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A study of knowledge management strategies as enabled by the support of asynchronous groupware systemsCampbell, Harold Moody 30 October 2004 (has links)
Knowledge Management (KM) and Business Intelligence (BI) are topics, which are receiving
much currency in the literature of academia and the general media over the past several years.
This thesis explores KM from the perspective of the acquisition of business intelligence inside
and outside the organisation.
We do this by undertaking an extensive survey of the literature in the field. This thesis provides
an overview of the major concepts, approaches, and issues as well as some experiences and trends
of KM, covering both organisational and technological aspects.
Firstly, chapter 2 discusses various definitions of knowledge and KM as well as related terms
like tacit knowledge and intellectual capital, from a philosophical, a technological and a business
point of view.
Secondly, chapter 3, describes the major components of KM, from a process perspective, a func-
tional perspective and a technological perspective. Important processes include the setting of
appropriate goals; the creation, discovery, acquisition and capture of knowledge. The chapter
also describes the storage of that knowledge in knowledge repositories, the classification, re-
trieval, filtering and refinement of knowledge; the transfer and use of that knowledge. Finally,
the chapter ends with how organisations may undertake the assessment, conservation and main-
tenance of knowledge, and states that groupware, document management systems, intelligent
agents, knowledge maps and expertise profiling are examples of technologies used in KM.
The thesis then looks at the role of asynchronous groupware in enabling and harnessing the
benefits of KM. Here, the research discusses how Information Technology (IT), and specifically,
synchronous and asynchronous groupware, may be integrated with KM in a drive towards cre-
ating BI. Chapter 4 also studies the term `business intelligence', with specific relevance to the
identification of business opportunities, and the application of the concepts of intellectual capital
Chapter 5 outlines the research methodology, which includes two surveys on KM awareness and
KM practices in order to gauge the level of implementation and application of KM for adding
value to organisations. The research methodology also employs a case study to validate the
implementation of an aspect of KM collaboration and knowledge sharing.
The findings from the surveys give testament to the level of awareness and implementation of
KM in best practice organisations. Chapter 7 then presents the approaches to measuring IC,
and BI used by firms employing knowledge management practices to maintain their competitive
advantage. In chapter 8, the researcher analyses how KM presentations and implementation in
organisations may be operationalised.
In chapter 9, the research presents the research model, the KM-BI model, which is the seminal
objective of this thesis. The KM-BI model uses the confirmatory factor analysis procedure, Proc
Calis of SAS Institute, to present a measurement model. In seeking to clarify the argument being
made, a model is confirmed and discussed in terms of the transformation process from KM to
BI and the subsequent competitive advantage.
iv / Business Management / DBL
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A memória organizacional nas Prefeituras da Região Metropolitana de CuritibaBernardino, Jean Francisco January 2016 (has links)
Orientador : Profª. Drª. Helena de Fátima Nunes Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação. Defesa: Curitiba, 19/02/2016 / Inclui referências : f. 159-170 / Resumo / Abstract: Knowledge is the subject on the agenda in organizations of any kind. It can be said that effective knowledge management is directly related to an active and transparent management and that it is favorable to the government. The research analyzes the organizational memory processes according to Conklin (2001), the existence of culture and structure and the barriers and facilities that assist in municipal management in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. With qualitative emphasis of applied and descriptive nature. Uses for data collection a focal group conducted with a sample of older city hall labours involved with activities or strategic projects on the surveyed municipalities. Uses content analysis, from pre-established categories, with the support of the Software Atlas Ti. From the qualitative results, identifies the similarity of the used actions, in a non systematically way, by each town hall, in some processes of organizational memory as a practice of knowledge management. Notes a strong culture in the registration of information, but without standardization, systematization and formal structure that could facilitate the sharing and the reuse of information. Notes however that there is a culture of collaboration and use of best practices in relation to record, share, reuse of information. However, there is a negative culture represented by the lack of continuity in the work and commitment to carry out all organizational memory processes such as registration, dissemination and sharing. Notes that the organizational memory contributes to: planning of activities; the optimization of the structure and use of technology in favor of management; the preservation of history and of the generated knowledge and the identity of each town hall. It concludes that the few existing initiatives are carried out mostly centralized or in a personal way without the commitment to continue the activities and the projects, or just for legal force in cases which there are laws requiring action.
