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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová strategie mobilních operátorů v oblasti infotainmentu a entertainmentu

Urbánek, Tomáš January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na specifický obor mobilní komunikace ? infotainment&entertainment (též contentové služby), který představuje informačně zábavné služby v mobilním telefonu ? a na marketingovou strategii, kterou mobilní operátor aplikuje v rámci těchto služeb. Strategie je analyzována z hlediska modelu 4P. ?Product? představuje detailní zmapování služeb, ?Price? nejen celu ale i spotřební rozhodování na trhu contentových služeb, ?Promotion? nejdůležitější nástroje komunikačního mixu, ?Place? souhrn činností, které vedou k tomu, že je konečnému zákazníkovi poskytnuto perfektní plnění. Důraz je kladen také na aplikaci efektivních postupů při organizaci činností a moderních technologií využívaných pro mobilní služby.

Den lojala kunden – finns den? : Vilka faktorer påverkar kundens attityd och beteende och leder dessa faktorer till butikslojalitet?

Lennartson, Ninnie, Molnemark, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Marketing Management for the New Medicine on the Market--The Study Focus on the Medicine of the Rheumatoid Arthritis

Wang, Jung-Tien 06 August 2007 (has links)
Abstract As a matter of fact, for those producers in medicine industry who runs multi-national business, have to promote two to three kinds of new medicine on the market enabling to maintain two-digit growth. However, the new products (medicine) be certified for marketing is not able to follow the step and progress what have been researched and developed. The ratio of success for the research and development of new medicine as well as the quantity of the marketing for new medicine eventually become the most critical factor of determination for marketing value of all major international medicine producers. This study will be preceded with discussion of reference document, collection of secondary information, and case study to describe the marketing strategy, that mainly focus on the analysis to the Rheumatoid Arthritis biological products and its relating information to further find out the ¡§Pattern of Successful Marketing for New Medicine¡¨. Moreover, it might sort out the key factor of successful marketing for many kinds of biological products for the Rheumatoid Arthritis. Eventually, the study is trying to propose the successful application of marketing for new medicine to maximize the opportunity of success and potentiality. There are some key factors like planning and preparation for successful marketing of new medicine, which normally covers the complex of multi-professional filed. The combination of marketing is the tool to achieve the target market. These tools are divided into four classifications, named as ¡§Marketing 4 P¡¨: They are respectively Product, Price, Place and Promotion. This study adopts 4 P of Promotion Management of Marketing to discuss the strategy of new medicine marketing and investigate the deployment of marketing strategy in Taiwanese medicine marketing. The study indicates the discussion of For 4 P can provide marketing personnel with a clear direction, to map out the thinking mode of complete strategy for new medicine marketing in order to diminish the resistance of marketing, and facilitate the success of new medicine Launch. Key Words: New Medicine Launch, Marketing Strategy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, 4 P

Etablering genom icke-traditionell marknadsföring : En studie av Goohs etablering på marknaden för färdigmat

Ryde, Sebastian, Erbe, Susanne January 2012 (has links)
Problemformulering: Små företag kan ha svårt att slå sig in på en marknad på grund av en begränsad marknadsföringsbudget och konkurrens från andra aktörer. Dessa företag måste därför i många fall använda andra mindre kostsamma metoder än traditionell marknadsföring för att etablera sig på en marknad. Syfte: Att undersöka hur ett mindre företag kan etablera sig på en marknad genom användandet av andra marknadsföringsstrategier än traditionell reklam. För att besvara vårt syfte två delar ur 4 P undersökts, plats och påverkan (distribution och marknadskommunikation). Metod: En fallstudie har gjorts av företaget Gooh där fyra personer på Gooh har intervjuats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Analys: Gooh har gått från en exklusiv distribution till en mer intensiv distribution för att nå ut till fler kunder och konsumenter. I sin marknadskommunikation har Gooh använt sig av olika aktiviteter som viral och buzz marketing för att generera word-of- mouth både bland konsumenter och kunder. Resultat: Gooh har ökat omfattningen av distributionen samtidigt som de ökat omfattningen av marknadskommunikationen för att nå ut till fler kunder och konsumenter och etablera sig på marknaden för färdigmat. Slutsats: Gooh har använt sig av en kombination av distribution och marknadskommunikation i sin marknadsföring och genom detta fått ett stort antal kunder och konsumenter och därmed etablerat sig på marknaden genom icke- traditionell marknadsföring.

