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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landing Autopilot Design For An Uav

Hankoylu, Merve 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a landing autopilot for an UAV (IAI Pioneer RQ-2) is designed based on a nonlinear MATLAB model implemented with MATLAB/Simulink. In order to control the movement of the UAV at lateral and longitudinal axes, a speed, an altitude, a heading angle (direction) and a yaw rate controllers are designed. Controller design procedure is started with determination of different trim points of the aircraft. Next, the corresponding initial states and initial inputs are obtained. The model is linearized about those trim points and the gain values are determined. The resultant gain scheduled controller is used on the non-linear model. The response of the aircraft to these controllers is tested in a constrained landing area that is constructed with respect to applicable aviation regulations. The aircraft position is investigated whether it is inside or outside of this safe landing area. If it is inside, an optimized landing path set is obtained. The steepest descent method is used for multidimensional search and parabolic fit method is used for one dimensional search (as line search) in the optimization phase. In case it is outside the defined landing area a special algorithm which takes the aircraft into the desired region is applied. In addition, the area is allowed to move as much as possible depending on the situation with special regards to the length of the runway. Also a lateral position controller is designed in order to provide the reach of the aircraft to the main landing path.

The systemic determinants of levels of child incarceration in England and Wales

Bateman, Timothy January 2010 (has links)
For a brief moment in the 1980s, a number of local authorities across England and Wales declared themselves ‘custody free zones’ (Rutherford, 2002), symbolising an intent that children should not be incarcerated for their offending behaviour within the local authority boundary. While this lofty aspiration was not always fulfilled, on occasion it was. More importantly, such declarations can be seen as manifestations of a widespread commitment, extending well beyond those ‘zones’, to the idea that the use of custody for children should be avoided wherever possible. During the course of the decade, that commitment found expression in an unprecedented fall in the number of young people deprived of their liberty by the criminal courts. The 1990s proved to be very different. A sea-change in the treatment of children in conflict with the law led to an escalation in custody every bit as sharp as the decline that had preceded it. This thesis seeks to explain that shift in order to understand the implications for practice if the imprisonment of children is to be reduced. The explanatory account is set against a longer term background of social, economic and political change that yielded what Garland (2002) has characterised as the ‘crisis of penal modernism’. It invokes what Foucault (1991) calls a ‘history of the present’ in which patterns of incarceration since the late 1960s are analysed to shed light on the systemic determinants of the current high level of youth custody. Local variations in the use of child imprisonment are also interrogated in the context of the historical experience to ascertain the nature of political, systemic and cultural factors that are consistent with lower rates of detention. The thesis concludes that the recent rise in custody cannot be understood in isolation: the same underlying dynamic that fuelled the carceral explosion impacted equally on other aspects of the youth justice system; and necessitated a significant cultural shift on the part of the those who might previously have been expected to resist the use of detention. Without an understanding of these corresponding changes, strategies for custody reduction that rely heavily on the provision of ‘robust’ community based alternatives, or those that seek to reduce the population of the secure estate simply by ‘nipping in the bud’ (Straw, 1997) children’s offending, are unlikely to lead to the desired outcome.

Design And Economical Evaluation Of Sucker Rod And Electrical Submesible Pumps: Oil Wells In A Field, Turkey

Ceylan, Sevil Ezgi 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
There are some alternatives of artificial lift methods to increase the production of oil well or to keep it producing. Sucker rod pumping (SRP) and electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems are selected for the design and economical evaluation of thirteen oil wells of R field. Although selected wells are already producing artificially, they are redesigned for SRP and ESP. LoadCalC software developed by Lufkin and SubPUMP developed by DSSC are used for SRP and ESP designs respectively. For economic evaluation, the rate of return (ROR) of each design is calculated for ten year period. In technical comparison, advantage of higher production ability with lower power consumption was observed in ESP applications. In wells which have lower production than 100 bpd, SRP takes the advantage as it has the ability of low volume lifting. In economical comparison it was observed that using both methods together was given better result. By increasing the number of wells that were applied ESP, 3.61% of increment in ROR was obtained relative to the present status.