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A multi method investigation into the costs and into the benefits of measuring intellectual capital assetsGray, Dina January 2005 (has links)
This study sets out to address the question of whether the costs and the benefits of measuring intellectual capital assets differ depending on the driver for that measure. Although pressure is growing on firms to measure and report on their intellectual capital assets no research has yet been published that questions the costs associated with such actions. And although academic research has purported to show links between the management of intellectual capital assets and real business benefits the research carried out thus far'has not focussed specifically on the benefits of measuring intellectual capital assets. Although there are now a variety of intellectual capital asset measurement frameworks there has been no cross comparison as to which intellectual capital asset measures provide the most business insight or where the outcome of that measurement is most effective. Using a multi method approach the thesis is tested in three phases; an extensive literature review covering intellectual capital, performance measurement and organisational effectiveness; a survey and content analysis to explore what and why companies measure; and structured interviewing of six companies to investigate the costs and the benefits of measurement. The thesis is tested through the investigation of thirteen propositions which show that: firstly, there is a difference in the relative cost of measuring intellectual capital assets given the measurement driver, which is explained by the frequency of measurement, the mode of data collection and analysis, and whether the use of the measure is a by product of some other driver, secondly, that the insight provided by an intellectual capital asset measure differs given the measurement driver, thirdly, that the measurement of intellectual capital assets is most effective for planning the future; and lastly, that particular measurement drivers are effective, to differing degrees, in financial, customer, operational, people and future organisational performance domains.
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Uma análise da eficiência da oferta de serviços de saúde pública na Região de Curitiba por meio de análise envoltória de dadosCachuba, Laura Maria January 2016 (has links)
Orientador : Prof. Dr. José Simão de Paula Pinto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/02/2016 / Inclui referências : f. 123-132 / Resumo: Introdução: O uso de dados como matéria prima para a tomada de decisão pelos gestores nas atividades administrativas tem sido cada vez mais frequente. A coleta de dados tem sua disseminação facilitada com a internet, seja em dado bruto ou já transformado em informações por meio das e-gov Federal, Estadual e Municipal. A criação de programas como o Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade (PMAQ), instituído pelo governo federal, faz parte de um conjunto de ações que busca avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde, principalmente na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no SUS, o que demonstra uma preocupação com a análise da gestão e o desempenho dos gestores municipais e das unidades de atendimento. O uso de dados tem sido utilizado com relutância por estes profissionais principalmente devido a frequência de coleta, demora na disponibilização e desconfiança quanto a qualidade e exatidão dos mesmos. Objetivo: Este trabalho objetiva abordar a utilização de dados abertos na questão da eficiência da Gestão Pública Municipal, especificamente na cidade de Curitiba, utilizando-se de dados públicos disponibilizados nas plataformas de instituições governamentais. Definindo como suas unidades de análise UPA (Unidade de Pronto Atendimento), UBS (Unidade Básica de Saúde) e DS (Distritos Sanitários) busca-se avaliar a eficiência no atendimento como proposta para gestores municipais e das unidades definidas. Material e método: A base teórica se fundamenta na Análise Exploratória de Dados (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA), técnica não paramétrica, como proposta junto a utilização de dados secundários e de acesso livre, e utilização de software de domínio público R. A técnica apresentada possibilita a avaliação pontual, com valores de eficiência que permitem a tomada de decisão através de alterações que visem a verificação do impacto mais imediato e posteriormente a comparação com os dados de pesquisa quando divulgados. A análise foi feita populacionalmente definindo como DMUs as 9 UPAs, 109 UBSs e 9 DS ativas no ano de 2014. Resultado: A avaliação das eficiências permitiu detectar indicação de alterações necessárias para melhoria no atendimento aos usuários, bem como as unidades de saúde que podem ser usadas como referência para que as unidades ineficientes possam melhorar seu desempenho e indicação de ineficiências de escala e gestão. Conclusão: A avaliação da eficiência mostrou que há mais problemas voltados à gestão do que em relação aos recursos, possibilitando a verificação percentual da ineficiência por problemas ocasionados pela gestão, por estrutura ou por ambos. Das unidades avaliadas, 58% das UBSs, 44% das UPAs e 60% dos DS apresentam alguma ineficiência associada à gestão. Palavras-chave: Eficiência; DEA; Tomada de Decisão; Gestão Pública; Atenção Primária à Saúde. / Abstract: Introduction: The use of data as feedstock for the decision making by managers in administrative activities have been increasingly frequent. The data collection has its dissemination facilitated by the internet be raw data or already transformed into information through e-gov Federal, State and Municipal. The creation of programs such as Access and Quality Improvement Program (PMAQ), established by the federal government, it is part of a set of actions which seeks to