests, account deposits and judicial consignments are analyzed. Also, the study leads to the finding of the dysfunctional nature of the increase of the ordinary rate of the procedural default in two percentage points. This penalty surcharge was grounded in a particular context moment, but, today, it no longer serves to fulfill the purpose for which it was designed. That is why a proposal to build a theoretical framework is formulated in which the ex lege application of the punitive procedural default percentage rate is not forced. The limited legal and doctrinal development of the subject explains the opportunity of this research but also its practical impact, as it directly affects private economy and, ultimately, global economy.

An emerging mediator on the periphery : Turkey's mediations in the Syrian-Israeli talks and in Somalia

Akpinar, Pinar January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates to what extent Turkey’s mediation differs from Western modes of mediation. It poses an example for understanding the ability of peripheral countries to challenge the prevalent modes of mediation and emerge as problem solving agents in the international system. The study examines Turkey’s mediation in the interstate conflict between Syria and Israel between 2007 and 2008; and in the intrastate conflict in Somalia between 2012 and 2014. It suggests that Turkey’s search for a new identity since 2002, in the context of domestic, regional and international changes, paved the way for the emergence of its mediator role by creating a sense of confidence leading Turkey to adopt a more proactive stance vis-à-vis the conflicts pertaining in its region. Turkey uses mediation as one element in its wider foreign policy which bears resemblance to Western mediators. Mediation enables Turkey to exert its interest in areas in which it has historical, geopolitical and relational ties. Turkey gains legitimacy as a mediator from its dual identity by presenting itself as both Western and non-Western. Its ability to present its insiderness, inclusiveness and cultural ties as assets come to the fore as ways in which Turkey mediates differently. While cultural ties are advantages in gaining entry into conflicts; demonstrating commitment and dealing with the technicalities of mediation played a greater role in securing Turkey’s credibility as a mediator. The Turkish model entails a broader understanding of mediation that includes aid as complementary to diplomatic talks, particularly in intrastate conflicts. There is also considerable room for civil society involvement. The thesis suggests that Turkey’s mediator role has been too dependent upon more intangible aspects of cultural affinity and identity. As a result, its sustainability depends on the willingness of policy makers to improve the condition of Turkish mediation by investing in institutionalization, capacity building and expertise.

The coroner in England and Wales : coronial decision-making and local variation in case outcomes

Mclean, Maxwell January 2015 (has links)
The investigation and classification of deaths in England and Wales relies upon the application by medical practitioners of diverse reporting standards set locally by coroners and thereafter upon the effectively unconstrained decision process of those same coroners. This research, using extensive analysis of Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, presents comprehensive analysis of local variation in coronial outcomes across the three decision-making stages of whether to report the death, to advance to inquest, and the choice of inquest conclusion. Substantial local variation was found in reporting rates to the coroner over time (12-87%) and in rates of advancing reports of death to an inquest (6-29%). The profiles of inquest verdicts varied widely between coroner areas with some verdicts more prone to varied levels of use. Individual coroner areas were consistent over time in their rates of reporting, advancing to inquest and use of verdicts. The gender of the deceased was a major factor with all coroner areas reporting proportionately fewer female deaths than male, and female deaths being overall half as likely as that of a male to proceed to an inquest. Once at inquest, a woman’s death was more likely to yield a verdict of natural causes than that of a man. Coroners seemed prima facie to be ‘gendered’ in their approach to verdicts; that is, they were consistently more likely to favour a particular verdict when dealing with a death, according to the gender of the deceased. Decision Board Analysis (DBA), comprising three typical coroner case scenarios, was utilised to analyse the decision-making style of incumbent coroners. The DBA allowed for an examination of the way in which available case information was managed prior to coming to a conclusion, and free text respondent comments were captured. Coroners were found to vary widely in their choices of outcomes yet they managed the available information in a similar way, reading concordant amounts of information and agreeing on the relative salience of the available information. Coroners sometimes robustly defended chosen outcomes against alternatives with dichotomous positions being taken. Variation in coronial outcome could not be explained by any variation in decision-making style. Further analysis of coroners’ local practices and their determinants seems necessary.

