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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Roots of a Magma Chamber, the Central Intrusion, Rum, NW-Scotland

Mattsson, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
The island of Rum in the Inner Hebrides, NW-Scotland, hosts a central volcanic complex that is part of the British-Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province situated in NE- Ireland and NW- Scotland. On Rum, rocks from several stages of Palaeogene magmatic activity have been exposed by millions of years of erosion. Rum is best known amongst geologists because of the famous layered ultrabasic intrusion that covers the SSE part of the island, which is amongst the world’s most studied non-active (fossil) volcanoes. The Long Loch Fault traverses Rum with an N-S direction and has been proposed to represent the feeder zone to the layered ultrabasic intrusion. The area close to the Long Loch Fault has been named the Central Intrusion, and was formed by interaction of the plutonic rocks with the Long Loch Fault. There are two end-member theories for the origin of the Central Intrusion: (i) formation by wholesale subsidence (graben formation) of layered ultrabasic units or (ii) by intrusion of new material in-between the Western and Eastern Layered Intrusions (brecciating and fracturing blocks of material from the layered suite) and so causing pulses of uplift and subsequent collapse. To test how the Long Loch Fault influenced magma emplacement on Rum, field work was conducted including structural mapping, and rock-sampling. The data collected in the field were processed by structural 3D modelling (Move Software suite) and complemented by petrography, FTIR, Electron Microprobe analysis and thermobarometry modelling. The results reveal that several fault splays cut the Central Intrusion, which furthermore provide evidence of a transtensional graben situated above the fault zone and into which the layered units collapsed. This collapse was associated with the intrusion of Ca-rich feldspathic peridotite at zones of weakness in the layered rocks (e.g. bedding planes, unit contacts and fractures), producing smaller fault blocks and acting as a lubricant in-between blocks. FTIR and barometry results show that the intruding feldspathic peridotite magma was water-rich and that the clinopyroxenes in the magma crystallised at approximately 15 km of depth. Consequently, a combination of both theories for the creation of the Central Intrusion appears most reasonable. The combination of data gathered allows to formulate a model in which the tectonic activity of the Long Loch fault repetitively opened and closed the magma conduit, causing pressure build-up in the underlying magma reservoir(s) when the conduit was shut. When the pressure was released, e.g. during fault movement, dense (phyric) and wet ultrabasic magma ascended rapidly and spread out into the shallow crustal magma chamber, thus supplying the growing ultrabasic pluton with pulses of magma from depth. / Ön Rum är en del av ö-gruppen Inre Hebridéerna i Nordvästra Skottland och består till stor del av magmatiska bergarter som härrör från en vulkan som var aktiv för cirka 60 miljoner år sedan. Vulkanen tillhör den Britiska Paleogena Magmatiska Provinsen och är skapad av mantelplymen som för nuvarande befinner sig under Island. Den nu eroderade vulkanen har en ikonisk status bland geologer världen över på grund av att den minerallagrade magmakammaren som utgör stora delar av ön, alltså själva hjärtat av vulkanen. Long Loch förkastingen delar Rum i två delar och har föreslagits vara huvudledaren av magma in i magmakammaren. Området på ön i anknytning till förkastningen har påverkats mycket av dess rörelser och har namngets den Centrala Intrusionen. Det finns två vitt skilda teorier om hur den Centrala Intrusionen har skapats: (i) den Centrala Intrusionen har skapats genom sättningar i magmakammaren och bildat en gravsänka, eller (ii) nytt material tränger i magmakammaren, vilket leder till upplyftning av magmakammar golvet som följs av sättning och bildar en gravsänka. I denna masteravhandling testades hypotesen ’Long Loch förkastningen var den primära magmaledaren till magmakammaren idag exponerad på Rum’ genom fältarbete, 3D modellering, petrografi, och geokemiska analyser (FTIR, Mikrosond och barometri). Resulatet visar att den Centrala Intrusionen genomskärs av flera förskastningsgrenar till Long Loch förkastningen vilka tillsammans formar ett tulpan mönster (en typ av gravsänka) som indikerar att en zon av flytande magma (magmaledare) låg under den Centrala Intrusionen när vulkanen var aktiv. Magman från zonen underlättade gravsänka bildandet genom att dela minerallagren i stora block och att intrudera mellan lager och fungera som glidmedel, vilket betyder att båda teorierna kan appliceras på bildandet av den Centrala intrusionen. FTIR och barometri analyserna visar att den intruderade magma var mycket vattenrik och och kom från en  magmakammere på 15 km djup. Long Loch förkastningens rörelser stängde och öppnade magmakanalen, vilket orsakade att kristallrik magma intruderade i pulser.