Den lojala kunden – finns den? : Vilka faktorer påverkar kundens attityd och beteende och leder dessa faktorer till butikslojalitet?

Lennartson, Ninnie, Molnemark, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The plasma membrane lipid asymmetry of Leishmania donovani and its relevance for phagocytosis

Weingärtner, Adrien 21 May 2012 (has links)
In großen Teilen der Welt verursachen intrazelluläre Parasiten der Spezies Leishmania schwerwiegende Infektionen beim Menschen. Die Exposition eines Phospholipids (Phosphatidylserin, PS) steht unter Verdacht Fresszellen zur Aufnahme der Parasiten zu stimulieren. Bisher ist die Regulation der Phospholipidverteilung in der Plasmamembran dieser Parasiten kaum erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein lipidtransportierender Proteinkomplex identifiziert, der einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur asymmetrischen Lipidverteilung in der Plasmamembran von Leishmania donovani leistet. Die Zerstörung des Komplexes führte zum Verlust des einwärts gerichteten Lipidtransports und zur Anreicherung von Phosphatidylethanolamin (PE) auf der Zelloberfläche des Parasiten. Diese veränderte Lipidasymmetrie hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf die Phagozytose durch Makrophagen. Darüber hinaus brachte die Untersuchung des Insektenstadiums (Promastigote) verschiedener Leishmania Spezies zu Tage, dass die Menge an PS unterhalb des Detektionslimits modernster Nachweisverfahren liegt. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Parasit über einen Scramblase-Mechanismus verfügt, der durch intrazelluläres Kalzium stimulierbar ist. Die Scramblase-Aktivität ist, im Gegensatz zu dem zuvor beschriebenen einwärts gerichteten Lipidtransport, energieunabhängig und ermöglicht die bidirektionale Translokation von fluoreszenzmarkiertem Phosphatidylcholin (PC), PE, PS und Sphingomyelin (SM). Dementsprechend konnte nach Kalziumstimulierung endogenes PE auch in der äußeren Lipidschicht der Plasmamembran detektiert werden, wobei deren Barrierefunktion nicht beeinträchtigt wurde. Diese Ergebnisse geben neue Einblicke in die dynamische Regulation der Lipidverteilung über die Plasmamembran des Parasiten und verdeutlichen, dass die Exposition von PS und PE nicht essentiell für das Eindringen der Leishmanien in die Wirtszellen ist. / The protozoan parasite Leishmania causes severe infections in humans throughout the world. Following the transmission via sand flies to its mammalian host the extracellular parasite has to gain entry into phagocytic cells to initiate a successful infection. Specific surface exposed phospholipids have been implicated in Leishmania macrophage-interaction, but the mecha-nisms controlling and regulating the plasma membrane lipid distribution remains to be eluci-dated. In the present work a lipid transporting protein complex was identified in Leishmania dono-vani which plays an essential role in maintaining an asymmetric lipid distribution across the plasma membrane. Loss of the protein complex abolishes the inward-directed lipid transport and thus e.g. to an increased cell surface exposure of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In spite of this altered lipid asymmetry the uptake by macrophages is unaffected. Moreover, Leishma-nia promastigotes of different species lack detectable amounts of phosphatidylserine (PS) although being infective. Furthermore, a scramblase activity following a cytosolic calcium signal was demonstrated. This scramblase mechanism facilitated, in contrast to the previous described inward directed lipid transport, the bidirectional movement of fluorescent lipid analogues of PC, PE, PS and SM in an energy-independent manner. In accordance with these findings endogenous PE was exposed to the outer plasma membrane leaflet following the Ca2+-signal, while the plasma membrane itself remained intact. These results provide novel insight into the dynamic regulation of the transbilayer lipid distri-bution across the parasite plasma membrane and reveal that exposure of PS and PE is not cru-cial for invasion of the host cell by Leishmania donovani promastigotes.