The mixed courts of Egypt 1875-1949 : a study of their development and operation, and their influence on post-war Egyptian law

Hoyle, Mark S. W. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

La prueba procesal en el derecho de la Inquisición

Martínez Escudero, Margarita 11 December 2015 (has links)
A pesar de que la Inquisición española ha sido objeto de numerosos acercamientos desde muy diferentes enfoques, hasta este momento la prueba procesal no ha sido tratada de forma exhaustiva en un trabajo global que permita tener una visión conjunta del sistema. En este marco, la presente tesis ha realizado un acercamiento a esta materia con la finalidad de ofrecer una perspectiva unitaria del sistema probatorio del Santo Oficio. Para el presente análisis se ha partido de los principios que sirvieron de base a la teoría de la prueba en la jurisdicción secular pues éstos sustentaron la elaboración doctrinal inquisitorial. No obstante, los tratadistas pronto añadieron sus propios matices, guiados por la necesidad de solventar dos cuestiones vitales para la Inquisición: de una parte, la extirpación de la herejía; de otra, la salvación del alma del reo. Por tal motivo, una vez asentados los criterios generales respecto de las pruebas, nos hemos centrado en determinar los requisitos de validez de cada una de ellas mediante el análisis, no sólo de la fase procesal en la que se despliegan sino también de las especialidades en su articulación. Para completar el estudio de los medios probatorios hemos relacionado su desarrollo con el marco procesal de actuación que tenía fijado la Inquisición, concretado en el sometimiento a tres principios, que aunque extrínsecos a la prueba en sí, tuvieron una indudable repercusión: la defensa de la Fe, el secreto de todas las actuaciones procesales, y la búsqueda del arrepentimiento del reo. Las conclusiones obtenidas versan sobre la importancia de la prueba, a la que podemos considerar como el “eje” sobre el que se vertebra el procedimiento orientado siempre a demostrar la culpabilidad del reo. De ahí que destaque su carácter irrenunciable para ambas partes (acusadora y acusada), su práctica en los tiempos procesales previstos (a excepción de la confesión judicial), pero sobre todo, su sometimiento al principio de “defensa de la Fe”, el cual determina una merma importante de las garantías del procesado. / Despite of the fact that Spanish Inquisition had been previously addressed from many different perspectives, until this moment procedural evidences hadn’t been exhaustively treated in a global work which allowed for getting an overview of the Evidentiary System. Inside this framework, this thesis has carried out a further approach to offer a unitary perspective of Holy Office’s evidence system. The principles that had been used for the theory of evidences in Secular Court have been the starting point of this analysis since they supported the development of Inquisitorial Doctrine. However, legal authors added their own nuances in order to solve a couple of vital issues for the Inquisition: the removal of heresy in one hand and salvation of the offender’s soul in the other. So, once the general criteria about evidences have been settled, this work has focused on establishing the legal validity of every single kind of evidence thorough the analysis, not only of the judicial procedure phases but its development as well. To finish the study of act evidences we have related their development to the procedural framework of the Inquisition that was built upon three guiding principles: Defense of Faith, Secrecy of procedural actions and offender’s Repentance, though they were extrinsic to evidence, had significant effects on the progress of trials. The findings obtained from this work focus on the importance of evidence, which can be considered the backbone where procedure is structured and always oriented to show the defendant’s guilty. Attention should also be drawn to its compulsory nature for both prosecutor and defendant, its exact managing in length of proceedings (except Judicial Confession), but primarily its submission to the principle of “Defense of Faith”, that carries an important lessening in procedural safeguards for the accused.