Jämförelse av metod vid stabilitetsanalys i bergslänter / Comparison of Methods for Slope Stability Analysis

Ekberg Bergman, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
En bergslänts stabilitet styrs av berggrundens egenskaper, så som sprickegenskaper och bergkvalité. För att uppnå önskad stabilitet i en bergslänt behöver de bergmekaniska parametrarna kartläggas och analyseras för att fastställa risker och stabilitetsåtgärder. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera kvalitén på bergteknisk data från digitalfotogrammetriska 3D-modeller genom att jämföra resultatet med manuella mätningar från konventionell kartläggning. Målet är även att utforska potentialen för användning av fotogrammetrisk 3D-modellering vid stabilitetsanalyser i bergslänter genom att utvärdera den bergtekniska analys som kan göras utifrån fotogrammetrisk data. Sprickmätningar framtagna från 3D-modellen visade sig ha samma kvalité som manuella mätningar tagna enligt konventionell metod. Den UAS-baserade fotogrammetrin kan dock inte ersätta den konventionella analysen helt vid stabilitetsanalyser men kan användas som ett kompletterande verktyg i bergtekniska undersökningar. Fotogrammetrin möjliggör datainsamling från ett säkrare avstånd vilket minskar riskmomenten som den konventionella metoden medför vid arbete i fält. Den digitala metoden visade sig även ha fler fördelar såsom möjligheten av kartläggning och analysering framför datorn för mindre tids- och kostnadskrävande moment, digital datalagring samt att slänter med begränsad åtkomst kan karteras. / The stability of a rock slope is controlled by the rock’s mechanical properties, such as rock quality and facets. To achieve the desired stability in a rock slope, the mechanical parameters need to be mapped and analysed to determine possible failures and decide necessary stability measures. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of rock technical data from digital photogrammetry 3D models by comparing the result with manual measurements from conventional mapping. The goal is also to explore the potential uses of photogrammetric 3D models for rock slope stability analyses by evaluate the photogrammetric data. Facets extracted from 3D models were found to have the same quality as manual measurements. However, the UAS-based method cannot completely replace the conventional method but can be useful as a complementary tool. Photogrammetry enables the collection of data from a safer distance, which reduces workplace hazards that the conventional method entails. The digital method also proved to have more advantages, such as the possibility of digital mapping and analysing which is less costly and time-consuming, digital data storage and the possibility to access outcrops that can’t be mapped with manually measurements due to inaccessibility.

A modelagem tridimensional no tratamento do problema direto da geodésia / The tridimensional modeling in processing of direct geodetic problem

