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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anàlisi de l’estructura i procés d’innovació de quatre grans hospitals de Barcelona

Balcells i Díaz, Manel 07 November 2014 (has links)
TITOL: Anàlisi de l’estructura i procés d’innovació de quatre grans hospitals de Barcelona. INTRODUCCIÓ I JUSTIFICACIÓ: A Catalunya, en general, i dins del sistema sanitari i hospitalari en particular, es constata una gran producció científica, de gran qualitat, en l’àmbit biomèdic, i poc retorn econòmic en forma de patents, llicències i sobretot en productes al mercat, provinents del desenvolupament de projectes sorgits dels propis hospitals. Aquesta Tesi intenta mostrar les circumstàncies que envolten aquests projectes, la seva cadena de valor, els gaps que es produeixen a la mateixa i, per tant, les possibles solucions. OBJECTIUS: Són tres: Fer una anàlisi tipus benchmarking internacional entre diversos casos d’èxit, després fer una anàlisi de l’ecosistema innovador de quatre dels grans hospitals de Barcelona, i conèixer els colls d’ampolla dels seus projectes i, per tant, les possibles solucions. MATERIAL I MÈTODE: S’analitzen els casos del Karolinska Institutet, del NHS de Gran Bretanya, dels Hospitals de Toronto i dels Hospitals de París. Pel que fa als Hospitals, s’estudien l’Hospital de Sant Pau, l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, l’Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu d’Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) i el Parc de Salut Mar. Per a l’estudi de l’evolució dels projectes, i com a treball de camp, s’han realitzat un total de vuit entrevistes qualitatives, seguint la metodologia del mètode COREQ (amb 32 items), amb els responsables d’Innovació dels Hospitals, i amb quatre reconeguts experts en Innovació. RESULTATS: Els resultats mostren la sistematització, amb els conseqüents bons resultats, dels processos d’innovació del models internacionals, i mostren també la dificultat per al desenvolupament dels projectes provinents dels Hospitals estudiats. Les entrevistes mostren el criteri dels experts pel que fa als gaps existents i les propostes de possibles solucions. DISCUSSIÓ: La discussió s’ha centrat bàsicament sobre els projectes d’innovació provinents dels Hospitals, la seva evolució, de com s’ha de produir la relació públicoprivada, sobre què cal fer per millorar la actual situació, de com el context europeu Horitzó 20/20 pot ser determinant, de quines fortaleses i limitacions tenen els Hospitals i, finalment, quines propostes de futur són viables. CONCLUSSIONS: Les conclusions de la Tesi, són: 1. La necessitat de complementarietat dels Hospitals. 2. La necessitat d’una interfase entre Hospitals i Empresa. 3. La creació d’un model centralitzat amb antenes i professionals qualificats, que desenvolupin aquesta interfase. 4. La necessitat de canvis regulatoris que permetin la competitivitat dels Hospitals. 5. L’oportunitat que representa l’estratègia europea RIS3 i l’Horitzó 20/20. 6. El paper de palanca que han de desenvolupar les administracions públiques. / TÍTULO: Análisis de la estructura y proceso de innovación en cuatro grandes hospitales de Barcelona. INTRODUCCIÓN Y JUSTIFICACIÓN: En Cataluña, en general, y dentro del sistema sanitario y hospitalario en particular, se constata una gran producción científica, de gran calidad, en el ámbito biomédico, y poco retorno económico en forma de patentes, licencias y sobretodo en productos al mercado, provenientes del desarrollo de proyectos surgidos de los propios hospitales. Esta Tesis, intenta mostrar las circunstancias que rodean estos proyectos, su cadena de valor, los gaps que se producen en la misma y, por tanto, las posibles soluciones. OBJETIVOS: Son tres: Hacer un análisis tipo benchmarking internacional entre diversos casos de éxito, después hacer un análisis del ecosistema innovador de cuatro grandes hospitales de Barcelona, y conocer los cuellos de botella de sus proyectos y, por tanto, las posibles soluciones. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se analizan los casos del Karolinska Institutet, del NHS de Gran Bretaña, de los Hospitales de Toronto y de los Hospitales de París. En cuanto a los Hospitales, se estudian el Hospital de Sant Pau, el Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, el Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu de Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) y el Parc de Salut Mar. Para el estudio de la evolución de los proyectos, y como trabajo de campo, se han realizado un total de ocho entrevistas cualitativas, siguiendo la metodología del método COREQ (con 32 ítems), con los responsables de Innovación de los Hospitales, y con cuatro reconocidos expertos en Innovación. RESULTADOS: Los resultados muestran la sistematización, con los consecuentes buenos resultados, de los procesos de innovación de los modelos internacionales, y muestran también la dificultad para el desarrollo de los proyectos provenientes de los Hospitales estudiados. Las entrevistas muestran el criterio de los expertos en cuanto los gaps existentes y las propuestas de posibles soluciones. DISCUSIÓN: La discusión se ha centrado básicamente sobre los proyectos de innovación provenientes de los Hospitales, su evolución, de cómo se tiene que producir la relación público-privada, sobre qué hacer para mejorar la situación actual, de cómo el contexto Europeo Horizon 20/20 puede ser determinante, de cuáles son las fortalezas y limitaciones que tienen los Hospitales y, finalmente, cuáles propuestas de futuro son viables. CONCLUSIONES: Las conclusiones de la Tesis, son: 1. La necesidad de complementariedad de los Hospitales. 2. La necesidad de una interface entre Hospitales y Empresas. 3. La creación de un modelo centralizado con antenas y profesionales cualificados, que desarrollen esta interface. 4. La necesidad de cambios regulatorios que permitan la competitividad de los Hospitales. 5. La oportunidad que representa la estrategia europea RIS3 y Horizon 20/20. 6. El papel de palanca que tienen que desarrollar las administraciones públicas. / TITLE: Analysis of the structure and process of innovation in four large hospitals in Barcelona. INTRODUCTION AND JUSTIFICATION: In Catalonia, in general, and especially inside the hospital healthcare system, we can observe large scientific output, of great quality, in the biomedical field, and low income return as far as patents are concerned, licenses and above all in products to the market, originating from projects developed within the hospitals themselves. This Thesis tries to show the circumstances surrounding these projects, its value chain, the gaps that are produced in the same, and therefore, the possible solutions. OBJECTIVES: There are three: Perform an international benchmarking type analysis between successful cases, and then perform an analysis of the innovative ecosystem of four large hospitals in Barcelona, getting to know the bottlenecks of their projects and, therefore, the possible solutions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The following cases are analysed: Karolinska Institutet, Great Britain’s NHS, Toronto Hospitals and Hospitals in Paris. In regards to the local Hospitals, the following were studied: Hospital de Sant Pau, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Sant Joan de Déu d’Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) and Parc de Salut Mar. For the project evolution study, and as fieldwork, a total of eight qualitative interviews were carried out, following the COREQ method (with 32 items) methodology, as well as the Hospitals’ Innovation coordinators, and four renowned experts on Innovation. RESULTS: The results show the systematization and consistent good results, of the innovation processes of the international models; these also showed the difficulty for the development of projects from the Hospitals studied. The interviews are the opinion of the experts concerning the existing gaps and proposals for possible solutions. DISCUSSION: The discussion was basically focused on innovation projects from the Hospitals, their solutions, how the Public-Private relationship must be produced, what to do to improve the current situation, how the Horizon 20/20 concept can be decisive, what strengths and limitations do the Hospitals have and finally, what future proposals may be viable. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions of the Thesis are: 1. The need of complementarities of the Hospitals. 2. The need of an interface between Hospitals and Companies. 3. The creation of a centralized model with antennae and qualified professionals, who can develop this interface. 4. The need for regulatory changes that would allow the competitiveness of the Hospitals. 5. The opportunity represented through the European strategy, RIS3, as well as, Horizon 20/20. 6. The leverage role that must be developed by the public administrations.

