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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Secondary students' understandings of healthy diet : a comparative study in Greece and England

Sinigalias, Pavlos-Ioannis January 2002 (has links)
This study looks at the nutritional literacy of20 Greek and 20 British students who were about to complete higher secondary education. The meaning ofa balanced diet is discussed and a model is proposed according to which a balanced diet aims at the promotion ofthe overall health ofthe individual and not only the prevention of diseases. The various social psychological theories that have been used in surveys and health interventions are reviewed. Nutritional literacy is analysed with regard to four issues: understanding of health, understanding ofa balanced diet, ability to make informed food choices and ability to describe and comment on one's own dietary habits. For the exploration of these issues, an interview was selected as the research instrument because it is resilient and can focus on each subject's views. The schedule ofthe interview was developed through three series ofpilot interviews. The data collected were analysed qualitatively, but some statistical methods were also deployed. Students defined health positively, i.e. in terms ofgood health rather than the avoidance ofill health, and referred mainly to bodily health. They spoke about habits that we must adopt rather than about habits that we must avoid. Diet and exercise were the most often reported health-promoting habits. For most ofthe students, bodily growth and good looks were the aims ofa balanced diet. Some students reported the prevention of cardiovascular diseases through diet, but most ofthem ignored the links between the type ofdiet and cancers ofthe digestive tract. Some students interpreted nutritional information in a way that reflected their own strongly held views about the nature of a balanced diet. Students' views and their ability to plan a balanced diet were characterized by high accuracy but low comprehensiveness. Finally, students were rather selective in the description oftheir own diet. Most ofthem reported that they are more or less committed to a healthy diet. However, they did not identify this commitment as a precaution against ill health.

Changing children's diets : developing methods & messages

Hart, Kathryn Hayley January 2003 (has links)
Primary school-aged children are an important target for health promotion but their increasing social and financial freedom is unlikely to be matched by an increase in their food control, cognitive abilities or the perceived need required to facilitate healthy behaviours, especially food choice. Thus, indirect attempts at behavioural modification are required, with parents indicated as potentially powerful education intermediaries. This research aimed to take a 'bottom-up' approach to investigate the current motivators and reinforcers for behaviour change within the families of primary school children in the UK. Initial focus group discussions with children and parents were hypothesis generating, highlighting the perceived priorities and required message format of the target audience in relation to children's diet and exercise behaviour. Quantitative depth was added to these findings via the development of a novel tool based upon the Theory of Planned Behaviour. This questionnaire was completed by 199 parents, allowing a rigorous assessment of parental intention to provide a healthy diet for their children. Finally study findings informed the development of a tailored parental nutrition education intervention which was pilot tested with 13 parents, providing valuable information regarding the logistical implications of implementing a health promotion programme within the parent population. Overall, results indicated a general rejection of traditional nutritional messages and sources in favour of a less abstract, more flexible approach with a short term health focus delivered by neutral agencies. Whilst healthy eating was viewed positively, parents tended to perceive unrealistic targets and to have sub optimal nutritional knowledge and an inadequate awareness of their own influence as a model for their child's behaviour. Negative approaches to food control were frequently observed along with practical barriers to education uptake, which need to be addressed. Significant differences in parental attitudes and behaviour were observed between families of different socio-economic status and variations were seen by child gender. Parents appeared to be reinforcing inappropriate gender stereotypes in the domain of food and exercise behaviour. Social support was shown to positively impact on parental intention to provide a healthy diet, indicating the importance of ensuring sufficient environmental support for behaviour change, via family and community cohesiveness. This research has allowed the nutrition education language, priorities and beliefs of the dynamic UK parent and child population to be characterised and quantified and the possibilities for their incorporation into effective, if non-traditional approaches to health promotion are discussed.