Pimentel, Daniel Carlos Cheron 29 March 2012 (has links)
For the transformation of the local coordinates in the global coordinates, and contrariwise, it can be employed the traditional method of Puissant or the 3D modelling. In this paper, both approaches were applied in the geodetic transport of the coordinates of a topographic polygonal, framed in the geodetic base lines AB and CD, considering the point B as the origin of the systems. The geodetic coordinates of supporting points (A, B, C and D) which were determined with GPS (Glogal Positioning System) and the observations which were obtained in topographic search. From the local coordinates (v, u, w) the polygon was calculated: the topographic components (Δv, Δu, Δw) and 3D modeling was transformed in geodesic components (ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ); the geodetic cartesian coordenates (X, Y, Z) which were subsequently transformed in geodetic coordenates (φ, λ, h). In the solution of the Geodetic Direct Problem (PGD) were used the topographic observations, corrected end reduced to the ellipsoid. The results comparison obtained by applying the two methodologies, suggested here, shows a standard deviation (σ) of ± 7,31x10-4 for the latitude (φ) and a standard deviation (σ) of ± 3,71x10-4 for the longitude (λ). This result in an uncertainty of ± 0,080 meters, in 95% significance level between the average position of a point determined by the 3D modeling and PGD. The change in the origin of the system did not cause a relative error above the limit established by the NBR 13.133 (Brasilian Norm 13.133), at the distances between the extreme points of the polygon. These results allow, in this case, the replacement of the PGD methodology for the 3D modeling and choose any point in the spatial database for origin of the systems. The 3D function model performs the conversion of the topographic coordindates in geodetic coordinates with equivalent accuracy to the traditional method of Puissant, with fewer calculations and enables reverse process. This methodology can be used for georeferencing and mapping work, rural and urban cadastre, cartographic updating, among others, in which uncertainty found can be accepted. The data suggest more evaluations of the functional model and the introduction of the stochastic model, for evaluating the quality of data and system. Keywords: Geodesy. Topography. Direct Geodetic Problem. 3D Modelling / Para a transformação de coordenadas locais em globais, e vice-versa, podese empregar a solução do Problema Geodésico Direto (PGD) por Puissant ou a metodologia da modelagem 3D. Neste trabalho, ambas as metodologias foram aplicadas no transporte geodésico das coordenadas de uma poligonal topográfica, enquadrada nas linhas de base geodésica AB e CD, considerando o ponto B como origem dos sistemas. As coordenadas geodésicas dos pontos de apoio (A, B, C e D) foram determinadas no levantamento com GPS (Global Positioning System) e as observações topográficas foram obtidas no levantamento topográfico. A partir das coordenadas locais (v, u, w) da poligonal foram: calculadas as componentes topográficas (Δv, Δu, Δw) e transformadas em componentes geodésicas (ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ) por meio da modelagem 3D; calculadas as coordenadas geodésicas cartesianas (X, Y, Z) que posteriormente foram transformadas em coordenadas geodésicas (φ, λ, h). Na solução do PGD, utilizaram-se as observações topográficas corrigidas e reduzidas ao elipsóide. A comparação dos resultados obtidos pela aplicação das duas metodologias, aqui propostas, apresenta um desvio-padrão (σ) de ± 7,31x10-4 segundos para a latitude (φ) e um desvio-padrão (σ) de ± 3,71x10-4 segundos para a longitude (λ). O que resulta em uma incerteza de ± 0,080 m, ao nível de significância de 95 %, entre a posição média de um ponto determinada pela modelagem 3D e pelo PGD. A alteração da origem do sistema não acarretou um erro relativo superior ao limite estabelecido pela NBR 13.133, nas distâncias entre os pontos extremos da poligonal. Estes resultados possibilitam, neste caso, a substituição da metodologia do PGD pela modelagem 3D e a escolha qualquer ponto da base de dados espaciais como origem do sistema. O modelo funcional 3D realiza a conversão das coordenadas topográficas em geodésicas com precisão equivalente ao método tradicional de Puissant, com quantidade menor de cálculos e possibilita a realização do processo inverso. Esta metodologia pode ser utilizada para trabalhos de georreferenciamento e mapeamento, cadastro urbano e rural e atualização cartográfica, entre outros, em que se possa admitir a incerteza encontrada. Os dados sugerem mais avaliações do modelo funcional e a introdução do modelo estocástico para avaliações da qualidade dos dados e do sistema.

Video-Based 3D Textures

Mustafa, Mohammad January 2007 (has links)
A new approach for object replacement in 3D space is presented. Introducing a technique that replaces the older two dimensional (2D) based facial replacement method performed by compositing artist in motion picture productions and video commercial industry. This method uses 4 digital video cameras filming an actor from 360 degrees, the cameras are placed with 90 degrees in between, the video footage acquired is then used to produce a 3D video texture consisting of video segments taken from different angles representing the object from 3D point of view. The video texture is then applied to a 3D modelled head matching the geometry of the original object. Offering the freedom of showing the object from any point of view from 3D space, which is not possible using the current two dimensional method where the actormust at all time face the camera. The method is described in details with images showing every stage of the process. Results are presented as still frames taken from the final video footage and as a video file demonstrating them.