Įmonių marketingo galimybės socialiniuose tinkluose / Corporate marketing opportunities in social networks

Jarilinas, Lukas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – socialinių tinklų marketingas. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti socialinių tinklų marketingo atsiradimą paskatinančius veiksnius, bei atlikti įmonių susijusių su turizmu galimybių socialiniuose tinkluose įvertinimą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti socialinių tinklų marketingo sampratą. 2. Atlikti socialinių tinklų marketingo galimybių analizę. 3. Išnagrinėti socialinių tinklų marketingo atsiradimą ir veikimo principus. 4. Atskleisti neišnaudotų, socialinių tinklų marketingo, galimybių priežastis įmonių susijusių su turizmu sektoriuje. Hipotezė – socialinių tinklų marketingo galimybės įmonėse turinčiose sąsajas su turizmu, išnaudojamos pilnai ir tinkamai. Atlikus literatūros socialinių tinklų marketingo galimybių literatūrinę analizę išskiriami e - marketingo privalumai, įtakos vartotojui veiksniai, atlikta priežasčių pagal vartotojus ir verslininkus analizė. Išnagrinėjus socialinių tinklų populiarumą paaiškėjo, kad teik pasaulyje, tiek Lietuvoje tarp tokių tinklų lyderiu galime laikyti „Facebook“. Atlikus neišnaudotų galimybių socialiniuose tinkluose tyrimą galima nustatyti ir padaryti tokias išvadas: įmonės neturi pakankamai žinių ir pakankami duomenų analizėms atlikti; įmonės neturi pakankamai kompetentingo personalo; neįvertinamas pilnas marketingo proceso kompleksas; neatitinka vartotojų ir verslininkų požiūriai dėl netinkamos ir neišsamios analizės; netinkamai traktuojamos ir įvertinamos tokio marketingo galimybės. Hipotezė - socialinių tinklų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object - social network marketing. The aim - to analyze the emergence of social networking marketing incentives, within the factors, and implement enterprise - related tourism opportunities in social networking assessment. The objectives: 1. Reveal social network marketing concept. 2. Perform social network marketing opportunity analysis. 3. Examine the emergence of social network marketing and how it works. 4. Uncover untapped, social network marketing, opportunity, enterprises related to tourism sector. Hypothesis - social network marketing opportunities in companies having links with tourism exploited fully and properly. The literature of social network marketing opportunities for literary analysis distinguishes e - marketing advantages of consumer influence factors , done by reason consumers and business analysis. An examination of the popularity of social networks showed that providers in the world, both in Lithuania between these networks can be considered a leader in Facebook. After untapped social networks to identify and study the following conclusions: the company does not have sufficient knowledge and sufficient data to perform analysis; companies do not have enough qualified personnel; fails to recognize the full marketing process complex; does not meet consumer and business attitudes of inadequate and incomplete analysis; properly treated and evaluated the marketing possibilities. Hypothesis - social network marketing opportunities in companies having links... [to full text]


Tsai, Chia-chin 22 January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The research is mainly to study the marketing strategy of the experience museum activity of which as the subject is the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium overnight tour. The main purpose is to research the Museum customer satisfaction reports during 2003-2007 summer periods, analyze its relevance with the turnover and explore the relationship between the marketing factors combination of ¡§products, prices, channels, promotion¡¨, and the achievements of the museum overnight tour. This research organizes the annual summertime questionnaire statistics from year 2003 to 2007, and meantime interviews with the 6 managers in charge of the activity planning, decision-making, and implementation respectively. The study is summarized as follows: 1.The questionnaire statistics indicate that the overall customer satisfaction goes in sequence "personnel services" > "activity-related process" > " hardware facility." 2. "The difference of the experience activities", "needs for the spirit satisfaction", "high customer satisfaction" and " the collaboration within the organization" are viewed as growth factors. "The effect by integrated economic environment", "old product" "the increase of the external competitors" are as recession factors. 3. From the aspect of the product, the software services (personnel services) have high satisfaction far greater than the hardware services. Even though the lack of decent hardware, the high satisfaction with the software services relatively provides the participants the profound experience, 4. In terms of the ¡§price¡¨, the museum overnight tour package can be categorized as ¡§on the basis of patronization and users relationship oriented." High price rationality is in accordance with the continuous increasing number of participants. 5. Marketing ¡§channels¡¨: High satisfaction with the application process, and personnel services can illustrate the key successful factor that the Museum itself plays in. It also goes with the increasing number of participants. 6. In view of "promotion", the results of the questionnaire and interviews both specify that "people (friends and relatives introduction)" is the most powerful experience media followed by the Internet, the electronic media, newspapers and magazines, and broadcasting.