Análisis del proceso de consentimiento informado : percepción de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía otorrinolaringológica

Díaz Manzano, José Antonio 18 January 2013 (has links)
La información médica es un elemento fundamental de la actividad sanitaria. El propósito de esta investigación ha sido estudiar en 85 pacientes incorporados a la lista de espera quirúrgica de un servicio de otorrinolaringología cómo se percibe, asimila y retiene la información recibida en el proceso del consentimiento informado, durante los periodos preoperatorio y postoperatorio. Entre otros resultados estadísticamente significativos, se objetivó que durante el periodo postoperatorio empeoraron la “Calidad de la información”, “Satisfacción con la información” y “Función del consentimiento informado”, así como mejoró la “Adecuación a la realidad” de la información recibida. La percepción en los pacientes de “Autonomía” y de “Necesidad de información” empeoró horas antes de operarse. La ansiedad de estado del paciente aumentó en las horas previas a la intervención. El índice de legibilidad de los documentos de consentimiento informado modificó la percepción del proceso quirúrgico en el paciente. Palabras clave: consentimiento informado, comprensión, autonomía, percepción del paciente. / The medical information is a fundamental element of the sanitary activity. The purpose of this investigation has been to study in 85 patients awaiting a surgical otorhinolaryngology intervention how it is perceived, it assimilates and it retains the information received in the process of the informed consent, during the preoperative and postoperative periods. Among other statistically significant results, we obtained that the “Quality of the information”, “Satisfaction with the information” and “Function of the informed consent” worsened during the postoperative period, as well as it improved the “Adaptation to the reality” of the received information. The perception in the patients of “Autonomy” and “Need of information” worsened hours before being operated. The anxiety level of the patient increased in the previous hours to the intervention. The readability of the documents of informed consent modified the perception of the surgical process in the patient

Evaluación de custodias : criterios psicológicos utilizados por los psicólogos forenses de la Administración de Justicia