A longitudinal study to investigate how imprisonment affects the health of women

Plugge, Emma January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing the harm inside : a study contextualising boys' self-harm in custody

Harrison, Poppy January 2016 (has links)
Concerns about suicide and self-harm in English prisons are not new (Third report of the commissioners of prisons, 1880, cited in Liebling, 1992). However, a distinct system of intervention and custody for children (as established by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998) is relatively modern, and as such contextual studies about self-harm have largely, to date, overlooked children as a discrete group existing within a separate framework from adults. Similarly, large-scale research exploring self-harm among children in community settings has largely excluded the group of marginalised young people who come to the attention of youth justice services. This study presents a unique analysis of 181 youth justice assessments (‘Assets’) for boys who were remanded or sentenced to custody in under-18 Young Offender Institutions during 2014-15, tracing the subjects of the assessments from the communities they offended in through to a period in custody, using incident reports completed whilst they were there. What results is a contextual study examining the characteristics of the boys and their behaviour in custody. The study considers two central hypotheses: first, that to result in meaningful and supportive interventions, a definition of self-harm among the boys in the research sample often needs to include the harm they have done to their own lives (what the middle classes might call their ‘prospects’) through offending, and, second, that children who display the common traits of self-harming behaviour in custody may be identifiable by a different set of characteristics and needs from those who self-harm in the community. The author concludes that there is a previously undefined set of risk factors which can be applied to children who self-harm in custody for the first time, moving beyond the known risks associated with adolescent self-harm in the general population. Furthermore, it is found that boys who self-harm in custody are often oing so to exercise agency in an environment where they have very limited power, in circumstances defined not only by the restriction of liberty they are experiencing, but by the difficulties they experienced before coming to custody. Recommendations are made as to how policy-makers, through the current reforms to the youth justice system and a revised approach to assessments upon entry to custody, and practitioners, through increased awareness and improved recording of children’s views can more appropriately intervene in these boys’ lives to benefit them and society more widely.

Fabrication of porous carbons and mesoporous silica materials for energy storage and environmental applications

Sangchoom, Wantana January 2016 (has links)
In the context of limited availability of fossil fuel and the impact of fossil-based energy utilization to the environment, novel porous materials have been extensively investigated for applications in environmentally friendly energy generation and storage. This thesis describes work wherein porous carbons and mesoporous silica materials have been systematically studied to include new synthesis strategies, material characterization. Two main themes of this thesis are, firstly, to investigate how porosity affects the utilization of activated carbons in energy storage and gas adsorption, and secondly, explore the stabilization of mesoporous silica materials. Chapter 1 discusses structures and classifications of pores. Porous carbons and mesoporous silica materials are introduced including the fundamental properties, preparation and important applications of the materials. Chapter 2 gives the basics of techniques used for characterization of the porous materials fabricated in this work. Gas sorption techniques applied for hydrogen storage and carbon dioxide uptake are introduced. The chapter also presents the electrochemistry and electrochemical methods used in this work. Chapter 3 briefly describes the preparation of highly porous carbons from lignin via hydrothermal carbonisation followed by chemical activation using KOH as activating agent. The work evidences the influence of activation temperature and KOH/carbon weight ratio on the structure of activated carbon and the performance of the gas storage capacity. Activation at KOH/carbon ratio of 2 generates highly microporous carbons which exhibit excellent CO2 uptake capacity; up to 4.6 mmol/g at 1 bar and 25 oC. Activation at KOH/carbon ratio of 4 can, on the other hand, generate lignin-derived carbons with ultrahigh porosity. These higher surface area lignin-derived carbons exhibit attractive hydrogen uptake capacity of up to 6.2 wt% at -196 oC and 20 bar. Chapter 4 is devoted to the use of lignin-derived activated carbons (LAC) as electrode materials for supercapacitors in aqueous and ionic liquid electrolytes. The study shows several factors affecting the electrochemical performance of carbon electrodes. It is demonstrated that a high surface area carbon (designated as LAC4800) electrode in 2 M H2SO4 exhibits a high capacitance value of 223 F/g or surface capacitance of 11.49 µF/cm2 and good cycling stability over 1000 cycles. The LAC electrodes also showed attractive capacitive performance with 175 F/g (6.92 µF/cm2) and the energy density can be enhanced in ionic electrolytes to reach 97.2 Wh/kg and power density of 2.0 kW/kg at 0.5 A/g for sample LAC4800 in BMImBF4 electrolyte. Chapter 5, regarding non-carbon materials, new forms of MCM-41 type silica mesostructures have been prepared by increasing the applied crystallization temperature to between 150 and 190 oC. The high temperature crystallisation resulted in enlargement of pore size and generated thicker pore walls. The sample prepared at 190 oC shows exceptional hydrothermal and thermal stability, even retaining long-range mesostructural ordering after refluxing in boiling water for 24 h or heating at 1000 oC for 4 h, which is unprecedented for pure silica MCM-41 materials. Finally, the conclusions for the thesis including the suggestion for future work are proposed in Chapter 6.