assess the quality of health services, mainly in Primary Health Care (PHC) in SUS, which shows a concern with the analysis of management and the performance of municipal managers and service units. The use of data has been used reluctantly by these professionals, mainly due to the frequency of collection delay in availability and distrust the quality and accuracy of the same. Objectives: This paper it has purpose approach the use of open data the issue of the Municipal Public Management efficiency, specifically in the city of Curitiba, using public data available in government institutions platforms. Setting as the unit of analysis their health units ECU (Emergency Care Unit), BHU (Basic Health Unit) e HD (Health Districts), seeks to assess efficiency in the service as a proposal for municipal managers and the defined units. Material and Methods: The theoretical basis it is justified in Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA, nonparametric technique, as proposed at use of secondary data and open access and using software of public domain R. The presented technique enables timely assessment with efficiency values allowing the decision making through changes aimed at checking the most immediate impact and thereafter the comparison with search data when released. The analysis was made using population, defining how DMUs the 9 ECU (Emergency Care Unit), 109 BHU (Basic Health Unit) and 9 HD (Health Districts) active in 2014. Results: The evaluation of efficiencies possible to detect indication of required changes to improve the attendance to users as well as health units that can be used as a reference for the inefficient units can improve their performance and inefficiencies indication of scale and management. Conclusion: The evaluation of efficiency showed that there are more problems focused on management than on the resources, enabling the verification percentage inefficiencies for problems caused by management, structure or both. The evaluated units 58% of UBSs, 44% of UPAs e 60% of DS they have some inefficiency associated with management. Keywords: Efficiency; DEA; Decision Making; Public Management; Primary Health Care.
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Pós-processamento de padrões para identificação de beneficiários de alto custo em operadoras de saúdeEscobar, Leandro Fabian Almeida January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação. Defesa: Curitiba, 26/03/2015 / Inclui referências : fls. 85-88 / Área de concentraçâo: Gestão da Informação e do conhecimento / Resumo: As operadoras de saúde armazenam grandes volumes de dados sobre procedimentos realizados por seus beneficiários e, na mesma medida que criam valiosas oportunidades, também geram dificuldades em analisar e interpretar os padrões contidos em tais bases de dados. A Mineração de Dados pode constituir uma alternativa para compensar tal deficiência, mas sua adoção e uso cotidiano no suporte à decisão na área da Saúde ainda são baixos. O problema de pesquisa abordado se relaciona ao baixo uso do processo de descoberta de conhecimento (KDD) na área e questiona-se até que ponto é possível fomentar sua adoção na rotina dos especialistas em Saúde. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um modelo que fomente o uso do KDD na rotina da gestão em Saúde, mediante a identificação de beneficiários de alto custo em operadoras de Saúde, avaliando sua aceitação junto a especialistas na área. Foram identificados os pontos de atenção recomendados na literatura para uso efetivo dos resultados do KDD na Saúde, o modelo foi elaborado e um protótipo foi desenvolvido com a capacidade de obter padrões e pós processálos, obentendo padrões de sequência de janelas temporais. Sua aceitação foi avaliada junto aos especialistas, tendo atingido 78% de aceitação. Destaca-se que todos os especialistas envolvidos concordam que o modelo é aplicável à sua rotina de trabalho. Conclui-se que a associação dos pontos de atenção para o uso da Mineração de Dados na Saúde e a atenção a requisitos específicos dos especialistas, mediante o desenvolvimento de um modelo que facilite a obtenção e a exploração em padrões minerados, se mostrou capaz de fomentar o uso do KDD na rotina em Saúde. Palavras chave: Descoberta de conhecimento; Mineração de Dados, Apoio à decisão em Saúde. / Abstract: Health insurance companies store large amounts of data on procedures performed over its beneficiaries and to the same extent that create valuable opportunities also lead to difficulties in analyzing and interpreting the standards contained in such databases. Data mining can be an alternative to compensate for this deficiency, but their adoption and use in everyday decision support in healthcare are still low. The research problem addressed is related to the low use of knowledge Discovery in data bases process (KDD) in the area and wonders to what extent it is possible to foster its adoption in experts routine. So, this researche presents a model that promotes the use of KDD in the routine management in Health, by identifying high-cost beneficiaries and evaluating its acceptance by the experts. Points of attention for the use of Data Mining in Health were identified in the literature for effective use of the results of KDD. A model and a prototype were developed with the capability of discovering patterns and post process into sequential and time frames patterns. Its acceptance was evaluated with the experts, reaching 78% of acceptance. It is noteworthy that all the experts involved agree that the model is applicable to their daily work. We conclude that the association of points of attention for the use of Data Mining in Health and attention to specific requirements of experts, by developing a model to facilitate the obtaining and exploring mined patterns, has been shown to promote the use of KDD in routine Health. Keywords: Knowledge discovery; Data Mining, Decision Support in Health.