Catalán Frías, María José 21 December 2015 (has links)
El estudio se centra en analizar la intervención pericial de los psicólogos de la Administración de Justicia en su evaluación de Custodias, centrado en la metodología utilizada, las áreas exploradas, y los criterios en la toma de decisiones, así como la estructura y contenido de los informes emitidos, valorando si se encuentran ajustados a los modelos de evaluación existentes en el entorno español y las Guías de Buenas Prácticas. Para ello se ha procedido al estudio de 502 informes emitidos por los Psicólogos del ámbito público lo que ha permitido realizar comparaciones entre el trabajo realizado por estos profesionales en diferentes grupos de Comunidades Autónomas, y con adscripciones a Juzgados de Familia o de Violencia de Género. En la recogida de información se utilizó una plantilla elaborada para ello, incluyéndose el diseño de la investigación dentro de la categoría de estudios comparativos retrospectivos o ex post facto, realizando análisis descriptivos y comparando los grupos en que se ha dividido la muestra. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se ha realizado mediante el programa informático SPSS 22.0. Cabe destacar de las conclusiones encontradas que en general los informes realizados por los psicólogos públicos en el tema de custodia siguen los modelos existentes en España para este tipo de evaluación y se acomodan a las directrices que marcan las Guías, apareciendo algunas diferencias entre los grupos en que se ha dividido la muestra por Comunidades Autónomas, así como si procedían o no de Violencia de Género. En el origen de la petición prácticamente la totalidad de las madres solicitaban para ellas una custodia exclusiva, distribuyéndose al cincuenta por ciento las peticiones de los varones entre custodia exclusiva y compartida. Las evaluaciones se centran en resaltar los elementos positivos de los progenitores, frente a sus limitaciones, y en general se encuentra una buena adaptación de los hijos. La orientación sobre la custodia se basa en los elementos positivos encontrados, sobre todo si se orienta hacia una custodia compartida o hacia la madre, apareciendo en mayor medida las limitaciones del otro progenitor cuando la custodia se orienta hacia el padre. La valoración de los progenitores de la muestra procedente de Violencia de Género presenta peores resultados, especialmente entre los varones. Los resultados de las variables estudiadas tanto respecto a los progenitores como sobre los menores aparecen mejores en la alternativa de Custodia Compartida. En esta opción se encuentran más presentes los elementos positivos de los progenitores y en menor medida los negativos, siendo mejor la comunicación entre los adultos y menor su nivel de conflicto. En esta opción la adaptación de los menores en todos los ámbitos resulta más positiva y se encuentran menos inmersos en el conflicto. Los resultados peores en todos los parámetros anteriores se encontraban dentro de la opción de Custodia Partida, siendo el grupo dónde el poder de los menores alcanza el nivel más alto, así como el rechazo hacia algún progenitor. Cuando se orienta hacia la opción de custodia materna los criterios más comúnmente utilizados son la concordancia con la historia previa y la estabilidad de los menores en ese entorno convivencial. Para la custodia hacia el padre se utiliza mayor número de criterios, como las habilidades para el manejo de los menores, la estabilidad de ese progenitor, contar con una red de apoyos, apego afectivo de los hijos, etc., siendo en este caso más frecuentes los elementos negativos de valoración de la alternativa materna, siendo esta de descarte. En la custodia compartida se señalan como elementos clave la buena vinculación de los menores con ambos progenitores y las buenas condiciones de los adultos en todos los ámbitos. / This study focuses on analyzing the intervention of psychologists from the Justice Administration in Child Custody assessments, focusing on the methodology used, the areas explored, and the criteria in decision-making as well as the structure and content of the reports submitted. These official reports will be evaluated in their compliance to the existing evaluation standards in the Spanish legal system and the “Guidelines for Good Practice” To do so, we proceeded to the study of 502 reports issued by psychologists from the public sector. This allowed us to compare the work of these professionals in different professional groups from different regions of Spain, and with affiliations to the Family Court or the Domestic Violence Court. In the data collection process, information was gathered through the use of a template. This template included the research design within the category of retrospective comparative studies or ex post facto studies. Thereafter, the data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 statistic program, performing a descriptive analyzes and comparing the different groups of our sample. The conclusions found that, overall, the reports written by psychologists working at the public sector follow the existing standards and guidelines created for these types of evaluations in Spain. These reports showed their compliance to the procedures that appear on the “Guidelines.” However, small differences were found between our groups of participants. This study shows that, in the initial phase of the Child Custody process, the majority of mothers requested sole custody to them. The proportion of fathers requesting sole custody was fifty percent while the other half requested shared custody. The Child Custody assessments focus on highlighting the positive elements of the parents in contrast to their limitations. These assessments usually find an appropriate level of adaptation in the children. Different guidelines take place in the Child Custody process depending on the type of custody. In shared custody or sole custody to the mother, this guidance is based on finding the positive aspects. When the custody is oriented toward the father, these guidelines focus on stating the limitations of the other parent. The evaluation of both parents in the sample of psychologists working at the Domestic Violence settings presented worse results, which were more evident in men participants. The results of the variables studied regarding both parents and children showed better outcomes in the shared custody option. This option showed the inclusion of more positive aspects of both parents in comparison with negative aspects. It also showed better communication between the two adults and a lower level of conflict. Furthermore, the children showed a better level of adjustment, being less involved in their parents’ conflict. Our findings also showed that more negative outcomes, for the previously mentioned variables, were shown in the option of starting custody. In these cases, the power of children was higher and the rejection to one of the parent was present. When the custody is toward the mother, the criteria commonly used are the consistency of the history background and the environmental stability of the children. However, in custodies toward the father, a higher amount of criteria is used such as the availability of social support, positive attachment of the children. In comparison, the custodies toward the father are based on the negative aspects of the mother, being this the reason why the custody is offered to the father. Finally, the key elements identified in the shared custody are the good bonding and positive attachment of children with both parents and the appropriate adjustment of both parents in all aspects and areas of functioning.