Effect of social identity salience on healthy eating intentions and behaviour

Banas, Katarzyna Joanna January 2015 (has links)
Background. Self-categorisation theory and the identity-based motivation perspective suggest that people’s motivation to engage in a particular behaviour is stronger when that behaviour is congruent with their salient social identity. In situations where a certain social identity is made salient, or where people identify strongly with a particular group, the social norm associated with that group may have a strong effect on individual behaviour. This perspective can be used to enhance the understanding of health-related intentions and behaviour. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the usefulness of adding concepts related to social identity to existing social cognitive models of healthy eating. The prediction being made is that members of groups that value healthy eating might be more likely to engage in healthy eating when their membership in that particular group is made salient. Five experimental studies tested the effect of social identity salience and group identification on healthy eating intentions and behaviour. Both intentions and behaviour were measured in each of the five studies, to allow for investigating the existence and potential causes of the intention-behaviour gap for healthy eating. Methods and Results. All five studies included random assignment of participants to conditions, and an experimental manipulation of social identity salience or social image healthiness. In Study 1 (n = 149), conducted among female university students, participants’ female, family, or personal identity was made salient. The results showed that increasing the salience of female or family identity led to stronger healthy eating intentions, but did not increase the likelihood of picking a healthy snack over an unhealthy one. Study 2 (n = 115) did not include a successful manipulation of salient social identity, but it showed a positive association between female identification, measured as a trait, and healthy eating intentions, even after controlling for attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. Study 3 (n = 156) included a manipulation of social identity salience (female or student) and a manipulation of social image healthiness (images presenting in-group members engaging in either healthy or unhealthy behaviour). The results corroborated the earlier finding that female identification is positively correlated with healthy eating intentions. Also, the results indicated that when participants were shown social images of their in-group members engaging in healthy or unhealthy behaviour, they expressed intentions in line with the social images only if they did not express strong identification with the in-group. Study 4 (n = 87) was conducted in the context of Australian identity and included a manipulation of social images healthiness. The findings provided evidence for the existence of a vicarious licensing effect for healthy eating. Namely, for participants who highly identified with their social group, exposure to pictures of other in-group members engaging in healthy behaviour resulted in choosing less healthy food items from a restaurant menu. Study 5 (n = 117) demonstrated the existence of a vicarious licensing effect in the context of female identity, where participants’ food intake during a taste test was predicted by the interaction of the social image healthiness and their group identification. Conclusions. By examining the predictors of both healthy eating intention and behaviour, the research presented in this thesis sheds light on some of the phenomena potentially underlying the intention-behaviour gap for healthy eating, particularly among women. It appears that the healthy eating norm is internalised by women and translated into healthy eating intentions, to the extent that women who identify more highly with their gender group, and those whose female identity is made temporarily salient, also express stronger healthy eating intentions. The association between female identification and healthy eating behaviour, however, appears to be much less consistent, and in most studies the correlation between healthy eating intentions and eating behaviour was poor, even though a variety of measures of behaviour was used. These findings suggest that actual eating is often not predicted by intentions, but depends on contextual factors, such as being given an opportunity to reinforce the healthy eating goal, or the availability of information about in-group members’ eating behaviour. The results also have implications for health-psychological interventions, in suggesting that people’s response to health-related content (such as social images that may be used in health promotion interventions) may be different depending on their level of group identification. In line with the vicarious licensing effect, individuals who report high levels of group identification might be less likely to respond to interventions aimed at their specific social groups.

Seelische Gesundheit: Gesundheitskompetenz für Migrantinnen und Migranten

Pohl-Shirazi, Fatemeh, Balz, Viola 11 June 2021 (has links)
Die Broschüre ist ein Ergebnis des Projektes 'Gesundheitskompetenz für Migrantinnen und Migranten', gefördert durch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhang. Das Projekt wurde durchgeführt durch die Zentrum für Forschung, Beratung und Weiterbildung an der Evangelischen Hochschule Dresden gGmbH, u.a. mit dem Ausländerrat Dresden e.V. Basierend auf verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Erhebungen wurde dabei der Edukationsbedarf im Hinblick auf seelische Gesundheit bei Farsi sprechenden geflüchteten Frauen ermittelt. Zielgruppe der Publikation sind Multiplikatoren ('Peers') sowie Farsi sprechende Frauen. Sie enthält laiengerecht aufbereitete Informationen zu seelischen Erkrankungen, deren Prävention sowie dem deutschen Hilfesystem. Die Broschüre ist in Farsi und Deutsch verfasst.:Was sind seelische Krankheiten? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Körper und Seele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Was kann die Seele krank machen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Seelische Krankheiten und ihre Symptome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .13 Wo kann ich mir Hilfe holen?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Wo bekomme ich Hilfe im Notfall? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Was hält die Seele gesund? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Was schützt die Seele vor Krankheiten? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Entspannungs- und Atemübungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Beratungsstellen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Abbildungsverzeichnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Einfluss einer MRT-Untersuchung auf die Funktionsstabilität nicht MRT-fähiger Herzschrittmacher und ICD