Cloud computing v sektoru malých a středních podniků / Cloud computing in the sector of small and medium sized enterprises

Havlíček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
My master thesis has the main objective to implement into the sector of small and medium sized enterprises a cloud computing solution as required the customer company. Subsidiary targets of my literary part are a definition of small and medium-sized enterprises, explanation of terms corresponding to cloud computing, explaining the very concept of cloud computing and its distribution models, analysis of cloud services and what is involved in the transition to a cloud environment for companies, including migration contract. The first part summarizes information on cloud computing. The second part provides specific implementation of a cloud computing solutions into corporate environments based on empirical research and requirements of the company.

Vyhodnocení vlivu otce na růstovou schopnost potomstva plemene Aberdeen Angus chovaného v režimu ekologického zemědělství

Janoš, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The Master´s thesis is focus on intensity of growth of Aberdeen Angus breed in organic breeding's. In thesis is observed influence of sire, year, sex and breeding on weight of descendants. The animal weights were gained from yield inspections of beef cattle. Descendants were observed in four organic breeding's which are situated in region Zlín. Influence of sire on birth weight descendants very often reach highly important differences (p < 0,01). Effect of sire on weight (at birth, 120, 210 and 365 days) was influenced by number of descendants from particular father. In individual breeding's were used different number of sires. In 2011 was manifested significant decline of birth weight (p < 0,01) on all farms and average birth weight was 35,96 +- 1,96 kg. Weights in rest of check periods mostly reached the highest values in last four years. The birth weight of all breeding's was quite equable 37,28 - 39,37 kg. At farms A (404,09 kg), B (416,18 kg) and C (416,28) was annual weights of animals over 400 kg and at farm D was the lowest annual weight of animals 336,13 kg. The weights were influenced by number of weighted animals in 365th day of life

Portering från Google Apps REST API till Microsoft Office 365 REST API

Danielsson, Tina January 2015 (has links)
Stress på arbetsplatsen relaterat till många inkommande och utgående kommunikationskanaler är ett reellt problem. Applikationer som samlar alla kanaler i samma verktyg kan hjälpa till på det här området. För att förenkla vid utveckling av en sådan applikation kan ett modulärt system skapas, där varje modul ser liknande ut och enkelt kan kopplas in i en huvudapplikation. Den här studien undersöker de problem som kan uppstå när flera tjänster ska integreras, mer specifikt genom att titta på hur en befintlig modul för e-post via Google Apps kan porteras för att stödja e-post via Microsoft Office 365. Arbetet har skett enligt metoder för testdriven portering och varje steg i porteringen har dokumenterats noggrant. Ett antal problemområden har identifierats och möjliga lösningar föreslås. Utfrån de problem som uppstått dras slutsatsen att de är av en sådan karaktär att de inte utgör något hinder för en portering.

'Being in the wrong place at the wrong time' : ethnographic insights into experiences of incarceration and release from a Mexican prison

Corral Paredes, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the moral life worlds of people who have been imprisoned in Mexico, while considering how they incorporate the fate of imprisonment into the story of their lives through cognitive, discursive, sensory, affective, recollective and imaginary processes. The midst of a war on drugs in Mexico confirms that structural factors like political premises and poverty, as well as class backgrounds and racial discrimination largely determine who goes to prison. However, this research is not only confined to a structural analysis, since prisoners also explain their imprisonment in relation to other contingent encounters and coincidences occurring in their every day life. As such, imprisonment seems for prisoners like an unimagined possibility and a latent daily risk. Using a variety of ethnographic methods and modes of representation, this research sheds light on how imprisonment is related to stories of love, treason, memories and hopes. I draw from prisoners and ex-prisoners’ personal sources of expression like their writings; I recur to eliciting their memories through their objects and crafts; I pay attention to the role of the gaze in crafting identities in prison; I also draw attention to prisoners and ex-prisoners’ expressions of feelings and emotions. I argue that such sources and sensorial realms and methods offer relevant insights into their existential experiences. They are also important devices to represent stories from below. Through inmates’ narratives and practices my work offers stories, explanations and effects of incarceration alternative to the official reasons legitimating incarceration. Central to my work is my film Time will Tell that documents the lives of three ex-prisoners and represents their every day duties, and the sensory and corporeal implications of the aftermath of imprisonment. Film has been a central piece of my ethnographic research since it allows audiences to engage with realms of experience that go beyond the one offered by language and text; so as to also help evoke – and not only illustrate- the whole of the journey out of prison as an ontological and sensuous experience.

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