Possibilidades da produção artística via prototipagem rápida = processos CAD/CAM na elaboração e confecção de obras de arte e o vislumbre de um percurso poético individualizado neste ensaio / Possibilities of Art via Rapid Prototyping : using CAD/CAM systems to create art works and a glimpse of a poetic route individualized essay

Cóser, Thiago José 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Antonio Alves do Valle / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T05:43:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Coser_ThiagoJose_M.pdf: 5818410 bytes, checksum: 0f24a09de35a58913936bf66980dd539 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa prática sobre o uso de tecnologias CAD/CAM com foco no uso de prototipagem rápida em Arte. O trabalho está organizado de modo a explicar a tecnologia empregada, apresentando uma seleção de principais artistas que se utilizam de PR para desenvolver suas obras. Por fim há uma produção poética pessoal, com a intenção de situar a relevância deste discurso na história da Arte / Abstract: This work presents a practical research on the use of CAD / CAM technologies focusing on rapid prototyping use in Art. The work is organized to explain the technology used, presenting a selection of main artists who use PR to develop their works. Finally there is a personal poetic production, with the intention to place the relevance of this discourse in the history of Art / Mestrado / Artes / Mestre em Artes

Comparison of Photogrammetry Interpretation with Physical Structural Field Measurements / Jämförelse av fotogrammetrisk tolkning med manuella fältmätningar

Osterman, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Fracture mapping of bedrock and knowledge about how fractures influence rock strength and stability is of great importance in a constructional context. These factors largely dictate where one can build and not build in rock, and to what extent reinforcements and safety measurements are needed. In a city like Stockholm where infrastructure has been forced to expand due to a rapidly growing population, this type of knowledge plays a central role to ensure continued development. Fracture mapping is traditionally executed by a geologist who manually measures fracture orientations with a compass. However, this method bears obvious risks as the geologist must physically approach a possibly unstable rock face to carry out manual measurements of fractures and structures. In some cases, the geologist is not even allowed to approach the rock face for safety reasons. The aspect of time should not be neglected either since the process of manual measurements is often time consuming. This has resulted in newer and safer technological methods being developed and tested. In 2015, The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) acquired photogrammetrical equipment and 3D-modelling software ShapeMetriX to ease the fracture mapping process, obtain data of higher quality and increase personnel safety in the field. In this report, the photogrammetrical system is quality tested by comparing its results with manual field measurements. The control was carried out on three different rock faces in two locations; Torsgatan, a central street in Stockholm, and Kungens kurva, a construction site southwest of central Stockholm. The study shows that the results of ShapeMetriX correspond well to the manual field measurements and that the method has several advantages as well as disadvantages compared to conventional mapping methods. / Sprickkartering av berggrund och kunskap om hur bergets hållfasthet och stabilitet påverkas av sprickor är viktigt i konstruktionssammanhang. Dessa faktorer dikterar till stor del var man kan och inte kan bygga i berg samt till vilken grad förstärkningar och säkerhetsåtgärder behövs. I en stad lik Stockholm vars infrastruktur tvingas anpassa sig efter en kraftigt växande befolkning sätts dessa kunskaper i en ännu mer central roll för att kunna säkerställa stadens fortsatta utveckling. Sprickkartering utförs traditionellt av en geolog som med hjälp av en kompass manuellt mäter sprickors orientering. Detta medför dock uppenbara risker då denna fysiskt måste befinna sig nära bergskärningen för att kunna utföra mätningar av sprickor och strukturer. I vissa fall kan geologen, av säkerhetsskäl, inte alls närma sig den berörda ytan vilket omöjliggör en detaljerad kartering. Tidsaspekten av det hela bör inte heller bortses då manuella fältmätningar ofta är tidskrävande. Detta har resulterat i att nyare och säkrare teknologiska metoder för kartering och klassificering av berg både utvecklas och prövas. Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) förvärvade 2015 fotogrammetrisk karteringsutrustning och 3D-modelleringsprogrammet ShapeMetriX för att effektivisera sprickkarteringsarbetet, erhålla data med högre kvalitét och öka säkerheten för personal I fält. I denna rapport utvärderas nämnda stereofotogrammetriska karteringsmetod med tillhörande analysmjukvara genom en jämförelse av dess resultat med manuella fältmätningar. Kontrollen utfördes på tre berghällar; en belägen på Torsgatan, en central gågata strax nordväst om centrala Stockholm och de andra vid Kungens kurva, en byggarbetsplats i närheten av Skärholmen i södra Stockholm. Resultat av studien visar att ShapeMetriX mätningar väl stämmer överens med manuella fältmätningar och även att metoden har en

3D modelling of twisted multi-filamentary superconductors / Modélisation tridimensionnelle de supraconducteurs multifilamentaires torsadés