Steger, Ronny 08 May 2014 (has links)
Die bildgebende Diagnostik im Magnetresonanztomographen ist für Träger implantierter, nicht MR-fähiger Herzschrittmacher und Cardioverter/Defibrillatoren potentiell risikoreich. Durch das starke externe Magnetfeld und die elektromagnetischen Signale des MRT-Gerätes können die antibradykarden und –tachykarden Therapiesysteme in ihrer korrekten Funktion erheblich gestört und durch die Antennenwirkung der Sonden myokardiale Schädigungen hervorgerufen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind bei Trägern derartiger Implantate deren wichtigste Funktionsparameter vor und nach einer jeweiligen Untersuchung im MRT telemetrisch ermittelt worden. Anhand der statistischen Auswertung der prä- und postprozedualen Messwerte für Wahrnehmung (Sensing), Reizschwelle und Elektrodenimpedanz wurde der Einfluss einer MRT-Untersuchung auf die regelrechte Funktion der Herzschrittmacher- und ICD-Aggregate untersucht. Ein weiteres Augenmerk galt im Allgemeinen der grundsätzlichen Durchführbarkeit des Verfahrens und eventuellen Komplikationen hinsichtlich unzureichender Patientensicherheit. Zum einen konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach sorgfältiger Abwägung von Risiko und Nutzen der Untersuchung, sowie entsprechenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, die MRT komplikationslos durchführbar ist. Weiterhin konnte keine Beeinträchtigung der regelrechten Funktion der Aggregate nachgewiesen werden.

Arsentransfer Futter - Schaf : Untersuchungen zur Wirkung und zum Transfer von Arsen bei Schafen

Boguhn, Jeannette, Krüger, Ricarda, Steinhöfel, Olaf, Rodehutscord, Markus 18 May 2009 (has links)
Die Studie bestätigt, dass regional höhere Arsenverbindungen in sächsischen Böden über das Futter in die Nahrungskette gelangen können. Im Einzelnen zeigte sich, dass weder durch Zusatz von synthetischen As-Verbindungen bis 50 mg je kg TM noch durch Beimischung einer As-haltigen Erde bis 23 mg As je kg TM die mikrobielle Aktivität in den Vormägen der Wiederkäuer beeinträchtigt wird. Ein Versuch mit Mutterschafen zeigt, dass bei einer As-Zulage übers Futter größere As-Mengen über das Blut in alle Gewebe transportiert und dort eingelagert werden. Erhöhte As-Konzentrationen in den Plazenten und dem Blut neugeborener Lämmer lassen vermuten, dass ein plazentaler Übertritt von As in den Fötus stattfindet. Die As-Absorption der Lämmer und As-Einlagerung in die Gewebe aus der Milch war demgegenüber gering. Die Akkumulation im tierischen Gewebe war trotz 10-facher Grenzwertüberschreitung jedoch minimal (Homöostase).

Landwirtschaftlicher Vogelschutz im LVG Köllitsch 2006 - 2008

Gharadjedaghi, Bahram, Stahl, Henning 18 May 2009 (has links)
Seit 2006 sind in Sachsen 77 europäische Vogelschutzgebiete ausgewiesen und gesichert. Diese Gebiete umfassen rund 13 % der Landesfläche und werden zu 40 % landwirtschaftlich genutzt. Dies verdeutlicht: Die Landwirtschaft hat eine wichtige Bedeutung für die Erhaltung einer vielfältigen Vogelwelt. Gleichzeitig wird derzeit beklagt, dass bestimmte Vogelarten der Feldflur stark von Rückgängen betroffen sind. Für die zukünftige Landbewirtschaftung gilt es daher nutzungsintegrierte und praxisgerechte Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln und zu erproben, um den Erhalt und die Entwicklung der Vögel zu sichern. Im Lehr- und Versuchsgut (LVG) Köllitsch, das im SPA-Gebiet »Elbaue und Teichgebiete bei Torgau« liegt, wurde dazu ein betriebsspezifisches Konzept erstellt. Nach Analyse der ornithologischen und betrieblichen Ausgangssituation werden zahlreiche Empfehlungen für die betriebliche Umsetzung von Vogelschutzmaßnahmen im LVG gegeben. Das Vorgehen und die Ergebnisse des Projektes können Landwirten, landwirtschaftlichen und naturschutzfachlichen Beratern sowie Behörden, Institutionen und Verbände, als Orientierung im Hinblick auf die Konzipierung und Umsetzung des europäischen Vogelschutzes im landwirtschaftlichen Bereich dienen.

