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Néstor García Canclini and cultural policy in Latin AmericaLoureiro, Bruno Peron January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines Néstor García Canclini´s relationships with various non-academic institutions in Latin America (focusing on Mexico) during the 1990s and the 2000s. It emphasises the shortage of communication between scholars and non-academic policymaking institutions through its study of García Canclini´s cultural policy activism. By investigating García Canclini’s activities with various Latin American non-academic institutions (and particularly those from Mexico), this thesis argues that he not only conceptualises and proposes cultural policy; he also conducts cultural policy. Through his discussion of cultural issues with bureaucrats, legislators, policy-makers, politicians, private managers and newspaper editors, this thesis evaluates his most important engagements to present how cultural policy can move from being an institutionallyoriented instrument to an intellectually-oriented operation. This thesis raises key theoretical debates such as the role of intellectuals in Latin America, cultural policy institutional development, cultural spaces, national development, urban studies, the cultural industries, globalisation and identities, and the multiplicity of cultural policy-makers. In addition, analyses of García Canclini´s academic and conceptual developments as well as a study of the extensive networks he formed beyond academia show how he utilised his extra-academic activities in Latin America to encourage cultural issues through his cultural policy activism. This thesis concludes that García Canclini broke university boundaries through his cultural policy operation without ever speaking from a position other than that of an academic.
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How do stakeholders influence stadium-led regeneration?Panton, Mark January 2017 (has links)
The use of sports stadiums in regeneration is a recent phenomenon in the UK, with the breadth of literature in this field relatively limited. However, it is an area of growing interest with numerous other sports stadium regeneration projects being proposed. So far there has been very little focus on understanding the stakeholders’ perspective surrounding stadium-led regeneration. The work of Mitchell, et al., (1997) on the salience of legitimacy, power and urgency provided a starting point in seeking to answer the research question: how do stakeholders influence stadium-led regeneration? In this study empirical research involving a wide range of interviews and participant observations with stakeholders were carried out in East Manchester and Tottenham, where stadium-led regeneration projects were at similar early stages of development. Secondary documentation was used to triangulate the findings and CAQDAS software utilised to assist with the analysis of the large amount of rich data that was obtained. Substantial parts of the data fell outside of the earlier typology, which indicated it was too parsimonious to adequately explain the complex array of contexts, triggers, strategies and influences that took place during stadium-led regeneration. This led to the development of a more complete framework that was necessary to understand the process and to answer the research question. The stakeholder influence framework, based on twelve concepts that are analysed in detail, provides an original contribution to knowledge in this field. One of the most significant concepts identified as part of the context was that a perceived lack of power, legitimacy and urgency can become an important trigger for the involvement of stakeholders in trying to influence developments. Limitations over generalisability from the two research sites are discussed, together with opportunities for further research linked to the developed framework.
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Cultural policy in Cuba: present images, future metaphorsToirac-Garcia, Yanet January 2011 (has links)
Applied research in the field of cultural policy has shown gradual development over the last forty years, thus demonstrating the importance conferred to the study of cultural practices by academia, institutions, states and international organizations. However, in the opinion of the author, there is a lack of holistic perspective in the analysis of cultural policy within social sciences. This thesis aims to formulate a theoretical proposal for the study of cultural policy within the framework of the present Cuban context. The multiple triangulation of the theoretical sources and the results of the case study, together with a critical analysis of testimonials given by the Cuban experts interviewed, enabled me to meet this objective. In so doing, the hermeneutical paradigm, the use of a qtialitative perspective, and Grounded Theory became pi1hlrs of the methodological design that guided this study. Regarding research findings, the theoretical foundations of the proposal are systematized and, as part of this, cultural policy is defined as a social entity involved in the mobilization and confrontation of values and meanings through the action of different agents and institutions operating in a structured social context. In addition, my approach not only singles out the axiological, institutional and historical-contextual dimensions for the analysis of cultural policy, but, more fundamentally, it upholds the legitimacy of including the hermeneutical-discursive dimension for this purpose. This finding, which is the thesis' chief contribution to knowledge, is fundamentally based on perceiving the centrality achieved by the symbolic-discursive component as one of the foundations of the processes of ideological reproduction in contemporary societies; assessing the pertinence of a dialogic democracy through which the construction and permanent renovation of consensus can become viable; and corroborating the existence of different meanings in relation to certain constitutive aspects of the cultural policy of Cuba according to the case study here analyzed.