Makong Hell Nkatack, Ludovic Didier 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les supraconducteurs à hautes températures sont considérablement utilisés dans des applications telles que des machines électriques. La conception de telles machines requiert une évaluation précise des pertes AC générées par leurs bobinages de câbles supraconducteurs multifilamentaires torsadés. Ainsi, des outils numériques robustes et précis sont indispensables afin de modéliser rapidement en 3D le comportement de tels câbles. Dans ce manuscrit, deux approches numériques dont une approche de type galerkin discontinue furent développées afin de simplifier considérablement la modélisation 3D de ce type de câbles. Elles furent appliquées à la formulation en H couplée aux effets thermiques. La modélisation de cas simples a permis de valider ces approches en les comparant à celle des éléments finis implémentée sur Comsol. Puis, une transformation géométrique fut proposée afin de modéliser de façon équivalente en 3D, quelque soit la configuration en champ magnétique, des câbles à filaments supraconducteurs droits à la place de filaments torsadés. De cette transformation, un modèle d'ordre réduit fut développé et validé afin de simplifier considérablement la modélisation 3D de ce type de câbles. À partir de ce modèle réduit, l'influence du champ elliptique sur les pertes par aimantation d'un échantillon de 100 câbles de 54 filaments de MgB ₂ torsadés fut modélisé en moins d'une journée. Par ailleurs, des premières études empiriques montrant la faisabilité d'une homogénéisation furent brièvement présentées et validées pour des câbles ayant une seule couche de filament. / High temperature superconductors are increasingly being used for several applications such as electrical machines. Thus the design of suchdevices ultimately requires an accurate evaluation of AC losses generated by superconducting coils sometimes made of twisted multifilamentary wires.The development of robust numerical tools geared towards the 3 D modeling of such wires is therefore needed. In this manuscript, the main objective isto develop numerical approaches allowing considerable simplifications of the modelling of twisted multi-filamentary superconducting wires in 3 D. First, two numerical approaches such as the discontinuous galerkin method applied on the thermally coupled H -formulation were developed. They were compared and validated on simple cases using the finite element method implemented in Com-sol. Then, a well-defined mapping was proposed to simply model in 3 D, for any magnetic field configuration, straight multifilamentary wires instead oftwisted ones. An application of this mapping allowed the development of a model-order reduction approach which simplify considerably the mod-elling of twisted wires in 3 D. Thus, the elliptical magnetic fields impact on magnetization losses was accurately modeled in less than a day with the reduced approach applied on 100 MgB ₂ wires with 54 twisted filaments. As a research perspective on the reduced model advanced applications, an homogenization, empirically defined, was briefly presented for wires with single layer only.

Depth map of the Rosetta Stone

Amin, Miriam, Barmpoutis, Angelos, Berti, Monica, Bozia, Eleni, Hensel, Josephine, Naether, Franziska 08 April 2020 (has links)
The Digital Rosetta Stone is a project developed at Leipzig University by the Chair of Digital Humanities and the Egyptological Institute/Egyptian Museum Georg Steindorff in collaboration with the British Museum and the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project of the University of Florida. The aims of the project are to produce a collaborative digital edition of the Rosetta Stone, address standardization and customization issues for the scholarly community, create data that can be used by students to understand the document in terms of language and content, and produce a high-resolution 3D model of the inscription. The three versions of the text were transcribed and outputted in XML, according to the EpiDoc guidelines. Next, the versions were aligned with the Ugarit iAligner tool that supports the alignment of ancient texts with modern languages, such as English and German. All three texts were then parsed syntactically and morphologically through Treebank annotation. Finally, the project explored new 3D-digitization methodologies of the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum that enhances traditional archaeological methods and facilitates the study of the artifact. The results of this work were used in different courses in Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, and Egyptology.