Drug-related deaths in the United Kingdom

Koch, Horst Josef 11 July 2018 (has links)
The dissertation summarizes the drug-related death phenomenon in the UK emphasizing England and Wales and compares the figures with international development, particularly in the EU. Legal regulation, in particular the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971 and its amendments strive for classifying drugs and label illicit drugs or their exceptional use. Moreover, legislation gives us a bundle of measures to investigate drugs misuse and especially drug-related deaths, allocating the duties of the police, coroner and judiciary. Opiates, especially heroin, cocaine and stimulants are still the major drugs involved in the UK, which largely – with the exception of cocaine – reflects the situation on the continent. The distribution of age of death shows a tendency from the range of 20 to 30 years towards men in their forties during the last decades. Overall, the UK, Scandinavia and the Baltic states have leading numbers drug-related deaths. New Psychoactive Substances are a new challenge in Europe but the UK may be especially affected by this unfortunate wave. All authorities world-wide have to deal with this 'hydra' of new psychoactive substances (NPS) due to infinite chemical variations and unlimited supply. Nevertheless, heroin and cocaine still belong to the most noxious drugs with regard to the fatal outcome. The problem of drug-related deaths starts with the neurobiology of addiction including cerebral reward cycles which disinhibit prefrontal control, leading to craving and drug intake, even if severe somatic damage occurred. This fatal course does not depend on a particular drug but may be concerned as the final part the fatal reward pathway. In general, noradrenalin, serotonin and dopamine are involved, although some drugs may act on specific receptors such as opiates or cannabinoids. Unfortunately, the pharmacology of the NPSs is often not well known, and this lack of information will increase the risk of drug-related deaths or delinquency in future. Autonomy, paternalism and liberty form a field of tension in democracy, so that preventive measures must respect individual rights. Restrictive strategies alone show a limited success. It will be the concerted action of law, judiciary, police, science, educators, social work and medicine among others to strengthen future generations. We struggle hard against drugs and the sequelae but we should never give up.:Abstract 7 1 Introduction 8 2 Definitions and Epidemiology 9 3 Legal Aspects 13 4 Psychology and neurobiology of drug abuse 16 5 Toxicology and drug-effect relation 18 6 Pharmacokinetics and routes of administration 19 7 Some notes concerning drug detection 22 8 Drugs and mechanisms of action 24 9 New Psychoactive Drugs 33 10 Legal compounds for illegal use 37 11 Dying from drugs – a clinical view 39 12 Prevention strategies 40 References 42 Appendix 56 Figures and Tables Abbreviations

Biogas aus Co- und Monofermentation - Untersuchung und Bewertung organischer Stoffe aus landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben zur Erzeugung von Biogas in Co- und Monofermentationsprozessen

Wesolowski, Saskia, Ferchau, Erik, Trimis, Dimosthenis 10 June 2009 (has links)
Im Ergebnis der in den Jahren 2006 und 2007 an der TU Freiberg durchgeführten Gärversuche stand die Forderung nach weiteren Untersuchungen der in der Praxis vorherrschenden Mischsubstrate auf ihre grundsätzliche Vergärbarkeit, Gasproduktion und Gaszusammensetzung. So wurden Ganzpflanzensilage (GPS) Triticale, Kleegras-, Luzernegrassilage, Maissilage, Zuckerrübe, Gehaltsrübe, kaltgepresster Rapskuchen oder fusarienbelasteter Triticaleschrot als Cofermente zu Rindergülle oder Hühnerkot eingesetzt. GPS Triticale und Zuckerrüben lieferten als Monosubstrate keine stabile Vergärung und damit keine auswertbaren Ergebnisse. Spitzenwerte in der Methangasproduktion erzielten Rindergülle in Kombination mit GPS Triticale oder Zuckerrüben. Ebenfalls hohe Methangasausbeuten erzielte die Kombination von Maissilage und Hühnertrockenkot mit Rindergülle. Bei der Cofermentation von mykotoxinbelastetem Getreide ergab sich kein negativer Einfluss auf die Prozessstabilität. Die Zugabe von Enzymen als Betriebshilfsstoff bewirkte eine geringfügige Steigerung der Methangasproduktion. Für die Prozessoptimierung und damit optimale Auslastung der Biogasanlage sollten sprunghafte Veränderungen der Inputzusammensetzung vermieden werden.