La calidad de la información contable en las empresas familiares y no familiares en España

Soler Vila, Eduardo 18 February 2014 (has links)
Some of the accounting scandals that have taken place in major companies throughout the world have forced the need to analyze in detail the quality of the accounting information submitted by companies. Enron, Parlamat or Pescanova are clear examples of poor quality accounting information, which has confirmed the importance of transparency and confidence in the information sent to the markets. On the other hand, family firms have acquired great relevance in the academic world recently, especially in countries in which these types of companies represent a high percentage of the total number of businesses, as is the case of Spain, where family firms represent more than 85% of the total. Given the importance of both disciplines (the quality of accounting information and family firms), this thesis has as its primary objective the analysis of the quality of accounting information in Spanish firms, including both family and non family businesses. It is well known that the family entity of a firm gives the company a set of features that makes it different from the non-family one. This is the reason we analyze them separately. Following similar approaches used to measure the quality of accounting information this thesis is primarily based on the existence of earnings management practices. However, even if earnings management has been treated in numerous studies recently, it has nearly always been analyzed exclusively from an accounting point of view (what is called accounting earnings management, defined as the one that affects accounting variables but not cash flows). Besides this one, real earnings management emerges when managers take operational decisions (real decisions) to achieve specific goals. This type of earnings management has been very little studied to date. This work also compares the results obtained in the previous analyses with two other metrics commonly used in this type of research: conservatism and the quality of accruals. Financial statement data for a sample of 850 listed and non-listed Spanish companies with almost 6,000 observations during the period 2003¿2011 were collected from the SABI database. In addition to the inclusion of non-listed companies in the sample, one of the main features of this work is the methodology adopted for the identification of family and non-family firms. While the vast majority of studies published to date have used the level of insider ownership concentration to classify family and non-family firms, this thesis is based on the analysis of the owners¿ surnames and those of other decision-making managers within the companies. The results reveal that listed family firms convey financial information of lower quality compared to their non-family peers, due the use accounting earnings management practices. However, we find opposite evidence if the founding family has higher ownership concentration or if the CEO is a family member. Non-listed family firms tend to engage in less accounting earnings management practices and, therefore, its financial information is of better quality. The empirical results also show that on average, founding family ownership and family CEOs are associated with higher earnings quality, booth in listed and in non-listed Spanish firms. On the other side, we document evidence that Spanish family firms incur in fewer real earnings management practices compared to the non-family ones. Furthermore, family ownership is negatively associated with real earnings management, both in listed and in non-listed firms. Finally, it seems that founding family ownership and family CEOs are associated with lower demand for conservatism in Spanish family firms.

65 m. ir vyresnių Vilniaus gyventojų sveikatai įtakos turinčių veiksnių įvertinimas / Evaluation of health influencing factors in 65 years and older vilnius population

Jakutytė, Aistė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje populiacija sparčiai senėja. Dėl to atsiranda naujų problemų, susijusių su šalių ekonomika, pensijų sistemomis, sveikatos apsauga. Su pailgėjusia gyvenimo trukme išaugo sergamumas ir mirtingumas, neįgalumas nuo lėtinių ligų. Daugelio lėtinių ligų ir jų pasėkmių atsiradimo tikimybę galima sumažinti, sudarant galimybes žmonėms gauti geresnį išsilavinimą, gerinant gyvenimo sąlygas, skatinant sveikesnį gyvenimo būdą. Ypač daug reikšmės turi tinkama mityba, fizinis aktyvumas, nerūkymas ir saikingas alkoholio vartojimas. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti 65 m. ir vyresnių Vilniaus gyventojų sveikatai įtakos turinčius veiksnius. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti 65 m. ir vyresnių žmonių subjektyvų savo sveikatos būklės vertinimą. 2. Nustatyti 65 m. ir vyresnių žmonių elgsenos rizikos veiksnių (rūkymo, alkoholio vartojimo, mitybos ir fizinio aktyvumo) paplitimą. 3. Įvertinti 65 m. ir vyresnių žmonių subjektyvios sveikatos būklės ir elgsenos rizikos veiksnių (rūkymo, alkoholio vartojimo, mitybos ir fizinio aktyvumo) tarpusavio sąsajas. Metodika. Gyventojų apklausa buvo vykdyta Vilniuje interviu metodu, pagal šiam tyrimui parengtas anketas. Anketos buvo anonimiškos. Jas sudarė 68 klausimai, suskirstyti į 6 grupes, kurios padėjo išsiaiškinti respondentų protinės veiklos funkcijas, socialines ir ekonomines sąlygas, sveikatos būklę, sveikatai įtakos turinčių rizikos veiksnių (rūkymo, alkoholio vartojimo, fizinio aktyvumo ir mitybos) paplitimą, vidinės darnos lygį ir sveikatos priežiūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / All over the world population is rapidly aging. This creates new problems related to the economy, pension systems, health care. Because of the longer life expectancy morbidity, mortality and disability from chronic diseases increased. The chance of many chronic diseases and their consequences can be reduced, by allowing people to get better education, improving living conditions and promoting a healthier lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation and moderate alcohol consumption are particular important for the health maintenance. Aim: to evaluate factors which influence health in 65 years and older Vilnius population Goals: 1. Determine self-assessment of health status among 65 years and older population. 2. Determine the prevalence of behavioral risk factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity) among 65 years and older population. 3. Evaluate association between 65 years and older population self-assessment of health status and behavioral risk factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity). Methods. Survey was carried out in Vilnius. Interview method was used. The questionnaire prepared for this study was anonymous. The questionnaire consisted of 68 questions divided into six groups, which helped to clarify respondents mental functions, social and economic conditions, health status, health affecting risk factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity and nutrition), level of sense of coherence and... [to full text]