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Advancing understanding of effective exercise on referral : a mixed methods evaluation of the Northumberland schemeHanson, Coral Lucy January 2017 (has links)
Exercise on Referral Schemes (ERS) are a widespread community intervention in which health professionals refer patients to a programme of supervised exercise at leisure facilities. National guidance states routine data should be collected and made available for analyses, and that there is a need to better understand what elements of ERS work, for which subgroups of the population. This thesis examines what elements of behaviour change provision within ERS work, for whom and in what circumstances, in order to gain a better understanding of what influences referral to, engagement with, and adherence to such schemes. First the thesis presents a quantitative evaluation study of 2233 referrals to the 24-week Northumberland ERS in nine leisure facilities between July 2009 and September 2010. Main outcome measures were uptake, 12-week adherence, 24-week completion, and changes in self-reported physical activity, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Two qualitative studies follow, one examining pre-scheme perceptions of 15 referrals and the second following them through the scheme. Data from semi-structured interviews conducted in both studies are presented as three narrative typologies of the referral journey. This research demonstrated that demographics and other factors related to referral minimally increased ability to predict engagement. Completion resulted in significant increases in self-reported physical activity and significant, but small, reductions in BMI and waist circumference. Participants had complex social circumstances, multiple personal reasons for referral and high expectations of positive health changes. Staff and peer support were influential to success, especially if expectations were not met. The narrative typologies help to identify those for whom ERS currently works well, those for whom ERS works but who may struggle with sustained behaviour change, and those for whom it does not work. This novel approach to classifying likelihood of success is used to discuss potential improvements to ERS.
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The UK School Games and the competition structure of selected participating sports : a study of policy implementationMelville, Sarah January 2012 (has links)
The UKSG was a government-funded initiative that provided a high-quality, multi-sport event for the UK s elite young athletes of school age over a six-year period. At time of investigation, the event addressed six objectives (both developmental and operational in focus) through eight Olympic sports. Operational targets ensured that athletes were selected to compete at the UKSG. Developmental targets were indirectly linked to the event and made use of the UKSG profile to drive forward other youth related projects, such as the National Competition Framework (NCF). This study explored the outcomes of these objectives, whilst understanding the relationship between the Youth Sport Trust (YST) and eight sports, and locating the implementation of the UKSG within a broader analysis of the policy process for youth / school sport. The study utilized various policy process and implementation concepts to support analysis of findings. In particular, bottom-up and top-down theories of policy implementation and the advocacy coalition framework, policy networks and multiple streams approaches proved particularly useful as heuristic devices or useful points of comparison in the analysis of stages of policy process. The findings from the three case study sports (supported by the data collected from the five other investigated sports) made for interesting conclusions in relation to the three research questions: 1). What are the key impacts of the UKSG on the competition structures of the eight sports? 2). What is the relationship between the key organisations involved in the UKSG and the NCF? And 3). What is the perceived role of each of the organisations involved in the UKSG and the NCF? Through investigating the eight sports approach to the six UKSG objectives, empirical evidence was collected that related specifically to the sport s approach to youth competition and their newly established NCF (objectives two and three). Evidence identified these objectives as the most challenging of the six to address, due to the looseness of their definition and scope for reinterpretation across and within the sport organisations. With this flexibility came differences in inter-organisational power (between home country NGBs and School Sport Associations) and therefore policy implementation. This inevitably led to mismatches in policy expectations of the YST and policy outcomes delivered by the sports. The study moves on to reveal that the six UKSG objectives proved capable of challenging, and in some cases, changing NGB behavior, albeit through several different implementation approaches. In particular, the UKSG was a programme that supported the positive development of home country NGB and School Sport Association communication and working practices.
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Action publique et valorisation de la cultureGuindo, Salah 18 September 2015 (has links)
L’Etat africain n’a, depuis les indépendances, jamais manqué de qualificatifs. Tantôt qualifié de « mou », tantôt de « dictatorial », d’état « ventre » ou encore d’Etat « acculturé » ou « déculturé ». Face aux échecs de l’action publique en Afrique, au développement d’une « culture d’apathie » chez les populations, comment mettre en lien cette action publique et les enjeux de la valorisation de la culture ? De quels instruments axiologiques et juridiques disposons-nous aujourd’hui pour réconcilier les politiques publiques en Afrique avec leurs bénéficiaires et ce faisant, donner à ces derniers les « capabilités » leur permettant de choisir et de construire leurs voies propres ? Tels sont les principaux questionnements de cette thèse qui rassemble les outils internationaux à la lumière du cadre malien. La thèse utilise une approche interdisciplinaire des droits fondamentaux et place la valorisation de la culture comme une exigence pour l’Etat. Elle propose une approche transversale de la culture dans la conception et la mise en oeuvre de l’action publique afin de construire de « vraies » démocraties. / The African State, since the independences hasn’t ever been short of qualifiers. Sometimes it has been qualified of « soft », sometimes of « dictatorial » of state « stomach », of State « acculturéd » or « déculturized ». Facing the failures of the public action in Africa, the development of an « apathy culture » in the populations, how can we tie in this public action to the differents issues (polical, economic and social) of culture valorization ? Which axiological and legal tools do we have at our disposal today to help reconcile the public policies in Africa with their beneficiaries, there by give them the "capabilités" allowing them to choose and to construct their own ways ? Such are the main questionnements of this thesis that gathers the international tools for the purpose of the Malian case’s study. The thesis uses an interdisciplinary approach of the fundamental rights and set culture valorization as a state’s requirement . It proposes a transversal integration of culture in the conception and the implementation of public policy to construct an « true » democracies.
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