Demons, fast and death : mental health in the late middle ages = Demonios, ayuno y muerte : salud mental en la Baja Edad Media

Espi Forcen, Fernando 18 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: With the expansion of Christianity in the Roman Empire, a religious approach was taken to understand mental illness during the Middle Ages. Hypothesis: It is possible to elucidate the status of mental health in the Late Middle Ages through psychiatric interpretation of demonic possessions, holy fasting and death anxiety. Methods: A number of cases of exorcisms narrated in the hagiographies of Saints, several cases of women who practiced fasting have been analyzed, and the manuals that helped friars assist the dying during the late Middle Ages have been interpreted and analyzed. Results: In the study of demonic possessions we see traits of mental disorders compatible with mood, psychotic, dissociative, cognitive, personality disorders and neurological conditions. Women who practiced fasting show symptoms that resemble anorexia nervosa. Death anxiety was very common in the Late Middle Ages, manuals like Ars Moriendi helped friars assist the dying. Discussion: The risk of studying medieval behavior from a psychiatric perspective is to miss behaviors compatible with mental illness and to impose current psychiatric nosology on the past. However recent neuroscientific literature on mental illness and review of past literature supports the existence of mental illness throughout history. Conclusions: It is possible to elucidate the status of mental illness in the Late Middle Ages through the views of demonic possessions, holy fasting and death anxiety. / Resumen en Español Introducción: Con la expansión del Cristianismo en el Imperio Romano, la enfermedad mental, las teorías religiosas predominaron para explicar la enfermedad mental durante la Edad Media. Hipótesis: Es posible estudiar la salud mental en la Baja Edad Media a través del estudio de la posesión demoníaca, el santo ayuno y la ansiedad de la muerte. Métodos: Se han estudiado varios casos descritos en las hagiografías de los Santos, de mujeres que practicaban el ayuno por razones religiosas y los manuales que se empleaban para asistir a los moribundos. Resultados: En el estudio de la posesión demoníaca se intuyen rasgos de trastornos mentales de tipo psicótico, del ánimo, disociativos, cognitivos, de personalidad y neurológicos. Las mujeres que practicaban el ayuno religioso muestran rasgos parecidos a los de la anorexia nerviosa. La ansiedad de la muerte era muy común en la Baja Edad Media y manuales como el Ars Moriendi eran de utilidad para ayudar a los moribundos. Discusión: el riesgo de estudiar el comportamiento medieval desde una perspectiva psiquiátrica conlleva la posibilidad de imponer la nosología actual en el pasado y de que pasen desapercibidas conductas compatibles con la enfermedad mental. Con todo, los avances neurocientíficos sobre la enfermedad mental, y la revisión de literatura existente sugieren la existencia de la enfermedad mental a lo largo de la historia. Conclusiones: Es posible elucidar el estado de la enfermedad mental en la Baja Edad Media a través del estudio de las posesiones demoníacas, del ayuno y de la ansiedad de la muerte. Introduccion: Durante la Edad Media predominaban teorías religionsas o espirituales para explicar el comportamiento errático. Examinando las narrativas literarias de exorcismos se pueden hallar rasgos de tipo ansioso, depresivo, piscótico y de personalidad. Examinando las narrativas de Santos que practicaban el ayuno se hallan rasgos de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. La muerte prematura en la Edad Media era frecuente debido a epidemias como las peste negra entre otras. La ansiedad de la muerte en la población medieval generan una serie de manuales con el fin de ayudar a los frailes asistir a los moribundos. Las estrategias empleadas en estos manuales tienen paralelos con las técnicas que se usan hoy día para tratar la ansiedad de los pacientes con enfermedades terminales.

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