Alteridad y comunicación: el conflicto Perú-Chile en la Haya. Análisis crítico del discurso en las noticias de “El Mercurio” y “La Cuarta” de Chile; y “El Comercio” y “Ajá” de Perú

Inzunza Moraga, Alex 30 April 2013 (has links)
Resumen La situación actual del mundo, con posibilidades de ir de un lugar a otro más fácilmente que hace algunos años, permite que muchas personas entren, casi a diario, en contacto directo con otras culturas, con todo lo que ello implica. Por otra parte y gracias a los avances tecnológicos de las comunicaciones y el mayor acceso que esto ha permitido, se puede saber cómo son o qué hacen, personas de distintas partes del mundo. Pero esto se da de manera indirecta, mediada, es decir a través de los medios de comunicación. Esta forma de conocer y saber, aproxima a las personas a otras culturas, otras lenguas, a las situaciones de conflicto cultural, como las migraciones, la discriminación o los problemas fronterizos, que diariamente se encuentran en las páginas de los diarios en forma de noticias, volviéndose temas bastante recurrentes de la agenda programática de los medios de comunicación. Dado este escenario, es que hoy en día es fundamental comprender las distintas relaciones mediadas que se dan entre culturas para poder compararlas, pero no para reafirmar lo propio como lo que tiene valor absoluto, sino en la idea de una mejor comunicación. Estos encuentros pueden producir conflictos producto de las diferencias en la forma de comprender la vida. Si se conocen estas otras realidades es posible ofrecer alternativas para que el encuentro no produzca estos conflictos y se acepten las realidades propias y las distintas. Para Miquel Rodrigo Alsina (1999), gracias a la globalización, los medios de comunicación se han convertido, en los principales agentes de construcción de realidades. Por esto, es necesario analizar el encuentro intercultural desde las comunicaciones y sus aplicaciones en el periodismo. La presente investigación tiene como principal interés observar cómo son representados los “discursos de la diferencia” a través de los medios de comunicación y para esto se propone utilizar como metodología, primero, el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD), para posteriormente realizar un estudio contrastivo a estos análisis de la construcción social de la realidad presente en noticias comunes en medios escritos masivos. Lo que interesa es observar cómo son los procesos de construcción de la noticia que hacen dos medios de prensa de Chile y Perú, respectivamente, sobre “la otra” nación, considerando los estudios interculturales desarrollados desde la comunicación para un cambio social y sus aplicaciones en el periodismo. Por lo mismo el objeto de estudio de este análisis es la comunicación intercultural, el periodismo intercultural y la representación que los medios hacen de “otras culturas”. / The current worldwide situation, in terms of travel and technology, allows many people to meet other cultures – and its components – almost on a daily basis. Thanks to the media’s technological progress and the greatest access to different sources this conveys, we can know how those cultures are like and what they do. However, this happens in an indirect, mediated way; i.e., by means of the media. This way to know life approximates people to other cultures, other languages, and other realities of cultural conflict, such as migration, discrimination or border problems, which are encountered in the media in general. The latter reality demands the understanding of different mediated events across cultures, in order to compare them and recognize the others based on better communication. These encounters can cause conflict when life is understood differently. On the contrary, if other realities are understood, alternatives can be offered so as to avoid conflict, accepting both similar and different realities. According to Miquel Rodrigo Alsina (1999), thanks to globalization, the media have become the main agents in the construction of realities. That is why it is essential to analyze intercultural encounters from the point of view of the media and their applications in journalism. This research study aims to observe how the “discourses of difference” are represented through the media. In order to do so, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used to contrast the analyses of the construction of the social reality represented in the newspapers. It focuses on the observation of these construction processes carried out by two Chilean and two Peruvian newspapers about “the other” nation, bearing in mind the intercultural studies developed in the communications field for a social change and their applications in journalism. Therefore, the study object in this analysis is intercultural communication, intercultural journalism and the representation of “other cultures” by the media.