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Information flow in virtual organisationsAlhalalat, Saleh Ismail January 2005 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to investigate the flows of information and the impact and added value of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the integration of information flows. This concept is related to the optimal design of organisational (and other) systems that allow the right decision to be made by the right person at the right time in an appropriate location. Clearly, information that is often distributed needs to come together in an efficient way to allow the best use of resources to maximize the information value. The virtual organisation (VO) is a new style of working that allows completion of tasks across time and location. The use of ICTs is viewed as a facilitator of these tasks and their application provides good examples to extend their use. The most common types of VOs are home offices, teleworking centres, mobile offices and `hotelling'. Teleworkers still face several problems, such as managing their work, lack of appropriate communications to complete their work efficiently, and isolation. This study applied an information-driven approach to investigate the current problems in the teleworking environment, and solutions are proposed to improve the flow of information in the VOs. The data required were collected by questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. Members of the Telework Association (TCA) in the UK were invited to take part in this survey, and 153 out of 800 respondents came from this source. From subsequent analysis of the data collected, there is indeed an issue with the use and integration of information flows in VOs. An in depth study of six individual cases revealed a lack of information sharing, poor understanding of information needs, and low rates of access to online information. Soft solutions can be achieved through understanding information needs, developing information policy, and training. Hard solutions can be achieved through using online information, using workflow software, upgrading the speed of Internet connection, using information sharing systems, and arranging more open access to information. Some indicators of future research can be mentioned, particularly in conducting the second generation of information audit in teleworking practice, to study knowledge management (KM) practices in teleworking, to develop information policies to enhance teleworking practices, to focus on the information needs of teleworkers, to evaluate the impact of software applications (such as workflow software), to implement information sharing systems, and to study the impact of training on information retrieval and use.
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Know-how signalling and transfer systems to support integrated supply chainsLiu, Zhitao January 2012 (has links)
The construction industry is the largest industry in the world and operates in knowledge-based project organisations. The success of projects relies on the management of both tacit and explicit knowledge. This situation calls for a method for disseminating tacit knowledge from individuals to achieve higher performance and success value in construction projects. For the purpose, this study first articulates the problems of knowledge management in the construction industry. Then, by reviewing some knowledge engineering and management literatures, this research sets a theoretical foundation of knowledge management in the construction industry. A questionnaire survey was used to investigate and examine the current situation of knowledge management in UK and China construction industry. The result of frequency analysis and nonparametric test analysis provides the perceptions on the importance of knowledge transfer, the implementation of knowledge transfer, the resources of knowledge, and barriers for tacit knowledge transfer. From the literature review, this study proposes a tacit knowledge transfer process framework (3I) and identifies a series of factors correlated with effectiveness of knowledge transfer. This thesis also identifies four main independent variables - organsiational culture, organizational structure, IT technology and No-IT technology, and investigates the relationship between organisational elements with these factors and the performance of knowledge transfer. The findings are based on three case studies and responses of questionnaire survey and interviews. The results reveal that there are significant relationships between some of the variables and either the creation of knowledge assets or performance of knowledge transfer. Therefore, it is necessary for construction organsiations to consider these elements in developing and implementing a knowledge management strategy/system in a construction organisation. This study proposes a practical methodology to transfer knowledge by using an integrated system (TKTMS). The TKTMS can be an effective tool for all project members to transfer tacit knowledge across firms' boundaries and accelerate the speed of knowledge creation, share and transfer in the construction industry. The integration of the function model (IDEF0) with the information model (IDEF1) is applied to understand the necessary function/information for consideration in the 3I model and implement TKTMS.