Lipid Signalling Dynamics in Insulin-secreting β-cells

Wuttke, Anne January 2013 (has links)
Certain membrane lipids are involved in intracellular signalling processes, among them phosphoinositides and diacylglycerol (DAG). They mediate a variety of functions, including the effects of nutrients and neurohormonal stimuli on insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. To ensure specificity of the signal, their concentrations are maintained under tight spatial and temporal control. Here, live-cell imaging techniques were employed to investigate spatio-temporal aspects of lipid signalling in the plasma membrane of insulin-secreting β-cells. The concentration of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate [PtdIns(4)P] increased after stimulation with glucose or Gq protein-coupled receptor agonists. The glucose effect was Ca2+-dependent, whereas the receptor response was mediated by isoforms of novel protein kinase C (PKC). The increases in PtdIns(4)P were paralleled by lowerings of the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] concentration. This relationship was not caused by conversion of PtdIns(4,5)P2 to PtdIns(4)P but rather reflected independent regulation of the two lipids. Stimulation of β-cells with glucose or a high K+ concentration induced pronounced, repetitive increases in plasma-membrane DAG concentration, which were locally restricted and lasted only for a few seconds. This pattern was caused by exocytotic release of ATP, which feedback-activates purinergic P2Y1-receptors and stimulates local phospholipase C-mediated DAG generation. Despite their short durations the DAG spikes triggered local activation of PKC. Novel PKCs were recruited to the plasma membrane both after glucose and muscarinic receptor stimulation. While the glucose-induced translocation was synchronized with DAG spiking, muscarinic stimulation induced sustained elevation of the DAG concentration and stable membrane association of the kinase. Also conventional PKCs translocated to the membrane after glucose and receptor stimulation. The glucose-induced response was complex with sustained membrane association mirroring the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, and superimposed brief recurring translocations caused by DAG. Interruption of the purinergic feedback loop underlying DAG spiking suppressed insulin secretion. Since the DAG spikes reflected exocytosis events, a single-cell secretion assay was established, which allowed continuous recording of secretion dynamics from many cells in parallel over extended periods of time. With this approach it was possible to demonstrate that insulin exerts negative feedback on its own release via a phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent mechanism.

Internationalisation and international marketing in practice : three case studies of small and medium-sized B2B companies

Åkesson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Because of an increased Globalisation, it is no longer a question whether or not to operate on an international level. Globalisation refers to the fact that companies do not only compete with local companies; they also compete with companies that invade the domestic market. The international participation establishes a coercion to deliver a competitive international marketing. Guidelines for Internationalisation and international marketing have been done on the basis of the premise of big companies. Hence, when it comes to small and medium-sized B2B companies this thesis contributes with additional information.   The purpose is to explore how small and medium- sized B2B companies market themselves in an international context. Understanding how these companies have come as far as they have come, how these companies perform on the international market and how they act to reach new markets. This has been explored through literature revolved around major steps in internationalisation and standardisation or adaptation of the marketing mix in the context of SME and B2B.     The study is based on three case studies of three Swedish international small and medium-sized B2B companies. The research approach was abductive, and the empirical collection was of qualitative form. The empirical material was collected through in-depth semi structured interviews with knowledgeable representatives from international small and medium-sized B2B companies. The interviews were complemented with secondary data.   Findings reveal that even though the three companies are in stage three in their internationalisation, there are differences in regard to how active they are internationally. Regarding how the companies internationalises, these companies internationalised because of a demand abroad or the benefit of increase profit. These companies mainly used waterfall approach and entered countries one by one with the exception of one company who used sprinkler approach. Also, these companies entered countries that are similar and close compared to the domestic country Sweden. Furthermore, these companies entered a market through Direct Export in forms of subsidiaries and own or locally agents. Furthermore, insights in standardisation and adaptation of the marketing mix were revealed, where product and place were adapted by all companies. Price and promotion were adapted in two out of three companies and standardised in one company. Connected to the context of the study, being a small and medium-sized company was not a crucial limitation for the companies’ internationalisation. Additionally, regarding the context of B2B, quality & design, Long-term customers & Word of Mouth showed to be the most important key factors for B2B companies that operate internationally.

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