Gestión financiera del circulante y creación de valor en la empresa= Short-term financial management and firm value

Martínez Sola, Cristina 04 April 2014 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral se plantea con el objetivo de profundizar en el estudio de las decisiones financieras a corto plazo en la empresa. El activo y pasivo corriente tiene gran importancia en las empresas, como muestra el importante peso que tesorería, clientes, o proveedores representan dentro del balance. Sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia, la literatura financiera se ha centrado fundamentalmente en el estudio de las políticas de inversión y financiación a largo plazo. Por tanto, la finalidad de esta tesis es analizar los efectos de la inversión en tesorería y clientes, así como el uso de la financiación de proveedores en el valor y la rentabilidad de la empresa. La tesis está estructurada en tres partes. La primera parte comprende los capítulos 1 y 2, y se destina al análisis de la tesorería. La segunda parte incluye los capítulos 3 y 4, que analizan el crédito comercial desde el punto de vista de la inversión en clientes (crédito comercial concedido). La última parte, Capítulo 5, investiga el valor del crédito comercial recibido (acreedores comerciales). En primer lugar (Capítulo 1), se estudia la relación entre los niveles de tesorería mantenidos por las empresas y su valor. Los resultados muestran una relación no lineal entre la tesorería y valor de la empresa (forma de U invertida). Adicionalmente y consistente con lo anterior, los resultados demuestran que a medida que los niveles de efectivo se alejan del punto de inflexión, el valor de la empresa se reduce. En segundo lugar (capítulo 2), se analiza el efecto de las oportunidades de crecimiento, restricciones financieras y dificultades financieras sobre la velocidad de ajuste de la tesorería a su nivel objetivo para una muestra de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Los resultados obtenidos indican que las empresas con mayores oportunidades de crecimiento, mayores restricciones financieras, y aquellas con mayor probabilidad de sufrir dificultades financieras presentan una mayor velocidad de ajuste. A continuación se estudia el efecto del crédito comercial concedido sobre el valor de la empresa (capítulo 3). Los resultados muestran una relación cuadrática entre clientes y valor que pone de manifiesto la existencia de un nivel que maximiza el valor de la empresa. Además, se encuentra que las desviaciones respecto del nivel objetivo reducen el valor de la empresa. Por otra parte, el capítulo 4 analiza el efecto de la concesión de crédito comercial sobre la rentabilidad de las PYMES y si dicho efecto varía en función de las características de las empresas. Los resultados evidencian una relación positiva entre clientes y rentabilidad. Más allá, se encuentra una mayor rentabilidad del crédito concedido para las empresas más grandes, con mayor liquidez y con mayor incertidumbre en las ventas. Por último, tercera parte de la tesis (capítulo 5) analiza el efecto de la financiación recibida de los proveedores sobre el valor de la empresa, así como las posibles diferencias de valoración que pueden existir en función de la mayor o menor facilidad que presente la empresa para acceder a la financiación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la financiación de los proveedores afecta positivamente al valor. Además el valor del crédito comercial recibido es menor para aquellas empresas con mejor acceso a los mercados financieros y a la financiación interna, y mayor para las empresas con restricciones financieras. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze short-term financial decisions and their impact on firms' value and profitability. Most corporate finance literature focuses on long-term financial decisions, such as capital structure and dividend policy. However, the economic importance of current assets and liabilities is significant as they represent an important share of the items on a firm’s balance sheet. Given the importance of short-term financial decisions, there is a body of literature analyzing the determinants of cash holdings, accounts receivable and accounts payable. However the effect of these short-term financial decisions on firm's value and profitability is scarce, and in some cases inexistent. This thesis is organized into three parts. The first, Chapters 1 and 2, focuses on the study of cash holdings. The second takes in Chapters 3 and 4, which analyze trade credit from the standpoint of investment in accounts receivable. The last part, Chapter 5, studies trade credit from the perspective of financing. Initially, we study the relationship between cash holding and firm value (Chapter 1). This contributes to the literature by empirically testing the existence of a target cash level which maximizes firm value from the perspective of the trade-off between costs and benefits of investing in liquid assets. The findings show a nonlinear relationship between cash holdings and firm value (inverted U-shaped) where there is a cash level that maximizes firm value. Furthermore, it is found that deviations from optimal cash holdings, both above and below the optimal level, significantly reduce firm value. Secondly, this thesis analyzes the differences in the speed of adjustment to the target cash level of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) according to growth opportunities, financial constraints and financial distress (Chapter 2). The empirical results show that firms with high growth opportunities adjust faster to their target cash holdings. In addition, financially constrained firms and those most likely to suffer financial distress adjust more readily. Next the relationship between accounts receivable and firm value is examined, (Chapter 3). Considering the tradeoff between benefits and costs associated with trade credit grated, a non-linear relationship is estimated. In addition, the chapter studies how deviations from the target affect firm value. The results show a quadratic relationship between accounts receivable and firm value, as a result of two opposing effects related to the benefits and costs of trade credit. Additionally, we find that deviations from target accounts receivable level decrease firm value. After studying the value implications of accounts receivable, the effect of granting trade credit on the profitability of SMEs is investigated (Chapter 4). Additionally, the chapter addresses the issue of whether profitability from granting trade credit differs according to a firm’s characteristics. The results provide empirical evidence of a positive linear relation between trade receivables and profitability of SMEs, which implies that the benefits of supplier financing outweigh the costs associated with trade credit. Furthermore, the findings show that larger, more liquid firms and uncertain demand firms obtain higher returns on receivables. Lastly, this research examines the relationship between trade credit financing and firm value, and how firms’ access to finance influences the value of accounts payable (Chapter 5). First, the results show a positive value of supplier financing. Second, they show lower value of accounts payable for firms with better access to financial markets and internal financing. In contrast, for financially constrained firms the value of accounts payable is higher.