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Avaliação de ativos imobilizados no setor público no contexto da convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade:o caso de uma organização militar/Anderson Chaves da SilvaSilva, Anderson Chaves da January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo / Co-orientador: Prof. Dr. Lino Martins da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis, 2011. / Bibliografia: f. 106-115 / O fenômeno da globalização e internacionalização dos mercados continua contribuindo para aquebra de paradigmas em vários setores da sociedade brasileira. Para atender as novasdemandas de informações, surge o desafio de definir normas que garantam a qualid / The phenomenon of globalization and internationalization of markets continues to contributeto the breaking of paradigms in various sectors of Brazilian society. To attend the newdemands of information, comes the challenge of defining standards that ensure / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-14T18:06:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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Developing an inter-organisational knowledge transfer framework for SMEsChen, Shizhong January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop an inter-organisational knowledge transfer (KT) framework for SMEs, to help them have better understanding of the process of the KT between a SME and its customer (or supplier). The motivation is that knowledge management issues in SMEs is very neglected, which is not in line with the importance of SMEs in the UK national economy; moreover, compared to KT within an organisation, between organisations is more complicated, harder to understand, and has received much less attention. Firstly, external knowledge is generally believed to be of prime importance for SMEs. However, there is little empirical evidence to confirm this hypothesis. In order to empirically evaluate the hypothesis, and also specifically to identify SMEs' needs for external knowledge, a mail questionnaire survey is carried out. Then, based on the key findings of the survey, some 5MB managers are interviewed. The conclusions triangulated from both the key findings and the interview results strongly support the hypothesis, and demonstrate that SMEs have very strong needs for inter-organisational KT, and thus provide very strong empirical underpinning for the necessity of the development of the framework. Secondly, drawing support from a process view, a four-stage process model was proposed for inter-organisational KT. Then a co-ordinating mechanism underpinned by social networks and organisational learning is developed. The process model, co-ordinating mechanism together with cultural difference between organisations constitute an initial framework. Through interviews with SME managers, the initial framework is revised a final framework. The framework validation exercise shows that the final framework could help SMEs have better understanding of the KT. In order to remind and help SMEs to address the 'boundary paradox' embedded in interorganisational KT, and further reflect its complexities and difficulties, the important factors related to each stage of the framework are identified from a strategic perspective, with the help of the co-ordinating mechanism and relevant literature. The factors are also verified by interviews in SMEs. As a result, the initial factors are revised by removing the factors that are perceived as unimportant. The interview results demonstrate that the important factors, as a checklist, can remind and help SMEs to address the 'paradox', and are thus very useful for them.
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The attributes of information as an assetStenson, Joan January 2006 (has links)
Attempts to identify information as an asset has led to an increased awareness of the role of information in enhancing organisational performance. Central to this role is the identification of attributes of information assets which include quality, utility, productivity, effectiveness and financial and economic aspects. Measurement of attributes of information as an asset may provide an identifiable link between information management and improved business performance. Identifying attributes of information assets that are recognised and valued by senior managers in today's information-intensive UK organisations is a key step in developing evidence for a link between information management and organisational performance. The research study engaged with a range of stakeholders in the information as an asset domain, including: senior British information managers, senior executives and managers and internationally-active information professionals and academics. Open-ended guided interviews were conducted with stakeholders. Four case studies in information-intensive UK organisations formed the major data collection strategy. Findings highlighted the importance of customer information assets. The most important attribute identified was quality. Information assets and their attributes were linked to competitive advantage with customer involvement and management attention being the key issues identified. A grounded theory of information assets that takes competitive advantage as its core category, is proposed.
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