Directing jurors in England and Wales : the effect of narrativisation on comprehension

Nelson, Sally January 2013 (has links)
This thesis reports the first empirical study to specifically measure and attempt to improve the comprehensibility of jury instructions in England and Wales. While a wealth of research has established that the majority of American jurors substantially misunderstand the crucial legal instructions they are given by the judge at the end of a trial, to date there has not been any comparable rigorous testing of jury instructions in England and Wales and we do not have a clear picture of how well they are understood. It is unwise to extrapolate the findings from American jury trials because the instruction methods are very different: in the English summing-up, English judges not only instruct the jury on the law but also review the evidence, and judges may, if they wish, both integrate their legal instructions with the specific evidence in the case and 'narrativise' the language of their instructions. 102 mock jurors drawn from the community were tested for their ability to recognise, recall and apply eleven legal instructions given in a summing up at the end of a rape trial simulation. They were randomly assigned to receive one of three summings up, which systematically differed in their degree of narrativisation: one based on model instructions published by the Judicial Studies Board; a second that integrated evidence from the case into the instructions; and a third that further narrativised the integrated instructions by applyign discourse features previously hypothesised as having a narrativising function. The thesis, then examines both the comprehensibility of legal instructions within the English summing up and the effect on comprehension of narrativising those intructions. A highly persuasive pattern of results occurred: increasing levels of narrativisation increased juorors' understanding of the instructions, and specifically aided jurors' ability to apply the law to the evidence in the case. Discussing the results in terms of Accommodation Theory and the Cognitive Story Model, the thesis concludes that a judge may better guide jurors through the categories of the law by accommodating the narrative approach that jurors bring to their role.

Behavioural analysis of civil procedure rules : factor overload and interim remedies affirmation

Levy, Inbar January 2014 (has links)
Much academic literature regarding how judges interpret and apply civil procedure rules is based on speculation about human behaviour and legal practitioners’ personal intuition. I seek to apply cognitive psychology research to a number of procedural arrangements in order to create a more accurate picture of the decision-making processes of judges in our civil justice system. My project investigates the implications of findings derived from empirical behavioural psychology for legal reasoning and practice. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first two parts address different cognitive effects that influence judicial decision making in the course of civil litigation: cognitive overload in relation to ‘Laundry List’ rules and confirmation bias in relation to interim remedies. Finally, the third part speaks to the general question of judicial intuition and serves as a link between the first two parts of the dissertation.

Anchoring a subsidiarity and proportionality review by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the context of residency rights and shared competence : a legal, doctrinal and critical analysis

Shaw, Katherine January 2015 (has links)
The thesis adopts a doctrinal approach to consider how a subsidiarity and proportionality review by the CJEU could be applied to shared competences, and the criteria that the CJEU should take into account in balancing competing interests when determining the residency rights of EU citizens. It will identify limits to the competences of the EU through subsidiarity analysis, including how this should constrain the reasoning of the CJEU, but this has a consequence of better legitimising such genuinely European standards that do have a clear legal basis. Adhering to the rule of law is an important issue for the CJEU to demonstrate its respect for as a core value commonly associated with democracy and with the validity of law itself. A subsidiarity review undertaken by the CJEU involving the CJEU checking whether the Union has competence to act (conferral) and in cases concerning areas of shared competence would also serve to legitimise the CJEU’s ruling to the Member States and address the problem of ultra vires EU action lacking legitimacy in the perspective of the Member States eyes. Adopting a normative approach it considers how a subsidiarity and proportionality review could be anchored in EU law to address competence issues when the CJEU is striking a balance between fundamental principles of EU law, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the residency rights of migrant EU citizens who are economically inactive. As subsidiarity in these types of cases relates to the cross border requirement, the CJEU should be explicit about departing from the purely internal rule as well as explaining the substance of rights of EU citizens. The proportionality element of the review relates to the actual consideration and weighing up by the CJEU of the competing interests identified in this context. This requires the CJEU to identify explicitly in its reasoning any competing interests that have been weighed up as well as stating any other particular factors involved in the balancing and the weight accorded to those factors. Although such an approach would not necessarily result in a change in the outcome of the case, it would help to improve the quality of the reasoning of the CJEU and consequently enhance the legitimacy of the CJEU’s ruling.

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