La orientación al aprendizaje organizacional y su impacto en el desempeño de una empresa del sector financiero

Fernández Gil, Juan Ramón 09 April 2014 (has links)
Una de las claves del capital humano es, sin duda, el conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades o competencias que aporta a la empresa. Éste permite que el trabajador pueda desarrollar con éxito su trabajo a la vez que le proporciona una fuente de inspiración, de ideas y conocimientos que mejorarán el desarrollo de su trabajo y contribuirán en el logro de resultados en la empresa. El objetivo principal del trabajo consiste, por tanto, en analizar la eficacia de la cultura, la formación y el aprendizaje organizacional en los resultados de la empresa, en un entorno dinámico como es el sector financiero. Para alcanzar este propósito, se ha desarrollado un estudio empírico, tras analizar los principales conceptos implicados en el trabajo, utilizando una encuesta postal. La población objeto de estudio está comprendida por las oficinas de una entidad financiera en la Región de Murcia, sobre una muestra de 81 oficinas y 299 empleados a través de una encuesta postal y donde la oficina se convierte en la unidad básica de análisis. Para llevar a cabo estos análisis se ha aplicado el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el análisis, a través del enfoque Partial Least Squares. Además, se han utilizado, el modelo de medida que distingue entre constructos reflectivos y formativos con base a un análisis de multicolinealidad y un análisis de los pesos de los indicadores formativos. Los resultados muestran qué la cultura que favorece el aprendizaje organizativo y la mejora de resultados es la cultura orientada al aprendizaje en la línea de lo subrayado por la literatura de las organizaciones que aprenden. Esta cultura tiene un efecto directo sobre el aprendizaje e indirecto sobre los resultados. La formación orientada al aprendizaje influye de forma directa en el aprendizaje y en los resultados de la empresa y destaca porque tenga suficientes recursos, que esté basada en las necesidades, se realice dentro de la jornada laboral y, sobretodo, que se utilicen las TICs para su impartición. En líneas generales, las conclusiones del trabajo constatan que el capital humano es una de las claves en las que se basa el éxito de las entidades financieras. A este respecto, nuestros resultados muestran que de cara a impulsar la creación de conocimiento por parte del capital humano, es fundamental fomentar el aprendizaje organizativo. El desarrollo del aprendizaje organizativo permite crear nuevo conocimiento que puede ser utilizado para la obtención de ventajas competitivas y mejoras en los resultados de la empresa. Por último, subrayar que con el presente trabajo esperamos hayamos podido aportar un poco a la nueva mentalidad de los actuales gestores financieros hacia el capital humano que gestionan. / One of the human capital main benefits is, undoubtedly, the sum of knowledge, skills or competences that offers to the company, which in turn allow employees to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Provided that human capital is a source of inspiration, ideas and knowledge, it will enhance the development of their work and contribute in achieving results for the company. The main objective of this research is, therefore, to analyze the effectiveness of culture, training and organizational learning in the performance of the company, in a dynamic environment such as the financial sector. In order to achieve this purpose, an empirical study was developed, after analyzing the main concepts involved in the work, using a postal survey. The population samplings used in this study comprised employees from the bank branches of a financial institution in the southeast region of Spain (Murcia). The study was carried out on a sample of 81 offices with 299 employees, collecting the data through a postal