Inter-population craniometrics of adult male Subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis)

Moshobane, Moleseng Claude 03 1900 (has links)
Craniometrics is a very reliable and effective tool for studying the difference in animal morphology. Previously, traditional craniometrics were conducted with the aid of calipers in two dimensional format (2D). Such discounting of actual three-dimensional 3D form may result in loss of some relevant and critical information leading to compromised and unreliable results for studies such as population variation analysis of morphology. The employment of 3D photogrammetry allows a close to complete representation of the physical dimensions of a specimen. The use of photogrammetry in mammalogy concentrated on measuring of body size/mass, but little has been done on animal skull delineation through photogrammetry. This dissertation describes advances in morphometrics and 3D photogrammetry application in craniometrics, investigates the craniometric variation between closely related species (Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis), and A. tropicalis interpopulation craniometrics between two geographically distinct populations, at Marion Island and Gough Island, using Photomodeler Scanner® (PMSc®) three-dimensional (3D) modelling software to produce accurate, high resolution 3D skull models. A total of 117 3D models were created from adult male fur seal crania, and 16 traditional measurements recorded, using specimens archived at the Port Elizabeth Museum, Bayworld, South Africa. Sixteen linear measurements, (8 caliper recordings and 8 3D recordings) were used for PMSc® methodology testing, 16 (A. gazella n= 8 and A. tropicalis n= 8) used for species cranial comparison and 85 (Marion Island n= 54 and Gough Island n= 31) used for interpopulation variation. The craniometric variations were analysed using the Statistica® v11 software package, StatSoft, Inc. The comparison between linear traditional caliper cranial measurements and 3D measurements produced significantly similar results, attesting to the accuracy of the PMSc® 3D model production. Photomodeler Scanner® therefore produces accurate and high resolution 3D models of skulls which allow 3D measurements. I predicted that PMSc® would detect the existing significant differences between the skulls of adult male A. gazella and A. tropicalis and modelled and compared their 3D models, and I further predicted that PMSc® would detect any existing differences between the skulls of A. tropicalis from Gough and Marion islands by comparison of their 3D models. The Gough Island and Marion Island A. tropicalis populations could not be discriminated based on linear 3D cranial I conclude that PMSc® is a reliable and effective tool for accurate and high resolution 3D modelling. The present study confirms previous findings and contributes additional evidence that suggests that adult A. tropicalis males from Gough Island and Marion Island cannot be discriminated based on linear measurements of craniometrics, and deviates from the Bergmanian rule as applied to large mammals. The present study, however, makes several noteworthy contributions to the use of PMSc® and 3D modelling in morphometrics. Taken together, these findings suggest a role for PMSc® 3D modelling in promoting accurate digitization of museum specimens and creation of online museum libraries. This research will serve as a baseline for future studies and usefulness of PMSc® in 3D morpho-volumetric measurements. / Dissertation (MSc (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Zoology and Entomology / MSc (Zoology) / Unrestricted

AI:s kommande involvering i konceptkonst : Hur ser 3D-studenter på AI-genererade bilder som konceptbilder i en3D-modelleringsprocess? / AI:s coming involvement in concept art

Möller, Gustav, Berglind Kvarnryd, Linus January 2024 (has links)
Our research study focuses on exploring how 3D-students view AI image generation tools usefullness as concept images in 3D production. We conducted interviews with five 3D students to gain insight into how useful they find AI-generated images in 3D production. By collecting information through interview method, participants' responses were analyzed using thematic analysis. Their responses were combined with existing theories in concept art, disruptive technologies, and sparing technologies. Our main findings show that students found images made by using AI can be used as inspiration images and moodboards but have difficulty being used for anything else in a 3D production, as AI was poor at reproducing the same object multiple times. The same object couldn't be obtained from multiple angles which limits usability. However the 3D-students think there is potential in using the images as a foundation that is then further developed by a human. / Vår forskningsstudie fokuserar på att utforska hur 3D-studenter ser på användbarheten av AI-bildgenereringsverktyg som konceptbilder i 3D-produktion. Vi genomförde intervjuer med fem 3D-studenter för att få insikt i hur användbara de tycker att AI-genererade bilder är i 3D-produktion. Genom att samla in information genom intervjuer analyserades deltagarnas svar med tematisk analys. Deras svar kombinerades med befintliga teorier inom konstkoncept, störande teknologier och sparsamma teknologier. Våra huvudsakliga resultat visar att studenterna fann att bilder skapade med AI kan användas som inspirationsbilder och moodboards men har svårigheter att användas för något annat i 3D-produktion, eftersom AI hade svårt att reproducera samma objekt flera gånger. Samma objekt kunde inte erhållas från olika vinklar vilket begränsar användbarheten. Dock tror 3D-studenterna att det finns potential att använda bilderna som en grund som sedan utvecklas ytterligare av en människa.

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