survey. Herein, the branch is the basic unit of analysis. The results are then calculated using a Partial Least Squares approach. The performed analysis included a measurement model in which it is differentiated between reflective constructs and formative constructs based on multicollinearity analysis and factor analysis. In line with the underlined by literature about learning organizations’ culture, the results show that organizational culture that promotes learning and improves companies results is the culture that is oriented towards learning. This culture has a direct effect on learning and an indirect effect on the overall results. Training that is oriented toward learning also influences both learning and the results of the company. This particularly is truth when there are sufficient resources, and that training is based on a need and it is made within working hours and, above all, when ICTs are used for performing such training. In summary, the conclusions of this research indicate that human capital is a key success factor in the financial sector. In this regard, the results show that in order to promote the creation of knowledge through human capital, it is essential to promote organizational learning. The development of organizational learning creates new knowledge that can be used to obtain competitive advantages and improvements in business results. Finally, through the present work we hope we have been able to bring some new mentality to today's financial managers towards the human capital they manage.

An exploration of paired reading with a peer and its impact on the reading ability and school connectedness of looked-after children

Fry, Stephanie January 2014 (has links)
This study explored the impact of paired reading, when delivered by a peer, on the reading ability and school connectedness of looked-after children (LAC). Relevant theory and research in three main areas is discussed: the under-achievement of LAC, reading development and difficulties and school connectedness. It is well understood that LAC are at risk of underachievement in reading (Department for Education, 2013), however they are an under-represented group in intervention research. Additionally, despite research illustrating the potential impact of school connectedness on a range of social, emotional and academic factors (Shochet et al, 2006 & Catalano et al, 2004) few studies have explored this with the LAC population. The present study attempted to address this by implementing a reading intervention using a peer approach with LAC. A single case experimental design was used with five participants. Weekly data was collected on reading accuracy, reading fluency and self-reported school connectedness. Pre and post data was also collected from teachers using two scales from the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): peer problems and pro-social behaviour. The results indicated a positive effect of paired reading on percentage reading accuracy, as shown in four of the five cases. Reading fluency did not significantly improve during the intervention for any of the participants. Similarly, school connectedness did not improve in three of the participants, although increased ratings were seen when paired reading was replaced with a non-reading intervention in three of the five participants. A significant difference in SDQ data was not observed. The study provides further evidence for the impact of paired reading on reading accuracy and suggests the potential for peer interventions to improve school connectedness. The discussion considered the generalizability of the findings and the nature of the measures used as potential limitations of this research. The study indicates the need for further research into school connectedness with LAC and highlights the potential role for EPs in recommending and supporting both academic and social interventions with this population.

Construcción del Colegio Fe y Alegría N° 65, en Pamplona alta - San Juan de Miraflores

Shiroma Kian, Alberto January 2008 (has links)
Ubicado en el asentamiento Humano denominado El mirador II, en Pamplona Alta, distrito de San Juan de Miraflores, se construyo el colegio # 65 de la asociación Fe y Alegría del Perú. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad dar a conocer, la topografía de lugar, los procedimientos constructivos, controles de productividad, acceso, logística, clima y el trabajo social que se realizó para la construcción del colegio. El colegio comprende la construcción de seis pabellones de tres niveles cada uno, distribuidos en dos plataformas a diferentes niveles, el cual se conectarán por dos puentes metálicos. Contará con aulas de estudio, salas de computó, biblioteca, talleres de corte y confección, Secretariado, electricidad, costura y carpintería. Se impartirá, educación desde la etapa de educación inicial hasta secundaria, con capacitaciones técnicas. Albergará a 1500 niños de la zona, desde la etapa de educación inicial hasta secundaria.

Paradox and the Fool in Seneca

McVane, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Seneca’s philosophical program and literary artistry are jointly coordinated to address and redress the pervasive experience of subverted expectations, i.e. the experience of paradoxicality, attributed to the unwise by Seneca’s Stoic philosophy. With a focus on Seneca’s Epistulae Morales, I suggest that Seneca’s oft-noted paradoxical style reveals and is meant to reflect our fundamentally inconsistent (and thus dissatisfying) experience engendered, in his view, by the incoherency of our worldviews. While, as Seneca explores, our minds’ operations hide this distressing contradiction from our attention, Seneca’s subtle but steady exposure of it and its source attempts to work against this self-deception. The intended result for the reader is the recognition of their own role in their dissatisfaction and the resulting commitment to its remedy through philosophical training.

Predictors Of Organizational Socialization Of English Instructors At Preparatory Schools

Ataman, Fatma 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the socialization of English instructors at preparatory schools of Turkish universities at organization, department and task levels, and various individual (academic degree, teaching experience, length of employment at current work place, job satisfaction, commitment, and self-efficacy) and organizational (type of university, training, work conditions, knowledge sharing) variables. A pilot study with 225 instructors from four universities was conducted to confirm the validity of Haueter, Macan, and Winter&rsquo / s (2003) Newcomer Socialization Questionnaire (NSQ) adapted into Turkish. Although the results of exploratory factor analysis in the pilot study did not reveal supportive results for the structures in NSQ, results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated moderate fit for the structures in the scale. The main study was designed as a correlational study and the participants comprised of 737 English instructors working at 16 public and private universities selected from four cities in Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus via cluster sampling. In order to collect the data, an inventory consisting of three parts made up of self-developed and pre-developed scales was utilized. The first part consisted personal questions about education, age, gender and length of employment of the participants. The second part included questions about training and work conditions of the participants. The items related to training and work conditions were developed by the researchers. The third and final part of the inventory consisted of five separate scales for measuring both the predicted and predictor variables. Turkish adaptation of three-dimensional Organizational Socialization Scale, which was self-developed, and the Turkish version of three-dimensional Teachers&rsquo / Sense of Efficacy Scale developed and validated by &Ccedil / apa, &Ccedil / akiroglu, and Sarikaya,(2005), three-dimensional Organizational Commitment Scale developed and validated by Wasti (1997), Job Satisfaction and Knowledge Sharing scales developed by Kondak&ccedil / i and Haser (2011), all of which were pre-developed were utilized to measure the predictors of organizational socialization. Both descriptive and inferential statistics techniques were used for the data analysis. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis for the self-developed Organizational Socialization Scale, and confirmatory factor analyses for the pre-developed Teachers&rsquo / Efficacy Scale, Organizational Commitment Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and Knowledge Sharing Scale were conducted within the scope of this study. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses was carried out in order to investigate the relationship between organizational socialization and its predictors. Descriptive, inferential and multiple regression statistical analyses were performed by the software PASW Statistics 18 and the confirmatory factor analysis was performed by the software AMOS 18. The results of the main study revealed that socialization of English instructors to the organization, department, and task are significantly predicted by several organizational and individual variables. Among organizational variables knowledge sharing and training are the most significant ones / and among individual variables, job satisfaction, self-efficacy for instructional strategies, and affective commitment are the most significant ones. In this respect, the practitioners in the field should provide necessary conditions so as to promote and improve knowledge sharing, job satisfaction, appropriate training in the work place, as well as offering opportunities for instructors to improve their self-efficacy as a teacher and satisfaction with the job, which can lead to increase in affective commitment.

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